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zdroje zpráv:

Ve spolupráci s Odborem strate

16.6.2017 12:00   Ústecký kraj  

Ve spolupráci s Odborem strategie a realizace projektů byla vytvořena mapová aplikace "Kotlíkové dotace". V mapové aplikaci naleznete vyhodnocení 1.Výzvy kotlíkových dotací v Ústeckém kraji. Jsou zde přehledně zobrazeny realizace výměn tepelných zdrojů v rámci jednotlivých obcích a ORP v Ústeckém kraji.

Mapovou aplikaci naleznete na úvodní straně a také v sekci MAPY - > Rozvoj kraje a dotace -> Kotlíkové dotace.

Mapová aplikace a mapová apli

16.6.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   Mapová aplikace a mapová aplikace byly aktualizovány k 15.6.2017.

V mapové aplikaci Investiční a

16.6.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci Investiční akce 2017 byly doplněny informace k uzavírkám mostu ev. č. 138-012 v Chřešťovicích, mostu ev. č. 173-001 ve Strakonicích, silnice III/41020 Chvalkovice - Nové Sady a silnice III/02032 Chvaletice - Pohorovice.

20170616-VŘ Analytik-programátor

16.6.2017 10:34   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2017/20170616-VR-Analytik-programator

20170616-VŘ Analytik-programátor

16.6.2017 10:34   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo - Analytik-programátor.

Třetím rokem identifikujeme zvěř dronem před sklizní s VÚZT a MendelU

16.6.2017 10:23   UpVision   Už třetím rokem provádíme při svítání identifikaci zvěře z dronu před sklizní v rámci výzkumného úkolu s VÚZT a Mendelovou univerzitou. Nálezy a záchrana srnčat vždy potěší.

Více zde:

Analytik - programátor

16.6.2017 10:07   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Analytik - programátor

Thar Desert

16.6.2017 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
Earth observation image of the week: a Sentinel-2 false-colour image over northwest India, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme

Brigáda na oddělení GIS Krajského úřadu Plzeňského kraje

16.6.2017 10:04   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU   Oddělení GIS Krajského úřadu Plzeňského kraje má zájem o novou pracovní sílu (jako záskok za mateřskou dovolenou) formou Dohody o pracovní činnosti v rozsahu cca 2 dny v týdnu (maximálně však 4 hodiny denně). Podmínky se dají přizpůsobit.

Případní zájemci mohou kontaktovat Elišku Pečenkovou na e-mailu

Chcete pracovat pro firmu Bosch?

16.6.2017 10:00   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU   Je pro vás zajímavé pracovat pro velkou mezinárodní firmu? A chtěli byste pracovat v Německu?Firma Robert Bosh GmbH momentálně vypisuje celou řadu pracovních míst viz zde.

A pokud byste měli dne 22. 6. 2017 cestu kolem města Abstatt (blízko Stuttgartu), můžete se tam zastavit na akci nazvané "Bring a friend" a dozvědět se mnohem více.

Pro bližší info nejen o výše uvedené akci kontaktujte Markétu Pokornou na

Galileo signal team wins European Inventor Award

16.6.2017 9:45   ESA Navigation  

The invisible signals that Europe’s Galileo satellites are beaming down to the world are officially award-winning: the team behind their design has won the European Inventor Award, run by the European Patent Office.

omezení provozu

16.6.2017 7:49   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Vážení klienti,
upozorňujeme, že v pátek 16. 6. 2017 budou z technických důvodů v době od 11:00 do 13:00 hodin Vaše podání přijímána pouze ručně a nebude možné jim přiřadit číslo jednací. Děkujeme za pochopení.

omezení provozu

16.6.2017 7:49   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Vážení klienti,
upozorňujeme, že v pátek 16. 6. 2017 budou z technických důvodů v době od 11:00 do 13:00 hodin Vaše podání přijímána pouze ručně a nebude možné jim přiřadit číslo jednací. Děkujeme za pochopení.

omezení provozu

16.6.2017 7:49   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Vážení klienti,
upozorňujeme, že v pátek 16. 6. 2017 budou z technických důvodů v době od 11:00 do 13:00 hodin Vaše podání přijímána pouze ručně a nebude možné jim přiřadit číslo jednací. Děkujeme za pochopení.

omezení provozu

16.6.2017 7:49   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Vážení klienti,
upozorňujeme, že v pátek 16. 6. 2017 budou z technických důvodů v době od 11:00 do 13:00 hodin Vaše podání přijímána pouze ručně a nebude možné jim přiřadit číslo jednací. Děkujeme za pochopení.

Nepotřebný majetek - výběrové řízení

16.6.2017 6:56   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Liberecky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Nepotrebny-majetek-vyberove-rizeni

Nepotřebný majetek - výběrové řízení

16.6.2017 6:56   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Liberecký kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

Nepotřebný majetek - výběrové řízení

INSPIRE stahovací služba WCS pro téma Nadmořská výška (EL)

16.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   INSPIRE stahovací služba WCS pro téma Nadmořská výška (EL) je služba umožňující registrovaným uživatelům opakované stahování dat pomocí technologie WCS 1.0.0. Stahovací služba umožňuje stahování dat ve formátech GeoTIFF, JPEG2000,ECW nebo IMG, součástí může být GML soubor s doplňujícími informacemi.Jednorázové stahování dat je z kapacitních důvodů omezeno na 100 000 000 pixelů. Data jsou poskytována v souřadnicovém systému ETRS89/TM33. Základem poskytovaných dat je Digitální model reliiéfu České republiky 4. generace (DMR 4G). Služba splňuje standard OGC WCS 1.0.0. Služba je prozatím poskytována ve zkušebním režimu.

Gravimetrická mapa České republiky (GEOČR500)

16.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Gravimetrická mapa (J. Sedlák, Geofyzika, a.s., 1998) byla publikována v roce 1998 v rámci Atlasu map České republiky GEOČR500, ČGS. Obsahuje rastrový obraz gravimetrického pole. Mapa byla vytvořena na základě měření 283 718 podrobných tíhových bodů.

Mapa minerálních vod České republiky (GEOČR500)

16.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Hydrogeologické struktury, oblasti označující chemismus vod, geoizotermy, oblasti s lokálním výskytem minerálních vod a dokumentační body.Cílem sestavení Mapy minerálních vod 1 : 500 000 (Jan Čurda, Český geologický ústav, 1998) je ukázat základní regionální a lokální zákonitosti rozšíření minerálních vod jako specifické skupiny vod podzemních, ukázat hydrogeologické podmínky jejich výskytu, chemické složení různých skupin a typů vod, jejich různorodé využití, ale také možnosti získání nových zdrojů. Součástí mapy je Katalog dokumentačních bodů a Vysvětlivky. Katalog obsahuje všechny údaje o lokalitách, které jsou na mapě bodově znázorněné spolu se základními hydrogeologickými a hydrochemickými údaji.

INSPIRE stahovací služba WCS pro téma Ortofotosnímky (OI)

16.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   INSPIRE stahovací služba WCS pro téma Ortofotosnímky (OI) je služba umožňující registrovaným uživatelům opakované stahování dat pomocí technologie WCS 1.0.0. Stahovací služba umožňuje stahování dat ve formátech GeoTIFF, JPEG2000,ECW nebo IMG, součástí může být GML soubor s doplňujícími informacemi. Jednorázové stahování dat je z kapacitních důvodů omezeno na 100 000 000 pixelů. Data jsou poskytována v souřadnicovém systému ETRS89/TM33. Základem poskytovaných dat je Ortofoto České republiky. Služba splňuje standard OGC WCS 1.0.0. Služba je prozatím poskytována ve zkušebním režimu.

Nabídka stáže v Bruselu pro geografy

15.6.2017 19:38   Katedra geografie UP Olomouc   Stálé zastoupení České republiky při Evropské unii nabízí možnost tříměsíční stáže v Bruselu s počátkem 15. září 2017. Hledají vyloženě někoho s oborem studia "Vědy o Zemi". Pro danou nabídku je možné využít pracovních stáží programu Erasmus+ a tím si nechat významně finančně přispět na celý pobyt. V případě zájmu je nutné zaslat dopis s životopisem a přihláškou nejpozději do 15. července. Více informací ZDE.

Sea ice down the drain

15.6.2017 16:24   ESA Observing the Earth  
The Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission captures thick sea ice being flushed out of the Lincoln Sea in the Arctic Ocean through Nares Strait after the early collapse of an ice arch

Earth from Space

15.6.2017 14:25   ESA Observing the Earth  
Join us Friday, 16 June, at 10:00 CEST for the ‘Earth from Space’ video programme

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Selects Microsoft Azure for New Public Safety and Security Cloud Products

15.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has selected Microsoft Azure as the cloud platform for its next-generation public safety and security products. These products will help to radically reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) for mission-critical IT and enable public safety agencies and security operators to adapt to changing needs faster and more effectively.

Hexagon’s new software-as-a-service (SaaS) products will enable customers to provision public safety and security solutions without complex hardware and software procurements. Having been built natively on Azure, Hexagon’s public safety and security products will take advantage of Azure’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to expedite development and deliver better capabilities than applications built from generic code and hosted in the cloud.

“The public safety and security industries are in transition, and they need partners and systems they can trust to help them adapt to new threats and growing demands,” said Kalyn Sims, chief technology officer, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Microsoft Azure provides options for public, private and hybrid clouds, which support the varying stages of cloud adoption across organizations. Currently, Azure has more regions and the most comprehensive compliance certifications of any public cloud provider making it an ideal foundation on which Hexagon can build its task-focused public safety and physical security applications.”

Hexagon will release its first SaaS product later this year for physical security and monitoring. Hexagon’s next-generation public safety and security applications will deliver improved performance, usability and flexibility. Informed by extensive user experience research, they will feature highly productive, easy-to-use interfaces and workflows that are simple to deploy and maintain via Azure.

“Microsoft Azure provides Hexagon with a robust and secure platform for it to help public safety agencies and security operators adapt to a rapidly changing industry,” said Nicole Herskowitz, senior director of product marketing, Azure, Microsoft Corp. “As organizations continue to transition critical services to the cloud, we are pleased to support Hexagon and see its commitment to Azure.”

A global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Selects Microsoft Azure for New Public Safety and Security Cloud Products

15.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has selected Microsoft Azure as the cloud platform for its next-generation public safety and security products. These products will help to radically reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) for mission-critical IT and enable public safety agencies and security operators to adapt to changing needs faster and more effectively.

Hexagon’s new software-as-a-service (SaaS) products will enable customers to provision public safety and security solutions without complex hardware and software procurements. Having been built natively on Azure, Hexagon’s public safety and security products will take advantage of Azure’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to expedite development and deliver better capabilities than applications built from generic code and hosted in the cloud.

“The public safety and security industries are in transition, and they need partners and systems they can trust to help them adapt to new threats and growing demands,” said Kalyn Sims, chief technology officer, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Microsoft Azure provides options for public, private and hybrid clouds, which support the varying stages of cloud adoption across organizations. Currently, Azure has more regions and the most comprehensive compliance certifications of any public cloud provider making it an ideal foundation on which Hexagon can build its task-focused public safety and physical security applications.”

Hexagon will release its first SaaS product later this year for physical security and monitoring. Hexagon’s next-generation public safety and security applications will deliver improved performance, usability and flexibility. Informed by extensive user experience research, they will feature highly productive, easy-to-use interfaces and workflows that are simple to deploy and maintain via Azure.

“Microsoft Azure provides Hexagon with a robust and secure platform for it to help public safety agencies and security operators adapt to a rapidly changing industry,” said Nicole Herskowitz, senior director of product marketing, Azure, Microsoft Corp. “As organizations continue to transition critical services to the cloud, we are pleased to support Hexagon and see its commitment to Azure.”

A global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Selects Microsoft Azure for New Public Safety and Security Cloud Products

15.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   New SaaS platform and applications will emphasize reliability, security and agility with lower total cost of ownership

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Selects Microsoft Azure for New Public Safety and Security Cloud Products

15.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has selected Microsoft Azure as the cloud platform for its next-generation public safety and security products. These products will help to radically reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) for mission-critical IT and enable public safety agencies and security operators to adapt to changing needs faster and more effectively.

Hexagon’s new software-as-a-service (SaaS) products will enable customers to provision public safety and security solutions without complex hardware and software procurements. Having been built natively on Azure, Hexagon’s public safety and security products will take advantage of Azure’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to expedite development and deliver better capabilities than applications built from generic code and hosted in the cloud.

“The public safety and security industries are in transition, and they need partners and systems they can trust to help them adapt to new threats and growing demands,” said Kalyn Sims, chief technology officer, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Microsoft Azure provides options for public, private and hybrid clouds, which support the varying stages of cloud adoption across organizations. Currently, Azure has more regions and the most comprehensive compliance certifications of any public cloud provider making it an ideal foundation on which Hexagon can build its task-focused public safety and physical security applications.”

Hexagon will release its first SaaS product later this year for physical security and monitoring. Hexagon’s next-generation public safety and security applications will deliver improved performance, usability and flexibility. Informed by extensive user experience research, they will feature highly productive, easy-to-use interfaces and workflows that are simple to deploy and maintain via Azure.

“Microsoft Azure provides Hexagon with a robust and secure platform for it to help public safety agencies and security operators adapt to a rapidly changing industry,” said Nicole Herskowitz, senior director of product marketing, Azure, Microsoft Corp. “As organizations continue to transition critical services to the cloud, we are pleased to support Hexagon and see its commitment to Azure.”

A global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Selects Microsoft Azure for New Public Safety and Security Cloud Products

15.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   New SaaS platform and applications will emphasize reliability, security and agility with lower total cost of ownership

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Selects Microsoft Azure for New Public Safety and Security Cloud Products

15.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   New SaaS platform and applications will emphasize reliability, security and agility with lower total cost of ownership

Trimble Newsletter jún 2017

15.6.2017 13:29  

Jún 2017  Geospatial Newsletter Obrázok mesiaca „Meranie na hrane.“ Greifensteinský zámok pri Bozene (Tyrolsko) v Nemecku. Trimble zákazníci majú najkrajšie zákazky, ktoré sú neraz výzvou pre geodeta. Ak máte aj vy zaujímavé fotografie, zašlite ich na a okrem propagácie vás a vašej firmy na našej FB stránke sa možno aj vaša fotka stane fotkou mesiaca Trimble […]

Príspevok Trimble Newsletter jún 2017 zobrazený najskôr Geotronics Slovakia.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph InSight Reporting, a platform for quickly building and sharing interactive public safety agency reports and dashboards. It delivers data models and pre-built reports for Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) and also connects to third-party data sources.

Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph InSight Reporting removes the reliance on specialist data management and analysis skills to prepare source data and develop reports, reducing costs and enabling agencies to respond quicker to their stakeholders’ needs. It increases awareness and improves communication through clear reports delivered automatically or on demand. It also delivers deeper insight by leveraging multiple data sources without additional licensing fees and restrictions.

“Agencies hold a great deal of data in their public safety systems. But they struggle to extract and share information to better understand and address complex issues,” said Steve Marz, vice president of product management, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Intergraph InSight Reporting provides an ideal platform to organize information comprehensively into interactive reports and dashboards. It makes reporting much simpler and easier.”

Intergraph InSight Reporting features more than 25 pre-built, standard reports. Users can also build custom dashboards and a wide variety of interactive reports, leveraging Microsoft Report Builder and Power BI. The application seamlessly populates data from I/CAD, and users can easily integrate third-party data sources into their custom reports and dashboards.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph InSight Reporting, a platform for quickly building and sharing interactive public safety agency reports and dashboards. It delivers data models and pre-built reports for Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) and also connects to third-party data sources.

Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph InSight Reporting removes the reliance on specialist data management and analysis skills to prepare source data and develop reports, reducing costs and enabling agencies to respond quicker to their stakeholders’ needs. It increases awareness and improves communication through clear reports delivered automatically or on demand. It also delivers deeper insight by leveraging multiple data sources without additional licensing fees and restrictions.

“Agencies hold a great deal of data in their public safety systems. But they struggle to extract and share information to better understand and address complex issues,” said Steve Marz, vice president of product management, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Intergraph InSight Reporting provides an ideal platform to organize information comprehensively into interactive reports and dashboards. It makes reporting much simpler and easier.”

Intergraph InSight Reporting features more than 25 pre-built, standard reports. Users can also build custom dashboards and a wide variety of interactive reports, leveraging Microsoft Report Builder and Power BI. The application seamlessly populates data from I/CAD, and users can easily integrate third-party data sources into their custom reports and dashboards.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph InSight Reporting, a platform for quickly building and sharing interactive public safety agency reports and dashboards. It delivers data models and pre-built reports for Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) and also connects to third-party data sources.

Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph InSight Reporting removes the reliance on specialist data management and analysis skills to prepare source data and develop reports, reducing costs and enabling agencies to respond quicker to their stakeholders’ needs. It increases awareness and improves communication through clear reports delivered automatically or on demand. It also delivers deeper insight by leveraging multiple data sources without additional licensing fees and restrictions.

“Agencies hold a great deal of data in their public safety systems. But they struggle to extract and share information to better understand and address complex issues,” said Steve Marz, vice president of product management, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Intergraph InSight Reporting provides an ideal platform to organize information comprehensively into interactive reports and dashboards. It makes reporting much simpler and easier.”

Intergraph InSight Reporting features more than 25 pre-built, standard reports. Users can also build custom dashboards and a wide variety of interactive reports, leveraging Microsoft Report Builder and Power BI. The application seamlessly populates data from I/CAD, and users can easily integrate third-party data sources into their custom reports and dashboards.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Instalace 17.5.1

15.6.2017 12:00    

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Intergraph InSight Reporting makes building and sharing reports and dashboards easier

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Intergraph InSight Reporting makes building and sharing reports and dashboards easier

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph InSight Reporting, a platform for quickly building and sharing interactive public safety agency reports and dashboards. It delivers data models and pre-built reports for Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) and also connects to third-party data sources.

Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph InSight Reporting removes the reliance on specialist data management and analysis skills to prepare source data and develop reports, reducing costs and enabling agencies to respond quicker to their stakeholders’ needs. It increases awareness and improves communication through clear reports delivered automatically or on demand. It also delivers deeper insight by leveraging multiple data sources without additional licensing fees and restrictions.

“Agencies hold a great deal of data in their public safety systems. But they struggle to extract and share information to better understand and address complex issues,” said Steve Marz, vice president of product management, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Intergraph InSight Reporting provides an ideal platform to organize information comprehensively into interactive reports and dashboards. It makes reporting much simpler and easier.”

Intergraph InSight Reporting features more than 25 pre-built, standard reports. Users can also build custom dashboards and a wide variety of interactive reports, leveraging Microsoft Report Builder and Power BI. The application seamlessly populates data from I/CAD, and users can easily integrate third-party data sources into their custom reports and dashboards.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph InSight Reporting, a platform for quickly building and sharing interactive public safety agency reports and dashboards. It delivers data models and pre-built reports for Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) and also connects to third-party data sources.

Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph InSight Reporting removes the reliance on specialist data management and analysis skills to prepare source data and develop reports, reducing costs and enabling agencies to respond quicker to their stakeholders’ needs. It increases awareness and improves communication through clear reports delivered automatically or on demand. It also delivers deeper insight by leveraging multiple data sources without additional licensing fees and restrictions.

“Agencies hold a great deal of data in their public safety systems. But they struggle to extract and share information to better understand and address complex issues,” said Steve Marz, vice president of product management, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Intergraph InSight Reporting provides an ideal platform to organize information comprehensively into interactive reports and dashboards. It makes reporting much simpler and easier.”

Intergraph InSight Reporting features more than 25 pre-built, standard reports. Users can also build custom dashboards and a wide variety of interactive reports, leveraging Microsoft Report Builder and Power BI. The application seamlessly populates data from I/CAD, and users can easily integrate third-party data sources into their custom reports and dashboards.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Intergraph InSight Reporting makes building and sharing reports and dashboards easier

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Unveils Public Safety Reporting Application

15.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph InSight Reporting, a platform for quickly building and sharing interactive public safety agency reports and dashboards. It delivers data models and pre-built reports for Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) and also connects to third-party data sources.

Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph InSight Reporting removes the reliance on specialist data management and analysis skills to prepare source data and develop reports, reducing costs and enabling agencies to respond quicker to their stakeholders’ needs. It increases awareness and improves communication through clear reports delivered automatically or on demand. It also delivers deeper insight by leveraging multiple data sources without additional licensing fees and restrictions.

“Agencies hold a great deal of data in their public safety systems. But they struggle to extract and share information to better understand and address complex issues,” said Steve Marz, vice president of product management, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Intergraph InSight Reporting provides an ideal platform to organize information comprehensively into interactive reports and dashboards. It makes reporting much simpler and easier.”

Intergraph InSight Reporting features more than 25 pre-built, standard reports. Users can also build custom dashboards and a wide variety of interactive reports, leveraging Microsoft Report Builder and Power BI. The application seamlessly populates data from I/CAD, and users can easily integrate third-party data sources into their custom reports and dashboards.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Družice Sentinel-3B podstupuje zkoušky

15.6.2017 11:34   Český Kosmický Portál  

Zatímco družice Sentinel-3A systému GMES/Copernicus pokračuje na oběžné dráze ve sběru informací o naší rodné planetě, technici intenzivně pracují na jejím dvojčeti. Sentinel-3B nyní prochází sérií náročných zkoušek před tím, než bude v příštím roce odeslaný na kosmodrom.

Družice Sentinel-3B podstupuje zkoušky

15.6.2017 11:34   Český Kosmický Portál  

Zatímco družice Sentinel-3A systému GMES/Copernicus pokračuje na oběžné dráze ve sběru informací o naší rodné planetě, technici intenzivně pracují na jejím dvojčeti. Sentinel-3B nyní prochází sérií náročných zkoušek před tím, než bude v příštím roce odeslaný na kosmodrom.

GSA receives keys to GRC at ceremony in the Netherlands

15.6.2017 10:56   European GNSS Agency  
15 June 2017

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) formally received the keys to the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) from the Dutch government at a handover ceremony in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, on 12 June.

As part of the ceremony, a key declaration document was signed by GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides and Bart van Bolhuis, Director of International Affairs at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The signing ceremony was followed by a presentation on Galileo and the role of the GRC in the Galileo architecture.

This largely ceremonial event means that the GSA now formally has access to the GRC building to install equipment and prepare the facilities for operations. The full right of use of the GRC will be granted to the GSA upon final acceptance of the building by the European Commission and the GSA.

Speaking at the ceremony, des Dorides said that the GSA appreciates the efforts made by the Netherlands to ensure that the GRC building will be of high quality, well prepared to handle the tasks entrusted to it now and in the future.

Watch This: GSA ready for Initial Services

“With the GRC in Noordwijk, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), stimulating both agencies to work more closely together, which is exactly the reason why this location for the GRC was selected,” des Dorides said.

With the GRC, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to ESTEC

With the GRC, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to ESTEC

In his speech at the event, van Bolhuis highlighted the effectiveness of cooperation so far. “Thanks to excellent cooperation by all parties we are able to stand here only eight months after the first brick to hand over the key for this future center of excellence of the GSA,” he said.

Pivotal role

Following the declaration of Galileo Initial Services in December, the GRC will play a pivotal role in the provision of Galileo services, providing the GSA with independent monitoring of and reporting on Galileo’s performance. In doing so, it will help ensure the provision of high-quality satellite data so users can better rely on and benefit from Galileo.

The GRC in Brief

  • The Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) is one of the Galileo Service Facilities: a facility to support the provision of services to the Galileo Core System and Galileo users.
  • The GRC is operated by the GSA: it provides the GSA with an independent means of evaluating the quality of the signals in space and the performance of the Galileo Service Operator.
  • The GRC is fully independent of the system and the Galileo Service Operator with respect to both the technical solution and operations.
  • The GRC is comprised of both a core facility and contributions from EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland.
  • The core facility, located in Noordwijk, is charged with generating performance evaluation products and reports, performing analyses to support investigations of service performance and degradations, and making use of the GRC’s own data, products and expertise.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides receives the GRC key from Bart van Bolhuis, Director of International Affairs at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

GSA receives keys to GRC at ceremony in the Netherlands

15.6.2017 10:56   European GNSS Agency  
15 June 2017

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) formally received the keys to the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) from the Dutch government at a handover ceremony in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, on 12 June.

As part of the ceremony, a key declaration document was signed by GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides and Bart van Bolhuis, Director of International Affairs at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The signing ceremony was followed by a presentation on Galileo and the role of the GRC in the Galileo architecture.

This largely ceremonial event means that the GSA now formally has access to the GRC building to install equipment and prepare the facilities for operations. The full right of use of the GRC will be granted to the GSA upon final acceptance of the building by the European Commission and the GSA.

Speaking at the ceremony, des Dorides said that the GSA appreciates the efforts made by the Netherlands to ensure that the GRC building will be of high quality, well prepared to handle the tasks entrusted to it now and in the future.

Watch This: GSA ready for Initial Services

“With the GRC in Noordwijk, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), stimulating both agencies to work more closely together, which is exactly the reason why this location for the GRC was selected,” des Dorides said.

With the GRC, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to ESTEC

With the GRC, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to ESTEC

In his speech at the event, van Bolhuis highlighted the effectiveness of cooperation so far. “Thanks to excellent cooperation by all parties we are able to stand here only eight months after the first brick to hand over the key for this future center of excellence of the GSA,” he said.

Pivotal role

Following the declaration of Galileo Initial Services in December, the GRC will play a pivotal role in the provision of Galileo services, providing the GSA with independent monitoring of and reporting on Galileo’s performance. In doing so, it will help ensure the provision of high-quality satellite data so users can better rely on and benefit from Galileo.

The GRC in Brief

  • The Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) is one of the Galileo Service Facilities: a facility to support the provision of services to the Galileo Core System and Galileo users.
  • The GRC is operated by the GSA: it provides the GSA with an independent means of evaluating the quality of the signals in space and the performance of the Galileo Service Operator.
  • The GRC is fully independent of the system and the Galileo Service Operator with respect to both the technical solution and operations.
  • The GRC is comprised of both a core facility and contributions from EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland.
  • The core facility, located in Noordwijk, is charged with generating performance evaluation products and reports, performing analyses to support investigations of service performance and degradations, and making use of the GRC’s own data, products and expertise.


Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides receives the GRC key from Bart van Bolhuis, Director of International Affairs at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

GSA receives keys to GRS at ceremony in the Netherlands

15.6.2017 10:56   European GNSS Agency  
15 June 2017

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) formally received the keys to the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) from the Dutch government at a handover ceremony in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, on 12 June.

As part of the ceremony, a key declaration document was signed by GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides and Bart van Bolhuis, Director of International Affairs at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The signing ceremony was followed by a presentation on Galileo and the role of the GRC in the Galileo architecture.

This largely ceremonial event means that the GSA now formally has access to the GRC building to install equipment and prepare the facilities for operations. The full right of use of the GRC will be granted to the GSA upon final acceptance of the building by the European Commission and the GSA.

Speaking at the ceremony, des Dorides said that the GSA appreciates the efforts made by the Netherlands to ensure that the GRC building will be of high quality, well prepared to handle the tasks entrusted to it now and in the future.

Watch This: GSA ready for Initial Services

“With the GRC in Noordwijk, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), stimulating both agencies to work more closely together, which is exactly the reason why this location for the GRC was selected,” des Dorides said.

With the GRC, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to ESTEC

With the GRC, the GSA will have a state of the art facility next to ESTEC

In his speech at the event, van Bolhuis highlighted the effectiveness of cooperation so far. “Thanks to excellent cooperation by all parties we are able to stand here only eight months after the first brick to hand over the key for this future center of excellence of the GSA,” he said.

Pivotal role

Following the declaration of Galileo Initial Services in December, the GRC will play a pivotal role in the provision of Galileo services, providing the GSA with independent monitoring of and reporting on Galileo’s performance. In doing so, it will help ensure the provision of high-quality satellite data so users can better rely on and benefit from Galileo.

The GRC in Brief

  • The Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) is one of the Galileo Service Facilities: a facility to support the provision of services to the Galileo Core System and Galileo users.
  • The GRC is operated by the GSA: it provides the GSA with an independent means of evaluating the quality of the signals in space and the performance of the Galileo Service Operator.
  • The GRC is fully independent of the system and the Galileo Service Operator with respect to both the technical solution and operations.
  • The GRC is comprised of both a core facility and contributions from EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland.
  • The core facility, located in Noordwijk, is charged with generating performance evaluation products and reports, performing analyses to support investigations of service performance and degradations, and making use of the GRC’s own data, products and expertise.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

SA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides receives the GRS key from Bart van Bolhuis, Director of International Affairs at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

Přihlaste svou přednášku na konferenci

15.6.2017 9:52   ARCDATA  

Věnujete se zajímavému projektu? Chcete se podělit o své zkušenosti? Přihlaste svou přednášku na letošní Konferenci GIS Esri v ČR. Termín pro přihlášení je již 30. června.

Všechny důležité informace a další možnosti prezentace naleznete na webových stránkách akce.

Gravimetrická mapa České republiky (GEOČR500)

15.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Rastrový obraz gravimetrického pole. Mapa byla vytvořena na základě měření 283 718 podrobných tíhových bodů.

Geomagnetická mapa 1 : 2 000 000

15.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   WMS služba zobrazuje plochy a izolinie hodnot geomagnetického pole. Magnetická mapa České republiky v měřítku 1 : 500 000 (GEOČR500) ve formě izanomál T (Z). Zvolený základní interval izolinií po 25 nT zde dostatečně přesně zachycuje průběh magnetického pole. Mapa je doplněna seznamem zpráv s podklady použitými pro sestavení magnetické mapy a výběr literatury k interpretaci magnetických anomálií.Webová mapová služba (WMS) zobrazující geomagnetickou mapu České republiky v měřítku 1:2 000 000.

Radiometrická mapa České republiky (GEOČR500)

15.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Radiometrická mapa území České republiky (M. Manová, M. Matolín,1995) popisuje přírodní radioaktivitu hornin na zemském povrchu. Pole radioaktivity je vyjádřeno v dávkovém příkonu gama-záření hornin 1 m nad zemským povrchem. Údaje mapy vymezují regiony o nízké a vysoké radioaktivitě.

Geomagnetická mapa České republiky (GEOČR500)

15.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Magnetická mapa (1995) České republiky v měřítku 1 : 500 000 (GEOČR500) ve formě izanomál T (Z). Zvolený základní interval izolinií po 25 nT zde dostatečně přesně zachycuje průběh magnetického pole. Mapa je doplněna seznamem zpráv s podklady použitými pro sestavení magnetické mapy a výběr literatury k interpretaci magnetických anomálií.

Radiometrická mapa 1 : 500 000

15.6.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   WMS služba zobrazující mapu radiometrického pole byla odvozena z Radiometrické mapy České republiky 1:500 000 (GEOČR500), která byla publikována Českým geologickým ústavem (M. Manová, M. Matolín,1995). Údaje o dávkovém příkonu gama záření hornin jsou založeny na výsledcích regionálních a detailních leteckých měřeních terestrického záření. Ilustrují distribuci přírodních radionuklidů v horninách a nadprůměrnou radioaktivitu hornin České republiky jako celku.

Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec Katastrálního úřadu pro M

14.6.2017 15:58   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Třinec
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy
Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec Katastrálního úřadu pro M

14.6.2017 15:58   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj, Katastrální pracoviště Třinec vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec Katastrálního úřadu pro M

Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec Katastrálního úřadu pro M

14.6.2017 15:58   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-–-vedeni-katastralni-mapy-Kat-(1)

Rada/odborný rada – řízení o údajích SGI Katastrálního pracoviště Nový Jičín Katastrálního úřadu pro

14.6.2017 15:55   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj, Katastrální pracoviště Nový Jičín vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada – řízení o údajích SGI Katastrálního pracoviště Nový Jičín Katastrálního úřadu pro

Rada/odborný rada – řízení o údajích SGI Katastrálního pracoviště Nový Jičín Katastrálního úřadu pro

14.6.2017 15:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Nový Jičín
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada – řízení o údajích SGI Katastrálního pracoviště
Rada/odborný rada – řízení o údajích SGI Katastrálního pracoviště Nový Jičín Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Rada/odborný rada – řízení o údajích SGI Katastrálního pracoviště Nový Jičín Katastrálního úřadu pro

14.6.2017 15:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Rada-odborny-rada-–-rizeni-o-udajich-SGI-Katas-(1)

Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úřadu pro Mora

14.6.2017 15:51   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj, vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úřadu pro Mora

Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úřadu pro Mora

14.6.2017 15:51   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Vrchni-referent-rada-–-obnova-katastralniho-op-(5)

Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úřadu pro Mora

14.6.2017 15:51   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu
Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný referent/vrchní referent – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úř

14.6.2017 15:49   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent/vrchní referent – obnova katastrálního operátu
Odborný referent/vrchní referent – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný referent/vrchní referent – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úř

14.6.2017 15:49   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-vrchni-referent-–-obnova-kata-(1)

Odborný referent/vrchní referent – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úř

14.6.2017 15:49   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj, vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent/vrchní referent – obnova katastrálního operátu v Technickém odboru Katastrálního úř

Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravsk

14.6.2017 15:45   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Rada-odborny-rada-–-spravce-informacnich-a-kom-(1)

Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravsk

14.6.2017 15:45   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj, vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravsk

Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravsk

14.6.2017 15:45   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technol.
Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení dokumentace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Karviná, K

14.6.2017 15:40   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Karviná
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení dokumentace katastru nemovitostí K
Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení dokumentace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Karviná, Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení dokumentace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Karviná, K

14.6.2017 15:40   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-rada-–-vedouci-oddeleni-dokumentace-ka-(2)

Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení dokumentace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Karviná, K

14.6.2017 15:40   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj, Katastrální pracoviště Karviná vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení dokumentace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Karviná, K

Vrchní referent/rada v ekonomicko-správním oddělení na Kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu

14.6.2017 14:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj
nabízí služební místo
Vrchní referent/rada v ekonomicko-správním oddělení na Kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu

Vrchní referent/rada v ekonomicko-správním oddělení na Kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu

14.6.2017 14:55   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj, vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada v ekonomicko-správním oddělení na Kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu

Vrchní referent/rada v ekonomicko-správním oddělení na Kanceláři ředitele katastrálního úřadu

14.6.2017 14:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihomoravsky-kraj/Volna-mista/vrchni-referent-rada-v-ekonomicko-spravnim-oddelen

20170614 - volné místo - odborný referent KÚ OKO I. (za MD)

14.6.2017 14:09   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Nabídka pracovního místa - Odborný referent v oddělení OKO I. v technickém odboru

20170614 - volné místo - odborný referent KÚ OKO I. (za MD)

14.6.2017 14:09   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/20170509-volne-misto-informatik-KP-Most-(5)

20170614 - volné místo - odborný referent KÚ OKO I. (za MD)

14.6.2017 14:09   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Nabídka volného pracovního místa - Odborný referent v oddělení OKO I. v technickém odboru

Odborný referent v oddělení OKO I. v technickém odboru (zástup za MD)

14.6.2017 14:05   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj, vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent v oddělení OKO I. v technickém odboru (zástup za MD)

Odborný referent v oddělení OKO I. v technickém odboru (zástup za MD)

14.6.2017 14:05   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-v-oddeleni-OKO-I-v-technickem-od

Odborný referent v oddělení OKO I. v technickém odboru (zástup za MD)

14.6.2017 14:05   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj
nabídka volného pracovního místa
Odborný referent v oddělení OKO I. v technickém odboru (zástup za MD)

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access

Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Uttar Pradesh Police with an Icon Award for the police force’s efforts to improve emergency response for 220 million citizens in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

Uttar Pradesh Police is the largest police force in India and among the largest in the world, with 250,000 police officers in 75 districts. The organization serves a population of more than 220 million spread over 243,000 square kilometers. Since there was no standardized, coordinated system in place to ensure timely police response to incidents, Uttar Pradesh Police set out to revolutionize public safety through UP 100, a comprehensive response system that could serve the needs of the entire state. To support this project, the police force needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by a large number of agencies and users.

Uttar Pradesh Police selected Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) suite for UP 100. Two hundred fifty call-takers, 150 dispatchers and thousands of field officers use I/CAD applications to respond to citizen needs. Before UP 100, police received around 3,500 calls per day across the entire state. Now event volume is about 18,000 per day and call volume is about 100,000 per day, and police expect those to greatly expand as the system becomes more familiar to citizens. During the Holi celebration, police created more than 25,000 events in a day, and received more than 50,000 calls over three days. Rural areas are benefitting the most, where response times have been cut in half.

“Uttar Pradesh Police has become a role model for other police organizations to follow – in India and beyond,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are honored to support Uttar Pradesh Police and the very important UP 100 project and congratulate the agency on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Uttar Pradesh Police joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada, and the U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve electric and gas network management

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bayernwerk with an Icon Award for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve the management of its vast electric and gas network. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bayernwerk is the largest electric and gas distribution network operator in Bavaria and one of the largest in Germany, serving more than 2 million customers. Formed from the merger of five regional utility companies, Bayernwerk’s predecessor companies operated six different geographic information systems (GIS) of mixed data quality. To ensure efficient network management and support various technical workflows, the company needed to provide standardized access to a unified database. This required importing data from the legacy systems and improving data quality by converting all of it to vector format.

Bayernwerk standardized on Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology suite, including the pre-configured G!NIUS data models, as the platform to migrate and consolidate legacy data and create a unified network model. Today, 1,400 employees working from the utility’s 19 regional centers use the system to input changes and obtain network information. Hexagon’s solutions are at the heart of Bayernwerk’s activities, supporting planning and analysis, design and construction, maintenance, fault management and network calculation. These capabilities help streamline data access, improve decision-support companywide, and reduce operating costs. Hexagon’s solutions also help Bayernwerk manage the transition to renewable energy. The company’s territory contains more installed photovoltaic capacity than the entire United States.

“Bayernwerk is an innovator in its use of utility GIS solutions to power network planning and operations, including Germany’s transition to renewable energy,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud of our long-time partnership with Bayernwerk and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bayernwerk joins Bell Canada, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bayernwerk with an Icon Award for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve the management of its vast electric and gas network. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bayernwerk is the largest electric and gas distribution network operator in Bavaria and one of the largest in Germany, serving more than 2 million customers. Formed from the merger of five regional utility companies, Bayernwerk’s predecessor companies operated six different geographic information systems (GIS) of mixed data quality. To ensure efficient network management and support various technical workflows, the company needed to provide standardized access to a unified database. This required importing data from the legacy systems and improving data quality by converting all of it to vector format.

Bayernwerk standardized on Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology suite, including the pre-configured G!NIUS data models, as the platform to migrate and consolidate legacy data and create a unified network model. Today, 1,400 employees working from the utility’s 19 regional centers use the system to input changes and obtain network information. Hexagon’s solutions are at the heart of Bayernwerk’s activities, supporting planning and analysis, design and construction, maintenance, fault management and network calculation. These capabilities help streamline data access, improve decision-support companywide, and reduce operating costs. Hexagon’s solutions also help Bayernwerk manage the transition to renewable energy. The company’s territory contains more installed photovoltaic capacity than the entire United States.

“Bayernwerk is an innovator in its use of utility GIS solutions to power network planning and operations, including Germany’s transition to renewable energy,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud of our long-time partnership with Bayernwerk and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bayernwerk joins Bell Canada, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Marine Corps Systems Command Receives Award for Emergency Response System from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) with an Icon Award for its efforts to improve emergency response capabilities at U.S. Marine Corps bases globally. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

In 2009, a gunman opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 people and injuring more than 30 others. Soldiers and Fort Hood emergency personnel saved many lives that day, but the incident exposed gaps in the military’s emergency response model. Following the incident, the U.S. Secretary of Defense undertook a complete study and ordered the U.S. Armed Forces to address shortfalls in their response systems. MCSC was tasked with addressing the Secretary’s requirements.

MCSC chose to implement a comprehensive solution called the Consolidated Emergency Response System (CERS). Foundational to the solution is Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system, delivered by Hexagon US Federal, an independent subsidiary of Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure serving the U.S. federal government. I/CAD is being implemented at 13 Marine Corps sites, including three bases outside the U.S. Hexagon’s solution successfully incorporates the previously fielded Motorola Solutions, Inc. Enhanced 911 (E911) system into a fully integrated emergency response coordination capability. Most Marine Corps personnel, their families, and others on base will be protected by the solution, which increases the effectiveness of law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel and reduces response times.

“We are honored to support the CERS solution,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure congratulates the MCSC on its 2017 Icon Award.”

MCSC joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Marine Corps Systems Command Receives Award for Emergency Response System from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) with an Icon Award for its efforts to improve emergency response capabilities at U.S. Marine Corps bases globally. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

In 2009, a gunman opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 people and injuring more than 30 others. Soldiers and Fort Hood emergency personnel saved many lives that day, but the incident exposed gaps in the military’s emergency response model. Following the incident, the U.S. Secretary of Defense undertook a complete study and ordered the U.S. Armed Forces to address shortfalls in their response systems. MCSC was tasked with addressing the Secretary’s requirements.

MCSC chose to implement a comprehensive solution called the Consolidated Emergency Response System (CERS). Foundational to the solution is Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system, delivered by Hexagon US Federal, an independent subsidiary of Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure serving the U.S. federal government. I/CAD is being implemented at 13 Marine Corps sites, including three bases outside the U.S. Hexagon’s solution successfully incorporates the previously fielded Motorola Solutions, Inc. Enhanced 911 (E911) system into a fully integrated emergency response coordination capability. Most Marine Corps personnel, their families, and others on base will be protected by the solution, which increases the effectiveness of law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel and reduces response times.

“We are honored to support the CERS solution,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure congratulates the MCSC on its 2017 Icon Award.”

MCSC joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Marine Corps Systems Command Receives Award for Emergency Response System from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for the U.S. Marine Corps’ efforts to deploy coordinated system across bases

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bell Canada with an Icon Award for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access in its service territory through quicker rollout of fiber networks. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bell Canada is a major telecommunications company in Canada. In response to increasing customer expectations for faster broadband services, such as residential and business Internet, residential and business television, video on demand and data services, Bell has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars annually upgrading its infrastructure with fiber. However, as the rollout of fiber networks increased, legacy systems and practices failed to keep pace with demand. Bell designers worked with a number of local computer-aided design tools and needed to recreate “as-build” plans in the geographic information system (GIS), which introduced delays in updating engineering records.

Bell selected Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology Fiber Optic Works to better manage its fiber networks. With it, Bell has improved productivity by reducing redundant data entry and eliminating paper plans. A key component is the system’s “fiber design assist” functionality, which enables rapid, automated fiber design with minimal user interaction. By reducing the time from network design to provisioned service, Bell can deliver high-speed access to customers quickly, thus improving its competitiveness.

“Bell Canada is a pioneer in its use of fiber design automation,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud to support Bell’s efforts to improve access to high-speed internet service and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bell joins Bayernwerk, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bell Canada with an Icon Award for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access in its service territory through quicker rollout of fiber networks. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bell Canada is a major telecommunications company in Canada. In response to increasing customer expectations for faster broadband services, such as residential and business Internet, residential and business television, video on demand and data services, Bell has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars annually upgrading its infrastructure with fiber. However, as the rollout of fiber networks increased, legacy systems and practices failed to keep pace with demand. Bell designers worked with a number of local computer-aided design tools and needed to recreate “as-build” plans in the geographic information system (GIS), which introduced delays in updating engineering records.

Bell selected Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology Fiber Optic Works to better manage its fiber networks. With it, Bell has improved productivity by reducing redundant data entry and eliminating paper plans. A key component is the system’s “fiber design assist” functionality, which enables rapid, automated fiber design with minimal user interaction. By reducing the time from network design to provisioned service, Bell can deliver high-speed access to customers quickly, thus improving its competitiveness.

“Bell Canada is a pioneer in its use of fiber design automation,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud to support Bell’s efforts to improve access to high-speed internet service and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bell joins Bayernwerk, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve electric and gas network management

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bell Canada with an Icon Award for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access in its service territory through quicker rollout of fiber networks. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bell Canada is a major telecommunications company in Canada. In response to increasing customer expectations for faster broadband services, such as residential and business Internet, residential and business television, video on demand and data services, Bell has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars annually upgrading its infrastructure with fiber. However, as the rollout of fiber networks increased, legacy systems and practices failed to keep pace with demand. Bell designers worked with a number of local computer-aided design tools and needed to recreate “as-build” plans in the geographic information system (GIS), which introduced delays in updating engineering records.

Bell selected Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology Fiber Optic Works to better manage its fiber networks. With it, Bell has improved productivity by reducing redundant data entry and eliminating paper plans. A key component is the system’s “fiber design assist” functionality, which enables rapid, automated fiber design with minimal user interaction. By reducing the time from network design to provisioned service, Bell can deliver high-speed access to customers quickly, thus improving its competitiveness.

“Bell Canada is a pioneer in its use of fiber design automation,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud to support Bell’s efforts to improve access to high-speed internet service and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bell joins Bayernwerk, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bell Canada with an Icon Award for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access in its service territory through quicker rollout of fiber networks. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bell Canada is a major telecommunications company in Canada. In response to increasing customer expectations for faster broadband services, such as residential and business Internet, residential and business television, video on demand and data services, Bell has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars annually upgrading its infrastructure with fiber. However, as the rollout of fiber networks increased, legacy systems and practices failed to keep pace with demand. Bell designers worked with a number of local computer-aided design tools and needed to recreate “as-build” plans in the geographic information system (GIS), which introduced delays in updating engineering records.

Bell selected Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology Fiber Optic Works to better manage its fiber networks. With it, Bell has improved productivity by reducing redundant data entry and eliminating paper plans. A key component is the system’s “fiber design assist” functionality, which enables rapid, automated fiber design with minimal user interaction. By reducing the time from network design to provisioned service, Bell can deliver high-speed access to customers quickly, thus improving its competitiveness.

“Bell Canada is a pioneer in its use of fiber design automation,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud to support Bell’s efforts to improve access to high-speed internet service and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bell joins Bayernwerk, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for police efforts to improve emergency response across the state

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bayernwerk with an Icon Award for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve the management of its vast electric and gas network. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bayernwerk is the largest electric and gas distribution network operator in Bavaria and one of the largest in Germany, serving more than 2 million customers. Formed from the merger of five regional utility companies, Bayernwerk’s predecessor companies operated six different geographic information systems (GIS) of mixed data quality. To ensure efficient network management and support various technical workflows, the company needed to provide standardized access to a unified database. This required importing data from the legacy systems and improving data quality by converting all of it to vector format.

Bayernwerk standardized on Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology suite, including the pre-configured G!NIUS data models, as the platform to migrate and consolidate legacy data and create a unified network model. Today, 1,400 employees working from the utility’s 19 regional centers use the system to input changes and obtain network information. Hexagon’s solutions are at the heart of Bayernwerk’s activities, supporting planning and analysis, design and construction, maintenance, fault management and network calculation. These capabilities help streamline data access, improve decision-support companywide, and reduce operating costs. Hexagon’s solutions also help Bayernwerk manage the transition to renewable energy. The company’s territory contains more installed photovoltaic capacity than the entire United States.

“Bayernwerk is an innovator in its use of utility GIS solutions to power network planning and operations, including Germany’s transition to renewable energy,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud of our long-time partnership with Bayernwerk and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bayernwerk joins Bell Canada, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Uttar Pradesh Police with an Icon Award for the police force’s efforts to improve emergency response for 220 million citizens in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

Uttar Pradesh Police is the largest police force in India and among the largest in the world, with 250,000 police officers in 75 districts. The organization serves a population of more than 220 million spread over 243,000 square kilometers. Since there was no standardized, coordinated system in place to ensure timely police response to incidents, Uttar Pradesh Police set out to revolutionize public safety through UP 100, a comprehensive response system that could serve the needs of the entire state. To support this project, the police force needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by a large number of agencies and users.

Uttar Pradesh Police selected Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) suite for UP 100. Two hundred fifty call-takers, 150 dispatchers and thousands of field officers use I/CAD applications to respond to citizen needs. Before UP 100, police received around 3,500 calls per day across the entire state. Now event volume is about 18,000 per day and call volume is about 100,000 per day, and police expect those to greatly expand as the system becomes more familiar to citizens. During the Holi celebration, police created more than 25,000 events in a day, and received more than 50,000 calls over three days. Rural areas are benefitting the most, where response times have been cut in half.

“Uttar Pradesh Police has become a role model for other police organizations to follow – in India and beyond,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are honored to support Uttar Pradesh Police and the very important UP 100 project and congratulate the agency on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Uttar Pradesh Police joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada, and the U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Marine Corps Systems Command Receives Award for Emergency Response System from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for the U.S. Marine Corps’ efforts to deploy coordinated system across bases

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bell Canada with an Icon Award for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access in its service territory through quicker rollout of fiber networks. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bell Canada is a major telecommunications company in Canada. In response to increasing customer expectations for faster broadband services, such as residential and business Internet, residential and business television, video on demand and data services, Bell has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars annually upgrading its infrastructure with fiber. However, as the rollout of fiber networks increased, legacy systems and practices failed to keep pace with demand. Bell designers worked with a number of local computer-aided design tools and needed to recreate “as-build” plans in the geographic information system (GIS), which introduced delays in updating engineering records.

Bell selected Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology Fiber Optic Works to better manage its fiber networks. With it, Bell has improved productivity by reducing redundant data entry and eliminating paper plans. A key component is the system’s “fiber design assist” functionality, which enables rapid, automated fiber design with minimal user interaction. By reducing the time from network design to provisioned service, Bell can deliver high-speed access to customers quickly, thus improving its competitiveness.

“Bell Canada is a pioneer in its use of fiber design automation,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud to support Bell’s efforts to improve access to high-speed internet service and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bell joins Bayernwerk, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Marine Corps Systems Command Receives Award for Emergency Response System from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for the U.S. Marine Corps’ efforts to deploy coordinated system across bases

Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for police efforts to improve emergency response across the state

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve electric and gas network management

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bayernwerk with an Icon Award for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve the management of its vast electric and gas network. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bayernwerk is the largest electric and gas distribution network operator in Bavaria and one of the largest in Germany, serving more than 2 million customers. Formed from the merger of five regional utility companies, Bayernwerk’s predecessor companies operated six different geographic information systems (GIS) of mixed data quality. To ensure efficient network management and support various technical workflows, the company needed to provide standardized access to a unified database. This required importing data from the legacy systems and improving data quality by converting all of it to vector format.

Bayernwerk standardized on Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology suite, including the pre-configured G!NIUS data models, as the platform to migrate and consolidate legacy data and create a unified network model. Today, 1,400 employees working from the utility’s 19 regional centers use the system to input changes and obtain network information. Hexagon’s solutions are at the heart of Bayernwerk’s activities, supporting planning and analysis, design and construction, maintenance, fault management and network calculation. These capabilities help streamline data access, improve decision-support companywide, and reduce operating costs. Hexagon’s solutions also help Bayernwerk manage the transition to renewable energy. The company’s territory contains more installed photovoltaic capacity than the entire United States.

“Bayernwerk is an innovator in its use of utility GIS solutions to power network planning and operations, including Germany’s transition to renewable energy,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud of our long-time partnership with Bayernwerk and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bayernwerk joins Bell Canada, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Marine Corps Systems Command Receives Award for Emergency Response System from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) with an Icon Award for its efforts to improve emergency response capabilities at U.S. Marine Corps bases globally. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

In 2009, a gunman opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 people and injuring more than 30 others. Soldiers and Fort Hood emergency personnel saved many lives that day, but the incident exposed gaps in the military’s emergency response model. Following the incident, the U.S. Secretary of Defense undertook a complete study and ordered the U.S. Armed Forces to address shortfalls in their response systems. MCSC was tasked with addressing the Secretary’s requirements.

MCSC chose to implement a comprehensive solution called the Consolidated Emergency Response System (CERS). Foundational to the solution is Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system, delivered by Hexagon US Federal, an independent subsidiary of Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure serving the U.S. federal government. I/CAD is being implemented at 13 Marine Corps sites, including three bases outside the U.S. Hexagon’s solution successfully incorporates the previously fielded Motorola Solutions, Inc. Enhanced 911 (E911) system into a fully integrated emergency response coordination capability. Most Marine Corps personnel, their families, and others on base will be protected by the solution, which increases the effectiveness of law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel and reduces response times.

“We are honored to support the CERS solution,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure congratulates the MCSC on its 2017 Icon Award.”

MCSC joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Uttar Pradesh Police with an Icon Award for the police force’s efforts to improve emergency response for 220 million citizens in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

Uttar Pradesh Police is the largest police force in India and among the largest in the world, with 250,000 police officers in 75 districts. The organization serves a population of more than 220 million spread over 243,000 square kilometers. Since there was no standardized, coordinated system in place to ensure timely police response to incidents, Uttar Pradesh Police set out to revolutionize public safety through UP 100, a comprehensive response system that could serve the needs of the entire state. To support this project, the police force needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by a large number of agencies and users.

Uttar Pradesh Police selected Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) suite for UP 100. Two hundred fifty call-takers, 150 dispatchers and thousands of field officers use I/CAD applications to respond to citizen needs. Before UP 100, police received around 3,500 calls per day across the entire state. Now event volume is about 18,000 per day and call volume is about 100,000 per day, and police expect those to greatly expand as the system becomes more familiar to citizens. During the Holi celebration, police created more than 25,000 events in a day, and received more than 50,000 calls over three days. Rural areas are benefitting the most, where response times have been cut in half.

“Uttar Pradesh Police has become a role model for other police organizations to follow – in India and beyond,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are honored to support Uttar Pradesh Police and the very important UP 100 project and congratulate the agency on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Uttar Pradesh Police joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada, and the U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Bell Canada Receives Award for Fiber Networks from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for Bell’s efforts to increase high-speed internet access

Marine Corps Systems Command Receives Award for Emergency Response System from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) with an Icon Award for its efforts to improve emergency response capabilities at U.S. Marine Corps bases globally. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

In 2009, a gunman opened fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13 people and injuring more than 30 others. Soldiers and Fort Hood emergency personnel saved many lives that day, but the incident exposed gaps in the military’s emergency response model. Following the incident, the U.S. Secretary of Defense undertook a complete study and ordered the U.S. Armed Forces to address shortfalls in their response systems. MCSC was tasked with addressing the Secretary’s requirements.

MCSC chose to implement a comprehensive solution called the Consolidated Emergency Response System (CERS). Foundational to the solution is Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system, delivered by Hexagon US Federal, an independent subsidiary of Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure serving the U.S. federal government. I/CAD is being implemented at 13 Marine Corps sites, including three bases outside the U.S. Hexagon’s solution successfully incorporates the previously fielded Motorola Solutions, Inc. Enhanced 911 (E911) system into a fully integrated emergency response coordination capability. Most Marine Corps personnel, their families, and others on base will be protected by the solution, which increases the effectiveness of law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel and reduces response times.

“We are honored to support the CERS solution,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure congratulates the MCSC on its 2017 Icon Award.”

MCSC joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Bayernwerk Receives Innovation Award from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Bayernwerk with an Icon Award for Bayernwerk’s efforts to improve the management of its vast electric and gas network. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit customers and communities.

Bayernwerk is the largest electric and gas distribution network operator in Bavaria and one of the largest in Germany, serving more than 2 million customers. Formed from the merger of five regional utility companies, Bayernwerk’s predecessor companies operated six different geographic information systems (GIS) of mixed data quality. To ensure efficient network management and support various technical workflows, the company needed to provide standardized access to a unified database. This required importing data from the legacy systems and improving data quality by converting all of it to vector format.

Bayernwerk standardized on Hexagon’s Intergraph G/Technology suite, including the pre-configured G!NIUS data models, as the platform to migrate and consolidate legacy data and create a unified network model. Today, 1,400 employees working from the utility’s 19 regional centers use the system to input changes and obtain network information. Hexagon’s solutions are at the heart of Bayernwerk’s activities, supporting planning and analysis, design and construction, maintenance, fault management and network calculation. These capabilities help streamline data access, improve decision-support companywide, and reduce operating costs. Hexagon’s solutions also help Bayernwerk manage the transition to renewable energy. The company’s territory contains more installed photovoltaic capacity than the entire United States.

“Bayernwerk is an innovator in its use of utility GIS solutions to power network planning and operations, including Germany’s transition to renewable energy,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are proud of our long-time partnership with Bayernwerk and congratulate the company on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Bayernwerk joins Bell Canada, U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command and Uttar Pradesh Police as 2017 Icon Award winners.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps utilities and communications companies achieve greater reliability, increase efficiency and fulfill the expectations of customers, shareholders and regulators. A pioneer in the development and application of location-based technology, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has provided solutions to hundreds of utilities and communications customers around the globe for 40 years, supporting network engineering, network operations, customer services, sales and marketing and physical security.

Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Hexagon’s Icon Award presented for police efforts to improve emergency response across the state

Uttar Pradesh Police Receives Award for UP 100 from Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure

14.6.2017 14:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure presented Uttar Pradesh Police with an Icon Award for the police force’s efforts to improve emergency response for 220 million citizens in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Announced at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s annual conference, the Icon Awards are Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s highest customer award, presented for visionary use of software to significantly benefit citizens and communities.

Uttar Pradesh Police is the largest police force in India and among the largest in the world, with 250,000 police officers in 75 districts. The organization serves a population of more than 220 million spread over 243,000 square kilometers. Since there was no standardized, coordinated system in place to ensure timely police response to incidents, Uttar Pradesh Police set out to revolutionize public safety through UP 100, a comprehensive response system that could serve the needs of the entire state. To support this project, the police force needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by a large number of agencies and users.

Uttar Pradesh Police selected Hexagon’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) suite for UP 100. Two hundred fifty call-takers, 150 dispatchers and thousands of field officers use I/CAD applications to respond to citizen needs. Before UP 100, police received around 3,500 calls per day across the entire state. Now event volume is about 18,000 per day and call volume is about 100,000 per day, and police expect those to greatly expand as the system becomes more familiar to citizens. During the Holi celebration, police created more than 25,000 events in a day, and received more than 50,000 calls over three days. Rural areas are benefitting the most, where response times have been cut in half.

“Uttar Pradesh Police has become a role model for other police organizations to follow – in India and beyond,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We are honored to support Uttar Pradesh Police and the very important UP 100 project and congratulate the agency on its 2017 Icon Award.”

Uttar Pradesh Police joins Bayernwerk, Bell Canada, and the U.S. Marine Corps Systems Command as 2017 Icon Award winners.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Nový Vyjadřovací portál V2

14.6.2017 13:27   GIS Fórum  
CAD Studio uvádí novou verzi své webové aplikace "Vyjadřovací portál" pro automatizaci zpracování žádostí o vyjádření k existenci sítí. Aplikace určená pro provozovatele inženýrských sítí funguje jako průvodce, který uživatele vede jednotlivými kroky zadávání potřebných údajů. Umí využít GIS data většiny systémů. 

Hlavní funkce Vyjadřovacího portálu
  • Zadání strukturovaných informací o vyjádření ve webovém formuláři
  • Identifikace žadatele, stavebníka, důvodu stavby, atd
  • Mapové okno pro zákres zájmové oblasti na mapovém podkladu
  • Jednoduché kreslení polygonu na podkladové mapě (např. KN mapa a Ortofoto snímky)
  • Automatické vyhodnocení zakresleného zájmového území oproti systému GIS nebo DWG výkresům
  • Vytvoření vlastního vyjádření z připravených šablon ve formátu DOCX a PDF, vytvoření mapových (PNG, PDF) a výkresových (DWG, DGN) příloh se zákresem zájmového území a provozovanými sítěmi.
  • Aplikace „Vyjadřovač VP“ pro zpracování, správu a archivaci elektronických žádostí o vyjádření a vlastních vyjádření.

GSA Executive Director recognised at EBAA

14.6.2017 13:10   European GNSS Agency  
14 June 2017

European GNSS Agency (GSA) Executive Director Carlo des Dorides is recognised, along with Member of the European Parliament Marian-Jean Marinescu, at the 2017 European Business Aviation Awards in Geneva.

The 2017 European Business Aviation Awards were presented to GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides and Member of the European Parliament Marian-Jean Marinescu, at a ceremony held on the first day of this year’s European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2017) on May 22. The prestigious awards were handed out by the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

Marian-Jean Marinescu, Member of the European Parliament

Marian-Jean Marinescu, Member of the European Parliament

MEP Marinescu said that he was pleased about the EBAA award. “This is a recognition of the work which is done by the European Parliament to support the European business aviation communities. As the MEP representative within the GSA Administration Board, I am pleased to see that our satellite navigation technology EGNOS, managed by the GSA, is embedded by the aviation business community to support its development.”

Priority airports targeted for LPV

EBAA CEO Brandon Mitchener said in a statement that, as executive director of the GSA, des Dorides set the vision of the agency, and ensured Europe’s satellite navigation systems were effectively operated, well maintained and secure. “GSA and EBAA signed an agreement to promote EGNOS deployment in the aviation sector across Europe, and specifically LPV approaches, and together we identified a series of European airports where LPV is of key interest to business aviation,” Mitchener said.

Read this: 14 projects selected for funding and aimed at developing EGNOS at regional airports

Under this agreement the GSA and EBAA have set up a specific working group to enable new routes that serve the specific needs of business aviation operators. A list of priority airports to be targeted for LPV publication has been drawn up based on operator interest. The GSA and EBAA are working closely together on this list to ensure quick LPV publication at airports of interest. “The collaboration between GSA and EBAA has been very good, and GSA hopes to continue working in the same way for many years to come, to keep serving specific business aviation needs,” des Dorides said.

Creating European jobs

Commenting on the award GSA Head of Market Development Gian Gherardo Calini said that the GSA was happy to receive recognition from the EBAA. “The EBAA is the most important user community for us in aviation. Our cooperation is an example, as business users need access to regional airports and EGNOS provides this without high investment and approaches with a CAT I decision height of 200 feet,” he said.

Gian-Gherardo Calini receives the award for the GSA on behalf of Carlo des Dorides

Gian-Gherardo Calini receives the award for the GSA on behalf of Carlo des Dorides

Highlighting the results for business aviation, Calini noted that this sector was the most advanced user community for EGNOS with 25% penetration of aircraft equipage, and more than 440 procedures currently in place. “This is contributing to the creation of European jobs and generating business for European citizens,” he said.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Launches New Computer-Aided Dispatch Application

14.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher, a new thin-client application for its industry-leading Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system that provides core call-taking and dispatching capabilities via browsers. Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher features a highly productive, easy-to-use interface and workflows that are simple to deploy and maintain across multiple sites.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher extends dispatching capabilities to remote, supervisory and occasional-use roles to deliver wider incident management support at significantly lower cost than full call-taking and dispatching seats. Its ease of use, scope of capabilities and wider choice of hardware options enable Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher to support use cases outside of the primary call-taking and dispatching conducted at the public safety answering point (PSAP). Applications include mobile dispatch, management roles, and call-taking and dispatching at remote facilities such as police and fire stations.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher also enables smaller agencies to leverage the capabilities and benefits of a shared dispatch system without the capital and operational costs of installed clients or virtualization. And in situations where a PSAP becomes inoperative during a disaster, it provides a rapidly deployable contingency dispatching client, increasing resilience and ensuring continuity of operations.

“Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher opens up new possibilities for mobile and occasional users or smaller agencies looking to leverage a shared system,” said Kalyn Sims, chief technology officer, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We’ve spent a lot of time sitting with dispatchers and studying how they do their jobs. The work they do is critical, and the job is demanding. The information they receive must be clear and concise, and the workflows seamless. Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher focuses on the needs of the user like never before.”

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher leverages a de-cluttered, dynamic map and adaptive user interface to focus attention on critical information, while providing immediate access to supplementary information and tools on demand. It improves response time and accuracy by streamlining workflows and reducing user interaction.

Upcoming Intergraph OnCall products will include such highly productive interfaces and workflows. They are a gateway to innovation and Hexagon’s next-generation public safety products that will release in the near future.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

V seznamu mapových služeb obla

14.6.2017 12:00   Plzeňský kraj   V seznamu mapových služeb oblasti životní prostředí byla doplněna nová mapa zobrazující Území s překročením imisního limitu. Jedná se o data ČHMÚ, která zobrazují oblasti s překročenými imisními limity dle zákona o ochraně ovzduší č. 201/2012 Sb. Hodnocen je vždy ucelený kalendářní rok. Je možné si zobrazit údaje za roky 2015 až 2011 a měřené skupiny látek dle přílohy uvedeného zákona.

Dne 14. 6. 2017 od 18:00 do cc

14.6.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   Dne 14. 6. 2017 od 18:00 do cca 20:00 nebudou dostupné služby Geoportálu z důvodu údržby sítě krajského úřadu.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Launches New Computer-Aided Dispatch Application

14.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher, a new thin-client application for its industry-leading Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system that provides core call-taking and dispatching capabilities via browsers. Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher features a highly productive, easy-to-use interface and workflows that are simple to deploy and maintain across multiple sites.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher extends dispatching capabilities to remote, supervisory and occasional-use roles to deliver wider incident management support at significantly lower cost than full call-taking and dispatching seats. Its ease of use, scope of capabilities and wider choice of hardware options enable Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher to support use cases outside of the primary call-taking and dispatching conducted at the public safety answering point (PSAP). Applications include mobile dispatch, management roles, and call-taking and dispatching at remote facilities such as police and fire stations.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher also enables smaller agencies to leverage the capabilities and benefits of a shared dispatch system without the capital and operational costs of installed clients or virtualization. And in situations where a PSAP becomes inoperative during a disaster, it provides a rapidly deployable contingency dispatching client, increasing resilience and ensuring continuity of operations.

“Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher opens up new possibilities for mobile and occasional users or smaller agencies looking to leverage a shared system,” said Kalyn Sims, chief technology officer, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We’ve spent a lot of time sitting with dispatchers and studying how they do their jobs. The work they do is critical, and the job is demanding. The information they receive must be clear and concise, and the workflows seamless. Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher focuses on the needs of the user like never before.”

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher leverages a de-cluttered, dynamic map and adaptive user interface to focus attention on critical information, while providing immediate access to supplementary information and tools on demand. It improves response time and accuracy by streamlining workflows and reducing user interaction.

Upcoming Intergraph OnCall products will include such highly productive interfaces and workflows. They are a gateway to innovation and Hexagon’s next-generation public safety products that will release in the near future.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Launches New Computer-Aided Dispatch Application

14.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD, a new thin-client application for its industry-leading Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system that provides core call-taking and dispatching capabilities via browsers. Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD features a highly productive, easy-to-use interface and workflows that are simple to deploy and maintain across multiple sites.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD extends dispatching capabilities to remote, supervisory and occasional-use roles to deliver wider incident management support at significantly lower cost than full call-taking and dispatching seats. Its ease of use, scope of capabilities and wider choice of hardware options enable Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD to support use cases outside of the primary call-taking and dispatching conducted at the public safety answering point (PSAP). Applications include mobile dispatch, management roles, and call-taking and dispatching at remote facilities such as police and fire stations.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD also enables smaller agencies to leverage the capabilities and benefits of a shared dispatch system without the capital and operational costs of installed clients or virtualization. And in situations where a PSAP becomes inoperative during a disaster, it provides a rapidly deployable contingency dispatching client, increasing resilience and ensuring continuity of operations.

“Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD opens up new possibilities for mobile and occasional users or smaller agencies looking to leverage a shared system,” said Kalyn Sims, chief technology officer, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We’ve spent a lot of time sitting with dispatchers and studying how they do their jobs. The work they do is critical, and the job is demanding. The information they receive must be clear and concise, and the workflows seamless. Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD focuses on the needs of the user like never before.”

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher for I/CAD leverages a de-cluttered, dynamic map and adaptive user interface to focus attention on critical information, while providing immediate access to supplementary information and tools on demand. It improves response time and accuracy by streamlining workflows and reducing user interaction.

Upcoming Intergraph OnCall for I/CAD products will include such highly productive interfaces and workflows. They are a gateway to innovation and Hexagon’s next-generation public safety products that will release in the near future.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Launches New Computer-Aided Dispatch Application

14.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure has launched Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher, a new thin-client application for its industry-leading Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) system that provides core call-taking and dispatching capabilities via browsers. Unveiled at HxGN LIVE, Hexagon’s international conference, Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher features a highly productive, easy-to-use interface and workflows that are simple to deploy and maintain across multiple sites.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher extends dispatching capabilities to remote, supervisory and occasional-use roles to deliver wider incident management support at significantly lower cost than full call-taking and dispatching seats. Its ease of use, scope of capabilities and wider choice of hardware options enable Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher to support use cases outside of the primary call-taking and dispatching conducted at the public safety answering point (PSAP). Applications include mobile dispatch, management roles, and call-taking and dispatching at remote facilities such as police and fire stations.

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher also enables smaller agencies to leverage the capabilities and benefits of a shared dispatch system without the capital and operational costs of installed clients or virtualization. And in situations where a PSAP becomes inoperative during a disaster, it provides a rapidly deployable contingency dispatching client, increasing resilience and ensuring continuity of operations.

“Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher opens up new possibilities for mobile and occasional users or smaller agencies looking to leverage a shared system,” said Kalyn Sims, chief technology officer, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “We’ve spent a lot of time sitting with dispatchers and studying how they do their jobs. The work they do is critical, and the job is demanding. The information they receive must be clear and concise, and the workflows seamless. Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher focuses on the needs of the user like never before.”

Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher leverages a de-cluttered, dynamic map and adaptive user interface to focus attention on critical information, while providing immediate access to supplementary information and tools on demand. It improves response time and accuracy by streamlining workflows and reducing user interaction.

Upcoming Intergraph OnCall products will include such highly productive interfaces and workflows. They are a gateway to innovation and Hexagon’s next-generation public safety products that will release in the near future.

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure Launches New Computer-Aided Dispatch Application

14.6.2017 12:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   Intergraph OnCall Dispatcher features web access and more productive interface and workflows

V seznamu mapových služeb obla

14.6.2017 12:00   Plzeňský kraj   V seznamu mapových služeb oblasti Doprava a silniční hospodářství byl aktualizován obsah mapové služby Stavební akce na silnicích Plzeňského kraje v letech 2014 až 2017. Byly doplněny nově schválené akce z rozpočtu Plzeňského kraje.
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