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Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO

zdroje zpráv:

Brigáda pro studenty geoinformatiky

4.10.2021 9:25   Pro projekty TAČR a GAČR hledáme zájemce o brigádu, kteří by v prostředí webové aplikace digitalizovali některé objekty a jejich parametry s využitím ortofoto a Panorama od Jde o digitalizaci přechodů pro chodce, vybavení zastávek MHD a popis laviček a překážek na chodnících. Odměna 130 Kč/hod. Podrobnější informace poskytne doc. Horák.

2 PhD positions funded by EU at the ODECO project

4.8.2021 10:46   Dear Colleagues, ODECO is a 4-year Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network initiative (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020, grant agreement 955569). The central aim of the ODECO consortium network is to train the next generation of creative and innovative early stage Open Data researchers (ESRs), to unlock their creative and innovative potential to address current and future challenges […]

GIS Specialist, D’Youville College, Buffalo, New York

30.6.2021 8:50   GIS Specialist Duties and Responsibilities: During the summer session, GIS Specialists will be charged with creating an effective syllabus and facilitating the four-week intensive training learning environment for the teachers seeking GIS training in a professional development-centered, inquiry-based educational setting. Following the intensive teacher-training and professional development sessions, GIS Specialists will develop geo-spatial thinking centered […]

Several academic positions in spatial data science and advanced visualization

30.6.2021 8:49   Assistant or Associate Professor in Geo-information Science Postdoc Immersive Visualization and Modeling for Environmental Sciences PhD Immersive Visualization and Modeling for Environmental Sciences

Executive Director University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS)

6.4.2021 20:57   Note: This is a part-time (20 hours/week, 12 months/year) and remote working position Do you have a background in GIS in higher education, government, or industry? Do you have experience in program or organizational administration? Are you a self-starter, team-player, and creative thinker who enjoys making new social and professional connections? Are you eager to do […]

3 Position Announcements ::: Geo-social Analytics Lab.

26.3.2021 9:40   The Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS at the University of Salzburg aims to combine high quality education with excellent research. The Faculty has several research groups with an outstanding international reputation and offers three scientific researcher positions within the research group “Geo-Social Analytics Lab”.  ( Position Profile: Collaboration in international research projects Analysis of […]

Open Position OSM Routing Services Developer, Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology

26.3.2021 9:37   You genuinely enjoy developing open source Geoinformation Services used by thousands on a daily basis? You are a highly motivated Java Backend Developer and algorithm designer? And you love using and enhancing OpenStreetMap for high-performance GI services for global coverage? Then we actually might have a suitable and interesting job for you. Software Engineer OSM Routing […]

Správce GIS

26.3.2021 9:36   Obracíme se na Vás s dotazem, zda byste nevěděli nebo neměli informace o zájemci o práci správce GIS. Musíme upozornit, že se nejedná o práci v ESRI prostředí, ale na pasportech pro město od dodavatele software firmy CDSw –City Data Software, spol. s r. o. Pracovní pozice:  správce GIS Den nástupu:              […]

Nabídka práce: Správce GIS

24.3.2021 9:48   Společnost City Data Software, spol. s r. o.   Pracovní pozice:  správce GIS Den nástupu:                        1.5.2021 Druh pracovního poměru: hlavní, doba určitá – 1 rok s možností prodloužení Požadované vzdělání: vysokoškolské Směnnost: jednosměnný, úvazek 37,5 hodin týdně Místo výkonu práce: Ostrava Praxe vítána:                                  minimálně 5 […]


12.3.2021 17:07 (Biosciences) Fully-funded College of Science-Faculty of Science and Engineering PhD Scholarship 2021/22 Keeping pace with climate change: A global assessment of range shift dynamics of birds of prey Project Supervisors: Supervisor 1: Dr Miguel Lurgi Supervisor 2: Professor Emily Shepard Supervisor 3: Dr Konstans Wells Closing date: Wednesday 31st March 2021 Start date: 1 October 2021 Project description: […]

Webová aplikace hranic obcí a okresů

1.3.2021 9:55   V reakci na aktuální situaci a omezení pohybu, pro vás katedra geoinformatiky připravila webovou aplikaci pro prohlížení hranic obcí a okresů na odkaze:

Research Fellow | School of Environment

21.2.2021 11:21 Auckland, New Zealand Full-time UoA Department Name: Environment Campus: Auckland City Campus Contract Type: Fixed-Term Position Number: 55566706 Company Description The Faculty of Science at the University of Auckland is the leading science faculty in New Zealand and one of the largest in Australasia and undertakes world-class research across the physical, biological and computational […]

PostDoc position in Lund, Sweden

21.2.2021 11:16   Dear all, There is an open two-year postdoc position in Geographic InformationScience at Lund University, Sweden. The position is focused on machinelearning in cartography, especially in map labeling. For details, seelink below: If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Best regards,Lars Harrie ( —Lars Harrie, ProfessorGIS CentreDepartment of Physical Geography and […]

Expert for Data Sciences on the Resource Nexus

22.11.2020 10:31

PhD position in geo-computational exposure assessment modeling

15.11.2020 19:45   PhD student: Developing a model of geo-computational exposure assessment for studying health effects of urban environmental risk factors in Exposome-NL (1.0 FTE) Deadline: 30 October 2020 The environment we live in has a significant impact on our health, explaining an estimated 70% of the non-communicable chronic disease burden. A large number of environmental stressors may […]

PhD studentship at the intersection of GIScience and movement ecology

15.11.2020 19:44   Sonar or Magnetism: exploring bat migration using a data science approachWe are looking for a candidate for a fully-funded interdisciplinary PhD studentship at the University of St Andrews, funded by the IAPETUS Doctoral Training Programme: This project is at the intersection of GIScience and movement ecology: student will use data science to explore how migratory […]

Specialista IT/programátor

15.11.2020 19:42

Konference uživatelů GIS Esri v ČR pro studenty VŠB-TUO ZDARMA

27.10.2020 15:40   Konference uživatelů GIS Esri v ČR pro studenty VŠB-TUO ZDARMA Společnost ARCDATA nabízí pro naše studenty možnost zdarma se zúčastnit on-line konference GIS Esri v ČR konaná v termínu 4-5. 11. 2020. Více informace níže. Letošní Konference GIS Esri v ČR se vzhledem k aktuálním opatřením uskuteční výhradně virtuální formou. Přesto věříme, že se nám podařilo připravit […]

Prodloužení speciálního čísla UAV in Smart City and Smart Region

26.10.2020 17:40   Pokud máte v rukávu odbornou publikaci z oblasti využívání bezpilotních leteckých prostředků v aplikacích souvisejících s chytrými městy a regiony a váháte, kde ji publikovat, tak vězte, že konferenční speciální číslo pro GIS Ostrava 2020 v časopise ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information bylo prodlouženo až do 30. 4. 2021. Přímý odkaz:

Doctoral Position in Geoinformatics / Cartography at ETH Zurich

22.10.2020 9:26   The Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation at ETH Zurich is searching for a highly motivated doctoral student for the interdisciplinary project EMPHASES. The research topic will focus on the extraction and vectorization of features from historical maps by utilizing/improving Deep Learning/Computer Vision techniques. Detailed information can be found at Please, forward the offer to suitable […]

Postdoc position @ UIUC’s CyberGIS Center

16.8.2020 19:35   UIUC’s CyberGIS Center is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to play key roles in research and education activities of multiple projects related to spatial modeling and simulation, geographic information science and systems (GIS), cyberGIS, machine learning, and/or geospatial approaches to solving public health problems. The application deadline is August 15, 2020: Your help for spreading the word […]

Two open PhD positions at Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden

16.8.2020 19:34   We have two open PhD positions at Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden.  Below are links to details of the two positions.  Position-1: Doctoral student in remote sensing and ecosystem modelling (last application date: 30 September 2020) Swedish English Position-2: Doctoral Student in hydrological modelling and remote sensing (last […]

Call – professorship in Geoinformatics – Institute for Geoinformatics, Münster, Germany

30.7.2020 7:29   Professorship (W2) in Geoinformatics for sustainable development starting at the earliest possible date. Who are we looking for? Applicants should have an outstanding PhD in Geoinformatics or a related field. They should have a proven track record (peer reviewed publications, international network, successful research funding acquisitions) in at least one innovative area in geoinformatics (GI) […]

Post-doc position in the MIning MUlti-source and MUlti-modal geo-referenced information (MIMU) project

30.7.2020 7:27 Innovative geographic knowledge discovery is becoming increasingly possible through the analysis of large-scale data, for instance made available by Earth observation projects leveraging satellites and remote-sensing, provided by ground-level sensors, or given as volunteered geographical information (e.g., geo-referenced multimedia contents posted online on social media platforms). However, problems that involve combining remotely-sensed data with […]

Krátkodobá brigáda pro studenty i stálé pracovní místo pro absolventy GIT a IT (ACCENDO Ostrava)

11.6.2020 13:20   Výzkumný ústav ACCENDO – Centrum pro vědu a výzkum, z.ú. nabízí možnost krátkodobé brigády pro studenty i stálé pracovní místo pro absolventy v oblasti prostorových analýz, geoinformačních systémů a IT. Firma pracuje na výzkumných projektech i na státních zakázkách, jejími klienty jsou obce, města, kraje, ministerstva, Úřad vlády. Nástupní plat od 130 do 180 Kč/hod. […]

Online webináře katedry geoinformatiky

10.6.2020 11:22   V průběhu dubna a května proběhly na katedře postupně 4 webináře pro studenty středních škol a širokou veřejnost. Pokud jste se některého z webinářů nemohli v daném čase zúčastnit, záznamy jsou dostupné na youtube kanále Hornicko-geologická fakulta, VŠB – TU Ostrava.

Post-doc position in the MIning MUlti-source and MUlti-modal geo-referenced information (MIMU) project

8.6.2020 19:27   Post-doc position in Portugal  Innovative geographic knowledge discovery is becoming increasingly possible through the analysis of large-scale data, for instance made available by Earth observation projects leveraging satellites and remote-sensing, provided by ground-level sensors, or given as volunteered geographical information (e.g., geo-referenced multimedia contents posted online on social media platforms). However, problems that involve combining […]

Open position for a lecturer (senior scientist) in GIScience at Department of Geography, University of Zurich

30.5.2020 11:19   We have an open position for a lecturer position in Geographic Information Science at the Department of Geography at the University ofZurich. We’re looking for a motivated researcher with a proven ability to carryout and publish independent research in a field relevant to our group’score research strengths. These include Geographic Information Retrievaland the use of natural […]

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geospatial Systems – 3x 4-year PhD Studentships

30.5.2020 11:17   University of Nottingham and Newcastle University, supported by Ordnance Survey, invites high-quality applications from UK and EU nationals for three fully funded 4-year (1+3) PhDs in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Geospatial Systems for September 2020 entry. These are open to to UK and/or EU  applicants.Details at

Tenure track position “Geospatial analysis of access to urban amenities” at Vrije Universiteit Brussel

17.5.2020 9:09   Tenure track position “Geospatial analysis of access to urban amenities” at Vrije Universiteit Brussel Application deadline: 30 May 2020 Recruitment is a tenure track appointment which implies an initial appointment as lecturer for a period of 5 years with eligibility for tenure in the rank of senior lecturer by the end of this initial period. […]

Aktualizace změny harmonogramu letního semestru

21.4.2020 20:39   Aktualizace změny letního semestru AR 2019/2020 na Hornicko-geologické fakultě, VŠB-TUO s ohledem na situaci spojenou se šířením epidemie koronaviru COVID-19.

UIUC’s CyberGIS Center is recruiting a System Engineer

11.4.2020 7:21   The ad and application instruction are available on this webpage:  This position is expected to join a dynamic team to make significant contributions to innovating big-data and high-performance geospatial computing systems.  The position is full-time, permanent, and eligible for attractive benefits.  Application deadline is April 13, 2020.  Your help for spreading the word would be greatly appreciated.

Výsledky studentské soutěže GISáček 2020

19.3.2020 22:03   Přestože letos studentská konference GISáček 2020 změnila na poslední chvíli svou formu z prezenční na videokonferenci, zúčastnilo se jí téměř 70 posluchačů. Přínosem této podoby byla především živá diskuse v chatu videokonference. Odborná porota složená ze zástupců firem ocenila práce následujících studentů: Magisterská kategorie: 1.místo: Jakub Seidl, VŠB-TU Ostrava: Využití bezpilotních leteckých prostředků pro monitoring […]

Výsledky studentské soutěže GISáček 2020

19.3.2020 22:03   Přestože letos studentská konference GISáček 2020 změnila na poslední chvíli svou formu z prezenční na videokonferenci, zúčastnilo se jí téměř 40 posluchačů. Přínosem této podoby byla především živá diskuse v chatu videokonference. Odborná porota složená ze zástupců firem ocenila práce následujících studentů: Magisterská kategorie: 1.místo: Jakub Seidl, VŠB-TU Ostrava: Využití bezpilotních leteckých prostředků pro monitoring […]

PhD position in Visual analytics of mobile behaviour data in digital cities @ University of Zurich

11.3.2020 10:26   We have an open PhD position in the GIScience center, Department of Geography, University of Zurich on Visual analytics of mobile behaviour data in digital citiesFor detailed information and online application, see, feel free to pass this notification on to potentially interested candidates. Best regards, Tumasch Reichenbacher, PhDSenior LecturerGroup Leader Geovisual analytics and digital transformation    Department of GeographyUniversity of ZurichWinterthurerstr. 190CH-8057 Zurich, […]

Curator, Geospatial Cultural Heritage (British Library)

11.3.2020 10:24   Please consider applying for the role of Curator, Geospatial Cultural Heritage at the British Library. Further details and information on how to apply are available here: Closing date: 22 March 2020 This full-time role, fixed-term for 18 months offers a unique opportunity to shape strategy in using geospatial data to connect cultural heritage collections and […]

Informace ke koronaviru

10.3.2020 19:51   Tento odkaz Vás odešle na informace ke koronaviru (VŠB-TUO)


10.3.2020 14:00   ZEMĚMĚŘICKÝ ÚŘAD Pod sídlištěm 9/1800, 182 11 Praha 8 V Odboru ZABAGED hledají nového kolegu VŠ (bez rozdílu věku a pohlaví): GEOGRAFA – GEODETA – KARTOGRAFA pro správu ZABAGED® – Základní báze geografických dat ČR Koordinace rozvoje a aktualizace ZABAGED. Navrhování optimálního způsobu aktualizace typů objektů ZABAGED® a jejich atributů, využitím dat dálkového průzkumu Země […]

Lecturer (“Oberassistent”) position in Geographic Information Science at UZH

5.3.2020 21:52   SUBJECT LINE: Lecturer (“Oberassistent”) position in Geographic Information Science at UZH TEXT for announcement:We have an opening for a Lecturer (“Oberassistent”) position in GIScience that should be particularly attractive for early career academics who aim to raise their profile as junior group leaders. For details and online application, see Application deadline is on 7 April 2020.Feel free to pass on […]

Tenure track position in GeoHealth

5.3.2020 21:51   TENURE-TRACK Position in GeoHealth at University of Twente Job description You initiate, carry out, and participate in research and consulting activities on geohealth. ITC emphasizes on research and consultancy in developing countries, where we have started a particular interest in the epidemiology of both contagious and non-contagious diseases, zoonosis and crop and soil health. Your […]

Open position in Lund University, Researcher in GIS

26.2.2020 13:23   We have an open position, researcher in GIS, in Lund University, Sweden. Please announce it in your network. You can reach the call via the link below:

Aktualizace údajů o našich absolventech

20.2.2020 13:07   Proběhla aktualizace údajů o našich absolventech se zaměřením na jejich místo a obor uplatnění v praxi. Do studie se bylo zahrnuto 239 absolventů oboru Geoinformatika (GIS), u kterých je známé jejich zaměstnání a ukončili své studium do roku 2019. Výsledky zpracování jsou k dispozici v podobě mapy, kterou najdete na stránce

Informace ke koronaviru

8.2.2020 19:51   Tento odkaz Vás odešle na informace ke koronaviru (VŠB-TUO)

TT assistant prof position in Finland

3.2.2020 10:43   Aalto University in Finland is looking for a TT assistant professor in geoinformation technology:

Multiple Faculty Positions in GIS, CyberGIS, and Geospatial Data Science at UIUC

29.1.2020 21:54   UIUC is developing several exciting education and research programs on cyberGIS and geospatial data science, and thus recruiting multiple faculty positions in GIS, CyberGIS, and Geospatial Data Science:  Application deadline is February 17, 2020. 

FYI — Post-doc in Mobility Information Engineering

29.1.2020 21:44   Post-doc in Mobility Information Engineering 100%, Zurich, temporary The Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation is looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate in the area of Mobility Information Engineering at the Chair of Geoinformation Engineering (, starting at the earliest possible date. Job description The main objective of this Post-doc position is the development, implementation […]

Open position at Aalto University in Helsinki: Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Geoinformation Technology

29.1.2020 21:39   Open position at Aalto University in Finland: Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Geoinformation Technology,

Tenured Professor in Geographic Information Science and Dangermond Endowed Chair Position – UC Santa Barbara

29.1.2020 21:37   Tenured Faculty Position Geographic Information Science (GIScience) – Department of Geography The University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Geography invites applications for the Jack and Laura Dangermond Endowed Chair in Geography. This will be a Tenured faculty position at the level of Associate or Full Professor in Geographic Information Science, with an anticipated start […]

Postdoctoral Scholar in Geographic Visualization and Spatial Cognition

29.1.2020 21:36   Applications are still accepted for a postdoctoral scholar position in Geographic Visualization and Spatial Cognition at the UCSB Department of Geography.The postdoc will be engaged in an NSF funded project entitled: “Visualizing Motion: A Framework for the Cartography of Movement”. The project aims to develop and evaluate cartographic theories and tools to understand how humans perceive […]

PhD position (1.0 FTE) for 4 years in Question-based Analysis of Geographic Information with Semantic Queries

16.1.2020 18:58   The following vacancy for a PhD position in the QuAnGIS project is available at Utrecht University, NL (application deadline 16 February 2020): Could you please forward this post to your network and to suitable candidates? The project is about question-answering (QA) on geographic information. Best regards, -- Simon Scheider Human Geography and Spatial Planning Universiteit Utrecht […]

U-Mass Amherst 1-year M.S. in GIST seeking applicants

16.1.2020 18:56   The UMass Amherst Geography Program in the Department of Geosciences is  seeking applicants for the accelerated 1-year Masters in Geography –  Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) program for the  2020-2021 academic year. The program is designed to provide a solid foundation and diverse set of  knowledge, skills and practices in geospatial technologies.  Highly-motivated students […]

Senior Researcher Position – RMCA/VUB FED-tWIN mandate

8.1.2020 11:30

Senior Lecturer, Committee on Geographical Sciences, University of Chicago

8.1.2020 11:28   Senior Lecturer Committee on Geographical Sciences Position Description: The Division of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago invites applicants for a position as Senior Lecturer in the Committee on Geographic Science and in the College. This is a full-time, career-track teaching position beginning in the 2020–21 academic year. We anticipate that by the start […]

Nabídka práce na plný úvazek Etnologický ústav Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i., Brno (analýza DMT, historických kartografických pramenů a modelování změn krajiny)

6.1.2020 10:59   Etnologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v. v. i., vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici geoinformatik pro projekt NAKI Stopy lidského umu s místem výkonu práce na detašovaném pracovišti Brno a předpokládaným nástupem 1. 3. 2020 popř. dle dohody. Předpokládaná pracovní náplň úspěšného uchazeč/uchazečky: • analýza DMT a kartografických pramenů (Valašsko) • modelování vývoje krajiny • […]

Nabídka práce (geoinformatik), Etnologický ústav Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i., Brno

6.1.2020 10:59   Etnologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v. v. i., vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici geoinformatik pro projekt NAKI Stopy lidského umu s místem výkonu práce na detašovaném pracovišti Brno a předpokládaným nástupem 1. 3. 2020 popř. dle dohody. Předpokládaná pracovní náplň úspěšného uchazeč/uchazečky: • analýza DMT a kartografických pramenů (Valašsko) • modelování vývoje krajiny • […]

Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Remote Sensing

20.12.2019 11:35   Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Remote SensingThe School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning (SGSUP) at Arizona State University (ASU) seeks applications for a Postdoctoral Research Scholar with an anticipated start date of March 1, 2020 and preferably should be filled by June 1, 2020. The postdoctoral scholar will conduct research with Professor Amy Frazier on an NSF-sponsored […]

University of Alabama Associate or Full Professor in Climate Modeling / Climate and Human Health

20.12.2019 11:34   ttps:// ALABAMA, TUSCALOOSA 35487-0322. The University of Alabama, Department of Geography seeks a new colleague with research expertise in Climate Modeling or Climate and Human Health, starting August 16, 2020 at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, with tenure. This search is part of an effort to elevate the University of Alabama’s visibility and […]

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Spatial Cognition and Geographic Visualization at the University of California Santa Barbara

20.12.2019 11:32   The MOVE Laboratory ( at the Geography Department at UC Santa Barbara is hiring a postdoctoral research fellow with a background in Spatial Cognition, Data Visualization, Cartography, or Human-Computer Interaction.  The successful candidate will be engaged in an NSF funded project entitled:  “Visualizing Motion: A Framework for the Cartography of Movement”. The project aims to […]

Assistant Professor, Geospatial Computing Science, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi

11.12.2019 20:15   Faculty Position Announcement TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-CORPUS CHRISTI Department of Computing Sciences Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi (TAMU–CC) is a rapidly growing doctoral research university with more than 12,000 students. TAMU–CC, a Minority-Serving Institution and Hispanic-Serving Institution on the cultural border with Latin America, provides a robust campus experience focused on student and faculty success. Located on […]

Ph.D. and Postdoctoral research positions at the UCSB Geography Department

9.12.2019 9:42   Two postdoctoral research fellow positions at the University of California Santa BarbaraThe MOVE Laboratory ( at the Geography Department at UC Santa Barbara is seeking applications for two postdoctoral research fellowswith an anticipated start date as early as 15 January 2020. Candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. in GIScience, Geography, Cartography, Computer Science, or Data Science. The successful […]

Tenure Track Faculty Position at University of Wyoming: Assistant Professor in Geospatial Data Science and Computation

9.12.2019 9:41   Tenure Track Faculty Position: Assistant Professor in Geospatial Data Science and Computation  To Apply: The Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC) at the University of Wyoming (UW) invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professor position in Geospatial Data Science and Computation with expertise in Geospatial Informatics and an anticipated start date of August 2020. […]

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Geospatial Science at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand

9.12.2019 9:40 Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer in Geospatial ScienceSchool of Earth and Environment – Te Kura AronukurangiCollege of Science – Te Rāngai PūtaiaoUniversity of Canterbury – Te Whare Wānanga o WaitahaChristchurch, New Zealand Full-time at 37.5 hours per week (1.0 FTE) Continuing (i.e. permanent) position What You Will Do We invite applications for a Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer […]

Tenure track Faculty Position in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Image Processing at the Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center, University of Wyoming

9.12.2019 9:38   Tenure track Faculty Position in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Image Processing at the Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center, University of Wyoming. To apply and for more details, visit: The Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC) at the University of Wyoming invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in remote sensing and geospatial image […]

Assistant Faculty Position in Data Science -seeking spatial data science expertise

28.11.2019 4:37   Assistant Professor in Computer Science (Data Science) Statement of the Job: The University of Maine School of Computing and Information Science seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position, with an anticipated start date of September 1, 2020. Our primary target focus is the broad area of data science including spatial data science (machine learning, […]

PhD Position – TU Vienna – SpatialHCI Lab

28.11.2019 4:36   The Geoinformation Group at TU Vienna in Austria is looking for a PhD Student, starting the earliest possible. We welcome applications from students that are enthusiastic about working in the area of Human-Computer Interaction and Geographic Information Science. During this 4 years position, the main focus will be on spatial interaction modalities and human activity recognition […]

Assistant Professor of Spatial and Environmental Data Science, UC Davis

28.11.2019 4:35   POSITION 15-09b, Assistant Professor of Spatial and Environmental Data Science POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT Assistant Professor of Spatial and Environmental Data Science Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis Title: Assistant Professor of Spatial and Environmental Data Science. The Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources in the College of Agricultural and Environmental […]

Multiple opportunities with POLARIS Arctic Community Research

28.11.2019 4:35   POLARIS Arctic Community Research: Assistant Research Professor, Research Technician, and Graduate and Undergraduate Research Assistants The POLARIS, or Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Artic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society, is a newly funded NSF project that studies environmental migration, food security, and human-environment conflicts in coastal Arctic Indigenous communities and identifies the important assets (social, environmental, infrastructural, institutional) to […]

Open position at Lund University

5.11.2019 11:30   There is an open position at Lund University, Sweden, to employ a researcher who is expert in Spatiotemporal analysis and machine learning.

Tenured Professor in Geographic Information Science and Dangermond Endowed Chair Position – UC Santa Barbara

30.10.2019 21:46   Tenured Faculty Position Geographic Information Science (GIScience) – Department of Geography The University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Geography invites applications for the Jack and Laura Dangermond Endowed Chair in Geography. This will be a Tenured faculty position at the level of Associate or Full Professor in Geographic Information Science, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2020. […]

Assistant Professor in Urban GIScience/Spatial Data Science, San Jose State University

30.10.2019 21:44   The Department of Urban and Regional Planning is delighted to announce a tenure track  position opening in Urban Geographic Information Science / Spatial Data Science at the rank of Assistant Professor.  Please share with your graduating PhD students and your networks. Use Interfolio to apply:

Open doctoral position on Visual Analytics of mobile behaviour data – Department of Geography – University of Zurich

9.10.2019 19:47   The Geographic Information Visualization & Analysis group in the Departement of Geography, University of Zurichis recruiting for a doctoral position in the field of Visual Analytics of mobile behaviour data.More information can be found here: Doctoral research assistant position: Visual analytics of mobile behaviour dataPlease distribute among your network. Apologies for any cross-postings.Kind regards,Tumasch—————————————–Dr. Tumasch ReichenbacherSenior Lecturer Geographic […]

Vacancy: Professor in Geoinformatics at Aalborg University Copenhagen

2.10.2019 20:01   Professor in GeoinformaticsAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Planning, Aalborg University Copenhagen, one or more positions as Professor in Geoinformatics is open for appointment from 1 February 2020 or soon hereafter.  The field of the Department for Planning includes development and planning in a broad sense, and thereby it ranges from the social […]


2.10.2019 10:22   Společnost ArcDATA Praha přichází se zajímavou akcí GISchat, kdy můžete své projekty probrat se zkušeným konzultantem a díky tomu najít třeba i lepší cesty k jejich řešení nebo například poznat nové nástroje pro prezentaci výsledků vaší práce.  Více informací nalezne zde:

Post-Doc Position at INESC-ID Lisbon

8.9.2019 21:39   MIning MUlti-source and MUlti-modal geo-referenced information (MIMU)Applicants are invited for the position of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow as part of a joint research project between INESC-ID and NOVA.LINCS, related to the general field of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence. The project, titled MIning MUlti-source and MUlti-modal geo-referenced information (MIMU), focuses on the study of machine learning approaches for […]

Zajímavá nabídka práce na částečný úvazek nejen pro studenty

30.8.2019 13:13   Společnost Renoprojekt, a.s. hledá člověka, který by se staral o provoz Lidaru pro měření vertikálních profilů rychlosti a směru větru umožňujícího stanovit vhodnost vytipované lokality pro stavbu větrných elektráren. Lidar bude umístěn na lokalitě v Moravskoslezském kraji nedaleko polských hranic. Vybraná osoba bude kontrolovat přenos dat, provádět údržbu celého systému včetně pravidelného doplňování paliva, řešit […]

Přijímací řízení na Geoinformatiku stále probíhá!

21.8.2019 9:17   Maturuješ v září a chceš se ještě v letošním roce stát vysokoškolákem? Pořád máš šanci, přijímací řízení probíhá do 13.9.2019. Veškeré informace naleznete zde: přijímací řízení

Druhé kolo přijímacího řízení HGF

6.8.2019 8:44   Ještě stále máte možnost stát se vysokoškolákem a studovat obor s perfektní uplatitelností na trhu práce – geoinformatiku! Přihlášky je možné podávat do 20.8.2019. Podej si přihlášku!

Fully-funded PhD position under prestigious MSCA program

28.7.2019 22:41   Fully-funded PhD position under prestigious MSCA program: Due to a last-minute withdrawal, we are looking for a fresh MSc graduate to join  our H2020 EU project on wearables – A-WEAR ( as a PhD student on ESR8 position at Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Strict eligibility condition: to not have lived or worked in Romania more than 12 […]

Vacancy GEO-ITC expert

28.7.2019 22:23   The Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente, Department of Geo Information Processing (GIP) is seeking a geo-ICT expert who will lead the development of the GIP computational infrastructure, coordinates future procurement and training activities, and helps develop new solutions to meet the requirements of teaching, research and projects. […]

Research contract for a person interested in pursuing a PhD in Distributed Geospatial Information Systems

28.7.2019 22:22   The Advanced Information Systems Laboratory (IAAA), from the Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (Universidad Zaragoza, Spain), is offering a 1-year (extendable) research contract for a person interested in pursuing a PhD in Distributed Geospatial Information Systems. The closing date for applications is September 2, 2019 . More information on

GIS, Data and Research Librarian at the Frances Loeb Library, Harvard Graduate School of Design

28.7.2019 22:04   The Frances Loeb Library at the Harvard Graduate School of Design is seeking an energetic and forward thinking individual to serve as the GIS, Data and Research Librarian.  This position is one of a team of librarians that coordinates research and teaching support for the faculty and students at the GSD. This position will provide data […]

Postdocs and technical positions focussing on immersive technologies

28.7.2019 22:03   Post-doctoral researchers in immersive technologies The Center for Immersive Experiences at The Pennsylvania State University (, in collaboration with other units at Penn State (such as ChoroPhronesis,, and Teaching and Learning with Technology), is hiring up to three Post-Doctoral Researchers focusing on areas such as immersive analytics, immersive learning, immersive decision-making, or serious games. The […]

3 PhD scholarships at the Institute for Geoinformatics, start April 1, 2020

4.7.2019 16:09   The Graduate School for Geoinformatics at the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster( offers up to three full PhD scholarships for open topics linked to one of the research groups (labs) at ifgi. Maybe some of you are interested in this call or you know other people you might be – please feel free to forward.  […]

GIS a Smart City – dvě nabídky práce v Olomouci

26.6.2019 14:58   Magistrát města Olomouce vyhlásil výběrová řízení na pozice: Koordinátor open dat a GIS ( Koordinátor rozvoje chytrého města ( Přihlášky je možné zasílat do 15. 7. 2019.

Programátor – GIS Analytik

26.6.2019 13:23   Magistrát města Ostravy vypsal výběrové řízení na pozici programátor – GIS analytik. Bližší informace se dozvíte přímo na stránkách magistrátu:

PhD on 3D Data Fusion of Complex Environments in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geospatial Systems funded by Ordnance Survey

20.6.2019 20:28   The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Geospatial Systems invites high-quality applications for 1 award of a 4-year PhD studentship in the area of 3D data fusion of complex environments. This will start September 2019, be sponsored by the Ordnance Survey and run for 4 years at the University of Nottingham.We are looking to recruit a graduate […]

2. kolo přijímacího řízení

13.6.2019 19:22   Nevíte kam po maturitě? Přijďte studovat geoinformatiku! 27.6.2019 bude pro všechny studenty středních škol den Setkání s geoinformatikou – dozvíte se, co vás čeká během studia, seznámíte se s některými z vyučujících a ukážeme si vybavení, které  budete během studia používat. Více informací se dozvíte zde:  


11.6.2019 12:16   What3words – tři slova, která mění lokalizaci po celém světě. What3words je globální lokalizační systém založený na rozdělení zemského povrchu na 57 bilionů čtverců o velikosti strany 3 m a pojmenování každého z nich kombinací tří slov. Systém umožňuje takto jednoduše najít na mapě kterékoliv místo na Zemi. Více informací se dozvíte v článku:

Chytrá myšlenka

1.6.2019 5:53   Chytrá myšlenka je jedinečný program na podporu inovací a podnikání v Moravskoslezském kraji. Akcelerační program pomáhá lidem s nápady růst a rozvíjet projekty, které mohou ovlivnit i naši budoucnost. Máte myšlenku a nechybí vám odvaha? Přihlaste se do akcelerace! Více na: Registrace projektů a nápadů do 30.6.2019 Program proběhne ve dvou bězích podle vyspělosti projektu. […]

Integrity and Collaboration in Dynamic Sensor Networks

30.5.2019 8:48

Instructional Assistant Professor, Geographic Information Science & Technology, Texas A&M University

10.5.2019 14:18   The Department of Geography invites applications for an Instructional Assistant Professor in Geographic Information Science and Technology.  This non-tenure track position will support our new online professional Master’s degree which focuses on the use of GIST in the oil and gas industry( The successful applicant will have the opportunity to teach both residential and online courses (4 courses per semester). Teaching during the summer will also be required. The Department of Geography ( has twenty-five faculty members with strengths in Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST). biogeography, climatology, geomorphology, human geography, and human- environment relationships, We are one of fourdepartments in the College of Geosciences ( The college is committed to enhancing educational opportunities toworking professionals through a growing online program. Candidates will work closely with the college’s distance education team with coursedevelopment and instruction. Texas A&M University, a land-, sea-, and space-grant university, is located in a metropolitan area with a dynamic and international community of255,000 people. Texas A&M University is committed to enriching the learning and working environment for all visitors, students, faculty, and staff by promoting aculture that embraces inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability. Diverse perspectives, talents, and identities are vital to accomplishing ourmission and living our core values. The Texas A&M System is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer committed to diversity. Qualifications We seek teaching expertise in GIS including web GIS and GIS programming as well as remote sensing. Domain expertise in the oil and gas industryis preferred, but not essential.  Demonstrated experience in teaching blended or online classes, as well as face-to-face is desired. Candidates musthave a Ph.D. at the time of appointment, or a master’s degree and significant industry experience and have a strong commitment to excellence inteaching. Application Instructions Candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and arrange for three confidential reference letters to be submitted via Interfolio at We will begin reviewing applications on May 30, 2019.   Please refer any questions regarding this position to Dr. David Cairns at ___________________ Diana S. Sinton Executive Director, UCGIS Ithaca, New York 607.252.6851 […]

COMET Research Fellow in Earth Observation and Geoinformatics

10.5.2019 14:17

Special issue – časopis Geosciences

9.5.2019 14:08   Dovolte nám vás informovat, že náš kolega doc. Igor Ivan se stal guest editorem speciálního čísla Geosciences and their use in the field of Civil Engineering v časopise Geosciences. Přijímání příspěvků je otevřeno do 31. 10. 2019. Tak neváhejte, a posílejte! Více informací na

FOSS4G – Grant

7.5.2019 8:52   Hi all, As some of you already know, I’m involved in organizing committee of FOSS4G Bucharest(, flag event of the open geospatial community(OSGeo). Maybe you can pass the below info to your academic contacts to allow more students to come. Our company is also a sponsor of the event. With support of OSGeo&sponsors, the organizing committee […]

Cartographic Metadata Librarian, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

4.5.2019 10:54   The University of Minnesota Libraries invites applications for a full-time 12-month, continuous-appointment Cartographic Metadata Librarian. The successful candidate will provide leadership and coordination for cartographic resource cataloging/metadata held by the University of Minnesota Libraries, including the John R. Borchert Map Library, and will contribute to and collaborate with the Big Ten Academic Alliance Geospatial team to […]

PhD position – Mobility Information Engineering

24.4.2019 15:32   ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. It is renowned for its excellent education, its cutting-edge fundamental research and its efforts to put new knowledge and innovations directly into practice. The Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation is looking for a highly motivated doctoral candidate in the area of Mobility […]

Nabídka práce – ZU Opava

23.4.2019 10:03   Náplň práce: Aktualizace Základní báze geografických dat ČR (ZABAGED®) především vyhodnocením dat dálkového průzkumu Země, šetřením vybraných informací u místních orgánů veřejné správy a topografickým šetřením změn v terénu, provádění aktualizace technologickými nástroji APV ZABAGED, MicroStation V8, TopoL Mobile.

Postdoctoral research fellow in Spatial Data Science

11.4.2019 19:08   I’m looking for a postdoctoral research fellow to work the project on “Uncovering the Mechanisms of Migratory Bird Navigation with Big Data Analytics”, funded by Leverhulme Trust. The post-holder will undertake data science research and is expected to develop new data fusion methods for open geomagnetic and bird tracking data. Applicants should hold a PhD […]

Open Postdoc & PhD positions on “Addressing uncertainties in global land-use data”

11.4.2019 19:07   Postdoctoral Researcher on “Addressing multiple uncertainties in spatiotemporal statistical modelling of global land-use dynamics” Location: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv), Leipzig, Germany Supervisor: Carsten Meyer Collaborators: Ralf Seppelt, Lars Bernard, and others   New gridded information on global land-use dynamics offers exciting avenues for studying issues in biodiversity, climate, food security, and many other research […]

Fully funded PhD position

7.4.2019 20:43   Dear colleagues, as part of a recently granted H2020 project in the secure society domain (topic SU-DRS02-2018-2019-2020: Technologies for first responders) I am currently advertising a fully-funded PhD position for 4 years. The PhD project is called “UAV/drones to support first responders, using advanced computer vision and machine learning”. We need someone with a solid […]

Advert for new Centre for Doctoral Training

7.4.2019 20:42   The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Geospatial Systems invites high-quality applications for up to 9 fully funded 4-year PhDs at Newcastle University and University of Nottingham. We are looking to recruit graduates from a wide range of backgrounds including Engineering, Geographical/Environmental sciences, Computing, Mathematics and related disciplines. The Geospatial Systems CDT will help deliver a world leading generation […]

University of Toronto Map and Data Library

4.4.2019 13:42   The University of Toronto Map and Data Library is hiring a Reference Specialist (permanent full-time). Please see the following posting and application information in the link below. Please forward to anyone you feel may be interested in applying. For further information, please contact me directly at

NC State Center for Geospatial Analytics Faculty Position

2.4.2019 7:32   A friendly reminder that we are still accepting applications for an open teaching faculty position with the Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University. Initial review of applications will begin this week, but the position will remain open until filled so if you or someone you know is interested, please apply as soon as possible […]

Undergraduate Research Fellow positions at the NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center (STC)

2.4.2019 7:28   NSF REU Fellow Opportunities, 7 weeks from June 2019 to August 2019 The NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center (STC) is looking for several undergraduate research assistants to serve as NSF REU Fellows from June 2019 to August 2019. They will potentially work at George Mason University Site (Fairfax, VA), Harvard University site (Cambridge, MA), or University […]

UIUC’s CyberGIS Center is recruiting multiple (Sr.) Research Programmers

2.4.2019 7:27   The ad and application instruction are available on this webpage: These (Sr.) Research Programmers are expected to join a dynamic team to make significant contributions to innovating big-data and high-performance geospatial software.  The positions are full-time, permanent, and eligible for attractive benefits.  Application deadline is April 3, 2019.

Nabídka práce (brigády) pro společnost ENVIPARTNER

29.3.2019 12:15   Společnosti ENVIPARTNER, s.r.o. nabízí dvě pracovní příležitosti pro studenty. Jedná se o pozici GIS specialista a Zpracovatel pasportů. Více na níže uvedných přílohách.

Obsazení funkce odborný pracovník/odborná pracovnice oddělení správy aplikací a GIS odboru informatiky Magistrátu města Jihlavy

26.3.2019 17:06

Postdoctoral Research Scholar Positions at USC – Big Data management and analytics (transportation)

26.3.2019 10:23   The University of Southern California’s Integrated Media Systems Center (USC IMSC), located in Los Angeles, California, invites applicants for a postdoctoral researcher position under the supervision of Prof. Cyrus Shahabi. This will be a fixed-term position for the duration of two years starting May 2019. IMSC blends the unique resources available across the University of […]

Postdoctoral Research Scholar Positions at ASU

26.3.2019 10:21   Arizona State University seeks applications for 2 Postdoctoral Research Scholars with interests in community resilience, spatio-temporal analysis, social data analytics, and/or modeling/visualization of complex data start by Fall 2019. Please see the attached description or for more details. Patricia Patricia Solís, PhD Executive Director Knowledge Exchange for Resilience Arizona State University t: 480-965-3767 m: 469-200-9093 email:

Two fully-funded PhD positions in Demography/GIScience at University of St Andrews

26.3.2019 10:20   Dear colleagues, I will be co-supervising two fully-funded PhD projects at the cross of demography/GIScience and am looking for candidates for these positions. Both projects will investigate short- and long-term effects of air pollution and extreme weather events on health and mortality, one in the wider context of UK and the second one focusing on […]

GIS Software Engineer/Developer

8.3.2019 8:56   CybELE is a start-up company that integrates remote sensing technology and earth observation data with the legal environment to address a problem of environmental criminality. We combine all available geospatial information together with legal context to generate detailed environmental criminal activity report that can be used at court. We are the winner of the Copernicus […]

Dvě zajímavé pracovní pozice na VÚGTK

4.3.2019 20:50   Kolegové z Výzkumného ústavu geodetického, topografického a kartografického nabízejí dvě pracovní pozice v oblasti GNSS s možností plného či částečného úvazku. Jedná se o práci ve špičkovém týmu – kolegové jsou řešiteli řady významných evropských výzkumných projektů. Více informací o obou pozicích a kontaktech je k dispozici v přiložených pdf souborech: Informace o pozici 1, […]

Transportation Data Integration Assistant (Research Assistant 1) at the University of Connecticut

28.2.2019 20:48   The Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center at the University of Connecticut, School of Engineering is seeking applicants for an end-date, full-time Research Assistant 1. Under the direction of the Director of the Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center (CTSRC), the successful candidate will assist in data collection, consolidation, validation, and integration efforts related to migration from […]

Teaching Assistant Professor at UIUC

28.2.2019 20:47   Job Details Description: The Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a Teaching Assistant Professor in Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Geospatial Data Science. This is a 9-month (paid over 12 months), full-time academic appointment (non-tenure track) at the rank of Teaching Assistant Professor, with […]

Professor in Cartography – GIS

25.2.2019 21:12    Apply until 23/04/2019 23:59 CET →   Discipline: Cartography – GIS →   100% Assistant professor tenure track →   Reference number: 201901/WE/ZAP/001   ABOUT GHENT UNIVERSITY Ghent University is one of the most important education and research institutions in the Low Countries. On a daily basis, over 9,000 staff members and 41,000 students implement its motto “Dare to Think”. […]

Atomicon – koordinátor projektu GIS – nabídka zaměstnání

18.2.2019 21:15   Společnost Atomicon s.r.o. hledá schopného člověka pro vedení a koordinaci GIS projektů. Součástí náplně práce je řízení malého týmu lidí, organizace práce, komunikace s klienty, firemní agenda, terénní měření s GNSS, realizace zakázek (tvorba mapových výstupů, vývoj vlastní GIS webové aplikace pro obce), atd. Požadavky: Zkušenost s GIS, spolehlivost, samostatnost, komunikativnost, vlastní iniciativu. Důležité je […]

Project Assistant – Knowledge Management – Energy spatial data

18.2.2019 9:09   Joint Research Centre Netherland : We are looking for a person that helps us developing and maintaining a Geographic Information System (GIS) and web GIS platform for visualising, analysing and disseminating energy-related spatial data in support of the EU policy making. Application can be submitted here:


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