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WSDP - nový HTTPS certifikát od 14.6.2020

5.6.2020 10:16   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Vážení uživatelé webových služeb,
oznamujeme, že v neděli dne 14.6.2020 dojde k výměně HTTPS certifikátů u aplikací ČÚZK. Tato změna může být důležitá zejména pro uživatele webových služeb aplikací: WSDP, WSGP, WSNV. Pokud Vaše aplikace vyžadují uložení certifikátů na Vaší straně, vyměňte certifikáty včas za nové. Nový certifikát, včetně certifikátu vydávající CA. V opačném případě mohou být aplikace ČÚZK považovány na nedůvěryhodné.
Omlouváme se za komplikace a děkujeme za pochopení.

WSDP - nový HTTPS certifikát od 14.6.2020

5.6.2020 10:16   ČÚZK   /Aplikace-DP-do-KN/Aplikace-DP-do-KN/Archiv-DP/291188

vedoucí oddělení hospodářské správy Katastrálního úřadu pro Pardubický kraj

5.6.2020 10:04   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Pardubický kraj vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vedoucí oddělení hospodářské správy Katastrálního úřadu pro Pardubický kraj

vedoucí oddělení hospodářské správy Katastrálního úřadu pro Pardubický kraj

5.6.2020 10:04   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Pardubicky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/vedouci-oddeleni-hospodarske-spravy-Katastralniho

vedoucí oddělení hospodářské správy Katastrálního úřadu pro Pardubický kraj

5.6.2020 10:04   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Pardubický kraj
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
vedoucí oddělení hospodářské správy Katastrálního úřadu pro Pardubický kraj

Earth from Space: Colourful Queensland

5.6.2020 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   Video: 00:03:02

This week's edition of the Earth from Space programme features a Copernicus Sentinel-2 image over part of Channel Country – a pastural region located mostly in southwest Queensland, Australia.

See also Colourful Queensland, Australia to download the image.

Earth from Space: Colourful Queensland

5.6.2020 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   Video: 00:03:02

This week's edition of the Earth from Space programme features a Copernicus Sentinel-2 image over part of Channel Country – a pastoral region located mostly in southwest Queensland, Australia.

See also Colourful Queensland, Australia to download the image.

Colourful Queensland, Australia

5.6.2020 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   This image, captured by Copernicus Sentinel-2, takes us over part of Channel Country – a pastural region located mostly in southwest Queensland, Australia. Image: This image, captured by Copernicus Sentinel-2, takes us over part of Channel Country – a pastural region located mostly in southwest Queensland, Australia.

Arctic Circle oil spill

5.6.2020 8:55   ESA Observing the Earth   Images captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission show the extent of the Arctic Circle oil spill Image: Images captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission show the extent of the Arctic Circle oil spill

Výstava k 300. výročí vydání Velké mapy Čech od J. Chr. Müllera je i online

5.6.2020 8:16   Česká kartografická společnost   Geografická sekce Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, Mapová sbírka a Knihovna geografie pořádají výstavu Mapa Království českého, 1720. Vernisáž se měla konat 17. března 2020, ale z důvodu protipandemických opatření byla zrušena. Přestože nyní je již výstava běžně dostupná a její konání bylo prodlouženo do 18. 6. 2020, organizátoři vytvořili i online alternativu. Fyzicky si výstavu […]

GeoKARTO 2020

5.6.2020 8:10   Česká kartografická společnost   Dovoľujeme si Vás pozvať na konferenciu GeoKARTO 2020, ktorá sa uskutoční v termíne 10.–11. septembra 2020 v priestoroch Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Konferenciu organizuje Kartografická spoločnosť SR v spolupráci s Ústavom geografie,  a Geografickým ústavom Slovenskej akadémie vied v Bratislave. Konferencia je organizovaná každé dva roky Kartografickou spoločnosťou SR v spolupráci s významnými akademickými inštitúciami. Nadväzuje na dlhoročnú tradíciu kartografických […]

GeoKARTO 2020

5.6.2020 8:10   Česká kartografická společnost   Dovoľujeme si Vás pozvať na konferenciu GeoKARTO 2020, ktorá sa uskutoční v termíne 10.–11. 9. 2020 v priestoroch Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Konferenciu organizuje Kartografická spoločnosť SR v spolupráci s Ústavom geografie  a Geografickým ústavom Slovenskej akadémie vied v Bratislave. Konferencia je organizovaná každé dva roky Kartografickou spoločnosťou SR v spolupráci s významnými akademickými inštitúciami. Nadväzuje na dlhoročnú tradíciu […]

INSPIRE téma Budovy (BU)

5.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma budovy (BU). Data pochází částečně z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech, a částečně z ISKN (Informační systém katastru nemovistostí). Zdrojem informací o budovách v ISKN je objekt Stavba, v RÚIAN je to Stavební objekt. Většina Staveb je zároveň Stavebními objekty, ale jsou případy, kdy tomu tak není. Kromě Budov datová sada obsahuje i části budov, které jsou pro potřeby INSPIRE vyjádřeny vchody z RÚIAN. Vchody obsahují informace o počtu podlaží, technickoekonomických atributech apod. Datová sada pokrývá celé území české republiky. V datové sadě není uvedeno 1,14%, t.j. 48324 budov (k 01. 06. 2020), protože neobsahují definiční bod ani polygon. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech, ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních, v zákoně 256/2013 Sb., o katastru nemovitostí, v katastrální vyhlášce č. 357/2013 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Buildings v 3.0 z 13.12.2013. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Budovy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

INSPIRE téma Parcely (CP)

5.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma katastrální parcely (CP). Vychází z katastrální mapy, která je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis a může mít formu digitální mapy, analogové mapy nebo digitalizované mapy. Data publikovaná v rámci INSPIRE obsahují pouze katastrální území (pro celou Českou Republiku) a parcely a jejich hranice z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 01. 06. 2020 je to 96,79% území České republiky, t.j. 76 337,34km2). Více katastrální zákon 344/1992 SB., katastrální vyhláška č.26/2007 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Parcely ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě poskytovaná v e-shopu

5.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě je poskytována za úplatu a obsahuje analogovou mapu s kompletní kresbou. Analogová mapa pokrývá 2,99 % území České republiky, což je 2 360,49km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

INSPIRE téma Rozšířené Parcely (CPX)

5.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Rozšíření má za cíl poskytovat katastrální mapu s obsahem podle vyhlášky ve vektorové podobě ve struktuře plně v souladu se strukturou danou směrnicí INSPIRE. Data rozšiřují směrnici INSPIRE pro téma katastrální parcely (CP) o věcná břemena, geodetické body, další prvky mapy, původní obloukovou geometrii a o parcely určené definičním bodem (ty pouze v oblastech s analogovou mapou). Vychází z katastrální mapy, která je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis a může mít formu digitální mapy, analogové mapy nebo digitalizované mapy. Publikovaná data obsahují katastrální území pro celou Českou Republiku, parcely a jejich hranice, věcná břemena, další prvky mapy a původní obloukovou geometrii z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 01. 06. 2020 je to 96,79% území České republiky, t.j. 76 337,34km2) a ve zbytku území katastrální parcely určené pouze definičním bodem (tedy bez hranic a polygonu). Katastrální parcely a hranice obsahují oproti datové sadě INSPIRE některé atributy navíc. Jedná se o typ hranice, způsob využití území, druh pozemku, vazbu na budovu a o mapové značky. Více katastrální zákon 344/1992 SB., katastrální vyhláška č.26/2007 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro Rozšířené Parcely (CPX) ve verzi 4.0.

Katastrální mapa ve formátech DGN a DXF poskytovaná v e-shopu

5.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě je poskytována zdarma ve formátu DGN a DXF a obsahuje prvky Digitální katastrální mapy (DKM) a Katastrální mapy digitalizované (KMD), tedy bodová pole, budovy, další prvky mapy, hranice parcel, katastrální hranice, parcely katastru nemovitostí, prvky orientační mapy a hranice věcného břemene. Z důvodu použití formátu DGN produkt neobsahuje značky na liniích a oblouky jsou nahrazeny lomenými čárami. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě k 01. 06. 2020 pokrývá 96,79% území České republiky, t.j. 76 337,34km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

INSPIRE téma Adresy (AD)

5.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma adresy (AD). Vychází především z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech. Data publikovaná v rámci INSPIRE obsahují pouze adresní místa a jejich komponenty, kterými jsou stát, obec, část obce, městský obvod v Praze (MOP), městký obvod/městská část (MO/MČ), ulice a pošta a to na území celé České Republiky. Obsahují rozvněž geometrii, která určuje definiční bod adresního místa. V datové sadě nění uvedeno 1,15%, t.j. 33760 adresních míst (k 01. 06. 2020), protože neobsahují definiční bod, podle kterého by je bylo možné prostorově určit. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech a ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních a INSPIRE Data Specification on Addresses v 3.0.1 z 26.4.2010. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Adresy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

NextNav Strengthens Executive Leadership Team With Industry Pioneers

5.6.2020 0:05 Webcasts-Webinars   NextNav Appoints Ashutosh Pande VP/GM of Metropolitan Beacon System (MBS) Services and Dan Hight VP/GM of Data Partnerships
SUNNYVALE, Calif., June …

OGC Members Revise IoT Standard SensorThings API Part 1 - Sensing; Public Comment Sought

4.6.2020 23:07 Webcasts-Webinars   Version 1.1 is a minor update to OGC’s IoT standard, which is used across the globe in logistics, public safety, energy utilities, …

Draganfly Inc. Announces Launch of Global Dealer Network

4.6.2020 16:30 Webcasts-Webinars   Vancouver, British Columbia, June 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Draganfly Inc. (CSE: DFLY) (OTCQB: DFLYF) (FSE: 3U8) (“Draganfly” or the …

EagleView Hits Key Milestone, Processing 100M Images So Far This Year

4.6.2020 16:30 Webcasts-Webinars   Company breaks imagery capture record just five months into the year
BELLEVUE, Wash., June 4, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —

BELLEVUE, Wash., …

20200604 - VŘ Správce ISKN

4.6.2020 15:24   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa rada/odborný rada - Správce ISKN.

20200604 - VŘ Správce ISKN

4.6.2020 15:24   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2020/20200604-VR-Spravce-ISKN

To Help Building and Facilities Managers Meet the Demands of Social Distancing, Bentley Systems Opens Up Full Access to LEGION Simulator and OpenBuildings Station Designer and Waives Subscription Fees through September 30

4.6.2020 15:11   Bentley Systems  

Simulate People Movement and Test Space Performance to Mitigate Risk
in Reopening Public Facilities


EXTON, Pa.– June 42020 –Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced it has opened up its LEGION Simulator and OpenBuildings Station Designer software, including waiving new subscription fees through September 30, 2020, for facilities managers to incorporate pedestrian simulation methodologies across their planning, design, and operations teams.   

With social distancing and crowd management at the forefront of global concerns, OpenBuildings Station Designer and LEGION Simulator software can help station owners, planning and design firms, and facilities operators to develop models, simulate crowd movement, analyze foot traffic, and optimize space utilization of infrastructure assets such as rail and metro stations, airports, retail and commercial complexes, hospitals, and stadiums. OpenBuildings Station Designer’s BIM environment provides 3D context for LEGION’s included pedestrian simulation to create an operational digital twin to improve safety, efficiency, and security, while mitigating risk.

LEGION Simulator helps users solve new planning and operations challenges in:

  • validating social distancing plans while helping to ensure safe operations;
  • ensuring space maximization, activities distribution and controlled egress/ingress;
  • modeling safe and comfortable wayfinding strategies and evacuation plans; and
  • providing virtual, collaborative planning, design and operations reviews.


Further, LEGION Simulator and OpenBuildings Station Designer offer the continued long-term benefits of a BIM collaboration environment that avoids data silos, coordination delays, and other limitations that result from the separation of planning and design workflows.

“We are going through extraordinary times and change will be a constant reality in the months and years ahead. Bentley’s OpenBuildings Station Designer and LEGION Simulator enable planners, architects, engineers, and operators to apply digital twin approaches to solve today’s design and operation challenges more quickly, efficiently, and safely across rail and metro stations, airports, and other public buildings and amenities,” said Ken Adamson, Vice President, Design Integration for Bentley.

“Atkins has collaborated successfully with LEGION for over 20 years, and we look forward to building upon our own thought leadership on Covid-19 and for the Transport Sector by applying LEGION’s simulations for social distancing in response to requests by our metro clients in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, and Saudi Arabia,” said Cameron MacDonald, Technical Director, Operations Advisory, Atkins, a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group.

Please visit LEGION to learn more about LEGION Simulator and OpenBuildings Station Designer and visit LEGION and Social Distancing to learn more about the LEGION waived subscription fee offer.

Image: OpenBuildings Station Designer and LEGION

Caption: Top left illustrates a 3D model of a retail operation created using OpenBuildings Station Designer. Bottom left shows 2D floor plans that are then imported into LEGION Simulator (right) to test two scenarios. Examples shown are at occupancy rates of 75% (top) and 25% (bottom) to comply with social distancing requirements.


LEGION and OpenBuildings Station Designer are part of Bentley’s comprehensive efforts to provide resources and useful information to help both user organizations and end users meet the current challenges successfully. For more about Bentley’s response to the challenges of working from home and other software offers, please visit



About Bentley’s OpenBuildings Station Designer
OpenBuildings Station Designer enables professionals of multiple disciplines, including Planners, Architects and Mechanical, Electrical, and Structural Engineers, to collaborate in real-time to design, analyze, visualize, and simulate infrastructure assets such as rail and metro stations, airports, retail and commercial complexes, hospitals, and stadiums. Projects of any size, form, and complexity can benefit and it is the only design application to fully integrate people movement simulation, via LEGION Simulator.


About Bentley’s LEGION Simulator
LEGION Simulator enables fast and scientifically validated evacuation simulation, for baseline operations and for any what-if scenario that operations teams may wish to test. It can seamlessly validate new entrances and exits, queuing strategies, flow separation barriers, and any other physical or operational changes in public spaces. Users can reduce risk and enhance the safety of their facilities through single source of truth models that enable easier collaboration and alignment between planning, design, operations, and safety teams. 


About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, LEGION, LEGION Simulator, MicroStation, OpenBuildings, OpenBuildings Station Designer, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Watch live

4.6.2020 14:20   ESA Observing the Earth   RACE dashboard

Watch live

Join the event on 5 June at 11:00 CEST, where ESA and the European Commission will present their new dashboard: Rapid action in response to coronavirus with Earth observation

20200604 - Výměna HTTPS certifikátu na aplikacích ČÚZK

4.6.2020 13:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Uživatelům webových služeb ISÚI oznamujeme, že dne 14.6.2020 dojde k výměně HTTPS certifikátů u aplikací ČÚZK. Pokud vaše aplikace vyžadují uložení certifikátů na vaší straně, vyměňte certifikáty včas za nové. Nový certifikát, včetně certifikátu vydávající CA. V opačném případě může být aplikace ČÚZK považována na nedůvěryhodnou.

20200604 - Výměna HTTPS certifikátu na aplikacích ČÚZK

4.6.2020 13:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Uživatelům webových služeb ISÚI oznamujeme, že dne 14.6.2020 dojde k výměně HTTPS certifikátů u aplikací ČÚZK. Pokud vaše aplikace vyžadují uložení certifikátů na vaší straně, vyměňte certifikáty včas za nové. Nový certifikát, včetně certifikátu vydávající CA. V opačném případě může být aplikace ČÚZK považována na nedůvěryhodnou.

20200604 - Výměna HTTPS certifikátu na aplikacích ČÚZK

4.6.2020 13:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Uživatelům webových služeb ISÚI oznamujeme, že dne 14.6.2020 dojde k výměně HTTPS certifikátů u aplikací ČÚZK. Pokud vaše aplikace vyžadují uložení certifikátů na vaší straně, vyměňte certifikáty včas za nové. Nový certifikát, včetně certifikátu vydávající CA. V opačném případě může být aplikace ČÚZK považována na nedůvěryhodnou.

20200604 - Výměna HTTPS certifikátu na aplikacích ČÚZK

4.6.2020 13:47   ČÚZK   /Uvod/Produkty-a-sluzby/RUIAN/RUIAN-novinky/2020/20200604-Vymena-HTTPS-certifikatu-na-aplikacich

Nový klasifikační systém CCI

4.6.2020 12:58   BIM News  

Česká republika se stala iniciátorem vzniku nového klasifikačního systému CCI (Construction Classification International) pro BIM na evropské úrovni. Společný klasifikační systém zajistí jednotné pojmenování všech prvků stavby, které bude srozumitelné napříč obory i různými používanými programy. Zjednodušeně řečeno, zásuvka bude vždy zásuvka, ať ji již ve svém počítači a programu otevře projektant, investor, správcovská firma […]

The post Nový klasifikační systém CCI appeared first on BIM News.

Galileo Green Lane proving a hit with drivers

4.6.2020 12:56   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
04 June 2020

With over 2 500 downloads since it was launched at the start of May, the Galileo Green Lane app is proving to be popular with drivers. Developed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) in collaboration with the European Commission, the app is a key tool in the EU’s COVID-19 pandemic response. By easing traffic flow through the EU’s borders, the app is helping to support a fundamental EU principle - the free movement of goods and freight in the internal market.

The Galileo Green Lane app uses the positioning services of Galileo- Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - to monitor and facilitate the free movement of freight, making it possible to reduce waiting times at the EU’s internal land borders and facilitate the transport of goods. 

Keeping transport moving

Over the last few months, the transport sector has played a vital role in the European response to the pandemic – transporting essential goods to fight the crisis and keeping the internal market intact. The Galileo Green Lane App supports drivers and national authorities as they keep up their essential work in these difficult circumstances. The initiative builds on the so-called ‘Green Lanes’, established at land border crossing points by EU Member States following guidelines from the European Commission: On 23 March, the Commission asked all EU Member States to designate relevant border-crossing points along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) as ‘Green Lane’ border crossings to minimise waiting times and keep freight moving. Via these Green Lanes, freight vehicles should be able to cross the border within a maximum of 15 minutes. 

Two-interface solution

The Galileo Green Lane app is designed to address the needs of both border control authorities and of truck drivers, through two intuitive user interfaces. For border control authorities, the app provides a real-time visualisation of the situation at border crossings along with regular updates on the traffic flow situation. For truck and passenger car drivers, the app also provides real-time border visualisation with an EU-wide map produced by real-time visibility provider Sixfold. This enables drivers to better prepare their routes, by providing advance knowledge of the waiting time at each border crossing. 

At the same time, the app provides Member States with a website where they can generate reports automatically, making it easier to comply with EU recommendations. The solution is the product of cooperation not only between EU Member States and agencies, but also with users, who provide the data that is aggregated and analysed to produce the solution. To check out the Galileo Green Lane benefits, download the app here.

A welcome initiative 

Several European Union countries have welcomed the opportunity to use “Galileo Green Lane” and the app has already been tested with the Border Police at border crossings in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Spain, with over 5 000 datasets collected. Testing is still ongoing in France and Greece.

“With the ‘Galileo Green Lane’ app, the GSA is fulfilling its mission to address economic and societal challenges by leveraging the European GNSS capabilities,” said GSA Acting Executive Director Pascal Claudel. “If more Member States get involved, more border crossings will be brought into play, which means that the benefits of EU investment in space will be more widely felt,” he said. 

A pilot has also been carried out with drivers, in collaboration with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), with over 2,500 apps downloaded. This pilot generated data from 97 of the total 187 Green Lane border crossings in 26 EU and neighbouring countries.

Coordinated support

The GSA is coordinating the Galileo Green Lane project with the support of the European Commission, in particular the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) regarding needs linked to the Green Lanes, the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), bringing together the border authorities of the Member States, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) with its geo-fencing technology development expertise.

Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: “While borders were closing and lockdowns looming we opened Green Lanes, thus preventing a supply chain crisis. Member States embraced this concept and made it operational very quickly. The Galileo Green Lane app is a direct result of EU coordination in the transport sector and I encourage transport workers and operators to download and use it.”

Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, said: “Through the Galileo Green Lane app, we demonstrate the value of space based technologies and applications to provide innovative and concrete solutions, for instance in support to the free flow of goods across the Single Market.”

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Galileo Green Lane proving a hit with drivers

4.6.2020 12:56   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
04 June 2020

With over 2 500 downloads since it was launched at the start of May, the Galileo Green Lane app is proving to be popular with drivers. Developed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) in collaboration with the European Commission, the app is a key tool in the EU’s COVID-19 pandemic response. By easing traffic flow through the EU’s borders, the app is helping to support a fundamental EU principle - the free movement of goods and freight in the internal market.

The Galileo Green Lane app uses the positioning services of Galileo- Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - to monitor and facilitate the free movement of freight, making it possible to reduce waiting times at the EU’s internal land borders and facilitate the transport of goods. 

Keeping transport moving

Over the last few months, the transport sector has played a vital role in the European response to the pandemic – transporting essential goods to fight the crisis and keeping the internal market intact. The Galileo Green Lane App supports drivers and national authorities as they keep up their essential work in these difficult circumstances. The initiative builds on the so-called ‘Green Lanes’, established at land border crossing points by EU Member States following guidelines from the European Commission: On 23 March, the Commission asked all EU Member States to designate relevant border-crossing points along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) as ‘Green Lane’ border crossings to minimise waiting times and keep freight moving. Via these Green Lanes, freight vehicles should be able to cross the border within a maximum of 15 minutes. 

Two-interface solution

The Galileo Green Lane app is designed to address the needs of both border control authorities and of truck drivers, through two intuitive user interfaces. For border control authorities, the app provides a real-time visualisation of the situation at border crossings along with regular updates on the traffic flow situation. For truck and passenger car drivers, the app also provides real-time border visualisation with an EU-wide map produced by real-time visibility provider Sixfold. This enables drivers to better prepare their routes, by providing advance knowledge of the waiting time at each border crossing. 

At the same time, the app provides Member States with a website where they can generate reports automatically, making it easier to comply with EU recommendations. The solution is the product of cooperation not only between EU Member States and agencies, but also with users, who provide the data that is aggregated and analysed to produce the solution. To check out the Galileo Green Lane benefits, download the app here.

A welcome initiative 

Several European Union countries have welcomed the opportunity to use “Galileo Green Lane” and the app has been already been tested with the Border Police at border crossings in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Spain, with over 5 000 datasets collected. Testing is still ongoing in in France and Greece.

“With the ‘Galileo Green Lane’ app, the GSA is fulfilling its mission to address economic and societal challenges by leveraging the European GNSS capabilities,” said GSA Acting Executive Director Pascal Claudel. “If more Member States get involved, more border crossings will be brought into play, which means that the benefits of EU investment in space will be more widely felt,” he said. 

A pilot has also been carried out with drivers, in collaboration with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), with over 2,500 apps downloaded. This pilot generated data from 97 of the total 187 Green Lane border crossings in 26 EU and neighbouring countries.

Coordinated support

The GSA is coordinating the Galileo Green Lane project with the support of the European Commission, in particular the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) regarding needs linked to the Green Lanes, the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), bringing together the border authorities of the Member States, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) with its geo-fencing technology development expertise.

Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: “While borders were closing and lockdowns looming we opened Green Lanes, thus preventing a supply chain crisis. Member States embraced this concept and made it operational very quickly. The Galileo Green Lane app is a direct result of EU coordination in the transport sector and I encourage transport workers and operators to download and use it.”

Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, said: “Through the Galileo Green Lane app, we demonstrate the value of space based technologies and applications to provide innovative and concrete solutions, for instance in support to the free flow of goods across the Single Market.”

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Galileo Green Lane proving a hit with drivers

4.6.2020 12:56   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
04 June 2020

With over 2 500 downloads since it was launched at the start of May, the Galileo Green Lane app is proving to be popular with drivers. Developed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) in collaboration with the European Commission, the app is a key tool in the EU’s COVID-19 pandemic response. By easing traffic flow through the EU’s borders, the app is helping to support a fundamental EU principle - the free movement of goods and freight in the internal market.

The Galileo Green Lane app uses the positioning services of Galileo- Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - to monitor and facilitate the free movement of freight, making it possible to reduce waiting times at the EU’s internal land borders and facilitate the transport of goods. 

Keeping transport moving

Over the last few months, the transport sector has played a vital role in the European response to the pandemic – transporting essential goods to fight the crisis and keeping the internal market intact. The Galileo Green Lane App supports drivers and national authorities as they keep up their essential work in these difficult circumstances. The initiative builds on the so-called ‘Green Lanes’, established at land border crossing points by EU Member States following guidelines from the European Commission: On 23 March, the Commission asked all EU Member States to designate relevant border-crossing points along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) as ‘Green Lane’ border crossings to minimise waiting times and keep freight moving. Via these Green Lanes, freight vehicles should be able to cross the border within a maximum of 15 minutes. 

Two-interface solution

The Galileo Green Lane app is designed to address the needs of both border control authorities and of truck drivers, through two intuitive user interfaces. For border control authorities, the app provides a real-time visualisation of the situation at border crossings along with regular updates on the traffic flow situation. For truck and passenger car drivers, the app also provides real-time border visualisation with an EU-wide map produced by real-time visibility provider Sixfold. This enables drivers to better prepare their routes, by providing advance knowledge of the waiting time at each border crossing. 

At the same time, the app provides Member States with a website where they can generate reports automatically, making it easier to comply with EU recommendations. The solution is the product of cooperation not only between EU Member States and agencies, but also with users, who provide the data that is aggregated and analysed to produce the solution. To check out the Galileo Green Lane benefits, download the app here.

A welcome initiative 

Several European Union countries have welcomed the opportunity to use “Galileo Green Lane” and the app has already been tested with the Border Police at border crossings in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Spain, with over 5 000 datasets collected. Testing is still ongoing in France and Greece.

“With the ‘Galileo Green Lane’ app, the GSA is fulfilling its mission to address economic and societal challenges by leveraging the European GNSS capabilities,” said GSA Acting Executive Director Pascal Claudel, more Member States getting involved and more border crossings brought into play, means the benefits of EU investment in space will be more widely felt.

A pilot has also been carried out with drivers, in collaboration with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), with over 2,500 apps downloaded. This pilot generated data from 97 of the total 187 Green Lane border crossings in 26 EU and neighbouring countries.

Coordinated support

The GSA is coordinating the Galileo Green Lane project with the support of the European Commission, in particular the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) regarding needs linked to the Green Lanes, the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), bringing together the border authorities of the Member States, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) with its geo-fencing technology development expertise.

Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: “While borders were closing and lockdowns looming we opened Green Lanes, thus preventing a supply chain crisis. Member States embraced this concept and made it operational very quickly. The Galileo Green Lane app is a direct result of EU coordination in the transport sector and I encourage transport workers and operators to download and use it.”

Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, said: “Through the Galileo Green Lane app, we demonstrate the value of space based technologies and applications to provide innovative and concrete solutions, for instance in support to the free flow of goods across the Single Market.”

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Galileo Green Lane proving a hit with drivers

4.6.2020 12:56   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
04 June 2020

With over 2 500 downloads since it was launched at the start of May, the Galileo Green Lane app is proving to be popular with drivers. Developed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) in collaboration with the European Commission, the app is a key tool in the EU’s COVID-19 pandemic response. By easing traffic flow through the EU’s borders, the app is helping to support a fundamental EU principle - the free movement of goods and freight in the internal market.

The Galileo Green Lane app uses the positioning services of Galileo- Europe’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - to monitor and facilitate the free movement of freight, making it possible to reduce waiting times at the EU’s internal land borders and facilitate the transport of goods. 

Keeping transport moving

Over the last few months, the transport sector has played a vital role in the European response to the pandemic – transporting essential goods to fight the crisis and keeping the internal market intact. The Galileo Green Lane App supports drivers and national authorities as they keep up their essential work in these difficult circumstances. The initiative builds on the so-called ‘Green Lanes’, established at land border crossing points by EU Member States following guidelines from the European Commission: On 23 March, the Commission asked all EU Member States to designate relevant border-crossing points along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) as ‘Green Lane’ border crossings to minimise waiting times and keep freight moving. Via these Green Lanes, freight vehicles should be able to cross the border within a maximum of 15 minutes. 

Two-interface solution

The Galileo Green Lane app is designed to address the needs of both border control authorities and of truck drivers, through two intuitive user interfaces. For border control authorities, the app provides a real-time visualisation of the situation at border crossings along with regular updates on the traffic flow situation. For truck and passenger car drivers, the app also provides real-time border visualisation with an EU-wide map produced by real-time visibility provider Sixfold. This enables drivers to better prepare their routes, by providing advance knowledge of the waiting time at each border crossing. 

At the same time, the app provides Member States with a website where they can generate reports automatically, making it easier to comply with EU recommendations. The solution is the product of cooperation not only between EU Member States and agencies, but also with users, who provide the data that is aggregated and analysed to produce the solution. To check out the Galileo Green Lane benefits, download the app here.

A welcome initiative 

Several European Union countries have welcomed the opportunity to use “Galileo Green Lane” and the app has already been tested with the Border Police at border crossings in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Spain, with over 5 000 datasets collected. Testing is still ongoing in France and Greece.

“With the ‘Galileo Green Lane’ app, the GSA is fulfilling its mission to address economic and societal challenges by leveraging the European GNSS capabilities,” said GSA Acting Executive Director Pascal Claudel. “If more Member States get involved, more border crossings will be brought into play, which means that the benefits of EU investment in space will be more widely felt,” he said. 

A pilot has also been carried out with drivers, in collaboration with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), with over 2,500 apps downloaded. This pilot generated data from 97 of the total 187 Green Lane border crossings in 26 EU and neighbouring countries.

Coordinated support

The GSA is coordinating the Galileo Green Lane project with the support of the European Commission, in particular the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) regarding needs linked to the Green Lanes, the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), bringing together the border authorities of the Member States, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) with its geo-fencing technology development expertise.

Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: “While borders were closing and lockdowns looming we opened Green Lanes, thus preventing a supply chain crisis. Member States embraced this concept and made it operational very quickly. The Galileo Green Lane app is a direct result of EU coordination in the transport sector and I encourage transport workers and operators to download and use it.”

Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, said: “Through the Galileo Green Lane app, we demonstrate the value of space based technologies and applications to provide innovative and concrete solutions, for instance in support to the free flow of goods across the Single Market.”

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo Green Lane is helping Europe mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Referent ZKN – geodet/geograf pro správu dat ZABAGED®

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent ZKN – geodet/geograf pro správu dat ZABAGED®

Referent ZKN

4.6.2020 12:55   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent ZKN

Referent ZKN – geodet/geograf pro správu dat ZABAGED®

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Referent-ZKN-–-geodet-geograf-pro-spravu-dat-ZABAG

Referent ZKN – geodet/geograf pro správu dat ZABAGED®

4.6.2020 12:55   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent ZKN – geodet/geograf pro správu dat ZABAGED®

Referent zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí

Referent zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Referent-ZKN-–-geodet-geograf-pro-spravu-dat-ZABAG

Referent ZKN – geodet/geograf pro správu dat ZABAGED®

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Referent ZKN – geodet/geograf pro správu dat ZABAGED®

Referent ZKN

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent ZKN

Referent ZKN

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Referent-ZKN-–-geodet-geograf-pro-spravu-dat-ZABAG

Referent zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí

4.6.2020 12:55   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Referent zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí

Referent zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí

4.6.2020 12:55   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Referent zeměměřictví a katastr nemovitostí

Novinky ke světové konferenci Esri

4.6.2020 12:35   ARCDATA  

Poslední šance poslat obrázky pro prezentaci Jacka Dangermonda

Obrázky ze svých map a aplikací, fotografie vašeho GIS v akci a jakékoliv další obrázky, které zachycují vaši práci a které byste chtěli dát k dispozici pro tvorbu úvodní prezentace na konferenci, můžete zasílat už jen do zítřka.

Detailní program konference

Naplánujte si přednášky a workshopy, které na konferenci chcete vidět. Na stránce si je můžete filtrovat podle tématu, náročnosti i podle přednášejících. Můžete si také označit přednášky, které vás zajímají, nahrát si upomínky do kalendáře a nebo si svůj naplánovaný program vytisknout.

Otevírací doba o letních prázdninách [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

4.6.2020 11:15   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   V době letních prázdnin bude knihovna otevřena ve zvláštním režimu. Podrobnosti naleznete v článku.

Vědy o Zemi v magazínu M

4.6.2020 8:24   Geografický ústav MU  

V novém článku v magazínu M se píše, že Masarykova univerzita dosáhla vynikajícího hodnocení. A to kromě jiného i díky kvalitnímu oboru vědy o Zemi.

"Mezi nejlepší vysoké školy v Česku se Masarykova univerzita zařadila díky dobrým výsledkům v řadě oborů. Z hodnocení výstupů v impaktovaných časopisech na národní i mezinárodní úrovni, při němž se bere ohled na poměr výstupů v prvních deseti procentech a v první čtvrtině nejlepších časopisů daného oboru, dopadly v rámci MUNI nejlépe z přírodovědných oborů biologie, vědy o Zemi, chemie a fyzika."

Celý článek naleznete zde:

  700 kanálový GNSS

4.6.2020 8:20   GEUSware    

700 kanálový GNSS board Hemisphere
sledování satelitů GPS, GLONASS, SBAS, GALILEO a BEIDOU v ceně
velmi malé rozměry (146mm x 146mm x 76mm)
interní 4G modem
Web User Interface (veškerá nastavení a stav můžete kontrolovat online přes Váš mobil přímo v terénu)
6800 mAh baterie
vysoce odolný magnesiový povrch

Katalogová cena: 133.900,- Kč bez DPH
Akční cena: 119.900,- Kč bez DPH
Bližší informace viz e-shop

Nový GNSS rover Stonex S700A

4.6.2020 8:20   GEUSware    

700 kanálový GNSS board Hemisphere
sledování satelitů GPS, GLONASS, SBAS, GALILEO a BEIDOU v ceně
velmi malé rozměry (146mm x 146mm x 76mm)
interní 4G modem
Web User Interface (veškerá nastavení a stav můžete kontrolovat online přes Váš mobil přímo v terénu)
6800 mAh baterie
vysoce odolný magnesiový povrch

Katalogová cena: 133.900,- Kč bez DPH
Akční cena: 126.900,- Kč bez DPH
Bližší informace viz e-shop

Olomouc otvírá svá data

4.6.2020 7:00   Česká asociace pro geoinformace   Město Olomouc otvírá svá data veřejnosti ! Spouští i speciální portál, odkud může kdokoliv stahovat a používat. K dispozici je nyní deset mapových aplikací a pět datových sad. Zpráva je dostupná na stránkách města Olomouc

Intermap Enters Settlement Agreement on Vertex Notes with Pender Funds; Announces Contract with NOAA, State of California Data Subscription, and Q1 Results

4.6.2020 3:51 Webcasts-Webinars   DENVER, June 3, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  Intermap Technologies ("Intermap" or the "Company"), a global leader in geospatial …

LEGION Simulator and OpenBuildings Station Designer

4.6.2020 2:00   Bentley Systems  

Subscription Fees Waived Through September 30, 2020

Purpose of the Release

We are making our LEGION Simulator and OpenBuildings Station Designer applications available to everyone and waiving new subscription fees through September 30, 2020, for facilities managers to incorporate pedestrian simulation methodologies across their planning, design, and operations teams.

With social distancing and crowd management at the forefront of global concerns, Open Buildings Station Designer and LEGION Simulator software can help owners of buildings and facilities, planning, and design firms, and facilities owners to develop models, simulate crowd movement, analyze foot traffic and optimize space utilization of infrastructure assets such as rail and metro stations, airports, retail and commercial complexes, hospitals, and stadiums to improve safety, efficiency, and security.

LEGION Simulator helps users solve new planning and operations challenges in:

  • validating social distancing plans while helping to ensure safe operations;
  • ensuring space maximization, activities distribution and controlled egress/ingress;
  • modeling safe and comfortable wayfinding strategies and evacuation plans; and
  • providing virtual, collaborative planning, design and operations reviews.

Learn More

Omezení provozu Krajského pozemkového úřadu v Ostravě

4.6.2020 0:00   Státní pozemkový úřad   Dne 5. 6. 2020 v době od 7.30 do 15 hod. bude dle sdělení ČEZ Distribuce a.s. přerušena dodávka elektrické energie do sídla Krajského pozemkového úřadu pro moravskoslezský kraj v Ostravě. Provoz pracoviště bude zajištěn, počítejte však s omezeními vztahujícími se k zařízení závislých na dodávce el. energie.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Immersive Wisdom awarded $950MM ceiling IDIQ contract to deliver its Real-Time JADC2 3D Geospatial Collaboration Software for the US Air Force Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)

3.6.2020 20:45 Webcasts-Webinars   Next-generation software platform allows multiple distributed users to perform Joint-All Domain Command and Control and Mission Planning in immersive …

INTERGEO: The first virtual Round Table for INTERGEO 2020 - “Our time has come!”

3.6.2020 18:47 Webcasts-Webinars   The first virtual Round Table for INTERGEO 2020 - “Our time has come!”
Berlin / Karlsruhe, Germany, 3 June 2020. The INTERGEO Round …

June 2020 News

3.6.2020 17:59   Carlson Software   Click to view the June 2020 Newsletter

June 2020 News

3.6.2020 17:59   Carlson Software   Click to view the May 2020 Newsletter

Dedrone and BlackBerry Partner to Counter Unauthorized Drone Activity

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Brandt To Acquire GeoShack, Become Canada's #1 Geopositioning Technology Supplier

3.6.2020 17:30 Webcasts-Webinars   REGINA, SK, June 3, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —

REGINA, SK, June 3, 2020 /CNW/ - The Brandt Group of Companies is pleased to announce …

Just when I thought we had turned a corner…

3.6.2020 17:03   Carlson Software   Just when I thought we had turned a corner… Stores starting to reopen, the core businesses we support holding steady and then Wham!  Fire and violence spreading across US cities.  I wonder and worry about those I know who live in these areas – hoping for your safety – for the safety of all of […]

Bentley Systems Announces the Acquisition of NoteVault, Provider of Voice-based Field Automation for Construction Management

3.6.2020 16:03   Bentley Systems  

Advancing the Scope of Construction Digital Twins

EXTON, Pa.June 3, 2020 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced the acquisition of NoteVault, a San Diego-based provider of voice-based field automation for construction management. The acquisition expands Bentley’s SYNCHRO digital construction environment with industry-leading mobile field applications to track and manage labor, materials, and equipment. Together, these comprehensive offerings further extend the value of digital twins across construction management, enabling projects to combine immersive 4D models of the construction progress with detailed up-to-date reports on resource expenditures, enabling more effective management of cost, schedule, and risk, leading to better project outcomes.

NoteVault’s reporting automation solutions are used widely by both large and small construction companies across the global ENR Top 400 Contractors. Designed to simplify and accelerate job site information collection, NoteVault’s SaaS solution is deployed via mobile devices, uniquely offering natural language automated speech-to-text, augmented with automated machine learning, and human transcription to ensure accuracy. Because NoteVault has been engineered specifically for construction site mobile field reporting, it recognizes construction-specific language for accurate transcription, and enables automated translation so non-native English speakers can submit daily reports more easily using their native language. With NoteVault on their mobile devices, construction professionals can help synchronize status reporting effortlessly while saving time and money, reducing the risk of contractual disputes.

“Digital twins continue to transform the way projects are delivered and operated. Inherent in every digital twin is a stream of continuously updated data, and for construction, automating the semantic interpretation of field reports can now be one of the richest sources of live project information. With the addition of NoteVault’s market-leading resource tracking capabilities, the SYNCHRO 4D construction environment delivers the most comprehensive construction digital twin solution available. We are excited to continue advancing the scope of construction digital twins,” said Dustin Parkman, vice president, project delivery, Bentley Systems.

Peter Lasensky, CEO, NoteVault, added, “Bentley’s vision for transforming construction through digital twins is the perfect vehicle to expand the reach and impact of our innovative voice-based field automation solutions. Updating 4D construction models through insights gleaned from our software for field-captured reporting fully extends the power of voice and positioning technologies together. Combining NoteVault and SYNCHRO is a natural next step in our overall mission, with Bentley, to drive greater efficiencies in construction.”



About Bentley’s Project Delivery Offerings
Bentley Systems undertakes to provide comprehensive collaboration and constructioneering software, and cloud services, for infrastructure project delivery. ProjectWise 365 cloud services take fullest advantage of Microsoft’s Azure and native web environments. For project digital twins, Bentley’s iTwin Design Review services range from ad hoc 2D/3D discipline-specific workflows through comprehensive and continuous 4D design reviews spanning the full scope of projects utilizing ProjectWise Design Integration. For 4D construction digital twins, Bentley’s SYNCHRO portfolio leverages iTwin services to integrate reality modeling with 4D construction modeling, advanced work packaging, project management and field management cloud services.

Bentley is ranked by ARC Advisory Group as the leading provider of collaborative BIM software. Bentley’s ProjectWise services are the “workhorse for worksharing” for the majority of the ENR Top Design Firms, including 43 of the Top 50. In 2019, Microsoft named Bentley a finalist in the Mixed Reality category of its Partner of the Year program for SYNCHRO’s Microsoft HoloLens 2 use cases.

About Bentley Systems

Bentley Systems is a leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, iTwin, MicroStation, NoteVault, ProjectWise, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

O cenu děkana

3.6.2020 14:25   Katedra geoinformatiky UP Olomouc  

Nezapomeňte, že do konce června máte možnost přihlašovat se do studentské vědecké soutěže O cenu děkana 🏆. Ničeho se nemusíte bát, stačí se zaregistrovat a odprezentovat svoji seminární, závěrečnou či jinou práci a když se zadaří, můžete vyhrát pěkné stipendium💰 Prezentace a vyhlášení se bude konat 7. července 2020. S ohledem na změnu termínu se letos […]

The post O cenu děkana appeared first on Katedra geoinformatiky.

Výběrové řízení – automobily

3.6.2020 12:54   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/Prodej-nepotrebneho-majetku-osobni-automobily

Výběrové řízení – automobily

3.6.2020 12:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj výběrové řízení na prodej nepotřebného movitého majetku - osobní automobily

Výběrové řízení – automobily

Aktualizace údajů

3.6.2020 12:00   Ústecký kraj   V Geoportálu ÚAP Ústeckého kraje byla provedena aktualizace údajů pro poskytovatele Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky – jev 25a, 27a, 32, 33, 34, 35, 35a, 36, 36a, 36b, 119, 36B, Ministerstvo životního prostředí – jev 64, ČEZ Distribuce, a. s. – jev 72, 73, 82a, Telco Pro Services, a. s. – Jev 82a, Česká geologická služba – jev 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky – jev 27a, GasNet, s.r.o. – jev 73, 74, 75, 82, Výzkumný ústav meliorací a ochrany půdy, v.v.i. – jev 42a, Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR – jev 94a (Technické studie odpočívek na silnici I/13 v úseku Chomutov – Teplice a D8 Koštov a Varvažov), Hasičský záchranný sbor Ústeckého kraje – jev 112a (Stanice HZS v průmyslové zóně Triangel), Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky – jev 25a, Správa Národního parku České Švýcarsko – Jev 17a, Český báňský úřad – Jev 57

Volná místa - 03.06 až 23.06.2020

3.6.2020 11:07   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Volná místa:
* rada/odborný rada – organizační pracovník
Podrobnosti zde

Volná místa - 03.06 až 23.06.2020

3.6.2020 11:07   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/O-uradu/Aktuality/Volna-mista-03-06-az-23-06-2020

rada/odborný rada – organizační pracovník

3.6.2020 10:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
rada/odborný rada – organizační pracovník

rada/odborný rada – organizační pracovník

3.6.2020 10:54   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada – organizační pracovník

Důležité: Přechod na protokol HTTPS na ArcGIS Online

3.6.2020 9:40   ARCDATA  

Z důvodu zlepšení zabezpečení plánuje společnost Esri pro práci v ArcGIS Online povolit výhradně protokol HTTPS. Tato změna je plánovaná na 8. prosince 2020, doporučujeme se na ni však připravit co nejdříve. 

V našem článku se dozvíte, proč k této změně dochází, jak zjistit, že se vás změna týká, a co v takovém případě bude potřeba udělat.

Bentley Systems Announces the Acquisition of NoteVault, Provider of Voice-based Field Automation for Construction Management

3.6.2020 2:00   Bentley Systems  

Advancing the Scope of Construction Digital Twins

EXTON, Pa. June 3, 2020 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced the acquisition of NoteVault, a San Diego-based provider of voice-based field automation for construction management. The acquisition expands Bentley’s SYNCHRO digital construction environment with industry-leading mobile field applications to track and manage labor, materials, and equipment. Together, these comprehensive offerings further extend the value of digital twins across construction management, enabling projects to combine immersive 4D models of the construction progress with detailed up-to-date reports on resource expenditures, enabling more effective management of cost, schedule, and risk, leading to better project outcomes.

NoteVault’s reporting automation solutions are used widely by both large and small construction companies across the global ENR Top 400 Contractors. Designed to simplify and accelerate job site information collection, NoteVault’s SaaS solution is deployed via mobile devices, uniquely offering natural language automated speech-to-text, augmented with automated machine learning, and human transcription to ensure accuracy. Because NoteVault has been engineered specifically for construction site mobile field reporting, it recognizes construction-specific language for accurate transcription, and enables automated translation so non-native English speakers can submit daily reports more easily using their native language. With NoteVault on their mobile devices, construction professionals can help synchronize status reporting effortlessly while saving time and money, reducing the risk of contractual disputes.

“Digital twins continue to transform the way projects are delivered and operated. Inherent in every digital twin is a stream of continuously updated data, and for construction, automating the semantic interpretation of field reports can now be one of the richest sources of live project information. With the addition of NoteVault’s market-leading resource tracking capabilities, the SYNCHRO 4D construction environment delivers the most comprehensive construction digital twin solution available. We are excited to continue advancing the scope of construction digital twins,” said Dustin Parkman, vice president, project delivery, Bentley Systems.

Peter Lasensky, CEO, NoteVault, added, “Bentley’s vision for transforming construction through digital twins is the perfect vehicle to expand the reach and impact of our innovative voice-based field automation solutions. Updating 4D construction models through insights gleaned from our software for field-captured reporting fully extends the power of voice and positioning technologies together. Combining NoteVault and SYNCHRO is a natural next step in our overall mission, with Bentley, to drive greater efficiencies in construction.”




Captions and images:

NoteVault image and caption

NoteVault image – no caption





About Bentley’s Project Delivery Offerings
Bentley Systems undertakes to provide comprehensive collaboration and constructioneering software, and cloud services, for infrastructure project delivery. ProjectWise 365 cloud services take fullest advantage of Microsoft’s Azure and native web environments. For project digital twins, Bentley’s iTwin Design Review services range from ad hoc 2D/3D discipline-specific workflows through comprehensive and continuous 4D design reviews spanning the full scope of projects utilizing ProjectWise Design Integration. For 4D construction digital twins, Bentley’s SYNCHRO portfolio leverages iTwin services to integrate reality modeling with 4D construction modeling, advanced work packaging, project management and field management cloud services.

Bentley is ranked by ARC Advisory Group as the leading provider of collaborative BIM software. Bentley’s ProjectWise services are the “workhorse for worksharing” for the majority of the ENR Top Design Firms, including 43 of the Top 50. In 2019, Microsoft named Bentley a finalist in the Mixed Reality category of its Partner of the Year program for SYNCHRO’s Microsoft HoloLens 2 use cases.


About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, iTwin, MicroStation, NoteVault, ProjectWise, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Bentley Systems Announces the Acquisition of NoteVault, Provider of Voice-based Field Automation for Construction Management

3.6.2020 2:00   Bentley Systems  

Advancing the Scope of Construction Digital Twins

EXTON, Pa. June 3, 2020 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced the acquisition of NoteVault, a San Diego-based provider of voice-based field automation for construction management. The acquisition expands Bentley’s SYNCHRO digital construction environment with industry-leading mobile field applications to track and manage labor, materials, and equipment. Together, these comprehensive offerings further extend the value of digital twins across construction management, enabling projects to combine immersive 4D models of the construction progress with detailed up-to-date reports on resource expenditures, enabling more effective management of cost, schedule, and risk, leading to better project outcomes.

NoteVault’s reporting automation solutions are used widely by both large and small construction companies across the global ENR Top 400 Contractors. Designed to simplify and accelerate job site information collection, NoteVault’s SaaS solution is deployed via mobile devices, uniquely offering natural language automated speech-to-text, augmented with automated machine learning, and human transcription to ensure accuracy. Because NoteVault has been engineered specifically for construction site mobile field reporting, it recognizes construction-specific language for accurate transcription, and enables automated translation so non-native English speakers can submit daily reports more easily using their native language. With NoteVault on their mobile devices, construction professionals can help synchronize status reporting effortlessly while saving time and money, reducing the risk of contractual disputes.

“Digital twins continue to transform the way projects are delivered and operated. Inherent in every digital twin is a stream of continuously updated data, and for construction, automating the semantic interpretation of field reports can now be one of the richest sources of live project information. With the addition of NoteVault’s market-leading resource tracking capabilities, the SYNCHRO 4D construction environment delivers the most comprehensive construction digital twin solution available. We are excited to continue advancing the scope of construction digital twins,” said Dustin Parkman, vice president, project delivery, Bentley Systems.

Peter Lasensky, CEO, NoteVault, added, “Bentley’s vision for transforming construction through digital twins is the perfect vehicle to expand the reach and impact of our innovative voice-based field automation solutions. Updating 4D construction models through insights gleaned from our software for field-captured reporting fully extends the power of voice and positioning technologies together. Combining NoteVault and SYNCHRO is a natural next step in our overall mission, with Bentley, to drive greater efficiencies in construction.”




Captions and images:

NoteVault image and caption

NoteVault image – no caption





About Bentley’s Project Delivery Offerings
Bentley Systems undertakes to provide comprehensive collaboration and constructioneering software, and cloud services, for infrastructure project delivery. ProjectWise 365 cloud services take fullest advantage of Microsoft’s Azure and native web environments. For project digital twins, Bentley’s iTwin Design Review services range from ad hoc 2D/3D discipline-specific workflows through comprehensive and continuous 4D design reviews spanning the full scope of projects utilizing ProjectWise Design Integration. For 4D construction digital twins, Bentley’s SYNCHRO portfolio leverages iTwin services to integrate reality modeling with 4D construction modeling, advanced work packaging, project management and field management cloud services.

Bentley is ranked by ARC Advisory Group as the leading provider of collaborative BIM software. Bentley’s ProjectWise services are the “workhorse for worksharing” for the majority of the ENR Top Design Firms, including 43 of the Top 50. In 2019, Microsoft named Bentley a finalist in the Mixed Reality category of its Partner of the Year program for SYNCHRO’s Microsoft HoloLens 2 use cases.


About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.


Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, iTwin, MicroStation, NoteVault, ProjectWise, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Commercial UAV Expo Americas 2020 Shifts to Virtual Event in September - FAA Administrator Stephen M. Dickson to Keynote

2.6.2020 21:42 Webcasts-Webinars   Commercial UAV Expo Americas 2020 is going virtual, according to event organizer Diversified Communications. "Due to ongoing health and safety …

Autonodyne Partners with Robotic Skies for Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems Maintenance Support

2.6.2020 21:42 Webcasts-Webinars   Partnership brings aviation safety mindset to the integration of autonomous systems into the National Airspace.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., June 2, 2020 …

Kaarta announces Stencil Pro mobile mapping system

2.6.2020 21:42 Webcasts-Webinars   SLAM-based mobile mapping with integrated 360° color is a rugged, geo-enabled, high density and versatile workhorse
PITTSBURGH, June 2, 2020 — …

SurvCE & SurvPC Webinars Start June 8

2.6.2020 18:38   Carlson Software   Carlson’s new 10-part webinar training series for SurvCE & SurvPC begins Monday, June 8 and runs five days a week through Friday, June 19. Each in-depth course runs about an hour and provides the opportunity to ask questions to the presenter. Courses are also recorded and are provided to registrants at no additional cost. The […]

HLEDÁME POSILU DO TÝMU: Obchodně-technický manažer

2.6.2020 18:11   TopGis   Máš rád komunikaci se zákazníky? Máš obchodního ducha? Baví tě hledat nové obchodní možnosti a případy? Umíš práci dotáhnout do zdárného konce? Umíš hledat spolu se zákazníky nová řešení a vylepšení? Pokud ano, tak hledáme právě Tebe. Co požadujeme: Co očekáváme: Co Vám nabízíme: Pokud Vás tato pozice zaujala, zašlete nám Váš CV na e-mail:

Mitsubishi Corporation and NTT complete acquisition of 30% stake in HERE Technologies

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   June 2, 2020 Amsterdam and Tokyo – HERE Technologies today announced that Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone …

LeddarTech Accelerates LiDAR Deployment for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Autonomous Driving, and Industrial Applications in Cooperation with STMicroelectronics

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   QUEBEC CITY, June 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LeddarTech®, an industry leader in providing the most versatile and scalable auto and mobility …

Home Prices Holding Steady Despite Initial Concerns: CoreLogic Reports Home Price Acceleration Continued in April, but a Decline is Looming

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   The U.S. CoreLogic HPI was up 5.4% compared to April 2019, with gains in all states

The HPI Forecast predicts the U.S. index will fall 1.3% from …

Woolpert Designs Cityworks GeoPhoto Tool to Improve Work Order Management

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   The tool layers the technology of Esri and the software functionality of Cityworks to spatially represent linear assets.
RICHMOND, Va., June 2, 2020 …

New USB3 cameras engineered to meet the challenges of modern vision systems

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   OTTAWA, June 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne Lumenera, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] company, and manufacturer and developer of digital …

Flowfinity Launches Remote Work Bundle to Aid Productivity and Safety

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 2, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  Flowfinity Wireless Inc. today announced their Remote Work Bundle, a …

Webinar: How UAV Icing Simulations Help With Ice Protection

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   Pointwise has released a webinar hosted by neptech AB and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology entitled "Simulation of in-flight icing …

AerialSphere Strengthens Executive Team with Appointment of Chief Revenue Officer and VP of Marketing

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   Seasoned Executives Ryan Schaefer and Josh Benveniste Join to Drive the Next Stage of Growth at AerialSphere
PHOENIX, June 2, 2020 — …

Swift Teams Continue to Make History in Kobe City by Uncovering Key Safety Findings

2.6.2020 16:32 Webcasts-Webinars   While Japanese Government Officials Protect the Region with Life Saving UAS Discoveries
SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. and KOBE, Japan, June 2, 2020 — …

V novém mezinárodním projektu ICARUS na U-Space od SESARu je Jakub členem Advisory Board

2.6.2020 13:36   UpVision  

V květnu byly zahájeny další tři mezinárodní výzkumné projekty na U-Space pod SESARem a v jednom z nich v projektu ICARUS je Jakub poradcem a členem Advisory Board. Drone projects secure EUR1.4 million EU funding in Horizon 2020 exploratory research programme

The post V novém mezinárodním projektu ICARUS na U-Space od SESARu je Jakub členem Advisory Board appeared first on Upvision.

V novém mezinárodním projektu ICARUS na U-Space od SESARu je Jakub členem Advisory Board

2.6.2020 13:36   UpVision  

V květnu byly zahájeny další tři mezinárodní výzkumné projekty na U-Space pod SESARem a v jednom z nich v projektu ICARUS je Jakub poradcem a členem Advisory Board. Drone projects secure EUR1.4 million EU funding in Horizon 2020 exploratory research programme

The post V novém mezinárodním projektu ICARUS na U-Space od SESARu je Jakub členem Advisory Board appeared first on Upvision.

vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo odborný referent /vrchní referent

2.6.2020 11:34   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo odborný referent /vrchní referent v odd. aktualizace katastru nemovitostí Katastrálního pracoviště Velké Meziříčí na Katastrálním úřadu pro Vysočinu, místo výkonu služby Velké Meziříčí.

vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo odborný referent /vrchní referent

2.6.2020 11:34   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/O-uradu/Aktuality/vyhlaseni-vyberoveho-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-odbo

Volná místa - 02.6 až 22.06.2020

2.6.2020 11:20   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/O-uradu/Aktuality/Volna-mista-02-6-az-22-06-2020

Volná místa 02.6 až 22.06.2020

2.6.2020 11:20   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Volná místa:
* rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V
Podrobnosti zde

Volná místa 02.6 až 22.06.2020

2.6.2020 11:20   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/O-uradu/Aktuality/Volna-mista-02-6-az-22-06-2020

Volná místa - 02.6 až 22.06.2020

2.6.2020 11:20   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Volná místa:
* rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V
Podrobnosti zde

Volná místa 02.6 až 22.06.2020

2.6.2020 11:20   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Volná místa:
* rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V

rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V

2.6.2020 11:15   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V

rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V

2.6.2020 11:15   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V

rada/odborný rada – vedoucí právního oddělení V

2.6.2020 11:15   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/rada-odborny-rada-–-vedouci-pravniho-oddeleni-V

Kartograf/ka - Sedlčany

2.6.2020 10:23   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Kartograf

Kartograf/ka - Sedlčany

2.6.2020 10:23   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Kartograf/ka - Sedlčany

Kartograf/ka - Sedlčany

2.6.2020 10:23   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Kartograf/ka - Sedlčany

Kartograf/ka - Sedlčany

2.6.2020 10:23   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Kartograf/ka - Sedlčany

odborný referent vrchní referent odd. aktualizace KN KP Velké Meziříčí

2.6.2020 10:22   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu Katastrální pracoviště Velké Meziříčí
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
odborný referent vrchní referent odd. aktualizace KN KP Velké Meziříčí

odborný referent vrchní referent odd. aktualizace KN KP Velké Meziříčí

2.6.2020 10:22   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/odborny-referent-vrchni-referent-odd-aktualizace

odborný referent vrchní referent odd. aktualizace KN KP Velké Meziříčí

2.6.2020 10:22   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu Katastrální pracoviště Velké Meziříčí vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent vrchní referent odd. aktualizace KN KP Velké Meziříčí

TurboCAD MAC12 CZ (česky)

2.6.2020 10:16   ŠPINAR - software  

Vážení zákazníci,  pro operační systém MAC OS si Vám dovolujeme nabídnout novou verzi programu TurboCAD MAC 12 CZ pro kreslení ve 2D/3D a vizualizace. Vedle verze TurboCAD pro Windows i TurboCAD MAC nabízíme v české verzi!  Můžete vybírat z rodiny TurboCAD MAC: TurboCAD MAC Pro CZ, TurboCAD MAC Deluxe CZ, TurboCAD MAC Designer CZ. TurboCAD MAC CZ nabízí přehledné prostředí...Read more

The post TurboCAD MAC12 CZ (česky) appeared first on ŠPINAR – software.

Monitoring úspěšnosti zimování včelstev v ČR

2.6.2020 8:49   Katedra geoinformatiky UP Olomouc  

Projekt Coloss: Monitoring úspěšnosti zimování včelstev v ČR, na kterém spolupracuje i Katedra geoinformatiky, zveřejnil své výsledky dotazníkového šetření v podobě interaktivní vizualizace 🐝 Zjistěte něco víc o včelách v ČR 🤓

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Monitoring úspěšnosti zimování včelstev v ČR

2.6.2020 7:00   Česká asociace pro geoinformace   Projekt COLOSS zaměřený na monitoring úspěšnosti zimování včelstev v ČR, na kterém se podílí řada odborníků pod vedením biochemika Mgr. Jiřího Danihlíka, Ph.D. z Katedry biochemie Univerzity Palackého ve spolupráci s RNDr. Janem Brusem, Ph.D. z Katedry geoinformatiky, zvěřejnil výsledky letošního šetření prostřednictvím zajímavé interkativní vizualizace

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