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zdroje zpráv:

INSPIRE téma Budovy (BU)

12.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma budovy (BU). Data pochází částečně z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech, a částečně z ISKN (Informační systém katastru nemovistostí). Zdrojem informací o budovách v ISKN je objekt Stavba, v RÚIAN je to Stavební objekt. Většina Staveb je zároveň Stavebními objekty, ale jsou případy, kdy tomu tak není. Kromě Budov datová sada obsahuje i části budov, které jsou pro potřeby INSPIRE vyjádřeny vchody z RÚIAN. Vchody obsahují informace o počtu podlaží, technickoekonomických atributech apod. Datová sada pokrývá celé území české republiky. V datové sadě není uvedeno 1,14%, t.j. 48326 budov (k 08. 06. 2020), protože neobsahují definiční bod ani polygon. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech, ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních, v zákoně 256/2013 Sb., o katastru nemovitostí, v katastrální vyhlášce č. 357/2013 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Buildings v 3.0 z 13.12.2013. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Budovy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě poskytovaná v e-shopu

12.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě je poskytována za úplatu a obsahuje analogovou mapu s kompletní kresbou. Analogová mapa pokrývá 2,99 % území České republiky, což je 2 354,44km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

INSPIRE téma Rozšířené Parcely (CPX)

12.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Rozšíření má za cíl poskytovat katastrální mapu s obsahem podle vyhlášky ve vektorové podobě ve struktuře plně v souladu se strukturou danou směrnicí INSPIRE. Data rozšiřují směrnici INSPIRE pro téma katastrální parcely (CP) o věcná břemena, geodetické body, další prvky mapy, původní obloukovou geometrii a o parcely určené definičním bodem (ty pouze v oblastech s analogovou mapou). Vychází z katastrální mapy, která je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis a může mít formu digitální mapy, analogové mapy nebo digitalizované mapy. Publikovaná data obsahují katastrální území pro celou Českou Republiku, parcely a jejich hranice, věcná břemena, další prvky mapy a původní obloukovou geometrii z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 08. 06. 2020 je to 96,80% území České republiky, t.j. 76 341,13km2) a ve zbytku území katastrální parcely určené pouze definičním bodem (tedy bez hranic a polygonu). Katastrální parcely a hranice obsahují oproti datové sadě INSPIRE některé atributy navíc. Jedná se o typ hranice, způsob využití území, druh pozemku, vazbu na budovu a o mapové značky. Více katastrální zákon 344/1992 SB., katastrální vyhláška č.26/2007 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro Rozšířené Parcely (CPX) ve verzi 4.0.

INSPIRE téma Parcely (CP)

12.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma katastrální parcely (CP). Vychází z katastrální mapy, která je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis a může mít formu digitální mapy, analogové mapy nebo digitalizované mapy. Data publikovaná v rámci INSPIRE obsahují pouze katastrální území (pro celou Českou Republiku) a parcely a jejich hranice z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 08. 06. 2020 je to 96,80% území České republiky, t.j. 76 341,13km2). Více katastrální zákon 344/1992 SB., katastrální vyhláška č.26/2007 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Parcely ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

Commercial UAV Expo Americas and Commercial UAV Expo Europe have both become virtual events in 2020.

12.6.2020 1:24 Webcasts-Webinars   Portland, Maine, USA – Commercial UAV Expo Americas 2020 is going virtual, according to event organizer Diversified Communications. “Due …

OGC Members propose new Routing Standards Working Group; public comment sought on draft charter

12.6.2020 1:20 Webcasts-Webinars   New OGC Working Group will develop an API to request, retrieve, and share routes, regardless of the underlying data, routing engine software, and …

ANRA Technologies and Swiggy Launch Pioneering BVLOS Drone Delivery Program in India

11.6.2020 22:12 Webcasts-Webinars   Building upon years of successful international experience, ANRA leads two consortia for on-demand food delivery in India
NEW DELHI, India, June 11, …

Brandt Further Expands Geopositioning Offering, To Become Exclusive Canadian Sokkia Dealer

11.6.2020 18:36 Webcasts-Webinars   REGINA, SK, June 11, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —

REGINA, SK, June 11, 2020 /CNW/ - The Brandt Group of Companies is pleased to announce …

Agrowing Releases the World's Best AI-Enabling Multispectral Sensor for Agricultural Surveys, with 14 Narrow Bands of 8 Megapixel per Band

11.6.2020 16:36 Webcasts-Webinars   Agrowing's new sensor revolutionizes remote sensing by enabling high-end multispectral AI-identification and classification of pests, diseases, and …

Accela Cloud Solutions Enable U.S. Cities and Counties to Rapidly Adapt to COVID-19 Crisis

11.6.2020 16:36 Webcasts-Webinars   Easily configurable cloud technology helps Fort Lauderdale, San Diego, and Shelby County quickly move permitting processes online, conduct virtual …

CoreLogic Reports Borrowers Gained Over $6 Trillion in Home Equity Since the End of The Great Recession

11.6.2020 16:36 Webcasts-Webinars   The number of underwater homes decreased year over year by 16% or 350,000 homes

The share of homes with negative equity fell to 3.4% in Q1 …

NV5 Awarded $4.6 Million Geospatial Vegetation and Asset Management Contract Extension

11.6.2020 16:36 Webcasts-Webinars   HOLLYWOOD, Fla., June 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NV5 Global, Inc. (the “Company” or “NV5”) (Nasdaq: NVEE), a provider of professional and …

Draganfly and MicaSense Partner on Agricultural Package for Top Tier Imaging and Data Integrity

11.6.2020 16:36 Webcasts-Webinars   Vancouver, British Columbia, June 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Draganfly Inc. (CSE: DFLY) (OTCQB: DFLYF) (FSE: 3U8) (“Draganfly” or the …

Space synergies to drive economic growth and job creation

11.6.2020 15:30   European GNSS Agency  
Synergies between GNSS and Earth observation can help tackle many of the challenges that Europe faces.
11 June 2020

By reinforcing synergies with other space technologies and working with all the Member States, while creating a favourable ecosystem, the impact of the space sector on economic growth in Europe will largely expand and create more jobs, according to European GNSS Agency (GSA) Acting Executive Director Pascal Claudel.

The 2nd Earth Observation Summit has been held online on 2-3 June. This was the occasion to underline how the different components of the EU Space programme are creating value by building applications together.

“The space sector is of strategic importance to the Union. In the last decade space related sectors grew twice as fast as global economy grows. Europe has historically been on the forefront investing greatly in space infrastructure such as Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS. We are proud of these successful investments which are now the foundations and enablers for new applications and businesses. Indeed, space has a multiplier effect in terms of investment and the EU is well placed to capitalize on its strong space industry since more than 10% of the overall EU economy depends on space related services. Relevant technologies generate opportunities for job creation based on new skills, skills of the future.” stated Ms Blaženka Divjak, Croatian Minister of Science and Education during her opening of the Summit.

Underlining this need for the economic development with innovative approaches in mind, Timo Pesonen, Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), confirmed “New products, new satellite missions and new technology, especially digital, like Artificial Intelligence, Quantum technology, and high-performance computing are essential, to keep our industry competitive.” 

Pascal Claudel, GSA Acting Executive Director, confirmed that synergies between all the EU’s Space Programmes are key to increasing the space sector’s presence with EU-ready market products in all market segments. “This will contribute to the growth of our SMEs and start-ups through innovative solutions” he said

Read this: European GNSS Agency (GSA) releases 6th GNSS Market Report

Space for a twin transition to a Green and Digital Europe

Timo Pesonen also cited the European Green Deal as a prime example of a political answer to global challenges. “An ambitious space programme, as the Commission proposes, will contribute to Europe’s digital and green transitions, to strengthening our resilience and strategic autonomy, and in turn our potential to innovate for the future,” he said.

In its operational role of ensuring that European companies are getting the best out of the EU satellite navigation systems, GSA confirmed that significant new markets are coming, such as autonomous vehicles, cars and drones, or applications for smart mobility and smart cities. They will play a crucial role also for the European Green Deal.: “To win parts of these markets, we need to have a performant EU entrepreneurship ecosystem and the involvement of all EU Member States. We have to gather our forces and our competencies.” stated the GSA acting Executive Director.

Indeed, EU Member States do not need to have specific competences in space technologies or a strong space sector to use space data and develop applications. The development of the Galileo Green Lane app, managed by the GSA had been led by traditional start-ups and SMEs. This app makes it possible to ease the transit of critical goods at borders within EU. So, every Member State has the capacity to be an actor on these markets and to develop its own entrepreneurship.

Read this: Looking to space for solutions on Earth Day

Pascal Claudel also noted that, EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) is a federator, making it possible to manage EU traffic, and maritime, inland waterway and rail transport. “We can federate all national traffic management systems towards a unique one. Future funding.

Speaking at a summit session on funding opportunities, Marta Krywanis, Head of Downstream R&D in the GSA Market Development Department, explained that research and development play a key role in the innovation process. “R&D is an investment in technology and future capabilities that can be transformed into new products, processes and services,” she said.

M. Krywanis explained that, since years, the GSA had applied a market-oriented approach to innovation in downstream applications. “This has proven to be a major factor in the market uptake of EGNOS and Galileo. The successful implementation of Fundamental Elements and H2020 programmes have led to the creation of a portfolio of products and advanced prototypes,” she said.

Galileo system as an operational and with the new version of EGNOS to be deployed, the primary goal will be to establish European GNSS as the leader in those markets and sectors that best benefit the unique differentiators of the systems. M. Krywanis noted that, towards this goal, the GSA had consulted with stakeholders and produced a report on proposed European GNSS (EGNSS) downstream funding priorities and tools for the years 2021-2027.

“We believe that R&D focused on EGNSS and its synergies with Copernicus and GovSatCom, for example, will bring many innovations and will contribute to more competitive industry and a greater number of products made in the EU,” she said.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Synergies between GNSS and Earth observation can help tackle many of the challenges that Europe faces.

Space synergies to drive economic growth and job creation

11.6.2020 15:30   European GNSS Agency  
Synergies between GNSS and Earth observation can help tackle many of the challenges that Europe faces.
11 June 2020

By reinforcing synergies with other space technologies and working with all the Member States, while creating a favourable ecosystem, the impact of the space sector on economic growth in Europe will expand and create more jobs, according to European GNSS Agency (GSA) Acting Executive Director Pascal Claudel.

The 2nd Earth Observation Summit was held online on 2-3 June, providing an opportunity to underline how the different components of the EU Space programme are creating value by building applications together.

“The space sector is of strategic importance to the Union. In the last decade, space related sectors grew twice as fast as the global economy. Europe has historically been on the forefront, investing greatly in space infrastructure such as Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS. We are proud of these successful investments which are now the foundations and enablers for new applications and businesses. Indeed, space has a multiplier effect in terms of investment and the EU is well placed to capitalize on its strong space industry since more than 10% of the overall EU economy depends on space related services. Relevant technologies generate opportunities for job creation based on new skills, skills of the future,” said Ms Blaženka Divjak, Croatian Minister of Science and Education during her opening of the Summit.

Underlining this need for economic development based on innovative approaches, Timo Pesonen, Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), confirmed: “New products, new satellite missions and new technology, especially digital, like Artificial Intelligence, Quantum technology, and high-performance computing are essential, to keep our industry competitive.” 

Pascal Claudel, GSA Acting Executive Director, said that synergies between all the EU’s Space Programmes are key to increasing the space sector’s presence with EU-ready market products in all market segments. “This will contribute to the growth of our SMEs and start-ups through innovative solutions,” he said.

Read this: European GNSS Agency (GSA) releases 6th GNSS Market Report

Space for a twin transition to a Green and Digital Europe

Timo Pesonen also cited the European Green Deal as a prime example of a political answer to global challenges. “An ambitious space programme, as the Commission proposes, will contribute to Europe’s digital and green transitions, to strengthening our resilience and strategic autonomy, and in turn our potential to innovate for the future,” he said.

In its operational role of ensuring that European companies are getting the best out of the EU satellite navigation systems, the GSA confirmed that significant new markets are coming, such as autonomous vehicles, cars and drones, or applications for smart mobility and smart cities. These will play a crucial role also for the European Green Deal. “To win parts of these markets, we need to have a performant EU entrepreneurship ecosystem and the involvement of all EU Member States. We have to gather our forces and our competencies,” the GSA Acting Executive Director said.

Indeed, EU Member States do not need to have specific competences in space technologies or a strong space sector to use space data and develop applications. The development of the Galileo Green Lane app, managed by the GSA, was led by traditional start-ups and SMEs. This app makes it possible to ease the transit of critical goods at borders within the EU. So, every Member State has the capacity to be an actor on these markets and to develop its own entrepreneurship.

Read this: Looking to space for solutions on Earth Day

The GSA also noted that EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) is a federator, making it possible to manage EU traffic, and maritime, inland waterway and rail transport. “We can federate all national traffic management systems towards a unique one," Claudel said.

Future funding

Speaking at a summit session on funding opportunities, Marta Krywanis, Head of Downstream R&D in the GSA Market Development Department, explained that research and development play a key role in the innovation process. “R&D is an investment in technology and future capabilities that can be transformed into new products, processes and services,” she said.

Krywanis explained that for years the GSA has applied a market-oriented approach to innovation in downstream applications. “This has proven to be a major factor in the market uptake of EGNOS and Galileo. The successful implementation of the Fundamental Elements and H2020 programmes have led to the creation of a portfolio of products and advanced prototypes,” she said.

With the Galileo system as operational and with the new version of EGNOS to be deployed, the primary goal will be to establish European GNSS as the leader in those markets and sectors that best benefit the unique differentiators of the systems. Krywanis noted that, towards this goal, the GSA had consulted with stakeholders and produced a report on proposed European GNSS (EGNSS) downstream funding priorities and tools for the years 2021-2027.

“We believe that R&D focused on EGNSS and its synergies with Copernicus and GovSatCom, for example, will bring many innovations and will contribute to more competitive industry and a greater number of products made in the EU,” she said.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Synergies between GNSS and Earth observation can help tackle many of the challenges that Europe faces.

Space synergies to drive economic growth and job creation

11.6.2020 15:30   European GNSS Agency  
Synergies between GNSS and Earth observation can help tackle many of the challenges that Europe faces.
11 June 2020

By reinforcing synergies with other space technologies and working with all the Member States, while creating a favourable ecosystem, the impact of the space sector on economic growth in Europe will largely expand and create more jobs, according to European GNSS Agency (GSA) Acting Executive Director Pascal Claudel.

The 2nd Earth Observation Summit has been held online on 2-3 June. This was the occasion to underline how the different components of the EU Space programme are creating value by building applications together.

“The space sector is of strategic importance to the Union. In the last decade space related sectors grew twice as fast as global economy grows. Europe has historically been on the forefront investing greatly in space infrastructure such as Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS. We are proud of these successful investments which are now the foundations and enablers for new applications and businesses. Indeed, space has a multiplier effect in terms of investment and the EU is well placed to capitalize on its strong space industry since more than 10% of the overall EU economy depends on space related services. Relevant technologies generate opportunities for job creation based on new skills, skills of the future.” stated Ms Blaženka Divjak, Croatian Minister of Science and Education during her opening of the Summit.

Underlining this need for the economic development with innovative approaches in mind, Timo Pesonen, Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), confirmed “New products, new satellite missions and new technology, especially digital, like Artificial Intelligence, Quantum technology, and high-performance computing are essential, to keep our industry competitive.” 

Pascal Claudel, GSA Acting Executive Director, confirmed that synergies between all the EU’s Space Programmes are key to increasing the space sector’s presence with EU-ready market products in all market segments. “This will contribute to the growth of our SMEs and start-ups through innovative solutions” he said

Read this: European GNSS Agency (GSA) releases 6th GNSS Market Report

Space for a twin transition to a Green and Digital Europe

Timo Pesonen also cited the European Green Deal as a prime example of a political answer to global challenges. “An ambitious space programme, as the Commission proposes, will contribute to Europe’s digital and green transitions, to strengthening our resilience and strategic autonomy, and in turn our potential to innovate for the future,” he said.

In its operational role of ensuring that European companies are getting the best out of the EU satellite navigation systems, GSA confirmed that significant new markets are coming, such as autonomous vehicles, cars and drones, or applications for smart mobility and smart cities. They will play a crucial role also for the European Green Deal.: “To win parts of these markets, we need to have a performant EU entrepreneurship ecosystem and the involvement of all EU Member States. We have to gather our forces and our competencies.” stated the GSA acting Executive Director.

Indeed, EU Member States do not need to have specific competences in space technologies or a strong space sector to use space data and develop applications. The development of the Galileo Green Lane app, managed by the GSA had been led by traditional start-ups and SMEs. This app makes it possible to ease the transit of critical goods at borders within EU. So, every Member State has the capacity to be an actor on these markets and to develop its own entrepreneurship.

Read this: Looking to space for solutions on Earth Day

The GSA also noted that, EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) is a federator, making it possible to manage EU traffic, and maritime, inland waterway and rail transport. “We can federate all national traffic management systems towards a unique one.

Future funding

Speaking at a summit session on funding opportunities, Marta Krywanis, Head of Downstream R&D in the GSA Market Development Department, explained that research and development play a key role in the innovation process. “R&D is an investment in technology and future capabilities that can be transformed into new products, processes and services,” she said.

M. Krywanis explained that, since years, the GSA had applied a market-oriented approach to innovation in downstream applications. “This has proven to be a major factor in the market uptake of EGNOS and Galileo. The successful implementation of Fundamental Elements and H2020 programmes have led to the creation of a portfolio of products and advanced prototypes,” she said.

Galileo system as an operational and with the new version of EGNOS to be deployed, the primary goal will be to establish European GNSS as the leader in those markets and sectors that best benefit the unique differentiators of the systems. M. Krywanis noted that, towards this goal, the GSA had consulted with stakeholders and produced a report on proposed European GNSS (EGNSS) downstream funding priorities and tools for the years 2021-2027.

“We believe that R&D focused on EGNSS and its synergies with Copernicus and GovSatCom, for example, will bring many innovations and will contribute to more competitive industry and a greater number of products made in the EU,” she said.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Synergies between GNSS and Earth observation can help tackle many of the challenges that Europe faces.

Bentley Systems Turns AASHTO Student TRAC Bridge Contest into a Virtual Event

11.6.2020 15:08   Bentley Systems  

Originally Scheduled to Present in Kansas City, Middle and High School Students from Several States Pivoted to Showcase Bridge Design Projects in a Virtual Setting

EXTON, Pa.June 11, 2020 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the United States, this year presented the annual Transportation and Civil Engineering (TRAC) contest for middle and high school students in a virtual setting. Originally scheduled to be held during AASHTO’s spring meeting in Kansas City, organizers re-invented the competition as the “AASHTO Virtual TRAC Showcase” as a result of COVID-19 social-distancing restrictions.

The Bentley-sponsored AASHTO National Bridge and Structure TRAC Bridge Challenge invites students from 7th-12th grades to design innovative bridge projects using Bentley applications. This year, 18 finalist teams were selected. However, when AASHTO made the difficult decision not to hold the event in person, Bentley partnered with AASHTO to host the “Virtual TRAC Showcase” on June 3. While only 12 of the 18 teams could present in the online forum, it served as an opportunity to recognize students for their hard work, allowing them to present virtually their projects in front of parents, teachers, sponsors, state departments of transportation, and AASHTO members.

The winning teams from Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, and Mississippi, with names including “The Suspension Is Killing Me,” “Bridge O Matics,” and “Cable Stayed Mustangs,” presented their bridge projects designed using Bentley software that included MicroStation, OpenRoads, and ContextCapture. The 10-minute presentations allowed each team to demonstrate how they designed the bridges and built models of their designs with balsawood. Each member of the 12 teams received a certificate and gift card provided by Bentley Systems, Michael Baker International, and TopoDOT to acknowledge the students for their outstanding work.

Francois Valois, Bentley’s vice president for civil engineering, said, “The role of civil engineers is critical to transportation infrastructure. The hands-on experience of the TRAC program introduces students to civil engineering concepts and processes and inspires them to imagine a future career in engineering. I’m proud that AASHTO, Bentley, and the DOTs came together to provide this opportunity for the students to present their projects virtually and get the recognition that they deserve.”

Linda Clifton, AASHTO TRAC program manager, said AASHTO designed the program for use in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) classes to introduce students to transportation and civil engineering. “America’s transportation industry has a huge demand for well-qualified civil engineers. TRAC’s goal is to get middle and high school students exposed to and excited about a career in civil engineering. We see TRAC as an investment in today’s youth, to ensure that America has the highly-skilled workforce it’s going to need for years to come.”

If this year’s TRAC teams are any indication, the program has met its stated goal. One of the 12th-grade students said, “I started the program with an interest in civil engineering and ended with a love for it. TRAC was probably the best way to prepare me for a future as a civil engineer.”
To download videos of the award presentations, please visit the Bentley-sponsored AASHTO National Bridge and Structure TRAC Bridge Showcase.

AASHTO Virtual TRAC Showcase
Caption: Bentley Systems turns AASHTO Student TRAC Bridge Contest into a virtual event


AASHTO is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It represents all transportation modes, including air, highways, public transportation, active transportation, rail, and water. Its primary goal is to foster the development, operation, and maintenance of an integrated national transportation system.

TRAC™ (Transportation and Civil Engineering) & RIDES (Roadways In Developing Elementary Students), AASHTO’s educational outreach programs, are designed for use in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classes. The hands-on activities introduce students in grades K-12 to the work world of transportation and civil engineering and inspire them to consider careers in those fields. State departments of transportation work with schools in their state by providing the curricula and resources for the schools and providing engineers to visit the classrooms to serve as speakers, teach a hands-on activity, and/or talk to students about the importance of math and science in preparing for their future.

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, ContextCapture, MicroStation, OpenRoads, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Krátkodobá brigáda pro studenty i stálé pracovní místo pro absolventy GIT a IT (ACCENDO Ostrava)

11.6.2020 13:20   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   Výzkumný ústav ACCENDO – Centrum pro vědu a výzkum, z.ú. nabízí možnost krátkodobé brigády pro studenty i stálé pracovní místo pro absolventy v oblasti prostorových analýz, geoinformačních systémů a IT. Firma pracuje na výzkumných projektech i na státních zakázkách, jejími klienty jsou obce, města, kraje, ministerstva, Úřad vlády. Nástupní plat od 130 do 180 Kč/hod. […]

Global air pollution maps now available

11.6.2020 12:30   ESA Observing the Earth   A new online platform that allows for the tracking of air pollution worldwide is now available to the public. Image: A new online platform that allows for the tracking of air pollution worldwide is now available to the public.

Global air pollution maps now available

11.6.2020 12:30   ESA Observing the Earth   A new online platform that allows for the tracking of air pollution worldwide is now available to the public. Image: A new online platform that allows for the tracking of air pollution worldwide is now available to the public.

20200612 – volné místo – Ředitel/ka kanceláře ředitele katastrálního úřadu na KÚ pro Ústecký kraj

11.6.2020 11:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/20200612-–-volne-misto-–-Reditel-ka-kancelare-redi


11.6.2020 8:45   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo


11.6.2020 8:45   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Volna-mista/Skladnik-(1)


11.6.2020 8:45   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo


11.6.2020 8:45   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Skladník

Výběrové řízení na služební místo odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506

11.6.2020 7:00   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Plzensky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/Vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-odborny-vrchni

Výběrové řízení na služební místo odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506

11.6.2020 7:00   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Tachov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Ředitelka Katastrálního úřadu pro Plzeňský kraj vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo  
odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506, Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj, Katastrální pracoviště Tachov.

Výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

11.6.2020 6:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Tachov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Ředitelka Katastrálního úřadu pro Plzeňský kraj vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501, Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj, Katastrální pracoviště Tachov.

Výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

11.6.2020 6:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Tachov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Ředitelka Katastrálního úřadu pro Plzeňský kraj vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501, Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj, Katastrální pracoviště Tachov.

Výběrové řízení na služební místo vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

11.6.2020 6:54   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Plzensky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/Vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-vrchni-referent

Odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506

11.6.2020 6:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Tachov
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506

Odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506

11.6.2020 6:47   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Plzensky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/Odborny-vrchni-referent-navrh-zapisu-v-katastru

Odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506

11.6.2020 6:47   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Tachov vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný/vrchní referent - návrh zápisu v katastru – NZK1506

Vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

11.6.2020 6:46   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Tachov vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

Vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

11.6.2020 6:46   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Plzensky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/Vrchni-referent-rada-kontrola-listin-urcenych-k

Vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

11.6.2020 6:46   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Tachov
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Vrchní referent/rada - kontrola listin určených k záznamu – KL1501

UP42 Launches Aerial Data Capabilities With Getmapping

11.6.2020 0:28 Webcasts-Webinars   UP42, a developer platform and marketplace for geospatial data and analytics today announced a new partnership with Getmapping Plc, the UK's leading …

Bezplatně dostupný nástroj pro jazykovou korekturu odborných textů

11.6.2020 0:00   Geografický ústav MU  

Informace ze stránek knihovny Přírodovědecké knihovny:

Informujeme, že uživatelé MU mají až do 27. 6. 2020 možnost využít bezplatného přístupu k nástroji Writefull ( pro jazykovou korekturu anglických odborných textů.

Služba je pro uživatele MU (přistupující z univerzitní počítačové sítě) dostupná na adresách:

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Více informací od produktu:

UNOOSA and UAE Space Agency announce agreement to advance space sustainability

10.6.2020 23:34 Webcasts-Webinars   VIENNA, 10 June (United Nations Information Service) — The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the United Arab …

ProStar, the World Leader in Developing Precision Mapping Solutions, Has Been Granted Another Major U.S. Patent

10.6.2020 17:43 Webcasts-Webinars   GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — June 10, 2020 —

United States Patent No. 9,619,573, prepared and prosecuted by Lewis …

Garmin® reveals the RV 890 GPS navigator

10.6.2020 16:30 Webcasts-Webinars   New 8-inch navigator with enhanced display and RV-specific features
OLATHE, Kan. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — June 10, 2020 —

Garmin …

Accela Launches SaaS Migration Program to Help State and Local Government Customers Easily Move to the Cloud to Bolster Resiliency, Scalability, and Efficiency

10.6.2020 16:30 Webcasts-Webinars   New SaaS migration initiative gives governments a rapid, secure, and cost-effective way to achieve digitally-driven business continuity and …

Trimble Offers New Solutions-as-a-Service Program for Remote Monitoring of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

10.6.2020 16:30 Webcasts-Webinars   New Program Provides Utilities, Consultants and Service Providers with a Subscription Service, Combining Software, Wireless IoT Data Recorders and …

Mapová aplikace ÚPD - nové dokumentace

10.6.2020 15:30   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci Územně plánovací dokumentace obcí byla aktualizována územně plánovací dokumentace obcí v ORP Prachatice – Bušanovice, Ktiš; ORP Trhové Sviny – Horní Stropnice; ORP Soběslav – Roudná, Skalice, Vesce, Tučapy.

Univerzita Karlova ocenila nejlepší studenty a absolventy [Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie, byTopic]

10.6.2020 14:00   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Ve Vlasteneckém sále byly předány Ceny rektora pro nejlepší absolventy Univerzity Karlovy, Mimořádné ceny rektora a Bolzanovy ceny podporující vědeckou výchovu a odbornou přípravu studentů Univerzity Karlovy. Mezi oceněnými byla i Tereza Kadeřábková, obhajující svou bakalářskou práci na katedře aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie. Gratulujeme!

Zeměměřický úřad hledá nové pracovníky

10.6.2020 11:55   Česká kartografická společnost   Zeměměřický úřad vypsal výběrová řízení na pracovníky různého zaměření, včetně pozice kartografa. Podívejte se, jestli nehledají právě Vás… Podrobnosti na webových stránkách.

Online webináře katedry geoinformatiky

10.6.2020 11:22   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   V průběhu dubna a května proběhly na katedře postupně 4 webináře pro studenty středních škol a širokou veřejnost. Pokud jste se některého z webinářů nemohli v daném čase zúčastnit, záznamy jsou dostupné na youtube kanále Hornicko-geologická fakulta, VŠB – TU Ostrava.

Odborný referent v oddělení obnovy katastrálního operátu č. 3 na Technické sekci

10.6.2020 10:32   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj technická sekce
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Odborný referent v oddělení obnovy katastrálního operátu č. 3 na Technické sekci

Odborný referent v oddělení obnovy katastrálního operátu č. 3 na Technické sekci

10.6.2020 10:32   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj technická sekce vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent v oddělení obnovy katastrálního operátu č. 3 na Technické sekci

Odborný referent v oddělení obnovy katastrálního operátu č. 3 na Technické sekci

10.6.2020 10:32   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihomoravsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/Odborny-referent-v-oddeleni-obnovy-katastralniho-o

Lesní hospodářský plán - ÚP Srní (LHC 383220)

10.6.2020 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   O všechny lesy ve vlastnictví státu je podle zákona o lesích č. 289/1995 Sb. pečováno na základě lesních hospodářských plánů nebo-li LHP. LHP jsou zákonným nástrojem pro vlastníka nebo správce státního majetku, který umožňuje efektivní péči o lesní majetek.LHP jsou vyhotoveny v souladu s § 24 a s využitím § 36 zákona č. 289/1995 Sb., o lesích a o změně a doplnění některých zákonů ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákon o lesích“), dle vyhlášky MZe č. 84/1996 Sb. o lesním hospodářském plánování. Obsahují náležitosti uvedené ve výše uvedených zákonných předpisech a předepsané přílohy. LHP jsou schvalována MŽP. Data LHP v datovém formátu XML jsou předávána do datového skladu ÚHÚL se sídlem v Brandýse nad Labem."Výsledkem je z hlediska digitálních GIS dat zejména - hospodářská kniha, grafická část LHPHospodářská kniha - popisuje stav lesa v jednotkách prostorového rozdělení lesa (JPRL) (tabulka s jednotlivými atributy)Grafická část - geografické znázornění JPRL v rastrové podobě (lesnická obrysová mapa porostní, lesnická mapa porostní - měřítko 1:10000)Rastrové podobě předchází vektorizace JPRL (porostní detail ve vektorové podobě s atributy vyjadřujcími zejména označení JPRL)Propojení hospodářské knihy s grafickou částí LHP je umožněno relačním způsobem.

Bentley Systems’ Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference is Going Digital!

10.6.2020 0:07 Webcasts-Webinars   Annual Event for Infrastructure Professionals and Thought Leaders Launches—Virtually—in October

Geospan Recruits CoreLogic Sr. Leader Andrew Zickell as CEO, and Moves Industry Into Remote Servicing and Next-Gen 4D Geospatial Solutions

9.6.2020 20:05 Webcasts-Webinars   President and Visual Geographic Information Pioneer Ted Lachinski Remains Onboard, Harnessing IP and Decades of Ingenuity

Swift Navigation Demonstrates First-Ever Nationwide Lane-Level Precise Positioning With Ambitious Continental U.S. Drive Test

9.6.2020 20:05 Webcasts-Webinars   SAN FRANCISCO, June 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Swift ​​Navigation​, ​​a San Francisco-based tech firm redefining GNSS and precise …

Planet Announces 50cm SkySat Imagery, Tasking Dashboard and Up to 12x Revisit

9.6.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   SAN FRANCISCO, June 9, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  Planet, operator of history's largest commercial fleet of satellites, today announced …

ZENRIN to join the HERE Marketplace

9.6.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Japanese mapping company to offer its location data via global location data exchange hub from HEREAmsterdam, The Netherlands/Kitakyushu city, …

Velodyne Lidar Announces Sales Agreement with AGROINTELLI

9.6.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Velodyne Lidar Sensors Power AGROINTELLI’s Autonomous Farm Vehicles
SAN JOSE, Calif. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — June 9, 2020 —

Velodyne …

Mapcom Systems Joins VertiGIS

9.6.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   LONDON — (BUSINESS WIRE) — June 9, 2020 —

VertiGIS, a leading geographic information systems (GIS) solution provider and software …

AEye Reveals Advanced MEMS That Delivers Solid-State Performance and Reliability Needed to Advance Adoption of Low-Cost LiDAR

9.6.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Independent tests validate that the new 4Sight™ long range intelligent MEMS-based sensor exceeds automotive and industrial standards for shock and …

Weathering the Storm for Now: Mortgage Delinquencies Remain Low in March 2020 Despite Early Impacts of the Pandemic, CoreLogic Reports

9.6.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   The share of mortgages that transitioned from current to 30 days past due increased to 1% in March but remained below the 20-year average of …

EOS Crop Monitoring update: track the soil moisture on your fields

9.6.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   MENLO PARK, Calif., June 9, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  EOS Crop Monitoring, a satellite crop monitoring platform, has launched an …

Space synergies for food security

9.6.2020 16:18   European GNSS Agency  
The combination of EGNSS with Earth observation can deliver significant benefits to the agricultural sector.
10 June 2020

GNSS and Earth observation experts came together at a webinar organised by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) on 26 May to discuss how combining Galileo and EGNOS navigation and positioning tools with the data and services offered by EU Earth observation programme Copernicus can be used to improve food security and make agriculture in general more efficient and sustainable.

Disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have thrown the importance of our food supply chain into sharp focus. At the same time, synergies between positioning data from Galileo and EGNOS and Earth observation data from Copernicus offer huge untapped potential for making the agriculture sector more efficient, resilient and sustainable.

It was to explore this potential and to drive the use of space technology in the service of sustainable agriculture and a more secure food chain that the EO4AGRI H2020 project organised this webinar, in collaboration with GSA, targeted at students, researchers, data analysts, participants in European, national and international projects, service and application developers, and other stakeholders.

Early adopter

The agricultural sector was an early adopter of Europe’s satellite augmentation service EGNOS and over 95% of agricultural receivers in Europe are currently EGNOS-enabled, with more than 65% of receivers Galileo-enabled also. “Galileo plays a key role in precision agriculture not only in positioning but also when combined with other technologies such as Copernicus. The coming High Accuracy Service and Navigation Message Authentication will mean a turning point in smart farming applications”, said María-Eva Ramírez from the European GNSS Service Centre (GSC).

In agriculture, EGNOS-based solutions are used for low-value crop cultivation and low-accuracy operations such as ploughing, fertilizing and harvesting while Galileo receivers are used in a multi-constellation environment for high-value crop cultivation and precision operations such as sowing and transplanting. “EGNOS usage in European farming is a reality. Hundreds of thousands of cereal farmers benefit from free enhanced GPS accuracy. Thanks to EGNOS, crop productivity is increased and more sustainable farming is possible”, said Sofía Cilla from the European Satellite Service Provider (ESSP).

Watch this: European Satellites for Agriculture

“GNSS has become an integral part of smart, connected and integrated farm management solutions and is a key driver for precision farming across the whole crop cycle”, said Joaquín Reyes González, Market Development Technology Officer at the GSA.

Strength through synergy

But it is when EU GNSS and Earth observation services work in synergy that the benefits are most keenly felt. Synergies between EGNSS and Copernicus support a number of agriculture solutions, such as variable rate application, which enables the precise use of fertilisers and pesticides where and when they are most needed, thereby making the sector more resource-efficient and reducing its environmental footprint.

“We just scratched the surface of what is possible when these two core components are put into use operationally. The combination of these two European flagship space projects is a key enabler of the Farm to Fork Strategy, the core of the European Green Deal, allowing for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system in Europe and beyond”, said David Kolitzus from GeoVille Information Systems and Data Processing.

Read this: EGNSS and agriculture – a win-win relationship

EGNSS and Copernicus also enable soil moisture monitoring, providing timely information on water availability and reducing the amount of water used by linking it to the moisture level needed in the soil for a particular crop. Synergies between the two programmes also support the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy, simplifying and digitising processes related to subsidies control and enabling more efficient checks. “EGNSS and Copernicus are core components in digital farming,” Reyes González said.

Webinar series

The May 26 webinar is the first in a series of webinars that will explore the benefits of EGNSS and Earth observation in the agriculture sector. All the presentations and video recording are now available here. A poll held at the event proposed two topics for future webinars: projects that showcase the use of EGNSS and Earth observation for agricultural applications, and technical tools for combining EGNSS and EO, with use cases from agriculture. 

The vote was evenly split, so both these topics are likely to be the subjects of future webinars organised by the GSA. Stay tuned for updates!

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The combination of EGNSS with Earth observation can deliver significant benefits to the agricultural sector.

Bentley Systems’ Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference is Going Digital!

9.6.2020 15:10   Bentley Systems  

Annual Event for Infrastructure Professionals and Thought Leaders
Launches—Virtually—in October

EXTON, Pa., USAJune 9, 2020 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced that its annual infrastructure event, the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, is “going digital.” This new digital format will bring together, now for a broader global community, the thought leadership, networking, and learning content that Bentley conference attendees have come to expect.

The virtual Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference provides complementary access to a wide range of content relevant to infrastructure professionals in every role and at every phase of the infrastructure lifecycle. Highlights include:

Live Judging: Year in Infrastructure 2020 Awards Finalists’ Presentations – October 5 - 16
The Year in Infrastructure Awards finalists, chosen by independent juries of industry experts, present their projects to the judges beginning October 5. This is your chance to hear from the people behind the most extraordinary infrastructure projects of the year as they tell the story of how they leveraged digital advancements to achieve unprecedented outcomes.

Year in Infrastructure 2020 Executive Perspectives – October 20 - 21
Greg Bentley, CEO of Bentley Systems, will be joined by leading infrastructure executives for an interactive discussion on the resilience challenges they face and how to meet those challenges through digital advancement.

Keith Bentley, founder and chief technology officer, will discuss Bentley’s open strategy for digital twins. Keith will be joined by other leading industry visionaries who have deployed digital twins successfully for project delivery or asset performance.

TwinTalks Premiere – October 20
Infrastructure digital twins will be front and center at this year’s event. Join leading industry figures as they moderate six sector-specific TwinTalks, exploring the implications of digital twins for Digital Cities, Design and Construction, Digital Plants, Energy Utilities, Rail and Transit, and Roads and Bridges. Listen to interactive panel discussions with leading industry and business leaders and discover the fascinating opportunities that digital twins introduce for each of these critical infrastructure sectors. The initial October 20 TwinTalks are each part of a three-part series, with the second and third installments of the TwinTalks’ series scheduled through mid-November.

Year in Infrastructure 2020 Awards Ceremony – October 21
After months of jury deliberations, the winners of the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Awards will be announced in our live global broadcast. Don’t miss what has been called the “Academy Awards of Infrastructure.”

ACCELERATE Sessions – October 27 and beyond
Join Bentley product executives Dustin Parkman (Project Delivery), Robert Mankowski (Digital Cities), Ken Adamson (Design Integration), and Alan Kiraly (Asset and Network Performance) as they and their leadership teams review the latest advancements in Bentley applications and cloud services. These sessions will kick-off a multi-track program of more than 100 ACCELERATE sessions that will continue into November. ACCELERATE will feature Bentley and user experts in panel discussions and interactive demonstrations on the latest product advances, innovations, and best practice digital workflows.

Learn More about the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference
Join us online for the virtual Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference and learn from peers, industry experts, and innovators who will share their infrastructure digital twins’ successes. Register for updates at


Image: Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference

Caption: The Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference is Going Digital.


About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is a leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, MicroStation, and ProjectWise are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Bentley Systems’ Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference is Going Digital!

9.6.2020 15:10   Bentley Systems  

Annual Event for Infrastructure Professionals and Thought Leaders
Launches—Virtually—in October

EXTON, Pa., USAJune 9, 2020 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced that its annual infrastructure event, the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference, is “going digital.” This new digital format will bring together, now for a broader global community, the thought leadership, networking, and learning content that Bentley conference attendees have come to expect.

The virtual Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference provides complementary access to a wide range of content relevant to infrastructure professionals in every role and at every phase of the infrastructure lifecycle. Highlights include:

Live Judging: Year in Infrastructure 2020 Awards Finalists’ Presentations – October 5 - 16
The Year in Infrastructure Awards finalists, chosen by independent juries of industry experts, present their projects to the judges beginning October 5. This is your chance to hear from the people behind the most extraordinary infrastructure projects of the year as they tell the story of how they leveraged digital advancements to achieve unprecedented outcomes.

Year in Infrastructure 2020 Executive Perspectives – October 20 - 21
Greg Bentley, CEO of Bentley Systems, will be joined by leading infrastructure executives for an interactive discussion on the resilience challenges they face and how to meet those challenges through digital advancement.

Keith Bentley, founder and chief technology officer, will discuss Bentley’s open strategy for digital twins. Keith will be joined by other leading industry visionaries who have deployed digital twins successfully for project delivery or asset performance.

TwinTalks Premiere – October 20
Infrastructure digital twins will be front and center at this year’s event. Join leading industry figures as they moderate six sector-specific TwinTalks, exploring the implications of digital twins for Digital Cities, Design and Construction, Digital Plants, Energy Utilities, Rail and Transit, and Roads and Bridges. Listen to interactive panel discussions with leading industry and business leaders and discover the fascinating opportunities that digital twins introduce for each of these critical infrastructure sectors. The initial October 20 TwinTalks are each part of a three-part series, with the second and third installments of the TwinTalks’ series scheduled through mid-November.

Year in Infrastructure 2020 Awards Ceremony – October 21
After months of jury deliberations, the winners of the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Awards will be announced in our live global broadcast. Don’t miss what has been called the “Academy Awards of Infrastructure.”

ACCELERATE Sessions – October 27 and beyond
Join Bentley product executives Dustin Parkman (Project Delivery), Robert Mankowski (Digital Cities), Ken Adamson (Design Integration), and Alan Kiraly (Asset and Network Performance) as they and their leadership teams review the latest advancements in Bentley applications and cloud services. These sessions will kick-off a multi-track program of more than 100 ACCELERATE sessions that will continue into November. ACCELERATE will feature Bentley and user experts in panel discussions and interactive demonstrations on the latest product advances, innovations, and best practice digital workflows.

Learn More about the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference
Join us online for the virtual Year in Infrastructure 2020 Conference and learn from peers, industry experts, and innovators who will share their infrastructure digital twins’ successes. Register for updates at


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Bentley Systems is a leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley’s MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

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Galileo-enabled receivers soon in Prague tramways

9.6.2020 10:42   European GNSS Agency  
The first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected by the end of 2020
09 June 2020

The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has issued a tender for Galileo-enabled receivers to be included in Prague tramways as part of a modernization plan to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.

Prague has one of the largest tram fleets in Europe. The city's tramways are using a 20-year old system based on GPS-only. DPP has decided on a unique upgrade of their system to improve localization accuracy and provide vehicle positioning data to passengers. DPP Prague plans to buy Galileo-enabled, multifrequency, multiconstellation receivers for its entire tramway vehicle park. To develop the project, DPP cooperated with the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Czech Department for Transportation, the Municipality of Prague and the European GNSS Agency (GSA). The improvement in localization accuracy connected with the upgrade will bring important efficiency benefits to the DPP network such as a decrease in maintenance costs.

Satellite navigation in practice

"Space applications have a great potential for improving efficiency and safety across a wide variety of sectors and transport belongs to the largest users of space technologies. Galileo adoption in Prague tramways is a great example how to apply European satellite navigation in practice," said Karel Havlíček, Deputy Prime Minister, Czech Republic.

The receivers are planned to be deployed in the entire tram fleet (838 receivers are procured).  DPP will be one of the first public transit companies to use Galileo in their entire fleet.

Read the Czech version here: Přijímače Galilea brzy v pražských tramvajích

"Public transport has to be comfortable and user friendly not only inside the vehicles and at the stops. We managed to provide  real-time data about bus departures and their position on-line to passengers. For this year, we have promised to provide the same also for the tramways," said Adam Scheinherr, Deputy Mayor for Transport from the Municipality of Prague.

"Thanks to the new receivers and the possibility to use the European navigation system Galileo, we will be able to improve localization accuracy based on the tests that have been carried out so far down to 1.5 meters. Further, it will allow us to improve other systems used within DPP such as, for example, automatic speed limitation over the switches," added Petr Witowski, chairman of the board and executive director of DPP.

"Regarding the network extent and the quality of the transport service provided, Prague belongs to the top cities in the European Union. It shows therefore the recognition of Galileo efficiency that DPP plans to use Galileo within the whole tramway fleet as one of the first public transport operators in Europe," commented Pascal Claudel, Acting Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency.

DPP is expecting that the tender will be completed by the end of August 2020. The selected supplier will have to provide and install the receivers within the entire fleet of Prague tramways within 180 days from the contract signature. It is therefore expected that the First Galileo-enabled trams should be on track at the end of 2020.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected by the end of 2020

Galileo-enabled receivers soon in Prague tramways

9.6.2020 10:42   European GNSS Agency  
By the end of 2020, the first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected
09 June 2020

The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has issued a tender for Galileo-enabled receivers to be included in the Prague tramways as part of their modernization plan to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.

Prague has one of the largest tram fleets in Europe. Tramways are using a 20 years old system based on GPS-only. DPP has decided a unique upgrade of their system and intends to replace the current system to improve the localization accuracy and to provide vehicle positioning data to passengers. DPP Prague plans to buy Galileo-enabled, multifrequency, multiconstellation receivers for its entire Tramway vehicle park. To elaborate the project, DPP has cooperated with the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Czech Department for Transportation, the Municipality of Prague and with the European GNSS Agency (GSA). The improvement in localization accuracy connected with the upgrade will bring important efficiency benefits to the DPP network such as a decrease of the maintenance costs.

"Space applications have a great potential for improving efficiency and safety across a wide variety of sectors and transport belongs to the largest users of space technologies. Galileo adoption in Prague Tramways is a great example how to apply European satellite navigation in practice," underlined Karel Havlíček, Deputy Prime Minister, Czech Republic.

The receivers are planned to be deployed in the entire tram fleet (838 receivers are procured).  DPP will be one of the first public transit companies to use Galileo in the entire tram fleet.

Read the Czech version here: Přijímače Galilea brzy v pražských tramvajích

"Public transport has to be comfortable and user friendly not only inside the vehicles and at the stops. We managed to provide  real-time data about bus departures and their position on-line to passengers. For this year, we have promised to provide the same also for the tramways," said Adam Scheinherr, Deputy Mayor for Transport from Municipality of Prague

"Thanks to the new receivers and the possibility to use the European navigation system Galileo, we will be able to improve localization accuracy based on the test that have been carried out so far down to 1,5 meters. Further, it will allow us to improve other systems used within DPP, such as for example automatic speed limitation over the switches," added Petr Witowski, chairman of the board and executive director of DPP.

"Regarding the network extent and the quality of the transport service provided, Prague belongs to the top cities in the European Union. It shows therefore the recognition of Galileo efficiency  that DPP plans to use Galileo within the whole Tramway fleet as one of the first public transport operators in Europe," commented Pascal Claudel, Acting Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency.

DPP is expecting that the competition will be completed by the end of August 2020. The selected supplier will have to provide and install the receivers within the entire fleet of Prague Tramways within 180 days from the contract signature. It is therefore expected that the First Galileo-enabled trams should be on track at the end of 2020.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

By the end of 2020, the first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected

Galileo-enabled receivers soon in Prague tramways

9.6.2020 10:42   European GNSS Agency  
By the end of 2020, the first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected
09 June 2020

The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has issued a tender for Galileo-enabled receivers to be included in the Prague tramways as part of their modernization plan to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.

Prague has one of the largest tram fleets in Europe. Tramways are using a 20 years old system based on GPS-only. DPP has decided a unique upgrade of their system and intends to replace the current system to improve the localization accuracy and to provide vehicle positioning data to passengers. DPP Prague plans to buy Galileo-enabled, multifrequency, multiconstellation receivers for its entire Tramway vehicle park. To elaborate the project, DPP has cooperated with the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Czech Department for Transportation, the Municipality of Prague and with the European GNSS Agency (GSA). The improvement in localization accuracy connected with the upgrade will bring important efficiency benefits to the DPP network such as a decrease of the maintenance costs.

"Space applications have a great potential for improving efficiency and safety across a wide variety of sectors and transport belongs to the largest users of space technologies. Galileo adoption in Prague Tramways is a great example how to apply European satellite navigation in practice," underlined Karel Havlíček, Deputy Prime Minister, Czech Republic.

The receivers are planned to be deployed in the entire tram fleet (838 receivers are procured).  DPP will be one of the first public transit companies to use Galileo in the entire tram fleet.

"Public transport has to be comfortable and user friendly not only inside the vehicles and at the stops. We managed to provide  real-time data about bus departures and their position on-line to passengers. For this year, we have promised to provide the same also for the tramways," said Adam Scheinherr, Deputy Mayor for Transport from Municipality of Prague

"Thanks to the new receivers and the possibility to use the European navigation system Galileo, we will be able to improve localization accuracy based on the test that have been carried out so far down to 1,5 meters. Further, it will allow us to improve other systems used within DPP, such as for example automatic speed limitation over the switches," added Petr Witowski, chairman of the board and executive director of DPP.

"Regarding the network extent and the quality of the transport service provided, Prague belongs to the top cities in the European Union. It shows therefore the recognition of Galileo efficiency  that DPP plans to use Galileo within the whole Tramway fleet as one of the first public transport operators in Europe," commented Pascal Claudel, Acting Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency.

DPP is expecting that the competition will be completed by the end of August 2020. The selected supplier will have to provide and install the receivers within the entire fleet of Prague Tramways within 180 days from the contract signature. It is therefore expected that the First Galileo-enabled trams should be on track at the end of 2020.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

By the end of 2020, the first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected

Galileo-enabled receivers soon in Prague tramways

9.6.2020 10:42   European GNSS Agency  
By the end of 2020, the first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected
09 June 2020

The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has issued a tender for Galileo-enabled receivers to be included in the Prague tramways as part of their modernization plan to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.

Prague has one of the largest tram fleets in Europe. Tramways are using a 20 years old system based on GPS-only. DPP has decided a unique upgrade of their system and intends to replace the current system to improve the localization accuracy and to provide vehicle positioning data to passengers. DPP Prague plans to buy Galileo-enabled, multifrequency, multiconstellation receivers for its entire Tramway vehicle park. To elaborate the project, DPP has cooperated with the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Czech Department for Transportation, the Municipality of Prague and with the European GNSS Agency (GSA). The improvement in localization accuracy connected with the upgrade will bring important efficiency benefits to the DPP network such as a decrease of the maintenance costs.

"Space applications have a great potential for improving efficiency and safety across a wide variety of sectors and transport belongs to the largest users of space technologies. Galileo adoption in Prague Tramways is a great example how to apply European satellite navigation in practice," underlined Karel Havlíček, Deputy Prime Minister, Czech Republic.

The receivers are planned to be deployed in the entire tram fleet (838 receivers are procured).  DPP will be one of the first public transit companies to use Galileo in the entire tram fleet.

Read the czech version here: Přijímače Galilea brzy v pražských tramvajích

"Public transport has to be comfortable and user friendly not only inside the vehicles and at the stops. We managed to provide  real-time data about bus departures and their position on-line to passengers. For this year, we have promised to provide the same also for the tramways," said Adam Scheinherr, Deputy Mayor for Transport from Municipality of Prague

"Thanks to the new receivers and the possibility to use the European navigation system Galileo, we will be able to improve localization accuracy based on the test that have been carried out so far down to 1,5 meters. Further, it will allow us to improve other systems used within DPP, such as for example automatic speed limitation over the switches," added Petr Witowski, chairman of the board and executive director of DPP.

"Regarding the network extent and the quality of the transport service provided, Prague belongs to the top cities in the European Union. It shows therefore the recognition of Galileo efficiency  that DPP plans to use Galileo within the whole Tramway fleet as one of the first public transport operators in Europe," commented Pascal Claudel, Acting Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency.

DPP is expecting that the competition will be completed by the end of August 2020. The selected supplier will have to provide and install the receivers within the entire fleet of Prague Tramways within 180 days from the contract signature. It is therefore expected that the First Galileo-enabled trams should be on track at the end of 2020.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

By the end of 2020, the first Galileo-enabled trams in Prague are expected

André Trudel named president of Korem's new Business Consulting division

9.6.2020 9:00 Webcasts-Webinars   André Trudel, a well known figure in the fields of business development and high performance management, is joining Korem as President of the …

Parking in a pandemic

9.6.2020 8:35   ESA Observing the Earth  

The coronavirus pandemic has brought the tourism and travel industry to a near-standstill, with nationwide lockdowns significantly impacting the aviation and maritime industry worldwide. Satellite images, captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission, show parked aircraft and anchored vessels in times of COVID-19.

V Olomouci tvoří teplotní mapu města – zapojte se i Vy!

9.6.2020 8:30  

Během horkých letních dnů lidé v Olomouci z některých míst spěchají a na jiná naopak cíleně míří, aby se vyhnuli největšímu horku. Výzkumníci z katedry geografie a katedry rozvojových a environmentálních studií (obě PřF UP) si vzali za cíl sestavit pocitovou teplotní mapu Olomouce, která pomůže při návrhu efektivních opatření ke snížení stresu z tepla […]

The post V Olomouci tvoří teplotní mapu města – zapojte se i Vy! appeared first on

Pocitová teplotní mapa Olomouce

9.6.2020 7:00   Česká asociace pro geoinformace   Katedra geografie a Katedra rozvojových a environmentálních studií Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci ve spolupráci s Magistrátem města Olomouc nově připravuje teplotní mapu Olomouce. Výzkum navazuje na bioklimatickou analýzu teplotních poměrů města a jeho cílem je návrh efektivních opatření ke snížení teplotního stresu ve městě během horkých

Elistair Unveils the SAFE-T 2, The New Standard for Tethered Drone Stations

8.6.2020 22:28 Webcasts-Webinars   LYON, France — (BUSINESS WIRE) — June 8, 2020 —

Elistair has announced the release of the Safe-T 2, their most advanced and …

Post-doc position in the MIning MUlti-source and MUlti-modal geo-referenced information (MIMU) project

8.6.2020 19:27   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   Post-doc position in Portugal  Innovative geographic knowledge discovery is becoming increasingly possible through the analysis of large-scale data, for instance made available by Earth observation projects leveraging satellites and remote-sensing, provided by ground-level sensors, or given as volunteered geographical information (e.g., geo-referenced multimedia contents posted online on social media platforms). However, problems that involve combining […]

Media Alert: BlackSky to Provide Satellite Images of Black Lives Matter Protest in Washington, D.C.

8.6.2020 17:41 Webcasts-Webinars   (BUSINESS WIRE) — June 5, 2020 —

View source version on …

CyberTech is First Esri Partner to be Awarded ArcGIS Cloud Services Specialty Designation

8.6.2020 17:41 Webcasts-Webinars   OAK BROOK, Ill., June 8, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  CyberTech Systems and Software Inc. today announced CyberTech's recognition as …

Odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pra

8.6.2020 14:12   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Zlínský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Uherský Brod
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pracoviště Uherský Brod

Odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pra

8.6.2020 14:12   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Zlínský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Uherský Brod vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pra

Odborný referent – zápisy v řízení V a Z v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pra

8.6.2020 14:12   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Zlinsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/Odborny-referent-–-zapisy-v-rizeni-V-a-Z-v-oddelen

20200608 - VŘ ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 13:52   ČÚZK - aktuality v resortu   Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa ředitele katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov.

20200608 - VŘ ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 13:52   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2020/20200608-VR-reditel-KP-Pelhrimov

20200608 - VŘ ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 13:52   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální - Katastrální pracoviště Pelhřimov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa ředitele katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov.

20200608 - VŘ ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 13:52   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2020/20200608-VR-reditel-KP-Pelhrimov

20200608 - VŘ ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 13:52   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální - Katastrální pracoviště Pelhřimov
zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa ředitele katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov.

Safeguarding our oceans

8.6.2020 13:30   ESA Observing the Earth   This image, captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission, takes us over the green algae blooms swirling around the Baltic Sea. Image: This image, captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission, takes us over the green algae blooms swirling around the Baltic Sea.

Making space for the oceans

8.6.2020 11:50   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus all contribute to making our seas and oceans safer and more sustainable
08 June 2020

On June 8 the world celebrates World Oceans Day, when people around the planet celebrate our oceans and seas and work to raise awareness about problems facing the marine environment. The EU space programmes Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus, with their positioning, navigation and Earth observation services, are helping to monitor and protect the oceans and make Europe’s Blue Economy more sustainable, in support of the European Green Deal agenda.

The EU space services play a key role in driving innovation in the context of marine sustainability by enabling the development of applications and services that help monitor and protect the marine environment and marine bio-resources. At the same time, highly accurate navigation and positioning information is helping to make maritime transport more efficient, safe and sustainable.

Increasing safety, protecting the environment

EGNOS, Europe’s sat-nav augmentation system, provides users with more accurate position information compared to GPS alone and a new maritime service based on the current version (EGNOS V2) will provide users with integrity information and maritime safety information, i.e. navigational warnings and notice to mariners, in line with IALA Guidelines. EGNOS V3, the planned evolution of this system, will augment Galileo signals in addition to GPS. 

Watch this: EGNOS for Maritime

A number of projects leverage EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) to increase maritime safety and help protect the environment. The EGNOSforAtoN project demonstrated operationally how to use EGNOS as source of differential corrections for IALA beacons and AIS stations in a cost-efficient way and in line with IALA Guidelines. The SeaSOLAS project has defined a potential maritime safety service based on EGNOS V3-enabled receivers on vessels, while the Hull-to-Hull project has defined new safety concepts based on EGNSS for operations between vessels and also for docking.

 The Safeport project delivered an EGNOS-based portable pilot unit and an app for pilotage and docking operations (SafePilot). The app is continuing to evolve and it is available for tablets and SmartWatches.

What’s more, EGNOS is helping to increase our awareness of the oceans through projects like CoSuDEC, which has created a system for enhanced surveying of coastal waters using standard navigation equipment. 

EGNSS is also a key enabler of the Automatic Identification System (AIS), which is used on ships and by vessel traffic services to identify and locate vessels. It also supports Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), which is designed to collect and disseminate vessel position information. In so doing, the European space programmes are enabling more efficient traffic management and safer maritime navigation, and providing greater situational awareness in the marine environment.

In relation to this, the GNSS-enabled MEDUSE project aims at a more sustainable use of marine parks, and provides services to marine park users and tools to the park authorities, allowing them to track and trace vessels within restricted marine areas using AIS Class B transponders with EGNOS.

Fighting illegal fishing

GNSS also enables position reporting (the so-called ‘blue box’) in the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), which is used in fisheries monitoring and provides data to the fisheries authorities on the location, course and speed of vessels. When combined with remote imagery in the Vessel Detection System (VDS), satellite technology is a key tool in the fight against illegal fishing, helping to identify and catch violators and protect fish stocks.

Read this: Space – underpinning the blue economy

Galileo satellites carry a SAR payload and the Galileo SAR service is an important contributor to the Global Cospas-Sarsat service for Search & Rescue. The Galileo SAR service is comprised of two components: an automatic Forward Link distress alert Service (FLS) and a Return Link Service (RLS), launched earlier this year, which allows people in distress to receive automatic acknowledgement that their alert has been received and is being processed. 

This combination, along with the increased positioning accuracy provided by Galileo, has reduced the time it takes to detect a person lost at sea from three hours to just 10 minutes after the distress beacon is activated. Localisation of the distress beacon has also improved - from 10 km to less than 5 km.

The Helios Project has developed maritime search and rescue beacons for vessels (EPIRBs) and for personal use (PLBs), which are already on the market and using Galileo (to see all Galileo enabled PLBs click here).

Europe’s eyes on Earth

It is not only the EGNSS component of the EU Space Programme that is helping support sustainability of our oceans and seas. Copernicus, “Europe’s eyes on Earth,” provides essential information in six main domains, including atmosphere monitoring, marine environment monitoring, and climate monitoring. In particular, the observations and forecasts produced by the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) support marine applications, including safety, monitoring of marine resources and of the coastal and marine environment, in addition to providing weather, seasonal and climate forecasts.

According to the EU Blue Economy Report 2019, the usefulness of CMEMS is reflected in the increasing number of users not only among universities and public authorities, but also among businesses from different domains, including maritime safety, coastal and marine environment, marine resources and weather forecasting.

Copernicus services for security applications also offer maritime surveillance, thereby supporting a better understanding and improved monitoring of activities at sea within a wide range of operational functions such as maritime safety and security, fisheries control, customs, law enforcement, marine environment pollution monitoring, and others.

A final example of the exploitation of synergies between EGNSS and Copernicus for maritime surveillance and search and rescue is the SARA project, where a tethered drone installed on a vessel is used to locate seafarers and passengers in distress after a wreck.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus all contribute to making our seas and oceans safer and more sustainable

Making space for the oceans

8.6.2020 11:50   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus all contribute to making our seas and oceans safer and more sustainable
08 June 2020

On June 8 the world celebrates World Oceans Day, when people around the planet celebrate our oceans and seas and work to raise awareness about problems facing the marine environment. The EU space programmes Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus, with their positioning, navigation and Earth observation services, are helping to monitor and protect the oceans and make Europe’s Blue Economy more sustainable, in support of the European Green Deal agenda.

The EU space services play a key role in driving innovation in the context of marine sustainability by enabling the development of applications and services that help monitor and protect the marine environment and marine bio-resources. At the same time, highly accurate navigation and positioning information is helping to make maritime transport more efficient, safe and sustainable.

Increasing safety, protecting the environment

EGNOS, Europe’s sat-nav augmentation system, provides users with more accurate position information compared to GPS alone and a new maritime service based on the current version (EGNOS V2) will provide users with integrity information and maritime safety information, i.e. navigational warnings and notice to mariners, in line with IALA Guidelines. EGNOS V3, the planned evolution of this system, will augment Galileo signals in addition to GPS. 

Watch this: EGNOS and Galileo for Waterborne Transport

A number of projects leverage EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) to increase maritime safety and help protect the environment. The EGNOSforAtoN project demonstrated operationally how to use EGNOS as source of differential corrections for IALA beacons and AIS stations in a cost-efficient way and in line with IALA Guidelines. The SeaSOLAS project has defined a potential maritime safety service based on EGNOS V3-enabled receivers on vessels, while the Hull-to-Hull project has defined new safety concepts based on EGNSS for operations between vessels and also for docking.

 The Safeport project delivered an EGNOS-based portable pilot unit and an app for pilotage and docking operations (SafePilot). The app is continuing to evolve and it is available for tablets and SmartWatches.

What’s more, EGNOS is helping to increase our awareness of the oceans through projects like CoSuDEC, which has created a system for enhanced surveying of coastal waters using standard navigation equipment. 

EGNSS is also a key enabler of the Automatic Identification System (AIS), which is used on ships and by vessel traffic services to identify and locate vessels. It also supports Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), which is designed to collect and disseminate vessel position information. In so doing, the European space programmes are enabling more efficient traffic management and safer maritime navigation, and providing greater situational awareness in the marine environment.

In relation to this, the GNSS-enabled MEDUSE project aims at a more sustainable use of marine parks, and provides services to marine park users and tools to the park authorities, allowing them to track and trace vessels within restricted marine areas using AIS Class B transponders with EGNOS.

Fighting illegal fishing

GNSS also enables position reporting (the so-called ‘blue box’) in the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), which is used in fisheries monitoring and provides data to the fisheries authorities on the location, course and speed of vessels. When combined with remote imagery in the Vessel Detection System (VDS), satellite technology is a key tool in the fight against illegal fishing, helping to identify and catch violators and protect fish stocks.

Read this: Space – underpinning the blue economy

Galileo satellites carry a SAR payload and the Galileo SAR service is an important contributor to the Global Cospas-Sarsat service for Search & Rescue. The Galileo SAR service is comprised of two components: an automatic Forward Link distress alert Service (FLS) and a Return Link Service (RLS), launched earlier this year, which allows people in distress to receive automatic acknowledgement that their alert has been received and is being processed. 

This combination, along with the increased positioning accuracy provided by Galileo, has reduced the time it takes to detect a person lost at sea from three hours to just 10 minutes after the distress beacon is activated. Localisation of the distress beacon has also improved - from 10 km to less than 5 km.

The Helios Project has developed maritime search and rescue beacons for vessels (EPIRBs) and for personal use (PLBs), which are already on the market and using Galileo (to see all Galileo enabled PLBs click here).

Europe’s eyes on Earth

It is not only the EGNSS component of the EU Space Programme that is helping support sustainability of our oceans and seas. Copernicus, “Europe’s eyes on Earth,” provides essential information in six main domains, including atmosphere monitoring, marine environment monitoring, and climate monitoring. In particular, the observations and forecasts produced by the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) support marine applications, including safety, monitoring of marine resources and of the coastal and marine environment, in addition to providing weather, seasonal and climate forecasts.

According to the EU Blue Economy Report 2019, the usefulness of CMEMS is reflected in the increasing number of users not only among universities and public authorities, but also among businesses from different domains, including maritime safety, coastal and marine environment, marine resources and weather forecasting.

Copernicus services for security applications also offer maritime surveillance, thereby supporting a better understanding and improved monitoring of activities at sea within a wide range of operational functions such as maritime safety and security, fisheries control, customs, law enforcement, marine environment pollution monitoring, and others.

A final example of the exploitation of synergies between EGNSS and Copernicus for maritime surveillance and search and rescue is the SARA project, where a tethered drone installed on a vessel is used to locate seafarers and passengers in distress after a wreck.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus all contribute to making our seas and oceans safer and more sustainable

Ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 9:37   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu - Katastrální pracoviště Pelhřimov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo rada/odborný rada – ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov
na Katastrálním úřadu pro Vysočinu, místo výkonu služby Pelhřimov

Geografie pro udržitelný rozvoj měst a regionů

8.6.2020 9:29   Česká kartografická společnost   Ve dnech 8.–10. září 2020 se v kampusu Západočeské univerzity v Plzni uskuteční Výroční konference ČGS s hlavním tématem „Geografie pro udržitelný rozvoj měst a regionů“. Více informací na webu konference.

Ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 9:27   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo rada/odborný rada – ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov na Katastrálním úřadu pro Vysočinu, místo výkonu služby Pelhřimov

Ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 9:27   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/O-uradu/Aktuality/Reditel-Katastralniho-pracoviste-Pelhrimov

Ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 9:22   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Pelhrimov/O-uradu/Aktuality/Reditel-Katastralniho-pracoviste-Pelhrimov

Ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 9:22   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu - Katastrální pracoviště Pelhřimov zveřejnil novou aktualitu:
Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na služební místo rada/odborný rada – ředitel Katastrálního pracoviště Pelhřimov 
na Katastrálním úřadu pro Vysočinu, místo výkonu služby Pelhřimov 

ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 8:38   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu Katastrální pracoviště Pelhřimov vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo ředitel KP Pelhřimov

ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 8:38   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Vysočinu Katastrální pracoviště Pelhřimov
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
ředitel KP Pelhřimov

ředitel KP Pelhřimov

8.6.2020 8:38   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Vysocinu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/reditel-KP-Pelhrimov

Závěrečná konference projektu EduChange

8.6.2020 8:11  

Organizátoři projektu EduChange, který se zaměřuje na inovativní metody (virtuální realitu, geohry, využití GIS) ve výuce o dopadech klimatické změny, zvou na závěrečnou konferenci. Konference se bude konat 29. června v Olomouci. Dopolední program bude probíhat i online (viz program níže) a odpolední program budou naplňovat praktické workshopy a neformální síťování. Vzhledem k tomu, že minimálně […]

The post Závěrečná konference projektu EduChange appeared first on

Nabídka studijních a výzkumných pobytů v Japonsku

8.6.2020 7:44   Blogující geomatici - FAV ZČU   Akademická informační agentura informuje o nabídkách stipendijních pobytů v zahraničí na základě mezinárodních smluv pro studenty a akademické pracovníky veřejných vysokých škol.
Tentokrát jde o možnost pobytu v Japonsku, vizte
Deadline přihlášek je 26. 6. 2020.

KM Dačice uzavřeno

8.6.2020 6:08   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Jindřichův Hradec
zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Dne 15.06.2020 bude Kontaktní místo v Dačicích UZAVŘENO.

KM Dačice uzavřeno

8.6.2020 6:08   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Jindrichuv-Hradec/O-uradu/Aktuality/KM-Dacice-uzavreno

KM Dačice uzavřeno

8.6.2020 6:08   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální - Katastrální pracoviště Jindřichův Hradec
zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Dne 15.06.2020 bude Kontaktní místo v Dačicích UZAVŘENO.

World Geospatial Industry Council welcomes new members to the executive board

5.6.2020 23:21 Webcasts-Webinars   WGIC is delighted to welcome senior leadership from AAM, Bentley Systems, e-GEOS, and Riegl to the WGIC executive board.
June 5, 2020 – …

Automation driving safety and efficiency in essential streetworks for Northern Gas Networks

5.6.2020 17:19 Webcasts-Webinars   June 05, 2020 -- 1Spatial, the global geospatial software and solutions company and Northern Gas Networks (NGN) have been working together to create …

Drone Delivery Services Provide Much-needed Supplies to Rural Communities

5.6.2020 17:19 Webcasts-Webinars   FN Media Group Presents Market Commentary
NEW YORK, June 5, 2020 — (PRNewswire) — Since the beginning of the pandemic, …

Riešenie problému s pripojením kontrolnej jednotky po aktualizácií Windows 10

5.6.2020 16:24   Pred mesiacom sme zaznamenali problém s pripojením kontrolných jednotiek s operačným systém Windows Mobile k PC.Problém spôsobila aktualizácia operačného systému Windows 10. Operačné systémy Windows 10 verzia 1703 a vyššia nemusia podporovať pripojenie zariadení cez Windows Mobile Device Center.Riešenie problému:1.) nainštalujte si najnovšiu verziu .NET Framework 3.52.) nainštalujte si Windows Mobile Device Center 6.164 bitová verzia na stiahnutie32 bitová verzia na stiahnutie3.) [...]

Riešenie problému s pripojením kontrolnej jednotky po aktualizácií Windows 10

5.6.2020 16:24   Pred mesiacom sme zaznamenali problém s pripojením kontrolných jednotiek s operačným systém Windows Mobile k PC. Problém spôsobila aktualizácia operačného systému Windows 10. Operačné systémy Windows 10 verzia 1703 a vyššia nemusia podporovať pripojenie zariadení cez Windows Mobile Device Center. Riešenie problému: 1.) nainštalujte si najnovšiu verziu .NET Framework 3.5 2.) nainštalujte si Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 64 bitová verzia na [...]

Riešenie problému s pripojením kontrolnej jednotky po aktualizácií Windows 10

5.6.2020 16:24   Pred mesiacom sme zaznamenali problém s pripojením kontrolných jednotiek s operačným systém Windows Mobile k PC. Problém spôsobila aktualizácia operačného systému Windows 10. Operačné systémy Windows 10 verzia 1703 a vyššia nemusia podporovať pripojenie zariadení cez Windows Mobile Device Center. Riešenie problému: 1.) nainštalujte si najnovšiu verziu .NET Framework 3.5 2.) nainštalujte si Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 64 bitová verzia na [...]

RACE dashboard now available

5.6.2020 12:05   ESA Observing the Earth   Rapid Action on COVID-19 and Earth observation

The coronavirus pandemic constitutes an unprecedented challenge with severe societal and socio-economic consequences. In order to shed new light on these changes taking place, ESA and the European Commission have worked closely together to create the ‘Rapid Action Coronavirus Earth observation’ dashboard – also known as RACE. The platform, which was unveiled today during an online event, uses Earth observation satellite data to measure the impact of the coronavirus lockdown and monitor post-lockdown recovery.

RACE dashboard now available

5.6.2020 12:05   ESA Observing the Earth   Rapid Action on COVID-19 and Earth observation

The coronavirus pandemic constitutes an unprecedented challenge with severe societal and socio-economic consequences. In order to shed new light on these changes taking place, ESA and the European Commission have worked closely together to create the ‘Rapid Action Coronavirus Earth observation’ dashboard – also known as RACE. The platform, which was unveiled today during an online event, uses Earth observation satellite data to measure the impact of the coronavirus lockdown and monitor post-lockdown recovery.

Projekt bronzového odlitku vypálené synagogy

5.6.2020 11:22   Katedra geoinformatiky UP Olomouc  

Něco velkého se chystá ‼️ Geoinformatika UPOL Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci ve spolupráci s Židovská obec Olomouc / Jewish Community Olomouc a sochařem Jiřím Žlebkem připravuje projekt bronzového modelu olomoucké synagogy, vypálené v roce 1939 🤓 Na katedře vznikl virtuální 3D model a právě probíhá fáze prvních testovacích 3D tisků 👌 Sada 3D modelů bude sloužit jako forma pro bronzový odlitek ve velikosti […]

The post Projekt bronzového odlitku vypálené synagogy appeared first on Katedra geoinformatiky.

Omezení provozu pracoviště

5.6.2020 10:57   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kralovice omezení provozu pracoviště Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj, Katastrální pracoviště Kralovice oznamuje, že v týdnu od 15. do 19.6.2020 bude, z důvodu stěhování pracoviště, omezen rozsah služeb pro veřejnost.
Poskytování údajů z KN (výpisy z LV, snímky z mapy, kopie listin) bude naposledy na adrese Masarykovo nám. 1 v pondělí 15.6. v době od 8 do 17 hodin. Další poskytování údajů bude pak až v pondělí 22.6.  od 8 do 17 hodin, již na nové adrese Náměstí Osvobození 886 ( budova, kde dříve sídlil finanční úřad).
Ve středu 17.6. bude přepážka poskytování údajů z technických důvodů uzavřena.
Podatelna bude přijímat podání  do 18.6.  ještě na adrese Masarykovo nám. 1, od 19.6 pak na adrese Náměstí Osvobození 886 ( budova, kde dříve sídlil finanční úřad).

Power-efficient positioning for the IoT

5.6.2020 10:36   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA White Paper looks at how positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient.
05 June 2020

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published a White Paper on “Power-efficient positioning for the Internet of Things”, providing an overview of GNSS technologies that are relevant for low-power IoT applications, including those that require hybridisation with other connectivity solutions. The GSA is organising a dedicated webinar on 18 June to present the main findings from the paper. 

The world is embracing Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Billions of internet-connected devices are capable of sensing, communicating, interacting, computing and actuating. These devices are set to become even more integrated into our daily lives and by 2022 it is estimated that around 18 billion out of 29 billion connected devices will be related to the IoT.

With millions of moving interconnected devices in the IoT environment, many applications require or benefit from knowing the location of an individual device. In this context, the latest GSA White Paper looks at how GNSS-based positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient, to meet the needs of this growing market.

Key findings

GNSS is a viable solution for tracking objects in the IoT world. However, the power consumed by positioning is an important concern. Two basic approaches have emerged in recent years to optimise consumption: transmission of pseudoranges for remote position determination, and snapshot techniques. In the first of these, the power consumption related to determining position is saved by transmitting the measurements to an external facility with no power restrictions while, for the second, the GNSS receiver is only activated for short periods to determine the position. 

Read this: Harnessing Galileo to shape the future of IoT

Combining both approaches will decrease the power consumption even further but, ultimately, the optimal solution will depend on the application in question. “When deciding on a GNSS-based solution for a given application, numerous factors play a role including target accuracy, selected LPWAN, desired battery life, ease of integration, and hardware and implementation cost,” according to the report.

The White Paper also advises applications that require a position accuracy of one meter or less to use a multi-constellation, multi-frequency receiver. “However, as most low-power IoT applications prioritise extending battery life, a multi-constellation single-frequency receiver is sufficient when positioning accuracy of multiple meters is acceptable,” it notes.

The report also states that, when deciding on an energy-efficient GNSS technique, the choice of the terrestrial network limits the possible options, as most solutions rely on external data to determine the position via GNSS.

A dedicated webinar 

The main findings from the White Paper will be presented at a dedicated webinar on Power-efficient positioning for the Internet of Things, to take place at 15:00 on 18 June. This GSA-hosted webinar will also feature input from major chipset manufacturers in the IoT domain such as STM & U-blox. 

What’s more, EU-funded R&D projects that are working to reduce the power consumption of GNSS positioning for the Internet of Things will also present their innovative solutions. These include: “Accurate GNSS POsitioning for Low power and Low-cost Objects” (APOLLO), which aims at providing a Galileo-based geolocation solution for the IoT market by drastically reducing energy consumption.

The APOLLO project noted in the White Paper that: “The ability to calculate the GNSS position of IoT objects with a very small energy footprint will pave the way for a market of tens of millions of moving objects each year.”

Also presenting at the webinar will be the GEONAV IoT project, which is working to develop and deliver precise ubiquitous positioning and navigation applications and services; and the Galileo of Things gs(GoT) project, which is targeting the delivery of a Galileo semiconductor-IP core that mates with NB-IoT IP for low-power consumption solutions. 

Interested? For more information and to register, click here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA White Paper looks at how positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient.

Power-efficient positioning for the IoT

5.6.2020 10:36   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA White Paper looks at how positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient.
05 June 2020

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published a White Paper on “Power-efficient positioning for the Internet of Things”, providing an overview of GNSS technologies that are relevant for low-power IoT applications, including those that require hybridisation with other connectivity solutions. The GSA is organising a dedicated webinar on 18 June to present the main findings from the paper. 

The world is embracing Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Billions of internet-connected devices are capable of sensing, communicating, interacting, computing and actuating. These devices are set to become even more integrated into our daily lives and by 2022 it is estimated that around 18 billion out of 29 billion connected devices will be related to the IoT.

With millions of moving interconnected devices in the IoT environment, many applications require or benefit from knowing the location of an individual device. In this context, the latest GSA White Paper looks at how GNSS-based positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient, to meet the needs of this growing market.

Key findings

GNSS is a viable solution for tracking objects in the IoT world. However, the power consumed by positioning is an important concern. Two basic approaches have emerged in recent years to optimise consumption: transmission of pseudoranges for remote position determination, and snapshot techniques. In the first of these, the power consumption related to determining position is saved by transmitting the measurements to an external facility with no power restrictions while, for the second, the GNSS receiver is only activated for short periods to determine the position. 

Read this: Harnessing Galileo to shape the future of IoT

Combining both approaches will decrease the power consumption even further but, ultimately, the optimal solution will depend on the application in question. “When deciding on a GNSS-based solution for a given application, numerous factors play a role including target accuracy, selected LPWAN, desired battery life, ease of integration, and hardware and implementation cost,” according to the report.

The White Paper also advises applications that require a position accuracy of one meter or less to use a multi-constellation, multi-frequency receiver. “However, as most low-power IoT applications prioritise extending battery life, a multi-constellation single-frequency receiver is sufficient when positioning accuracy of multiple meters is acceptable,” it notes.

The report also states that, when deciding on an energy-efficient GNSS technique, the choice of the terrestrial network limits the possible options, as most solutions rely on external data to determine the position via GNSS.

A dedicated webinar 

The main findings from the White Paper will be presented at a dedicated webinar on Power-efficient positioning for the Internet of Things, to take place at 14:45 CET on 18 June. This GSA-hosted webinar will also feature input from major chipset manufacturers in the IoT domain such as STM & U-blox. 

What’s more, EU-funded R&D projects that are working to reduce the power consumption of GNSS positioning for the Internet of Things will also present their innovative solutions. These include: “Accurate GNSS POsitioning for Low power and Low-cost Objects” (APOLLO), which aims at providing a Galileo-based geolocation solution for the IoT market by drastically reducing energy consumption.

The APOLLO project noted in the White Paper that: “The ability to calculate the GNSS position of IoT objects with a very small energy footprint will pave the way for a market of tens of millions of moving objects each year.”

Also presenting at the webinar will be the GEONAV IoT project, which is working to develop and deliver precise ubiquitous positioning and navigation applications and services; and the Galileo of Things gs(GoT) project, which is targeting the delivery of a Galileo semiconductor-IP core that mates with NB-IoT IP for low-power consumption solutions. 

Interested? For more information and to register, click here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA White Paper looks at how positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient.

Power-efficient positioning for the IoT

5.6.2020 10:36   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA White Paper looks at how positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient.
05 June 2020

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has published a White Paper on “Power-efficient positioning for the Internet of Things”, providing an overview of GNSS technologies that are relevant for low-power IoT applications, including those that require hybridisation with other connectivity solutions. The GSA is organising a dedicated webinar on 18 June to present the main findings from the paper. 

The world is embracing Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Billions of internet-connected devices are capable of sensing, communicating, interacting, computing and actuating. These devices are set to become even more integrated into our daily lives and by 2022 it is estimated that around 18 billion out of 29 billion connected devices will be related to the IoT.

With millions of moving interconnected devices in the IoT environment, many applications require or benefit from knowing the location of an individual device. In this context, the latest GSA White Paper looks at how GNSS-based positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient, to meet the needs of this growing market.

Key findings

GNSS is a viable solution for tracking objects in the IoT world. However, the power consumed by positioning is an important concern. Two basic approaches have emerged in recent years to optimise consumption: transmission of pseudoranges for remote position determination, and snapshot techniques. In the first of these, the power consumption related to determining position is saved by transmitting the measurements to an external facility with no power restrictions while, for the second, the GNSS receiver is only activated for short periods to determine the position. 

Read this: Harnessing Galileo to shape the future of IoT

Combining both approaches will decrease the power consumption even further but, ultimately, the optimal solution will depend on the application in question. “When deciding on a GNSS-based solution for a given application, numerous factors play a role including target accuracy, selected LPWAN, desired battery life, ease of integration, and hardware and implementation cost,” according to the report.

The White Paper also advises applications that require a position accuracy of one meter or less to use a multi-constellation, multi-frequency receiver. “However, as most low-power IoT applications prioritise extending battery life, a multi-constellation single-frequency receiver is sufficient when positioning accuracy of multiple meters is acceptable,” it notes.

The report also states that, when deciding on an energy-efficient GNSS technique, the choice of the terrestrial network limits the possible options, as most solutions rely on external data to determine the position via GNSS.

A dedicated webinar 

The main findings from the White Paper will be presented at a dedicated webinar on Power-efficient positioning for the Internet of Things, to take place at 15:00 CET on 18 June. This GSA-hosted webinar will also feature input from major chipset manufacturers in the IoT domain such as STM & U-blox. 

What’s more, EU-funded R&D projects that are working to reduce the power consumption of GNSS positioning for the Internet of Things will also present their innovative solutions. These include: “Accurate GNSS POsitioning for Low power and Low-cost Objects” (APOLLO), which aims at providing a Galileo-based geolocation solution for the IoT market by drastically reducing energy consumption.

The APOLLO project noted in the White Paper that: “The ability to calculate the GNSS position of IoT objects with a very small energy footprint will pave the way for a market of tens of millions of moving objects each year.”

Also presenting at the webinar will be the GEONAV IoT project, which is working to develop and deliver precise ubiquitous positioning and navigation applications and services; and the Galileo of Things gs(GoT) project, which is targeting the delivery of a Galileo semiconductor-IP core that mates with NB-IoT IP for low-power consumption solutions. 

Interested? For more information and to register, click here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA White Paper looks at how positioning for the IoT can be made more power-efficient.

WSDP - nový HTTPS certifikát od 14.6.2020

5.6.2020 10:16   Dálkový přístup k údajům KN ČR   Vážení uživatelé webových služeb,
oznamujeme, že v neděli dne 14.6.2020 dojde k výměně HTTPS certifikátů u aplikací ČÚZK. Tato změna může být důležitá zejména pro uživatele webových služeb aplikací: WSDP, WSGP, WSNV. Pokud Vaše aplikace vyžadují uložení certifikátů na Vaší straně, vyměňte certifikáty včas za nové. Nový certifikát, včetně certifikátu vydávající CA. V opačném případě mohou být aplikace ČÚZK považovány na nedůvěryhodné.
Omlouváme se za komplikace a děkujeme za pochopení.
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