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zdroje zpráv:

Orbit GT launches new Feature Extraction product for Drones at Commercial UAV Expo, Las Vegas

24.10.2017 13:29 Webcasts-Webinars   Lokeren, Belgium, October 23rd, 2017 - Orbit GT is to launch the new 3DM Feature Extraction product at the Commercial UAV Expo in Las Vegas, NV, …

Kompletní kvarteto družic Galileo je na kosmodromu

24.10.2017 10:40   Český Kosmický Portál  

Další dvě družice systému Galileo dorazily na evropský kosmodrom ve Francouzské Guayaně. Zde se přidaly k prvnímu páru, kteréžto kvarteto společně vynese do vesmíru nosič Ariane 5 v průběhu letošního prosince.

Kompletní kvarteto družic Galileo je na kosmodromu

24.10.2017 10:40   Český Kosmický Portál  

Další dvě družice systému Galileo dorazily na evropský kosmodrom ve Francouzské Guayaně. Zde se přidaly k prvnímu páru, kteréžto kvarteto společně vynese do vesmíru nosič Ariane 5 v průběhu letošního prosince.

GNSS at the centre of a revolution in agriculture

24.10.2017 10:10   European GNSS Agency  
24 October 2017

The agriculture sector has gone through a series of evolutionary milestones, from mechanisation, through the green revolution, to precision farming. The current revolution in the agriculture sector is digital farming, in which information about weather, soil conditions and crop health is combined with network technology to allow farmers to optimise their systems and improve their productivity. In Europe, EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) is a key enabling technology underpinning this revolution.

Digital farming, which was the central topic of the recent CEMA Farming 4.0 Summit in Brussels, describes the evolution of agriculture to become an inter-connected, knowledge-based production system that incorporates GNSS-enabled precision farming with intelligent networks and data management tools.

The use of digital technology incorporated in modern farm equipment is opening up new business models and opportunities in the agricultural sector, providing farmers with an unprecedented level of knowledge about their crops, livestock and operations and making the sector more efficient and environmentally sustainable.

Farmers quick to adopt EGNOS

In his presentation at the summit, the theme of which was ‘Moving towards connected & sustainable agriculture in Europe’, GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides said that the agriculture sector had been one of the first to make use of GNSS technology and that currently 80% of automated tractors were EGNOS-enabled.

He noted that the agricultural sector had gone through a series of evolutionary milestones, the most recent of which – precision farming and digital farming – are reliant on the guidance and monitoring capabilities offered by satellite technology: EGNSS and Copernicus. A recent milestone for Galileo – the market entry of a dual-frequency chipset - means that it is now even better placed to support the optimisation of farming operations.

In September this year, the chipset manufacturer Broadcom announced the entry to market of a dual-frequency chip. Dual-frequency chipsets and receivers benefit from better accuracy, ionosphere error cancellation, and faster transition from code tracking to phase tracking, among other benefits.

Galileo currently has more satellites operating in dual frequency than GPS. It also has a number of other features that can benefit the agriculture sector. “On the Open Signal, which can already be used by farmers, with single frequency Galileo was able to offer accuracy of 2.5 metres on the horizontal plane. However, with dual-frequency – as it does with EGNOS - the level of accuracy increases to sub-metre precision or 20-30 centimetres path-to-path,” des Dorides said. This level of navigational accuracy, combined with the Earth observation capabilities of Copernicus, supports real-time data analysis and in-field and inter-field optimisation in the agricultural sector, helping farmers to increase the productivity and sustainability of their operations. All of this will be complemented by a Galileo High Accuracy service by 2020, with FOC increasing the precision even more.

Watch this: EGNOS in Agriculture

Providing the viewpoint from farm equipment manufacturers, Thomas Böck, Chief Technology Officer at CLAAS, noted the importance of working with the GSA and with Galileo. He said that that there were a lot of opportunities for the industry and also for farmers themselves, in terms of increased profitability and sustainability, to be gained from this cooperation.

Matthew Foster, Vice President for Agricultural Commercial Development at CNH Industrial, noted that take-up of auto-guidance systems by farmers had been high and that the next step would be to achieve the connectivity needed to reap the benefits from all the data currently being produced.  For this to happen, and to ensure that farmers continue to adopt digital technologies, it will be necessary to have a Common Agricultural Policy that facilitates investment in precision farming.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GNSS technology supports the farm of the future, helping boost the environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness of the agriculture sector

GNSS at the centre of a revolution in agriculture

24.10.2017 10:10   European GNSS Agency  
24 October 2017

The agriculture sector has gone through a series of evolutionary milestones, from mechanisation, through the green revolution, to precision farming. The current revolution in the agriculture sector is digital farming, in which information about weather, soil conditions and crop health is combined with network technology to allow farmers to optimise their systems and improve their productivity. In Europe, EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) is a key enabling technology underpinning this revolution.

Digital farming, which was the central topic of the recent CEMA Farming 4.0 Summit in Brussels, describes the evolution of agriculture to become an inter-connected, knowledge-based production system that incorporates GNSS-enabled precision farming with intelligent networks and data management tools.

The use of digital technology incorporated in modern farm equipment is opening up new business models and opportunities in the agricultural sector, providing farmers with an unprecedented level of knowledge about their crops, livestock and operations and making the sector more efficient and environmentally sustainable.

Farmers quick to adopt EGNOS

In his presentation at the summit, the theme of which was ‘Moving towards connected & sustainable agriculture in Europe’, GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides said that the agriculture sector had been one of the first to make use of GNSS technology and that currently 80% of automated tractors were EGNOS-enabled.

He noted that the agricultural sector had gone through a series of evolutionary milestones, the most recent of which – precision farming and digital farming – are reliant on the guidance and monitoring capabilities offered by satellite technology: EGNSS and Copernicus. A recent milestone for Galileo – the market entry of a dual-frequency chipset - means that it is now even better placed to support the optimisation of farming operations.

In September this year, the chipset manufacturer Broadcom announced the entry to market of a dual-frequency chip. Dual-frequency chipsets and receivers benefit from better accuracy, ionosphere error cancellation, and faster transition from code tracking to phase tracking, among other benefits.

Galileo currently has more satellites operating in dual frequency than GPS. It also has a number of other features that can benefit the agriculture sector. “On the Open Signal, which can already be used by farmers, with single frequency Galileo was able to offer accuracy of 2.5 metres on the horizontal plane. However, with dual-frequency – as it does with EGNOS - the level of accuracy increases to sub-metre precision or 20-30 centimetres path-to-path,” des Dorides said. This level of navigational accuracy, combined with the Earth observation capabilities of Copernicus, supports real-time data analysis and in-field and inter-field optimisation in the agricultural sector, helping farmers to increase the productivity and sustainability of their operations. All of this will be complemented by a Galileo High Accuracy service by 2020, with FOC increasing the precision even more.

Watch this: EGNOS in Agriculture

Providing the viewpoint from farm equipment manufacturers, Thomas Böck, Chief Technology Officer at CLAAS, noted the importance of working with the GSA and with Galileo. He said that that there were a lot of opportunities for the industry and also for farmers themselves, in terms of increased profitability and sustainability, to be gained from this cooperation.

Matthew Foster, Vice President for Agricultural Commercial Development at CNH Industrial, noted that take-up of auto-guidance systems by farmers had been high and that the next step would be to achieve the connectivity needed to reap the benefits from all the data currently being produced.  For this to happen, and to ensure that farmers continue to adopt digital technologies, it will be necessary to have a Common Agricultural Policy that facilitates investment in precision farming.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GNSS technology supports the farm of the future, helping boost the environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness of the agriculture sector

GNSS at the centre of a revolution in agriculture

24.10.2017 10:10   European GNSS Agency  
24 October 2017

The agriculture sector has gone through a series of evolutionary milestones, from mechanisation, through the green revolution, to precision farming. The current revolution in the agriculture sector is digital farming, in which information about weather, soil conditions and crop health is combined with network technology to allow farmers to optimise their systems and improve their productivity. In Europe, EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) is a key enabling technology underpinning this revolution.

Digital farming, which was the central topic of the recent CEMA Farming 4.0 Summit in Brussels, describes the evolution of agriculture to become an inter-connected, knowledge-based production system that incorporates GNSS-enabled precision farming with intelligent networks and data management tools.

The use of digital technology incorporated in modern farm equipment is opening up new business models and opportunities in the agricultural sector, providing farmers with an unprecedented level of knowledge about their crops, livestock and operations and making the sector more efficient and environmentally sustainable.

Farmers quick to adopt EGNOS

In his presentation at the summit, the theme of which was ‘Moving towards connected & sustainable agriculture in Europe’, GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides said that the agriculture sector had been one of the first to make use of GNSS technology and that currently 80% of automated tractors were EGNOS-enabled.

He noted that the agricultural sector had gone through a series of evolutionary milestones, the most recent of which – precision farming and digital farming – are reliant on the guidance and monitoring capabilities offered by satellite technology: EGNSS and Copernicus. A recent milestone for Galileo – the market entry of a dual-frequency chipset - means that it is now even better placed to support the optimisation of farming operations.

In September this year, the chipset manufacturer Broadcom announced the entry to market of a dual-frequency chip. Dual-frequency chipsets and receivers benefit from better accuracy, ionosphere error cancellation, and faster transition from code tracking to phase tracking, among other benefits.

Galileo currently has more satellites operating in dual frequency than GPS. It also has a number of other features that can benefit the agriculture sector. “On the Open Signal, which can already be used by farmers, with single frequency Galileo was able to offer accuracy of 2.5 metres on the horizontal plane. However, with dual-frequency – as it does with EGNOS - the level of accuracy increases to sub-metre precision or 20-30 centimetres path-to-path,” des Dorides said. This level of navigational accuracy, combined with the Earth observation capabilities of Copernicus, supports real-time data analysis and in-field and inter-field optimisation in the agricultural sector, helping farmers to increase the productivity and sustainability of their operations. All of this will be complemented by a Galileo High Accuracy service by 2020, with FOC increasing the precision even more.

Watch this: EGNOS in Agriculture

Providing the viewpoint from farm equipment manufacturers, Thomas Böck, Chief Technology Officer at CLAAS, noted the importance of working with the GSA and with Galileo. He said that that there were a lot of opportunities for the industry and also for farmers themselves, in terms of increased profitability and sustainability, to be gained from this cooperation.

Matthew Foster, Vice President for Agricultural Commercial Development at CNH Industrial, noted that take-up of auto-guidance systems by farmers had been high and that the next step would be to achieve the connectivity needed to reap the benefits from all the data currently being produced.  For this to happen, and to ensure that farmers continue to adopt digital technologies, it will be necessary to have a Common Agricultural Policy that facilitates investment in precision farming.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GNSS technology supports the farm of the future, helping boost the environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness of the agriculture sector

Saudi Ministry of Interior Supports Hajj and Umrah Safety with Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch Solution

24.10.2017 10:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior supported the safety of pilgrims and residents during the Hajj and Umrah seasons of 2016 and 2017 by deploying Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) solution. The incident management system helps the ministry’s public safety and security agencies manage emergency calls for service using a single emergency number (911).

To improve security and safety for the citizens of Saudi Arabia, the ministry began working in 2015 to implement the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, the first province-wide emergency call taking and dispatching system. To support this project, the ministry needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by many agencies and users.

The ministry selected Hexagon’s I/CAD suite, and the system was put into operation in the summer of 2016. The solution centralized the operation of more than 40 operation centers across the Makkah province into the Unified Security Operations Center (911), thus providing a comprehensive and centralized response system for the entire province, including the cities of Holy Makkah, Jeddah and Taif.

The solution helps improve police and civil defense response for citizens and pilgrims during typical incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah. Through unified call handling for its Police Patrol, Traffic and Civil Defense sectors and the Road Security Special Forces, the ministry’s personnel manage about 43,000 calls per day during Umrah season operations and about 61,000 during the Hajj.

The ministry is very happy with the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, and the experience in Makkah provides the ministry with a model for expansion of such 911 centers to other provinces.

“We are honored to support the Ministry of Interior’s efforts to implement 911 services in Makkah and across other provinces,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “The ability of our system to handle both day-to-day incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah is a key factor in helping to ensure smooth public safety operations and support the ministry’s mission.”

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Saudi Ministry of Interior Supports Hajj and Umrah Safety with Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch Solution

24.10.2017 10:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior supported the safety of pilgrims and residents during the Hajj and Umrah seasons of 2016 and 2017 by deploying Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) solution. The incident management system helps the ministry’s public safety and security agencies manage emergency calls for service using a single emergency number (911).

To improve security and safety for the citizens of Saudi Arabia, the ministry began working in 2015 to implement the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, the first province-wide emergency call taking and dispatching system. To support this project, the ministry needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by many agencies and users.

The ministry selected Hexagon’s I/CAD suite, and the system was put into operation in the summer of 2016. The solution centralized the operation of more than 40 operation centers across the Makkah province into the Unified Security Operations Center (911), thus providing a comprehensive and centralized response system for the entire province, including the cities of Holy Makkah, Jeddah and Taif.

The solution helps improve police and civil defense response for citizens and pilgrims during typical incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah. Through unified call handling for its Police Patrol, Traffic and Civil Defense sectors and the Road Security Special Forces, the ministry’s personnel manage about 43,000 calls per day during Umrah season operations and about 61,000 during the Hajj.

The ministry is very happy with the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, and the experience in Makkah provides the ministry with a model for expansion of such 911 centers to other provinces.

“We are honored to support the Ministry of Interior’s efforts to implement 911 services in Makkah and across other provinces,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “The ability of our system to handle both day-to-day incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah is a key factor in helping to ensure smooth public safety operations and support the ministry’s mission.”

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Saudi Ministry of Interior Supports Hajj and Umrah Safety with Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch Solution

24.10.2017 10:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior supported the safety of pilgrims and residents during the Hajj and Umrah seasons of 2016 and 2017 by deploying Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) solution. The incident management system helps the ministry’s public safety and security agencies manage emergency calls for service using a single emergency number (911).

To improve security and safety for the citizens of Saudi Arabia, the ministry began working in 2015 to implement the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, the first province-wide emergency call taking and dispatching system. To support this project, the ministry needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by many agencies and users.

The ministry selected Hexagon’s I/CAD suite, and the system was put into operation in the summer of 2016. The solution centralized the operation of more than 40 operation centers across the Makkah province into the Unified Security Operations Center (911), thus providing a comprehensive and centralized response system for the entire province, including the cities of Holy Makkah, Jeddah and Taif.

The solution helps improve police and civil defense response for citizens and pilgrims during typical incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah. Through unified call handling for its Police Patrol, Traffic and Civil Defense sectors and the Road Security Special Forces, the ministry’s personnel manage about 43,000 calls per day during Umrah season operations and about 61,000 during the Hajj.

The ministry is very happy with the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, and the experience in Makkah provides the ministry with a model for expansion of such 911 centers to other provinces.

“We are honored to support the Ministry of Interior’s efforts to implement 911 services in Makkah and across other provinces,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “The ability of our system to handle both day-to-day incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah is a key factor in helping to ensure smooth public safety operations and support the ministry’s mission.”

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Saudi Ministry of Interior Supports Hajj and Umrah Safety with Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch Solution

24.10.2017 10:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior supported the safety of pilgrims and residents during the Hajj and Umrah seasons of 2016 and 2017 by deploying Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure’s Intergraph Computer-Aided Dispatch (I/CAD) solution. The incident management system helps the ministry’s public safety and security agencies manage emergency calls for service using a single emergency number (911).

To improve security and safety for the citizens of Saudi Arabia, the ministry began working in 2015 to implement the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, the first province-wide emergency call taking and dispatching system. To support this project, the ministry needed a scalable and reliable incident management system -- one that was already proven in the field by many agencies and users.

The ministry selected Hexagon’s I/CAD suite, and the system was put into operation in the summer of 2016. The solution centralized the operation of more than 40 operation centers across the Makkah province into the Unified Security Operations Center (911), thus providing a comprehensive and centralized response system for the entire province, including the cities of Holy Makkah, Jeddah and Taif.

The solution helps improve police and civil defense response for citizens and pilgrims during typical incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah. Through unified call handling for its Police Patrol, Traffic and Civil Defense sectors and the Road Security Special Forces, the ministry’s personnel manage about 43,000 calls per day during Umrah season operations and about 61,000 during the Hajj.

The ministry is very happy with the Unified Security Operations Center (911) in Makkah, and the experience in Makkah provides the ministry with a model for expansion of such 911 centers to other provinces.

“We are honored to support the Ministry of Interior’s efforts to implement 911 services in Makkah and across other provinces,” said Steven Cost, president, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure. “The ability of our system to handle both day-to-day incidents and major events like Hajj and Umrah is a key factor in helping to ensure smooth public safety operations and support the ministry’s mission.”

The global leader in public safety and security, Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure helps protect 1 in 12 people worldwide. Hexagon’s public safety and security solutions improve the quality, accuracy and availability of critical information, increasing performance and productivity, while reducing the total cost of ownership for mission-critical IT investments.

Návštěva představitele australské Monash University Andrewa Peterse v České republice

24.10.2017 9:37   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU  
Rád bych Vás informoval o návštěvě představitele australské Monash
University Andrewa Peterse v České republice (v pondělí 30. října
v Praze a v úterý 31. října v Brně). Během návštěvy bude pan Peters
pořádat (ve spolupráci s australskou vládní agenturou Austrade)
interaktivní seminář se studenty, kterým by chtěl představit
příležitosti ke studiu na této nejprestižnější australské univerzitě a
rovněž informovat o stipendijním programu, který univerzita směruje na
zahraniční studenty. Více informací v přiložených souborech.

Jedinečná příležitost pro studenty - výjezd do konce tohoto roku přes FreeMovers 2017

24.10.2017 9:12   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU   Pokud uvažujete nad tím, že byste vyrazili do zahraničí (na více jak 30 dní, téměř kamkoliv na světě) a oddalovali jste tento krok, neváhejte! Do konce roku lze z projektu FreeMovers 2017 stále ještě vyjet!

Pro více informací kontaktujte svého katedrálního koordinátora.

Hledáme: Specialista mobilního mapování

24.10.2017 9:00   TopGis   Společnost TopGis, s.r.o. vypisuje výběrové řízení na pozici „Specialista mobilního mapování“ na DPP nebo DPČ od 11/2017 na dobu neurčitou. Pracovní náplň: Požadavky: Pracoviště: Pracovní poměr formou DPP nebo DPČ od 11/2017 na dobu neurčitou. V případě Vašeho zájmu nám pošlete Váš strukturovaný životopis na emailovou adresu Odpovědí na inzerát či zasláním Vašeho životopisu a

Nabídka prodeje movitého majetku

24.10.2017 8:30   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Pardubicky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Nabidka-prodeje-moviteho-majetku

Nabídka prodeje movitého majetku

24.10.2017 8:30   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Pardubický kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu.

Nabídka prodeje movitého majetku

Návštěva do Oculus research labu v Pittsburghu

24.10.2017 8:22   Minulý týden jsem měl možnost podívat se do vývojové laboratoře Oculus VR, divize Facebooku, která se zabývá vývojem headsetu pro virtuální realitu (VR). Oculus začal v roce 2012 jako kampaň na komunitním crowdfundingovém portále Kickstarter s cílem ...

Clearing accidents faster, more efficiently with Carlson CSI Mobile

24.10.2017 2:25   Carlson Software   The Conway Police Department clears accidents faster, more efficiently with Carlson CSI Mobile The 23-person Conway, New Hampshire, Police Department doesn’t see a lot of fatal accidents or those that cause serious bodily harm even though there is often quite of bit of traffic in the area due to tourism. There are no major highways […]

4DMapper Incorporates Global Mapper SDK Enabling Cloud Based Geospatial Analytics

23.10.2017 23:48 Webcasts-Webinars   Hallowell, Maine – October 23, 2017 - Blue Marble Geographics ( is pleased to announce that 4DMapper ( ), a …

Brampton Wins Award for Making Public Information More Accessible Using GIS

23.10.2017 22:48 Webcasts-Webinars   Adoption of geographic information systems has allowed the City to open data and connect with its residents
TORONTO, Esri Canada User Conference -- …

The Drone Racing League (DRL) Announces 2018 Allianz World Championship In Saudi Arabia

23.10.2017 20:30 Webcasts-Webinars   DRL and The General Sport Authority To Bring Professional Drone Racing to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia For the First Time in September 2018

Galileo in place for launch: then there were four

23.10.2017 16:20   ESA Navigation  

Two more Galileo satellites have reached Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, joining the first pair of navigation satellites and the Ariane 5 rocket due to haul the quartet to orbit this December.

Referent majetkové správy

23.10.2017 16:19   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent majetkové správy

Referent majetkové správy

23.10.2017 16:19   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Referent majetkové správy

Referent majetkové správy

23.10.2017 16:19   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent majetkové správy

Referent společných správních činností

23.10.2017 16:17   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Referent-spolecnych-spravnich-cinnosti

Referent společných správních činností

23.10.2017 16:17   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent společných správních činností

Referent společných správních činností

23.10.2017 16:17   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent společných správních činností

Referent společných správních činností

23.10.2017 16:17   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Referent společných správních činností

Vedoucí odd. veřejných zakázek

23.10.2017 16:16   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Vedouci-odd-verejnych-zakazek

Vedoucí odd. veřejných zakázek

23.10.2017 16:16   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Vedoucí odd. veřejných zakázek

Vedoucí odd. veřejných zakázek

23.10.2017 16:16   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Vedoucí odd. veřejných zakázek

Vedoucí odd. veřejných zakázek

23.10.2017 16:16   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vedoucí odd. veřejných zakázek

Obchodní referent

23.10.2017 15:12   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Volna-mista/Obchodni-referent

Obchodní referent

23.10.2017 15:12   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Obchodní referent

Obchodní referent

23.10.2017 15:12   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Obchodní referent

Obchodní referent

23.10.2017 15:12   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Obchodní referent

Nabídky na koupi nadbytečného majetku

23.10.2017 14:49   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Nabidka-majetku/Nabidky-na-koupi-nadbytecneho-majetku

Nabídky na koupi nadbytečného majetku

23.10.2017 14:49   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Zeměměřický úřad nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

Nabídky na koupi nadbytečného majetku

Nabídky na koupi nadbytečného majetku

23.10.2017 14:49   Zeměměřický úřad  
Zeměměřický úřad nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

Nabídky na koupi nadbytečného majetku

V mapové aplikaci byla aktual

23.10.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci byla aktualizována územně plánovací dokumentace obcí Červený Hrádek, Deštná, Hamr, Mokrý Lom, Stříbřec, Újezdec (okr. Jindřichův Hradec) a Žíšov. Nově pak byla přidána územně plánovací dokumentace obcí Mnichov, Nemětice a Nihošovice.

V mapové aplikaci Územně pláno

23.10.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci Územně plánovací dokumentace obcí byla aktualizována územně plánovací dokumentace obcí Červený Hrádek, Deštná, Hamr, Mokrý Lom, Stříbřec, Újezdec (okr. Jindřichův Hradec) a Žíšov. Nově pak byla přidána územně plánovací dokumentace obcí Mnichov, Nemětice a Nihošovice.

TA ČR podpoří další výzkumné projekty CEDA

23.10.2017 10:50   CEDA Maps a.s.   Technologická agentura ČR podpoří v příštím roce tři nové projekty společnosti CEDA v programech ZÉTA a EPSILON.

Name change of Intergraph (Schweiz) AG and relocation

23.10.2017 10:16   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

On 23 October 2017, Intergraph (Schweiz) AG will become HxGN Schweiz AG and will be listed in the commercial register of Switzerland. The name change of the legal entity represents an alignment with the Swiss company’s parent company, Hexagon. HxGN (pronounced “Hexagon”) is a registered trademark of Hexagon in Switzerland.

HxGN Schweiz AG will take over the contractual rights and obligations of the previous Intergraph (Schweiz) AG toward all contracting parties. Under the umbrella of HxGN Schweiz AG, the businesses Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, Hexagon PPM and a/m/t software service ag, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon, will continue to operate as usual.

Hexagon’s continuous growth in Switzerland also calls for larger premises. On 23 October 2017, the official principal office will move from Dietikon to Zurich Altstetten. a/m/t software service ag will also move from its current location in Winterthur to the joint office in Zurich Altstetten in February 2018.

The new address in Zurich Altstetten is:

HxGN Schweiz AG
Flurstrasse 55
8048 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 43 322 46 46

HxGN Schweiz AG operates primarily in the safety and infrastructure arenas through mission-critical and business-critical solutions for governments, public safety authorities, utilities and transportation providers.

“In 2010, Hexagon AB acquired Intergraph Corporation and the subsidiary in Switzerland,” says Marc Haenni, managing director, HxGN Schweiz AG. “After a transitional period, we are renaming our national legal entities in Europe now. With our new company name, we will continue to represent continuity, quality and agility. Our company’s strategic orientation, as well as the contact persons for our customers and partners, will remain the same.”

“More is changing than just the name of our PPM business”, says Philippe Marceau, Executive Vice President EMIA, Hexagon PPM. “This change represents a closer alignment with Hexagon that will open up new doors to truly leverage the depth and breadth of Hexagon’s innovations and technological capabilities for both us and our clients in the region.”

Name change of Intergraph (Schweiz) AG and relocation

23.10.2017 10:16   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

On 23 October 2017, Intergraph (Schweiz) AG will become HxGN Schweiz AG and will be listed in the commercial register of Switzerland. The name change of the legal entity represents an alignment with the Swiss company’s parent company, Hexagon. HxGN (pronounced “Hexagon”) is a registered trademark of Hexagon in Switzerland.

HxGN Schweiz AG will take over the contractual rights and obligations of the previous Intergraph (Schweiz) AG toward all contracting parties. Under the umbrella of HxGN Schweiz AG, the businesses Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, Hexagon PPM and a/m/t software service ag, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon, will continue to operate as usual.

Hexagon’s continuous growth in Switzerland also calls for larger premises. On 23 October 2017, the official principal office will move from Dietikon to Zurich Altstetten. a/m/t software service ag will also move from its current location in Winterthur to the joint office in Zurich Altstetten in February 2018.

The new address in Zurich Altstetten is:

HxGN Schweiz AG
Flurstrasse 55
8048 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 43 322 46 46

HxGN Schweiz AG operates primarily in the safety and infrastructure arenas through mission-critical and business-critical solutions for governments, public safety authorities, utilities and transportation providers.

“In 2010, Hexagon AB acquired Intergraph Corporation and the subsidiary in Switzerland,” says Marc Haenni, managing director, HxGN Schweiz AG. “After a transitional period, we are renaming our national legal entities in Europe now. With our new company name, we will continue to represent continuity, quality and agility. Our company’s strategic orientation, as well as the contact persons for our customers and partners, will remain the same.”

“More is changing than just the name of our PPM business”, says Philippe Marceau, Executive Vice President EMIA, Hexagon PPM. “This change represents a closer alignment with Hexagon that will open up new doors to truly leverage the depth and breadth of Hexagon’s innovations and technological capabilities for both us and our clients in the region.”

Name change of Intergraph (Schweiz) AG and relocation

23.10.2017 10:16   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

On 23 October 2017, Intergraph (Schweiz) AG will become HxGN Schweiz AG and will be listed in the commercial register of Switzerland. The name change of the legal entity represents an alignment with the Swiss company’s parent company, Hexagon. HxGN (pronounced “Hexagon”) is a registered trademark of Hexagon in Switzerland.

HxGN Schweiz AG will take over the contractual rights and obligations of the previous Intergraph (Schweiz) AG toward all contracting parties. Under the umbrella of HxGN Schweiz AG, the businesses Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, Hexagon PPM and a/m/t software service ag, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon, will continue to operate as usual.

Hexagon’s continuous growth in Switzerland also calls for larger premises. On 23 October 2017, the official principal office will move from Dietikon to Zurich Altstetten. a/m/t software service ag will also move from its current location in Winterthur to the joint office in Zurich Altstetten in February 2018.

The new address in Zurich Altstetten is:

HxGN Schweiz AG
Flurstrasse 55
8048 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 43 322 46 46

HxGN Schweiz AG operates primarily in the safety and infrastructure arenas through mission-critical and business-critical solutions for governments, public safety authorities, utilities and transportation providers.

“In 2010, Hexagon AB acquired Intergraph Corporation and the subsidiary in Switzerland,” says Marc Haenni, managing director, HxGN Schweiz AG. “After a transitional period, we are renaming our national legal entities in Europe now. With our new company name, we will continue to represent continuity, quality and agility. Our company’s strategic orientation, as well as the contact persons for our customers and partners, will remain the same.”

“More is changing than just the name of our PPM business”, says Philippe Marceau, Executive Vice President EMIA, Hexagon PPM. “This change represents a closer alignment with Hexagon that will open up new doors to truly leverage the depth and breadth of Hexagon’s innovations and technological capabilities for both us and our clients in the region.”

Name change of Intergraph (Schweiz) AG and relocation

23.10.2017 10:16   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure  

On 23 October 2017, Intergraph (Schweiz) AG will become HxGN Schweiz AG and will be listed in the commercial register of Switzerland. The name change of the legal entity represents an alignment with the Swiss company’s parent company, Hexagon. HxGN (pronounced, “Hexagon”) is a registered trademark of Hexagon in Switzerland.

HxGN Schweiz AG will take over the contractual rights and obligations of the previous Intergraph (Schweiz) AG toward all contracting parties. Under the umbrella of HxGN Schweiz AG, the businesses Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure, Hexagon PPM and a/m/t software service ag, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon, will continue to operate as usual.

Hexagon’s continuous growth in Switzerland also calls for larger premises. On 23 October 2017, the official principal office will move from Dietikon to Zurich Altstetten. a/m/t software service ag will also move from its current location in Winterthur to the joint office in Zurich Altstetten in February 2018.

The new address in Zurich Altstetten is:

HxGN Schweiz AG
Flurstrasse 55
8048 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 43 322 46 46

HxGN Schweiz AG operates primarily in the safety and infrastructure arenas through mission-critical and business-critical solutions for governments, public safety authorities, utilities and transportation providers.

“In 2010, Hexagon AB acquired Intergraph Corporation and the subsidiary in Switzerland,” says Marc Haenni, managing director, HxGN Schweiz AG. “After a transitional period, we are renaming our national legal entities in Europe now. With our new company name, we will continue to represent continuity, quality and agility. Our company’s strategic orientation, as well as the contact persons for our customers and partners, will remain the same.”

“More is changing than just the name of our PPM business”, says Philippe Marceau, Executive Vice President EMIA, Hexagon PPM. “This change represents a closer alignment with Hexagon that will open up new doors to truly leverage the depth and breadth of Hexagon’s innovations and technological capabilities for both us and our clients in the region.”

Ústav výpočetní techniky v Brně vypisuje výběrová řízení

23.10.2017 9:10   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU   Vedoucí skupiny GIS
Místo poštovní adresy hlásíte souřadnice GPS? Za nejlepší mapu v historii považujete tu digitální?
Pak čtěte dále: Hledáme koordinátora a integrátora interních i externích projektů webových GISů.
Vyvíjíme mapové a vizualizační aplikace určené desítkám tisíc uživatelů na Masarykově univerzitě i
mimo ni. Dovnitř univerzity se specializujeme na orientaci v prostorách a vizualizaci jejich
vybavení, pro externí projekty řešíme webové mapové aplikace na míru.

Základní podmínky:
Pracoviště: Ústav výpočetní techniky, Divize informačních systémů
Úvazek: pracovní poměr, plný event. částečný
Místo výkonu práce: Brno, Žerotínovo nám. 9
Přihlášky: do 9. 11. 2017
Nástup: dle dohody

Popis pozice:
- Řízení práce skupiny GIS, zabývající se vývojem a provozem interních aplikací pro správu a
vizualizaci prostorových dat na Masarykově univerzitě a řešením externě financovaných
projektů s GISovou složkou. Více informací na
geograficke-informacni- systemy.
- Koordinace řešení interních a externích projektů z oblasti GIS.
- Koordinace komunikace s uživateli GISových systémů a aplikací.
- vysokoškolské vzdělání v geografii nebo informatice či příbuzném technickém oboru;
- zkušenost s vedením vývoje webových aplikací;
- znalost problematiky GIS (min. 3 roky praxe, širší rozhled);
- výhodou je znalost JavaScriptu, HTML, CSS, zkušenost s knihovnou OpenLayers 3 a nástroji
Google Closure, znalost Node.js, GIT, zkušenosti s technologiemi ESRI (ArcGIS for Server,
ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS REST API), zkušenost s nástroji pro automatizaci vývoje (gulp,
- analytické a logické myšlení, aktivní přístup k řešení problémů, zájem a schopnost osvojovat
si nové znalosti;
- zodpovědnost, spolehlivost, schopnost vést a motivovat tým, schopnost komunikovat s
- znalost anglického jazyka na úrovni B2.

- tvůrčí a různorodou práci v univerzitním prostředí s možností dalšího odborného růstu;
- zázemí a zkušenosti celé Divize informačních systémů ÚVT MU, příjemný a odborně
fundovaný pracovní kolektiv;
- pružnou pracovní dobu;
- finanční ohodnocení odpovídající znalostem a odvedené práci;
- zaměstnanecké benefity (30 dní dovolené, stravenky, příspěvek na penzijní připojištění).

Písemné nabídky doložené strukturovaným životopisem a motivačním dopisem v českém jazyce
přijímá Personálně-mzdové oddělení Ústavu výpočetní techniky MU, Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno,
formou e-přihlášky (viz na-mu/volna- mista/36426).

Vývojář/ka GISových aplikací
Zapojte se do týmu vývojářů webových GISů a pracujte s námi na vývoji mapových a vizualizačních
aplikací. Vaše práce přinese desítkám tisíc uživatelů na Masarykově univerzitě i mimo ni orientaci
v prostorách univerzity a vizualizaci jejich vybavení.

Základní podmínky:
Pracoviště: Ústav výpočetní techniky, Divize informačních systémů
Úvazek: pracovní poměr (i částečný) nebo dohoda o pracovní činnosti
Místo výkonu práce: Brno, Žerotínovo nám. 9
Přihlášky: do 22. 10. 2017
Nástup: dle dohody

Popis pozice:
- Vývoj aplikací pro správu a vizualizaci prostorových dat na Masarykově univerzitě. Aplikace
slouží interním uživatelům i veřejnosti, a jsou postaveny na technologiích ESRI (ArcGIS), MS
SQL, JavaScript, Google Closure. Více informací na
geograficke-informacni- systemy.
- Účast na celém životním cyklu softwarového vývoje od analýzy a návrhu až po testování a
- Vedení dílčích softwarových projektů.
- středoškolské nebo vysokoškolské vzdělání v geografii nebo informatice či příbuzném
technickém oboru, pozice je vhodná i pro VŠ studenty v aktivním studiu;
- znalost JavaScriptu, HTML, CSS;
- výhodou je znalost problematiky GIS, zkušenost s knihovnou OpenLayers 3 a nástroji Google
Closure, znalost Python, Node.js, zkušenost s technologiemi ESRI (ArcGIS for Server, ArcGIS
for Desktop, ArcGIS REST API);
- analytické a logické myšlení, aktivní přístup k řešení problémů, zájem a schopnost objevovat
a osvojovat si nové technologie a přístupy;
- zodpovědnost, spolehlivost a pečlivost, samostatnost, schopnost týmové práce;
- v případě VŠ studenta/studentky bezproblémové studijní výsledky a zájem
o dlouhodobější spolupráci během studia (min. dva roky);
- znalost anglického jazyka alespoň na úrovni porozumění technické dokumentaci.

- tvůrčí a různorodou práci v univerzitním prostředí s možností získání praxe a dalšího
odborného růstu; práci je možno propojit s tématem bakalářské či diplomové práce;
- práci s nejnovějšími technologiemi;
- zázemí a zkušenosti celého ÚVT MU a univerzitní IT komunity, příjemný a odborně fundovaný
pracovní kolektiv Divize informačních systémů;
- pružnou pracovní dobu, kterou lze dobře kombinovat s VŠ studiem;
- finanční ohodnocení odpovídající znalostem a odvedené práci;
- zaměstnanecké benefity (30 dní dovolené, stravenky, příspěvek na penzijní připojištění).

Písemné nabídky doložené strukturovaným životopisem přijímá Personálně-mzdové oddělení Ústavu
výpočetní techniky MU, Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno, formou e-přihlášky (viz
univerzite/kariera-na- mu/volna-mista/36266).

Konference 2017

23.10.2017 8:12   Moravské křižovatky   Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i. Vás srdečně zve na odbornou konferenci Výzkum historických cest v interdisciplinárním kontextu III., která se uskuteční již příští týden 2. až 3. listopadu 2017 v prostorách CDV v Brně. Letošní 3. ročník konference navazuje na předchozí... Continue Reading →

The Two Koreas – Storymapa

23.10.2017 8:05   Moc hezkou „Story mapu“ zaměřenou na rozdíly mezi Severní a Jižní Koreou vytvořil Esri Story Map team. V ní se můžeme velice atraktivní formou dočíst o historii, obyvatelstvu, průmyslu i vzájemném konfliktu mezi oběma zeměmi. Obsah asi nemá ...

GIS & Remote Sensing Technician

23.10.2017 5:34   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   Faculty/Services Faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering Unit SAgE Technical Services Sub Unit TS Engineering Staff Category Technical & IT Contract Type Open Ended Hours of Work Full Time Location Newcastle upon Tyne Salary:                           £24,983 to £26,495 (with progression to £28,936) Closing Date:                25 October 2017 Working predominantly with members of the Geomatics Group within the School […]

Master EM in Geospatial Technologies – call for scholarship students

23.10.2017 5:29   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   Dear all, The call for scholarship students in our Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies for the academic course 2018-2019 is now open – over 20 scholarships are available. The Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies – recognized as the second best master’s degree in Technology in 2017 by the El Mundo ranking and endorsed […]

Name change of Intergraph (Schweiz) AG and relocation

23.10.2017 5:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   HxGN Schweiz AG takes over the contractual obligations

Name change of Intergraph (Schweiz) AG and relocation

23.10.2017 5:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   HxGN Schweiz AG takes over the contractual obligations

Name change of Intergraph (Schweiz) AG and relocation

23.10.2017 5:00   Hexagon Safety & Infrastructure   HxGN Schweiz AG takes over the contractual obligations

Obraz katastrální mapy

23.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Obraz katastrální mapy Zlínského kraje.Stav dat k 1. 7. 2018. Vznik spojením DKM, KMD, KM-D a ÚKM(orientační mapy parcel - vektorové).

Obraz katastrální mapy

23.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Obraz katastrální mapy Zlínského kraje.Stav dat k 1. 10. 2017. Vznik spojením DKM, KMD, KM-D a ÚKM(orientační mapy parcel - vektorové).

Kamera na sondě Mars Express pozoruje oblačnost ve velkých výškách

23.10.2017 1:07   Český Kosmický Portál  

Bezprecedentní katalog více než 21 tisíc snímků pořízených webovou kamerou na sondě ESA Mars Express má svoji hodnotu jako cenný vědecký nástroj. Poskytuje totiž - kromě jiného - globální přehled nezvyklých mraků ve velkých výškách nad Rudou planetou.

Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada, Pobočka Kolín

23.10.2017 0:00   Státní pozemkový úřad   Ústřední ředitelka Státního pozemkového úřadu, jako služební orgán příslušný podle § 10 odst. 1 písm. f) zákona č. 234/2014 Sb., o státní službě (dále jen „zákon“), vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada, Pobočka Kolín.

Prohlédněte si nejpodrobnější mapu volebních výsledků!

22.10.2017 17:11   Volby do Poslanecké sněmovny jsou za námi a jejich celostátní výsledky již určitě každý zná. Jak ale dopadly ve vašem městě, či rovnou vašem volebním okrsku? Na to se můžete podívat v mapové aplikaci, vytvořené ...

Mapová aplikace Technická infr

22.10.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   Mapová aplikace Technická infrastruktura a mapová aplikace Zastavěné území byly aktualizovány k 20.10.2017.

Mapová aplikace a mapová apli

22.10.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   Mapová aplikace a mapová aplikace byly aktualizovány k 20.10.2017.

GISCI 2017 Fall Exam Application Period Continues

20.10.2017 20:52 Webcasts-Webinars   Des Plaines, IL, October 20, 2017 --  The next testing window for the GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge Exam® as a part of the …

CoreLogic Analysis Estimates Property Damage from Hurricane Nate Between $650 Million and $1.35 Billion

20.10.2017 20:16 Webcasts-Webinars   —Most of the Estimated Flood Damage is Expected to be Insured—

IRVINE, Calif., October 20, 2017 – CoreLogic® (NYSE: CLGX), a …

EnerJex Resources Signs Definitive Merger Agreement with Commercial Drone Company AgEagle Aerial Systems

20.10.2017 17:14 Webcasts-Webinars   Computer Analytics of Hi-Resolution Aerial Imagery Serving the Precision Ag Industry
EnerJex Resources Receives Notice of Non-compliance …

UrtheCast and e-GEOS collaborate to offer unique optical and SAR products

20.10.2017 17:09 Webcasts-Webinars   Madrid, October 20, 2017 - UrtheCast Corp., its subsidiary Deimos Imaging and e-GEOS (a company owned by Telespazio and the Italian Space Agency) …

20171020 - volné místo - Vedoucí OMaK v kanceláři úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro ÚK

20.10.2017 14:04   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/20171020-volne-misto-Vedouci-OMaK-v-kancelari

Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení metodiky a kontroly v kanceláři úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Úste

20.10.2017 13:59   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení metodiky a kontroly v kanceláři úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Úste

Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení metodiky a kontroly v kanceláři úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Úste

20.10.2017 13:59   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení metodiky a kontroly v kanceláři úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Ústecký kraj

Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení metodiky a kontroly v kanceláři úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Úste

20.10.2017 13:59   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-rada-–-vedouci-oddeleni-metodiky-a-kon-(1)

Weather and climate

20.10.2017 13:37   ESA Observing the Earth  
Euronews: new European satellites could help to solve the many mysteries of our atmosphere


20.10.2017 13:36   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Účetní


20.10.2017 13:36   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo


20.10.2017 13:36   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Volna-mista/Ucetni-(1)

Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN

20.10.2017 13:01   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kyjov vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN

Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN

20.10.2017 13:01   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihomoravsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-v-oddeleni-aktualizace-KN-(1)

Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN

20.10.2017 13:01   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kyjov
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Odborný referent v oddělení aktualizace KN

Ke stažení

20.10.2017 12:45   Středočeský kraj   Do záložky Ke stažení byly přidány nové mapy za oblast dopravy, regionálního rozvoje a také byla přidána položka územní členění. Mapové výstupy jsou k dispozici ve formátu PDF.

Dovětek ke správě revizí

20.10.2017 11:04   GIS Fórum  

Dovětek ke správě revizí

20.10.2017 11:04   GIS Fórum  

Dovětek ke správě revizí

20.10.2017 11:04   GIS Fórum   V nedávném článku jsme ukázali, jak lze pomocí standardních funkcí nadefinovat jednoduchou správu revizí hasicích přístrojů.
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20171020-Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí

20.10.2017 10:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Slaný zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí Na úřední elektronické desce Katastrálního úřadu pro Středočeský kraj, v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí"

20171020-Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí

20.10.2017 10:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Slany/O-uradu/Aktuality/20140318-Geodet-Melnik-(1)

Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí

20.10.2017 10:54   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Slaný vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí

Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí

20.10.2017 10:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Slaný
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí
Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí

Odborný referent/vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí

20.10.2017 10:54   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-vrchni-referent-oddeleni-aktu-(2)

Sagaing Division

20.10.2017 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
Earth observation image of the week: Sentinel-1 radar vision during a period of severe flooding in Myanmar, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme

Galileo and Copernicus combine forces at InterGEO 2017

20.10.2017 9:32   European GNSS Agency  
20 October 2017

Europe's flagship space programmes, Galileo and Copernicus, shared a stand and a stage at this year's InterGEO event in Berlin.

For the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Commission, the aim of this year's joint appearance by Galileo and Copernicus at InterGEO 2017 was to highlight the powerful synergies that exist between the two services.

"This is the first time we have shared a common stand at an event of this type," said GSA Market Development Officer Reinhard Blasi. "We in the GNSS community know a lot about Galileo already, but we may not know so much about Copernicus. This is Europe's earth observation and monitoring programme, which, like Galileo, delivers openly and freely in a wide range of application areas, with both operational data and information services."

Blasi was speaking at the world's premier event for the geospatial industry, and the joint use of E-GNSS and Earth observation data certainly enables a number of applications of great interest to the mapping and surveying communities that gather at InterGEO. But there are also large numbers of potential value-added applications for the agriculture sector, for smart cities, road transport, maritime navigation, emergency/crisis management, utilities and many others.

"These synergies exist in many market segments," Blasi said, "for example in biomass monitoring, hydrographical offshore surveying or border surveillance." He cited a specific example in the area of precision agriculture, where Copernicus can deliver very detailed information about soil humidity and composition, which can then be used to generate metre- and centimetre-level maps of soil parameters. Farmers can then overlay Galileo- and EGNOS-generated location maps to guide targeted irrigation and other operations in their fields.

In the area of environmental management, Copernicus delivers key information on the state of forests, water quality and snow cover, while again Galileo and EGNOS provide precise guidance to specific areas of interest.

Many applications

The European Union is supporting a major initiative in the area of Smart Cities. Here, Copernicus can be of great use in the monitoring of urban growth, green areas, and land use, both legal and illegal, while European GNSS can be combined with this kind of information to help better understand the mobility habits of urban citizens.

"For public authorities, combined Earth observation and GNSS information is really very valuable," said Blasi, "for urban planning, defining new urban corridors and infrastructure projects and supporting law enforcement. And all of these are just a few of the areas where Galileo and Copernicus can work together to provide something that is more powerful than either one by itself."

At the joint Galileo/Copernicus stand in the InterGEo exhibition area, representatives from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), including Alexandra Förster and Lena Schultz-Lieckfeld, as well as the GSA's Blasi, and Julia Ioannou of the Copernicus Support Office, provided more insights into what can be accomplished by combining Copernicus and Galileo data.

There was also an array of representatives on hand from small and medium-sized companies that have been involved in Galileo initiatives, all ready to meet visitors and answer questions. For everyone involved in the two programmes, the experience of coming together and presenting, for the first time, a united front in a very large public forum, appeared to be productive and ultimately very rewarding.

Blasi said that in the future the two programmes would be more likely to work together in this way. "Galileo and Copernicus really do complement each other," he said, "so it makes sense for us, the people who work on these programmes, to come together like this, to tell our stories and promote our work, which is really of great benefit to the public and industry."

More good news for European GNSS

GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Alina Hriscu also spoke at a special conference session at InterGEO, where she described in detail Galileo operational status as well as the state of play among GNSS receiver manufacturers and the wider GNSS market. She also expressed the Agency's great satisfaction with the recent launch by Broadcom of the world's first dual frequency GNSS receiver for smartphones.

Broadcom Limited is a worldwide semiconductor leader, and its new receiver, the BCM47755, will provide, among other things, lane-level accuracy with minimal power consumption and will help to enable a new range of high-precision LBS applications.

As the GSA has pointed out, Europe’s Galileo constellation is largely responsible for the expanded availability of L1/E1 and L5/E5 frequencies, making it possible to use both frequencies to compute position much more accurately.

Special Galileo student prize awarded

InterGEO 2017 was also the occasion to recognize the work of some outstanding young people, in the context of the CLGE Students Contest. Every year, the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) organises the contest aimed at rewarding research in various surveying-related areas.

This year, as it has in previous years, the GSA sponsored a special prize for entries that show a dedicated use of Galileo, EGNOS or Copernicus. The winner, announced at InterGEO, was Sander Varbla from the Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia.

Varbla's paper, entitled 'Assessment of marine geoid models by ship-borne GNSS profiles', presented the results of a 2016 marine gravity and GNSS campaign carried out on board the Estonian Maritime Administration survey vessel 'Jakob Prei' in the WestEstonian archipeligo.

The prize, awarded by the GSA's Hriscu, came with a check for 1000 euros. After receiving the award and thanking the GSA and contest organisers, Varbla said, "This means a lot to me. It means that my work is valued and it makes a difference, and I'm really looking forward to continuing with this kind of research."

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Joint use of E-GNSS and Earth observation data enables many applications of interest to the mapping and surveying communities.

Galileo and Copernicus combine forces at InterGEO 2017

20.10.2017 9:32   European GNSS Agency  
20 October 2017

Europe's flagship space programmes, Galileo and Copernicus, shared a stand and a stage at this year's InterGEO event in Berlin.

For the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Commission, the aim of this year's joint appearance by Galileo and Copernicus at InterGEO 2017 was to highlight the powerful synergies that exist between the two services.

"This is the first time we have shared a common stand at an event of this type," said GSA Market Development Officer Reinhard Blasi. "We in the GNSS community know a lot about Galileo already, but we may not know so much about Copernicus. This is Europe's earth observation and monitoring programme, which, like Galileo, delivers openly and freely in a wide range of application areas, with both operational data and information services."

Blasi was speaking at the world's premier event for the geospatial industry, and the joint use of E-GNSS and Earth observation data certainly enables a number of applications of great interest to the mapping and surveying communities that gather at InterGEO. But there are also large numbers of potential value-added applications for the agriculture sector, for smart cities, road transport, maritime navigation, emergency/crisis management, utilities and many others.

"These synergies exist in many market segments," Blasi said, "for example in biomass monitoring, hydrographical offshore surveying or border surveillance." He cited a specific example in the area of precision agriculture, where Copernicus can deliver very detailed information about soil humidity and composition, which can then be used to generate metre- and centimetre-level maps of soil parameters. Farmers can then overlay Galileo- and EGNOS-generated location maps to guide targeted irrigation and other operations in their fields.

In the area of environmental management, Copernicus delivers key information on the state of forests, water quality and snow cover, while again Galileo and EGNOS provide precise guidance to specific areas of interest.

Many applications

The European Union is supporting a major initiative in the area of Smart Cities. Here, Copernicus can be of great use in the monitoring of urban growth, green areas, and land use, both legal and illegal, while European GNSS can be combined with this kind of information to help better understand the mobility habits of urban citizens.

"For public authorities, combined Earth observation and GNSS information is really very valuable," said Blasi, "for urban planning, defining new urban corridors and infrastructure projects and supporting law enforcement. And all of these are just a few of the areas where Galileo and Copernicus can work together to provide something that is more powerful than either one by itself."

At the joint Galileo/Copernicus stand in the InterGEo exhibition area, representatives from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), including Alexandra Förster and Lena Schultz-Lieckfeld, as well as the GSA's Blasi, and Julia Ioannou of the Copernicus Support Office, provided more insights into what can be accomplished by combining Copernicus and Galileo data.

There was also an array of representatives on hand from small and medium-sized companies that have been involved in Galileo initiatives, all ready to meet visitors and answer questions. For everyone involved in the two programmes, the experience of coming together and presenting, for the first time, a united front in a very large public forum, appeared to be productive and ultimately very rewarding.

Blasi said that in the future the two programmes would be more likely to work together in this way. "Galileo and Copernicus really do complement each other," he said, "so it makes sense for us, the people who work on these programmes, to come together like this, to tell our stories and promote our work, which is really of great benefit to the public and industry."

More good news for European GNSS

GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Alina Hriscu also spoke at a special conference session at InterGEO, where she described in detail Galileo operational status as well as the state of play among GNSS receiver manufacturers and the wider GNSS market. She also expressed the Agency's great satisfaction with the recent launch by Broadcom of the world's first dual frequency GNSS receiver for smartphones.

Broadcom Limited is a worldwide semiconductor leader, and its new receiver, the BCM47755, will provide, among other things, lane-level accuracy with minimal power consumption and will help to enable a new range of high-precision LBS applications.

As the GSA has pointed out, Europe’s Galileo constellation is largely responsible for the expanded availability of L1/E1 and L5/E5 frequencies, making it possible to use both frequencies to compute position much more accurately.

Special Galileo student prize awarded

InterGEO 2017 was also the occasion to recognize the work of some outstanding young people, in the context of the CLGE Students Contest. Every year, the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) organises the contest aimed at rewarding research in various surveying-related areas.

This year, as it has in previous years, the GSA sponsored a special prize for entries that show a dedicated use of Galileo, EGNOS or Copernicus. The winner, announced at InterGEO, was Sander Varbla from the Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia.

Varbla's paper, entitled 'Assessment of marine geoid models by ship-borne GNSS profiles', presented the results of a 2016 marine gravity and GNSS campaign carried out on board the Estonian Maritime Administration survey vessel 'Jakob Prei' in the WestEstonian archipeligo.

The prize, awarded by the GSA's Hriscu, came with a check for 1000 euros. After receiving the award and thanking the GSA and contest organisers, Varbla said, "This means a lot to me. It means that my work is valued and it makes a difference, and I'm really looking forward to continuing with this kind of research."

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Joint use of E-GNSS and Earth observation data enables many applications of interest to the mapping and surveying communities.

Galileo and Copernicus combine forces at InterGEO 2017

20.10.2017 9:32   European GNSS Agency  
20 October 2017

Europe's flagship space programmes, Galileo and Copernicus, shared a stand and a stage at this year's InterGEO event in Berlin.

For the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Commission, the aim of this year's joint appearance by Galileo and Copernicus at InterGEO 2017 was to highlight the powerful synergies that exist between the two services.

"This is the first time we have shared a common stand at an event of this type," said GSA Market Development Officer Reinhard Blasi. "We in the GNSS community know a lot about Galileo already, but we may not know so much about Copernicus. This is Europe's earth observation and monitoring programme, which, like Galileo, delivers openly and freely in a wide range of application areas, with both operational data and information services."

Blasi was speaking at the world's premier event for the geospatial industry, and the joint use of E-GNSS and Earth observation data certainly enables a number of applications of great interest to the mapping and surveying communities that gather at InterGEO. But there are also large numbers of potential value-added applications for the agriculture sector, for smart cities, road transport, maritime navigation, emergency/crisis management, utilities and many others.

"These synergies exist in many market segments," Blasi said, "for example in biomass monitoring, hydrographical offshore surveying or border surveillance." He cited a specific example in the area of precision agriculture, where Copernicus can deliver very detailed information about soil humidity and composition, which can then be used to generate metre- and centimetre-level maps of soil parameters. Farmers can then overlay Galileo- and EGNOS-generated location maps to guide targeted irrigation and other operations in their fields.

In the area of environmental management, Copernicus delivers key information on the state of forests, water quality and snow cover, while again Galileo and EGNOS provide precise guidance to specific areas of interest.

Many applications

The European Union is supporting a major initiative in the area of Smart Cities. Here, Copernicus can be of great use in the monitoring of urban growth, green areas, and land use, both legal and illegal, while European GNSS can be combined with this kind of information to help better understand the mobility habits of urban citizens.

"For public authorities, combined Earth observation and GNSS information is really very valuable," said Blasi, "for urban planning, defining new urban corridors and infrastructure projects and supporting law enforcement. And all of these are just a few of the areas where Galileo and Copernicus can work together to provide something that is more powerful than either one by itself."

At the joint Galileo/Copernicus stand in the InterGEo exhibition area, representatives from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), including Alexandra Förster and Lena Schultz-Lieckfeld, as well as the GSA's Blasi, and Julia Ioannou of the Copernicus Support Office, provided more insights into what can be accomplished by combining Copernicus and Galileo data.

There was also an array of representatives on hand from small and medium-sized companies that have been involved in Galileo initiatives, all ready to meet visitors and answer questions. For everyone involved in the two programmes, the experience of coming together and presenting, for the first time, a united front in a very large public forum, appeared to be productive and ultimately very rewarding.

Blasi said that in the future the two programmes would be more likely to work together in this way. "Galileo and Copernicus really do complement each other," he said, "so it makes sense for us, the people who work on these programmes, to come together like this, to tell our stories and promote our work, which is really of great benefit to the public and industry."

More good news for European GNSS

GSA Market Development Innovation Officer Alina Hriscu also spoke at a special conference session at InterGEO, where she described in detail Galileo operational status as well as the state of play among GNSS receiver manufacturers and the wider GNSS market. She also expressed the Agency's great satisfaction with the recent launch by Broadcom of the world's first dual frequency GNSS receiver for smartphones.

Broadcom Limited is a worldwide semiconductor leader, and its new receiver, the BCM47755, will provide, among other things, lane-level accuracy with minimal power consumption and will help to enable a new range of high-precision LBS applications.

As the GSA has pointed out, Europe’s Galileo constellation is largely responsible for the expanded availability of L1/E1 and L5/E5 frequencies, making it possible to use both frequencies to compute position much more accurately.

Special Galileo student prize awarded

InterGEO 2017 was also the occasion to recognize the work of some outstanding young people, in the context of the CLGE Students Contest. Every year, the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) organises the contest aimed at rewarding research in various surveying-related areas.

This year, as it has in previous years, the GSA sponsored a special prize for entries that show a dedicated use of Galileo, EGNOS or Copernicus. The winner, announced at InterGEO, was Sander Varbla from the Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia.

Varbla's paper, entitled 'Assessment of marine geoid models by ship-borne GNSS profiles', presented the results of a 2016 marine gravity and GNSS campaign carried out on board the Estonian Maritime Administration survey vessel 'Jakob Prei' in the WestEstonian archipeligo.

The prize, awarded by the GSA's Hriscu, came with a check for 1000 euros. After receiving the award and thanking the GSA and contest organisers, Varbla said, "This means a lot to me. It means that my work is valued and it makes a difference, and I'm really looking forward to continuing with this kind of research."

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Joint use of E-GNSS and Earth observation data enables many applications of interest to the mapping and surveying communities.

T-MAPY dodávají analytické mapy pro volební vysílání TV Nova

20.10.2017 8:16   TV Nova bude poprvé v historii přenášet výsledky voleb v kontinuálním povolebním vysílání. Součástí této události se stává i společnost T-MAPY, která dodá speciální analytickou mapovou aplikaci. T-MAPY mají již nyní oblíbenou aplikaci Kam jít ...

Včera se konala třetí konference Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl v Plzni

20.10.2017 7:53   UpVision   Včera se konala v Plzni již 3. konference Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl s velice zajímavým programem a s odborníky ze státní správy, IZS, leteckých autorit, výzkumu i vzdělávání. Měli jsme zde prezentaci naší mobilní aplikace Maia a SW pro správu termovizních inspekcí ThermoAnalytics.

Prezentace budou v krátké době zveřejněny na webových stránkách aliance

Graduate Research Opportunities in GIScience and GIS at the University of California, Santa Barbara

20.10.2017 6:41   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   Graduate Research Opportunities in GIScience and GIS The Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites graduate student applications for MA/Ph.D. and Ph.D. positions in the areas of modeling, measurement, and computation. The department is internationally recognized for its excellence and leadership in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and Geographic Information Systems […]

Drone Delivery Canada and Wolseley Canada Sign Agreement for Drone Delivery Development

20.10.2017 3:01 Webcasts-Webinars   TORONTO, Oct 19, 2017 — (PRNewswire) — Drone Delivery Canada 'DDC or the Company' (CSE:FLT OTC:TAKOF), is pleased to announce it …

AllTerra Sud Offers Microdrones® mdMapper packages for Professional Aerial Surveying

20.10.2017 3:01 Webcasts-Webinars   DETTELBACH, Germany, Oct. 19, 2017 — (PRNewswire) —  Microdrones is honored to announce a new partnership with AllTerra Sud, …

CyberTech Systems and Software and Esri Agree to Power GeoShield, Intelligence Led Policing Spatial Analytics with ArcGIS Server via OEM

20.10.2017 3:01 Webcasts-Webinars   OAK BROOK, Ill., Oct. 19, 2017 — (PRNewswire) —  CyberTech Systems and Software, a leader in providing next-generation Spatial and …

Biogeografické členění

20.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Hranice 366 typů biochor, 94 bioregionů a 4 biogeografických podprovincií na území České republiky publikované v: CULEK, M. et al. (2005). Biogeografické členění České republiky: II. díl. Vydání 1. Praha: AOPK ČR. 590 s., 1 CD. ISBN 80-86064-82-4.; (vrstva obsahuje jednoduché prvky (Singlepart Features); © Culek et al., 2005) a následně zaktualizované dle publikace: Culek M., Grulich V., Laštůvka Z., Divíšek J. (2013): Biogeografické regiony České republiky. - Masarykova univerzita. Brno. 447 s. + mapová příloha. ISBN 978-80-210-6693-9.; (vrstva obsahuje jednoduché prvky (Singlepart Features); © Culek et al., 2013)

Územní studie silnice II/380 Sokolnice – Čejč

20.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   tématické vrstvy + rastry výkresů
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