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Vánoční verze našich produktů

13.12.2019 6:56   GEPRO  

Publikovali jsme verze 14.50 našich produktů MISYS, MISYS-WEB – licenční server, KOKEŠ, Geoportál GEPRO i PROLAND.… >>

SPIDA® Software Reveals SPIDAcalc v7.2 - Arrow - Featuring SPIDAstudio Integration Enhancements for the Strategic Management of Asset Lifecycle Data

13.12.2019 1:37 Webcasts-Webinars   SPIDA Software, the trusted industry provider of structural analysis software and the first Structure Management System for utilities, is proud to …

INSPIRE téma Budovy (BU)

13.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma budovy (BU). Data pochází částečně z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech, a částečně z ISKN (Informační systém katastru nemovistostí). Zdrojem informací o budovách v ISKN je objekt Stavba, v RÚIAN je to Stavební objekt. Většina Staveb je zároveň Stavebními objekty, ale jsou případy, kdy tomu tak není. Kromě Budov datová sada obsahuje i části budov, které jsou pro potřeby INSPIRE vyjádřeny vchody z RÚIAN. Vchody obsahují informace o počtu podlaží, technickoekonomických atributech apod. Datová sada pokrývá celé území české republiky. V datové sadě není uvedeno 1,15%, t.j. 48606 budov (k 09. 12. 2019), protože neobsahují definiční bod ani polygon. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech, ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních, v zákoně 256/2013 Sb., o katastru nemovitostí, v katastrální vyhlášce č. 357/2013 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Buildings v 3.0 z 13.12.2013. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Budovy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě poskytovaná v e-shopu

13.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa v rastrové podobě je poskytována za úplatu a obsahuje analogovou mapu s kompletní kresbou. Analogová mapa pokrývá 3,17 % území České republiky, což je 2 498,24km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

Generální katalog - lístkový

13.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Aplikace zpřístupňuje naskenovaný katalog přírůstků (knihy, periodika, separáty), cca. z období 1850-1986, 125.000 záznamů. Katalog je řazen substantivně - podle podstatných jmen v názvu (i periodik) a jmen autorů. Stav katalogu je z roku 2001.

INSPIRE téma Adresy (AD)

13.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma adresy (AD). Vychází především z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech. Data publikovaná v rámci INSPIRE obsahují pouze adresní místa a jejich komponenty, kterými jsou stát, obec, část obce, městský obvod v Praze (MOP), městký obvod/městská část (MO/MČ), ulice a pošta a to na území celé České Republiky. Obsahují rozvněž geometrii, která určuje definiční bod adresního místa. V datové sadě nění uvedeno 1,27%, t.j. 37124 adresních míst (k 09. 12. 2019), protože neobsahují definiční bod, podle kterého by je bylo možné prostorově určit. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech a ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních a INSPIRE Data Specification on Addresses v 3.0.1 z 26.4.2010. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Adresy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.


13.12.2019 1:00   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Začátkem října 2019 APG předložila Hospodářské komoře podnětné připomínky k novele zákona o pozemkových úpravách.

INSPIRE téma Parcely (CP)

13.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma katastrální parcely (CP). Vychází z katastrální mapy, která je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis a může mít formu digitální mapy, analogové mapy nebo digitalizované mapy. Data publikovaná v rámci INSPIRE obsahují pouze katastrální území (pro celou Českou Republiku) a parcely a jejich hranice z území, kde je digitální mapa (k 09. 12. 2019 je to 96,64% území České republiky, t.j. 76 219,02km2). Více katastrální zákon 344/1992 SB., katastrální vyhláška č.26/2007 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Cadastral Parcels v 3.0.1. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Parcely ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

Generální katalog - lístkový (1850-1986)

13.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Generální katalog - lístkový (1850-1986)

Katastrální mapa ve formátech DGN a DXF poskytovaná v e-shopu

13.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě je poskytována zdarma ve formátu DGN a DXF a obsahuje prvky Digitální katastrální mapy (DKM) a Katastrální mapy digitalizované (KMD), tedy bodová pole, budovy, další prvky mapy, hranice parcel, katastrální hranice, parcely katastru nemovitostí, prvky orientační mapy a hranice věcného břemene. Z důvodu použití formátu DGN produkt neobsahuje značky na liniích a oblouky jsou nahrazeny lomenými čárami. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě k 09. 12. 2019 pokrývá 96,64% území České republiky, t.j. 76 219,02km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

Nový 27palcový 4K grafický monitor Dell UltraSharp UP2720Q

12.12.2019 22:12   GeoBusiness   Společnost Dell představila monitor Dell UltraSharp 27 4K PremierColor (UP2720Q). První 27palcový 4K model na trhu s integrovaným kolorimetrem a rozhraním Thunderbolt 3 je určený tvůrcům obsahu, pro něž je kvalita podání barev zcela zásadní prioritou. Monitor má rozlišení 3840 x 2160 px, takže na obrazovku se vejde skutečně hodně obsahu, ve srovnání s jinými […]


Matterport Enables Interactive 3D Measurements for Its Spatial Data Platform

12.12.2019 20:25 Webcasts-Webinars   New Measurement Mode further positions Matterport digital twins as the collaboration medium for the built world
SUNNYVALE, Calif., Dec. 12, 2019 …

Draper Unveils LiDAR with MEMS Beamsteering Technology for Autonomous Vehicles

12.12.2019 16:51 Webcasts-Webinars   Patented technology enables self-driving cars to see at greater distances
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 12, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —


CoreLogic Reports 78,000 Single-Family Properties Regained Equity in the Third Quarter of 2019

12.12.2019 16:51 Webcasts-Webinars   Home equity increased an average of $5,300 per homeowner compared with one year earlier

The number of underwater homes decreased year over year by …

Firma PrecisionHawk získala 32 milionů dolarů na vytvoření nové dronové služby

12.12.2019 16:30   GeoBusiness   Americká firma PrecisionHawk oznámila, že od investorů získala 32 milionů dolarů na vytvoření nové generace software a služeb pro drony. Firma provozuje platformu PrecisionAnalytics, která využívá strojového učení pro analýzu leteckých snímků. Získané finanční prostředky od investorů Millennium Technology Value Partners, Third Point Ventures a Eastward Capital Partners použije na vytvoření nové generace PrecisionAnalytics. Firma […]


Mapy CEDA v novém mýtném systému ČR

12.12.2019 15:15   CEDA Maps a.s.   Praha, 12.prosince 2019 - CzechToll úspěšně spustil nový mýtný systém s daty CEDA. Česká republika díky němu získá na mýtném příští rok o 2,5 miliardy korun více.

Targeting the development of a drone-borne Galileo receiver

12.12.2019 13:45   European GNSS Agency  
This FE call is targeting the development of a Galileo receiver for the rapidly developing drone market.
13 December 2019

A Call for Proposals recently opened under the European GNSS Agency’s (GSA) Fundamental Elements funding mechanism is targeting the development of a drone-borne double-frequency Galileo receiver that leverages the differentiators of European GNSS (EGNOS and Galileo).

Drones bring innovation and new applications and business models to European citizens, becoming the 3rd GNSS market segment for device shipments according to the last GSA market report. The sector is booming and growth in drone use is set to outstrip any other user base in aviation. Drones generally integrate GNSS solutions in an effort to navigate efficiently and safely. EGNSS added value

European GNSS, EGNOS and Galileo, provides significant added value to drone navigation, positioning and related applications, and the use of their differentiators will be instrumental in opening up new business opportunities.

Read this: Shaping the future of EGNSS research and innovation

Within this context, this Call for Proposals is targeting the development of a drone-borne low-cost double-frequency Galileo multi-constellation receiver, integrated with INS (inertial navigation system) and other sensors. The technology should be at a sufficient level of maturity (technology readiness level 7).


Fundamental Elements call: At a Glance 

  • Title: Development of a drone-borne double frequency Galileo receiver     
  • Budget: €1,500,000
  • Indicative number of projects: up to 2 projects
  • Deadline for applications: 2 March 2020  



Robust solution

The call aims at delivery of a robust navigation solution, including integrity requirements for operations, that leverages Galileo differentiators such as OS Authentication and High Accuracy. The solution should be validated in a representative environment for the target operations. This includes conducting flight tests and analysing the performances obtained from a Galileo-only constellation and comparing these with those coming from multi-constellation mode.

For more information on this call, click here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

This FE call is targeting the development of a Galileo receiver for the rapidly developing drone market.

Targeting the development of a drone-borne Galileo receiver

12.12.2019 13:45   European GNSS Agency  
This FE call is targeting the development of a Galileo receiver for the rapidly developing drone market.
13 December 2019

A Call for Proposals recently opened under the European GNSS Agency’s (GSA) Fundamental Elements funding mechanism is targeting the development of a drone-borne double-frequency Galileo receiver that leverages the differentiators of European GNSS (EGNOS and Galileo).

Drones bring innovation and new applications and business models to European citizens, becoming the 3rd GNSS market segment for device shipments according to the last GSA market report. The sector is booming and growth in drone use is set to outstrip any other user base in aviation. Drones generally integrate GNSS solutions in an effort to navigate efficiently and safely. EGNSS added value

European GNSS, EGNOS and Galileo, provides significant added value to drone navigation, positioning and related applications, and the use of their differentiators will be instrumental in opening up new business opportunities.

Read this: Shaping the future of EGNSS research and innovation

Within this context, this Call for Proposals is targeting the development of a drone-borne low-cost double-frequency Galileo multi-constellation receiver, integrated with INS (inertial navigation system) and other sensors. The technology should be at a sufficient level of maturity (technology readiness level 7).


Fundamental Elements call: At a Glance 

  • Title: Development of a drone-borne double frequency Galileo receiver     
  • Budget: €1,500,000
  • Indicative number of projects: up to 2 projects
  • Deadline for applications: 2 March 2020  



Robust solution

The call aims at delivery of a robust navigation solution, including integrity requirements for operations, that leverages Galileo differentiators such as OS Authentication and High Accuracy. The solution should be validated in a representative environment for the target operations. This includes conducting flight tests and analysing the performances obtained from a Galileo-only constellation and comparing these with those coming from multi-constellation mode.

For more information on this call, click here.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

This FE call is targeting the development of a Galileo receiver for the rapidly developing drone market.

Dell představil nový 27palcový 4K grafický monitor UltraSharp UP2720Q

12.12.2019 11:54   Zeměměřič  

Společnost Dell představila monitor Dell UltraSharp 27 4K PremierColor (UP2720Q). První 27palcový 4K model na trhu s integrovaným kolorimetrem a rozhraním Thunderbolt 3 je určený tvůrcům obsahu, pro něž je kvalita podání barev zcela zásadní prioritou. Monitor má rozlišení 3840 x 2160 px, takže na obrazovku se vejde skutečně hodně obsahu, ve srovnání s jinými rozlišeními. Monitor Dell UltraSharp […]

The post Dell představil nový 27palcový 4K grafický monitor UltraSharp UP2720Q appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Zpravodaj ČKS 4/2019

12.12.2019 11:42   Česká kartografická společnost   Členům ČKS byl rozeslán poslední letošní Zpravodaj 04/2019. Přejeme příjemné čtení!

VZ: Vypracování PD, zajištění stavebního povolení, AD a MPŘ

12.12.2019 11:37   Zeměměřič  

Státní pozemkový úřad vypsal veřejnou zakázku malého rozsahu. Předmětem zakázky je provedení podrobného geotechnického průzkumu, vypracování projektové dokumentace, zajištění stavebního/vodoprávního povolení, autorský dozor v průběhu rekonstrukce, vypracování manipulačního a provozního řádu, zajištění platného povolení k nakládání s vodami.   Systémové číslo: P19V00004944 Úřední název: Státní pozemkový úřad Název oddělení: KPÚ pro Ústecký kraj Datum zahájení: 12.12.2019 Nabídku podat do: […]

The post VZ: Vypracování PD, zajištění stavebního povolení, AD a MPŘ appeared first on Zeměměřič.

You asked; we listened: new SAR/Galileo Service status information available

12.12.2019 11:29   European GNSS Agency  
The new SAR information page will provide useful resources to the SAR community.
12 December 2019

To support Search and Rescue services and provide general awareness on the related infrastructure, the GNSS Service Centre is publishing relevant SAR/Galileo information, such as the status of the Galileo satellites SAR payload, SAR reference beacons on ground and the availability of the SAR data server.

Search and Rescue (SAR) operations involve locating and helping people in distress. Launched as part of the Galileo Initial Services, Galileo is the first GNSS constellation to offer global SAR capability and is fully integrated in the COSPAS-SARSAT system, enabling quick detection of people in distress and subsequent rescue. Galileo not only provides a precise location for emitting beacons, but also a return channel which will inform users that help is on its way.

Aiming at a continuous upgrade of service provision from the GNSS Service Centre (GSC), new information has been published about the deployed SAR infrastructure, including the status of the service and the availability of the data provided by the GSC. This information is provided to professionals, academia and enthusiasts as a new effort on the part of the GSA to show transparency and a commitment to the Galileo community.

What SAR/Galileo information is available?

The following data is now provided on the GSC website:

SAR/Galileo satellites information: a table with information about operating mode and current status of the forward- and return-link transponders per each Galileo satellite. 

SAR payload characteristics: technical specifications of the SAR repeater instrument.

SAR/Galileo reference beacons and their availability: these stations are geographically distributed across the service area and are used for continuous monitoring of the SAR/Galileo Service.  

SAR/Galileo server status: the SAR/Galileo Server is a complementary Galileo infrastructure operated by the GSC that provides support to the SAR/Galileo Service and worldwide SAR community by providing information on the availability of Galileo constellation orbital products in a precise and timely manner. The SAR/Galileo server can be accessed worldwide through a secure FTP connection. This section informs the users about the working status of this infrastructure.

All this information is accessible through a new menu section called SAR Information under the “System & Service Status” heading. This section complements the general description of the SAR Service and the related market.

The SAR information will be updated whenever a new Galileo satellite is launched or whenever there is a maintenance event affecting the SAR/Galileo service. 

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The new SAR information page will provide useful resources to the SAR community.

You asked; we listened: new SAR/Galileo Service status information available

12.12.2019 11:29   European GNSS Agency  
The new SAR information page will provide useful resources to the SAR community.
12 December 2019

To support Search and Rescue services and provide general awareness on the related infrastructure, the GNSS Service Centre is publishing relevant SAR/Galileo information, such as the status of the Galileo satellites SAR payload, SAR reference beacons on the ground and the availability of the SAR data server.

Search and Rescue (SAR) operations involve locating and helping people in distress. Launched as part of the Galileo Initial Services, Galileo is the first GNSS constellation to offer global SAR capability and is fully integrated in the COSPAS-SARSAT system, enabling quick detection of people in distress and subsequent rescue. Galileo not only provides a precise location for emitting beacons, but also a return channel which will inform users that help is on its way.

Aiming at a continuous upgrade of service provision from the GNSS Service Centre (GSC), new information has been published about the deployed SAR infrastructure, including the status of the service and the availability of the data provided by the GSC. This information is provided to professionals, academia and enthusiasts as a new effort on the part of the GSA to show transparency and a commitment to the Galileo community.

What SAR/Galileo information is available?

The following data is now provided on the GSC website:

SAR/Galileo satellites information: a table with information about operating mode and current status of the forward- and return-link transponders per each Galileo satellite. 

SAR payload characteristics: technical specifications of the SAR repeater instrument.

SAR/Galileo reference beacons and their availability: these stations are geographically distributed across the service area and are used for continuous monitoring of the SAR/Galileo Service.  

SAR/Galileo server status: the SAR/Galileo Server is a complementary Galileo infrastructure operated by the GSC that provides support to the SAR/Galileo Service and worldwide SAR community by providing information on the availability of Galileo constellation orbital products in a precise and timely manner. The SAR/Galileo server can be accessed worldwide through a secure FTP connection. This section informs the users about the working status of this infrastructure.

All this information is accessible through a new menu section called SAR Information under the “System & Service Status” heading. This section complements the general description of the SAR Service and the related market.

The SAR information will be updated whenever a new Galileo satellite is launched or whenever there is a maintenance event affecting the SAR/Galileo service. 

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The new SAR information page will provide useful resources to the SAR community.

GSA funding: Filling the gaps and emerging technologies

12.12.2019 10:58   European GNSS Agency  
Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!
12 December 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism, targeting the development of close-to-market GNSS receivers and associated technologies (‘filling the gaps technologies’) not developed by other FE projects; and/or cutting-edge GNSS receiver technologies (‘emerging technologies’) that are at the forefront of current R&D and may or may not have immediate adoption in market-ready products. The deadline for submissions is 8 January 2020.

The Call for Proposals targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software/firmware algorithms that leverage Galileo differentiators and fill technology gaps for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas.

The proposals should be innovative and compliant with specific market constraints, ready to be integrated into a close-to-market device and meet the application requirements. The technology readiness level should be at least 7, which means that a system prototype should be demonstrated in an operational environment.

Looking to the future

Applicants may also be interested in submitting a proposal in the second stream in the call, which targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software based on disruptive, future-looking technologies for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas. As with the ‘filling the gaps’ solutions, this technology should also leverage Galileo differentiators. 

Read this: Shaping the future of EGNSS research and innovation

Proposals in this section should focus on R&D excellence going beyond the current state-of-the-art and current market needs. However, the technology does not necessarily have to be focused on a specific application or segment. The technology readiness level should be at least 4, meaning that the technology should have been validated in a lab.

Informative webinar

The GSA is organising a webinar on 17 December 2019 at 10:00, on the Fundamental Elements Call “Filling the gaps and emerging E-GNSS receiver technologies”. This will be an opportunity for interested stakeholders and applicants to learn how to prepare a successful proposal. To register to the webinar, click here.



Fundamental Elements call: At a Glance

  • Market segment: Transversal
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 8 January 2020
  • Expected signature of contract: June to July 2020
  • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 5,000,000
  • Maximum number of projects: 6
  • EU financing amount of each of the two projects: up to EUR 1,000,000 (70% co-funding)        
  • Webinar date: 17 December 2019 10:00



Things to keep in mind

The Fundamental Elements programme already covers a wide range of markets and key applications, so the developed technology should complement rather than overlap any of past, ongoing or planned projects funded by the GSA. The outcome of the grant should develop GNSS-relevant technologies in line with current market trends and needs in the short term (2020-2025). 

Analysis in the GNSS Market Report and User Technology Report shows that new requirements from existing and emerging applications will increase the demand for innovative PNT technologies. The technology developed in the call should be integrated and demonstrated in a GNSS device fitting one or more applications within the GNSS market.

For more details, please see the call documentation package.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!

GSA funding: Filling the gaps and emerging technologies

12.12.2019 10:58   European GNSS Agency  
Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!
12 December 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism, targeting the development of close-to-market GNSS receivers and associated technologies (‘filling the gaps technologies’) not developed by other FE projects; and/or cutting-edge GNSS receiver technologies (‘emerging technologies’) that are at the forefront of current R&D and may or may not have immediate adoption in market-ready products. The deadline for submissions is 8 January 2020.

The Call for Proposals targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software/firmware algorithms that leverage Galileo differentiators and fill technology gaps for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas.

The proposals should be innovative and compliant with specific market constraints, ready to be integrated into a close-to-market device and meet the application requirements. The technology readiness level should be at least 7, which means that a system prototype should be demonstrated in an operational environment.

Looking to the future

Applicants may also be interested in submitting a proposal in the second stream in the call, which targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software based on disruptive, future-looking technologies for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas. As with the ‘filling the gaps’ solutions, this technology should also leverage Galileo differentiators. 

Read this: Shaping the future of EGNSS research and innovation

Proposals in this section should focus on R&D excellence going beyond the current state-of-the-art and current market needs. However, the technology does not necessarily have to be focused on a specific application or segment. The technology readiness level should be at least 4, meaning that the technology should have been validated in a lab.

Informative webinar

The GSA is organising a webinar on 17 December 2019 at 10:00 CET, on the Fundamental Elements Call “Filling the gaps and emerging E-GNSS receiver technologies”. This will be an opportunity for interested stakeholders and applicants to learn how to prepare a successful proposal. To register to the webinar, click here.



Fundamental Elements call: At a Glance

  • Market segment: Transversal
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 8 January 2020
  • Expected signature of contract: June to July 2020
  • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 5,000,000
  • Maximum number of projects: 6
  • EU financing amount of each of the two projects: up to EUR 1,000,000 (70% co-funding)        
  • Webinar date: 17 December 2019 10:00 CET



Things to keep in mind

The Fundamental Elements programme already covers a wide range of markets and key applications, so the developed technology should complement rather than overlap any of past, ongoing or planned projects funded by the GSA. The outcome of the grant should develop GNSS-relevant technologies in line with current market trends and needs in the short term (2020-2025). 

Analysis in the GNSS Market Report and User Technology Report shows that new requirements from existing and emerging applications will increase the demand for innovative PNT technologies. The technology developed in the call should be integrated and demonstrated in a GNSS device fitting one or more applications within the GNSS market.

For more details, please see the call documentation package.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!

GSA funding: Filling the gaps and emerging technologies

12.12.2019 10:58   European GNSS Agency  
Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!
12 December 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism, targeting the development of close-to-market GNSS receivers and associated technologies (‘filling the gaps technologies’) not developed by other FE projects; and/or cutting-edge GNSS receiver technologies (‘emerging technologies’) that are at the forefront of current R&D and may or may not have immediate adoption in market-ready products. The deadline for submissions is 8 January 2020.

The Call for Proposals targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software/firmware algorithms that leverage Galileo differentiators and fill technology gaps for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas.

The proposals should be innovative and compliant with specific market constraints, ready to be integrated into a close-to-market device and meet the application requirements. The technology readiness level should be at least 7, which means that a system prototype should be demonstrated in an operational environment.

Looking to the future

Applicants may also be interested in submitting a proposal in the second stream in the call, which targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software based on disruptive, future-looking technologies for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas. As with the ‘filling the gaps’ solutions, this technology should also leverage Galileo differentiators. 

Read this: Shaping the future of EGNSS research and innovation

Proposals in this section should focus on R&D excellence going beyond the current state-of-the-art and current market needs. However, the technology does not necessarily have to be focused on a specific application or segment. The technology readiness level should be at least 4, meaning that the technology should have been validated in a lab.

Informative webinar

The GSA is organising a webinar on 17 December 2019 at 10:00, on the Fundamental Elements Call “Filling the gaps and emerging E-GNSS receiver technologies”. This will be an opportunity for interested stakeholders and applicants to learn how to prepare a successful proposal. To register to the webinar, click here.



Fundamental Elements call: At a Glance

  • Market segment: Transversal
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 8 January 2020
  • Expected signature of contract: June to July 2020
  • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 5,000,000
  • Maximum number of projects: 6
  • EU financing amount of each of the two projects: up to EUR 1,000,000 (70% co-funding)        
  • Webinar date: 17 December 2019 10:00 CET



Things to keep in mind

The Fundamental Elements programme already covers a wide range of markets and key applications, so the developed technology should complement rather than overlap any of past, ongoing or planned projects funded by the GSA. The outcome of the grant should develop GNSS-relevant technologies in line with current market trends and needs in the short term (2020-2025). 

Analysis in the GNSS Market Report and User Technology Report shows that new requirements from existing and emerging applications will increase the demand for innovative PNT technologies. The technology developed in the call should be integrated and demonstrated in a GNSS device fitting one or more applications within the GNSS market.

For more details, please see the call documentation package.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!

GSA funding: Filling the gaps and emerging technologies

12.12.2019 10:58   European GNSS Agency  
Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!
12 December 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism, targeting the development of close-to-market GNSS receivers and associated technologies (‘filling the gaps technologies’) not developed by other FE projects; and/or cutting-edge GNSS receiver technologies (‘emerging technologies’) that are at the forefront of current R&D and may or may not have immediate adoption in market-ready products. The deadline for submissions is 8 January 2020.

The Call for Proposals targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software/firmware algorithms that leverage Galileo differentiators and fill technology gaps for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas.

The proposals should be innovative and compliant with specific market constraints, ready to be integrated into a close-to-market device and meet the application requirements. The technology readiness level should be at least 7, which means that a system prototype should be demonstrated in an operational environment.

Looking to the future

Applicants may also be interested in submitting a proposal in the second stream in the call, which targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software based on disruptive, future-looking technologies for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas. As with the ‘filling the gaps’ solutions, this technology should also leverage Galileo differentiators. 

Read this: Shaping the future of EGNSS research and innovation

Proposals in this section should focus on R&D excellence going beyond the current state-of-the-art and current market needs. However, the technology does not necessarily have to be focused on a specific application or segment. The technology readiness level should be at least 4, meaning that the technology should have been validated in a lab.

Informative webinar

The GSA is organising a webinar on 17 December 2019 at 10:00, on the Fundamental Elements Call “Filling the gaps and emerging E-GNSS receiver technologies”. This will be an opportunity for interested stakeholders and applicants to learn how to prepare a successful proposal. To register to the webinar, click here.


Fundamental Elements call: At a Glance

  • Market segment: Transversal
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 8 January 2020
  • Expected signature of contract: June to July 2020
  • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 5,000,000
  • Maximum number of projects: 6
  • EU financing amount of each of the two projects: up to EUR 1,000,000 (70% co-funding)
  • Webinar date: 17 December 2019 10:00


Things to keep in mind

The Fundamental Elements programme already covers a wide range of markets and key applications, so the developed technology should complement rather than overlap any of past, ongoing or planned projects funded by the GSA. The outcome of the grant should develop GNSS-relevant technologies in line with current market trends and needs in the short term (2020-2025). 

Analysis in the GNSS Market Report and User Technology Report shows that new requirements from existing and emerging applications will increase the demand for innovative PNT technologies. The technology developed in the call should be integrated and demonstrated in a GNSS device fitting one or more applications within the GNSS market.

For more details, please see the call documentation package.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!

GSA funding: Filling the gaps and emerging technologies

12.12.2019 10:58   European GNSS Agency  
Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!
12 December 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism, targeting the development of close-to-market GNSS receivers and associated technologies (‘filling the gaps technologies’) not developed by other FE projects; and/or cutting-edge GNSS receiver technologies (‘emerging technologies’) that are at the forefront of current R&D and may or may not have immediate adoption in market-ready products. The deadline for submissions is 8 January 2020.

The Call for Proposals targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software/firmware algorithms that leverage Galileo differentiators and fill technology gaps for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas.

The proposals should be innovative and compliant with specific market constraints, ready to be integrated into a close-to-market device and meet the application requirements. The technology readiness level should be at least 7, which means that a system prototype should be demonstrated in an operational environment.

Looking to the future

Applicants may also be interested in submitting a proposal in the second stream in the call, which targets the development, integration, testing and demonstration of hardware components and/or software based on disruptive, future-looking technologies for GNSS devices, receivers and/or antennas. As with the ‘filling the gaps’ solutions, this technology should also leverage Galileo differentiators. 

Read this: Shaping the future of EGNSS research and innovation

Proposals in this section should focus on R&D excellence going beyond the current state-of-the-art and current market needs. However, the technology does not necessarily have to be focused on a specific application or segment. The technology readiness level should be at least 4, meaning that the technology should have been validated in a lab.

Informative webinar

The GSA is organising a webinar on 17 December 2019 at 10:00, on the Fundamental Elements Call “Filling the gaps and emerging E-GNSS receiver technologies”. This will be an opportunity for interested stakeholders and applicants to learn how to prepare a successful proposal. To register to the webinar, click here.



Fundamental Elements call: At a Glance

  • Market segment: Transversal
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 8 January 2020
  • Expected signature of contract: June to July 2020
  • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 5,000,000
  • Maximum number of projects: 6
  • EU financing amount of each of the two projects: up to EUR 1,000,000 (70% co-funding)        
  • Webinar date: 17 December 2019 10:00 CET



Things to keep in mind

The Fundamental Elements programme already covers a wide range of markets and key applications, so the developed technology should complement rather than overlap any of past, ongoing or planned projects funded by the GSA. The outcome of the grant should develop GNSS-relevant technologies in line with current market trends and needs in the short term (2020-2025). 

Analysis in the GNSS Market Report and User Technology Report shows that new requirements from existing and emerging applications will increase the demand for innovative PNT technologies. The technology developed in the call should be integrated and demonstrated in a GNSS device fitting one or more applications within the GNSS market.

For more details, please see the call documentation package.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Find out how to write a successful proposal at our webinar on 17 December!

Dotace mohou čerpat i geodetické firmy. Podívejte se na přehled aktuálních možností.

12.12.2019 10:32   Zeměměřič  

Operační program Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost podnikatelům umožňuje čerpat dotace na investice a provozní náklady už od roku 2015. Novinkou jsou výzvy, ve kterých mohou dotace získat i geodetické a stavební firmy. Ještě loni byl Operační program Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost (OP PIK) zaměřený převážně na firmy v oboru zpracovatelského průmyslu. „Aktuální výzvy v některých programech nyní dotace umožňují čerpat […]

The post Dotace mohou čerpat i geodetické firmy. Podívejte se na přehled aktuálních možností. appeared first on Zeměměřič.

GeoTalks 03 – Rosťa Nétek

12.12.2019 8:43  

Hostem 3. dílu podcastu GeoTalks byl Rostislav Nétek, který mluvil především o webových mapách a o tom, co ho ke geoinformatice přivedlo.

The post GeoTalks 03 – Rosťa Nétek appeared first on

GeoTalks 03 – Rosťa Nétek

12.12.2019 8:43  

Hostem 3. dílu podcastu GeoTalks byl Rostislav Nétek, který mluvil především o webových mapách a o tom, co ho ke geoinformatice přivedlo.

The post GeoTalks 03 – Rosťa Nétek appeared first on

Topcon GT se slevou 80 tisíc korun

12.12.2019 6:59   Zeměměřič  

Topcon GT je nejrychlejší totální stanice značky Topcon, a zároveň nejmenší. Na motory je záruka 5 let, na zakoupený přístroj se vztahuje tříletá záruka. Model GT je určen pro robotické sestavy v kombinaci s kontroléry Topcon nebo pomocí hybridního měření také s GNSS přijímači HiPER HR nebo HiPER VR. Přístroj umí rychle vyhledat hranol pomocí laseru nebo GPS. Při […]

The post Topcon GT se slevou 80 tisíc korun appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Topcon GT se slevou 80 tisíc korun

12.12.2019 6:59   Zeměměřič  

Topcon GT je nejrychlejší totální stanice značky Topcon, a zároveň ta nejmenší. Na motory je záruka 5 let, na zakoupený přístroj se vztahuje tříletá záruka. Model GT je určen pro robotické sestavy v kombinaci s kontroléry Topcon nebo pomocí hybridního měření také s GNSS přijímači HiPER HR nebo HiPER VR. Přístroj umí rychle vyhledat hranol pomocí laseru nebo GPS. […]

The post Topcon GT se slevou 80 tisíc korun appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Nearmap Acquires Pushpin Technology to Provide Roof Geometry Insights

12.12.2019 2:01 Webcasts-Webinars   SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading aerial imagery company Nearmap today announced that it has acquired technology and assets …

Minerální vody v oblasti Ašska a Chebska (Geoplasma-CE)

12.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   ArcGIS Server služba zobrazuje místa výskytu minerálních vod a výronů CO2 v oblasti Ašska a Chebska a jejich typ. Pro vybrané vývěry a výrony jsou prezentovány popisy objektů, obsahy CO2 z terénních měření, celkové obsahy rozpuštěných látek, hydrochemické typy vod a fotodokumentace.

Chemické složení podzemních vod v oblasti Ašska a Chebska (Geoplasma-CE)

12.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   ArcGIS Server služba zobrazuje chemické složení prostých i minerálních vod v oblasti Ašska a Chebska. Jednotlivé vrstvy zobrazují vybrané archivní vrty s hydrochemickými daty, chemické analýzy podzemních vod z objektů vzorkovaných v rámci projektu Geoplasma-CE, hydrochemické typy vod a nadlimitní obsahy některých složek dle vyhlášky č. 252/2004 Sb.

Hydrogeologická mapa v oblasti Ašska a Chebska (Geoplasma-CE)

12.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   ArcGIS Server služba zobrazuje hydrogeologické jednotky v oblasti Ašska a Chebska s charakteristikou typu hydrogeologického prostředí a rozsahu transmisivity v dané jednotce. Jednotlivé vrstvy dále zobrazují vybrané archivní vrty s hydraulickými daty, data z terénních měření fyzikálně-chemických vlastností podzemních vod, fotodokumentaci a hydrogeologické rajony.

Assistant Professor, Geospatial Computing Science, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi

11.12.2019 20:15   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   Faculty Position Announcement TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-CORPUS CHRISTI Department of Computing Sciences Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi (TAMU–CC) is a rapidly growing doctoral research university with more than 12,000 students. TAMU–CC, a Minority-Serving Institution and Hispanic-Serving Institution on the cultural border with Latin America, provides a robust campus experience focused on student and faculty success. Located on […]

Summary from Hexagon's Capital Markets Day 2019

11.12.2019 19:30 Webcasts-Webinars   NACKA STRAND, Sweden, Dec. 11, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — Hexagon AB, a global leader in sensor, software and autonomous solutions, today …

HawkEye 360 Awarded Study Contract by the National Reconnaissance Office

11.12.2019 19:30 Webcasts-Webinars   Study will examine integration of commercial RF capabilities into the NRO geospatial intelligence architecture
HERNDON, Va., Dec. 11, 2019 — …

PrecisionHawk Raises $32 Million to Advance Next Phase of Growth in Commercial Drones

11.12.2019 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   RALEIGH, N.C. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — December 11, 2019 —

PrecisionHawk, Inc., a leading provider of drone technology for the …

Microsoft AI for Earth and SpaceNet Training Data Now Available on Radiant Earth Foundation’s Open Repository for Geospatial Training Data

11.12.2019 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Radiant Earth Foundation today announced the availability of Microsoft AI for Earth’s Chesapeake …

Dearborn County and City of Bloomington, Indiana Select DATAMARK for NG9-1-1 Expertise and Solutions

11.12.2019 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DATAMARK® announced two wins in the state of Indiana: Dearborn County and the City of Bloomington …

Woolpert Builds APIs to Connect Greenwood's Cityworks PLL with INBiz Portal

11.12.2019 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   The connection streamlines the permitting process for the municipality, its staff and its constituents.
GREENWOOD, Ind., Dec. 11, 2019 — …

20191213 Rada / odborný rada právního oddělení

11.12.2019 15:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-východ Vyhlášení výběrového řízení: Rada / odborný rada právního oddělení V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Rada / odborný rada právního oddělení"

20191211 Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.

11.12.2019 15:47   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Praha-vychod/O-uradu/Aktuality/20190828-Odborny-rada-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu-(3)

20191211 Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.

11.12.2019 15:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-východ Vyhlášení výběrového řízení: Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I. V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I."

20191213 Rada / odborný rada právního oddělení

11.12.2019 15:47   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Praha-vychod/O-uradu/Aktuality/20190828-Odborny-rada-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu-(3)

Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.

11.12.2019 15:47   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-východ vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.

Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.

11.12.2019 15:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-východ
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.
Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.

Odborný / vrchní referent oddělení aktualizace PI KN I.

11.12.2019 15:47   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Odborny-vrchni-referent-oddeleni-aktualizace-PI

Výstava Pavel Aretin z Ehrenfeldu v Teplicích [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

11.12.2019 12:50   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Výstava Pavel Aretin z Ehrenfeldu: mapa mezi defenestrací a Bílou horou byla v období 14.10.-14.12.2019 k vidění v Gymnáziu Teplice.

Put your project in the spotlight at MWC Barcelona

11.12.2019 12:49   European GNSS Agency  
MWC Barcelona is an ideal forum to showcase your projects to a wide audience of your peers.
11 December 2019

Interested in presenting your solution at the world’s largest mobile event? Then read on! The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is looking for innovative solutions to showcase at the Galileo stand at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 24-27 February 2020. Every year MWC brings together leading mobile technology developers, manufacturers, service providers and app developers from across the globe. With over 107,000 visitors expected in 2020, next year’s event will be a perfect opportunity to showcase the latest EGNSS-based innovations.

MWC Barcelona will host the latest cutting-edge technologies from more than 2,400 of the world’s leading mobile technology companies. With a programme featuring leading visionaries and investors, the Congress is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to present and promote innovative new ideas, technologies and applications and bring them to the attention of key decision-makers.

With the goal of exploring the hottest trends influencing the mobile industry, MWC Barcelona is an ideal platform to showcase and promote innovative EGNSS-based solutions and applications, such as those being developed within Horizon 2020. The congress also shows how European space research is enhancing EU industrial competitiveness and playing a pivotal role in tackling the various societal challenges facing Europe. 

Read this: The GSA and Galileo at MWC Barcelona

“MWC is an ideal chance to present your EGNSS-based solutions and bring your applications to the attention of a large audience of your peers, investors and the public at large. If you have an EGNSS-based solution with the potential to improve the lives of European citizens, then we would like to hear from you,” said GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani.

Expression of Interest

With this in mind, ahead of next year’s MWC the GSA is launching a call for expressions of interest among its Horizon 2020 and Fundamental Elements partners and other EU companies. The idea is to provide a space at the GSA stand to showcase our partners’ Galileo-enabled mobile solutions. For this edition of the congress, the theme of the GSA stand will be: “Leisure, fitness and sports applications” so priority will be given to solutions that address these markets. If you have an EGNSS-based solution or product that you would like to demonstrate at MWC Barcelona, please submit your application to by 3 January 2020. Put “Interested in showcasing our project at MWC 2020” in the subject line of your email. For more information on how to apply read the Rules and Conditions.

This will be an unmissable opportunity to present your solutions to a potential investors and beneficiaries. Join us in Barcelona in February 2020 at MWC, where innovation is celebrated, connections are made, insights are gained, products are launched and business gets done!

EGNSS-based innovation

By matching ideas with opportunities and talent with available resources, MWC Barcelona helps support the GSA in its mission of linking space to user needs. In fact, from dual frequency chipsets to new smartphones, EGNSS was behind many of the technology announcements made during the Mobile World Congress 2019. 

And this: Ubiscale: low-power GNSS processing for tracking devices

What’s more, at the MWC 2019, the GSA stand featured displays and presentations on a number of EU projects, including the GSA-managed Horizon 2020 and Fundamental Elements projects Flamingo and ESCAPE, along with solutions from Lycie, Ubiscale, GEO++, Navisoc and Galileo for Mobility. Among the showcased products there was a new solution developed by Ubiscale enabling low-power GNSS sensing and position determination for IoT and a high-accuracy positioning application developed by GEO++, leveraging RTK technology in the backend to apply generated GNSS corrections to smartphone measurements.

Places at the Galileo stand will be limited, so get in touch with us as soon as possible to take advantage of this exciting opportunity!

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

MWC Barcelona is an ideal forum to showcase your projects to a wide audience of your peers.

Put your project in the spotlight at MWC Barcelona

11.12.2019 12:49   European GNSS Agency  
MWC Barcelona is an ideal forum to showcase your projects to a wide audience of your peers.
11 December 2019

Interested in presenting your solution at the world’s largest mobile event? Then read on! The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is looking for innovative solutions to showcase at the Galileo stand at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on 24-27 February 2020. Every year MWC brings together leading mobile technology developers, manufacturers, service providers and app developers from across the globe. With over 107,000 visitors expected in 2020, next year’s event will be a perfect opportunity to showcase the latest EGNSS-based innovations.

MWC Barcelona will host the latest cutting-edge technologies from more than 2,400 of the world’s leading mobile technology companies. With a programme featuring leading visionaries and investors, the Congress is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to present and promote innovative new ideas, technologies and applications and bring them to the attention of key decision-makers.

With the goal of exploring the hottest trends influencing the mobile industry, MWC Barcelona is an ideal platform to showcase and promote innovative EGNSS-based solutions and applications, such as those being developed within Horizon 2020. The congress also shows how European space research is enhancing EU industrial competitiveness and playing a pivotal role in tackling the various societal challenges facing Europe. 

Read this: The GSA and Galileo at MWC Barcelona

“MWC is an ideal chance to present your EGNSS-based solutions and bring your applications to the attention of a large audience of your peers, investors and the public at large. If you have an EGNSS-based solution with the potential to improve the lives of European citizens, then we would like to hear from you,” said GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani.

Expression of Interest

With this in mind, ahead of next year’s MWC the GSA is launching a call for expressions of interest among its Horizon 2020 and Fundamental Elements partners and other EU companies. The idea is to provide a space at the GSA stand to showcase our partners’ Galileo-enabled mobile solutions. For this edition of the congress, the theme of the GSA stand will be: “Leisure, fitness and sports applications” so priority will be given to solutions that address these markets. If you have an EGNSS-based solution or product that you would like to demonstrate at MWC Barcelona, please submit your application to by 3 January 2020. Put “Interested in showcasing our project at MWC 2020” in the subject line of your email. For more information on how to apply read the Rules and Conditions.

This will be an unmissable opportunity to present your solutions to a potential investors and beneficiaries. Join us in Barcelona in February 2020 at MWC, where innovation is celebrated, connections are made, insights are gained, products are launched and business gets done!

EGNSS-based innovation

By matching ideas with opportunities and talent with available resources, MWC Barcelona helps support the GSA in its mission of linking space to user needs. In fact, from dual frequency chipsets to new smartphones, EGNSS was behind many of the technology announcements made during the Mobile World Congress 2019. 

And this: Ubiscale: low-power GNSS processing for tracking devices

What’s more, at the MWC 2019, the GSA stand featured displays and presentations on a number of EU projects, including the GSA-managed Horizon 2020 and Fundamental Elements projects Flamingo and ESCAPE, along with solutions from Lycie, Ubiscale, GEO++, Navisoc and Galileo for Mobility. Among the showcased products there was a new solution developed by Ubiscale enabling low-power GNSS sensing and position determination for IoT and a high-accuracy positioning application developed by GEO++, leveraging RTK technology in the backend to apply generated GNSS corrections to smartphone measurements.

Places at the Galileo stand will be limited, so get in touch with us as soon as possible to take advantage of this exciting opportunity!

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

MWC Barcelona is an ideal forum to showcase your projects to a wide audience of your peers.

Momentum gathers ahead of the inaugural Geo Connect Asia 2020

11.12.2019 11:59 Webcasts-Webinars   Montgomery Asia is excited to announce the first wave of speakers and exhibitors at the March 2020 event, which will be a focal point for the …

Prováděli jsme laserové skenování Pravčické brány a okolí v Národním parku České Švýcarsko z dronu

11.12.2019 11:29   UpVision  

Prováděli jsme laserové skenování Pravčické brány a blízkého okolí v Národním parku České Švýcarsko z dronu pro výzkumný projekt Univerzity Karlovy. Prováděli jsme laserové skenování Pravčické brány a blízkého okolí v Národním parku České Švýcarsko z dronu pro výzkumný projekt Univerzity Karlovy. Zveřejnil(a) UpVision dne Úterý 10. prosince 2019

The post Prováděli jsme laserové skenování Pravčické brány a okolí v Národním parku České Švýcarsko z dronu appeared first on Upvision.

Začínáme se Solid Edge: Modelování dříku křížového šroubováku

11.12.2019 11:22   Konstruktér   V dnešním postupu si ukážeme, jak vymodelovat dřík křížového šroubováku. Dřík je jednou částí sestavy celého [...]

The UAS community created ‘a new transport ecosystem’ at Amsterdam Drone Week

11.12.2019 11:22 Webcasts-Webinars   Just like the drone industry itself, the Amsterdam Drone Week is rapidly outgrowing its infancy. Together with the High Level Conference on Drones, …

GEOTALKS 03 – Rosťa Nétek

11.12.2019 10:25   Katedra geoinformatiky UP Olomouc  

Další podcast #GeoTalks je tady🎙️❗️ Rosťa Nétek představí jak se dostal ke geoinformatice a kde geoinformatika dostala jeho 😎   Poslouchejte 🎧 na: ❤️ YouTube:     🖤 Mixcloudu:ťa-nétek/   #bettermapsbetterworld #geoinformaticsupol #upol #upsolvent #podcast

The post GEOTALKS 03 – Rosťa Nétek appeared first on Katedra geoinformatiky.

Earth observation at Space, Security and Defence event

11.12.2019 10:15   ESA Observing the Earth   States General for Space, Security and Defence event

On 6 December, representatives from ESA, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Italian Space Agency met at the States General for Space, Security and Defence event in Naples, Italy, to discuss upcoming challenges for European industry.

NeQuick G code available for download!

11.12.2019 9:56   European GNSS Agency  
11 December 2019

A version of the NeQuick G algorithm using a new coding approach is now available for download on the GSC website. This version is the result of intensive recoding by engineers at the EU’s Joint Research Centre.

GNSS signals travelling through the ionosphere can be significantly delayed by the electrical charges in this atmospheric layer before reaching the users’ terminal. To compensate for this delay in the signal, Galileo receivers integrate a dynamic model of the ionosphere composition known as the NeQuick G model. Receiver manufacturers will now be able to benefit from a version of the NeQuick G correction algorithm that implements a new coding approach. 

Rigorous testing

The JRC concluded its work recently after successful rigorous testing in the framework of the gLAB tool (GNSS software suite from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya). This version of the code has been designed to be highly modular, rendering it more legible for a potential programmer with no specific knowledge about signal propagation in the ionosphere. A library has been also developed to enable its quick integration into existing applications.

Read this: Have your say on the future of Galileo and EGNOS

This software will be released as free and open source software under the terms of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), version 1.2. The open-source code is now ready to be implemented on single-frequency platforms and can be used on a global scale without limitation under the EUPL. This freedom should contribute to a wider adoption of the NeQuick G model at user level.

This version of the NeQuick G code is available for download on the GSC website. You can register on the site here, and then download the software here

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Global ionospheric map calculated with NeQuick G for the 18 09 2019 at 07 UT (DOY 261, 2019).

NeQuick G code available for download!

11.12.2019 9:56   European GNSS Agency  
Global ionospheric map calculated with NeQuick G for the 18 09 2019 at 07 UT (DOY 261, 2019).
11 December 2019

A version of the NeQuick G algorithm using a new coding approach is now available for download on the GSC website. This version is the result of intensive recoding by engineers at the EU’s Joint Research Centre.

GNSS signals travelling through the ionosphere can be significantly delayed by the electrical charges in this atmospheric layer before reaching the users’ terminal. To compensate for this delay in the signal, Galileo receivers integrate a dynamic model of the ionosphere composition known as the NeQuick G model. Receiver manufacturers will now be able to benefit from a version of the NeQuick G correction algorithm that implements a new coding approach. 

Rigorous testing

The JRC concluded its work recently after successful rigorous testing in the framework of the gLAB tool (GNSS software suite from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya). This version of the code has been designed to be highly modular, rendering it more legible for a potential programmer with no specific knowledge about signal propagation in the ionosphere. A library has been also developed to enable its quick integration into existing applications.

Read this: Have your say on the future of Galileo and EGNOS

This software will be released as free and open source software under the terms of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), version 1.2. The open-source code is now ready to be implemented on single-frequency platforms and can be used on a global scale without limitation under the EUPL. This freedom should contribute to a wider adoption of the NeQuick G model at user level.

This version of the NeQuick G code is available for download on the GSC website. You can register on the site here, and then download the software here

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Global ionospheric map calculated with NeQuick G for the 18 09 2019 at 07 UT (DOY 261, 2019).

Pole koncentrací znečišťujících látek / Air quality model areas (ATOM)

11.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Stahovací služba (ATOM) byla vytvořena na základě dat ČHMÚ a obsahuje vrstvu koncentrace látek znečišťujících ovzduší v gridu 1x1 km.

Měřící síť automatických meteorologických, klimatologických a srážkoměrných stanic ČHMÚ

11.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Služba zobrazuje vrstvu automatických meteorologických, klimatologických a srážkoměrech stanic pozorujících k 29.10. 2019 a stanice v síti RBSN (Regional Basic Synoptic Network).

Pole koncentrací znečišťujících látek / Air quality model areas (WFS)

11.12.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Služba byla vytvořena na základě dat ČHMÚ a obsahuje vrstvu imisních charakteristik v gridu 1x1 km.

Omezení provozní doby podatelny v budově ústředí

11.12.2019 0:00   Státní pozemkový úřad   Z provozně-technických důvodů bude v pátek 13. 12. 2019 provoz podatelny v budově ústředí v Husinecké ulici 1024/11a, v Praze 3 omezen pouze do 11 hodin. Od pondělí 16. 12. 2019 bude podatelna dočasně přemístěna do místnosti č. A220. Děkujeme za pochopení.

LeddarTech Partners with First Sensor to Accelerate LiDAR Deployment for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving Applications

10.12.2019 19:42 Webcasts-Webinars   QUEBEC CITY, Dec. 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LeddarTech®, an industry leader in providing the most versatile and scalable auto and mobility …

CoreLogic Reports U.S. Overall Delinquency Rate Lowest for a September in at Least 20 Years

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars   No states posted an annual gain in overall delinquency rate in September

Mississippi, North Carolina, Louisiana, New Jersey and South Carolina …

Kespry Announces Midsouth Aggregates, a Division of CRH, Transforms Mine Planning and Inventory Management with Kespry Drone-Based Aerial Intelligence Platform

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Leading aggregates material provider streamlines mining operations with Kespry, making it more accurate, cost-effective and productive

Crunchy Certified PostGIS Achieves Open Geospatial Consortium Compliance

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars   PostGIS, a robust, open source geospatial database layer built on top of PostgreSQL, enables systems to become spatially aware with advanced GIS …

Cherre and SafeGraph Partner to Integrate Geospatial Data into Cherre's Award Winning AI Platform

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Adding SafeGraph's Point-of-Interest and Store Location Geofences will provide unique insights for mutual customers to support real estate … Makes Its Debut on the iPad

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars for iPad transforms and enhances the mobile workflow.
NEW YORK, Dec. 10, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —

NEW YORK, Dec. 10, 2019 …

UAV Turbines, Inc. Expands Its Microturbine Capabilities to Electrically Powered UAVs

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars   The Monarch Hybrid Range Extender (HREX) will provide unmatched onboard power and flight time to commercial and military UAVs.

Edgybees Wins Multiple AFWERX Contracts to Enhance US Air Force Situational Awareness

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Visual intelligence company will provide an augmented reality-enabled software platform to improve situational awareness in complex operational …

International Lidar Mapping Forum Announces 2020 Conference Program

10.12.2019 19:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Lineup features dozens of geospatial experts set to discuss pressing issues and emerging technologies in remote sensing.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2019 …

Greenland ice loss much faster than expected

10.12.2019 19:35   ESA Observing the Earth  

The Greenland ice sheet is losing mass seven times faster than in the 1990s, according to new research. 

10.12.2019 15:38   Hrdlička  

HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. - Získali jsme speciální ocenění

10.12.2019 15:38   Hrdlička   Společně s Krajem Vysočina jsme vyhráli speciální ocenění v soutěži Egovernment..

Získali jsme speciální ocenění

10.12.2019 15:38   Hrdlička   Společně s Krajem Vysočina jsme vyhráli speciální ocenění v soutěži Egovernment..

Seven ways cities benefit from digital twins

10.12.2019 15:32   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Cities Today, UK

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Advancing cities with Digital Twins

10.12.2019 15:30   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Geospatial Engineering, UK

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Unlocking the benefits of going digital in construction

10.12.2019 15:26   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Civil Engineering Surveyor, UK

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“BIM is not big data”

10.12.2019 15:23   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Extranet Evolution, UK

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Finalists announced for Year in Infrastructure 2019 awards

10.12.2019 15:21   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Infrastructure Intelligence, UK

Read the article

HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. - Proběhl tradiční golfový turnaj Geotrain Cup 2019

10.12.2019 15:06   Hrdlička   Tradiční golfový turnaj pořádaný společnostmi HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. a AŽD s.r.o. proběhl letos až ke konci září.

10.12.2019 15:06   Hrdlička  

Proběhl tradiční golfový turnaj Geotrain Cup 2019

10.12.2019 15:06   Hrdlička   Tradiční golfový turnaj pořádaný společnostmi HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. a AŽD s.r.o. proběhl letos až ke konci září.

HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. - Začali jsme zaměřovat vysokorychlostní tratě na Moravě

10.12.2019 15:00   Hrdlička   Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) v minulých dnech uzavřela smlouvy na geodetická zaměření železničních úseků.

10.12.2019 15:00   Hrdlička  

Začali jsme zaměřovat vysokorychlostní tratě na Moravě

10.12.2019 15:00   Hrdlička   Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC) v minulých dnech uzavřela smlouvy na geodetická zaměření železničních úseků.

10.12.2019 14:39   Hrdlička  

HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. - Studenti z VŠE na exkurzi v sídle společnosti HRDLIČKA

10.12.2019 14:39   Hrdlička   Poslední listopadový týden jsme v sídle společnosti HRDLIČKA přivítali studenty..

Studenti z VŠE na exkurzi v sídle společnosti HRDLIČKA

10.12.2019 14:39   Hrdlička   Poslední listopadový týden jsme v sídle společnosti HRDLIČKA přivítali studenty..

Omezení úředních hodin 31.12.2019 ZKI v Praze

10.12.2019 14:27   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický a katastrální inspektorát v Praze zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Omezení úředních hodin
Dne 31.12.2019 budou úřední hodiny na Zeměměřickém a katastrálním inspektorátu v Praze 8,00 – 12,00 hodin.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Omezení úředních hodin 31.12.2019 ZKI v Praze

10.12.2019 14:27   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Praze/O-uradu/Aktuality/Omezeni-urednich-hodin-ZKI-v-Praze

PRoPART demonstrates highly accurate automotive positioning solution

10.12.2019 14:15   European GNSS Agency  
The ProPART solution may be a game changer for future autonomous transport.
10 December 2019

The Horizon 2020-funded PRoPART project successfully tested a Galileo-based positioning solution enhanced with Real Time Kinematic (RTK) technique for automated trucks and advanced driver assistance systems at the AstaZero Proving Ground in Sandhult, near Borås, Sweden, at the end of November. Combining Galileo’s differentiators with other positioning and sensor technologies, the solution offers reliable cm-level accuracy using correction data from reference stations.

Autonomous vehicles/trucks and advanced driver assistance systems need robust and precise positioning to enhance safety and efficiency and enable reliable operations. This is especially important in the early transition phase when not all vehicles will be automated. 

PRoPART has achieved this goal by exploiting the distinguishing features of Galileo in combination with other positioning sensors and technologies, which it shares using V2X technology. The innovative solution developed during the project has the potential to be a game changer for autonomous transport in the future.

A game changer

The solution was demonstrated in a recreated highway situation, with a connected autonomous truck and two unconnected manned cars. As part of the test, a Scania self-driving truck executed a safe and efficient lane change managed by the PRoPART system, relying on centimetre-level positioning combined with collaborative perception sensor data.

Watch thisPRoPART - Precise and Robust Positioning for Automated Road Transport

“Galileo is a key component of the PRoPART platform, and contributes to maintaining the integrity of the information which is essential,” said GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani.

PRoPART is an important project, in the sense that it delivers robust positioning and timing for future autonomous road transport that fulfils the various needs of vehicle OEMs. It uses object detection sensors as well as PVT information from the GNSS engine along with similar information from road side detection units. This allows it to remotely sense non-connected vehicles, offering a reliable solution for the transition period when both automated and non-automated vehicles will be using the roads.

A truly European venture

The project combines RTK positioning software from Waysure (Sweden) with satellite measurements, in particular advanced and wide band Galileo signals for improved accuracy and enabled with authentication, as developed by Fraunhofer IIS (Germany). The satellite positioning is augmented with an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) ranging solution from Spanish research institution Ceit-IK4. 

Read thisFirst Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle successfully demonstrated

The self-driving truck was supplied by Scania, with Hungary-based V2X company Commsignia providing the C-ITS technology. Baselabs from Germany provided fusion of sensor data from on-board and road-side sensors and developed a situational assessment for the automated lane change manoeuvre. The project was coordinated by the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) and received funding from the GSA under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation programme (grant agreement No 776307).

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The ProPART solution may be a game changer for future autonomous transport.

PRoPART demonstrates highly accurate automotive positioning solution

10.12.2019 14:15   European GNSS Agency  
The ProPART solution may be a game changer for future autonomous transport.
10 December 2019

The Horizon 2020-funded PRoPART project successfully tested a Galileo-based positioning solution enhanced with Real Time Kinematic (RTK) technique for automated trucks and advanced driver assistance systems at the AstaZero Proving Ground in Sandhult, near Borås, Sweden, at the end of November. Combining Galileo’s differentiators with other positioning and sensor technologies, the solution offers reliable cm-level accuracy using correction data from reference stations.

Autonomous vehicles/trucks and advanced driver assistance systems need robust and precise positioning to enhance safety and efficiency and enable reliable operations. This is especially important in the early transition phase when not all vehicles will be automated. 

PRoPART has achieved this goal by exploiting the distinguishing features of Galileo in combination with other positioning sensors and technologies, which it shares using V2X technology. The innovative solution developed during the project has the potential to be a game changer for autonomous transport in the future.

A game changer

The solution was demonstrated in a recreated highway situation, with a connected autonomous truck and two unconnected manned cars. As part of the test, a Scania self-driving truck executed a safe and efficient lane change managed by the PRoPART system, relying on centimetre-level positioning combined with collaborative perception sensor data.

Watch this:PRoPART Project - Precise and Robust Positioning for Automated Road Transports

“Galileo is a key component of the PRoPART platform, and contributes to maintaining the integrity of the information which is essential,” said GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani.

PRoPART is an important project, in the sense that it delivers robust positioning and timing for future autonomous road transport that fulfils the various needs of vehicle OEMs. It uses object detection sensors as well as PVT information from the GNSS engine along with similar information from road side detection units. This allows it to remotely sense non-connected vehicles, offering a reliable solution for the transition period when both automated and non-automated vehicles will be using the roads.

A truly European venture

The project combines RTK positioning software from Waysure (Sweden) with satellite measurements, in particular advanced and wide band Galileo signals for improved accuracy and enabled with authentication, as developed by Fraunhofer IIS (Germany). The satellite positioning is augmented with an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) ranging solution from Spanish research institution Ceit-IK4. 

And thisFirst Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle successfully demonstrated

The self-driving truck was supplied by Scania, with Hungary-based V2X company Commsignia providing the C-ITS technology. Baselabs from Germany provided fusion of sensor data from on-board and road-side sensors and developed a situational assessment for the automated lane change manoeuvre. The project was coordinated by the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) and received funding from the GSA under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation programme (grant agreement No 776307).

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The ProPART solution may be a game changer for future autonomous transport.

odborný/vrchní referent - poskytování informací KN a PK, poskytování podkladů, nahlížení do KN v odd

10.12.2019 11:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/odborny-vrchni-referent-poskytovani-informaci-KN

odborný/vrchní referent - poskytování informací KN a PK, poskytování podkladů, nahlížení do KN v odd

10.12.2019 11:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Jindřichův Hradec
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
odborný/vrchní referent - poskytování informací KN a PK, poskytování podkladů, nahlížení do KN v oddělení dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Jindřichův Hradec (ID SM 30000368/30089254)

odborný/vrchní referent - poskytování informací KN a PK, poskytování podkladů, nahlížení do KN v odd

10.12.2019 11:55   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Jindřichův Hradec vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný/vrchní referent - poskytování informací KN a PK, poskytování podkladů, nahlížení do KN v odd

20191210 Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.12.2019 11:49   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Melnik/O-uradu/Aktuality/20190828-Odborny-rada-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu-(3)

20191210 Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.12.2019 11:49   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kladno Vyhlášení výběrového řízení: Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem"

Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.12.2019 11:47   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Rada-odborny-rada-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu-k-n-(5)

Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.12.2019 11:47   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Mělník vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

10.12.2019 11:47   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Mělník
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem
Rada / odborný rada oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem

Termíny Leica Tour 2020

10.12.2019 10:15   Zeměměřič  

Společnost Gefos zve na svoji každoroční Leica Tour, tentokrát s číslovkou 2020. V pořadí již 21. ročník Leica Tour 2020 se bude konat v sedmi městech. Určitě si vyberete místo, které vám bude nejblíže. Ústí nad Labem: pondělí 9.3.2020, Clarion Congress Hotel, Špitálské nám. 3517 Karlovy Vary: úterý 10.3.2020, Hotel Dvorana, Chebská 44 České Budějovice: středa 11.3.2020, Clarion […]

The post Termíny Leica Tour 2020 appeared first on Zeměměřič.

PF 2020

10.12.2019 9:02   TopGis   Příjemné prožití vánočních svátků a šťastný nový rok vám přeje tým TopGis.

Corelogic Integrates Hover Property Measurement and 3D Technology into Underwriting Platform

10.12.2019 9:00 Webcasts-Webinars   The collaboration will increase customer satisfaction in the property underwriting process and allow carriers to better manage inspection …

Setkání geodetů ve Zlínském kraji

10.12.2019 8:34   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Na konci listopadu se ve Zlíně uskutečnil již 3. ročník Setkání zeměměřičů Zlínského kraje. Akce se zúčastnilo 47 geodetů převážně ze Zlínského kraje, ale pozvání přijali i hosté z dalších částí republiky. Zaznělo celkem osm kvalitních příspěvků, APG byla mezi přednášejícími zastoupena Ing. Jiřím Bradáčem („Aktuálně DTM“) a Ing. Jaroslavem Cibulkou („Zprávy z dění APG“). Prestiž celé akci dodala i osobní […]


10.12.2019 1:00   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Na konci listopadu se ve Zlíně uskutečnil již 3. ročník Setkání zeměměřičů Zlínského kraje. Akce se zúčastnilo 47 ...

Rekordní sbírka pro Moment Charity Shops

10.12.2019 0:00   Státní pozemkový úřad   Praha, 10. prosince 2019: Do letošní tradiční dobročinné sbírky, kterou pořádáme ve spolupráci s Moment Charity Shops se zapojili zaměstnanci našeho úřadu doslova s nadšením. Pro někoho nepotřebné věci MOMENT vrací zpět do života a výtěžek putuje na další dobročinné projekty. Jejich přehled naleznete na stránkách charity Při předání sbírky si pracovníci Kanceláře ústředního ředitele trochu zaposilovali, ale stálo to za to. Ohodnoťte výsledek sami z přiložených fotografií. Děkujeme, jste skvělí!

SkyWatch Selected to Build Advanced Autonomous Space Systems Using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for the Canadian Space Agency

9.12.2019 21:46 Webcasts-Webinars   December 9, 2019 -- SkyWatch is excited to announce that the company was selected by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to complete Phase I of the …

Fortem Technologies Selected by NATO For Defence Against Terrorism Program To Premiere Counter-UAV Solutions

9.12.2019 19:39 Webcasts-Webinars   Pleasant Grove, UT, Dec. 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fortem Technologies, the leading provider of airspace defense solutions for a drone world, …

Schmidt Ocean Institute Maps One Million Square Kilometers of Seafloor and Joins Monumental Mapping Initiative

9.12.2019 19:39 Webcasts-Webinars   Schmidt Ocean Institute, a non-profit dedicated to advancing the world's understanding of the ocean with cutting-edge science, reached a major …

Radiant Earth Foundation Releases World’s First Open Repository for Geospatial Training Data

9.12.2019 16:51 Webcasts-Webinars   WASHINGTON, Dec. 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To make geospatial information more accessible to data scientists who are working on global …

Bentley Systems Wins Downstream Award for Digitalization

9.12.2019 16:43   Bentley Systems  

Software Provider Helps Dow Chemical Company Implement AWP Best Practices Across the Organization

HOUSTON Downstream Awards 19 November 2019 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, and Digital Construction Works (DCW), a Bentley Systems and Topcon Positioning Group joint venture providing digital automation, integration, and “twinning” services, around fit-for-purpose software and cloud services, announced that Bentley Systems was named a winner at the Downstream Awards. Bentley won in the Innovation in Downstream Digitalization category for Dow Chemical Company’s (Dow) use of its ConstructSim application.

The awards celebrate the best of the downstream industry and are organized by Petrochemical Update, a division of Reuters Events. Awards were announced in 11 categories, with winners chosen by a panel of 10 judges representing the industry.

Anne-Marie Walters, industry marketing director, oil and gas and manufacturing at Bentley Systems, said, “We are honored to have received this award, which recognizes Bentley as a provider of digital construction workflows, for the advancement of infrastructure projects, and specifically for Dow’s outstanding work of integrating advanced work packaging (AWP) into its global project methodology.”

“Dow is applying AWP as a program on capital projects of all sizes,” said Susan Brandt, vice president, business development at DCW. “After evaluating several other software packages, Dow selected Bentley’s ConstructSim to automate AWP on a programmatic basis. The team architected its methodology to make AWP via ConstructSim scalable, targeting its implementation on any project valued at more than USD 10 million.”

The implementation of AWP methods with ConstructSim helped Dow achieve amazing tool time results for piping and structural steel. Structural steel wrench time performance improved to 70% and piping wrench time performance rose to 63%, while the industry average wrench time is 37%. Other non-quantifiable benefits were the transparency of construction progress, as Dow was able to use the ConstructSim model in weekly construction status meetings.

“This award demonstrates how Bentley Systems is leading the way in the downstream industry. The entire team at Bentley Systems should be so proud to be acknowledged for their great success in 2019, and we are already looking forward to seeing how Bentley Systems, and all the other winners and finalists, continue to build on their success in 2020,” said Jonathan Witherspoon, sector head of Petrochemical Update.

About Digital Construction Works
Digital Construction Works: Company Launch Video
Founded in 2019, Digital Construction Works (DCW) provides digital automation, integration, and “twinning” services, around fit-for-purpose software and cloud services from Topcon Positioning Group, Bentley Systems, and other software vendors, to realize the breakthrough potential of constructioneering for industrializing construction. DCW is transforming the construction industry from its legacy document-centric paradigm and simplifying and enabling digital automated workflows and processes, technology integration, and digital twinning services for infrastructure. company. DCW is a Bentley Systems and Topcon Positioning Group joint venture

About Bentley Systems
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, including public works, utilities, industrial plants, and digital cities. Bentley’s MicroStation-based open modeling applications, and its open simulation applications, accelerate design integration; its ProjectWise and SYNCHRO offerings accelerate project delivery; and its AssetWise offerings accelerate asset and network performance. Spanning infrastructure engineering, Bentley’s iTwin Services are fundamentally advancing BIM and GIS to 4D digital twins.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2014. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.
Bentley, the Bentley logo, Digital Construction Works (DCW), and ConstructSim are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Pracovní nabídka [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

9.12.2019 14:25   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Knihovna geografie Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy
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