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zdroje zpráv:

Technický pracovník

24.10.2018 14:58   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Technický pracovník

Technický pracovník

24.10.2018 14:58   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Technický pracovník

Seminář projektu ATTRACTIVE DANUBE

24.10.2018 14:09   CENIA - národní geoportál INSPIRE   CENIA, česká informační agentura životního prostředí pořádá seminář projektu ATTRACTIVE DANUBE. Seminář proběhne jako doprovodná akce Uživatelského setkání firmy GEPRO a ATLAS.

Novinky CEDA na konferenci GIS Esri v ČR 2018

24.10.2018 12:40   CEDA Maps a.s.   Praha, 23. října 2018 – Nezapomněli jste letos na konferenci GIS Esri v ČR 2018? Akce se koná v termínu 7.a 8. listopadu 2018 v Kongresovém centru Praha a CEDA bude opět u toho.

Objednávání knih z grantu - nejpozději do 16. 11. 2018! [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

24.10.2018 12:35   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Z důvodu účetní uzávěrky bude moci Knihovna geografie přijímat objednávky na knihy z grantů pouze do 16. 11. 2018.

Aktualizace dat v mapových aplikacích

24.10.2018 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   Mapová aplikace Technická infrastruktura a mapová aplikace Zastavěné území byly aktualizovány k 23.10.2018.

Copernicus Sentinel-5P reveals new nasties

24.10.2018 11:40   ESA Observing the Earth  

With air quality a serious environmental health problem, the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite is tasked with mapping air pollutants around the entire globe every day. This new mission has been providing data on carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone since July and now other polluting nasties such as sulphur dioxide and formaldehyde have joined the list of data products available to monitor the air we breathe.

Aktualizace údajů

24.10.2018 11:14   Ústecký kraj   V Geoportálu ÚAP Ústeckého kraje byla provedena aktualizace údajů pro poskytovatele ÚHÚL – jev A37a, B32

vrchní referent/rada – vedení katastrální mapy

24.10.2018 10:56   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Olomoucky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/vrchni-referent-rada-–-vedeni-katastralni-mapy

vrchní referent/rada – vedení katastrální mapy

24.10.2018 10:56   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Olomoucký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Šumperk vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada – vedení katastrální mapy

vrchní referent/rada – vedení katastrální mapy

24.10.2018 10:56   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Olomoucký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Šumperk
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
vrchní referent/rada – vedení katastrální mapy

Bavaria rings to the sound of BELS+

24.10.2018 10:52   European GNSS Agency  
BELS+ develops GNSS markets for EU companies and helps EU GNSS applications gain a foothold in Southeast Asia.
24 October 2018

BELS+ aims to develop GNSS markets for EU companies and helps EU GNSS applications gain a foothold in Southeast Asia. Towards these goals, the project is organising a workshop on October 25, 2018 in Gilching/Oberpfaffenhofen, close to Munich, to raise awareness about business opportunities in Southeast Asia among European companies, professionals and institutions offering GNSS-based products and services.

BELS - Building European Links toward Southeast Asia - was set-up in 2015 and renewed as BELS+, in 2018 to facilitate the breakthrough of European GNSS services and technology in the Southeast Asian (SEA) market.


The event on October 25, 2018 “Opportunities for European GNSS companies in Southeast Asia”, which will take place at bavAIRia e.V. in Gilching, Germany, will include presentations of the BELS+ project and the NAVIS EGNSS Demo Centre in Hanoi, where European companies can showcase their GNSS-based solutions. In addition, European companies will present their experience of working in the SEA region.

This event is an ideal opportunity for European producers of GNSS-based technologies and solutions to present their products and services as well as their motivation in trying to get a foothold in the South East Asian market. For more information on the workshop, click here. To register to attend the workshop, go straight to the registration page.

Read this: BELS Builds Bridges to South East Asia

About BELS+

The Horizon 2020-funded BELS+ project, like its predecessor BELS, conducts a range of coordinated activities to raise awareness and build capacities for the exploitation of EGNSS technologies in Southeast Asia. The BELS+ consortium brings together partners from Europe and Southeast Asia.

Founded in 2010 the NAVIS Centre serves as entry point for EU companies. Within BELS+ a GNSS Demo Centre will be established at the NAVIS. It builds upon the broad engagement of companies, researchers and stakeholders and aims at attracting EU companies.

The Centre will serve as a platform to demonstrate the European GNSS expertise from hardware to software as well as service and maintenance. BELS+ supports European companies participating in the Demo Centre. In addition, the Centre offers potential customers and GNSS stakeholders in the SEA region to see and experience the European GNSS solutions within their geographical environment.

One of the project’s core aims is to promote Galileo and demonstrate how it can benefit the region. This work is particularly important as the SEA region lacks its own satellite navigation capabilities and is therefore dependent on other national or regional systems.

For more information, visit the project portal.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

BELS+ develops GNSS markets for EU companies and helps EU GNSS applications gain a foothold in Southeast Asia.

Sneak preview programme Amsterdam Drone Week

24.10.2018 10:30 Webcasts-Webinars   Meeting place for business experts and policy makers on Smart Mobility, Regulations and Technology & Solutions
Amsterdam, Tuesday 23 October …

20181024 Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

24.10.2018 9:51   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Kladno/O-uradu/Aktuality/20180704-Rada-odborny-rada-oddeleni-aktualizac-(2)

20181024 Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

24.10.2018 9:51   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kladno zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí"

Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

24.10.2018 9:50   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kladno
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí
Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

24.10.2018 9:50   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kladno vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

Mapová kompozice - ZABAGED®

24.10.2018 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Mapová kompozice WMC - ZABAGED® je poskytována jako veřejná mapová aplikace nad daty ZABAGED® (včetně výškopisu ve formě vrstevnic). Kompozice je sestavena pro prohlížení v klientu prohlížecích služeb Geoprohlížeč ČÚZK, kde lze tyto poskytovatelem přednastavené kompozice měnit pomocí funkce Změnit mapu. Základem je prohlížecí služba WMS - ZABAGED®, která je doplněna o další obsah pomocí těchto služeb: WMS - Přehledové mapy, WMS - Klady mapových listů, WMS - Stínovaný model reliéfu.Obsažené služby splňují technické pokyny pro INSPIRE prohlížecí služby v. 3.1 a zároveň splňují standard OGC WMS 1.1.1. a 1.3.0.

IDx and Topcon sign exclusive AI platform agreement for the U.S. market

23.10.2018 21:10 Webcasts-Webinars   IDx, the company behind the first and only FDA-cleared autonomous AI diagnostic system, joins forces with Topcon, a pioneering ophthalmic device …

Jsme partnerem Space Application Hackathonu v listopadu v pražském IBM

23.10.2018 21:09   UpVision   Jsme partnerem Space Application Hackathonu, který se koná 9-10.11.2018 v IBM v Praze a zahajuje Czech Space Week.

Více zde:

Esri Announces Student Poster Competition with ISI World Statistics Congress

23.10.2018 21:09 Webcasts-Webinars   Students Are Invited to Show Global Statistical Relationships Using Free Location Intelligence Resources

Garmin® Health and Fitabase to collaborate on deep analysis of wearable data to improve study design

23.10.2018 21:07 Webcasts-Webinars   OLATHE, Kan. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October 23, 2018 — Garmin International, Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN), today …

GeoSpock Wins Liverpool Mayor’s ‘Smart Cities Realised’ Transport Challenge

23.10.2018 21:06 Webcasts-Webinars   Data visualisation company awarded proof-of-concept project for Smart Transport Liverpool
CAMBRIDGE, England — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October …

SqwaQ Selects Sierra Wireless to Take Drones Beyond Borders

23.10.2018 21:05 Webcasts-Webinars   Next generation drone comm-link delivers nationwide range and collision warning
DALLAS, Oct. 23, 2018 — (PRNewswire) —

DALLAS, Oct. …

Global Eagle, Telesat Pioneer First Ever In-Flight Broadband Connectivity via Low-Earth Orbit Satellite

23.10.2018 21:04 Webcasts-Webinars   Successful Test is a Major Milestone for Next-Generation Connectivity Everywhere
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Eagle …

Blue Marble Consulting INC. is on the Road to the CXIForum With SIMPLE Retail & Fashion for SAP S/4HANA®

23.10.2018 21:04 Webcasts-Webinars   Hear the success story first-hand - 'Setting the Foundation for Unlimited Growth - How Allbirds Implemented SAP S/4HANA in Under 16 Weeks.'

Pitney Bowes Ranked #1 in International Ecommerce and Fulfillment Services by the Internet Retailer Top 1000

23.10.2018 21:03 Webcasts-Webinars   Pitney Bowes Earns Top Ranking for 2nd Consecutive Year
STAMFORD, Conn. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October 23, 2018 — Pitney Bowes …

Oceněné projekty Year in Infrastructure 2018

23.10.2018 16:22   GeoBusiness   Společnost Bentley Systems oznámila oceněné projekty v rámci své každoroční soutěže Year in Infrastructure. Porota složená z dvanácti odborníků vybrala ze 420 nominovaných projektů ... Přečíst


Letecké snímkování může sledovat postup sucha i kůrovcovou kalamitu

23.10.2018 14:56   GeoBusiness   Sucho, které v posledních letech sužuje Českou republiku, viditelně dopadá na lesní porosty. Stromy kvůli suchu ztrácejí vitalitu a mohou snadněji podlehnout napadení kůrovcem. Jen ... Přečíst


NAPSALI O NÁS: Sucho posledních let decimuje tuzemské lesy. Jen na Vysočině bude potřeba příští rok vytěžit na pět milionů kubíků dřeva

23.10.2018 13:37   TopGis   Sucho, které v posledních letech sužuje Česko, citelně dopadá na lesní porosty. Stromy kvůli suchu ztrácejí vitalitu a snadno podléhají kůrovci. Jen na Vysočině tak podle odhadů Lesů České republiky bude třeba v příštím roce vytěžit na pět milionů kubíků dřeva. Problémy jsou ale i v dalších částech Česka. Suchem trpí příroda v celé republice Extrémní teploty a sucho, jež

T-Mapy představily druhou verzi svého analytického nástroje Corpis Maps

23.10.2018 12:22   GeoBusiness   Corpis Maps je webová analytická platforma firmy T-MAPY pro analýzu obchodních dat, tedy dat, která vznikají v obchodním procesu. Uživatele Corpis Maps například zajímá, ... Přečíst


Rozšiřte náš tým! Hledáme nové kolegy na pozice specialistů ITS

23.10.2018 12:20   Český Kosmický Portál  

Jste rozený koordinátor, máte nadšení do práce a inteligentní dopravní systérmy Vám nejsou cizí? Posilte náš tým na perspektivních pozicích Koordinátora realizace projektů ITS či Koordinátora projektů telekomunikačního a datového řešení systémů ITS!

Rozšiřte náš tým! Hledáme nové kolegy na pozice specialistů ITS

23.10.2018 12:20   Český Kosmický Portál  

Jste rozený organizátor a koordinátor, máte nadšení do práce a inteligentní dopravní systémy Vám nejsou cizí? Posilte náš tým na perspektivních pozicích Koordinátora realizace projektů ITS či Koordinátora projektů telekomunikačního a datového řešení systémů ITS!

Mise Sentinel-2 mapuje zemětřesení v Indonésii

23.10.2018 11:23   Český Kosmický Portál  

Zemětřesení o síle 7,5 stupně Richterovy škály a navazující tsunami zasáhlo 28. září Indonésii. Došlo ke zničení tisíců domů a stovkám obětí. Jak jejich počet narůstá, roste i známý rozsah katastrofy: zásluhou této tragédie jsou stovky tisíc lidí bez jídla, vody nebo střechy nad hlavou.

Zveřejnění obsahu informací poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok 2018

23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Brne/Casto-hledane-informace/Poskytovani-informaci-106-1999-Sb/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(2)

Zveřejnění obsahu informací poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok 2018

23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický a katastrální inspektorát v Brně
zveřejňuje obsah informace poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok


Zveřejnění obsahu informací poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok 20

23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Brne/Casto-hledane-informace/Poskytovani-informaci-106-1999-Sb/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)

Zveřejnění obsahu informací poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok 20

23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický a katastrální inspektorát v Brně
zveřejňuje obsah informace poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok



23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický a katastrální inspektorát v Brně
zveřejňuje obsah informace poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok



23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Brne/Casto-hledane-informace/Poskytovani-informaci-106-1999-Sb/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)/2015


23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Brne/Casto-hledane-informace/Poskytovani-informaci-106-1999-Sb/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)/2014


23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Brne/Casto-hledane-informace/Poskytovani-informaci-106-1999-Sb/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)/2017


23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Zverejnení obsahu informací poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona c. 106/1999 Sb.



23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Zverejnení obsahu informací poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona c. 106/1999 Sb.



23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Brne/Casto-hledane-informace/Poskytovani-informaci-106-1999-Sb/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)/2013


23.10.2018 10:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Zverejnení obsahu informací poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona c. 106/1999 Sb.


Posuzování a rozhodování ve 3D

23.10.2018 10:17   TopGis   Prohlížení 3D modelů měst po internetu, to není nic nového. Ale aktivní práce s takovým modelem, to už tak běžné není. Město Karlovy Vary se stalo průkopníkem používání podrobného 3D modelu při tvorbě vizí nového vzhledu této atraktivní destinace. Úřad města a Kancelář architekta města Karlovy Vary jsou prvními uživateli, kteří využívají aktuální fotorealistický model města

FLAG consolidated as group to promote EGNSS in rotorcraft emergency response

23.10.2018 9:39   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA-funded 5-LIVES project provides innovative EGNSS-based solutions for helicopter rescue operations
23 October 2018

Following its success in advising the 5-LIVES H2020 research and development project, the Five Lives Advisory Group (FLAG) of helicopter users has now been consolidated as the European focal point for coordination and harmonisation of the implementation of satellite-based rotorcraft operations and, with the support of GSA, will continue its work on the early implementation of satellite-based rotorcraft operations for emergency response.

FLAG was set up to bring helicopter operators and national aviation authorities together in an effort to harmonise the implementation of rotorcraft EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) operations at the European level. FLAG was chaired by Pildo Labs and co-funded by GSA as part of the 5-Lives project and within the Horizon 2020 programme.

Now, following the success of the group, at the request of the user community and with support from the European GNSS Agency (GSA), FLAG will continue its work to promote the use of EGNSS in rotorcraft – one of the most effective means of ensuring a timely response in emergency situations.

Read this: GSA support to helicopter operators presented in the European Parliament

The development of advanced operations and products based on the use of EGNSS represents an opportunity to provide a more efficient and safe service to society. Thanks to EGNSS, rotorcraft operators will, in the near future, be able to fly at any time, any place and in all weather conditions, ensuring that European citizens get a more effective response in first aid or distress situations.

“Thanks to EGNSS, rotorcraft operators will be able to conduct 24-hour operations in instrument flight conditions, ensuring more immediate and effective responses to emergency or distress situations,” said Santiago Soley, CEO of PildoLabs, the Spanish aeronautical engineering company that chaired the FLAG working group.

Barcelona meeting

On 13-14 September 2018, with the support of Barcelona City Council, the GSA and EUROCONTROL, PildoLabs organised the 4th FLAG Working Group meeting at their Barcelona headquarters. The meeting brought together more than 40 experts, including representatives from the main rotorcraft OEMs, air navigation service providers, aviation authorities, rotorcraft operator managers and pilots, and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Over the two days, attendees were updated on current implementation programmes dealing with so-called Point-in-Space (PinS) and Low-Level Routes flight operations and were able to share experience and derive lessons learned, with a view to harmonising the overall implementation process in light of applicable European and national regulations.

Those present also had the opportunity to talk to a representative from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), with broad experience on the implementation of these novel operations, and quite a high number of flight procedures being operated on a regular basis.


The GSA-funded 5-LIVES R&D project aims to provide innovative EGNSS-based solutions to overcome various operational weaknesses identified in five different scenarios related to emergency and other critical missions: Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operations; challenging environments; firefighting helicopter displacement; maritime search; and firefighting rescue.

Watch this: EGNOS for Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS)

The project aims to expand the use of EGNSS in these rotorcraft operations, particularly where life is at risk. This is being done by demonstrating the benefits of EGNSS in diverse search and rescue operations, such as maritime search and rescue assisted by an EGNSS-enabled RPAS, or firefighting evacuations using EGNSS-equipped ground units and rescue helicopters.

By fostering research into innovative concepts, demonstrating the technical feasibility of advanced navigation procedures in constraining environments, and showing the operational gains that these have in historically inaccessible markets, the project will help embed EGNSS technology in rotorcraft operations and increase the effectiveness and safety of rotorcraft emergency response and search and rescue.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA-funded 5-LIVES project provides innovative EGNSS-based solutions for helicopter rescue operations

Ředitel odboru – ředitel kanceláře ředitele Katastrálního úřadu pro Královéhradecký kraj

23.10.2018 8:08   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Ředitel odboru – ředitel kanceláře ředitele Katastrálního úřadu pro Královéhradecký kraj

Ředitel odboru – ředitel kanceláře ředitele Katastrálního úřadu pro Královéhradecký kraj

23.10.2018 8:08   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Kralovehradecky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Reditel-odboru-–-reditel-kancelare-reditele-Katast

Ředitel odboru – ředitel kanceláře ředitele Katastrálního úřadu pro Královéhradecký kraj

23.10.2018 8:08   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Ředitel odboru – ředitel kanceláře ředitele Katastrálního úřadu pro Královéhradecký kraj

Spectra Precision mění název, aby více odpovídal současnému zaměření

23.10.2018 8:04   GeoBusiness   Výrobce geodetické techniky Spectra Precision oznámil novou identitu a název. Společnost bude nově vystupovat pod názvem Spectra Geospatial. Změna zahrnuje nové logo a nový ... Přečíst


Canon Information and Imaging Solutions Demonstrates How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used by Customers to Take Control of their Workflow Processes, Transforming the Future of Work

22.10.2018 18:01 Webcasts-Webinars   Canon Showcases Travel and Expense Automation Solutions at Oracle OpenWorld 2018
MELVILLE, N.Y., Oct. 22, 2018 — (PRNewswire) — …

GODZILLA Becomes a Real Star! - Toho's Iconic Monster Named as a Constellation by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Team

22.10.2018 17:57 Webcasts-Webinars   Scientists with NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Have Devised Godzilla the First Japanese Monster Character to Become a Constellation

Maxar Technologies' MDA Announces New LaunchPad Program to Benefit Technology and Innovation in Canada

22.10.2018 17:56 Webcasts-Webinars   OTTAWA, Oct. 19, 2018 — (PRNewswire) — MDA, a Maxar Technologies company  (NYSE: MAXR) (TSX: MAXR), today announced the company's …

Quantzig Reveals the True Efficacy of Geospatial Analytics in Providing Valuable Insights into Omnichannel Retailing

22.10.2018 17:54 Webcasts-Webinars   LONDON — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October 22, 2018 — Quantzig, a pure-play analytics solutions provider, has announced the completion of …

Bentley Systems Announces Winners of Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards

22.10.2018 17:52 Webcasts-Webinars   EXTON, Pa. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October 22, 2018 — Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive …

Stromy svobody

22.10.2018 16:48   GeoBusiness   Počítadlo projektu Stromy svobody 1918-2018, organizované Nadací Partnerství, se zastavilo na čísle tři tisíce. Právě tolik stromů, vysazených v posledních sta letech v rámci ... Přečíst


OGC seeks public comment on Symbology Conceptual Core Model

22.10.2018 15:50 Webcasts-Webinars   SCCM aims to offer a consistent approach to specifying data portrayal and symbology rules that will increase consistency between maps
22 October …

Výběrové řízení - nepotřebný majetek - automobily

22.10.2018 15:00   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Vyberove-rizeni-nepotrebny-majetek-automobily

Výběrové řízení - nepotřebný majetek - automobily

22.10.2018 15:00   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o 3 ks osobních automobilů

Výběrové řízení - nepotřebný majetek - automobily

BIM a jeho využití v praxi. APG a ARTN pořádají diskuzní setkání

22.10.2018 11:56   GeoBusiness   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice a Asociace pro rozvoj trhu nemovitostí pořádají diskuzní setkání o využívání BIM v praxi. O čem Mluvit se bude nejen ... Přečíst


GSA funding opportunity: Multi-frequency multipurpose antenna for Galileo

22.10.2018 11:28   European GNSS Agency  
The call targets the development of multi-frequency, multi-purpose antennas aimed at both the mass and professional markets
22 October 2018

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism to develop a Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antenna. The activity shall also focus on developing a close-to-market GNSS antenna for both mass-market and professional users. The deadline for submissions is 08 March 2019.

The Galileo constellation is already operational, with 26 satellites in orbit. And, with Galileo satellites working together with other constellations, there are more GNSS satellites available for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) than ever before. Users are already able to profit from a significant improvement in terms of signal availability, especially in harsh environments, such as urban canyons.

Multi-frequency, multi-purpose

The modernisation of existing and the arrival of new GNSS systems mean also that there are more frequencies available. Both mass market and professional applications stand to benefit from the improved positioning and navigation derived from this multi-frequency. However, this creates the need for antennas that can support a wider bandwidth. Enabling multi-frequency capabilities requires the antenna to cope, on one hand, with higher bandwidth requirements and, on the other, with the constraints imposed by the platform on which the antenna operates.

Read this: GSA releases 2018 Grant Plan

Meanwhile, recent advances in GNSS antenna technology are enabling higher flexibility and adaptability, and the future trend is towards the development of multi-purpose antennas that can be used in different platforms and applications. For example, two user-segments that can clearly benefit from these advances are the mass-market for dual-frequency GNSS chipsets (smartphones, portable devices), and the professional market associated with future autonomous vehicles (cars, drones, ships, trains, and tractors).

Two user groups

The objective of this call for proposals is to further develop Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antennas, close to market, for mass-market and professional applications.

This call for proposal aims at launching up to two projects to develop, test and assess advanced multi-frequency, multi-constellation antennas dedicated to these user groups.

In particular, the project aims to develop and test advanced antenna technology that is:

  • capable of coping with at least the frequencies L1/E1, L5/E5 and E6 (except for the mass market, where at least L1/E1 and L5/E5 should be used);
  • multi-constellation (Galileo and GPS, as a minimum), including additional innovations at the antenna level optimised for one or more mass-market and professional applications; and
  • Commercially ready with a competitive cost.



    Fundamental Elements call: At a glance

    • Market segment: Transversal
    • Deadline for submission of proposals: 08 March 2019
    • Expected signature of contract: August to October 2019
    • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 2.800.000
    • Maximum number of projects: 2
    • EU financing amount for each of the two projects: up to EUR 2.800.000 (70% co-funding)
    • Webinar date: 27 November 2018


    On 27 November 2018, a webinar on the Fundamental Elements Call “Multi-frequency multipurpose antenna for Galileo” will be held to provide applicants with additional information and guidance on how to prepare a proposal. To register for the webinar click here.

    Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

    The call targets the development of multi-frequency, multi-purpose antennas aimed at both the mass and professional markets

    GSA funding opportunity: Multi-frequency multipurpose antenna for Galileo

    22.10.2018 11:28   European GNSS Agency  
    22 October 2018

    The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism to develop a Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antenna. The activity shall also focus on developing a close-to-market GNSS antenna for both mass-market and professional users. The deadline for submissions is 08 March 2019.

    The Galileo constellation is already operational, with 26 satellites in orbit. And, with Galileo satellites working together with other constellations, there are more GNSS satellites available for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) than ever before. Users are already able to profit from a significant improvement in terms of signal availability, especially in harsh environments, such as urban canyons.

    Multi-frequency, multi-purpose

    The modernisation of existing and the arrival of new GNSS systems mean also that there are more frequencies available. Both mass market and professional applications stand to benefit from the improved positioning and navigation derived from this multi-frequency. However, this creates the need for antennas that can support a wider bandwidth. Enabling multi-frequency capabilities requires the antenna to cope, on one hand, with higher bandwidth requirements and, on the other, with the constraints imposed by the platform on which the antenna operates.

    Read this: GSA releases 2018 Grant Plan

    Meanwhile, recent advances in GNSS antenna technology are enabling higher flexibility and adaptability, and the future trend is towards the development of multi-purpose antennas that can be used in different platforms and applications. For example, two user-segments that can clearly benefit from these advances are the mass-market for dual-frequency GNSS chipsets (smartphones, portable devices), and the professional market associated with future autonomous vehicles (cars, drones, ships, trains, and tractors).

    Two user groups

    The objective of this call for proposals is to further develop Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antennas, close to market, for mass-market and professional applications.

    This call for proposal aims at launching up to two projects to develop, test and assess advanced multi-frequency, multi-constellation antennas dedicated to these user groups.

    In particular, the project aims to develop and test advanced antenna technology that is:

    • capable of coping with at least the frequencies L1/E1, L5/E5 and E6 (except for the mass market, where at least L1/E1 and L5/E5 should be used);
    • multi-constellation (Galileo and GPS, as a minimum), including additional innovations at the antenna level optimised for one or more mass-market and professional applications; and
    • Commercially ready with a competitive cost.



      Fundamental Elements call: At a glance

      • Market segment: Transversal
      • Deadline for submission of proposals: 08 March 2019
      • Expected signature of contract: August to October 2019
      • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 2.800.000
      • Maximum number of projects: 2
      • EU financing amount for each of the two projects: up to EUR 2.800.000 (70% co-funding)
      • Webinar date: 27 November 2018


      On 27 November 2018, a webinar on the Fundamental Elements Call “Multi-frequency multipurpose antenna for Galileo” will be held to provide applicants with additional information and guidance on how to prepare a proposal. To register for the webinar click here.

      Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

      The call targets the development of multi-frequency, multi-purpose antennas aimed at both the mass and professional markets

      GSA funding opportunity: Multi-frequency multipurpose antenna for Galileo

      22.10.2018 11:28   European GNSS Agency  
      The call targets the development of multi-frequency, multi-purpose antennas aimed at both the mass and professional markets
      22 October 2018

      The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism to develop a Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antenna. The activity shall also focus on developing a close-to-market GNSS antenna for both mass-market and professional users. The deadline for submissions is 08 March 2019.

      The Galileo constellation is already operational, with 26 satellites in orbit. And, with Galileo satellites working together with other constellations, there are more GNSS satellites available for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) than ever before. Users are already able to profit from a significant improvement in terms of signal availability, especially in harsh environments, such as urban canyons.

      Multi-frequency, multi-purpose

      The modernisation of existing and the arrival of new GNSS systems mean also that there are more frequencies available. Both mass market and professional applications stand to benefit from the improved positioning and navigation derived from this multi-frequency. However, this creates the need for antennas that can support a wider bandwidth. Enabling multi-frequency capabilities requires the antenna to cope, on one hand, with higher bandwidth requirements and, on the other, with the constraints imposed by the platform on which the antenna operates.

      Read this: GSA releases 2018 Grant Plan

      Meanwhile, recent advances in GNSS antenna technology are enabling higher flexibility and adaptability, and the future trend is towards the development of multi-purpose antennas that can be used in different platforms and applications. For example, two user-segments that can clearly benefit from these advances are the mass-market for dual-frequency GNSS chipsets (smartphones, portable devices), and the professional market associated with future autonomous vehicles (cars, drones, ships, trains, and tractors).

      Two user groups

      The objective of this call for proposals is to further develop Galileo-enabled multi-frequency antennas, close to market, for mass-market and professional applications.

      This call for proposal aims at launching up to two projects to develop, test and assess advanced multi-frequency, multi-constellation antennas dedicated to these user groups.

      In particular, the project aims to develop and test advanced antenna technology that is:

      • capable of coping with at least the frequencies L1/E1, L5/E5 and E6 (except for the mass market, where at least L1/E1 and L5/E5 should be used);
      • multi-constellation (Galileo and GPS, as a minimum), including additional innovations at the antenna level optimised for one or more mass-market and professional applications; and
      • Commercially ready with a competitive cost.



        Fundamental Elements call: At a glance

        • Market segment: Transversal
        • Deadline for submission of proposals: 08 March 2019
        • Expected signature of contract: August to October 2019
        • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 2.800.000
        • Maximum number of projects: 2
        • EU financing amount for each of the two projects: up to EUR 2.800.000 (70% co-funding)
        • Webinar date: 27 November 2018


        On 27 November 2018, a webinar on the Fundamental Elements Call “Multi-frequency multipurpose antenna for Galileo” will be held to provide applicants with additional information and guidance on how to prepare a proposal. To register for the webinar click here.

        Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

        The call targets the development of multi-frequency, multi-purpose antennas aimed at both the mass and professional markets

        Soutěž Egovernment The Best 2018

        22.10.2018 10:32   GeoBusiness   Magazín Egovernment vyhlásil 13. ročník soutěže, jejímž cílem je představit zajímavé projekty elektronizace veřejné správy v České republice, které mohou být inspirací pro ostatní. ... Přečíst


        Geomatika ve vašich uších

        22.10.2018 10:21   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU  
        Již před časem jsme zde na Blogujících geomaticích publikovali příspěvek o podcastu Very Spatial. A nejen že tento podcast stále funguje (v létě vyšel díl číslo 600!), ale s geomatickými, GISáckými a podobnými podcasty se navíc v roce 2018 roztrhl pytel:

        Very Spatial - geopodcastová dlouholetá klasika široce zaměřená na vše možné od dálkového průzkumu Země, zpracování a tvorba prostorových dat po GIS a jiná příbuzná geotémata

        Scene From Above - úžím způsobem orientovaný podcast zaměřený převážně na dálkový průzkum Země

        Speaking of GIS - podcast odstartovaný začátkem roku 2018, který se zabývá GISem a jeho aplikacemi jako je například použití Story Map v mapování záplavových oblastí

        Dataři - za zmínku stojí i jeden relativně nový tuzemský podcast věnující se obecně datům, jejich dostupnosti a možnostem zpracování. Nejvíce "geo" epizoda je rozhovor s Michalem Medem z ČÚZK.

        Bohužel "nových" geopodcastů je opravdu hodně a jen u některých jsme zatím měli čas ověřit jejich kvalitu na vlastní uši. Pokud jste tak mezi výše uvedenými nenašli to, co by vás zaujalo. Zkuste podobný shrnující článek na GIS Lounge, který obsahuje ještě dva další tipy, ke kterým jsme se my zatím nedostali.

        Zemřel prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Nádeník, DrSc.

        22.10.2018 10:10   Zeměměřič   Zemřel náhle v pondělí 8. října po delší nemoci ve věku takřka 93 let.

        Zooming in on Mexico’s landscape

        22.10.2018 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth  

        As part of a scientific collaboration with the Mexican Space Agency and other Mexican scientific public entities, ESA has combined images from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission to produce a detailed view of the different types of vegetation growing across the entire country.

        odborný rada - inspektor Zeměměřického a katastrálního inspektorátu v Opavě v oboru služby 70. „Země

        22.10.2018 9:30   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický a katastrální inspektorát v Opavě
        vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
        odborný rada - inspektor Zeměměřického a katastrálního inspektorátu v Opavě v oboru služby 70. „Zeměměřictví a katastr“

        odborný rada - inspektor Zeměměřického a katastrálního inspektorátu v Opavě v oboru služby 70. „Země

        22.10.2018 9:30   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Opave/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/odborny-rada-inspektor-Zememerickeho-a-katastral

        odborný rada - inspektor Zeměměřického a katastrálního inspektorátu v Opavě v oboru služby 70. „Země

        22.10.2018 9:30   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický a katastrální inspektorát v Opavě vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný rada - inspektor Zeměměřického a katastrálního inspektorátu v Opavě v oboru služby 70. „Země

        Airbus to showcase smart solutions for safer oceans at Euronaval

        22.10.2018 9:00 Webcasts-Webinars   Uniquely broad portfolio to provide basis for right decisions at the right time
        Paris, 18 October, 2018 – Airbus will be showcasing …

        Měnící se kráter nese jméno uznávaného planetárního vědce

        22.10.2018 8:36   Český Kosmický Portál  

        Povrch planety Mars se může jevit až nudně neměnný, nicméně přesto se mnoho útvarů na něm prochází neustálou proměnou. Dokládá to i tento snímek pořízený sondou Mars Express, který zachycuje dopadový kráter Greeley zasažený erozí.

        Spectra Precision mění název

        22.10.2018 8:10   Zeměměřič   Výrobce geodetické techniky oznámil změnu názvu

        Největší klimatický hackathon v historii míří i do Brna (pozvánka)

        22.10.2018 8:08  

        Z pátku na sobotu, 26.-27. října 2018, se v Brně koná 24hodinový hackathon s názvem #Climathon s cílem najít řešení na konkrétní problémy města spojené se životním prostředím a rozvojem města: snížení počtu aut v centru, vytipování přehřátých míst, doporučení pro výstavbu udržitelných budov či měření výskytu městské zeleně. Začátek je v pátek, 26. října 2018, v 18.00, […]

        The post Největší klimatický hackathon v historii míří i do Brna (pozvánka) appeared first on

        Společně otvíráme data

        22.10.2018 4:10   Zeměměřič   6. ročník soutěže

        Společně otvíráme data

        22.10.2018 4:10   Zeměměřič   Na začátku září odstartoval šestý ročník soutěže Společně otevíráme data a možnost přihlásit se do soutěže se nám pomalu chýlí ke konci.

        Srdečně také zveme na vyhlášení soutěže Společně otevíráme data, které letos proběhne 27. 11. v Café Jedna.

        V budově Nejvyššího kontrolního úřadu se v pátek a sobotu 14. a 15. září uskutečnil v pořadí již druhý Hackathon veřejné správy. Vývojářské týmy navrhly celkem 14 projektů založené na otevřených datech státních institucí. A kdo se stal vítězem?

        Bentley Systems Announces Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards Winners

        21.10.2018 16:30   Bentley Systems  

        Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, has announced the winners of the Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards. The annual awards program honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users advancing design, construction, and operations of infrastructure throughout the world.

        Twelve independent jury panels of distinguished industry experts selected the 57 finalists from 420 nominations submitted by more than 340 user organizations around the world.

        At a ceremony and gala at the conclusion of Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference, Bentley acknowledged 19 Year in Infrastructure Awards winners and nine Special Recognition Awards winners.

        Year in Infrastructure 2018 Special Recognition Awards winners:

        Advancing Collaborative Digital Workflows in Rail and Transit
        China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd. – BIM Project for the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway – Beijing, China

        Advancing Digital Twins for Airports
        Infraero Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária – Digital Airport-Londrina – Paraná, Brazil

        Advancing Digital Twins for Bridges
        Composite Structures Lab, Chung-Ang University – Innovative Bridge Maintenance System Using Digital Twin Model – Seoul, South Korea

        Advancing Digital Twins for Roads and Highways
        Guangxi Communications Design Group Co., Ltd. – BIM-based Collaborative Design and Construction Management of All Elements and Objects in the Lipu-Yulin Expressway Project – Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China

        Advancing Digital Twins for Tunnels
        AECOM – Tideway Tunnels C410 Central Contract – London, United Kingdom

        Advancing Digital Twins for Utilities Transmission and Distribution
        POWERCHINA Hubei Electric Engineering Corporation Limited – Cha’anling-Xiaojiazhou
        220-kV Electric Transmission Line Project – Xianning City, Hubei, China

        Advancing Industrialization through Digital Components for Urban Infrastructure
        CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd. – BIM Technology Application in the Municipal Infrastructure Phase 1 Project of Zhong-Guan-Cun Science and Technology Town – Baodi District, Tianjin City, China

        Advancing Digital Workflows for Asset Performance Modeling of Transit Systems
        Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. – Nagpur Metro Asset Information Management System – Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

        Continuous Surveying in Constructioneering
        Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC and Eye-bot Aerial Solutions – Pennsylvania Chemicals Project – Monaca, Pennsylvania, United States

        The winners of Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards for going digital advancements in infrastructure are:

        PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Design and Build of Road Bridge at Teluk Lamong Port Project – Gresik-Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

        Buildings and Campuses
        Shalom Baranes Associates – Cannon House Office Building Renewal – Washington, District of Columbia, United States

        Communications Networks
        iForte Solusi Infotek – iForte Fiber Management System – Jakarta, Indonesia

        AAEngineering Group, LLP – Phase II of Pustynnoe Gold Plant: Modernization and Capacity Increase – Balkhash, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan

        Digital Cities
        Yunnan Yunling Engineering Cost Consultation Co., Ltd. – New Municipal Road Construction PPP Project of the Municipal Public Facility Construction Project of Guandu Culture New City – Kunming, Yunnan, China

        Environmental Engineering
        PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk – Landslide Disaster Protection Project on the National Road Network – Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia

        Digital Engineering (BIM) Center of Shenyang Aluminum & Magnesium Engineering & Research Institute Co., Ltd. – Alumina Refinery Project Cooperated between CHALCO and Indonesia – Bukit Batu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

        Mining and Offshore Engineering
        Northern Engineering & Technology Corporation, MCC – SINO Iron Ore Mine – Perth, Western Australia, Australia

        Power Generation
        Sacyr Somague – Hydroelectric Use of the Foz Tua Dam – Foz Tua, Alijó- Vila Real, Portugal

        Project Delivery
        AECOM – Gaining New Perspective through ProjectWise Project Insights – United Kingdom

        Rail and Transit
        Skanska Costain STRABAG Joint Venture (SCS) – HS2 Main Works Lots S1 and S2 – London, United Kingdom

        Reality Modeling
        Skand Pty Ltd – Building Envelope Inspection Powered by Machine Learning and Reality Modeling for RMIT University Brunswick Campus – Victoria, Australia

        Road and Rail Asset Performance
        CSX Transportation – Annual Patch Rail Capital Planning – Jacksonville, Florida, United States

        Roads and Highways
        Lebuhraya Borneo Utara – Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak – Sarawak, Malaysia

        Structural Engineering
        Shilp Consulting Engineers – Alambagh Bus Terminal – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

        Utilities and Industrial Asset Performance
        Oman Gas Company S.A.O.C. – Asset Performance Solution for Reliability Management – Al-Khuwair, Muscat, Oman

        Utilities Transmission and Distribution
        Pestech International Berhad – Substation Design & Automation for Olak Lempit Substation Project – Banting, Selangor, Malaysia

        Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
        MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited – 400,000 ton/day Water Supply Project of Wenjiang District, Chengdu City – Chengdu, Sichuan, China

        Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Networks
        DTK Hydronet Solutions – Conceptioneering and Master Planning of Bankura Multi Village Bulk Water Supply Scheme – Bankura, West Bengal, India

        Bentley Systems has posted highlights of this year’s winning projects on its website. Detailed descriptions of all nominated projects are in the print and digital versions of its 2018 Infrastructure Yearbook, which will be published in early 2019. To review the past editions of this publication, which together feature more than 3,500 world-class projects recognized in the Year in Infrastructure Awards program since 2004, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks.

        Image and caption:
        Winners of Bentley Systems Year in Infrastructure 2018 Awards

        About the Year in Infrastructure Conference and Awards Program
        Since 2004, the Year in Infrastructure Awards program has showcased excellence and innovation in the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure projects around the world. The awards program is the only competition of its kind that is global in scope and comprehensive in categories covered, encompassing all types of infrastructure projects. The awards program is open to all users of Bentley software. Independent panels of industry experts select finalists for each category. Learn more.

        Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure Conference features a series of presentations and interactive workshops exploring the intersection of technology and business drivers, and how they are shaping the future of infrastructure project delivery and asset performance.

        USGIF Announces 2018 GEOINT Community Week Events

        21.10.2018 10:34 Webcasts-Webinars   Foundation to host a variety of opportunities for learning, discussion, and networking
        Herndon, Virginia (October 18, 2018)—The United States …

        Orbit Logic’s Scheduling Software Selected for NASA Satellite Servicing Technology Demonstration Mission

        21.10.2018 10:26 Webcasts-Webinars   GREENBELT, MD (October 18, 2018) – Orbit Logic announced today that NASA has selected Orbit Logic’s STK Scheduler software for the …

        Digitalisation gets everyone talking at INTERGEO 2018

        21.10.2018 10:14 Webcasts-Webinars   Frankfurt/Karlsruhe, 18 October 2018 | A highly successful INTERGEO 2018 drew to a close today in Frankfurt. The trade fair and conference reinforced …

        Sledujte živě start sondy BepiColombo

        19.10.2018 17:13   Český Kosmický Portál  

        Sledujte živě start společné mise ESA a JAXA BepiColombo k planetě Merkur. Do vesmíru se vydá na palubě rakety Ariane 5 z evropského kosmodromu (stát Francouzská Guayana).

        20181019 - Vzorová data VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3

        19.10.2018 15:01   ČÚZK - Výměnný formát ISKN   Rozšíření vzorových dat VF ISKN ve verzi 5.3.

        Stavová data – datové skupiny 1-12, tj. SPI s jinými právními vztahy a data SGI
        Změnová data – datové skupiny 1-6, tj. SPI s jinými právními vztahy
        Všechny oprávněné subjekty z k.ú. Jáma včetně osobních údajů.

        'Landing with EGNOS’ exhibition opens in Toulouse

        19.10.2018 14:49   European GNSS Agency  
        Landing with EGNOS’ explains the system’s various applications for the aviation sector
        19 October 2018

        The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe's regional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS), provides safety of life navigation services to aviation, maritime and land-based users over most of Europe. The ‘Landing with EGNOS’ exhibition, which opened at the Cité de l’Espace in Toulouse on 11 October, explains the system’s various applications, particularly for the aviation sector.

        Speaking at a roundtable discussion held at the exhibition’s official launch, Jean-Marc Pieplu, EGNOS Programme Manager at the European GNSS Agency (GSA), said that the exhibition recognised the work that had been conducted over the past 20 years to put the EGNOS system into operation.

        “We should be proud of the success of EGNOS, not just for us but because users are taking on board this European technology,” he said, adding that the exhibition was important, as the time had come to explain to the general public about what EGNOS is, and how it is widely used in Europe to contribute to aviation safety.

        The opening ceremony was attended by about 100 students from France’s National Civil Aviation University

        A350 EGNOS simulator

        Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to simulate landing a plane in an A350 EGNOS simulator. Thierry Racaud, CEO of European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP), which is in charge of EGNOS operations and service provision, said that ESSP was delighted that Cité de l’Espace had installed the A350 EGNOS simulator in its permanent exhibition. 

        “This simulator is a great way for the general public to understand the benefits of the European Union’s space programmes, and of EGNOS in particular, in their daily lives,” he said, adding that it was a source of pride for the EGNOS community to see the latest commercial aircraft adopting this technology.

        Visitors to the exhibition can try landing a plane in an A350 EGNOS simulator

        Our clients like EGNOS

        Representing manufacturers of commercial aircraft at the roundtable, Thierry Harquin, an engineer and EGNOS expert at Airbus, said that Airbus likes EGNOS very much because its clients like EGNOS. He said that at Airbus there is a programme to have all models of A319/A320/A321 and A330 with optional SBAS/GBAS. This is optional because some countries, such as Australia for instance, are not covered by SBAS. “Our first client for the A320 with the SBAS option is EasyJet,” he said.

        Nicolas Dubois, Executive Deputy Director at DGAC/DTI, the technical department of DSNA Services (Direction des services de la navigation aérienne), the French organisation in charge of air traffic control, highlighted France’s role as an early adopter of EGNOS. “France was the first country to publish an EGNOS approach procedure and was the first to implement an LPV-200 approach,” he said, adding that DSNA would be decommissioning around 50 ILS in the coming year thanks to the use of EGNOS and will then ensure that more than 100 runways have CAT 1 ILS BY 2020.

        The opening ceremony was attended by about 100 students from France’s National Civil Aviation University and from various schools and colleges in Toulouse, who were welcomed with a number of flash presentations on the European Union’s satellite navigation programmes.

        Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (
        Landing with EGNOS’ explains the system’s various applications for the aviation sector

        'Landing with EGNOS’ exhibition opens in Toulouse

        19.10.2018 14:49   European GNSS Agency  
        Landing with EGNOS’ explains the system’s various applications for the aviation sector
        19 October 2018

        The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe's regional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS), provides safety of life navigation services to aviation, maritime and land-based users over most of Europe. The ‘Landing with EGNOS’ exhibition, which opened at the Cité de l’Espace in Toulouse on 11 October, explains the system’s various applications, particularly for the aviation sector.

        Speaking at a roundtable discussion held at the exhibition’s official launch, Jean-Marc Pieplu, EGNOS Programme Manager at the European GNSS Agency (GSA), said that the exhibition recognised the work that had been conducted over the past 20 years to put the EGNOS system into operation.

        “We should be proud of the success of EGNOS, not just for us but because users are taking on board this European technology,” he said, adding that the exhibition was important, as the time had come to explain to the general public about what EGNOS is, and how it is widely used in Europe to contribute to aviation safety.

        A350 EGNOS simulator

        Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to simulate landing a plane in an A350 EGNOS simulator. Thierry Racaud, CEO of European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP), which is in charge of EGNOS operations and service provision, said that ESSP was delighted that Cité de l’Espace had installed the A350 EGNOS simulator in its permanent exhibition. 

        “This simulator is a great way for the general public to understand the benefits of the European Union’s space programmes, and of EGNOS in particular, in their daily lives,” he said, adding that it was a source of pride for the EGNOS community to see the latest commercial aircraft adopting this technology.

        Our clients like EGNOS

        Representing manufacturers of commercial aircraft at the roundtable, Thierry Harquin, an engineer and EGNOS expert at Airbus, said that Airbus likes EGNOS very much because its clients like EGNOS. He said that at Airbus there is a programme to have all models of A319/A320/A321 and A330 with optional SBAS/GBAS. This is optional because some countries, such as Australia for instance, are not covered by SBAS. “Our first client for the A320 with the SBAS option is EasyJet,” he said.

        Nicolas Dubois, Executive Deputy Director at DGAC/DTI, the technical department of DSNA Services (Direction des services de la navigation aérienne), the French organisation in charge of air traffic control, highlighted France’s role as an early adopter of EGNOS. “France was the first country to publish an EGNOS approach procedure and was the first to implement an LPV-200 approach,” he said, adding that DSNA would be decommissioning around 50 ILS in the coming year thanks to the use of EGNOS and will then ensure that more than 100 runways have CAT 1 ILS BY 2020.

        The opening ceremony was attended by about 100 students from France’s National Civil Aviation University and from various schools and colleges in Toulouse, who were welcomed with a number of flash presentations on the European Union’s satellite navigation programmes.

        Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (
        Landing with EGNOS’ explains the system’s various applications for the aviation sector

        'Landing with EGNOS’ exhibition opens in Toulouse

        19.10.2018 14:49   European GNSS Agency  
        Landing with EGNOS’ explains the system’s various applications for the aviation sector
        19 October 2018

        The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe's regional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS), provides safety of life navigation services to aviation, maritime and land-based users over most of Europe. The ‘Landing with EGNOS’ exhibition, which opened at the Cité de l’Espace in Toulouse on 11 October, explains the system’s various applications, particularly for the aviation sector.

        Speaking at a roundtable discussion held at the exhibition’s official launch, Jean-Marc Pieplu, EGNOS Programme Manager at the European GNSS Agency (GSA), said that the exhibition recognised the work that had been conducted over the past 20 years to put the EGNOS system into operation.

        “We should be proud of the success of EGNOS, not just for us but because users are taking on board this European technology,” he said, adding that the exhibition was important, as the time had come to explain to the general public about what EGNOS is, and how it is widely used in Europe to contribute to aviation safety.

        The opening ceremony was attended by about 100 students from France’s National Civil Aviation University

        A350 EGNOS simulator

        Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to simulate landing a plane in an A350 EGNOS simulator. Thierry Racaud, CEO of European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP), which is in charge of EGNOS operations and service provision, said that ESSP was delighted that Cité de l’Espace had installed the A350 EGNOS simulator in its permanent exhibition. 

        “This simulator is a great way for the general public to understand the benefits of the European Union’s space programmes, and of EGNOS in particular, in their daily lives,” he said, adding that it was a source of pride for the EGNOS community to see the latest commercial aircraft adopting this technology.

        Visitors to the exhibition can try landing a plane in an A350 EGNOS simulator

        Our clients like EGNOS

        Representing manufacturers of commercial aircraft at the roundtable, Thierry Harquin, an engineer and EGNOS expert at Airbus, said that Airbus likes EGNOS very much because its clients like EGNOS. He said that at Airbus there is a programme to have all models of A319/A320/A321 and A330 with optional SBAS/GBAS. This is optional because some countries, such as Australia for instance, are not covered by SBAS. “Our first client for the A320 with the SBAS option is EasyJet,” he said.

        Nicolas Dubois, Executive Deputy Director at DGAC/DTI, the technical department of DSNA Services (Direction des services de la navigation aérienne), the French organisation in charge of air traffic control, highlighted France’s role as an early adopter of EGNOS. “France was the first country to publish an EGNOS approach procedure and was the first to implement an LPV-200 approach,” he said, adding that DSNA would be decommissioning around 50 ILS in the coming year thanks to the use of EGNOS and will then ensure that more than 100 runways have CAT 1 ILS BY 2020.

        The opening ceremony was attended by about 100 students from France’s National Civil Aviation University and from various schools and colleges in Toulouse, who were welcomed with a number of flash presentations on the European Union’s satellite navigation programmes.

        Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (
        Landing with EGNOS’ explains the system’s various applications for the aviation sector

        odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z, řízení o SP

        19.10.2018 12:25   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Olomoucký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Hranice
        vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
        odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z, řízení o SP

        odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z, řízení o SP

        19.10.2018 12:25   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Olomoucky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/odborny-referent-–-zapisy-v-rizeni-V-a-Z,-rizeni-o

        odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z, řízení o SP

        19.10.2018 12:25   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Olomoucký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Hranice vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z, řízení o SP

        Lake Disappointment

        19.10.2018 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
        Earth observation image of the week: Copernicus Sentinel-2 takes us over Lake Disappointment in northwest Australia

        Earth from Space

        19.10.2018 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
        In this edition, discover one of the most remote areas of Australia with Copernicus Sentinel-2

        uzavření kp pv 25.10.2018

        19.10.2018 8:23   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Olomoucky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Prostejov/O-uradu/Aktuality/uzavreni-kp-pv-25-10-2018

        uzavření kp pv 25.10.2018

        19.10.2018 8:23   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Olomoucký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Prostějov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: OZNÁMENÍ. Ve čtvrtek 25. října 2018 bude katastrální pracoviště z důvodu přerušení dodávky elektřiny provozovatelem distribuční soustavy společností E.ON Distribuce, a.s. UZAVŘENO.
        Děkujeme za pochopení.

        Shell Chemicals Project in Pennsylvania Wins Special Recognition Award for Continuous Surveying in Constructioneering

        19.10.2018 2:00   Bentley Systems  

        Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC and Eye-bot Aerial Solutions were recognized by Bentley Systems with the Special Recognition Award for Continuous Surveying in Constructioneering at Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure Conference, held in London this week.

        Shell Chemical Appalachia is constructing a multi-billion dollar, world-scale ethane cracking plant to create polyethylene in the western Pennsylvania region. To help monitor and manage construction of the facility, the organization used unmanned aerial vehicles to capture real-time, accurate data of the entire site and the surrounding areas, close to 450 acres total, and processed the data into a high-resolution orthophoto and 3D reality mesh model. The 3D data provided a strategic perspective of the existing site conditions and served as a single source of truth for both future and retrospective progress analysis, optimizing collaboration and decision making between the client and the EPC contractors, with over 500 multidiscipline end users across 10 companies.

        On a weekly basis, the project team captured more than 8,000 images and processed the images as 2D and 3D deliverables within the required 72-hour window using Bentley’s ContextCapture software. The high-speed processing engines of ContextCapture produced a dimensionally accurate 3D reality mesh, enabling the identification and resolution of potential construction problems before they impact operations on site. The 3D reality mesh models are expected to facilitate inventory control and improve emergency response management.

        Phil Christensen, senior vice president, reality modeling for Bentley Systems, said, “It is our pleasure to present Shell Chemical Appalachia and Eye-bot Aerial Solutions with a Special Recognition award for the pioneering work they are doing in constructioneering. Using drone imagery and our ContextCapture, the team continuously surveys and creates 3D reality meshes of the entire construction site, supporting weekly inspections and monitoring of construction progress. To do this for the entire site on a regular schedule, the team leverages Bentley’s cloud services, and we are working together to further streamline automated work flows and improve processing time.”

        Jacob Lydick, President Eye-Bot Aerial Solutions, said, “Organizing the vast amount of data into an easily consumable format has proven to be one of the most difficult challenges in the UAS industry. However, with the variety of output formats available in ContextCapture, this task has become much more manageable.”

        Dmitry Gurevich, Shell’s Information Technology Manager, said, “Constructing the plant of the future means embracing digitalisation. In construction, Digital is about advancing the technology that helps us staying on top of progress and assure quality, while keeping people safe. In that respect, the 3D reality mesh modelling technology has made a profound impact on ways of working on the Project, rendering benefits above and beyond of what we had imagined when starting the modelling program 18 months ago.”

        20181018 Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

        18.10.2018 14:06   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Slany/O-uradu/Aktuality/20161013Rada-odborny-rada-–-informatik-(1)

        20181018 Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

        18.10.2018 14:06   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Slaný Vyhlášení výběrového řízení: Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem"

        Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

        18.10.2018 14:02   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Slaný vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

        Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

        18.10.2018 14:02   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Vrchni-referent-rada-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu-(1)

        Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

        18.10.2018 14:02   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Slaný
        vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem
        Vrchní referent/rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

        20181018 Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik

        18.10.2018 13:34   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/20180709-Odborny-referent-oddeleni-dokumentace-(1)

        20181018 Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik

        18.10.2018 13:34   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik Katastrálního úřadu pro Středočeský kraj"

        Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik

        18.10.2018 13:33   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Rada-odborny-rada-oddeleni-podpory-ICT-–-informati

        Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik

        18.10.2018 13:33   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - technická sekce
        vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik
        Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik

        Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik

        18.10.2018 13:33   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - technická sekce vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada oddělení podpory ICT – informatik

        Máme nově k dispozici laserový skener Riegl miniVUX-1 pro UAV

        18.10.2018 12:39   UpVision   Kromě hyperspektrální kamery máme nově k dispozici laserový skener Riegl miniVUX-1 pro UAV. Začínáme provádět první testy a výstupy vypadají velice slibně, což jsme čekali, jelikož Riegl je světovou jedničkou v laserových skenerech pro UAV.

        Fotky zde:

        Stopy nedávné tektoniky na Marsu

        18.10.2018 11:21   Český Kosmický Portál  

        Na snímku zachycené výrazné příkopy byly zformovány tlakem na povrch planety před méně než deseti milióny let.

        Hexagon’s Geospatial Division Releases M.App Enterprise 2018

        18.10.2018 11:06 Webcasts-Webinars   NORCROSS, GA., October 15, 2018 – Hexagon’s Geospatial division announces a new version of M.App Enterprise for 2018, M.App Enterprise …
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