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Galileo and Copernicus combine forces at InterGEO 2017

17.10.2017 12:06   European GNSS Agency  
17 October 2017

For the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Commission, the aim of this year's joint appearance by Galileo and Copernicus at InterGEO 2017 was to highlight the powerful synergies that exist between the two services.


"This is the first time we have shared a common stand at an event of this type," said GSA Market Development Officer Reinhard Blasi. "The GNSS community knows a lot about Galileo already, and is getting increasingly interested to know more about Copernicus. This is Europe's earth observation and monitoring programme, which, like Galileo, delivers openly and freely both operational data and information services impacting a wide range of application areas. "


Blasi was speaking at the world's premier event for the geospatial industry, and the joint use of E-GNSS and earth observation data certainly enables many applications of great interest to the mapping and surveying communities that gather at InterGEO. But there are also large numbers of potential value-added applications for the agriculture sector, for smart cities, road transport, maritime navigation, emergency/crisis management, utilities and many others.


Among the specific examples presented, a notable one is in the area of precision agriculture, where Copernicus can deliver detailed information about soil and plant condition, which can then be used to generate precise maps of parameters on the field. Farmers can then overlay Galileo- and EGNOS-generated location maps to guide targeted irrigation and other operations in their fields. "Synergies exist in many additional segments for example in biomass monitoring, hydrographical offshore surveying or border surveillance."


In the area of environmental management, Copernicus delivers key information on the state of forests, water quality and snow cover, while again Galileo and EGNOS provide geo-tagging of samples as well as precise guidance to specific areas of interest.


“It always boils down to the principle that Copernicus tells you what is around you while with EGNOS and Galileo you precisely know where you are.”


Many applications


The European Union is supporting a major initiative in the area of Smart Cities. Here, Copernicus can be of great use in the monitoring of urban growth, green areas, and land use, both legal and illegal, while European GNSS can be combined with this kind of information to help better understand the mobility habits of urban citizens.


"For public authorities, combined Earth observation and GNSS information is really very valuable," said Blasi, "for urban planning, defining new urban corridors, monitoring land movements and infrastructure projects and supporting law enforcement. And all of these are just a few of the areas where Galileo and Copernicus can work together to provide something that is more powerful than either one by itself."


At the joint Galileo/Copernicus stand in the InterGEo exhibition area, representatives from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) the Copernicus Support Office, provided more insights into what can be accomplished by combining Copernicus and Galileo data.


There was also an array of representatives on hand from small and medium-sized companies that have been involved in Galileo initiatives, all ready to meet visitors and answer questions. For everyone involved in the two programmes, the experience of coming together and presenting, for the first time, a united front in a very large public forum, appeared to be productive and ultimately very rewarding.


Blasi said that in the future the two programmes would be more likely to work together in this way. "Galileo and Copernicus really do complement each other," he said, "so it makes sense for us, the people who work on these programmes, to come together like this, to tell our stories and promote our work, which is really of great benefit to the public and industry."


The UNOOSA and GSA are preparing a report to be published shortly on the EGNSS-Copernicus synergies. The emphasis is on the impact of the joint usage of GNSS and Earth Observation may have to support the countries to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


More good news for European GNSS


A special conference session at InterGEO allows describing in detail Galileo operational status as well as the state of play among GNSS receiver manufacturers and the wider GNSS market, including the recent launch by Broadcom of the world's first dual frequency GNSS receiver for smartphones.


Broadcom Limited is a worldwide semiconductor leader, and its new chipset will provide, among other things, lane-level accuracy with minimal power consumption and will help to enable a new range of high-precision LBS applications.


As the GSA has pointed out, Europe’s Galileo constellation is largely responsible for the expanded availability of L1/E1 and L5/E5 frequencies for mass market applications, making it possible to use both frequencies to compute position much more accurately.


Special Galileo student prize awarded


InterGEO 2017 was also the occasion to recognize the work of some outstanding young people, in the context of the CLGE Students Contest. Every year, the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) organises the contest aimed at rewarding research in various surveying-related areas.


This year, as it has in previous years, the GSA sponsored a special prize for entries that show a dedicated use of Galileo, EGNOS and/or Copernicus. The winner, announced at InterGEO, was Sander Varbla from the Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia.


Varbla's paper, entitled 'Assessment of marine geoid models by ship-borne GNSS profiles', presented the results of a 2016 marine gravity and GNSS campaign carried out on board the Estonian Maritime Administration survey vessel 'Jakob Prei' in the WestEstonian archipeligo.


After receiving the award and thanking the GSA and contest organisers, Varbla said, "This means a lot to me. It means that my work is valued and it makes a difference, and I'm really looking forward to continuing with this kind of research."


Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo and Copernicus combine forces at InterGEO 2017

Watching Ophelia

17.10.2017 11:20   ESA Observing the Earth  
Sentinel-3A took Ophelia’s temperature as the storm moved towards the British Isles

Observatoř Integral spatřila záblesk doprovázející gravitační vlny

17.10.2017 10:38   Český Kosmický Portál  

Observatoř ESA Integral hrála klíčovou roli při objevu záblesků paprsků gama, které jsou spojovány s gravitačními vlnami uvolněnými při kolizi dvou neutronových hvězd.

Observatoř Integral spatřila záblesk doprovázející gravitační vlny

17.10.2017 10:38   Český Kosmický Portál  

Observatoř ESA Integral hrála klíčovou roli při objevu záblesků paprsků gama, které jsou spojovány s gravitačními vlnami uvolněnými při kolizi dvou neutronových hvězd.


17.10.2017 10:30   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2017/20171017-GaKO-10-2017


17.10.2017 10:30   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Aktuální číslo Geodetického a kartografického obzoru (10/2017) je k dispozici ke stažení.

Nové číslo GaKO

17.10.2017 10:25   ÚGKK SR  
Nové číslo časopisu Geodetického a Kartografického Obzoru 10/2017

Nabídka nepotřebného majetku

17.10.2017 10:15   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

Nabídka nepotřebného majetku

Nabídka nepotřebného majetku

17.10.2017 10:15   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Kralovehradecky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Nabidka-nepotrebneho-majetku

Soutěž o knihu „222 tipů a triků pro drony“

17.10.2017 8:47   Společně s Jakubem Karasem z UpVision jsme pro Vás připravili soutěž o jeho novou knihu „222 tipů a triků pro drony“. Pokud odpovíte správně na všech pět otázek, postupujete do slosování o knihu s věnováním autora. ...

Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost má oceněné

17.10.2017 7:11   GeoBusiness   První ročník soutěže Chytrá města pro budoucnost, která se koná pod záštitou ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu, zná vítěze. Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost je první soutěží svého druhu v České republice. Chce objevovat nové trendy, propagovat tzv. smart city projekty a podporovat obce, města i kraje ve sdílení a dobré praxi využívání nejmodernějších postupů v […]


Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost má oceněné

17.10.2017 7:11   GeoBusiness   První ročník soutěže Chytrá města pro budoucnost, která se koná pod záštitou ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu, zná vítěze. Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost je ... Read More


Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost má oceněné

17.10.2017 7:11   GeoBusiness   První ročník soutěže Chytrá města pro budoucnost, která se koná pod záštitou ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu, zná vítěze. Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost je první soutěží svého druhu v České…


Chytrá města pro budoucnost

17.10.2017 7:11   GeoBusiness  

První ročník soutěže Chytrá města pro budoucnost, která se koná pod záštitou ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu, zná vítěze. Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost je první soutěží svého druhu v České…

The post Chytrá města pro budoucnost appeared first on GeoBusiness.

Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost má oceněné

17.10.2017 7:11   GeoBusiness   První ročník soutěže Chytrá města pro budoucnost, která se koná pod záštitou ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu, zná vítěze. Soutěž Chytrá města pro budoucnost je ... Přečíst


Evidence geologických prací

17.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Údaje o nově zahajovaných geologických pracích. Je průběžně aktualizována na základě evidenčních listů, předávaných do ČGS útvaru Geofond.Vedeno také pod názvem 'Registr evidence geologických prací'.

Stanovisko ÚGKK SR

16.10.2017 16:00   ÚGKK SR  
Stanovisko k otázkam a podnetom týkajúcim sa vyhotovovania geometrických plánov

Finální program Setkání GEPRO & ATLAS 2017

16.10.2017 15:34   GEPRO  

Rádi bychom Vás informovali o vydání finální podoby programu Setkání uživatelů produktů a služeb společností GEPRO a ATLAS 2017, které se koná 24.… >>

ESA takes the reins of the Disasters Charter

16.10.2017 15:20   ESA Observing the Earth  

When disaster strikes, a group of international space agencies pools its resources and expertise to support relief efforts on the ground. For the next six months, ESA will be leading the International Charter Space and Major Disasters as it brings information from satellites to the aid of the vulnerable. 

Sentinel-5P: health satellite in excellent health

16.10.2017 15:10   ESA Observing the Earth  

Launched last week, Europe’s Sentinel-5P satellite – the first Copernicus mission dedicated to monitoring the air we breathe – is in excellent health.

Sentinel-5P: satellite in excellent health

16.10.2017 15:10   ESA Observing the Earth  

Launched last week, Europe’s Sentinel-5P satellite – the first Copernicus mission dedicated to monitoring the air we breathe – is in excellent health.

Povídání s astronautkou

16.10.2017 14:38   Česká kosmická kancelář  

Čeští studenti se ve středu 27. září 2017 setkali se s americkou astronautkou Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburgerovou, jež se v roce 2010 vydala na patnáctidenní misi raketoplánu Discovery k Mezinárodní kosmické stanici. Vzdělávací akci uspořádala Česká kosmická kancelář ve spolupráci s Americkým centrem Velvyslanectví USA v Praze.

Povídání s astronautkou

16.10.2017 14:38   Česká kosmická kancelář  

Čeští studenti měli ve středu 27. září 2017 možnost setkat se s americkou astronautkou Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburgerovou, jež se v roce 2010 vydala na patnáctidenní misi raketoplánu Discovery k Mezinárodní kosmické stanici. Vzdělávací akci uspořádala Česká kosmická kancelář ve spolupráci s Americkým centrem Velvyslanectví USA v Praze.

Povídání s astronautkou

16.10.2017 14:38   Česká kosmická kancelář  

Čeští studenti se ve středu 27. září 2017 setkali se s americkou astronautkou Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburgerovou, jež se v roce 2010 vydala na patnáctidenní misi raketoplánu Discovery k Mezinárodní kosmické stanici. Vzdělávací akci uspořádala Česká kosmická kancelář ve spolupráci s Americkým centrem Velvyslanectví USA v Praze.

Updated Galileo Satellite Metadata now available

16.10.2017 13:53   European GNSS Agency  
16 October 2017

The European GNSS Service Centre (GSC) has published updated Galileo Satellite Metadata information on its web portal.

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites, including:

  • Physical characteristics (mass, area of reflectivity, etc.)
  • Attitude law
  • Antenna parameters (Phase Centre Offsets (PCOs), Phase Centre Variations (PCVs)

This information is required to properly implement advanced processing algorithms for precise orbit determination or Precise Point Positioning (PPP). 

The updated information can be found under the ‘Support to Developers’ tab in the Galileo Satellite Metadata section. 

All questions and comments can be directed to the Galileo Helpdesk.

About the GSC

The GSC is run by the European GNSS Agency (GSA). It was created to act as an interface between the Galileo system and its end users. The aim of the GSC is to provide system users with relevant information on Galileo. Through the easy-to-use GSC web portal, Galileo users can access a Helpdesk dedicated to addressing a wide range of questions on the status of Galileo and its use. The GSC also actively provides support to R&D and industry from its centre of expertise, as well as hosts workshops and training sessions.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites.

Updated Galileo Satellite Metadata now available

16.10.2017 13:53   European GNSS Agency  
16 October 2017

The European GNSS Service Centre (GSC) has published updated Galileo Satellite Metadata information on its web portal.

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites, including:

  • Physical characteristics (mass, area of reflectivity, etc.)
  • Attitude law
  • Antenna parameters (Phase Centre Offsets (PCOs), Phase Centre Variations (PCVs)

This information is required to properly implement advanced processing algorithms for precise orbit determination or Precise Point Positioning (PPP). 

The updated information can be found under the ‘Support to Developers’ tab in the Galileo Satellite Metadata section. 

All questions and comments can be directed to the Galileo Helpdesk.

About the GSC

The GSC is run by the European GNSS Agency (GSA). It was created to act as an interface between the Galileo system and its end users. The aim of the GSC is to provide system users with relevant information on Galileo. Through the easy-to-use GSC web portal, Galileo users can access a Helpdesk dedicated to addressing a wide range of questions on the status of Galileo and its use. The GSC also actively provides support to R&D and industry from its centre of expertise, as well as hosts workshops and training sessions.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites.

Updated Galileo Satellite Metadata now available

16.10.2017 13:53   European GNSS Agency  
16 October 2017

The European GNSS Service Centre (GSC) has published updated Galileo Satellite Metadata information on its web portal.

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites, including:

  • Physical characteristics (mass, area of reflectivity, etc.)
  • Attitude law
  • Antenna parameters (Phase Centre Offsets (PCOs), Phase Centre Variations (PCVs)

This information is required to properly implement advanced processing algorithms for precise orbit determination or Precise Point Positioning (PPP). 

The updated information can be found under the ‘Support to Developers’ tab in the Galileo Satellite Metadata section. 

All questions and comments can be directed to the Galileo Helpdesk.

About the GSC

The GSC is run by the European GNSS Agency (GSA). It was created to act as an interface between the Galileo system and its end users. The aim of the GSC is to provide system users with relevant information on Galileo. Through the easy-to-use GSC web portal, Galileo users can access a Helpdesk dedicated to addressing a wide range of questions on the status of Galileo and its use. The GSC also actively provides support to R&D and industry from its centre of expertise, as well as hosts workshops and training sessions.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites.

Updated Galileo Satellite Metadata now available

16.10.2017 13:53   European GNSS Agency  
16 October 2017

The European GNSS Service Centre (GSC) has published updated Galileo Satellite Metadata information on its web portal.

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites, including:

  • Physical characteristics (mass, area of reflectivity, etc.)
  • Attitude law
  • Antenna parameters (Phase Centre Offsets (PCOs), Phase Centre Variations (PCVs)

This information is required to properly implement advanced processing algorithms for precise orbit determination or Precise Point Positioning (PPP). 

The updated information can be found under the ‘Support to Developers’ tab in the Galileo Satellite Metadata section. 

All questions and comments can be directed to the Galileo Helpdesk.

About the GSC

The GSC is run by the European GNSS Agency (GSA). It was created to act as an interface between the Galileo system and its end users. The aim of the GSC is to provide system users with relevant information on Galileo. Through the easy-to-use GSC web portal, Galileo users can access a Helpdesk dedicated to addressing a wide range of questions on the status of Galileo and its use. The GSC also actively provides support to R&D and industry from its centre of expertise, as well as hosts workshops and training sessions.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The updated Metadata contains information on the properties of both Galileo IOV (In-Orbit Validation) and Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites.

Prezentace a záznamy Plan4all části z Joint Conference 2017

16.10.2017 13:37   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU   Skvělá zpráva! Na stránkách Plan4all je k dispozici přehled prezentací a také záznamy z jejich přednesení. Konkrétně je najdete na stránce:

Výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN

16.10.2017 12:17   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu - Katastrální pracoviště Velké Meziříčí zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN


Ředitel Katastrálního úřadu pro Vysočinu jako služební orgán příslušný podle § 10 odst. 1 písm. f) zákona č. 234/2014 Sb., o státní službě, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákon“), vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN na Katastrálním pracovišti Velké Meziříčí, místo výkonu služby Velké Meziříčí v oboru služby 70. Zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí.

Více informací zde

Výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN

16.10.2017 12:17   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Velke-Mezirici/O-uradu/Aktuality/Vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-vrchni-referent

vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN

16.10.2017 12:11   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/vrchni-referent-rada-v-oddeleni-aktualizace-KN

vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN

16.10.2017 12:11   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu - Katastrální pracoviště Velké Meziříčí
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN
vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN

vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN

16.10.2017 12:11   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu - Katastrální pracoviště Velké Meziříčí vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace KN

Porušení pořádku na úseku zeměměřictví - ZKI v Opavě

16.10.2017 12:10   Zeměměřič   Zde uveřejňujeme anonymizovaná rozhodnutí o porušení pořádku na úseku zeměměřictví jednotlivých ZKI.

Porušení pořádku na úseku zeměměřictví - ZKI v Opavě

16.10.2017 12:10   Zeměměřič   Zde uveřejňujeme anonymizovaná rozhodnutí o porušení pořádku na úseku zeměměřictví jednotlivých ZKI.

V mapové aplikaci byla aktual

16.10.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci byla aktualizována územně plánovací dokumentace obcí Český Krumlov, Chvalšiny, Jílovice, Klenovice, Mezná, Myslkovice, Rožmberk nad Vltavou a Žďár. Nově pak byla přidána územně plánovací dokumentace obce Třeboň.

V mapové aplikaci Územně pláno

16.10.2017 12:00   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci Územně plánovací dokumentace obcí byla aktualizována územně plánovací dokumentace obcí Český Krumlov, Chvalšiny, Jílovice, Klenovice, Mezná, Myslkovice, Rožmberk nad Vltavou a Žďár. Nově pak byla přidána územně plánovací dokumentace obce Třeboň.

Sustenance from sands

16.10.2017 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth  
As the UN marks World Food Day, satellites monitor agriculture in even the most unlikely parts of the world

Graduate Research Opportunities in GIScience and GIS

16.10.2017 8:42   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO The Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites graduate student applications for MA/Ph.D. and Ph.D. positions in the areas of modeling, measurement, and computation. The department is internationally recognized for its excellence and leadership in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Students work in a dynamic, collaborative, […]

Cane maps – mapy ve vycházkových holích

16.10.2017 3:00   Na světové výstavě v Chicagu v roce 1893 byly představeny patentované „Cane maps“, tedy mapy ukryté ve vycházkových holích. Mapa o velikosti 10 x 16 palců byla oboustranná – na jedné straně byl plán areálu ...

INSPIRE téma Rozšířené Parcely (CPX)

16.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Rozšíření má za cíl poskytovat katastrální mapu s obsahem podle vyhlášky ve vektorové podobě ve struktuře plně v souladu se strukturou danou směrnicí INSPIRE. Data rozšiřují směrnici INSPIRE pro téma katastrální parcely (CP) o věcná břemena, geodetické body, další prvky mapy, původní obloukovou geometrii a o parcely určené definičním bodem (ty pouze v oblastech s analogovou mapou). Vychází z katastrální mapy, která je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis a může mít formu digitální mapy, analogové mapy nebo digitalizované mapy. Publikovaná data obsahují katastrální území pro celou Českou Republiku, parcely a jejich hranice, věcná břemena, další prvky mapy a původní obloukovou geometrii z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 16. 10. 2017 je to 92,78% území České republiky, t.j. 73 173,60km2) a ve zbytku území katastrální parcely určené pouze definičním bodem (tedy bez hranic a polygonu). Katastrální parcely a hranice obsahují oproti datové sadě INSPIRE některé atributy navíc. Jedná se o typ hranice, způsob využití území, druh pozemku, vazbu na budovu a o mapové značky. Více katastrální zákon 344/1992 SB., katastrální vyhláška č.26/2007 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro Rozšířené Parcely (CPX) ve verzi 4.0.

Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě poskytovaná v e-shopu

16.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě je poskytována za úplatu a obsahuje analogovou mapu s kompletní kresbou. Analogová mapa pokrývá 5,78 % území České republiky, což je 4 555,99km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

Bentley Systems Announces Winners of 2017 Be Inspired Awards

16.10.2017 2:00   Bentley Systems  

SINGAPORE – The Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, today announced the winners of the 2017 Be Inspired Awards. The annual awards program honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users advancing the world’s infrastructure. At a ceremony and gala at their Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference, Bentley acknowledged 17 Be Inspired Awards winners and six Special Recognition Awards winners.

The Year in Infrastructure Conference is Bentley’s annual global gathering of leading professionals in the world of infrastructure design, construction, and operations. In addition to thought-provoking keynotes, technology demonstrations, industry forums, and panel discussions, the agenda included presentations by finalists in the Be Inspired Awards program, culminating in the selection of the winning projects.

This year, 10 independent panels of jurors, comprising distinguished industry experts, selected the Be Inspired Awards winners from 51 project finalists. These finalists were chosen from more than 400 submissions by organizations in over 50 countries.

Projects receiving Bentley’s Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards are uniquely innovative and demonstrate visionary achievements that transcend the narrower focus of the standing Be Inspired Awards categories. These projects were reviewed by a panel of Bentley executives, who evaluated them based on the criteria established for each award.

The Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards winners for 2017 are as follows:
Asset Information Management Advancement
Oregon Department of Transportation – TransInfo —A Connected Data Environment for Transportation – Salem, Oregon, United States

Comprehensive BIM Advancement
Guangdong Hydropower Planning & Design Institute – Guangdong Pearl River Delta Water Resources Allocation Project – Guangdong Province, China

Conceptioneering Advancement
HNTB Corporation – I-94 Modernization Project – Detroit, Michigan, United States

Constructioneering Advancement
China Construction Sixth Engineering Division, Tianjin University of Technology, and Tianjin Tianhe-Cloud Building Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. – Sanya New Airport Reclamation Project – Sanya, Hainan, China

Inspectioneering Advancement
SEIKEY Enterprise Drone Solutions – Cell Tower Inspections 4G and 5G – Caronno Pertusella, Varese, Italy

Operationeering Advancement
Outotec – Design for Reliability Project in Counter Current Decantation (CCD) – Helsinki, Finland

The Be Inspired Awards winners for 2017 are as follows:
BIM Advancements in Bridges
Long Jian Road & Bridge Co., Ltd. – Heihe-Blagoveshchensk Heilongjiang River (Amur River) Road Bridge Project – Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province, China

BIM Advancements in Buildings and Campuses
Morphosis – Bloomberg Center Project – New York, New York, United States

BIM Advancements in Construction
Leighton Asia – Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge – Hong Kong

BIM Advancements in Environmental Engineering
NJS Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. – JICA Assisted Ganga Action Plan II – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

BIM Advancements in Manufacturing
Satria Technologies Sdn. Bhd. – Sustainable Solutions for Control & Protection Systems – Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

BIM Advancements in Mining and Offshore Engineering
Offshore Oil Engineering Company Limited – Field Jacket Design and Development of ‘Fixed Offshore Structure Design Tool’ – Tianjin, China

BIM Advancements in Municipal Operations
Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, PowerChina – Application of BIM Strategy for Shenzhen Qianhai Municipal Infrastructure – Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

BIM Advancements in Power Generation
China Water Resource Pearl River Planning Surveying & Designing Co., Ltd. – Wugachong Reservoir Project in Pu’an County of Guizhou Province – Pu'an County, Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China

BIM Advancements in Project Delivery
Mott MacDonald and the Costain, VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Bachy Soletanche Joint Venture – East Section of the Thames Tideway Tunnel – London, England, United Kingdom

BIM Advancements in Rail and Transit
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn. Bhd. – Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Project - Sungai Buloh-Serdang-Putrajaya Line – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

BIM Advancements in Reality Modeling
CEDD-AECOM- The Earth Solutions – Development of Anderson Road Quarry Site – Hong Kong

BIM Advancements in Roads
CCCC First Highway Consultants, Co., Ltd. – Application of BIM Strategy on the of Transformation of Meiguan Expressway to Urban Road Design Project – Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

BIM Advancements in Road and Rail Asset Performance
Highways England – Network Occupancy Management System (NOMS) – Strategic Road Network, England, United Kingdom

BIM Advancements in Utilities and Industrial Asset Performance
BP – Khazzan Central Information Store – Khazzan Field, Block 61, Ad Dhahirah Governorate, Oman

BIM Advancements in Utilities Transmission and Distribution
Pestech International Berhad – Automation and Integration of Substation Design Project – Kratie and Kampong Cham, Cambodia

BIM Advancements in Water and Wastewater Plants
Beijing Institute of Water – Tongzhou Water Works of Beijing South-to-North Water Diversion Project – Beijing, China

BIM Advancements in Water Networks
AEGEA – AEGEA Prolagos Sewerage Master Plan 2041 – Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bentley Systems has posted highlights of this year’s winning projects on its website. Detailed descriptions of all nominated projects in the print and digital versions of its 2017 Infrastructure Yearbook,which will be published in early 2018. To review the past editions of this publication, which together feature more than 3,200 world-class projects recognized in the Be Inspired Awards program since 2004, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks.

About the Be Inspired Awards Program and The Year in Infrastructure Conference
Since 2004, the Be Inspired Awards program has showcased excellence and innovation in the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure projects around the world. The Be Inspired Awards program is unique – the only competition of its kind that is global in scope and comprehensive in categories covered, encompassing all types of infrastructure projects. In the awards program, which is open to all users of Bentley software, independent panels of industry experts select finalists for each category. For additional information, visit

Follow us on Twitter @bentleysystems and follow the news about this event using these hashtags: #YII2017 and #GoingDigital. Like Bentley Systems on Facebook:, and follow us on LinkedIn.

Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure Conference features a series of presentations and interactive workshops exploring the intersection of technology and business drivers, and how they are shaping the future of infrastructure project delivery and asset performance.

This year’s conference included:

  • The Buildings and Campuses Forum
  • The Digital Cities Forum
  • The Industrial Forum
  • The Rail and Transit Forum
  • The Roads and Bridges Forum
  • The Utilities and Water Forum
  • Alliance Partner Pavilion and Sessions
  • The Project Delivery Summit (by invitation only)
  • The Infrastructure Asset Performance Summit (by invitation only)
  • The CIO Summit (by invitation only)
  • Pre-conference Learning Academies (BIM Advancement, Construction, and Reality Modeling)
  • The Be Inspired Awards Ceremony

The Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference Sponsors

  • Platinum: Microsoft
  • Gold: ARC Advisory Group, BNP Media, Engineering News-Record, Informed Infrastructure, New Civil Engineer, PennEnergy,, SPAR 3D, Water & Wastewater International

See more details and complete list of sponsors, including Silver level.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a global leader in providing architects, engineers, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for advancingthe design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley users leverage information mobility across disciplines and throughout the infrastructure lifecycle to deliver better-performing projects and assets. Bentley solutions encompass MicroStation applications for information modeling, ProjectWise collaboration services to deliver integrated projects, and AssetWise operations services to achieve intelligent infrastructure – complemented by managed services offered through customized Success Plans.

Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,000 colleagues in over 50 countries, more than $600 million in annual revenues, and since 2011 has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Additional information about Bentley is available at For Bentley news as it happens, subscribe to an RSS feed of Bentley press releases and news alerts. Visit The Year in Infrastructure Conference website for highlights of Bentley’s premier thought-leadership event. To view a searchable collection of innovative infrastructure projects from the annual Be Inspired Awards, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks. To access a professional networking site that enables members of the infrastructure community to connect, communicate, and learn from each other, visit Bentley Communities.

To download the Bentley Infrastructure 500 Top Owners ranking, a unique global compendium of the top public- and private-sector owners of infrastructure based on the value of their cumulative infrastructure investments, visit BI 500.

# # #

Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, Be, AssetWise, MicroStation, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Katastrální mapa ve formátech DGN a DXF poskytovaná v e-shopu

16.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě je poskytována zdarma ve formátu DGN a DXF a obsahuje prvky Digitální katastrální mapy (DKM) a Katastrální mapy digitalizované (KMD), tedy bodová pole, budovy, další prvky mapy, hranice parcel, katastrální hranice, parcely katastru nemovitostí, prvky orientační mapy a hranice věcného břemene. Z důvodu použití formátu DGN produkt neobsahuje značky na liniích a oblouky jsou nahrazeny lomenými čárami. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě k 16. 10. 2017 pokrývá 92,78% území České republiky, t.j. 73 173,60km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

INSPIRE téma Adresy (AD)

16.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma adresy (AD). Vychází především z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech. Data publikovaná v rámci INSPIRE obsahují pouze adresní místa a jejich komponenty, kterými jsou stát, obec, část obce, městský obvod v Praze (MOP), městký obvod/městská část (MO/MČ), ulice a pošta a to na území celé České Republiky. Obsahují rozvněž geometrii, která určuje definiční bod adresního místa. V datové sadě nění uvedeno 1,92%, t.j. 55737 adresních míst (k 16. 10. 2017), protože neobsahují definiční bod, podle kterého by je bylo možné prostorově určit. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech a ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních a INSPIRE Data Specification on Addresses v 3.0.1 z 26.4.2010. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Adresy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

INSPIRE téma Budovy (BU)

16.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma budovy (BU). Data pochází částečně z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech, a částečně z ISKN (Informační systém katastru nemovistostí). Zdrojem informací o budovách v ISKN je objekt Stavba, v RÚIAN je to Stavební objekt. Většina Staveb je zároveň Stavebními objekty, ale jsou případy, kdy tomu tak není. Kromě Budov datová sada obsahuje i části budov, které jsou pro potřeby INSPIRE vyjádřeny vchody z RÚIAN. Vchody obsahují informace o počtu podlaží, technickoekonomických atributech apod. Datová sada pokrývá celé území české republiky. V datové sadě není uvedeno 1,78%, t.j. 75036 budov (k 16. 10. 2017), protože neobsahují definiční bod ani polygon. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech, ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních, v zákoně 256/2013 Sb., o katastru nemovitostí, v katastrální vyhlášce č. 357/2013 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Buildings v 3.0 z 13.12.2013. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Budovy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

INSPIRE stahovací služba WFS pro téma Rozšířené Parcely (CPX)

16.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Stahovací služba pro Rozšířené Parcely (CPX) je veřejná stahovací služba pro poskytování dat z Informačního systému katastru nemovitostí (ISKN), umožňující uživatelům opakované stahování těchto dat v souborech po katastrálních územích a online přístup k těmto datům pomocí technologie WFS 2.0.0. Stahovací služba poskytuje harmonizovaná data Rozšířených Parcel (CPX) ve formátu GML vycházející z INSPIRE. Služba je dostupná pro celé území České republiky. Publikovaná data obsahují katastrální území pro celou Českou Republiku, parcely a jejich hranice, věcná břemena, další prvky mapy a původní obloukovou geometrii z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 16. 10. 2017 je to 92,78% území České republiky, t.j. 73 173,60km2) a ve zbytku území katastrální parcely určené pouze definičním bodem (tedy bez hranic a polygonu) jako analogové parcely. Služba splňuje technické pokyny pro INSPIRE stahovací služby verze 3.0.1 a zároveň splňuje standard OGC WFS 2.0.0.

Bentley Systems Announces Winners of 2017 Be Inspired Awards

16.10.2017 2:00   Bentley Systems  

SINGAPORE – The Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, today announced the winners of the 2017 Be Inspired Awards. The annual awards program honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users advancing the world’s infrastructure. At a ceremony and gala at their Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference, Bentley acknowledged 17 Be Inspired Awards winners and six Special Recognition Awards winners.

The Year in Infrastructure Conference is Bentley’s annual global gathering of leading professionals in the world of infrastructure design, construction, and operations. In addition to thought-provoking keynotes, technology demonstrations, industry forums, and panel discussions, the agenda included presentations by finalists in the Be Inspired Awards program, culminating in the selection of the winning projects.

This year, 10 independent panels of jurors, comprising distinguished industry experts, selected the Be Inspired Awards winners from 51 project finalists. These finalists were chosen from more than 400 submissions by organizations in over 50 countries.

Projects receiving Bentley’s Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards are uniquely innovative and demonstrate visionary achievements that transcend the narrower focus of the standing Be Inspired Awards categories. These projects were reviewed by a panel of Bentley executives, who evaluated them based on the criteria established for each award.

The Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards winners for 2017 are as follows:
Asset Information Management Advancement
Oregon Department of Transportation – TransInfo —A Connected Data Environment for Transportation – Salem, Oregon, United States

Comprehensive BIM Advancement
Guangdong Hydropower Planning & Design Institute – Guangdong Pearl River Delta Water Resources Allocation Project – Guangdong Province, China

Conceptioneering Advancement
HNTB Corporation – I-94 Modernization Project – Detroit, Michigan, United States

Constructioneering Advancement
China Construction Sixth Engineering Division, Tianjin University of Technology, and Tianjin Tianhe-Cloud Building Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. – Sanya New Airport Reclamation Project – Sanya, Hainan, China

Inspectioneering Advancement
SEIKEY Enterprise Drone Solutions – Cell Tower Inspections 4G and 5G – Caronno Pertusella, Varese, Italy

Operationeering Advancement
Outotec – Design for Reliability Project in Counter Current Decantation (CCD) – Helsinki, Finland

The Be Inspired Awards winners for 2017 are as follows:
BIM Advancements in Bridges
Long Jian Road & Bridge Co., Ltd. – Heihe-Blagoveshchensk Heilongjiang River (Amur River) Road Bridge Project – Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province, China

BIM Advancements in Buildings and Campuses
Morphosis – Bloomberg Center Project – New York, New York, United States

BIM Advancements in Construction
Leighton Asia – Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge – Hong Kong

BIM Advancements in Environmental Engineering
NJS Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. – JICA Assisted Ganga Action Plan II – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

BIM Advancements in Manufacturing
Satria Technologies Sdn. Bhd. – Sustainable Solutions for Control & Protection Systems – Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

BIM Advancements in Mining and Offshore Engineering
Offshore Oil Engineering Company Limited – Field Jacket Design and Development of ‘Fixed Offshore Structure Design Tool’ – Tianjin, China

BIM Advancements in Municipal Operations
Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, PowerChina – Application of BIM Strategy for Shenzhen Qianhai Municipal Infrastructure – Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

BIM Advancements in Power Generation
China Water Resource Pearl River Planning Surveying & Designing Co., Ltd. – Wugachong Reservoir Project in Pu’an County of Guizhou Province – Pu'an County, Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China

BIM Advancements in Project Delivery
Mott MacDonald and the Costain, VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Bachy Soletanche Joint Venture – East Section of the Thames Tideway Tunnel – London, England, United Kingdom

BIM Advancements in Rail and Transit
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn. Bhd. – Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Project - Sungai Buloh-Serdang-Putrajaya Line – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

BIM Advancements in Reality Modeling
CEDD-AECOM- The Earth Solutions – Development of Anderson Road Quarry Site – Hong Kong

BIM Advancements in Roads
CCCC First Highway Consultants, Co., Ltd. – Application of BIM Strategy on the of Transformation of Meiguan Expressway to Urban Road Design Project – Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

BIM Advancements in Road and Rail Asset Performance
Highways England – Network Occupancy Management System (NOMS) – Strategic Road Network, England, United Kingdom

BIM Advancements in Utilities and Industrial Asset Performance
BP – Khazzan Central Information Store – Khazzan Field, Block 61, Ad Dhahirah Governorate, Oman

BIM Advancements in Utilities Transmission and Distribution
Pestech International Berhad – Automation and Integration of Substation Design Project – Kratie and Kampong Cham, Cambodia

BIM Advancements in Water and Wastewater Plants
Beijing Institute of Water – Tongzhou Water Works of Beijing South-to-North Water Diversion Project – Beijing, China

BIM Advancements in Water Networks
AEGEA – AEGEA Prolagos Sewerage Master Plan 2041 – Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bentley Systems has posted highlights of this year’s winning projects on its website. Detailed descriptions of all nominated projects in the print and digital versions of its 2017 Infrastructure Yearbook,which will be published in early 2018. To review the past editions of this publication, which together feature more than 3,200 world-class projects recognized in the Be Inspired Awards program since 2004, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks.

About the Be Inspired AwardsProgramand The Year in Infrastructure Conference
Since 2004, the Be Inspired Awards program has showcased excellence and innovation in the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure projects around the world. The Be Inspired Awards program is unique – the only competition of its kind that is global in scope and comprehensive in categories covered, encompassing all types of infrastructure projects. In the awards program, which is open to all users of Bentley software, independent panels of industry experts select finalists for each category. For additional information, visit

Follow us on Twitter @bentleysystems and follow the news about this event using these hashtags: #YII2017 and #GoingDigital. Like Bentley Systems on Facebook:, and follow us on LinkedIn.

Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure Conference features a series of presentations and interactive workshops exploring the intersection of technology and business drivers, and how they are shaping the future of infrastructure project delivery and asset performance.

This year’s conference included:

  • The Buildings and Campuses Forum
  • The Digital Cities Forum
  • The Industrial Forum
  • The Rail and Transit Forum
  • The Roads and Bridges Forum
  • The Utilities and Water Forum
  • Alliance Partner Pavilion and Sessions
  • The Project Delivery Summit (by invitation only)
  • The Infrastructure Asset Performance Summit (by invitation only)
  • The CIO Summit (by invitation only)
  • Pre-conference Learning Academies (BIM Advancement, Construction, and Reality Modeling)
  • The Be Inspired Awards Ceremony

The Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference Sponsors

  • Platinum: Microsoft
  • Gold: ARC Advisory Group, BNP Media, Engineering News-Record, Informed Infrastructure, New Civil Engineer, PennEnergy,, SPAR 3D, Water & Wastewater International

See more details and complete list of sponsors, including Silver level.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a global leader in providing architects, engineers, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for advancingthe design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley users leverage information mobility across disciplines and throughout the infrastructure lifecycle to deliver better-performing projects and assets. Bentley solutions encompass MicroStation applications for information modeling, ProjectWise collaboration services to deliver integrated projects, and AssetWise operations services to achieve intelligent infrastructure – complemented by managed services offered through customized Success Plans.

Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,000 colleagues in over 50 countries, more than $600 million in annual revenues, and since 2011 has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Additional information about Bentley is available at For Bentley news as it happens, subscribe to an RSS feed of Bentley press releases and news alerts. Visit The Year in Infrastructure Conference website for highlights of Bentley’s premier thought-leadership event. To view a searchable collection of innovative infrastructure projects from the annual Be Inspired Awards, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks. To access a professional networking site that enables members of the infrastructure community to connect, communicate, and learn from each other, visit Bentley Communities.

To download the Bentley Infrastructure 500 Top Owners ranking, a unique global compendium of the top public- and private-sector owners of infrastructure based on the value of their cumulative infrastructure investments, visit BI 500.

# # #

Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, Be, AssetWise, MicroStation, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

INSPIRE téma Parcely (CP)

16.10.2017 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma katastrální parcely (CP). Vychází z katastrální mapy, která je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis a může mít formu digitální mapy, analogové mapy nebo digitalizované mapy. Data publikovaná v rámci INSPIRE obsahují pouze katastrální území (pro celou Českou Republiku) a parcely a jejich hranice z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 16. 10. 2017 je to 92,78% území České republiky, t.j. 73 173,60km2). Více katastrální zákon 344/1992 SB., katastrální vyhláška č.26/2007 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Parcely ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

Bentley Systems Announces Winners of 2017 Be Inspired Awards

16.10.2017 2:00   Bentley Systems  

SINGAPORE – The Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software solutions for advancing infrastructure, today announced the winners of the 2017 Be Inspired Awards. The annual awards program honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users advancing the world’s infrastructure. At a ceremony and gala at their Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference, Bentley acknowledged 17 Be Inspired Awards winners and six Special Recognition Awards winners.

The Year in Infrastructure Conference is Bentley’s annual global gathering of leading professionals in the world of infrastructure design, construction, and operations. In addition to thought-provoking keynotes, technology demonstrations, industry forums, and panel discussions, the agenda included presentations by finalists in the Be Inspired Awards program, culminating in the selection of the winning projects.

This year, 10 independent panels of jurors, comprising distinguished industry experts, selected the Be Inspired Awards winners from 51 project finalists. These finalists were chosen from more than 400 submissions by organizations in over 50 countries.

Projects receiving Bentley’s Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards are uniquely innovative and demonstrate visionary achievements that transcend the narrower focus of the standing Be Inspired Awards categories. These projects were reviewed by a panel of Bentley executives, who evaluated them based on the criteria established for each award.

The Be Inspired Special Recognition Awards winners for 2017 are as follows:
Asset Information Management Advancement
Oregon Department of Transportation – TransInfo —A Connected Data Environment for Transportation – Salem, Oregon, United States

Comprehensive BIM Advancement
Guangdong Hydropower Planning & Design Institute – Guangdong Pearl River Delta Water Resources Allocation Project – Guangdong Province, China

Conceptioneering Advancement
HNTB Corporation – I-94 Modernization Project – Detroit, Michigan, United States

Constructioneering Advancement
China Construction Sixth Engineering Division, Tianjin University of Technology, and Tianjin Tianhe-Cloud Building Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. – Sanya New Airport Reclamation Project – Sanya, Hainan, China

Inspectioneering Advancement
SEIKEY Enterprise Drone Solutions – Cell Tower Inspections 4G and 5G – Caronno Pertusella, Varese, Italy

Operationeering Advancement
Outotec – Design for Reliability Project in Counter Current Decantation (CCD) – Helsinki, Finland

The Be Inspired Awards winners for 2017 are as follows:
BIM Advancements in Bridges
Long Jian Road & Bridge Co., Ltd. – Heihe-Blagoveshchensk Heilongjiang River (Amur River) Road Bridge Project – Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province, China

BIM Advancements in Buildings and Campuses
Morphosis – Bloomberg Center Project – New York, New York, United States

BIM Advancements in Construction
Leighton Asia – Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge – Hong Kong

BIM Advancements in Environmental Engineering
NJS Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. – JICA Assisted Ganga Action Plan II – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

BIM Advancements in Manufacturing
Satria Technologies Sdn. Bhd. – Sustainable Solutions for Control & Protection Systems – Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

BIM Advancements in Mining and Offshore Engineering
Offshore Oil Engineering Company Limited – Field Jacket Design and Development of ‘Fixed Offshore Structure Design Tool’ – Tianjin, China

BIM Advancements in Municipal Operations
Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, PowerChina – Application of BIM Strategy for Shenzhen Qianhai Municipal Infrastructure – Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

BIM Advancements in Power Generation
China Water Resource Pearl River Planning Surveying & Designing Co., Ltd. – Wugachong Reservoir Project in Pu’an County of Guizhou Province – Pu'an County, Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China

BIM Advancements in Project Delivery
Mott MacDonald and the Costain, VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Bachy Soletanche Joint Venture – East Section of the Thames Tideway Tunnel – London, England, United Kingdom

BIM Advancements in Rail and Transit
Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn. Bhd. – Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit Project - Sungai Buloh-Serdang-Putrajaya Line – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

BIM Advancements in Reality Modeling
CEDD-AECOM- The Earth Solutions – Development of Anderson Road Quarry Site – Hong Kong

BIM Advancements in Roads
CCCC First Highway Consultants, Co., Ltd. – Application of BIM Strategy on the of Transformation of Meiguan Expressway to Urban Road Design Project – Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

BIM Advancements in Road and Rail Asset Performance
Highways England – Network Occupancy Management System (NOMS) – Strategic Road Network, England, United Kingdom

BIM Advancements in Utilities and Industrial Asset Performance
BP – Khazzan Central Information Store – Khazzan Field, Block 61, Ad Dhahirah Governorate, Oman

BIM Advancements in Utilities Transmission and Distribution
Pestech International Berhad – Automation and Integration of Substation Design Project – Kratie and Kampong Cham, Cambodia

BIM Advancements in Water and Wastewater Plants
Beijing Institute of Water – Tongzhou Water Works of Beijing South-to-North Water Diversion Project – Beijing, China

BIM Advancements in Water Networks
AEGEA – AEGEA Prolagos Sewerage Master Plan 2041 – Região dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bentley Systems has posted highlights of this year’s winning projects on its website. Detailed descriptions of all nominated projects in the print and digital versions of its 2017 Infrastructure Yearbook,which will be published in early 2018. To review the past editions of this publication, which together feature more than 3,200 world-class projects recognized in the Be Inspired Awards program since 2004, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks.

About the Be Inspired Awards Program and The Year in Infrastructure Conference
Since 2004, the Be Inspired Awards program has showcased excellence and innovation in the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure projects around the world. The Be Inspired Awards program is unique – the only competition of its kind that is global in scope and comprehensive in categories covered, encompassing all types of infrastructure projects. In the awards program, which is open to all users of Bentley software, independent panels of industry experts select finalists for each category. For additional information, visit

Follow us on Twitter @bentleysystems and follow the news about this event using these hashtags: #YII2017 and #GoingDigital. Like Bentley Systems on Facebook:, and follow us on LinkedIn.

Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure Conference features a series of presentations and interactive workshops exploring the intersection of technology and business drivers, and how they are shaping the future of infrastructure project delivery and asset performance.

This year’s conference included:

  • The Buildings and Campuses Forum
  • The Digital Cities Forum
  • The Industrial Forum
  • The Rail and Transit Forum
  • The Roads and Bridges Forum
  • The Utilities and Water Forum
  • Alliance Partner Pavilion and Sessions
  • The Project Delivery Summit (by invitation only)
  • The Infrastructure Asset Performance Summit (by invitation only)
  • The CIO Summit (by invitation only)
  • Pre-conference Learning Academies (BIM Advancement, Construction, and Reality Modeling)
  • The Be Inspired Awards Ceremony

The Year in Infrastructure 2017 Conference Sponsors

  • Platinum: Microsoft
  • Gold: ARC Advisory Group, BNP Media, Engineering News-Record, Informed Infrastructure, New Civil Engineer, PennEnergy,, SPAR 3D, Water & Wastewater International

See more details and complete list of sponsors, including Silver level.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a global leader in providing architects, engineers, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for advancingthe design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley users leverage information mobility across disciplines and throughout the infrastructure lifecycle to deliver better-performing projects and assets. Bentley solutions encompass MicroStation applications for information modeling, ProjectWise collaboration services to deliver integrated projects, and AssetWise operations services to achieve intelligent infrastructure – complemented by managed services offered through customized Success Plans.

Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,000 colleagues in over 50 countries, more than $600 million in annual revenues, and since 2011 has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Additional information about Bentley is available at For Bentley news as it happens, subscribe to an RSS feed of Bentley press releases and news alerts. Visit The Year in Infrastructure Conference website for highlights of Bentley’s premier thought-leadership event. To view a searchable collection of innovative infrastructure projects from the annual Be Inspired Awards, access Bentley’s Infrastructure Yearbooks. To access a professional networking site that enables members of the infrastructure community to connect, communicate, and learn from each other, visit Bentley Communities.

To download the Bentley Infrastructure 500 Top Owners ranking, a unique global compendium of the top public- and private-sector owners of infrastructure based on the value of their cumulative infrastructure investments, visit BI 500.

# # #

Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, Be, AssetWise, MicroStation, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

ESA převzala vládu nad Mezinárodní chartou o vesmíru a významných katastrofách

16.10.2017 1:06   Český Kosmický Portál  

Když udeří katastrofa, skupina mezinárodních kosmických agentur spojí své zdroje a znalosti, aby pomohla zefektivnit humanitární pomoc. A právě ESA bude po dobu příštích šesti měsíců vést Mezinárodní chartu o vesmíru a významných katastrofách, která proměňuje informace z družic v pomoc potřebným.

PhD student position at Uni Zurich, human-centered mobile indoor navigation guidance

15.10.2017 23:14   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   We have an opening for a fully funded PhD student position in the areas of location-based services and indoor navigation. This PhD project aims to develop a methodology and computational model to provide human-centered navigation guidance to aid wayfinding in complex indoor environments. The deadline for applications is 1 December 2017. It would be great […]

Reportáž: Soutěž o nejlepší studentskou vědeckou práci 2017

14.10.2017 11:32   V pátek 13. 10. se na půdě Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy Univerzity uskutečnilo celostátní finále soutěže o nejlepší studentskou vědeckou práci v roce 2017. Soutěže se mohli zúčastnit všichni studenti geografických oborů, kteří v akademickém roce ...

Družice pro monitorování kvality atmosféry odstartovala

13.10.2017 18:01   Český Kosmický Portál  

První mise systému GMES/Copernicus věnovaná monitorování naší atmosféry, Sentinel‑5P, odstartovala z kosmodromu Pleseck v severním Rusku.

Družice pro monitorování kvality atmosféry odstartovala

13.10.2017 18:01   Český Kosmický Portál  

První mise systému GMES/Copernicus věnovaná monitorování naší atmosféry, Sentinel‑5P, odstartovala z kosmodromu Pleseck v severním Rusku.

Pozvánka na POOL 2017

13.10.2017 14:11   Katedra geoinformatiky Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci pořádá v týdnu od 23. do 27. října 2017 týden blokové výuky externích expertů s názvem POdzimní OLomouc – POOL 2017. Během tohoto týdne je běžná výuka nahrazena prezentacemi a ...

Revisit the launch event

13.10.2017 13:30   ESA Observing the Earth  
From ESA’s technical heart in the Netherlands, watch the replay of the event to celebrate the launch of the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, dedicated to monitoring our atmosphere

Air quality-monitoring satellite in orbit

13.10.2017 13:05   ESA Observing the Earth  

The first Copernicus mission dedicated to monitoring our atmosphere, Sentinel‑5P, has been launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia.

První ročník národní soutěže chytrá města pro budoucnost zná vítěze

13.10.2017 13:01   TopGis   MINISTERSTVO PRŮMYSLU A OBCHODU PRVNÍ ROČNÍK NÁRODNÍ SOUTĚŽE CHYTRÁ MĚSTA PRO BUDOUCNOST 2017 ZNÁ VÍTĚZE Poté, co letos v červnu na Pražském hradě ministryně pro místní rozvoj Karla Šlechtová předala ocenění vítězům kategorií MODEL a OSOBNOST SMART CITY 2017, vybrala v závěru září Odborná porota národní soutěže CHYTRÁ MĚSTA PRO BUDOUCNOST vítěze také v kategoriích

První ročník národní soutěže chytrá města pro budoucnost zná vítěze

13.10.2017 13:01   TopGis   MINISTERSTVO PRŮMYSLU A OBCHODU PRVNÍ ROČNÍK NÁRODNÍ SOUTĚŽE CHYTRÁ MĚSTA PRO BUDOUCNOST 2017 ZNÁ VÍTĚZE Poté, co letos v červnu na Pražském hradě ministryně pro místní rozvoj Karla Šlechtová předala ocenění vítězům kategorií MODEL a OSOBNOST SMART CITY 2017, vybrala v závěru září Odborná porota národní soutěže CHYTRÁ MĚSTA PRO BUDOUCNOST vítěze také v kategoriích

První ročník národní soutěže chytrá města pro budoucnost zná vítěze

13.10.2017 13:01   TopGis   Máme velkou radost, že jsme společně s obcí Hodonice uspěli v soutěži Chytrá obec 2017. Naše webová aplikace GisOnline plní naše očekávání a stává se běžným nástrojem pro pořízení a efektivní správu majetku měst a obcí. Pokud máte zájem o bližší informace, neváhejte kontaktovat naše obchodní oddělení, nebo navštivte stránku

Sentinel-5P liftoff

13.10.2017 11:30   ESA Observing the Earth  
Sentinel-5P lifted off on a Rockot launcher from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia at 09:27 GMT (11:27 CEST)

Liftoff replay

13.10.2017 11:30   ESA Observing the Earth  
Watch the replay of the Sentinel-5P launch from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia

VŘ 2- vedoucí ekonomicko-správního dd.

13.10.2017 10:19   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/O-uradu/Aktuality/VR-2-vedouci-ekonomicko-sravniho-dd

VŘ 2- vedoucí ekonomicko-správního dd.

13.10.2017 10:19   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení 2. kola výběrového řízení na služební místo rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Oznámení o vyhlášení 2. kola výběrového řízení na služební místo
rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Vysočinu, místo výkonu služby Jihlava

Více zde

VŘ 2- vedoucí ekonomicko-správního dd.

13.10.2017 10:19   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální KÚ pro Vysočinu zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení 2. kola výběrového řízení na služební místo rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Oznámení o vyhlášení 2. kola výběrového řízení na služební místo
rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Vysočinu, místo výkonu služby Jihlava


rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na

13.10.2017 10:08   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/rada-odborny-rada-vedouci-ekonomicko-spravniho-(1)

rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na

13.10.2017 10:08   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu
Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení
rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na Katastrálním úřadu pro Vysočinu.

rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na

13.10.2017 10:08   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada - vedoucí ekonomicko-správního oddělení Kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na

Plesetsk, Russia

13.10.2017 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
Earth observation image of the week: Northeastern Russia and the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, from where the Sentinel-5P satellite is set for launch today

Pozvánka na říjnový mapathon v Praze

13.10.2017 8:10   Přijďte a podpořte práci humanitárních organizací tím, že pomůžete zmapovat místa, která jsou nejvíce ohrožena krizemi. Říjnový (31. 10. 2017 od 18 do 21) mapathon společně organizují Lékaři bez hranic a Český červený kříž. Srdečně ...


13.10.2017 7:19   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Pardubický kraj
zveřejňuje obsah informace poskytnutých na žádost dle zákona č. 106/1999 Sb. za rok



13.10.2017 7:19   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Pardubicky-kraj/Casto-hledane-informace/Poskytovani-informaci-106-1999-Sb/Zverejneni-obsahu-informaci-poskytnutych-na-za-(1)/2017

Fotografie z výstavy Okem dronu z Liberce s našimi leteckými fotografiemi

12.10.2017 20:39   UpVision   V Liberci v Krajské vědecké knihovně je v plném proudu výstava "Okem dronu" s našimi leteckými fotografiemi a potrvá zde do konce října 2017.

Několik fotografií zde:

Maappi – nově vznikající značka na pomoc autistům pomocí map

12.10.2017 18:59   Třináctiletý Matěj je autista s Aspergerovým syndromem. Mimo to má ale také zálibu v MHD a kreslení map. Tyto koníčky proto spojil dohromady, a schémata linek veřejné dopravy se tak v Matějových rukách mění na ...

Hurricane Ophelia

12.10.2017 16:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
The Sentinel-3 satellite captured Hurricane Ophelia as it gains strength over the Atlantic Ocean

TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: Evropský projekt C-ROADS Czech Republic odstartoval, položí základy pro autonomní vozidla a „chytré“ dálnice

12.10.2017 15:23   Český Kosmický Portál  

Do roku 2020 bude na světě podle odhadů až 10 milionů datově propojených a autonomních vozidel. Aby na to Česká republika byla připravena, rozjela evropský projekt C-ROADS. Ministerstvo dopravy a další partneři projektu dnes podepsali společnou konsorciální smlouvu, čímž projekt C-ROADS oficiálně odstartoval. Poběží až do roku 2020, přispěje ke zvýšení bezpečnosti dopravy v Evropě a položí základy na cestě k využívání kooperativních systémů a automatizovaného řízení vozidel, včetně těch autonomních.

20170913-vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

12.10.2017 14:03   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Melnik/O-uradu/Aktuality/20140318-Geodet-Melnik-(3)

20170913-vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

12.10.2017 14:03   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Mělník zveřejnil novou aktualitu:vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Mělník Na úřední elektronické desce Katastrálního úřadu pro Středočeský kraj, v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Mělník"

vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

12.10.2017 14:01   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/vrchni-referent-rada-oddeleni-aktualizace-kata-(4)

vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

12.10.2017 14:01   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Mělník
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí
vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

12.10.2017 14:01   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Mělník vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada oddělení aktualizace katastru nemovitostí

20170612-odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.

12.10.2017 13:45   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Praha-zapad/O-uradu/Aktuality/20140318-Geodet-Melnik-(1)

20170612-odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.

12.10.2017 13:45   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-západ zveřejnil novou aktualitu:vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I. Katastrálního pracoviště Praha – západ Na úřední elektronické desce Katastrálního úřadu pro Středočeský kraj, v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I. Katastrálního pracoviště Praha – západ"

odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.

12.10.2017 13:44   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-západ vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.

odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.

12.10.2017 13:44   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/odborny-referent-oddeleni-aktualizace-popisnyc-(2)

odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.

12.10.2017 13:44   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-západ
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.
odborný referent oddělení aktualizace popisných informací I.

20171012 - volné místo - Vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN KP Most

12.10.2017 12:20   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/20171012-volne-misto-Vrchni-referent-rada-v-od

Vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Most na Katast

12.10.2017 12:14   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Most vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Most na Katast

Vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Most na Katast

12.10.2017 12:14   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Most
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Most na Katastrálním úřadu pro Ústecký kraj

Vrchní referent/rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Most na Katast

12.10.2017 12:14   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Vrchni-referent-rada-v-oddeleni-aktualizace-a-doku

Precision farming becoming more and more important in modern agriculture

12.10.2017 11:19   European GNSS Agency  
12 October 2017

Agriculture faces significant challenges, there is ever-increasing pressure on profit margins and farmers are also trying to produce food in the most sustainable way possible.

The AGRO SHOW in Bednary, near Poznan, is an opportunity for companies to showcase the latest technologies to help farmers work as efficiently as possible. Precision farming makes use of satellite technology allowing real-time management of crops, fields and animals. It helps to monitor and reduce the environmental impact of farming. This is underlined, for instance, by the “European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). This Partnership was launched in 2012 by the European Commission (DG AGRI) to contribute to the European Union's 'Europe 2020' strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in which precision farming plays a key role.

The Bednary show focuses on arable farming. Combining sensor technologies with software linked to EGNOS and Galileo allows farmers to monitor and react to what is happening on the ground. Sensors can pick up on water, nutrient and pesticide levels. The technology will identify where product is needed and the best way to deliver this on the ground. It is also used for seeding and harvesting.

Most producers of agricultural vehicles have incorporated satellite receivers into their machinery to make sure they can offer the highest levels of productivity to farmers. We spoke to three companies to find out how they were making use of GNSS to help farmers.
‘Precision engineering is becoming more and more important in modern agriculture’

Karl Wilhelm Hundertmark, CLAAS Polska, spoke about the role of precision machinery in agriculture, which he said is becoming more and more important. He said that machines were now installed with standard informatics tools that, for example, help to manage fuel consumption and carry out early diagnosis of machine faults. CLAAS, like many manufacturers, install EGNOS as standard in all their agricultural vehicles and for ploughing and spraying it is particularly useful. For seeding, further accuracy is needed, down to as little as two to three centimetres.

Galileo enabled device for precision agriculture

Jerzy Koronczok, Agrocom Polska presented the software developed in the course of the Geopal H2020 project, which can be accessed through any computer. This tool also requires a small Galileo enabled device. This little box (see photo) is useful to all farmers, including small farmers, as it can be added to older machinery. It works with a tablet or smart phone and is a cost-effective solution to digitally document all the farm’s machinery and equipment. Movement and location are easily monitored through the application, which makes use of Galileo satellite signals. Free of charge in its basic version, farmers can tailor it to their specific needs. Farmers can also decide which additional components they need to buy, so that they only pay for what they really need.

‘Customers can save a lot of money on all agriculture products through technology’

Bogdan Kazimierczak, Product Sales Specialist with John Deere Polska, stood beside a large picture of a tractor on the moon! The image makes the point that precision farming tools use satellite information. Kazinierczak explained that these technologies save farmers a lot of money on fertilizers, pesticides and fuel. He said that even smaller farms of 75 hectares can make use of applications to help manage their properties as efficiently as possible.

Kazinierczak says that there are also benefits for the environment. Precision agriculture can reduce the risk of excess chemicals going into the ground by making use of section controls. For example, in an area where chemicals can’t be used, the system will be shut off and no chemicals will be sprayed. So, developments in the agriculture sector are showing that, as highlighted in a European Parliament study on precision agriculture, “suitable services from GNSS developments (Galileo) as a key feature of Precision Agriculture are a priority, but also more easily available data from remote sensing programmes (Copernicus) can be a stimulant to improving Precision Agriculture applications.”

So, it seems that exploiting the synergies between Galileo and Copernicus is the way forward for agriculture.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Many agricultural machinery manufacturers install EGNOS as standard

Precision farming becoming more and more important in modern agriculture

12.10.2017 11:19   European GNSS Agency  
12 October 2017

Agriculture faces significant challenges, there is ever-increasing pressure on profit margins and farmers are also trying to produce food in the most sustainable way possible.

The AGRO SHOW in Bednary, near Poznan, is an opportunity for companies to showcase the latest technologies to help farmers work as efficiently as possible. Precision farming makes use of satellite technology allowing real-time management of crops, fields and animals. It helps to monitor and reduce the environmental impact of farming. This is underlined, for instance, by the “European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). This Partnership was launched in 2012 by the European Commission (DG AGRI) to contribute to the European Union's 'Europe 2020' strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in which precision farming plays a key role.

The Bednary show focuses on arable farming. Combining sensor technologies with software linked to EGNOS and Galileo allows farmers to monitor and react to what is happening on the ground. Sensors can pick up on water, nutrient and pesticide levels. The technology will identify where product is needed and the best way to deliver this on the ground. It is also used for seeding and harvesting.

Most producers of agricultural vehicles have incorporated satellite receivers into their machinery to make sure they can offer the highest levels of productivity to farmers. We spoke to three companies to find out how they were making use of GNSS to help farmers.
‘Precision engineering is becoming more and more important in modern agriculture’

Karl Wilhelm Hundertmark, CLAAS Polska, spoke about the role of precision machinery in agriculture, which he said is becoming more and more important. He said that machines were now installed with standard informatics tools that, for example, help to manage fuel consumption and carry out early diagnosis of machine faults. CLAAS, like many manufacturers, install EGNOS as standard in all their agricultural vehicles and for ploughing and spraying it is particularly useful. For seeding, further accuracy is needed, down to as little as two to three centimetres.

Galileo enabled device for precision agriculture

Jerzy Koronczok, Agrocom Polska presented the software developed in the course of the Geopal H2020 project, which can be accessed through any computer. This tool also requires a small Galileo enabled device. This little box (see photo) is useful to all farmers, including small farmers, as it can be added to older machinery. It works with a tablet or smart phone and is a cost-effective solution to digitally document all the farm’s machinery and equipment. Movement and location are easily monitored through the application, which makes use of Galileo satellite signals. Free of charge in its basic version, farmers can tailor it to their specific needs. Farmers can also decide which additional components they need to buy, so that they only pay for what they really need.

‘Customers can save a lot of money on all agriculture products through technology’

Bogdan Kazimierczak, Product Sales Specialist with John Deere Polska, stood beside a large picture of a tractor on the moon! The image makes the point that precision farming tools use satellite information. Kazinierczak explained that these technologies save farmers a lot of money on fertilizers, pesticides and fuel. He said that even smaller farms of 75 hectares can make use of applications to help manage their properties as efficiently as possible.

Kazinierczak says that there are also benefits for the environment. Precision agriculture can reduce the risk of excess chemicals going into the ground by making use of section controls. For example, in an area where chemicals can’t be used, the system will be shut off and no chemicals will be sprayed. So, developments in the agriculture sector are showing that, as highlighted in a European Parliament study on precision agriculture, “suitable services from GNSS developments (Galileo) as a key feature of Precision Agriculture are a priority, but also more easily available data from remote sensing programmes (Copernicus) can be a stimulant to improving Precision Agriculture applications.”

So, it seems that exploiting the synergies between Galileo and Copernicus is the way forward for agriculture.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Many agricultural machinery manufacturers install EGNOS as standard

Precision farming becoming more and more important in modern agriculture

12.10.2017 11:19   European GNSS Agency  
12 October 2017

Agriculture faces significant challenges, there is ever-increasing pressure on profit margins and farmers are also trying to produce food in the most sustainable way possible.

The AGRO SHOW in Bednary, near Poznan, is an opportunity for companies to showcase the latest technologies to help farmers work as efficiently as possible. Precision farming makes use of satellite technology allowing real-time management of crops, fields and animals. It helps to monitor and reduce the environmental impact of farming. This is underlined, for instance, by the “European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). This Partnership was launched in 2012 by the European Commission (DG AGRI) to contribute to the European Union's 'Europe 2020' strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in which precision farming plays a key role.

The Bednary show focuses on arable farming. Combining sensor technologies with software linked to EGNOS and Galileo allows farmers to monitor and react to what is happening on the ground. Sensors can pick up on water, nutrient and pesticide levels. The technology will identify where product is needed and the best way to deliver this on the ground. It is also used for seeding and harvesting.

Most producers of agricultural vehicles have incorporated satellite receivers into their machinery to make sure they can offer the highest levels of productivity to farmers. We spoke to three companies to find out how they were making use of GNSS to help farmers.
‘Precision engineering is becoming more and more important in modern agriculture’

Karl Wilhelm Hundertmark, CLAAS Polska, spoke about the role of precision machinery in agriculture, which he said is becoming more and more important. He said that machines were now installed with standard informatics tools that, for example, help to manage fuel consumption and carry out early diagnosis of machine faults. CLAAS, like many manufacturers, install EGNOS as standard in all their agricultural vehicles and for ploughing and spraying it is particularly useful. For seeding, further accuracy is needed, down to as little as two to three centimetres.

Galileo enabled device for precision agriculture

Jerzy Koronczok, Agrocom Polska presented the software developed in the course of the Geopal H2020 project, which can be accessed through any computer. This tool also requires a small Galileo enabled device. This little box (see photo) is useful to all farmers, including small farmers, as it can be added to older machinery. It works with a tablet or smart phone and is a cost-effective solution to digitally document all the farm’s machinery and equipment. Movement and location are easily monitored through the application, which makes use of Galileo satellite signals. Free of charge in its basic version, farmers can tailor it to their specific needs. Farmers can also decide which additional components they need to buy, so that they only pay for what they really need.

‘Customers can save a lot of money on all agriculture products through technology’

Bogdan Kazimierczak, Product Sales Specialist with John Deere Polska, stood beside a large picture of a tractor on the moon! The image makes the point that precision farming tools use satellite information. Kazinierczak explained that these technologies save farmers a lot of money on fertilizers, pesticides and fuel. He said that even smaller farms of 75 hectares can make use of applications to help manage their properties as efficiently as possible.

Kazinierczak says that there are also benefits for the environment. Precision agriculture can reduce the risk of excess chemicals going into the ground by making use of section controls. For example, in an area where chemicals can’t be used, the system will be shut off and no chemicals will be sprayed. So, developments in the agriculture sector are showing that, as highlighted in a European Parliament study on precision agriculture, “suitable services from GNSS developments (Galileo) as a key feature of Precision Agriculture are a priority, but also more easily available data from remote sensing programmes (Copernicus) can be a stimulant to improving Precision Agriculture applications.”

So, it seems that exploiting the synergies between Galileo and Copernicus is the way forward for agriculture.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Many agricultural machinery manufacturers install EGNOS as standard

Precision farming becoming more and more important in modern agriculture

12.10.2017 11:19   European GNSS Agency  
12 October 2017

Agriculture faces significant challenges, there is ever-increasing pressure on profit margins and farmers are also trying to produce food in the most sustainable way possible.

The AGRO SHOW in Bednary, near Poznan, is an opportunity for companies to showcase the latest technologies to help farmers work as efficiently as possible. Precision farming makes use of satellite technology allowing real-time management of crops, fields and animals. It helps to monitor and reduce the environmental impact of farming. This is underlined, for instance, by the “European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). This Partnership was launched in 2012 by the European Commission (DG AGRI) to contribute to the European Union's 'Europe 2020' strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in which precision farming plays a key role.

The Bednary show focuses on arable farming. Combining sensor technologies with software linked to EGNOS and Galileo allows farmers to monitor and react to what is happening on the ground. Sensors can pick up on water, nutrient and pesticide levels. The technology will identify where product is needed and the best way to deliver this on the ground. It is also used for seeding and harvesting.

Most producers of agricultural vehicles have incorporated satellite receivers into their machinery to make sure they can offer the highest levels of productivity to farmers. We spoke to three companies to find out how they were making use of GNSS to help farmers.
‘Precision engineering is becoming more and more important in modern agriculture’

Karl Wilhelm Hundertmark, CLAAS Polska, spoke about the role of precision machinery in agriculture, which he said is becoming more and more important. He said that machines were now installed with standard informatics tools that, for example, help to manage fuel consumption and carry out early diagnosis of machine faults. CLAAS, like many manufacturers, install EGNOS as standard in all their agricultural vehicles and for ploughing and spraying it is particularly useful. For seeding, further accuracy is needed, down to as little as two to three centimetres.

Galileo enabled device for precision agriculture

Jerzy Koronczok, Agrocom Polska presented the software developed in the course of the Geopal H2020 project, which can be accessed through any computer. This tool also requires a small Galileo enabled device. This little box (see photo) is useful to all farmers, including small farmers, as it can be added to older machinery. It works with a tablet or smart phone and is a cost-effective solution to digitally document all the farm’s machinery and equipment. Movement and location are easily monitored through the application, which makes use of Galileo satellite signals. Free of charge in its basic version, farmers can tailor it to their specific needs. Farmers can also decide which additional components they need to buy, so that they only pay for what they really need.

‘Customers can save a lot of money on all agriculture products through technology’

Bogdan Kazimierczak, Product Sales Specialist with John Deere Polska, stood beside a large picture of a tractor on the moon! The image makes the point that precision farming tools use satellite information. Kazinierczak explained that these technologies save farmers a lot of money on fertilizers, pesticides and fuel. He said that even smaller farms of 75 hectares can make use of applications to help manage their properties as efficiently as possible.

Kazinierczak says that there are also benefits for the environment. Precision agriculture can reduce the risk of excess chemicals going into the ground by making use of section controls. For example, in an area where chemicals can’t be used, the system will be shut off and no chemicals will be sprayed. So, developments in the agriculture sector are showing that, as highlighted in a European Parliament study on precision agriculture, “suitable services from GNSS developments (Galileo) as a key feature of Precision Agriculture are a priority, but also more easily available data from remote sensing programmes (Copernicus) can be a stimulant to improving Precision Agriculture applications.”

So, it seems that exploiting the synergies between Galileo and Copernicus is the way forward for agriculture.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Many agricultural machinery manufacturers install EGNOS as standard

Precision farming becoming more and more important in modern agriculture

12.10.2017 11:19   European GNSS Agency  
12 October 2017

Agriculture faces significant challenges, there is ever-increasing pressure on profit margins and farmers are also trying to produce food in the most sustainable way possible.

The AGRO SHOW in Bednary, near Poznan, is an opportunity for companies to showcase the latest technologies to help farmers work as efficiently as possible. Precision farming makes use of satellite technology allowing real-time management of crops, fields and animals. It helps to monitor and reduce the environmental impact of farming. This is underlined, for instance, by the “European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). This Partnership was launched in 2012 by the European Commission (DG AGRI) to contribute to the European Union's 'Europe 2020' strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, in which precision farming plays a key role.

The Bednary show focuses on arable farming. Combining sensor technologies with software linked to EGNOS and Galileo allows farmers to monitor and react to what is happening on the ground. Sensors can pick up on water, nutrient and pesticide levels. The technology will identify where product is needed and the best way to deliver this on the ground. It is also used for seeding and harvesting.

Most producers of agricultural vehicles have incorporated satellite receivers into their machinery to make sure they can offer the highest levels of productivity to farmers. We spoke to three companies to find out how they were making use of GNSS to help farmers.
‘Precision engineering is becoming more and more important in modern agriculture’

Karl Wilhelm Hundertmark, CLAAS Polska, spoke about the role of precision machinery in agriculture, which he said is becoming more and more important. He said that machines were now installed with standard informatics tools that, for example, help to manage fuel consumption and carry out early diagnosis of machine faults. CLAAS, like many manufacturers, install EGNOS as standard in all their agricultural vehicles and for ploughing and spraying it is particularly useful. For seeding, further accuracy is needed, down to as little as two to three centimetres.

Galileo enabled device for precision agriculture

Jerzy Koronczok, Agrocom Polska presented the software developed in the course of the Geopal H2020 project, which can be accessed through any computer. This tool also requires a small Galileo enabled device. This little box (see photo) is useful to all farmers, including small farmers, as it can be added to older machinery. It works with a tablet or smart phone and is a cost-effective solution to digitally document all the farm’s machinery and equipment. Movement and location are easily monitored through the application, which makes use of Galileo satellite signals. Free of charge in its basic version, farmers can tailor it to their specific needs. Farmers can also decide which additional components they need to buy, so that they only pay for what they really need.

‘Customers can save a lot of money on all agriculture products through technology’

Bogdan Kazimierczak, Product Sales Specialist with John Deere Polska, stood beside a large picture of a tractor on the moon! The image makes the point that precision farming tools use satellite information. Kazinierczak explained that these technologies save farmers a lot of money on fertilizers, pesticides and fuel. He said that even smaller farms of 75 hectares can make use of applications to help manage their properties as efficiently as possible.

Kazinierczak says that there are also benefits for the environment. Precision agriculture can reduce the risk of excess chemicals going into the ground by making use of section controls. For example, in an area where chemicals can’t be used, the system will be shut off and no chemicals will be sprayed. So, developments in the agriculture sector are showing that, as highlighted in a European Parliament study on precision agriculture, “suitable services from GNSS developments (Galileo) as a key feature of Precision Agriculture are a priority, but also more easily available data from remote sensing programmes (Copernicus) can be a stimulant to improving Precision Agriculture applications.”

So, it seems that exploiting the synergies between Galileo and Copernicus is the way forward for agriculture.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Many agricultural machinery manufacturers install EGNOS as standard

Odborný referent – poskytování informací KN Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro

12.10.2017 10:57   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-–-poskytovani-informaci-KN-Ka-(5)

Odborný referent – poskytování informací KN Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro

12.10.2017 10:57   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Třinec vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent – poskytování informací KN Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro

Odborný referent – poskytování informací KN Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro

12.10.2017 10:57   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Třinec
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent – poskytování informací KN Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj
Odborný referent – poskytování informací KN Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Asteroid Luca Parmitano

12.10.2017 10:09   Český Kosmický Portál  

Kosmonaut ESA Luca Parmitano je od své mise na Mezinárodní kosmickou stanici v roce 2013 oběma nohama pevně na Zemi, ale „Lucaparmitano“ je díky italským astronomům zpět ve vesmíru.

Odborný referent/vrchní referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastráln

12.10.2017 9:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Třinec
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent/vrchní referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj
Odborný referent/vrchní referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný referent/vrchní referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastráln

12.10.2017 9:54   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-vrchni-referent-–-zapisy-v-ri-(2)

Odborný referent/vrchní referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastráln

12.10.2017 9:54   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Třinec vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent/vrchní referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z Katastrálního pracoviště Třinec, Katastráln

Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií

12.10.2017 9:51   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií

Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií

12.10.2017 9:51   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií
Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií

Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií

12.10.2017 9:51   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Rada-odborny-rada-–-spravce-informacnich-a-kom-(4)

Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu na Katastrálním pracovišti Opava Katastrálního ú

12.10.2017 9:48   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Opava vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu na Katastrálním pracovišti Opava Katastrálního ú

Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu na Katastrálním pracovišti Opava Katastrálního ú

12.10.2017 9:48   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Vrchni-referent-rada-–-obnova-katastralniho-o-(11)

Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu na Katastrálním pracovišti Opava Katastrálního ú

12.10.2017 9:48   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Opava
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu na Katastrálním pracovišti Opava Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj
Vrchní referent/rada – obnova katastrálního operátu na Katastrálním pracovišti Opava Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava Katastrálního úřadu pr

12.10.2017 9:38   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Ostrava vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava Katastrálního úřadu pr

Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava Katastrálního úřadu pr

12.10.2017 9:38   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Ostrava
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj
Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj

Odborný referent – vedení katastrální mapy na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava Katastrálního úřadu pr

12.10.2017 9:38   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-referent-–-vedeni-katastralni-mapy-na-Kata

Odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pracoviště Krnov Katast

12.10.2017 9:27   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/odborny-rada-–-vedouci-oddeleni-pravnich-vztah-(1)

odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pracoviště Krnov Katast

12.10.2017 9:27   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/odborny-rada-–-vedouci-oddeleni-pravnich-vztah-(1)
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