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zdroje zpráv:

Odborný rada – rozhodování o povolení vkladu v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního

13.8.2018 10:42   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Kralovehradecky-kraj/Volna-mista/Odborny-rada-–-rozhodovani-o-povoleni-vkladu-v-odd

Odborný rada – rozhodování o povolení vkladu v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního

13.8.2018 10:42   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Náchod vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný rada – rozhodování o povolení vkladu v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního

GaKO 8/2018

13.8.2018 9:32   GaKO   GaKO 8/2018

Série indických družic CartoSat pokračuje družicí CartoSat-2F

13.8.2018 9:00   Gisat   Nová družice je už sedmou vypuštěnou družicí z řady indických družic CartoSat-2, které pořizují obrazová data Země s prostorovým rozlišením lepším než 1 metr.

Povodí Ohře

13.8.2018 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Přivaděč vody z ČS Teplička do VD Stanovice (VŘ - výtlačný řád a GŘ - gravitační řád).


12.8.2018 20:53   UpVision   sdasdasd

Konference o bezpilotním létání koncem září v Plzni

12.8.2018 12:17   GeoBusiness   Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl – UAVA, zve na čtvrtý ročník své konference. Tentokrát se akce uskuteční 27. září 2018 v Plzni. Hostitelem bude Správa ... Přečíst


UAS Magazine Announces Final Agenda for 2018 UAS Summit & Expo

10.8.2018 18:22 Webcasts-Webinars   Produced by UAS Magazine, UAS Summit will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the current state of the unmanned aircraft systems …

Kongsberg Geospatial Concludes Final Trials of Drone Airspace Management System with Transport Canada, RCMP, and National Research Council

10.8.2018 16:43 Webcasts-Webinars   Multiple Government Organizations evaluate new situational awareness platform for managing airspace and emergency response units during disaster …

Talking Earth science

10.8.2018 16:17   ESA Observing the Earth  
This year expert scientists joined ESA's Earth observation summer school to explain how satellites are advancing our understanding of Earth. Watch the lecture replays

20180810 odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.8.2018 10:59   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Kolin/O-uradu/Aktuality/20161013Rada-odborny-rada-–-informatik-(2)

20180810 odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.8.2018 10:59   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kolín Vyhlášení výběrového řízení: odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení systemizovaného místa odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem"

odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.8.2018 10:56   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kolín vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.8.2018 10:56   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Volna-mista/odborny-rada-v-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu-k-nemovito

odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.8.2018 10:56   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kolín
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem
odborný rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

Call for media

10.8.2018 8:59   ESA Observing the Earth  
Media representatives are invited to ESA's European Space Operations Centre on 21 August to follow the launch of the Aeolus wind mission

Omezení činnosti KP Benešov

10.8.2018 8:54   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Benesov/O-uradu/Aktuality/Omezeni-cinnosti-KP-Benesov

Omezení činnosti KP Benešov

10.8.2018 8:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Benešov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: V době plánovaného přerušení dodávky elektřiny, tj. dne 14. 8. 2018 od 7:30 hod – 13:30 hod,
bude výrazně omezena činnost Katastrálního pracoviště.
Omlouváme se za případné komplikace.

Odborný referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

10.8.2018 8:37   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Znojmo vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

Odborný referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

10.8.2018 8:37   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihomoravsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-v-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu-k-(1)

Odborný referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

10.8.2018 8:37   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Znojmo
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Odborný referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

The First Geological Remote Sensing Group Oil & Gas Workshop Was a Great Success

9.8.2018 23:32 Webcasts-Webinars   August 9, 2018 -- The Geological Remote Sensing Group (GRSG) inaugural North American Oil & Gas Workshop was held recently in Boulder, CO and has …

CoreLogic Launches Hazard HQ To Emphasize Timely Natural Hazard Risk Insights

9.8.2018 23:30 Webcasts-Webinars   —New resource center features up-to-date risk insights on actively
occurring and recent natural hazards—

IRVINE, Calif. — …

DroneDek Awarded US Patent to Disrupt Mail/Parcel Delivery Industry With Last Mile Drone Delivery

9.8.2018 23:30 Webcasts-Webinars   INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 9, 2018 — (PRNewswire) —  DroneDek, mailbox of the future technology, has just been awarded a US Patent for last …

Blippar Launches Indoor Visual Positioning System for Enhanced Location-Based Augmented Reality

9.8.2018 23:29 Webcasts-Webinars   LONDON and NEW YORK, Aug. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blippar, the leading augmented reality and computer vision company, today announced the …

Maxar's SSL expands scope of work for NASA asteroid exploration mission Psyche

9.8.2018 23:29 Webcasts-Webinars   HERNDON, VA, Aug. 9, 2018 — (PRNewswire) — SSL, a Maxar Technologies company (formerly MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.) (NYSE: …

Airbus-built Aeolus satellite ready to take on the wind

9.8.2018 21:16 Webcasts-Webinars   ESA’s wind sensing spacecraft Aeolus, is encapsulated into the Vega launcher ready for lift-off
Stevenage/Kourou, 09, August 2018 - Aeolus, …

Orbit GT and CompassData Inc., USA, sign Reseller Agreement

9.8.2018 21:10 Webcasts-Webinars   Lokeren, Belgium, August 9th, 2018. Orbit GT and CompassData Inc. USA, sign comprehensive Reseller Agreement.
“We’re very pleased to …

Koncem září spolupořádáme čtvrtou konferenci Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl včetně ukázky UTM

9.8.2018 15:09   UpVision   Dne 27.9.2018 se koná už 4. konference Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl v Plzni v DEPO 2015. Opět jsme připravili nabitý zajímavý program, včetně naší ukázky fungování UTM s Řízením letového provozu v českém prostředí. Nebudou chybět novinky z ÚCL, ŘLP a Ministerstva dopravy, také se dozvíte více o identifikaci dronů v perimetru a jejich autonomím odchytu, ale také další novinky z Workswellu, Phase One, Telinku, SITMP a dalších.

Kompletní program včetně možnosti zakoupení vstupenek je zde:

Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN č. 1 na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

9.8.2018 11:40   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihomoravsky-kraj/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-v-oddeleni-aktualizace-KN-c-1-na

Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN č. 1 na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

9.8.2018 11:40   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Znojmo vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN č. 1 na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN č. 1 na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

9.8.2018 11:40   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Znojmo
nabízí služební místo
Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN č. 1 na Katastrálním pracovišti Znojmo

Aeolus sealed from view

9.8.2018 9:50   ESA Observing the Earth  

As preparations for the launch of ESA’s latest Earth Explorer continue on track, the team at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana has bid farewell to the Aeolus satellite as it was sealed from view in its Vega rocket fairing. Liftoff is set for 21 August at 21:20 GMT (23:20 CEST).

Orbit GT releases free Esri ArcGIS Pro add-in for 3D Mapping Cloud and 3DM Publisher

9.8.2018 9:12 Webcasts-Webinars   Lokeren, Belgium, August 7th, 2018 -- Orbit GT releases the free ArcGIS Pro pluginfor its 3D Mapping Cloud SaaS platform and on-premise 3DM …

EU citizens and businesses already benefiting from Galileo

9.8.2018 8:49   European GNSS Agency  
Much of Galileo’s early success is the result of intense cooperation between the GSA and private GNSS chip and receiver manufacturers and service providers.
09 August 2018

Following last week’s successful launch of four new Galileo satellites from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, representatives of leading industry that have adopted Galileo held a special press briefing for journalists from across the Continent.

With four new satellites having been successfully launched on-board a Ariane 5 launcher, the Galileo constellation took another big step towards full operational capability. “This launch and the Galileo services that these satellites will help provide is testament to the European Union’s ambition to position itself as one of the world’s preeminent space powers,” said Matthias Petschke, European Commission Director of EU Satellite Navigation Programmes.    

Driving this ambition is the European GNSS Agency (GSA), which is responsible for ensuring that the EU’s commitment to Galileo is translated into a return on investment for European citizens and businesses. “The GSA plays a unique role in linking space to user needs,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides. “Whether it be through user consultations, funding research and development or monitoring the latest developments in GNSS applications and technology, the GSA is closing the gap between satellites like those launched today and the many services and applications they provide.”   

Much of Galileo’s early success is the result of intense cooperation between the GSA and private GNSS chip and receiver manufacturers and service providers. After all, without Galileo-enabled chipsets and receivers, no one would be able to benefit from Galileo. “The partnerships that the GSA has built over the years with leading chipset and receiver manufacturers is a key asset, not only for the Agency, but for the entire European space programme,” added des Dorides. “Because of these relationships, Galileo has been quickly incorporated into phones, wearables, cars, computing and IoT devices, allowing both citizens and businesses to enjoy the benefits that European GNSS provides.”

Voices from the frontline

Representatives from several of these early adopters and innovative businesses were invited to share their experiences with using Galileo. Among them was global chipset manufacturer Qualcomm, a long-term partner of the GSA that is active in Location Based Services for smartphones, wearables, computing, IoT and the automotive market segments.

In 2016, the company made headlines when it launched the Galileo-enabled Snapdragon smartphone chipset, which was used in the BQ Aquaris X5 – the market’s first Galileo smartphone. This year, Qualcomm also introduced a number of European GNSS (Galileo, EGNOS) capable automotive chipsets for Europe’s eCall system, the emergency response location initiative now mandatory in all new vehicle types sold in Europe.

Read this: eCall satellite navigation certified for first European customers

With all of its models capable of receiving and using Galileo signals, Qualcomm sits as the world’s largest chipset manufacturer of Galileo-enabled receivers. “We sell approximately 800 million models with integrated GNSS every year and, since the end of 2016, all of our GNSS products are capable of receiving the Galileo signal,” said Francesco Grilli, Vice President of Product Management at Qualcomm. “This means about 25 new Galileo receivers are sold every second.”

NovAtel is another long-time participant in Europe’s space and navigation programmes. The company designs, manufactures and sells high-precision GNSS receivers, antennas and reference station receivers – all of which support Galileo signals. “Our goal is to take the signals from space and maximise their performance,” says Jason Hamilton, Chief Strategy Officer at Hexagon Positioning Intelligence, NovAtel’s parent company. “It’s very exciting to see Galileo come to life, as its addition to the multi-constellation environment dramatically enhances what we can achieve with our products.”

“At NovAtel, we are always chasing our mission statement of ‘assured positioning – anywhere’,” added Sandy Kennedy, Vice President of Innovation at NovAtel. “We’ve been eagerly anticipating Galileo as it helps us adhere both to the ‘assured’ and the ‘anywhere’ aspects of this mission.”

Turning to the aviation market segment, Rockwell Collins has been a long-time supporter of the GSA’s efforts to develop European GNSS receivers for the global aviation sector. In 2014, the company’s flight management system and GNSS receiver enabled the first successful demonstration of advanced arrival and departure flight operations using EGNOS (via the EU’s FilGAPP airspace enhancement project). “In the commercial aircraft sector, Galileo gives aircraft the accuracy they need to increase positioning awareness and thus safety,” said Stephane Pelleschi Rockwell Collins.

Delivering on its mission

It is because of Galileo’s early adopters like Qualcomm, Hexagon Positioning Intelligence, NovAtel and Rockwell Collins that the GSA has been able to successfully deliver on its mission of bridging the gap between space technology and user needs.

“I would like to thank each of the early pioneers who supported our vision, saw opportunities in it and invested in Galileo from the beginning,” said des Dorides. “Because of your long-term commitment, today we can count nearly 60 smartphone models using Galileo, new car models using Galileo-enabled eCall, and 542 EGNOS-based approach procedures in 19 countries across Europe, to mention only a few of the European GNSS success stories. The provision of precise timing and positioning information for a wide range of applications translates into smarter, greener and safer services for European citizens and beyond.”

An updated list of Galileo-enabled chipsets, receivers and devices can be found at

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Much of Galileo’s early success is the result of intense cooperation between the GSA and private GNSS chip and receiver manufacturers and service providers.

EU citizens and businesses already benefiting from Galileo

9.8.2018 8:49   European GNSS Agency  
09 August 2018

Following last week’s successful launch of four new Galileo satellites from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, representatives of leading industry that have adopted Galileo held a special press briefing for journalists from across the Continent.

With four new satellites having been successfully launched on-board a Ariane 5 launcher, the Galileo constellation took another big step towards full operational capability. “This launch and the Galileo services that these satellites will help provide is testament to the European Union’s ambition to position itself as one of the world’s preeminent space powers,” said Matthias Petschke, European Commission Director of EU Satellite Navigation Programmes.    

Driving this ambition is the European GNSS Agency (GSA), which is responsible for ensuring that the EU’s commitment to Galileo is translated into a return on investment for European citizens and businesses. “The GSA plays a unique role in linking space to user needs,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides. “Whether it be through user consultations, funding research and development or monitoring the latest developments in GNSS applications and technology, the GSA is closing the gap between satellites like those launched today and the many services and applications they provide.”   

Much of Galileo’s early success is the result of intense cooperation between the GSA and private GNSS chip and receiver manufacturers and service providers. After all, without Galileo-enabled chipsets and receivers, no one would be able to benefit from Galileo. “The partnerships that the GSA has built over the years with leading chipset and receiver manufacturers is a key asset, not only for the Agency, but for the entire European space programme,” added des Dorides. “Because of these relationships, Galileo has been quickly incorporated into phones, wearables, cars, computing and IoT devices, allowing both citizens and businesses to enjoy the benefits that European GNSS provides.”

Voices from the frontline

Representatives from several of these early adopters and innovative businesses were invited to share their experiences with using Galileo. Among them was global chipset manufacturer Qualcomm, a long-term partner of the GSA that is active in Location Based Services for smartphones, wearables, computing, IoT and the automotive market segments.

In 2016, the company made headlines when it launched the Galileo-enabled Snapdragon smartphone chipset, which was used in the BQ Aquaris X5 – the market’s first Galileo smartphone. This year, Qualcomm also introduced a number of European GNSS (Galileo, EGNOS) capable automotive chipsets for Europe’s eCall system, the emergency response location initiative now mandatory in all new vehicle types sold in Europe.

Read this: eCall satellite navigation certified for first European customers

With all of its models capable of receiving and using Galileo signals, Qualcomm sits as the world’s largest chipset manufacturer of Galileo-enabled receivers. “We sell approximately 800 million models with integrated GNSS every year and, since the end of 2016, all of our GNSS products are capable of receiving the Galileo signal,” said Francesco Grilli, Vice President of Product Management at Qualcomm. “This means about 25 new Galileo receivers are sold every second.”

NovAtel is another long-time participant in Europe’s space and navigation programmes. The company designs, manufactures and sells high-precision GNSS receivers, antennas and reference station receivers – all of which support Galileo signals. “Our goal is to take the signals from space and maximise their performance,” says Jason Hamilton, Chief Strategy Officer at Hexagon Positioning Intelligence, NovAtel’s parent company. “It’s very exciting to see Galileo come to life, as its addition to the multi-constellation environment dramatically enhances what we can achieve with our products.”

“At NovAtel, we are always chasing our mission statement of ‘assured positioning – anywhere’,” added Sandy Kennedy, Vice President of Innovation at NovAtel. “We’ve been eagerly anticipating Galileo as it helps us adhere both to the ‘assured’ and the ‘anywhere’ aspects of this mission.”

Turning to the aviation market segment, Rockwell Collins has been a long-time supporter of the GSA’s efforts to develop European GNSS receivers for the global aviation sector. In 2014, the company’s flight management system and GNSS receiver enabled the first successful demonstration of advanced arrival and departure flight operations using EGNOS (via the EU’s FilGAPP airspace enhancement project). “In the commercial aircraft sector, Galileo gives aircraft the accuracy they need to increase positioning awareness and thus safety,” said Stephane Pelleschi Rockwell Collins.

Delivering on its mission

It is because of Galileo’s early adopters like Qualcomm, Hexagon Positioning Intelligence, NovAtel and Rockwell Collins that the GSA has been able to successfully deliver on its mission of bridging the gap between space technology and user needs.

“I would like to thank each of the early pioneers who supported our vision, saw opportunities in it and invested in Galileo from the beginning,” said des Dorides. “Because of your long-term commitment, today we can count nearly 60 smartphone models using Galileo, new car models using Galileo-enabled eCall, and 542 EGNOS-based approach procedures in 19 countries across Europe, to mention only a few of the European GNSS success stories. The provision of precise timing and positioning information for a wide range of applications translates into smarter, greener and safer services for European citizens and beyond.”

An updated list of Galileo-enabled chipsets, receivers and devices can be found at

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

EU citizens and businesses already benefiting from Galileo

9.8.2018 8:49   European GNSS Agency  
Much of Galileo’s early success is the result of intense cooperation between the GSA and private GNSS chip and receiver manufacturers and service providers.
09 August 2018

Following last week’s successful launch of four new Galileo satellites from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, representatives of leading industry that have adopted Galileo held a special press briefing for journalists from across the Continent.

With four new satellites having been successfully launched on-board a Ariane 5 launcher, the Galileo constellation took another big step towards full operational capability. “This launch and the Galileo services that these satellites will help provide is testament to the European Union’s ambition to position itself as one of the world’s preeminent space powers,” said Matthias Petschke, European Commission Director of EU Satellite Navigation Programmes.    

Driving this ambition is the European GNSS Agency (GSA), which is responsible for ensuring that the EU’s commitment to Galileo is translated into a return on investment for European citizens and businesses. “The GSA plays a unique role in linking space to user needs,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides. “Whether it be through user consultations, funding research and development or monitoring the latest developments in GNSS applications and technology, the GSA is closing the gap between satellites like those launched today and the many services and applications they provide.”   

Much of Galileo’s early success is the result of intense cooperation between the GSA and private GNSS chip and receiver manufacturers and service providers. After all, without Galileo-enabled chipsets and receivers, no one would be able to benefit from Galileo. “The partnerships that the GSA has built over the years with leading chipset and receiver manufacturers is a key asset, not only for the Agency, but for the entire European space programme,” added des Dorides. “Because of these relationships, Galileo has been quickly incorporated into phones, wearables, cars, computing and IoT devices, allowing both citizens and businesses to enjoy the benefits that European GNSS provides.”

Voices from the frontline

Representatives from several of these early adopters and innovative businesses were invited to share their experiences with using Galileo. Among them was global chipset manufacturer Qualcomm, a long-term partner of the GSA that is active in Location Based Services for smartphones, wearables, computing, IoT and the automotive market segments.

In 2016, the company made headlines when it launched the Galileo-enabled Snapdragon smartphone chipset, which was used in the BQ Aquaris X5 – the market’s first Galileo smartphone. This year, Qualcomm also introduced a number of European GNSS (Galileo, EGNOS) capable automotive chipsets for Europe’s eCall system, the emergency response location initiative now mandatory in all new vehicle types sold in Europe.

Read this: eCall satellite navigation certified for first European customers

With all of its models capable of receiving and using Galileo signals, Qualcomm sits as the world’s largest chipset manufacturer of Galileo-enabled receivers. “We sell approximately 800 million models with integrated GNSS every year and, since the end of 2016, all of our GNSS products are capable of receiving the Galileo signal,” said Francesco Grilli, Vice President of Product Management at Qualcomm. “This means about 25 new Galileo receivers are sold every second.”

NovAtel is another long-time participant in Europe’s space and navigation programmes. The company designs, manufactures and sells high-precision GNSS receivers, antennas and reference station receivers – all of which support Galileo signals. “Our goal is to take the signals from space and maximise their performance,” says Jason Hamilton, Chief Strategy Officer at Hexagon Positioning Intelligence, NovAtel’s parent company. “It’s very exciting to see Galileo come to life, as its addition to the multi-constellation environment dramatically enhances what we can achieve with our products.”

“At NovAtel, we are always chasing our vision statement of ‘assured positioning – anywhere’,” added Sandy Kennedy, Vice President of Innovation at Hexagon Positioning Intelligence. “We’ve been eagerly anticipating Galileo as it helps us adhere both to the ‘assured’ and the ‘anywhere’ aspects of this mission.”

Turning to the aviation market segment, Rockwell Collins has been a long-time supporter of the GSA’s efforts to develop European GNSS receivers for the global aviation sector. In 2014, the company’s flight management system and GNSS receiver enabled the first successful demonstration of advanced arrival and departure flight operations using EGNOS (via the EU’s FilGAPP airspace enhancement project). “In the commercial aircraft sector, Galileo gives aircraft the accuracy they need to increase positioning awareness and thus safety,” said Stephane Pelleschi Rockwell Collins.

Delivering on its mission

It is because of Galileo’s early adopters like Qualcomm, Hexagon Positioning Intelligence, NovAtel and Rockwell Collins that the GSA has been able to successfully deliver on its mission of bridging the gap between space technology and user needs.

“I would like to thank each of the early pioneers who supported our vision, saw opportunities in it and invested in Galileo from the beginning,” said des Dorides. “Because of your long-term commitment, today we can count nearly 60 smartphone models using Galileo, new car models using Galileo-enabled eCall, and 542 EGNOS-based approach procedures in 19 countries across Europe, to mention only a few of the European GNSS success stories. The provision of precise timing and positioning information for a wide range of applications translates into smarter, greener and safer services for European citizens and beyond.”

An updated list of Galileo-enabled chipsets, receivers and devices can be found at

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Much of Galileo’s early success is the result of intense cooperation between the GSA and private GNSS chip and receiver manufacturers and service providers.

Sucho v Česku (TZ)

9.8.2018 6:59  

Horké počasí posledních dnů dále prohlubuje stav sucha. Vysoké teploty podporují výpar, navíc i červenec byl srážkově na téměř celém území výrazně podprůměrný. Téměř polovina sledovaných profilů na vodních tocích je pod hranicí sucha a některé drobné toky již zcela vyschly. Červencem pokračovalo na našem území srážkově chudé období. Na celém území napršelo, podle předběžného […]

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Industrial SkyWorks Releases Latest BlueVu Software for Drone Inspections

9.8.2018 0:53 Webcasts-Webinars   Industrial SkyWorks Inc., the leader in drone inspection and data management software for buildings, and oil and gas infrastructure, announced the …

Titan Underwater Drone Wades Past its Challenges Thanks to Kickstarter Campaign, Focuses on Future Goals

9.8.2018 0:52 Webcasts-Webinars   SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 8, 2018 — (PRNewswire) — The Titan Underwater Drone successfully completed its Kickstarter campaign, raising $200 …

Blue Marble Geographics Announces Dynamic Speakers for Upcoming User Conference in Maine

9.8.2018 0:08 Webcasts-Webinars   Hallowell, Maine – August 8, 2018 - Blue Marble Geographics today announced the keynote speakers for its 25th anniversary Blue Marble User …

Self-driving Ford Mustang will tackle Goodwood hill climb

8.8.2018 17:16   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Motor Authority, USA

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Top 10 New Capabilities of STAADPro CONNECT Edition

8.8.2018 17:11   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

MicroStation Connections, USA

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Siemens reveals 1965 Ford Mustang as autonomous vehicle

8.8.2018 17:05   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Design Products & Applications, UK

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Digital Deals: Autodesk, Bentley, HNTB and more make headlines

8.8.2018 17:01   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Construction Dive, USA

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Omezení provozu

8.8.2018 12:17   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Rychnov nad Kněžnou
zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Dne 8. 8. 2018 bude budova katastrálního pracoviště z technických důvodů uzavřena.

Omezení provozu

8.8.2018 12:17   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Kralovehradecky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Rychnov-nad-Kneznou/O-uradu/Aktuality/Omezeni-provozu

Vrchní referent/rada personálního oddělení v kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním

8.8.2018 11:58   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - kancelář ředitele
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Vrchní referent/rada personálního oddělení v kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Jihomoravský kraj

Vrchní referent/rada personálního oddělení v kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním

8.8.2018 11:58   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - kancelář ředitele vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada personálního oddělení v kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním

Vrchní referent/rada personálního oddělení v kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním

8.8.2018 11:58   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihomoravsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Vrchni-referent-rada-personalniho-oddeleni-v-kance

Urban-themed Location Powers Event Agenda Finalized, Registration Now Open

8.8.2018 11:07 Webcasts-Webinars   Location Powers: ‘Data, Interoperability and our Urban World’ will occur in Singapore 25-26 September 2018.
August 08, 2018 -- The …

Hexagon expands Content Program to increase coverage and access of air-borne imagery

8.8.2018 9:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Latest imagery collection refreshes almost half of the U.S. while significantly increasing coverage of Europe
(WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 7, 2018) …

World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC) Launched at UNGGIM

8.8.2018 9:28 Webcasts-Webinars   August 7, 2018 - Amsterdam: In a landmark development, geospatial industry leaders from across the world came together to announce the formation …

Vznikla nová celosvětová platforma podnikatelů v geoinformačním průmyslu. (TZ)

8.8.2018 8:51  

V newyorském sídle OSN se sešli představitelé hlavní geoinformačních firem z celého světa, aby zde oznámili založení World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC). Sdružení bylo založeno 21 firmami z oboru a jeho prezidentem se stal zakladatel a majitel Esri – Jack Dangermond. 

The post Vznikla nová celosvětová platforma podnikatelů v geoinformačním průmyslu. (TZ) appeared first on

Geoinformatikem na Ministerstvu vnitra

8.8.2018 7:00   Česká asociace pro geoinformace   Ministerstvo vnitra ČR vypsalo výběrová řízení na míta v oddělení geoinformatiky:

ministerský rada
vrchní ministerský rada (systém veřejné správy)
vrchní ministerský rada (informační a komunikační technologie)


Regionální 3D strukturně geologický model lokality Kraví hora

8.8.2018 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   3D strukturně-geologický model lokality Kraví hora byl vytvořen v SW MOVE verze 2015.2. Základ tvoří nově zkompilovaná povrchová geologická mapa odkrytá lokality Kraví hora včetně průběhu hlavních zlomů, která byla vytvořena v rámci řešení zakázky pro SÚRAO. Vstupní data zahrnují: geologickou mapu 1 : 50 000, archivní účelové geologické mapy, hloubková data v digitální i tištěné podobě (vrtná data, důlní mapy, geologické profily, geofyzikální interpretace, strukturní data z povrchových výchozů).

CoreLogic Reports June Home Prices Increased by 6.8 Percent, Millennials Identify Affordability as Biggest Hurdle

7.8.2018 23:54 Webcasts-Webinars   Affordability Challenges Thwart Younger Potential Buyers

Washington, Nevada, Idaho and Utah Again Post Double-digit Annual

Satellite Built by Maxar Technologies' SSL for Indonesia's Largest Telecom Company is Performing Post-Launch Maneuvers According to Plan

7.8.2018 23:54 Webcasts-Webinars   PALO ALTO, CA, Aug. 7, 2018 — (PRNewswire) —

Merah Putih satellite for Telkom Indonesia helps build a better world with enhanced …

Energy Web Atlas Launches World Pipeline Dataset

7.8.2018 23:54 Webcasts-Webinars   Collected for more than a century, information includes detailed data on pipelines in all stages of development and operation
HOUSTON, Aug. 7, 2018 …

Bentley Systems Announces Finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards Program

7.8.2018 23:52 Webcasts-Webinars   Winners to be selected and announced at Bentley’s Year in
Infrastructure 2018 Conference, October 15-18 in London

EXTON, Pa. …

Bentley Systems Announces Finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards Program

7.8.2018 18:24   Bentley Systems  

Winners to be selected and announced at Bentley’s
Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference, October 15-18 in London

EXTON, Pa. – August 7, 2018 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, today announced the finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards program. The annual awards program honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users advancing infrastructure design, construction, and operations throughout the world. Twelve independent jury panels of distinguished industry experts selected the 57 finalists from 420 nominations submitted by more than 340 user organizations around the world.

The finalists for Year in Infrastructure 2018 awards for going digital advancements in infrastructure are:

• GS E&C Corporation – Jungkun~Jinjeong Bypass Road (Sueo-chon Bridge) – Gwangyang,
  Jeolla-Namdo, South Korea
• Indian Railways – Reality modeling facilitates efficient planning, construction and monitoring of
  Chenab Bridge – Reasi District, Jammu & Kashmir, India
• PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Design and Build of Road Bridge at Teluk Lamong Port Project – Gresik-Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Buildings and Campuses
• Anil Verma Associates, Inc. – Regional Connector Transit Corridor (RCTC) – Los Angeles,
  California, United States
• Shalom Baranes Associates – Cannon House Office Building Renewal – Washington,
  District of Columbia, United States
• Voyants Solutions Private Limited – Station Development plan for Gwalior Railway Station –
  Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Communications Networks
• iForte Solusi Infotek – iForte Fiber Management System – Jakarta, Indonesia
• PT. Linknet – Linknet Operation Center – Jakarta, Indonesia
• SiteSee – Advancing Telecommunications – Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

• AAEngineering Group, LLP – Phase II of Pustynnoe Gold Plant: modernization and capacity
  increase – Balkhash, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan
• Lendlease Engineering – New bridge over the Richmond River at Broadwater – Ballina, New South
  Wales, Australia
• Tianjin Tianhe-Cloud Building Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. and China State Construction
   Bridge Co., Ltd. – Main Channel Road Project of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port (Zhoudai Bridge)
  – Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China

Digital Cities
• Avineon India Pvt. Ltd. – Digital 3D Building Model of Rotterdam – Rotterdam, Netherlands
• CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd. – BIM Technology Application in the
  Municipal Infrastructure Phase I Project of Zhong-Guan-Cun Science and Technology
  Town – Baodi District, Tianjin City, China
• Yunnan Yunling Engineering Cost Consultation Co., Ltd. – New Municipal Road Construction PPP
   Project of the Municipal Public Facility Construction Project of Guandu Culture New City –
   Kunming, Yunnan, China

Environmental Engineering
• China Water Resources Pearl River Planning Surveying & Designing Co., Ltd. –
  Jiangxi Xinjiang Bazizui Navigation-Power Junction Project – Shangrao, Jiangxi, China
• PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Landslide Disaster Protection Project on the National Road
  Network – Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
• Setec-Terrasol – Extension L11 – Adaptation of the Mairie des Lilas Station – Paris, France

• Brownfield Engineering Sdn. Bhd. – Propose 48MW Large Scale Solar (LSS) Project –
   Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia
• Digital Engineering (BIM) Center of Shenyang Aluminum & Magnesium Engineering & Research
   Institute Co., Ltd. – Alumina Refinery Project Cooperated between CHALCO and Indonesia –
   Bukit Batu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
• Toshiba Transmission and Distribution Systems Asia Sdn. Bhd. – Integration of SCADA System
   with Electrical Panels for Brunei National Control Center – Brunei Darussalam

Mining and Offshore Engineering
• CADDS Group Pty Ltd – Rio Tinto Iron Ore Sentry Guarding Project – Dampier,
   Western Australia, Australia
• Northern Engineering & Technology Incorporation, MCC – SINO Iron Ore Mine – Perth,
  Western Australia, Australia
• POWERCHINA Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited – Jiangsu Offshore Wind Farm –
  Jiangsu Province, China

Power Generation
• JSC ATOMPROEKT – Hanhikivi 1 Nuclear Power Plant – Northern Ostrobothnia Region, Finland
• Northwest Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group –
  Huaneng Ningxia Dam Power Plant Stage Ⅳ project – Qingtongxia, Ningxia Hui autonomous
  region, China
• Sacyr Somague – Hydroelectric use of the Foz Tua Dam – Foz Tua, Alijó- Vila Real, Portugal

Project Delivery
• AECOM – Gaining New Perspective through ProjectWise Insights – United Kingdom
• Arup – Arup Australasia Project Systems Team – Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
• Dragados SA & Transport for London – Bank Station Capacity Upgrade – London, United Kingdom

Rail and Transit
• China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd. – BIM Project for the Beijing-Zhangjiakou
   High-speed Railway – Beijing, China
• Italferr S.p.A. – Naples-Bari Route, Apice-Orsara Double Railway Line, Hirpinia-Orsara Operational
  Lot – Provinces of Avellino and Foggia, Italy
• Skanska Costain Strabag Joint Venture (SCS) – Hs2 Main Works Lots S1 and S2 – London,
   United Kingdom

Reality Modeling
• Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation & Chain Technology Development Co. Limited
  – Smart Campus of the Hong Kong Science Park – Hong Kong, China
• Skand Pty Ltd – Building Envelope Inspection Powered by Machine Learning and Reality Modeling
  for RMIT University Brunswick Campus – Victoria, Australia
• Transport for London - Major Projects Directorate – Deep Tube Upgrade Programme -
   Piccadilly Line Upgrade – London, United Kingdom

Road and Rail Asset Performance
• CSX Transportation – Annual Patch Rail Capital Planning – Jacksonville, Florida, United States
• Illinois Department of Transportation – Oversize-Overweight Truck Permitting System –
  Springfield, Illinois, United States
• Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. – Nagpur Metro Asset Information Management System – Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Roads and Highways
• Alabama Department of Transportation – Birmingham, AL I-59/I-20 Corridor Project –
  Birmingham, Alabama, United States
• Henan Provincial Communications Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. – BIM-based Further
  Design and Digital Construction of the Yaoshan-Luanchuan Section Project in the
  Zhengzhou-Xixia Expressway – Luoyang, Henan, China
• Lebuhraya Borneo Utara – Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak – Sarawak, Malaysia

Structural Engineering
• Arab Engineering Bureau – Burj Alfardan – Lusail, Qatar
• Shilp Consulting Engineers – Alambagh Bus Terminal – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
• VYOM Consultants – K10 Grand Commercial High Rise – Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Utilities and Industrial Asset Performance
• Oman Gas Company S.A.O.C – Asset Performance Solution for Reliability Management –
   Al-Khuwair, Muscat, Oman
• Vedanta Limited - Cairn Oil and Gas – Well Integrity and Flow Assurance Management –
   States of Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat, India
• Volgogradnefteproekt LLC – Object Modeling and Life Cycle Management: Project Implementation
   and Commissioning – Volgograd region, Russia

Utilities Transmission and Distribution
• Northeast Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group –
  New project of a 750 kV substation in the Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture – Bortala
  Mongol, Xinjiang Uyghur, China
• Pestech International Berhad – Substation Design & Automation for Olak Lempit
  Substation Project – Banting, Selangor, Malaysia
• POWERCHINA Hubei Electric Engineering Corporation Limited – Cha'anling-Xiaojiazhou
  220 kV Electric Transmission Line Project – Xianning, Hubei, China

Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
• MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited – 400,000 ton/day Water Supply
  Project of Wenjiang District, Chengdu City – Chengdu, Sichuan, China
• Shanghai Civil Engineering Co., Ltd of CREC – Civil engineering of the Beihu sewage treatment
  plant and auxiliary project – Wuhan, Hubei, China
• Suez Water Technologies & Solutions – Ultra Pure Water Project 1 GW Manufacturing Solar Silicon
   PV Cells & Modules – Kutch, Gujarat, India

Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Networks
• Beijing Institute of Water – Beijing South-to-North Water Diversion Auxiliary Project: Hexi
  Branch Project – Beijing, China
• DTK Hydronet Solutions – Conceptioneering and Master Planning of Bankura Multi Village
  Bulk Water Supply Scheme – Bankura, West Bengal, India
• NJS Engineers India P Limited – JICA Assisted Agra Water Supply Project – Agra,
  Uttar Pradesh, India

The finalists will present their innovative projects to their peers, the jurors, industry thought leaders, and more than 130 members of the media as part of related infrastructure forums at Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference, to be held later this year, October 15 through 18, in London at the Hilton London Metropole.

Chris Barron, Bentley Systems’ chief communications officer, said, “The Year in Infrastructure Conference is an ideal opportunity for infrastructure leaders from around the world to network with their peers, and learn about technologies and best practices to accelerate their organizations’ digital advancement. As part of the conference, we are pleased to congratulate and acknowledge the awards program finalists for their excellent work, and to provide conference attendees with the chance to meet the finalists and watch their project presentations, which represent this year’s most outstanding going digital advancements in infrastructure.”

This year’s conference will include:
• thought-provoking keynotes by industry leaders including Chair of National Infrastructure
  Commission for the UK, Sir John Armitt, and Chief Strategy Officer for Siemens AG,
  Dr. Horst J. Kayser
Digital Advancement Academies—interactive half-day learning sessions led by subject matter
  experts in their areas of expertise including BIM advancement, construction, constructioneering,
  digital advancement research, process industries, and reality modeling
• live technology presentations and panel discussions from Bentley’s strategic partners – Microsoft,
  Siemens, and Topcon
• opportunities for attendees to meet for one-on-one discussions with awards finalists
• informative industry forums and panel discussions
• Year in Infrastructure Awards finalists’ presentations on October 16 and 17
• evening ceremony and gala featuring announcement of the Year in Infrastructure Awards winners
  on October 18

View the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference agenda.

To view a searchable collection of innovative infrastructure projects from the annual Year in Infrastructure Awards program, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks.


Bentley Systems Announces Finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards Program

7.8.2018 18:24   Bentley Systems  

Winners to be selected and announced at Bentley’s
Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference, October 15-18 in London

EXTON, Pa. – August 7, 2018 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, today announced the finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards program. The annual awards program honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users advancing infrastructure design, construction, and operations throughout the world. Twelve independent jury panels of distinguished industry experts selected the 57 finalists from 420 nominations submitted by more than 340 user organizations around the world.

The finalists for Year in Infrastructure 2018 awards for going digital advancements in infrastructure are:

• GS E&C Corporation – Jungkun~Jinjeong Bypass Road (Sueo-chon Bridge) – Gwangyang,
  Jeolla-Namdo, South Korea
• Indian Railways – Reality modeling facilitates efficient planning, construction and monitoring of
  Chenab Bridge – Reasi District, Jammu & Kashmir, India
• PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Design and Build of Road Bridge at Teluk Lamong Port Project – Gresik-Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Buildings and Campuses
• Anil Verma Associates, Inc. – Regional Connector Transit Corridor (RCTC) – Los Angeles,
  California, United States
• Shalom Baranes Associates – Cannon House Office Building Renewal – Washington,
  District of Columbia, United States
• Voyants Solutions Private Limited – Station Development plan for Gwalior Railway Station –
  Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Communications Networks
• iForte Solusi Infotek – iForte Fiber Management System – Jakarta, Indonesia
• PT. Linknet – Linknet Operation Center – Jakarta, Indonesia
• SiteSee – Advancing Telecommunications – Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

• AAEngineering Group, LLP – Phase II of Pustynnoe Gold Plant: modernization and capacity
  increase – Balkhash, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan
• Lendlease Engineering – New bridge over the Richmond River at Broadwater – Ballina, New South
  Wales, Australia
• Tianjin Tianhe-Cloud Building Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. and China State Construction
   Bridge Co., Ltd. – Main Channel Road Project of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port (Zhoudai Bridge)
  – Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China

Digital Cities
• Avineon India Pvt. Ltd. – Digital 3D Building Model of Rotterdam – Rotterdam, Netherlands
• CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd. – BIM Technology Application in the
  Municipal Infrastructure Phase I Project of Zhong-Guan-Cun Science and Technology
  Town – Baodi District, Tianjin City, China
• Yunnan Yunling Engineering Cost Consultation Co., Ltd. – New Municipal Road Construction PPP
   Project of the Municipal Public Facility Construction Project of Guandu Culture New City –
   Kunming, Yunnan, China

Environmental Engineering
• China Water Resources Pearl River Planning Surveying & Designing Co., Ltd. –
  Jiangxi Xinjiang Bazizui Navigation-Power Junction Project – Shangrao, Jiangxi, China
• PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Landslide Disaster Protection Project on the National Road
  Network – Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
• Setec-Terrasol – Extension L11 – Adaptation of the Mairie des Lilas Station – Paris, France

• Brownfield Engineering Sdn. Bhd. – Propose 48MW Large Scale Solar (LSS) Project –
   Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia
• Digital Engineering (BIM) Center of Shenyang Aluminum & Magnesium Engineering & Research
   Institute Co., Ltd. – Alumina Refinery Project Cooperated between CHALCO and Indonesia –
   Bukit Batu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
• Toshiba Transmission and Distribution Systems Asia Sdn. Bhd. – Integration of SCADA System
   with Electrical Panels for Brunei National Control Center – Brunei Darussalam

Mining and Offshore Engineering
• CADDS Group Pty Ltd – Rio Tinto Iron Ore Sentry Guarding Project – Dampier,
   Western Australia, Australia
• Northern Engineering & Technology Incorporation, MCC – SINO Iron Ore Mine – Perth,
  Western Australia, Australia
• POWERCHINA Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited – Jiangsu Offshore Wind Farm –
  Jiangsu Province, China

Power Generation
• JSC ATOMPROEKT – Hanhikivi 1 Nuclear Power Plant – Northern Ostrobothnia Region, Finland
• Northwest Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group –
  Huaneng Ningxia Dam Power Plant Stage Ⅳ project – Qingtongxia, Ningxia Hui autonomous
  region, China
• Sacyr Somague – Hydroelectric use of the Foz Tua Dam – Foz Tua, Alijó- Vila Real, Portugal

Project Delivery
• AECOM – Gaining New Perspective through ProjectWise Insights – United Kingdom
• Arup – Arup Australasia Project Systems Team – Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
• Dragados SA & Transport for London – Bank Station Capacity Upgrade – London, United Kingdom

Rail and Transit
• China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd. – BIM Project for the Beijing-Zhangjiakou
   High-speed Railway – Beijing, China
• Italferr S.p.A. – Naples-Bari Route, Apice-Orsara Double Railway Line, Hirpinia-Orsara Operational
  Lot – Provinces of Avellino and Foggia, Italy
• Skanska Costain Strabag Joint Venture (SCS) – Hs2 Main Works Lots S1 and S2 – London,
   United Kingdom

Reality Modeling
• Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation & Chain Technology Development Co. Limited
  – Smart Campus of the Hong Kong Science Park – Hong Kong, China
• Skand Pty Ltd – Building Envelope Inspection Powered by Machine Learning and Reality Modeling
  for RMIT University Brunswick Campus – Victoria, Australia
• Transport for London - Major Projects Directorate – Deep Tube Upgrade Programme -
   Piccadilly Line Upgrade – London, United Kingdom

Road and Rail Asset Performance
• CSX Transportation – Annual Patch Rail Capital Planning – Jacksonville, Florida, United States
• Illinois Department of Transportation – Oversize-Overweight Truck Permitting System –
  Springfield, Illinois, United States
• Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. – Nagpur Metro Asset Information Management System – Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Roads and Highways
• Alabama Department of Transportation – Birmingham, AL I-59/I-20 Corridor Project –
  Birmingham, Alabama, United States
• Henan Provincial Communications Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. – BIM-based Further
  Design and Digital Construction of the Yaoshan-Luanchuan Section Project in the
  Zhengzhou-Xixia Expressway – Luoyang, Henan, China
• Lebuhraya Borneo Utara – Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak – Sarawak, Malaysia

Structural Engineering
• Arab Engineering Bureau – Burj Alfardan – Lusail, Qatar
• Shilp Consulting Engineers – Alambagh Bus Terminal – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
• VYOM Consultants – K10 Grand Commercial High Rise – Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Utilities and Industrial Asset Performance
• Oman Gas Company S.A.O.C. – Asset Performance Solution for Reliability Management –
   Al-Khuwair, Muscat, Oman
• Vedanta Limited - Cairn Oil and Gas – Well Integrity and Flow Assurance Management –
   States of Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat, India
• Volgogradnefteproekt LLC – Object Modeling and Life Cycle Management: Project Implementation
   and Commissioning – Volgograd region, Russia

Utilities Transmission and Distribution
• Northeast Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group –
  New project of a 750 kV substation in the Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture – Bortala
  Mongol, Xinjiang Uyghur, China
• Pestech International Berhad – Substation Design & Automation for Olak Lempit
  Substation Project – Banting, Selangor, Malaysia
• POWERCHINA Hubei Electric Engineering Corporation Limited – Cha'anling-Xiaojiazhou
  220 kV Electric Transmission Line Project – Xianning, Hubei, China

Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
• MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited – 400,000 ton/day Water Supply
  Project of Wenjiang District, Chengdu City – Chengdu, Sichuan, China
• Shanghai Civil Engineering Co., Ltd of CREC – Civil engineering of the Beihu sewage treatment
  plant and auxiliary project – Wuhan, Hubei, China
• Suez Water Technologies & Solutions – Ultra Pure Water Project 1 GW Manufacturing Solar Silicon
   PV Cells & Modules – Kutch, Gujarat, India

Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Networks
• Beijing Institute of Water – Beijing South-to-North Water Diversion Auxiliary Project: Hexi
  Branch Project – Beijing, China
• DTK Hydronet Solutions – Conceptioneering and Master Planning of Bankura Multi Village
  Bulk Water Supply Scheme – Bankura, West Bengal, India
• NJS Engineers India P Limited – JICA Assisted Agra Water Supply Project – Agra,
  Uttar Pradesh, India

The finalists will present their innovative projects to their peers, the jurors, industry thought leaders, and more than 130 members of the media as part of related infrastructure forums at Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference, to be held later this year, October 15 through 18, in London at the Hilton London Metropole.

Chris Barron, Bentley Systems’ chief communications officer, said, “The Year in Infrastructure Conference is an ideal opportunity for infrastructure leaders from around the world to network with their peers, and learn about technologies and best practices to accelerate their organizations’ digital advancement. As part of the conference, we are pleased to congratulate and acknowledge the awards program finalists for their excellent work, and to provide conference attendees with the chance to meet the finalists and watch their project presentations, which represent this year’s most outstanding going digital advancements in infrastructure.”

This year’s conference will include:
• thought-provoking keynotes by industry leaders including Chair of National Infrastructure
  Commission for the UK, Sir John Armitt, and Chief Strategy Officer for Siemens AG,
  Dr. Horst J. Kayser
Digital Advancement Academies—interactive half-day learning sessions led by subject matter
  experts in their areas of expertise including BIM advancement, construction, constructioneering,
  digital advancement research, process industries, and reality modeling
• live technology presentations and panel discussions from Bentley’s strategic partners – Microsoft,
  Siemens, and Topcon
• opportunities for attendees to meet for one-on-one discussions with awards finalists
• informative industry forums and panel discussions
• Year in Infrastructure Awards finalists’ presentations on October 16 and 17
• evening ceremony and gala featuring announcement of the Year in Infrastructure Awards winners
  on October 18

View the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference agenda.

To view a searchable collection of innovative infrastructure projects from the annual Year in Infrastructure Awards program, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks.


Česká i zahraniční média informují o zahájení projektu UpVision a Airmap na UTM v ČR

7.8.2018 12:23   UpVision   O úspěšném zahájení projektu UpVision a AirMap na poskytování UTM v řízeném vzdušném prostoru pro Řízení letového provozu informovali například ČT24, E15, Euro nebo Český Rozhlas, včetně zahraničních odborných serverů.

Program konference HxGN Česko a Slovensko 2018

7.8.2018 10:23  

Společnost Hexagon, respektive její různé divize, zvou na konferenci HxGN Local Česko a Slovensko 2018. Letošní rok se vůbec poprvé uskuteční společná uživatelská konference tří divizí společnosti Hexagon, a to: Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence a Hexagon PPM. Během konference budou prezentovat novinky a zajímavosti z oblasti 3D měření, skenování, softwarových a hardwarových řešení.  […]

The post Program konference HxGN Česko a Slovensko 2018 appeared first on

Omezení kontroly listin na přepážce

7.8.2018 10:09   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Karlovarsky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Sokolov/O-uradu/Aktuality/Omezeni-kontroly-listin-na-prepazce

Omezení kontroly listin na přepážce

7.8.2018 10:09   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Karlovarský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Sokolov zveřejnil novou aktualitu:

Vážení klienti,

s ohledem na mimořádně vysoké teploty bude služba pro kontrolu listin v řízeních „Z“ (zápisy staveb, změny jiných údajů a další) tento týden (tedy do pátku 10. 08. 2018) omezena jen na čas od 08:00 do 13:00. Ostatní služby budou nadále poskytovány v rozsahu standardních úředních hodin pro podatelnu, přepážku pro poskytování údajů, službu pro odbornou veřejnost a oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem.

Děkujeme za pochopení,

Ing. Martin Raška, Ph.D.

Ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Sokolov.

Omezení kontroly listin na přepážce

7.8.2018 10:09   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Karlovarský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Sokolov zveřejnil novou aktualitu:

Vážení klienti,

s ohledem na mimořádně vysoké teploty bude služba pro kontrolu listin v řízeních „Z“ (zápisy staveb, změny jiných údajů a další) tento týden (tedy do pátku 10. 08. 2018) omezena jen na čas od 08:00 do 13:00. Ostatní služby budou nadále poskytovány v rozsahu standardních úředních hodin pro podatelnu, přepážku pro poskytování údajů, službu pro odbornou veřejnost a oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem.

Děkujeme za pochopení,

Ing. Martin Raška, Ph.D.

Ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Sokolov.

Omezení kontroly listin na přepážce

7.8.2018 10:09   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Karlovarsky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Sokolov/O-uradu/Aktuality/Omezeni-kontroly-listin-na-prepazce

GSA to host H2020 Information Day in Prague

7.8.2018 9:58   European GNSS Agency  
The event will inform about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond.
07 August 2018

The aim of the event is to inform participants about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond and to provide first-hand information on the next H2020 Space Calls, with a special focus on the 4th H2020 EGNSS Call. 

Galileo state of play

The event is targeted at companies, universities, research institutes and public bodies and will give participants an overview of the evolution of the Galileo Programme and its current state of play, in addition to a review of market uptake for both Galileo and  Copernicus programme.

Read this: EGNSS funding opportunities – what’s on offer?

Participants will have the opportunity to talk to the authors of the Space Work Programme 2019-2020, get tips on H2020 proposal writing as well as inspiration from the latest technology trends. The event will also offer a unique opportunity for networking and for meeting potential partners through bilateral meetings and B2B matchmaking.

As the next EU Framework Programme is already under development, participants will also be able to get some advance information of what they can expect from the future programme.

Registration is open until 7 October, but to be sure of getting a place you should register now by clicking here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The event will inform about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond.

GSA to host H2020 Information Day in Prague

7.8.2018 9:58   European GNSS Agency  
The event will inform about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond.
07 August 2018

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the H2020 Space NCP Network COSMOS2020 are organising a Horizon 2020 International Space Information Day and Brokerage Event at the GSA’s Prague headquarters on 11-12 October 2018.

The aim of the event is to inform participants about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond and to provide first-hand information on the next H2020 Space Calls, with a special focus on the 4th H2020 EGNSS Call. 

Galileo state of play

The event is targeted at companies, universities, research institutes and public bodies and will give participants an overview of the evolution of the Galileo Programme and its current state of play, in addition to a review of market uptake for both Galileo and  Copernicus programme.

Read this: EGNSS funding opportunities – what’s on offer?

Participants will have the opportunity to talk to the authors of the Space Work Programme 2019-2020, get tips on H2020 proposal writing as well as inspiration from the latest technology trends. The event will also offer a unique opportunity for networking and for meeting potential partners through bilateral meetings and B2B matchmaking.

As the next EU Framework Programme is already under development, participants will also be able to get some advance information of what they can expect from the future programme.

Registration is open until 7 October, but to be sure of getting a place you should register now by clicking here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The event will inform about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond.

GSA to host H2020 Information Day in Prague, 11 - 12 October 2018

7.8.2018 9:58   European GNSS Agency  
The event will inform about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond.
07 August 2018

The aim of the event is to inform participants about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond and to provide first-hand information on the next H2020 Space Calls, with a special focus on the 4th H2020 EGNSS Call. 

Galileo state of play

The event is targeted at companies, universities, research institutes and public bodies and will give participants an overview of the evolution of the Galileo Programme and its current state of play, in addition to a review of market uptake for both Galileo and  Copernicus programme.

Read this: EGNSS funding opportunities – what’s on offer?

Participants will have the opportunity to talk to the authors of the Space Work Programme 2019-2020, get tips on H2020 proposal writing as well as inspiration from the latest technology trends. The event will also offer a unique opportunity for networking and for meeting potential partners through bilateral meetings and B2B matchmaking.

As the next EU Framework Programme is already under development, participants will also be able to get some advance information of what they can expect from the future programme.

Registration is open until 7 October, but to be sure of getting a place you should register now by clicking here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The event will inform about space opportunities in Horizon 2020 and beyond.

Bentley Systems Announces Finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards Program

7.8.2018 2:00   Bentley Systems  

Winners to be selected and announced at Bentley’s
Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference, October 15-18 in London

EXTON, Pa. – August 7, 2018 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, today announced the finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards program. The annual awards program honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users advancing infrastructure design, construction, and operations throughout the world. Twelve independent jury panels of distinguished industry experts selected the 57 finalists from 420 nominations submitted by more than 340 user organizations around the world.

The finalists for Year in Infrastructure 2018 awards for going digital advancements in infrastructure are:

• GS E&C Corporation – Jungkun~Jinjeong Bypass Road (Sueo-chon Bridge) – Gwangyang,
  Jeolla-Namdo, South Korea
• Indian Railways – Reality modeling facilitates efficient planning, construction and monitoring of
  Chenab Bridge – Reasi District, Jammu & Kashmir, India
• PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Design and Build of Road Bridge at Teluk Lamong Port Project – Gresik-Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Buildings and Campuses
• Anil Verma Associates, Inc. – Regional Connector Transit Corridor (RCTC) – Los Angeles,
  California, United States
• Shalom Baranes Associates – Cannon House Office Building Renewal – Washington,
  District of Columbia, United States
• Voyants Solutions Private Limited – Station Development plan for Gwalior Railway Station –
  Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Communications Networks
• iForte Solusi Infotek – iForte Fiber Management System – Jakarta, Indonesia
• PT. Linknet – Linknet Operation Center – Jakarta, Indonesia
• SiteSee – Advancing Telecommunications – Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

• AAEngineering Group, LLP – Phase II of Pustynnoe Gold Plant: modernization and capacity
  increase – Balkhash, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan
• Lendlease Engineering – New bridge over the Richmond River at Broadwater – Ballina, New South
  Wales, Australia
• Tianjin Tianhe-Cloud Building Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. and China State Construction
   Bridge Co., Ltd. – Main Channel Road Project of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port (Zhoudai Bridge)
  – Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China

Digital Cities
• Avineon India Pvt. Ltd. – Digital 3D Building Model of Rotterdam – Rotterdam, Netherlands
• CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd. – BIM Technology Application in the
  Municipal Infrastructure Phase I Project of Zhong-Guan-Cun Science and Technology
  Town – Baodi District, Tianjin City, China
• Yunnan Yunling Engineering Cost Consultation Co., Ltd. – New Municipal Road Construction PPP
   Project of the Municipal Public Facility Construction Project of Guandu Culture New City –
   Kunming, Yunnan, China

Environmental Engineering
• China Water Resources Pearl River Planning Surveying & Designing Co., Ltd. –
  Jiangxi Xinjiang Bazizui Navigation-Power Junction Project – Shangrao, Jiangxi, China
• PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Landslide Disaster Protection Project on the National Road
  Network – Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia
• Setec-Terrasol – Extension L11 – Adaptation of the Mairie des Lilas Station – Paris, France

• Brownfield Engineering Sdn. Bhd. – Propose 48MW Large Scale Solar (LSS) Project –
   Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia
• Digital Engineering (BIM) Center of Shenyang Aluminum & Magnesium Engineering & Research
   Institute Co., Ltd. – Alumina Refinery Project Cooperated between CHALCO and Indonesia –
   Bukit Batu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
• Toshiba Transmission and Distribution Systems Asia Sdn. Bhd. – Integration of SCADA System
   with Electrical Panels for Brunei National Control Center – Brunei Darussalam

Mining and Offshore Engineering
• CADDS Group Pty Ltd – Rio Tinto Iron Ore Sentry Guarding Project – Dampier,
   Western Australia, Australia
• Northern Engineering & Technology Incorporation, MCC – SINO Iron Ore Mine – Perth,
  Western Australia, Australia
• POWERCHINA Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited – Jiangsu Offshore Wind Farm –
  Jiangsu Province, China

Power Generation
• JSC ATOMPROEKT – Hanhikivi 1 Nuclear Power Plant – Northern Ostrobothnia Region, Finland
• Northwest Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group –
  Huaneng Ningxia Dam Power Plant Stage Ⅳ project – Qingtongxia, Ningxia Hui autonomous
  region, China
• Sacyr Somague – Hydroelectric use of the Foz Tua Dam – Foz Tua, Alijó- Vila Real, Portugal

Project Delivery
• AECOM – Gaining New Perspective through ProjectWise Insights – United Kingdom
• Arup – Arup Australasia Project Systems Team – Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
• Dragados SA & Transport for London – Bank Station Capacity Upgrade – London, United Kingdom

Rail and Transit
• China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd. – BIM Project for the Beijing-Zhangjiakou
   High-speed Railway – Beijing, China
• Italferr S.p.A. – Naples-Bari Route, Apice-Orsara Double Railway Line, Hirpinia-Orsara Operational
  Lot – Provinces of Avellino and Foggia, Italy
• Skanska Costain Strabag Joint Venture (SCS) – Hs2 Main Works Lots S1 and S2 – London,
   United Kingdom

Reality Modeling
• Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation & Chain Technology Development Co. Limited
  – Smart Campus of the Hong Kong Science Park – Hong Kong, China
• Skand Pty Ltd – Building Envelope Inspection Powered by Machine Learning and Reality Modeling
  for RMIT University Brunswick Campus – Victoria, Australia
• Transport for London - Major Projects Directorate – Deep Tube Upgrade Programme -
   Piccadilly Line Upgrade – London, United Kingdom

Road and Rail Asset Performance
• CSX Transportation – Annual Patch Rail Capital Planning – Jacksonville, Florida, United States
• Illinois Department of Transportation – Oversize-Overweight Truck Permitting System –
  Springfield, Illinois, United States
• Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. – Nagpur Metro Asset Information Management System – Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Roads and Highways
• Alabama Department of Transportation – Birmingham, AL I-59/I-20 Corridor Project –
  Birmingham, Alabama, United States
• Henan Provincial Communications Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. – BIM-based Further
  Design and Digital Construction of the Yaoshan-Luanchuan Section Project in the
  Zhengzhou-Xixia Expressway – Luoyang, Henan, China
• Lebuhraya Borneo Utara – Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak – Sarawak, Malaysia

Structural Engineering
• Arab Engineering Bureau – Burj Alfardan – Lusail, Qatar
• Shilp Consulting Engineers – Alambagh Bus Terminal – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
• VYOM Consultants – K10 Grand Commercial High Rise – Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Utilities and Industrial Asset Performance
• Oman Gas Company S.A.O.C – Asset Performance Solution for Reliability Management –
   Al-Khuwair, Muscat, Oman
• Vedanta Limited - Cairn Oil and Gas – Well Integrity and Flow Assurance Management –
   States of Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat, India
• Volgogradnefteproekt LLC – Object Modeling and Life Cycle Management: Project Implementation
   and Commissioning – Volgograd region, Russia

Utilities Transmission and Distribution
• Northeast Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group –
  New project of a 750 kV substation in the Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture – Bortala
  Mongol, Xinjiang Uyghur, China
• Pestech International Berhad – Substation Design & Automation for Olak Lempit
  Substation Project – Banting, Selangor, Malaysia
• POWERCHINA Hubei Electric Engineering Corporation Limited – Cha'anling-Xiaojiazhou
  220 kV Electric Transmission Line Project – Xianning, Hubei, China

Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
• MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited – 400,000 ton/day Water Supply
  Project of Wenjiang District, Chengdu City – Chengdu, Sichuan, China
• Shanghai Civil Engineering Co., Ltd of CREC – Civil engineering of the Beihu sewage treatment
  plant and auxiliary project – Wuhan, Hubei, China
• Suez Water Technologies & Solutions – Ultra Pure Water Project 1 GW Manufacturing Solar Silicon
   PV Cells & Modules – Kutch, Gujarat, India

Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Networks
• Beijing Institute of Water – Beijing South-to-North Water Diversion Auxiliary Project: Hexi
  Branch Project – Beijing, China
• DTK Hydronet Solutions – Conceptioneering and Master Planning of Bankura Multi Village
  Bulk Water Supply Scheme – Bankura, West Bengal, India
• NJS Engineers India P Limited – JICA Assisted Agra Water Supply Project – Agra,
  Uttar Pradesh, India

The finalists will present their innovative projects to their peers, the jurors, industry thought leaders, and more than 130 members of the media as part of related infrastructure forums at Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference, to be held later this year, October 15 through 18, in London at the Hilton London Metropole.

Chris Barron, Bentley Systems’ chief communications officer, said, “The Year in Infrastructure Conference is an ideal opportunity for infrastructure leaders from around the world to network with their peers, and learn about technologies and best practices to accelerate their organizations’ digital advancement. As part of the conference, we are pleased to congratulate and acknowledge the awards program finalists for their excellent work, and to provide conference attendees with the chance to meet the finalists and watch their project presentations, which represent this year’s most outstanding going digital advancements in infrastructure.”

This year’s conference will include:
• thought-provoking keynotes by industry leaders including Chair of National Infrastructure Commission for the UK, Sir John Armitt, and Chief Strategy Officer for Siemens AG, Dr. Horst J. Kayser
Digital Advancement Academies—interactive half-day learning sessions led by subject matter experts in their areas of expertise including BIM advancement, construction, constructioneering,digital    advancement research, process industries, and reality modeling
• live technology presentations and panel discussions from Bentley’s strategic partners – Microsoft, Siemens, and Topcon
• opportunities for attendees to meet for one-on-one discussions with awards finalists
• informative industry forums and panel discussions
• Year in Infrastructure Awards finalists’ presentations on October 16 and 17
• evening ceremony and gala featuring announcement of the Year in Infrastructure Awards winners on October 18

View the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference agenda.

To view a searchable collection of innovative infrastructure projects from the annual Year in Infrastructure Awards program, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks.


Konferencia "Slovensko - krajina neznámych vlastníkov"

6.8.2018 23:14   Komora pozemkových úprav SR  

Konferencia o pozemkových úpravách z pohľadu ich potenciálu/benefitov, reálnej využiteľnosti, spoločenského a ekonomického dosahu a dopadu na životné prostredie, Nitra 11. a 12. 10.2018

Konferencia "Slovensko - krajina neznámych vlastníkov"

6.8.2018 23:14   Komora pozemkových úprav SR  

Konferencia o pozemkových úpravách z pohľadu ich potenciálu/benefitov, reálnej využiteľnosti, spoločenského a ekonomického dosahu a dopadu na životné prostredie, Nitra 11. a 12.10.2018

Slovensko — krajina neznámych vlastníkov

6.8.2018 23:14   Komora pozemkových úprav SR  

Konferencia o pozemkových úpravách z pohľadu ich potenciálu/benefitov, reálnej využiteľnosti, spoločenského a ekonomického dosahu a dopadu na životné prostredie v nosných témach: dôsledky rozdrobenosti pozemkového vlastníctva, medzirezortná nekoordinácia v otázkach funkčného usporiadania krajiny a pozemkového vlastníctva a kľúčové otázky súčasného poľnohospodárstva –...

Ninth ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness Call for Papers

6.8.2018 19:38 Webcasts-Webinars   Ninth ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA) 2018 Call For Papers
This workshop …

Trimble RTX Correction Technology Now Delivers Two Centimeter Accuracy for a Broad Range of Positioning Applications

6.8.2018 19:37 Webcasts-Webinars   High-Accuracy Satellite-Delivered Correction Technology Further Widens the Performance Gap
SUNNYVALE, Calif., Aug. 6, 2018 — (PRNewswire) …

DJI Partners With LINE FRIENDS For First Characterized Drone

6.8.2018 19:37 Webcasts-Webinars   SHENZHEN, China, Aug. 6, 2018 — (PRNewswire) — DJI, the world's leader in civilian drones and aerial imaging technology, today announced …

Aktualizace katastrálních map

6.8.2018 15:20   Plzeňský kraj   Ve všech mapových službách byla provedena aktualizace vektorových katastrálních map (DKM, KMD, KM-D a ÚKM). Data jsou s platností k 1. 7. 2018. Stav digitalizace je k dispozici zde. Pro práci s daty katastru nemovitostí je možné například využít tuto mapovou službu. Seznam všech mapových služeb je k dispozici zde.

Pojmenujte evropského robota, který bude na Marsu pátrat po stopách života!

6.8.2018 15:19   Český Kosmický Portál  

Kosmická agentura UKSA (UK Space Agency) vyhlásila soutěž na pojmenování roveru, který poletí na Mars hledat stopy života.

Pojmenujte evropského robota, který bude na Marsu pátrat po stopách života!

6.8.2018 15:19   Český Kosmický Portál  

Kosmická agentura UKSA (UK Space Agency) vyhlásila soutěž na pojmenování roveru, který poletí na Mars hledat stopy života.

OA Škoda Octavia 1.6 (2004)

6.8.2018 10:59   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/OA-Skoda-Octavia-1-6-(2004)

OA Škoda Octavia 1.6 (2004)

6.8.2018 10:59   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

OA Škoda Octavia 1.6 (2004)

OA Škoda Octavia 1.6 (2004)

6.8.2018 10:59   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

OA Škoda Octavia 1.6 (2004)

OA Škoda Octavia 1.6 (2004)

6.8.2018 10:59   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/OA-Skoda-Octavia-1-6-(2004)

Nová verze eCognition v9.3

6.8.2018 9:00   Gisat   Aktuální verze Trimble eCognition v9.3 nabízí řadu novinek pro objektovou klasifikaci: vylepšená analýza 3D mračen, DeepLearning, superpixelová segmentace ...

Hledáme: Specialista mobilního mapování

6.8.2018 8:00   TopGis   Společnost TopGis, s.r.o. vypisuje výběrové řízení na pozici „Specialista mobilního mapování“ na DPP nebo DPČ  na dobu určitou od 20.8.2018 – 31.10.2018. Pracovní náplň: Požadavky: Pracoviště: Pracovní poměr formou DPP nebo DPČ na dobu určitou 06/2018 – 10/2018 V případě Vašeho zájmu nám pošlete Váš strukturovaný životopis na emailovou adresu Odpovědí na inzerát či zasláním Vašeho životopisu

Podzimní brigáda: Specialista mobilního mapování

6.8.2018 7:00   Česká asociace pro geoinformace    
Společnost TopGis, s.r.o. vypisuje výběrové řízení na pozici „Specialista mobilního mapování“ na DPP nebo DPČ  na dobu určitou od 20.8.2018 – 31.10.2018.
Pracovní náplň:
sběr dat pomocí systému mobilního mapování
aktivní řízení automobilu
obsluha zařízení pro sběr dat v systému mobilního mapování (jedná se o všechny činnosti spojené s obsluhou

Registrujte se na GIS v plánování měst a regionů 2018

6.8.2018 7:00   Česká asociace pro geoinformace   Česká asociace pro geoinformace (CAGI) a Vysoká škola regionální rozvoje a Bankovní institut - AMBIS, a.s. Vás srdečně zvou k účasti na 4. ročníku konference GIS v plánování měst a regionů, která se uskuteční v Praze v termínu 13. 9. 2018. Tématem letošní konference je GIS při zajištění bezpečnosti v regionech.
Více informací včertně registrace naleznete

Airbus Defence and Space selected by Telesat to further develop the design of its LEO satellite constellation.

3.8.2018 21:24 Webcasts-Webinars   Toulouse, 3 August 2018 – Airbus Defence and Space has been selected by Telesat as a major industrial partner to support their System …

CompTIA ChannelCon 2018 Adjourns in Nation's Capital with Sessions on Cybersecurity, Drones and Other Emerging Trends and Technologies

3.8.2018 19:24 Webcasts-Webinars   WASHINGTON, Aug. 3, 2018 — (PRNewswire) —  CompTIA ChannelCon 2018, the tech industry's premier education, networking and …

The world's fastest solution for high quality 3D tomography

3.8.2018 16:02 Webcasts-Webinars   The ARTOS 3D ultramicrotome expands 3D image reconstruction applications for cell biology research
BALTIMORE and WETZLAR, Germany, Aug. 3, 2018 …

20180803 - Vzorová data VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3

3.8.2018 11:01   ČÚZK - Výměnný formát ISKN   Vzorová data VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3. WS služba ctiOS bude zpřístupněna v nejbližším možném termínu.

20180803 - Vzorová data VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3

3.8.2018 11:01   ČÚZK - Výměnný formát ISKN   formát souboru ZIP Vzorová data VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3 ve formátu ZIP
 WS služba ctiOS bude zpřístupněna v nejbližším možném termínu.

20180803 - Vzorová data VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3

3.8.2018 11:01   ČÚZK - Výměnný formát ISKN   Vzorová data VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3. WS služba ctiOS bude zpřístupněna v nejbližším možném termínu.

Starý Trimble za nový

3.8.2018 9:37   Geotronics   GIS - Vyměňte starý Trimble Geo za nový na protiúčet.

Autodesk Extends Invitation to Join Financial Results Conference Call

3.8.2018 9:00 Webcasts-Webinars   Second Quarter Fiscal 2019 Financial Results Conference Call to be Held Thursday, August 23, 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Aug. 1, 2018 …

Ocenění AOPK ČR v oblasti využívání informačních technologií (TZ)

3.8.2018 8:11  

AOPK ČR byla dne 11. 7. 2018 oceněna na uživatelské konferenci produktů firmy Esri v San Diegu prestižní cenou „Special Achievement in GIS“ udělovanou prezidentem společnosti Esri Jackem Dangermondem, který se významným způsobem angažuje v oblasti ochrany přírody. Cena je udělována za významný počin v oblasti využívání geografických informačních technologií (GIS). V případě AOPK ČR jde především o […]

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Maxar Technologies Commends United States Senate Commerce Committee’s Approval of S. 3277

3.8.2018 2:51 Webcasts-Webinars   WESTMINSTER, Colo. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — August 2, 2018 —

Maxar Technologies (formerly MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates …

Adresní místa

3.8.2018 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Mapová služba zobrazující adresní místa v Karlovarském kraji

Mapfit Continues Its Efforts to Reshape the Mapping API Industry with Appointment of New CEO

2.8.2018 19:31 Webcasts-Webinars   NEW YORK, Aug. 2, 2018 — (PRNewswire) — Mapfit today announced that it has appointed accomplished technology executive and investor, …

Ballard Reports Q2 2018 Results

2.8.2018 16:29 Webcasts-Webinars   VANCOUVER, Aug. 1, 2018 — (PRNewswire) — Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP; TSX: BLDP) today announced consolidated financial results …

AirMap UTM Deployed in Czech Republic to Manage the Country's Busiest Airspace

2.8.2018 16:29 Webcasts-Webinars   SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 2, 2018 — (PRNewswire) —  Today, AirMap, the world's leading airspace management platform for drones, …

AUVSI’s McMahon, ISR Idea’s Poss To Bring Keynotes at UAS Tech Forum

2.8.2018 16:28 Webcasts-Webinars   Annual Event to be Held in Broken Arrow Sept. 12-13

BROKEN ARROW, Okla. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — August 2, 2018 —


Esri Announces Living Atlas Innovations to Revolutionize Digital Twin Technology

2.8.2018 16:27 Webcasts-Webinars   The Annual Esri User Conference Showcased New Features, Including the
Earth Systems Monitor App


Komatsu partners with Propeller to bring enterprise-grade drone analytics solutions to the construction industry

2.8.2018 16:27 Webcasts-Webinars   Komatsu America Corp. and Propeller Aero Inc. are partnering to boost the efficiency of construction job sites using drone-powered mapping and …

Wind satellite fuelled for flight

2.8.2018 15:43   ESA Observing the Earth  

With liftoff less than three weeks away, ESA’s Aeolus satellite has been fuelled and is almost ready to be sealed within its Vega rocket fairing.

Vrchní referent / rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v oddělení dokumentace KN

2.8.2018 15:42   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Zlínský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Vsetín
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Vrchní referent / rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v oddělení dokumentace KN

Vrchní referent / rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v oddělení dokumentace KN

2.8.2018 15:42   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Zlínský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Vsetín vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent / rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v oddělení dokumentace KN
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