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ESA Navigation ESA Navigation

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Watch Galileo launch

10.9.2015 9:38  
Galileos 9 and 10 are currently headed up to their final orbits. Streaming resumes at 05:43 GMT (07:43 CEST)

Watch Galileo launch

10.9.2015 9:38  
Galileo 9 and 10 are due for launch atop a Soyuz rocket at 02:08 GMT on 11 September (04:08 CEST; 23:08 local time, 10 September). Streaming starts at 01:48 GMT (03:48 CEST).

Watch Galileo launch

10.9.2015 9:38  
Galileo 9 and 10 are due for launch atop a Soyuz rocket at 02:08 GMT on 11 September (04:08 CEST; 23:08 local time, 10 September). Streaming starts at 01:48 GMT (03:48 CEST)

Watch Galileo launch

10.9.2015 9:38  
Galileo 9 and 10 are due for launch atop a Soyuz rocket at 02:08 GMT (04:08 CEST; 23:08 local time). Streaming starts at 01:48 GMT (03:48 CEST)

Galileo in the zone

9.9.2015 10:42  
Europe's ninth and tenth Galileo satellites have been encapsulated and are now atop their Soyuz launcher ahead of Friday's launch

Galileo satellites in launch zone

9.9.2015 10:26  

Europe’s ninth and tenth Galileo satellites have reached their launch pad, taking their position atop the vertical Soyuz launcher in readiness for Friday’s launch.

Galileos take their seats on launcher upper stage

4.9.2015 14:42  

Europe’s ninth and tenth Galileo satellites have been secured on top of their Fregat upper stage in preparation for launch next week.

Mission team ready for Galileo launch

4.9.2015 14:30  

When the next pair of Galileo satellites is boosted into orbit next Friday, a team of mission control experts in Darmstadt, Germany, will spring into action, working around the clock to bring the duo through their critical first days in space.

Galileo: fit for flight

3.9.2015 16:45  
Europe's ninth and tenth Galileo satellites being fixed to the dispenser that will secure them during their 11 September launch

Galileo: fit for flight

3.9.2015 16:45  
Europe's ninth and tenth Galileo satellites being fixed to the dispenser that will secure them during their 11 September launch

Latest Galileos closing in on launch

1.9.2015 11:40  

Europe’s ninth and tenth Galileo satellites have been attached to the dispenser that will hold them during their flight up into space, then release them into their planned orbits.

Fuelled and ready

28.8.2015 14:43  
Europe’s latest Galileo satellites are fully fuelled, leaving them ready to be attached to their launcher upper stage

Galileo satellites fuelled and ready for launcher attachment

28.8.2015 14:27  

Europe’s latest Galileo satellites are fully fuelled, leaving them ready to be attached to their launcher upper stage in preparation for next month’s launch.

Galileo satellites fuelled and ready for launcher attachment

28.8.2015 14:27  

Europe’s latest Galileo satellites are fully fuelled, leaving them ready to be attached to their launcher upper stage in preparation for their 11 September launch.

Call For Media: Press briefing on launch of Galileo satellites 9/10

28.8.2015 11:42  

The next two satellites in Europe's Galileo satellite navigation system will be launched together on 11 September, taking its orbital constellation a step closer to initial services. Media are invited to take part in an audio briefing on 10 September.

Call For Media: Press briefing on launch of Galileo satellites 9/10

28.8.2015 11:42  

The next two satellites in Europe's Galileo satellite navigation system will be launched together on 11 September, taking its orbital constellation a step closer to initial services. Media are invited to take part in an audio briefing on 10 September.

Galileo launch anatomy

31.7.2015 15:13  
From satellite building to liftoff, the full process involved in each and every Galileo launch, in pictures

Next two Galileo satellites reach Europe’s Spaceport

27.7.2015 14:36  

Europe’s ninth and tenth Galileo satellites have crossed the Atlantic, touching down in French Guiana ahead of their joint launch this September.

Salvage in space

8.7.2015 10:15  
A detailed guide to the recovery of Galileos 5 and 6

Salvage in space

8.7.2015 10:15  
A detailed guide to the recovery of Galileos 5 and 6

Salvage in space

8.7.2015 10:15  
A detailed guide to the recovery of Galileos 5 and 6

Salvage in space

8.7.2015 10:15  
A detailed guide to the recovery of Galileos 5 and 6

EGNOS expands: aircraft use of precision satnav increasing

25.6.2015 9:51  

Reliable precision satnav for aircraft is already a reality in European skies, thanks to the ESA-designed EGNOS service. France’s Toulouse-Blagnac Airport recently hosted a dedicated EGNOS Day, demonstrating the service in action, both on the ground and in the air.

Four Galileos together in ESA test centre

10.6.2015 16:43  

Europe’s latest Galileo was unboxed at ESA’s technical centre in the Netherlands last month, bringing the total number of satellites at the site to four.

New Airbus A350 comes EGNOS-capable

18.5.2015 14:04  

The ESA-developed EGNOS system for sharpening the accuracy of satnav across Europe has been adopted by a growing number of airports to enable satellite-guided landing approaches. The new Airbus A350 airliner, currently entering service, comes fitted with it as standard.

Global satnav augmentation systems settle on common channels post-2020

7.5.2015 10:08  

The next decade’s aircraft pilots will be able to rely on enhanced, reliable satellite navigation signals on a seamless basis across much of the world, thanks to decisions made at the latest gathering of worldwide satnav augmentation system providers and experts.

Apprentices sought for ESA’s satnav summer school

28.4.2015 16:16  

Students still have time to join the ESA International Summer School on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, which will take place in Barcelona, Spain, at the end of August. 

Colloquium on scientific and fundamental aspects of Galileo

15.4.2015 15:04  

Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system, currently under construction, will affect many aspects of daily life. It also promises to be a valuable scientific yardstick – a new highly precise measuring system to apply to our planet and everything on it, and even to space-time itself.

Galileo satellites well on way to working orbit

10.4.2015 11:00  

Their systems performing well, Europe’s recently launched Galileo navigation satellites have carried out a set of manoeuvres that will take them down to their working positions in orbit.

Galileo system updated and back to work

9.4.2015 9:50  

The worldwide Ground Mission Segment providing all Galileo navigation messages has completed a full-scale hardware and software migration to version V2.0, and is now fully operational again.

Galileo eight

28.3.2015 4:02  
Europe now has eight navigation satellites in orbit after the launch of Galileos 7 & 8

Galileo separation

28.3.2015 3:22  
Replay of the separation of Galileo satellites 7 and 8 from their Fregat upper stage

Two new satellites join the Galileo constellation

28.3.2015 0:21  

The EU’s Galileo satellite navigation system now has eight satellites in orbit following the launch of the latest pair. 

Launch replay

27.3.2015 23:40  
Replay of the launch transmission of Soyuz ST-B carrying Galileo satellites 7 and 8, 27 March at 22:46 GMT, from Europe’s Spaceport

Launch replay

27.3.2015 23:40  
Replay of the launch transmission of Soyuz ST-B carrying Galileo satellites 7 and 8, 27 March at 22:46 GMT, from Europe’s Spaceport

Galileo lifts off

27.3.2015 22:56  
Liftoff of Soyuz ST-B carrying Galileo satellites 7 and 8, at 21:46 GMT, from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana

Galileo lifts off

27.3.2015 22:56  
Liftoff of Soyuz ST-B carrying Galileo satellites 7 and 8, at 21:46 GMT, from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana

Galileo lifts off

27.3.2015 22:56  
Liftoff of Soyuz ST-B carrying Galileo satellites 7 and 8, at 21:46 GMT, from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana

Salvage in space

27.3.2015 13:32  
A video recounts how the fifth and sixth Galileo satellites had their faulty orbits corrected for navigation testing

Galileo launch

26.3.2015 14:40  
Watch the launch of Europe's next two Galileo satellites on Friday 27 March. Streaming starts at 21:24 GMT (22:24 CET)

Galileo in flight

26.3.2015 14:40  
Follow the flight of Europe's next two Galileo satellites, with live streaming here

Galileos atop Soyuz

26.3.2015 10:48  
Europe's two Galileo satellites have been placed on top of their Soyuz launcher ahead of tomorrow's launch

Galileo satellites enclosed for Friday’s launch

25.3.2015 10:58  

Thousands of engineers have worked on the seventh and eighth navigation satellites of Europe’s Galileo constellation in recent years, but last Friday marked the very last time the spacecraft were glimpsed by human eyes. 

Galileo on the move

20.3.2015 16:21  
Galileo satellites on their dispenser being taken to their Fregat upper stage, ahead of their Friday 27 March launch

Galileo: at your service

19.3.2015 13:38  
With the seventh and eighth Galileo satellites set for launch soon, this video recounts what they will end up doing for Europe and the world

Galileo meets Galileo as launch draws near

18.3.2015 10:09  

The seventh and eighth Galileo satellites, set for launch together in nine days’ time, have been fitted together onto the dispenser that will carry them during their flight to orbit.

Counting down to Galileo

17.3.2015 14:52  
Deployment of Europe's Galileo constellation will resume on 27 March; watch the launch preparations in this video

Fuelling Galileo

13.3.2015 14:54  
The start of fuelling of the seventh and eighth Galileo satellites, ahead of their 27 March launch

Sixth Galileo satellite reaches corrected orbit

13.3.2015 10:28  

The sixth Galileo satellite of Europe’s navigation system has now entered its corrected target orbit, which will allow detailed testing to assess the performance of its navigation payload.


20.9.2013 14:26  
Visit Navipedia, the web’s leading resource on satellite navigation:


20.9.2013 14:26  
Visit Navipedia, the web’s leading resource on satellite navigation:
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