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zdroje zpráv:

DronEdge představí nové drony i praktické příklady používání UAV

15.10.2019 16:03   GeoBusiness   Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl (UAVA) pořádá již pátý ročník konference DronEdge 2019, která se tentokrát koná 6. listopadu v Plzni. Program nabídne čtyři ... Přečíst


Czech Space Week vol. 2

15.10.2019 15:36   Český Kosmický Portál  

Ve dnech 8. - 17. 11. 2019 proběhne 2. ročník týdne českých kosmických aktivit, Czech Space Week 2019. Letošní ročník bude taktéž velmi nabitý a volně navazuje na velmi úspěšný loňský kosmický týden inspirovaný řadou výročí roku 2018, např. 10 let ČR v ESA, 40 let od startu první české družice Magion 1, 40 let od startu V. Remka a dalších.

Více informací o plánovaných akcích naleznete na stránkách Czech Space Week 2019! :)

Mapová aplikace ÚPD - nové dokumentace

15.10.2019 13:00   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci Územně plánovací dokumentace obcí byla aktualizována územně plánovací dokumentace obcí v ORP Prachatice – Žernovice, Lhenice; ORP České Budějovice – Adamov, Dynín, Vráto, Roudné, Dobrá Voda, Ledenice, Libín; ORP Písek – Kestřany, Tálín; ORP Blatná – Blatná, Březí, Buzice, Čečelovice, Hornosín, Kocelovice, Lažánky, Lažany, Lnáře, Škvořetice; ORP Český Krumlov – Český Krumlov, Horní Planá, Loučovice, Hořice na Šumavě.

Zavádění BIM na VŠB-TU Ostrava pro potřeby Facility Managementu

15.10.2019 12:59   Konference BIM Open  

Jak a proč implementují BIM na Vysoké škole Báňské v Ostravě? Proč a jakými kroky míří právě k správě majetku, tedy Facility Managementu? Ve své prezentaci z konference BIM Open přednášejí Eva Wernerová a Michal Faltejsek.

The post Zavádění BIM na VŠB-TU Ostrava pro potřeby Facility Managementu appeared first on BIM Open.

Pozůstatky řeky na čtvrté planetě očima sondy Mars Express

15.10.2019 10:38   Český Kosmický Portál  

Mars se může jevit jako ryze mimozemský svět, ale mnoho útvarů na jeho povrchu vypadá až neskutečně pozemsky. Jako třeba tento dávný vyschlý říční systém, který se táhne v délce 700 kilometrů po povrchu planety. Díky tomu jde o nejdelší údolní síť na této planetě.

20191015 - GaKO-10-2019

15.10.2019 10:23   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2019/20191015

20191015 - GaKO-10-2019

15.10.2019 10:23   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Aktuální číslo Geodetického a kartografického obzoru (10/2019) je k dispozici ke stažení.

Nové číslo GaKO

15.10.2019 9:50   ÚGKK SR  
Nové číslo časopisu Geodetického a Kartografického Obzoru 10/2019

European GNSS Agency (GSA) releases 6th GNSS Market Report

15.10.2019 9:47   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA GNSS Market Report has become the go-to reference for all GNSS market players.
15 October 2019

The GNSS market is developing rapidly. Demand for precise location information is also growing and the evolution of GNSS technology is ongoing. In this environment, the 6th issue of the GSA GNSS Market Report, officially launched today, is a valuable tool enabling all stakeholders to skilfully navigate and benefit from the flourishing GNSS market.

The 6th issue of the GSA’s GNSS Market Report provides comprehensive information on the dynamic global GNSS market along with in-depth analysis of the latest global trends and developments.

Key findings from the report:

  • Global GNSS downstream market revenue from both devices and services will grow from €150 bln in 2019 to €325 bln in 2029;
  • The global installed base of GNSS devices in use will increase from 6.4 bln in 2019 to 9.6 bln in 2029;
  • In 2017, European companies accounted for an estimated 27% of the global GNSS market;
  • In 2029, revenue from GNSS added value services will amount to €166 bln, accounting for 51% of total global GNSS revenue.

Growth on the GNSS market will be stimulated by global macro trends such as digitalisation, big data, the sharing economy and artificial intelligence, all of which use GNSS for position, navigation and timing. In combination with other technologies, GNSS will also contribute to tackling the climate change challenge by supporting environmentally friendly transport solutions, sustainable agriculture and meteorological monitoring.

To read the report in full, download it for free here.

A valuable resource

“The GNSS market is at a very exciting stage in its development and will expand rapidly in the coming years. By offering a comprehensive overview of the current market situation, along with forecasts of how the market is likely to develop to 2029, the latest issue of the GSA Market Report is a valuable resource for all GNSS market stakeholders,” says GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides. “This is a real tool that European companies can use to develop their market entry strategies for new products and services.”

Regularly referenced by policy-makers and business leaders around the world, the GNSS Market Report serves as the go-to resource for anybody requiring an in-depth look at GNSS market opportunities and trends across key market segments.

“The analysis and data-based forecasts in the GNSS Market Report are eagerly awaited by all GNSS market stakeholders. The previous issue of the Market Report was downloaded over 60,000 times since it was published in 2017, and the report has served as a key tool for GNSS market players from global corporations and SMEs to R&D organisations and academia,” said GSA Chief Operating Officer Pascal Claudel. “The high number of downloads is a clear indicator of the value that is placed on the unique blend of GNSS market intelligence and expertise that the GSA and its staff has acquired over the years,” he said.

What’s new in issue 6?

In the 2019 edition of the GNSS Market Report, the number of GNSS market segments reviewed has increased to 10: Consumer Solutions, Road, Manned Aviation, Drones, Maritime, Emergency Response, Rail, Agriculture, Geomatics and Critical Infrastructure. 

This allows more specific and accurate findings:

  • Road and Consumer Solutions dominate all other market segments in terms of cumulative revenue, and will account for a combined 93.3% in 2019-2029;
  • Of the remaining revenue, more than 50% will be generated by Agriculture and Geomatics;
  • Drones have become a significant GNSS market segment, exceeding mature segments such as maritime, aviation and agriculture in terms of shipments.

The New Space market is the focus of the Editor’s Special section in this year’s report. This section examines key trends behind the rapid growth in the number of spacecraft in use, with a particular focus on growth in private low Earth orbit (LEO) service providers and on Galileo’s contribution to the Space Service Volume (SSV).

“In the latest version of the GNSS Market Report, we have updated the market segments to better reflect the actual situation on the market. This section of the report provides analysis of key trends and recent developments in each segment, along with predictions on how the market will evolve, allowing readers to keep track of developments as they unfold on this dynamic market,” said Fiammetta Diani, the GSA’s Head of Market Development.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA GNSS Market Report has become the go-to reference for all GNSS market players.

Program konference

15.10.2019 9:15   ARCDATA  

Chcete vědět jaký bude časový harmonogram letošní konference abyste si již mohli začít plánovat svůj program?  Pak pro vás máme dobrou zprávu – již nyní naleznete v přehledu přednášek i časový rozvrh všech sekcí a konečné řazení jednotlivých přednášek.

Dostupný je samozřejmě také rozvrh workshopů a tematických miniseminářů.

GaKO 10/2019

15.10.2019 7:52   GaKO   GaKO 10/2019 CHOLEVA, R.: Určovanie parametrov laser trackera z merania v mikrosieti HÁNEK, P.–HÁNEK, P. ml.: Dvousté výročí založení firmy Kern a její přínos

GaKO 10/2019

15.10.2019 7:52   GaKO   GaKO 10/2019 CHOLEVA, R.: Určovanie parametrov laser trackera z merania v mikrosieti HÁNEK, P.–HÁNEK, P. ml.: Dvousté výročí založení firmy Kern a její přínos

GaKO 10/2019

15.10.2019 7:47   GaKO   GaKO 10/2019 CHOLEVA, R.: Určovanie parametrov laser trackera z merania v mikrosieti HÁNEK, P.–HÁNEK, P. ml.: Dvousté výročí založení firmy Kern a její přínos


15.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   vrstva obsahuje vymezení chráněných území s vazbou na vodu a je formálně upravena pro potřeby reportingu podle směrnice 2000/60/ES (WFD). Obsažena jsou chráněná území, která nebyla reportována na základě jiné legislativy, tedy Ramsarské mokřady a maloplošná zvláště chráněná území. Prostorová i popisná složka dat byla upravena podle směrných dokumentů a požadavků Evropské komise na reporting Plánů oblastí povodí v roce 2016.

Test dataset VÚV

15.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Vrstva obsahuje vymezení chráněných území s vazbou na vodu a je formálně upravena pro potřeby reportingu podle směrnice 2000/60/ES (WFD). Obsažena jsou chráněná území, která nebyla reportována na základě jiné legislativy, tedy Ramsarské mokřady a maloplošná zvláště chráněná území. Prostorová i popisná složka dat byla upravena podle směrných dokumentů a požadavků Evropské komise na reporting Plánů oblastí povodí v roce 2016.

Konference o vysokých školách

14.10.2019 22:23   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Na konferenci „Absolventi vysokých škol v České republice – mezinárodní, národní a institucionální perspektiva“ budou ukázány výsledky šetření mezi absolventy vysokých škol v ČR v mezinárodní, národní a institucionální perspektivě. Konferenci, která se bude konat 22. října v Praze, pořádá Centrum pro studium vysokého školství ve spolupráci s Univerzitou Karlovou.

Vláda schválila nový Národní kosmický plán

14.10.2019 19:24   Český Kosmický Portál  

Vláda dnes schválila nový Národní kosmický plán na roky 2020 až 2025, který navazuje na dosavadní úsilí vlády v podpoře rozvoje kosmického průmyslu a excelence ve vědě. Ministerstvo dopravy chce prostřednictvím nového kosmického plánu podpořit další růst kosmického průmyslu tak, aby české firmy mohly dodávat ucelenější komponenty družic a nosných raket, jako jsou celé přístroje či platformy družic. Soustředit se chceme také na podporu inovací, vzdělávání v technických předmětech, technologický transfer, podporu slibných nápadů i jejich uvádění na trh a na těsnější spolupráci mezi vysokými školami či průmyslem.

Vláda schválila nový Národní kosmický plán

14.10.2019 19:24   Český Kosmický Portál  

Vláda dnes schválila nový Národní kosmický plán na roky 2020 až 2025, který navazuje na dosavadní úsilí vlády v podpoře rozvoje kosmického průmyslu a excelence ve vědě. Ministerstvo dopravy chce prostřednictvím nového kosmického plánu podpořit další růst kosmického průmyslu tak, aby české firmy mohly dodávat ucelenější komponenty družic a nosných raket, jako jsou celé přístroje či platformy družic. Soustředit se chceme také na podporu inovací, vzdělávání v technických předmětech, technologický transfer, podporu slibných nápadů i jejich uvádění na trh a na těsnější spolupráci mezi vysokými školami či průmyslem.

Vláda schválila nový Národní kosmický plán 2020 - 2025

14.10.2019 19:24   Český Kosmický Portál  

Vláda dnes schválila nový Národní kosmický plán na roky 2020 až 2025, který navazuje na dosavadní úsilí vlády v podpoře rozvoje kosmického průmyslu a excelence ve vědě. Ministerstvo dopravy chce prostřednictvím nového kosmického plánu podpořit další růst kosmického průmyslu tak, aby české firmy mohly dodávat ucelenější komponenty družic a nosných raket, jako jsou celé přístroje či platformy družic. Soustředit se chceme také na podporu inovací, vzdělávání v technických předmětech, technologický transfer, podporu slibných nápadů i jejich uvádění na trh a na těsnější spolupráci mezi vysokými školami či průmyslem.

Vláda schválila nový Národní kosmický plán 2020 - 2025

14.10.2019 19:24   Český Kosmický Portál  

Vláda dnes schválila nový Národní kosmický plán na roky 2020 až 2025, který navazuje na dosavadní úsilí vlády v podpoře rozvoje kosmického průmyslu a excelence ve vědě. Ministerstvo dopravy chce prostřednictvím nového kosmického plánu podpořit další růst kosmického průmyslu tak, aby české firmy mohly dodávat ucelenější komponenty družic a nosných raket, jako jsou celé přístroje či platformy družic. Soustředit se chceme také na podporu inovací, vzdělávání v technických předmětech, technologický transfer, podporu slibných nápadů i jejich uvádění na trh a na těsnější spolupráci mezi vysokými školami či průmyslem.

Vláda schválila nový Národní kosmický plán

14.10.2019 19:24   Český Kosmický Portál  

Vláda dnes schválila nový Národní kosmický plán na roky 2020 až 2025, který navazuje na dosavadní úsilí vlády v podpoře rozvoje kosmického průmyslu a excelence ve vědě. Ministerstvo dopravy chce prostřednictvím nového kosmického plánu podpořit další růst kosmického průmyslu tak, aby české firmy mohly dodávat ucelenější komponenty družic a nosných raket, jako jsou celé přístroje či platformy družic. Soustředit se chceme také na podporu inovací, vzdělávání v technických předmětech, technologický transfer, podporu slibných nápadů i jejich uvádění na trh a na těsnější spolupráci mezi vysokými školami či průmyslem.

Vláda schválila nový Národní kosmický plán

14.10.2019 19:24   Český Kosmický Portál  

Vláda dnes schválila nový Národní kosmický plán na roky 2020 až 2025, který navazuje na dosavadní úsilí vlády v podpoře rozvoje kosmického průmyslu a excelence ve vědě. Ministerstvo dopravy chce prostřednictvím nového kosmického plánu podpořit další růst kosmického průmyslu tak, aby české firmy mohly dodávat ucelenější komponenty družic a nosných raket, jako jsou celé přístroje či platformy družic. Soustředit se chceme také na podporu inovací, vzdělávání v technických předmětech, technologický transfer, podporu slibných nápadů i jejich uvádění na trh a na těsnější spolupráci mezi vysokými školami či průmyslem.

Vláda schválila nový Národní kosmický plán

14.10.2019 19:24   Český Kosmický Portál  

Vláda dnes schválila nový Národní kosmický plán na roky 2020 až 2025, který navazuje na dosavadní úsilí vlády v podpoře rozvoje kosmického průmyslu a excelence ve vědě. Ministerstvo dopravy chce prostřednictvím nového kosmického plánu podpořit další růst kosmického průmyslu tak, aby české firmy mohly dodávat ucelenější komponenty družic a nosných raket, jako jsou celé přístroje či platformy družic. Soustředit se chceme také na podporu inovací, vzdělávání v technických předmětech, technologický transfer, podporu slibných nápadů i jejich uvádění na trh a na těsnější spolupráci mezi vysokými školami či průmyslem.

Video Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice je rovněž propagací oboru

14.10.2019 18:16   Zeměměřič  

Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice na svém webu uveřejnila video, představující šíři záběru znalostí v oborech, ve kterých členové APG profesně působí. Pro zhlédnutí doporučujeme zapnout si zvuk, případně vzít si sluchátka. / úvodní ilu via

The post Video Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice je rovněž propagací oboru appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Brněnský říjnový Missing maps mapathon ve společnosti Red Hat

14.10.2019 18:00   Geografický ústav MU  

Brněnský říjnový Missing maps mapathon ve společnosti Red Hat

  • Užili jste si prázdniny? Tak je čas zase se pustit do práce. Tentokrát s mapathonem navštívíme brněnskou pobočku společnosti Red Hat.
  • Přijďte podpořit práci Lékařů bez hranic tím, že pomůžete do otevřené mapy světa OpenStreetMap zmapovat místa, která jsou ohrožena humanitárními krizemi. A těch je čím dál víc.

 srovnání Open Street Map a Google Maps

Kdy a kde to bude?

pondělí 14. září od 18:00 do 22:00

Red Hat

Purkyňova 647/111, 61200 Brno

Přesné místo mapathonu:



Co se na setkání bude dít?

Na mapathonu budeme společně podle satelitních snímků vytvářet v OpenStreetMap mapu jednoho z míst, na kterém působí Lékaři bez hranic.

Pokud nemáte zkušenosti, nevadí. Všechno se na místě naučíte a po krátkém školení už budete moci sami mapovat. Pokud máte zkušenosti, tím lépe. Budeme pracovat ve třech skupinách:

  • Skupina začátečníků bude při školení získávat první zkušenosti s editací OpenStreetMap
  • Zkušenější mapéři se budou mít možnost naučit program JOSM – volně dostupný pokročilý editor pro OpenStreetMap
  • Ti, kteří už umí alespoň základy JOSM, se mohou vyškolit na validátory, kteří kontrolují výsledky práce dalších mapérů. Vyškolení co největšího počtu validátorů je aktuálně ten nejdůležitější úkol mapathonů po celém světě. Jsou nedostatkoví a vážení, tak se přidejte.

Samozřejmě, zváni jsou i zkušení uživatelé, kteří už žádné školení nepotřebují a chtějí jen nerušeně mapovat či validovat.

Pokud již patříte mezi zkušené a chtěli byste se přidat do organizačního týmu, tak se na tom na mapathonu rádi domluvíme.


Mám si něco připravit?

Pokud ještě nemáte účet na OpenStreetMap, vytvořte si ho zde:

Pokud chcete být ve skupině pokročilých mapérů učících se JOSM, je vhodné mít na počítači předem nainstalován program JOSM. Je volně ke stažení na adrese Program vyžaduje nainstalovaný programovací jazyk Java.

Pokud chcete být ve skupině validátorů, je výhodou již alespoň základní znalost editoru JOSM. Ideální je proto nejdříve absolvovat mapathon ve skupině JOSM a na následujícím mapathonu přejít k validátorům.

Těší se na Vás společnost Red Hat a organizační tým brněnských mapathonů.

Matej, Radim, Katka, Jakub, Jakub, Michal, Daniel, Tomáš a Martin.

Bližší informace: Radim Štampach (, Matej Hrušovský (

APG pořádá v Poslanecké sněmovně seminář o pozemkových úpravách

14.10.2019 17:55   Zeměměřič  

Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice zve na odborný seminář na téma „Budoucnost naší krajiny: Co ještě nevíte o pozemkových úpravách?“. Seminář, pořádaný pod záštitou zemědělského výboru Poslanecké sněmovny PČR, se koná 30. října 2019 od 15:00 hod. (Sál Státních aktů Poslanecká sněmovna PČR / Sněmovní 4, Praha 1). Akci moderuje Ing. Jaroslav Cibulka, výkonný ředitel APG. Program semináře 15:00 […]

The post APG pořádá v Poslanecké sněmovně seminář o pozemkových úpravách appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Echodyne and AUVSI to Host Webinar on Sensor Technologies That Create 3D Situational Awareness

14.10.2019 17:38 Webcasts-Webinars   Join Echodyne Executives as They Discuss the Technologies that Enable Safe Skies
KIRKLAND, Wash. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October 14, 2019 …

XAG Drone Fleets Take Off for Large-scale Cotton Defoliation Operation in Xinjiang

14.10.2019 17:38 Webcasts-Webinars   YULI, China and KUITUN, China and BOLE, China, Oct. 14, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — As a global leading agriculture technology company, XAG …

Mapa roku 2018: Vývoj českého státu/Česko – obecně zeměpisná mapa

14.10.2019 15:20   Různé   Především díky přehlednosti, jednoduchosti a názornosti byla vyhlášena tato mapa Mapou roku 2018 v kategorii Kartografická díla pro školy.

Ke stoletému výročí od vzniku Republiky Československé připravili V Kartografii Praha originální příruční mapu.

Lícová strana na 12 mapkách zobrazuje postupný vývoj státních útvarů na našem území, od období Velké Moravy, přes Český stát za Přemyslovců a Lucemburků, Habsburskou monarchii, První republiku až po současné Česko. Mapy jsou navíc doplněny přehlednou časovou osou s výčtem všech panovníků a prezidentů.

Rubová strana mapy pak zobrazuje současné Česko se všemi významnými řekami, pohořími, nížinami a vrcholy, ale taky se základní sítí silnic a železnic, hranicemi krajů a velkými i menšími městy a obcemi.

Praktický formát nabízí široké využití - od podložky na stůl, vyvěšení na rodinnou či pracovní nástěnku po praktickou školní pomůcku.

Galileo and EGNOS featured at InterGEO 2019

14.10.2019 13:24   European GNSS Agency  
GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Eduard Escalona speaking at the InterGEO Galileo workshop
14 October 2019

Galileo and EGNOS were the focus of attention at a special workshop at this year's InterGEO in Stuttgart. InterGEO is the world's leading conference and trade fair for geodesy, geo-information and land management.

InterGEO provided an opportunity to give an update on the status of the Galileo and EGNOS programmes and to present user case studies at a special workshop focusing on the geomatics market. 

In his presentation at the conference, Eduard Escalona, Market Development Innovation Officer at the European GNSS Agency (GSA), stressed the key role of GNSS. “GNSS is a cornerstone in many areas: It is a fundamental element for cadastral surveying, in the construction sector, in mining, land surveying and mapping activities, for all geographic information systems (GIS), for infrastructure monitoring and for marine surveying. For all of you who are working in these and many other areas, Galileo is now helping to provide the GNSS services you need," he said.

Dual frequency boosting market

The European GNSS programmes, Galileo and EGNOS, continue to move forward in terms of adoption by the professional market and among general users, thanks in no small part to the development of dual-frequency capability.

Traditionally, mobile, location-based applications have been powered by single-frequency GNSS receivers operating under stringent battery-power and footprint constraints. With a dual-frequency chipset, these devices now benefit from better accuracy, ionosphere error cancellation, improved tracking and better multipath resistance.

Read this: European GNSS supports smarter mobility

Galileo, as it happens, is leading the way in the area of dual-frequency signal delivery, now with more dual-frequency operational satellites in orbit than any other GNSS system. Market uptake of Galileo receivers has been impressive; in addition to the geomatics-related areas of particular interest to the InterGEO public, dual-frequency GNSS chipsets are also appearing in the automotive sector, where connected cars and autonomous vehicles present a clear and pressing need for accurate and reliable positioning information.

New services to come

"To date, more than one billion Galileo-enabled devices have been sold," said Escalona, "but Galileo isn't standing still, waiting. We are proposing new services to appear in the coming years." These include the much-anticipated High-Accuracy Service (HAS) and a new Authentication Service. "The HAS will be a free, globally available service providing an accuracy of 20 cm, with PPP [Precise Point Positioning] corrections." Meanwhile, the Authentication Service (OS-NMA) will provide protection against jamming, spoofing and meaconing on the E1B signal and a separate Signal Authentication Service (SAS) will provide an even higher level of protection on the E6 signal.

"EGNOS is currently working with GPS but of course we are looking forward to augmenting Galileo in the near future," said Sergio Cabrera Bona, EGNOS Service Adoption Tools Engineer at the European Satellite Services Provider, whose core activities comprise EGNOS operations and service provision.

And this: GSA GNSS Market Report

"GNSS is critical in all of these fields, whether it is mapping and GIS, farming, forestry, thermal pictures, management of natural terrains," Cabrera said. He went on to list some other areas, including management and inspection of utilities, power networks, water supply, telecoms, drones, inventory, surveying, field campaigns and determination of perimeters in agriculture as other areas where GNSS plays a key role. 

"It is not possible to mention all of the activities where you need reliable positioning. What you have to know is that with EGNOS augmentations you already have a horizontal accuracy below one metre and a vertical accuracy below two metres, so this is a very good accuracy," he said.

There is much more that could potentially be done right now, Cabrera explained. "Most of the professional equipment is already EGNOS-enabled, but in practice users do not always configure their equipment correctly to exploit this capability. EGNOS adoption and support is going ahead full speed, but in the GNSS device market, many users still do not know they can use EGNOS. So the education process remains an ongoing effort,” he said.

Cabrera explained that the EGNOS user support website can be an important part of this educational drive on the top of the help desk. "We have very interesting tools and resources available online. For example, we will have a new EGNOS visibility map available very soon on the website. With this tool you will be able to easily see the current availability of EGNOS signals in your location, which will be very useful especially in urban environments, for example. We also have many user support services and there is a new mobile app coming, so please visit our website and take advantage of EGNOS. It is there for you." 

Introducing the GSC

Galileo services improvement expert Pedro Gómez Martínez informed participants about the European GNSS Service Centre (GSC), defining both the concept of operations as well as the procedures necessary to provide the services that the GSA offers to Galileo users.

"The European GNSS Service Centre is the single interface between the infrastructure and users of the Galileo open services, commercial service and search and rescue service (SAR)," said Gómez. "So the GSC is a centre that provides experts, know-how, evaluation of capability, distribution of information and support for the provision of value-added services provided by the Galileo system."

Read this: MyGalileoApp – targeting the future of mobility

The GSC website is a core resource for Galileo users, Gómez said, reporting real-time system status and incident notifications, with a bank of key documents and a full-time help desk. "It is very important for us that this is a two-way interactive service that includes your feed-back. We need you to report any incidents that you might experience related to the product, service and data provision. We are very interested in user satisfaction, and we want to know how you respond to improvements. And of course, in general, we are here to promote GNSS in all its forms, in all areas, for all users."

The GSC launched a new version of its website in the run-up to the InterGEO event. "More than ever we are making it easier for you to engage in dialogue with us and to provide your feedback. This is very important to us with new services coming up in the future," Gomez said.

Research fundamentals

"One of the very important responsibilities of the GSA is the management of a number of EGNSS research and development programmes," said Eduard Escalona. "We have Horizon 2020, the European Union's research Framework Programme. There we have a final call for proposals coming up in November, with a deadline in March 2020. The GSA also is overseeing the Fundamental Elements programme, which is funding research specifically targeted at developing Galileo-enabled chipsets, receivers and related technologies."

To illustrate Escalona's point, the presentations featured EU-funded GNSS-related research projects leveraging the accuracy and integrity offered by Galileo. Pere Molina of Geonumerics presented the MapKite project. Funded under Horizon 2020 and now completed, MapKite integrates an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) for simultaneous capture of geo-data from the air and from the ground. Molina showed data from a successful corridor mapping exercise run using the MapKite system.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Eduard Escalona speaking at the InterGEO Galileo workshop

Galileo and EGNOS featured at InterGEO 2019

14.10.2019 13:24   European GNSS Agency  
GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Eduard Escalona speaking at the InterGEO Galileo workshop
14 October 2019

Galileo and EGNOS were the focus of attention at a special workshop at this year's InterGEO in Stuttgart. InterGEO is the world's leading conference and trade fair for geodesy, geo-information and land management.

InterGEO provided an opportunity to give an update on the status of the Galileo and EGNOS programmes and to present user case studies at a special workshop focusing on the geomatics market. 

In his presentation at the conference, Eduard Escalona, Market Development Innovation Officer at the European GNSS Agency (GSA), stressed the key role of GNSS. “GNSS is a cornerstone in many areas: It is a fundamental element for cadastral surveying, in the construction sector, in mining, land surveying and mapping activities, for all geographic information systems (GIS), for infrastructure monitoring and for marine surveying. For all of you who are working in these and many other areas, Galileo is now helping to provide the GNSS services you need," he said.

Dual frequency boosting market

The European GNSS programmes, Galileo and EGNOS, continue to move forward in terms of adoption by the professional market and among general users, thanks in no small part to the development of dual-frequency capability.

Traditionally, mobile, location-based applications have been powered by single-frequency GNSS receivers operating under stringent battery-power and footprint constraints. With a dual-frequency chipset, these devices now benefit from better accuracy, ionosphere error cancellation, improved tracking and better multipath resistance.

Read this: European GNSS supports smarter mobility

Galileo, as it happens, is leading the way in the area of dual-frequency signal delivery, now with more dual-frequency operational satellites in orbit than any other GNSS system. Market uptake of Galileo receivers has been impressive; in addition to the geomatics-related areas of particular interest to the InterGEO public, dual-frequency GNSS chipsets are also appearing in the automotive sector, where connected cars and autonomous vehicles present a clear and pressing need for accurate and reliable positioning information.

New services to come

"To date, more than one billion Galileo-enabled devices have been sold," said Escalona, "but Galileo isn't standing still, waiting. We are proposing new services to appear in the coming years." These include the much-anticipated High-Accuracy Service (HAS) and a new Authentication Service. "The HAS will be a free, globally available service providing an accuracy of 20 cm, with PPP [Precise Point Positioning] corrections." Meanwhile, the Authentication Service (OS-NMA) will provide protection against jamming, spoofing and meaconing on the E1B signal and a separate Signal Authentication Service (SAS) will provide an even higher level of protection on the E6 signal.

"EGNOS is currently working with GPS but of course we are looking forward to augmenting Galileo in the near future," said Sergio Cabrera Bona, EGNOS Service Adoption Tools Engineer at the European Satellite Services Provider, whose core activities comprise EGNOS operations and service provision.

And this: GSA GNSS Market Report

"GNSS is critical in all of these fields, whether it is mapping and GIS, farming, forestry, thermal pictures, management of natural terrains," Cabrera said. He went on to list some other areas, including management and inspection of utilities, power networks, water supply, telecoms, drones, inventory, surveying, field campaigns and determination of perimeters in agriculture as other areas where GNSS plays a key role. 

"It is not possible to mention all of the activities where you need reliable positioning. What you have to know is that with EGNOS augmentations you already have a horizontal accuracy below one metre and a vertical accuracy below two metres, so this is a very good accuracy," he said.

There is much more that could potentially be done right now, Cabrera explained. "Most of the professional equipment is already EGNOS-enabled, but in practice users do not always configure their equipment correctly to exploit this capability. EGNOS adoption and support is going ahead full speed, but in the GNSS device market, many users still do not know they can use EGNOS. So the education process remains an ongoing effort,” he said.

Cabrera explained that the EGNOS user support website can be an important part of this educational drive on the top of the help desk. "We have very interesting tools and resources available online. For example, we will have a new EGNOS usability map available very soon on the website. With this tool you will be able to easily see the current availability of EGNOS signals in your location, which will be very useful especially in urban environments, for example. We also have many user support services and there is a new mobile app coming, so please visit our website and take advantage of EGNOS. It is there for you." 

Introducing the GSC

Galileo services improvement expert Pedro Gómez Martínez informed participants about the European GNSS Service Centre (GSC), defining both the concept of operations as well as the procedures necessary to provide the services that the GSA offers to Galileo users.

"The European GNSS Service Centre is the single interface between the infrastructure and users of the Galileo open services, commercial service and search and rescue service (SAR)," said Gómez. "So the GSC is a centre that provides experts, know-how, evaluation of capability, distribution of information and support for the provision of value-added services provided by the Galileo system."

Read this: MyGalileoApp – targeting the future of mobility

The GSC website is a core resource for Galileo users, Gómez said, reporting real-time system status and incident notifications, with a bank of key documents and a full-time help desk. "It is very important for us that this is a two-way interactive service that includes your feed-back. We need you to report any incidents that you might experience related to the product, service and data provision. We are very interested in user satisfaction, and we want to know how you respond to improvements. And of course, in general, we are here to promote GNSS in all its forms, in all areas, for all users."

The GSC launched a new version of its website in the run-up to the InterGEO event. "More than ever we are making it easier for you to engage in dialogue with us and to provide your feedback. This is very important to us with new services coming up in the future," Gomez said.

Research fundamentals

"One of the very important responsibilities of the GSA is the management of a number of EGNSS research and development programmes," said Eduard Escalona. "We have Horizon 2020, the European Union's research Framework Programme. There we have a final call for proposals coming up in November, with a deadline in March 2020. The GSA also is overseeing the Fundamental Elements programme, which is funding research specifically targeted at developing Galileo-enabled chipsets, receivers and related technologies."

To illustrate Escalona's point, the presentations featured EU-funded GNSS-related research projects leveraging the accuracy and integrity offered by Galileo. Pere Molina of Geonumerics presented the MapKite project. Funded under Horizon 2020 and now completed, MapKite integrates an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) for simultaneous capture of geo-data from the air and from the ground. Molina showed data from a successful corridor mapping exercise run using the MapKite system.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Eduard Escalona speaking at the InterGEO Galileo workshop

Galileo and EGNOS featured at InterGEO 2019

14.10.2019 13:24   European GNSS Agency  
GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Eduard Escalona speaking at the InterGEO Galileo workshop
14 October 2019

Galileo and EGNOS were the focus of attention at a special workshop at this year's InterGEO in Stuttgart. InterGEO is the world's leading conference and trade fair for geodesy, geo-information and land management.

InterGEO provided an opportunity to give an update on the status of the Galileo and EGNOS programmes and to present user case studies at a special workshop focusing on the geomatics market. 

In his presentation at the conference, Eduard Escalona, Market Development Innovation Officer at the European GNSS Agency (GSA), stressed the key role of GNSS. “GNSS is a cornerstone in many areas: It is a fundamental element for cadastral surveying, in the construction sector, in mining, land surveying and mapping activities, for all geographic information systems (GIS), for infrastructure monitoring and for marine surveying. For all of you who are working in these and many other areas, Galileo is now helping to provide the GNSS services you need," he said.

Dual frequency boosting market

The European GNSS programmes, Galileo and EGNOS, continue to move forward in terms of adoption by the professional market and among general users, thanks in no small part to the development of dual-frequency capability.

Traditionally, mobile, location-based applications have been powered by single-frequency GNSS receivers operating under stringent battery-power and footprint constraints. With a dual-frequency chipset, these devices now benefit from better accuracy, ionosphere error cancellation, improved tracking and better multipath resistance.

Read this: European GNSS supports smarter mobility

Galileo, as it happens, is leading the way in the area of dual-frequency signal delivery, now with more dual-frequency operational satellites in orbit than any other GNSS system. Market uptake of Galileo receivers has been impressive; in addition to the geomatics-related areas of particular interest to the InterGEO public, dual-frequency GNSS chipsets are also appearing in the automotive sector, where connected cars and autonomous vehicles present a clear and pressing need for accurate and reliable positioning information.

New services to come

"To date, more than one billion Galileo-enabled devices have been sold," said Escalona, "but Galileo isn't standing still, waiting. We are proposing new services to appear in the coming years." These include the much-anticipated High-Accuracy Service (HAS) and a new Authentication Service. "The HAS will be a free, globally available service providing an accuracy of 20 cm, with PPP [Precise Point Positioning] corrections." Meanwhile, the Authentication Service (OS-NMA) will provide protection against jamming, spoofing and meaconing on the E1B signal and a separate Signal Authentication Service (SAS) will provide an even higher level of protection on the E6 signal.

"EGNOS is currently working with GPS but of course we are looking forward to augmenting Galileo in the near future," said Sergio Cabrera Bona, EGNOS Service Adoption Tools Engineer at the European Satellite Services Provider, whose core activities comprise EGNOS operations and service provision.

And this: GSA GNSS Market Report

"GNSS is critical in all of these fields, whether it is mapping and GIS, farming, forestry, thermal pictures, management of natural terrains," Cabrera said. He went on to list some other areas, including management and inspection of utilities, power networks, water supply, telecoms, drones, inventory, surveying, field campaigns and determination of perimeters in agriculture as other areas where GNSS plays a key role. 

"It is not possible to mention all of the activities where you need reliable positioning. What you have to know is that with EGNOS augmentations you already have a horizontal accuracy below one metre and a vertical accuracy below two metres, so this is a very good accuracy," he said.

There is much more that could potentially be done right now, Cabrera explained. "Most of the professional equipment is already EGNOS-enabled, but in practice users do not always configure their equipment correctly to exploit this capability. EGNOS adoption and support is going ahead full speed, but in the GNSS device market, many users still do not know they can use EGNOS. So the education process remains an ongoing effort,” he said.

Cabrera explained that the EGNOS user support website can be an important part of this educational drive on the top of the help desk. "We have very interesting tools and resources available online. For example, we will have a new EGNOS usability map available very soon on the website. With this tool you will be able to easily see the current availability of EGNOS signals in your location, which will be very useful especially in urban environments, for example. We also have many user support services and there is a new mobile app coming, so please visit our website and take advantage of EGNOS. It is there for you." 

Introducing the GSC

Galileo services improvement expert Pedro Gómez Martínez informed participants about the European GNSS Service Centre (GSC), defining both the concept of operations as well as the procedures necessary to provide the services that the GSA offers to Galileo users.

"The European GNSS Service Centre is the single interface between the infrastructure and users of the Galileo open services, commercial service and search and rescue service (SAR)," said Gómez. "So the GSC is a centre that provides experts, know-how, evaluation of capability, distribution of information and support for the provision of value-added services provided by the Galileo system."

Read this: MyGalileoApp – targeting the future of mobility

The GSC website is a core resource for Galileo users, Gómez said, reporting real-time system status and incident notifications, with a bank of key documents and a full-time help desk. "It is very important for us that this is a two-way interactive service that includes your feed-back. We need you to report any incidents that you might experience related to the product, service and data provision. We are very interested in user satisfaction, and we want to know how you respond to improvements. And of course, in general, we are here to promote GNSS in all its forms, in all areas, for all users."

The GSC launched a new version of its website in the run-up to the InterGEO event. "More than ever we are making it easier for you to engage in dialogue with us and to provide your feedback. This is very important to us with new services coming up in the future," Gomez said.

Research fundamentals

"One of the very important responsibilities of the GSA is the management of a number of EGNSS research and development programmes," said Eduard Escalona. "We have Horizon 2020, the European Union's research Framework Programme. There we have a final call for proposals coming up in November, with a deadline in March 2020. The GSA also is overseeing the Fundamental Elements programme, which is funding research specifically targeted at developing Galileo-enabled chipsets, receivers and related technologies."

To illustrate Escalona's point, the presentations featured EU-funded GNSS-related research projects leveraging the accuracy and integrity offered by Galileo. Pere Molina of Geonumerics presented the MapKite project. Funded under Horizon 2020 and now completed, MapKite integrates an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) for simultaneous capture of geo-data from the air and from the ground. Molina showed data from a successful corridor mapping exercise run using the MapKite system.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Eduard Escalona speaking at the InterGEO Galileo workshop

Odešel Alexej Leonov, první člověk, který uskutečnil kosmickou vycházku

14.10.2019 13:12   Český Kosmický Portál  

Ruský kosmonaut Alexej Leonov, první člověk, který uskutečnil výstup do otevřeného prostoru, zemřel 11. října ve věku 85 let.

Orbit GT and Viametris, France, sign Reseller Agreement

14.10.2019 9:00 Webcasts-Webinars   Lokeren, Belgium, October 11th, 2019 - Orbit GT is pleased to announce that Viametris, France, has joined as Authorized Reseller of Orbit GT …

Registrace na konferenci byla uzavřena

14.10.2019 8:00   ARCDATA  

Kapacita letošní Konference GIS Esri v ČR byla naplněna, proto již byla uzavřena registrace a ukončili jsme příjem dalších přihlášek.

Děkujeme za pochopení.

Rozpočet úřadu za rok 2019 po 8.ROP

14.10.2019 7:08   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj
vystavuje rozpočet úřadu za rok

Rozpočet úřadu za rok 2019 po 8.ROP

14.10.2019 7:08   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Rozpocet/Rozpocet-uradu-za-rok-2019-po-8-ROP

Osobní automobil Škoda Octavia kombi

14.10.2019 6:54   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Kralovehradecky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Osobni-automobil-Skoda-Octavia-kombi

Osobní automobil Škoda Octavia kombi

14.10.2019 6:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

Osobní automobil Škoda Octavia kombi

Osobní automobil Škoda Fabia kombi

14.10.2019 6:53   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Kralovehradecky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Osobni-automobil-Skoda-Fabia-kombi

Osobní automobil Škoda Fabia kombi

14.10.2019 6:53   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

Osobní automobil Škoda Fabia kombi

Osobní automobil Renault Kangoo

14.10.2019 6:52   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Kralovehradecky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Osobni-automobil-Renault-Kangoo-(2K2-1591)

Osobní automobil Renault Kangoo

14.10.2019 6:52   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

Osobní automobil Renault Kangoo


14.10.2019 2:00   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Na konferenci „Absolventi vysokých škol v České republice – mezinárodní, národní a institucionální perspektiva“ budou ..

Seminář o monitorování stavu stavebních konstrukcí

13.10.2019 23:00   Zeměměřič  

Topcon Positioning Group ve spolupráci s firmou TOPGEOSYS zvou na přednášku o posledním vývoji v oblasti monitorování stavu stavebních konstrukcí a inspekce. Ing. Peter Berger, který má ve firmě Topcon na starosti segment monitorování a měření tunelů, vás seznámí s metodami monitorování stavu konstrukcí. Bude hovořit o svých zkušenostech v oboru a představí zahraniční projekty v oblasti infrastruktury jako jsou Cityringen Kodaň, Tel Aviv Red […]

The post Seminář o monitorování stavu stavebních konstrukcí appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Připomínky k zákonu o PÚ předloženy Hospodářské komoře

13.10.2019 22:17   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Pracovní skupina pro pozemkové úpravy shromáždila připomínky odborné veřejnosti zastoupené APG, APÚ a ČMKPÚ k novele ZPÚ a prostřednictvím výkonného ředitele APG Jaroslava Cibulky postoupila tyto připomínky Hospodářské komoře ČR.


13.10.2019 2:00   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Pracovní skupina pro pozemkové úpravy shromáždila připomínky odborné veřejnosti zastoupené APG, APÚ a ČMKPÚ k novele ...

Budoucnost naší krajiny – seminář v Poslanecké sněmovně

12.10.2019 22:14   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   APG dne 30. října 2019 pořádá v Poslanecké sněmovně seminář nazvaný Budoucnost naší krajiny: Co ještě nevíte o pozemkových úpravách?. APG se podařilo získat nad touto akcí záštitu zemědělského výboru PS PČR. Na semináři vystoupí se svou přednáškou prof. Ing. Miroslav Dumbrovský, CSc. z brněnské VUT, RNDr. Petr Kubala, generální ředitel Povodí Vltavy a další odborníci z oboru z řad SPÚ, soukromých […]

Fellowship Call

12.10.2019 17:03   ESA Observing the Earth   Living Planet Fellowship Call

Fellowship Call

To support postdocs initiate a scientific career in Earth observation and Earth system science, ESA’s Living Planet Fellowship Call is open. Apply before 1 November 2019

Fellowship Call

12.10.2019 17:03   ESA Observing the Earth   Living Planet Fellowship Call

Fellowship Call

To support postdocs initiate a scientific career in Earth observation and Earth system science, ESA’s Living Planet Fellowship Call is open. Apply before 1 November 2019

Fellowship Call

12.10.2019 17:03   ESA Observing the Earth   Living Planet Fellowship Call

Fellowship Call

To support postdocs initiate a scientific career in Earth observation and Earth system science, ESA’s Living Planet Fellowship Call is open. Apply before 1 November 2019

Odstávka Geoportálu Jihočeského kraje

12.10.2019 14:25   Jihočeský kraj   Z důvodu údržby sítě Krajského úřadu bude Geoportál mimo provoz a to v sobotu 14.12.2019 od 15:00 do večerních hodin.

Sokkia bude mít v listopadu roadshow ve čtyřech městech

11.10.2019 23:02   Zeměměřič  

Výrobce Sokkia, který se na český a slovenský trh vrací prostřednictvím firmy 3GON Positioning, v listopadu představí své novinky ve čtyřech městech – Praha, Jičín, Ostrava, Brno. Na akci budou představeny všechny přístroje Sokkia – nejen manuální totální stanice, které jsou v geodézii legendárním pojmem, ale rovněž další technologie Sokkia. Všechny přístroje budou na akci k vyzkoušení. Sokkia z České […]

The post Sokkia bude mít v listopadu roadshow ve čtyřech městech appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Blue Marble seeks presenters for its online geo-conference GeoTalks 2020

11.10.2019 17:24 Webcasts-Webinars   Hallowell, Maine – October 10, 2019 – Blue Marble Geographics ( is calling for speakers for its annual online …

Orbit GT launches 3D Mapping Cloud v19.10

11.10.2019 17:04 Webcasts-Webinars    
Orbit GT announces the launch of version 19.10 of 3D Mapping Cloud.
Lokeren, Belgium, October 10th, 2019
“We keep on producing great …

Orbit GT launches 3D Mapping Cloud v19.10

11.10.2019 17:04 Webcasts-Webinars   Orbit GT announces the launch of version 19.10 of 3D Mapping Cloud.
Lokeren, Belgium, October 10th, 2019
“We keep on producing great new …

NSGIC Announces New Board Members; Wyoming's Karen Rogers takes over as President

11.10.2019 16:33 Webcasts-Webinars   October 10, 2019 - National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) is proud to announce the appointment of five new members to its Board …

Precision Products Partners with Microdrones to Become a Distributer

11.10.2019 16:33 Webcasts-Webinars   Rome, NY, Oct. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rome, NY –PRECISION PRODUCTS, the leading supplier of data capture and positioning technologies to …

Kratos Receives $3.3 Million Sole-Source Contract for Production of Jet Drone Target Aircraft and Related Systems

11.10.2019 16:33 Webcasts-Webinars   SAN DIEGO, Oct. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq:KTOS), a leading National Security Solutions …

Kratos Receives $3.3 Million Sole-Source Contract for Production of Jet Drone Target Aircraft and Related Systems

11.10.2019 16:33 Webcasts-Webinars   SAN DIEGO, Oct. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq:KTOS), a leading National Security Solutions …

AED-SICAD’s UT Integrator Achieves Recertification of SAP SE

11.10.2019 14:05 Webcasts-Webinars   Now also certified for SAP S/4HANA
Munich, 2 October 2019 - The AED-SICAD UT Integrator 10 has been recertified as part of the SAP Integration …

Účast na semináři Kartografická výročí 2019 [Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie, byTopic]

11.10.2019 13:55   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Dne 9. 10. 2019 se v Moravském zemském archivu v Brně - Bohunicích uskutečnil seminář s názvem Kartografická výročí 2019, kde Mapová sbírka ve spolupráci s Katedrou aplikované geoinfomatiky a kartografie Univerzity Karlovy uspořádaly odpoledni blok semináře. Seminář byl věnován kartografickým výročím 2019. Kromě P. Fabricia, kterého prezentovali zástupci PřF MUNI, zde byla prezentována Fabriciova mapa Království českého z roku 1619 a její deriváty.

GSA, WGIC sign cooperation agreement

11.10.2019 12:11   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA-WGIC agreement will increase the joint contribution of geospatial and satellite navigation technology to a wide range of projects.
11 October 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC) have signed a memorandum covering cooperation to promote the combined use of geospatial technology and European satellite navigation systems, to jointly contribute to projects across a wide range of activities, from sustainable development and achieving global development agendas, including the SDGs, to innovative opportunities that benefit citizens and enterprises.

“The benefits of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are everywhere. GNSS plays a critical role in driving innovations for future economic growth, sustainability for businesses as well as public services,” said GSA Chief Operating Officer Pascal Claudel at the signing ceremony, which was held in Stuttgart, Germany on 19 September. 

Instrumental association

Claudel noted that space is a tangible service that addresses the need for apps among growing smartphones user communities, navigation systems for smart transport, accuracy for position, timing for flight landings, and much more. “This association with WGIC will be instrumental in leveraging the collective technical capabilities of geospatial information and space technology across different sectors, professional services and applications,” he said.

Read this: GSA, EIB sign agreement on investment in space

“GNSS and positioning technologies enable positional accuracy, time and precision for strategic insights, using geospatial information for location based services, smart transportation, mapping and surveying, facilitating development of innovative applications across various sectors of the economy,” said WGIC Secretary General and CEO Sanjay Kumar. 

“WGIC, with its member network from the entire ecosystem of the industry, is the single largest industry association worldwide to bring together all the stakeholders and partners to work in tandem towards successfully leveraging the potential of such technology collaborations,” he said.

New dialogue paradigms

This association between the GSA and WGIC will create new paradigms for dialogue on harnessing GNSS and geospatial technical capabilities. Both organisations will work closely to develop joint programmes and facilitate strategic dialogue to encourage the wider adoption of geospatial and GNSS capabilities for commercial as well as public institutions, towards the ultimate goal of achieving greater public good.

 Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA-WGIC agreement will increase the joint contribution of geospatial and satellite navigation technology to a wide range of projects.

Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 SatLab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.   SatLab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at the 25th […]

The post Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at <br>Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany appeared first on Satlab – Global Satellite Positioning Solutions.

Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 SatLab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.   SatLab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at the 25th […]

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Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 SatLab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.   SatLab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at the 25th […]

The post Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at <br>Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany appeared first on SatLab – Global Satellite Positioning Solutions.

Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 Satlab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.   Satlab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at the 25th […]

The post Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany appeared first on Satlab – Global Satellite Positioning Solutions.

Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 Satlab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.     Satlab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at the […]

The post Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at <br>Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany appeared first on Satlab – Global Satellite Positioning Solutions.

Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 SatLab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.   SatLab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at the 25th […]

The post Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at <br>Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany appeared first on Satlab – Global Satellite Positioning Solutions.

Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 Satlab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.       Satlab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at […]

The post Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany appeared first on Satlab – Global Satellite Positioning Solutions.

Satlab Geosolutions AB Participated at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany

11.10.2019 10:14   Satlab Geosolutions  

Sweden, 9 October 2019 Satlab Geosolutions AB participated in the three-day Intergeo exhibition and conference. This year, Intergeo is held in Stuttgart, a city famous for its automotive industry.     Satlab Geosolutions showcased new technology and solutions such as Machine Control, Monitoring, Indoor Positioning and UAV Solutions along with other traditional products at the […]

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Lake Natron

11.10.2019 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
Earth observation image of the week: Copernicus Sentinel-2 takes us over two saline lakes in East Africa

Earth from Space

11.10.2019 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
In this edition, we explore two saline lakes in East Africa with Copernicus Sentinel-2

Earth from Space: Lake Natron

11.10.2019 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   Video: 00:02:18

In this week's edition of the Earth from Space programme, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over two saline lakes in East Africa.

See also Lake Natron, Tanzania to download the image.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

11.10.2019 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   Lake Natron, Tanzania Image:

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over two saline lakes in East Africa: the larger Lake Natron in northern Tanzania and the smaller Lake Magadi, just over the border in Kenya.

Lake Natron is around 60 km long and is fed mainly by the Ewaso Ng'iro River. Despite its dark colour in this image, Lake Natron is often bright red owing to the presence of microorganisms that feed on the salts of the water.

The saline waters make the lake inhospitable for many plants and animals, yet the surrounding salt water marshes are a surprising habitat for flamingos. In fact, the lake is home to the highest concentrations of lesser and greater flamingos in East Africa, where they feed on spirulina – a green algae with red pigments.

The extinct Gelai Volcano, standing at 2942 m tall, is visible southeast of the lake.

The pink-coloured waters of Lake Magadi can also be seen at the top of the image. The lake is over 30 km long and has a notably high salt content, and in some places the salt is up to 40 metres thick. The mineral trona can also be found in the lake’s waters. This mineral is collected and used for glass manufacturing, fabric dyeing and paper production.

Copernicus Sentinel-2 is a two-satellite mission to supply the coverage and data delivery needed for Europe’s Copernicus programme. The mission’s frequent revisits over the same area and high spatial resolution allow changes in inland water bodies to be closely monitored.

This image, which was captured on 3 February 2019, is also featured on the Earth from Space video programme.

Earth from Space: Lake Natron

11.10.2019 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   Video: 00:02:18

In this week's edition of the Earth from Space programme, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over two saline lakes in East Africa.

See also Lake Natron, Tanzania to download the image.

Podzimní Olomouc (POOL) 2019

11.10.2019 9:53   Katedra geoinformatiky UP Olomouc  

Také letos se uskuteční tradiční týden výuky expertů z praxe – Podzimní Olomouc, a to ve dnech 21. – 25. 10. 2019. Více informací zde.

The post Podzimní Olomouc (POOL) 2019 appeared first on Katedra geoinformatiky.

služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

11.10.2019 9:23   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Ředitel úřadu vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo:
rada/odborný rada - právník


služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

11.10.2019 9:23   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/O-uradu/Aktuality/sluzebni-misto-rada-odborny-rada-pravnik

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

11.10.2019 9:23   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/O-uradu/Aktuality/sluzebni-misto-rada-odborny-rada-pravnik

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

11.10.2019 9:23   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Ředitel úřadu vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo:
odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

11.10.2019 9:23   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Ředitel úřadu vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo:
rada/odborný rada - právník

služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

11.10.2019 9:20   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/sluzebni-misto-rada-odborny-rada-pravnik

služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

11.10.2019 9:20   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

11.10.2019 9:20   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na služební místo
služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

11.10.2019 9:20   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

11.10.2019 9:20   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
služební místo rada/odborný rada - právník

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

11.10.2019 9:20   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/sluzebni-misto-rada-odborny-rada-pravnik

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

11.10.2019 9:20   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na služební místo
odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

RESPEC Releases GeoSequel® 2.15 With LabTools

10.10.2019 22:41 Webcasts-Webinars   Software Makes Smart Mines Even Smarter
RAPID CITY, S.D., Oct. 10, 2019 &mdash; (PRNewswire) &mdash;

RAPID CITY, S.D., Oct. 10, 2019 &hellip;

SAM, LLC First in North America to Deploy Advanced Aerial Scanning Technology

10.10.2019 22:41 Webcasts-Webinars   SAM, LLC, a leader in providing geospatial data solutions, will be the first company in North America to acquire and deploy the most recent major &hellip;

Beyond Limits CEO AJ Abdallat Joins Board of Advisors for the Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST) at Caltech

10.10.2019 17:15 Webcasts-Webinars   Advisory relationship with Caltech/JPL includes working at the cutting edge of AI technology
GLENDALE, Calif., Oct. 10, 2019 &mdash; (PRNewswire) &hellip;

Typhoon Hagibis

10.10.2019 16:45   ESA Observing the Earth  
Japan braces for strong winds and torrential rain as Typhoon Hagibis approaches

Typhoon Hagibis

10.10.2019 16:45   ESA Observing the Earth  
Japan braces for strong winds and torrential rain as Typhoon Hagibis approaches

Typhoon Hagibis

10.10.2019 16:45   ESA Observing the Earth  
Japan braces for strong winds and torrential rain as Typhoon Hagibis approaches

URISA Leaders Recognized at GIS-Pro 2019

10.10.2019 15:35 Webcasts-Webinars   Des Plaines, IL (October 9, 2019)&nbsp; Nearly&nbsp;500 GIS professionals -&nbsp;from 42&nbsp;states (plus&nbsp;Puerto Rico and the District of &hellip;

20191010-VŘ Metodik/metodička bezpečnosti

10.10.2019 15:02   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Metodik/metodička bezpečnosti.

20191010-VŘ Metodik/metodička bezpečnosti

10.10.2019 15:02   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2019/20191010-VR-Metodik-metodicka-bezpecnosti

Luca Parmitano se chystá na kosmickou vycházku

10.10.2019 13:14   Český Kosmický Portál  

Kosmonaut ESA Luca Parmitano se připravuje na první výstup do otevřeného prostoru ve skafandru v rámci své mise Beyond.

Získali jsme certifikát společensky odpovědné firmy

10.10.2019 11:26   Hrdlička  

Tento projekt můžete podpořit také Vaše firma. Více se dozvíte na stránkách

The post Získali jsme certifikát společensky odpovědné firmy appeared first on HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. - komplexní služby v oblasti geodézie.

Mapová aplikace ÚAP - aktualizace

10.10.2019 10:15   Jihočeský kraj   Mapová aplikace Územně analytické podklady byla aktualizována k 7.10.2019.

EUTELSAT 5 West B successfully launched with EGNOS payload

10.10.2019 9:59   European GNSS Agency  
Testing of the EGNOS GEO-3 payload will begin 2 weeks after the launch of EUTELSAT 5 West B.
10 October 2019

The EUTELSAT 5 West B satellite was successfully launched on a Proton M/Breeze M launch vehicle from Pad 39 at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, at 12.17 CET on Wednesday 9 October. Hosting the GEO-3 payload of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS), the satellite will support EGNOS V3 - the next generation of the EGNOS programme.

The satellite separated from the launch vehicle 15 hours 36 minutes after the launch and testing of the EGNOS GEO-3 payload should start within 2 weeks after separation. 

EGNOS V3 will augment both GPS and Galileo in the L1 and L5 bands. Furthermore, it will provide additional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) service capabilities through a new SBAS channel on L5 and will deliver increased EGNOS service availability within and beyond the EU Member States, supporting a growing number of users. 

“This new EGNOS payload will be key in developing and testing EGNOS V3 - the latest evolution of the system. This launch is also a first decisive step in the implementation of the EGNOS Space Segment roadmap defined by the GSA. Together with the next GEO-4 payload, which is under procurement, it will allow the programme to ensure a smooth transition to EGNOS V3 operations, with swaps between GEOs ensuring that the programme provides adequate service robustness to its increasing user base,” said EGNOS Services Programme Manager Jean-Marc Piéplu.

Read this: Airbus awarded EGNOS V3 contract

Reinforced security

The next generation of the EGNOS programme will also benefit from reinforced security, which will increase the robustness of EGNOS services against potential threats. EGNOS V3 will be made available in 2024 and will augment Galileo signals from 2025.

“This successful launch is an important milestone for the EU space programmes EGNOS and Galileo. It is carrying to orbit the foundation stone of the next generation of EGNOS, which will improve and expand EGNOS service provision and enable the programme to augment signals from Galileo satellites, bringing EGNSS full circle,” European GNSS Agency (GSA) Executive Director Carlo des Dorides said.

Supporting economic growth

The current EGNOS generation – EGNOS V2 – is already improving positioning accuracy and supporting applications in a range of sectors – from precision agriculture and shipping to the aviation sector. To learn more about the role of EGNOS in aviation, watch our new EGNOS for Aviation video here.

And this: Europe’s economy is increasingly dependent on space - ITRE committee hears

“Space plays an increasingly important role in the lives of Europeans, with about 10% of Europe’s economy and large numbers of jobs in various sectors dependent on space services. This launch implemented by EUTELSAT through their 5 West B satellite, and the subsequent evolution of EGNOS, will ensure that the European programmes Galileo and EGNOS continue to support economic growth in Europe and deliver services to European citizens,” said GSA Chief Operating Officer Pascal Claudel.


EGNOS is Europe's regional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS). It is currently used to improve the performance of GPS and will augment Galileo from 2025 onwards. EGNOS was deployed to provide safety of life navigation services to aviation, maritime and land-based users.

EGNOS uses GNSS measurements taken by reference stations deployed mainly across Europe and North Africa. These measurements are transferred to a central computing centre where differential corrections and integrity messages are calculated. These calculations are then broadcast over the covered area using geostationary satellites that serve as an augmentation, or overlay, to the original GNSS message. 

The information provided by EGNOS improves the accuracy and reliability of GNSS positioning information while also providing a crucial integrity message. In addition, EGNOS also transmits an accurate time signal.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Testing of the EGNOS GEO-3 payload will begin 2 weeks after the launch of EUTELSAT 5 West B.

EUTELSAT 5 West B successfully launched with EGNOS payload

10.10.2019 9:59   European GNSS Agency  
Testing of the EGNOS GEO-3 payload will begin 2 weeks after the launch of EUTELSAT 5 West B.
10 October 2019

The EUTELSAT 5 West B satellite was successfully launched on a Proton M/Breeze M launch vehicle from Pad 39 at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, at 12.17 CET on Wednesday 9 October. Hosting the GEO-3 payload of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS), the satellite will support EGNOS V3 - the next generation of the EGNOS programme.

The satellite separated from the launch vehicle 15 hours 36 minutes after the launch and testing of the EGNOS GEO-3 payload should start within 2 weeks after separation. 

EGNOS V3 will augment both GPS and Galileo in the L1 and L5 bands. Furthermore, it will provide additional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) service capabilities through a new SBAS channel on L5 and will deliver increased EGNOS service availability within and beyond the EU Member States, supporting a growing number of users. 

“This new EGNOS payload will be key in developing and testing EGNOS V3 - the latest evolution of the system. This launch is also a first decisive step in the implementation of the EGNOS Space Segment roadmap defined by the GSA. Together with the next GEO-4 payload, which is under procurement, it will allow the programme to ensure a smooth transition to EGNOS V3 operations, with swaps between GEOs ensuring that the programme provides adequate service robustness to its increasing user base,” said EGNOS Services Programme Manager Jean-Marc Piéplu.

Read this: Airbus awarded EGNOS V3 contract

Reinforced security

The next generation of the EGNOS programme will also benefit from reinforced security, which will increase the robustness of EGNOS services against potential threats. EGNOS V3 will be made available in 2024 and will augment Galileo signals from 2025.

“This successful launch is an important milestone for the EU space programmes EGNOS and Galileo. It is carrying to orbit the foundation stone of the next generation of EGNOS, which will improve and expand EGNOS service provision and enable the programme to augment signals from Galileo satellites, bringing EGNSS full circle,” European GNSS Agency (GSA) Executive Director Carlo des Dorides said.

Supporting economic growth

The current EGNOS generation – EGNOS V2 – is already improving positioning accuracy and supporting applications in a range of sectors – from precision agriculture and shipping to the aviation sector. To learn more about the role of EGNOS in aviation, watch our new EGNOS for Aviation video here.

And this: Europe’s economy is increasingly dependent on space - ITRE committee hears

“Space plays an increasingly important role in the lives of Europeans, with about 10% of Europe’s economy and large numbers of jobs in various sectors dependent on space services. This launch implemented by EUTELSAT through their 5 West B satellite, and the subsequent evolution of EGNOS, will ensure that the European programmes Galileo and EGNOS continue to support economic growth in Europe and deliver services to European citizens,” said GSA Chief Operating Officer Pascal Claudel.


EGNOS is Europe's regional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS). It is currently used to improve the performance of GPS and will augment Galileo from 2025 onwards. EGNOS was deployed to provide safety of life navigation services to aviation, maritime and land-based users.

EGNOS uses GNSS measurements taken by reference stations deployed mainly across Europe and North Africa. These measurements are transferred to a central computing centre where differential corrections and integrity messages are calculated. These calculations are then broadcast over the covered area using geostationary satellites that serve as an augmentation, or overlay, to the original GNSS message. 

The information provided by EGNOS improves the accuracy and reliability of GNSS positioning information while also providing a crucial integrity message. In addition, EGNOS also transmits an accurate time signal.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Testing of the EGNOS GEO-3 payload will begin 2 weeks after the launch of EUTELSAT 5 West B.

Geotrain Cup 2019

10.10.2019 9:45   Hrdlička  

Letošní 5. ročník byl unikátní díky počáteční mlze, která zahalila hřiště do bílé peřiny a start turnaje byl nejistý. Sluníčko však přeci jen mělo snahu vystoupat a mlha se postupně ztratila. Hřiště v České Lípě je proslulé pohodovou atmosférou, a i tentokráte tomu nebylo jinak. Letošní výsledky nebyly tak ohromující jako loni, ale i přesto spousta... View Article

The post Geotrain Cup 2019 appeared first on HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. - komplexní služby v oblasti geodézie.

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