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INSPIRE téma Budovy (BU)

25.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Data odpovídají směrnici INSPIRE pro téma budovy (BU). Data pochází částečně z projektu RÚIAN (Registr územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí), který je součástí základních registrů České Republiky a obsahuje informace o územní identifikaci, adresách a nemovitostech, a částečně z ISKN (Informační systém katastru nemovistostí). Zdrojem informací o budovách v ISKN je objekt Stavba, v RÚIAN je to Stavební objekt. Většina Staveb je zároveň Stavebními objekty, ale jsou případy, kdy tomu tak není. Kromě Budov datová sada obsahuje i části budov, které jsou pro potřeby INSPIRE vyjádřeny vchody z RÚIAN. Vchody obsahují informace o počtu podlaží, technickoekonomických atributech apod. Datová sada pokrývá celé území české republiky. V datové sadě není uvedeno 1,17%, t.j. 49192 budov (k 21. 10. 2019), protože neobsahují definiční bod ani polygon. Více v zákoně č. 111/2009 Sb., o základních registrech, ve vyhlášce č. 359/2011 Sb., o základním registru územní identifikace, adres a nemovitostí v platných zněních, v zákoně 256/2013 Sb., o katastru nemovitostí, v katastrální vyhlášce č. 357/2013 Sb. v platném znění a INSPIRE Data Specification on Buildings v 3.0 z 13.12.2013. Data ve formátu GML 3.2.1 jsou validní proti schématu XML pro INSPIRE téma Budovy ve verzi 4.0 a proti schématu pro prostorová data ELF ve verzi 1.0.

Katastrální mapa ve formátech DGN a DXF poskytovaná v e-shopu

25.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Katastrální mapa je závazným státním mapovým dílem velkého měřítka, obsahuje body polohového bodového pole, polohopis a popis. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě je poskytována zdarma ve formátu DGN a DXF a obsahuje prvky Digitální katastrální mapy (DKM) a Katastrální mapy digitalizované (KMD), tedy bodová pole, budovy, další prvky mapy, hranice parcel, katastrální hranice, parcely katastru nemovitostí, prvky orientační mapy a hranice věcného břemene. Z důvodu použití formátu DGN produkt neobsahuje značky na liniích a oblouky jsou nahrazeny lomenými čárami. Katastrální mapa ve vektorové podobě k 21. 10. 2019 pokrývá 96,61% území České republiky, t.j. 76 196,37km2. Více katastrální vyhláška č.357/2013 Sb. v platném znění.

Mozambique Is Early Adopter of Esri Land Administration Modernization Program

25.10.2019 0:55 Webcasts-Webinars   New Program Empowers Developing Countries to Improve Land Management with Rich Mapping Functionality

ESA and Airbus to cooperate on the Bartolomeo platform

24.10.2019 20:27 Webcasts-Webinars   Washington D.C., 24 October 2019 – The European Space Agency (ESA) and Airbus Defence and Space today signed a Statement of Intent on their …

USGIF Offers First Entry-Level Geospatial Intelligence Certification of its Kind

24.10.2019 20:11 Webcasts-Webinars   “The Essentials” exam provides recent graduates and young professionals the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge across foundational …

UNOOSA and Airbus announce opportunity for utilizing Airbus Bartolomeo platform

24.10.2019 20:01 Webcasts-Webinars   VIENNA and WASHINGTON D.C., 24 October 2019 – At the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Washington D.C., the United Nations Office …

Purple WiFi supercharges intelligent space proposition by acquiring indoor navigation specialist

24.10.2019 19:12 Webcasts-Webinars   Deal will combine the power of indoor navigation tech with data analytics
The acquired solution utilises the Earth’s geomagnetic forces for …

Bentley Systems Announces New iTwin Cloud Services for Infrastructure Engineering Digital Twins

24.10.2019 19:12 Webcasts-Webinars   SINGAPORE, Oct. 24, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading …

HawkEye 360 Expands Signal Catalog to Address New Markets

24.10.2019 19:12 Webcasts-Webinars   Expanded signal catalog will benefit border security applications
HERNDON, Va., Oct. 24, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —  HawkEye 360 Inc., …

'Drones are Now': UAS Industry Leaders Partner to Kick Off FAA National Drone Safety Awareness Week

24.10.2019 19:12 Webcasts-Webinars   Commercial UAV Expo Americas, DRONERESPONDERS, National Press Photographers Association, Sundance Media Group, and others to host special October 29 …

Úspěch naší studentky v soutěži o nejlepší studentskou vědeckou práci [Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie, byTopic]

24.10.2019 13:20   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Bc. Daniela Valchářová se svojí bakalářskou prací Tematický atlas Církve adventistů sedmého dne, obhájenou na katedře aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie, obsadila v celostátním kole soutěže o nejlepší studentskou vědeckou práci 2. místo. Gratulujeme!

UPsolventi geoinformatiky

24.10.2019 11:30   Katedra geoinformatiky UP Olomouc  

Vydáváme nový informační materiál o našich absolventech! Přečtěte si, jak oni vnímají studia na KGI, co dělají, co pre ně znamená geoinformatika….

The post UPsolventi geoinformatiky appeared first on Katedra geoinformatiky.

vrchní referent / rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem KP CR

24.10.2019 10:26   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Pardubicky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/vrchni-referent-rada-v-oddeleni-pravnich-vztahu

vrchní referent / rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem KP CR

24.10.2019 10:26   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Pardubický kraj Katastrální pracoviště Chrudim vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent / rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem KP CR

vrchní referent / rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem KP CR

24.10.2019 10:26   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Pardubický kraj Katastrální pracoviště Chrudim
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
vrchní referent / rada v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem KP CR

Převod Dolní oblasti Vítkovic do 3D BIM modelu

24.10.2019 3:48   Konference BIM Open  

Převod vysoké pece z bývalé industriální zóny v srdci Ostravy z mračna bodů laserového skenování až do 3D BIM modelu v Revitu. Záznam z konference BIM Open, která se konala 17.9.2019 v Ostravě.

The post Převod Dolní oblasti Vítkovic do 3D BIM modelu appeared first on BIM Open.

INSPIRE prohlížecí služba pro téma Využití území - Ústecký kraj

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚR)údržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

silniční doprava

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚRúdržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

vodní doprava

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚRúdržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

INSPIRE stahovací služba pro téma Využití území - Ústecký kraj

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚR)údržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

přírodní plochy, které nejsou jinak hospodářsky využívány

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚRúdržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

jiná dopravní síť

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚRúdržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

kolejová doprava

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚRúdržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

těžba energetických surovin

24.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   data odvozená z ploch a koridorů Zásad územního rozvoje Ústeckého krajeprostorové rozlišení 1:100.000 (měřítko vydání ZÚRúdržba je vázána na vydávané aktualizace ZÚRpodmínky pro přístup a užití - bez omezeníomezení veřejného přístupu - bez omezení

CoreLogic Reports Third Quarter 2019 Financial Results

24.10.2019 1:34 Webcasts-Webinars   Significant Margin Expansion, Favorable Revenue Mix and Growth Highlight Strong Operating Performance; 2019 Full-Year Guidance Increased

‘Drones are Now’: UAS Industry Leaders Partner to Kick Off FAA National Drone Safety Awareness Week

23.10.2019 21:03 Webcasts-Webinars    
Commercial UAV Expo Americas, DRONERESPONDERS, National Press Photographers Association, Sundance Media Group, and others to host special …

October 2019 News

23.10.2019 19:34   Carlson Software   Click to view the October 2019 Newsletter

OGC invites you to its Augmented Reality Summit in Toulouse, France

23.10.2019 19:08 Webcasts-Webinars   OGC’s November 2019 AR Summit will bring together experts to discuss how to standardize access to AR related data and services, and encourage …

FortifyData and InterDev Partner to Deliver Complete Cyber-Risk Management Solutions

23.10.2019 16:50 Webcasts-Webinars   ROSWELL, Ga. and ATLANTA, Oct. 22, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — Today, FortifyData and InterDev announced a partnership that will allow …

Bentley Systems Accelerates Focus on Infrastructure Engineering for Digital Cities

23.10.2019 16:50 Webcasts-Webinars   SINGAPORE, Oct. 22, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading …

Trimble's Compact GNSS Board Adds Flexibility and High-Precision Positioning to Unmanned Aerial Systems

23.10.2019 16:50 Webcasts-Webinars   SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 23, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —  Trimble (NASDAQ:TRMB) introduced today a compact, high-precision Global …

Trimble's Compact GNSS Board Adds Flexibility and High-Precision Positioning to Unmanned Aerial Systems

23.10.2019 16:50 Webcasts-Webinars   SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 23, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —  Trimble (NASDAQ:TRMB) introduced today a compact, high-precision Global …

Bentley Systems Accelerates Focus on Infrastructure Engineering for Digital Cities

23.10.2019 16:50 Webcasts-Webinars    
SINGAPORE, Oct. 22, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the …

RedTail LiDAR Systems Unveils Innovative 3D Mapping Solution at Commercial UAV EXPO

23.10.2019 16:50 Webcasts-Webinars   RTL-400 introduced as high-resolution LiDAR system for small drones
FAIRMONT, W.Va., Oct. 23, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —  RedTail LiDAR …

Drone Delivery Canada announces commercial agreement with DSV Canada

23.10.2019 16:50 Webcasts-Webinars   TORONTO, Oct. 23, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — Drone Delivery Canada Corp. (TSXV: FLT, OTC: TAKOF) (the "Company" or "DDC") is pleased to …

Výstava Albertov 1989 v Jičíně [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

23.10.2019 13:20   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Již 10 let putuje českými knihovnami úspěšná výstava Knihovny geografie Albertov 1989. Nyní bude aktuálně vystavena od 21. října do 6. prosince 2019 v Městské knihovně Václava Čtvrtka v Jičíně.

Pozvánka na 20. konferenci Archivy, knihovny, muzea v digitálním světě 2019 [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

23.10.2019 13:05   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Konference proběhne 2. až 4. prosince 2019 v konferenčním sále Národního archivu v Praze, Archivní 4, Praha 4 - Chodovec.

Save the Date: Live demo of first Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle

23.10.2019 11:12   European GNSS Agency  
Participants in the demos will be able to experience a ride in a driverless car for themselves!
23 October 2019

Connected and Automated Driving is transforming the way vehicles are operated and integrated in the connected mobility ecosystem, and Europe’s GNSS programme Galileo is at the heart of this transformation. Join us at the University of Technology of Compiègne, France, on 27 November for a live demonstration of the first Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle made in the EU and see for yourself how Galileo is driving the future of autonomous vehicles.

Participants in the day-long event will have a unique opportunity to ride in an autonomous vehicle fitted with a Galileo-enabled ESCAPE GNSS engine (EGE). The EGE is an innovative positioning engine that leverages the Galileo signals and services to provide a core positioning component in autonomous vehicles. It was designed and prototyped by the ESCAPE project, funded under the European GNSS Agency’s (GSA) Fundamental Elements programme.

Live demonstrations

Cars equipped with this engine will be showcased in two demonstrations at the event. The first demo will involve two Renault Zoe electric cars being (autonomously) driven at the same time. During the demo, participants and journalists will have a unique opportunity to get on board the vehicles and take a driverless ride on the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC) track.

Read this: ESCAPE project launches positioning module for autonomous driving

In the second demo, a third vehicle will be driven on a public road in Compiègne to demonstrate its performance in a peri-urban environment. There will be no passengers in this car, but the participants will be able to watch a live video of the test broadcast via 4G with the estimated position obtained using the EGE equipped with the RTK high accuracy technique. The demos will be followed by a Q&A session where journalists and other participants will be able to put their questions to the developers of the engine.

“The EGE hardware has been developed based on state-of-the-art practices in the design of automotive electronic control units and is based on the first automotive grade GNSS and Galileo receiver. As a result, all of its interfaces and configurations have been developed to be fully compliant with the most widely recognised trends in the sector,” said GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani.

Participation in the event is free of charge, but places are limited. So if you are interested in the future of mobility and would like to take part in this exciting live demo, sign up now!

Localisation workshop

The demos will be followed by a series of presentations on the ESCAPE project, including use cases for autonomous driving, high accuracy and integrity, localisation standards, and HD maps for localisation. There will also be a presentation of the TESEO APP receiver from STMicroelectronics, which combines multiple-frequency and multi-constellation tracking and enables autonomous-driving systems to combine precise positioning with sensor data for enhanced performance, safety and reliability.

Following the presentations, there will be a workshop on localisation integrity for autonomous driving, with discussions on relative and absolute localisation and integrity estimation for land-based applications. All in all, this is a not-to-be-missed event for anybody interested in intelligent transport systems and autonomous driving.

The ESCAPE prototype

The EGE prototype design includes several major components, including a novel multi-frequency, multi-constellation automotive-grade GNSS receiver. The main distinguishing feature of the ESCAPE receiver is its ability to precisely and simultaneously process signals from two different GNSS bands and from different satellite constellations. Although this capability is common in high-end professional receivers, it is cutting-edge in the automotive Tier-2 panorama.

And this: European GNSS supports smarter mobility

The receiver is also a first-of-a-kind device in its segment to support the new Navigation Message Authentication (NMA) service of Galileo, the additional anti-spoofing service to be offered by Galileo on the open E1 signal. Finally, the new GNSS receiver comes with several core signal-processing enhancements: better receiver sensitivity and tracking capability, multipath mitigation, more intermediate frequency (IF) channels and flexibility in routing IF samples, jamming detection and mitigation, and optimisation of the GNSS data flow.

The result is an ESCAPE GNSS sensor that combines a high-end GNSS technology traditionally reserved for professional applications, innovative dual-band Galileo processing, as well as all the hardware and software safety aspects that are needed to certify the component for the automotive market.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Participants in the demos will be able to experience a ride in a driverless car for themselves!

Save the Date: Live demo of first Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle

23.10.2019 11:12   European GNSS Agency  
Participants in the demos will be able to experience a ride in a driverless car for themselves!
23 October 2019

Connected and Automated Driving is transforming the way vehicles are operated and integrated in the connected mobility ecosystem, and Europe’s GNSS programme Galileo is at the heart of this transformation. Join us at the University of Technology of Compiègne, France, on 27 November for a live demonstration of the first Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle made in the EU and see for yourself how Galileo is driving the future of autonomous vehicles.

Participants in the day-long event will have a unique opportunity to ride in an autonomous vehicle fitted with a Galileo-enabled ESCAPE GNSS engine (EGE). The EGE is an innovative positioning engine that leverages the Galileo signals and services to provide a core positioning component in autonomous vehicles. It was designed and prototyped by the ESCAPE project, funded under the European GNSS Agency’s (GSA) Fundamental Elements programme.

Live demonstrations

Cars equipped with this engine will be showcased in two demonstrations at the event. The first demo will involve two Renault Zoe electric cars being (autonomously) driven at the same time. During the demo, participants and journalists will have a unique opportunity to get on board the vehicles and take a driverless ride on the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC) track.

Read this: ESCAPE project launches positioning module for autonomous driving

In the second demo, a third vehicle will be driven on a public road in Compiègne to demonstrate its performance in a peri-urban environment. There will be no passengers in this car, but the participants will be able to watch a live video of the test broadcast via 4G with the estimated position obtained using the EGE equipped with the RTK high accuracy technique. The demos will be followed by a Q&A session where journalists and other participants will be able to put their questions to the developers of the engine.

“The EGE hardware has been developed based on state-of-the-art practices in the design of automotive electronic control units and is based on the first automotive grade GNSS and Galileo receiver. As a result, all of its interfaces and configurations have been developed to be fully compliant with the most widely recognised trends in the sector,” said GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani.

Participation in the event is free of charge, but places are limited. So if you are interested in the future of mobility and would like to take part in this exciting live demo, sign up now!

Localisation workshop

The demos will be followed by a series of presentations on the ESCAPE project, including use cases for autonomous driving, high accuracy and integrity, localisation standards, and HD maps for localisation. There will also be a presentation of the TESEO APP receiver from STMicroelectronics, which combines multiple-frequency and multi-constellation tracking and enables autonomous-driving systems to combine precise positioning with sensor data for enhanced performance, safety and reliability.

Following the presentations, there will be a workshop on localisation integrity for autonomous driving, with discussions on relative and absolute localisation and integrity estimation for land-based applications. All in all, this is a not-to-be-missed event for anybody interested in intelligent transport systems and autonomous driving.

The ESCAPE prototype

The EGE prototype design includes several major components, including a novel multi-frequency, multi-constellation automotive-grade GNSS receiver. The main distinguishing feature of the ESCAPE receiver is its ability to precisely and simultaneously process signals from two different GNSS bands and from different satellite constellations. Although this capability is common in high-end professional receivers, it is cutting-edge in the automotive Tier-2 panorama.

And this: European GNSS supports smarter mobility

The receiver is also a first-of-a-kind device in its segment to support the new Navigation Message Authentication (NMA) service of Galileo, the additional anti-spoofing service to be offered by Galileo on the open E1 signal. Finally, the new GNSS receiver comes with several core signal-processing enhancements: better receiver sensitivity and tracking capability, multipath mitigation, more intermediate frequency (IF) channels and flexibility in routing IF samples, jamming detection and mitigation, and optimisation of the GNSS data flow.

The result is an ESCAPE GNSS sensor that combines a high-end GNSS technology traditionally reserved for professional applications, innovative dual-band Galileo processing, as well as all the hardware and software safety aspects that are needed to certify the component for the automotive market.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Participants in the demos will be able to experience a ride in a driverless car for themselves!

Save the Date: Live demo of first Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle

23.10.2019 11:12   European GNSS Agency  
Participants in the demos will be able to experience a ride in a driverless car for themselves!
23 October 2019

Connected and Automated Driving is transforming the way vehicles are operated and integrated in the connected mobility ecosystem, and Europe’s GNSS programme Galileo is at the heart of this transformation. Join us at the University of Technology of Compiègne, France, on 27 November for a live demonstration of the first Galileo-enabled autonomous vehicle made in the EU and see for yourself how Galileo is driving the future of autonomous vehicles.

Participants in the day-long event will have a unique opportunity to ride in an autonomous vehicle fitted with a Galileo-enabled ESCAPE GNSS engine (EGE). The EGE is an innovative positioning engine that leverages the Galileo signals and services to provide a core positioning component in autonomous vehicles. It was designed and prototyped by the ESCAPE project, funded under the European GNSS Agency’s (GSA) Fundamental Elements programme.

Live demonstrations

Cars equipped with this engine will be showcased in two demonstrations at the event. The first demo will involve two Renault Zoe electric cars being (autonomously) driven at the same time. During the demo, participants and journalists will have a unique opportunity to get on board the vehicles and take a driverless ride on the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC) track.

Read this: ESCAPE project launches positioning module for autonomous driving

In the second demo, a third vehicle will be driven on a public road in Compiègne to demonstrate its performance in a peri-urban environment. There will be no passengers in this car, but the participants will be able to watch a live video of the test broadcast via 4G with the estimated position obtained using the EGE along with RTK. The demos will be followed by a Q&A session where journalists and other participants will be able to put their questions to the developers of the engine.

“The EGE hardware has been developed based on state-of-the-art practices in the design of automotive electronic control units and is based on the first automotive grade GNSS and Galileo receiver. As a result, all of its interfaces and configurations have been developed to be fully compliant with the most widely recognised trends in the sector,” said GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani.

Participation in the event is free of charge, but places are limited. So if you are interested in the future of mobility and would like to take part in this exciting live demo, sign up now!

Localisation workshop

The demos will be followed by a series of presentations on the ESCAPE project, including use cases for autonomous driving, high accuracy and integrity, localisation standards, and HD maps for localisation. There will also be a presentation of the TESEO APP receiver from STMicroelectronics, which combines multiple-frequency and multi-constellation tracking and enables autonomous-driving systems to combine precise positioning with sensor data for enhanced performance, safety and reliability.

Following the presentations, there will be a workshop on localisation integrity for autonomous driving, with discussions on relative and absolute localisation and integrity estimation for land-based applications. All in all, this is a not-to-be-missed event for anybody interested in intelligent transport systems and autonomous driving.

The ESCAPE prototype

The EGE prototype design includes several major components, including a novel multi-frequency, multi-constellation automotive-grade GNSS receiver. The main distinguishing feature of the ESCAPE receiver is its ability to precisely and simultaneously process signals from two different GNSS bands and from different satellite constellations. Although this capability is common in high-end professional receivers, it is cutting-edge in the automotive Tier-2 panorama.

And this: European GNSS supports smarter mobility

The receiver is also a first-of-a-kind device in its segment to support the new Navigation Message Authentication (NMA) service of Galileo, the additional anti-spoofing service to be offered by Galileo on the open E1 signal. Finally, the new GNSS receiver comes with several core signal-processing enhancements: better receiver sensitivity and tracking capability, multipath mitigation, more intermediate frequency (IF) channels and flexibility in routing IF samples, jamming detection and mitigation, and optimisation of the GNSS data flow.

The result is an ESCAPE GNSS sensor that combines a high-end GNSS technology traditionally reserved for professional applications, innovative dual-band Galileo processing, as well as all the hardware and software safety aspects that are needed to certify the component for the automotive market.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Participants in the demos will be able to experience a ride in a driverless car for themselves!

GfK updates maps for all of Europe

23.10.2019 11:08 Webcasts-Webinars   Europe Edition 2019/2020 features latest administrative and postcode boundaries
Bruchsal, Germany, October 22, 2019 – GfK has released …

osobní automobil Suzuki Ignis 1.3

23.10.2019 8:13   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Nabidky-majetku/osobni-automobil-Suzuki-Ignis-1-3

osobní automobil Suzuki Ignis 1.3

23.10.2019 8:13   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o

osobní automobil Suzuki Ignis 1.3

Maxar Technologies and Australian Space Agency Sign Cooperative Agreement

23.10.2019 1:45 Webcasts-Webinars   WESTMINSTER, Colo. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — October 22, 2019 —

Maxar Technologies (NYSE:MAXR) (TSX:MAXR), a trusted partner and …

GBDAA SkyVision team recognized for advances in safe integration of drones into the National Airspace System

23.10.2019 1:45 Webcasts-Webinars   WASHINGTON, Oct. 22, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —  Raytheon Company's (NYSE: RTN) Ground Based Detect and Avoid team received the Air …

Carlson Releases Exclusive Scan Software for the C-ALS® and Void Scanner

22.10.2019 21:27   Carlson Software   MAYSVILLE, Kentucky, U.S.A. (October 2019) — Carlson Scan has just been released for enhanced operation of Carlson’s C-ALS, C-ALS Gyro, Void Scanner, and, soon-to-be-released, VS+ laser scanning systems. Designed for ruggedized, touchscreen tablets, Carlson Scan was developed for in-the-field use and features a smooth interface to control the scanner, analyze the collected data, and produce […]

OGC announces new JSON Encoding Extension to its Moving Features Standard; seeks public comment before approval

22.10.2019 20:37 Webcasts-Webinars   New Moving Features Extension provides a JSON encoding as an alternative to XML or Simple CSV

22 October 2019: The Open Geospatial Consortium …

TerraView Unveils Enterprise UAV with More Than 70-Minute Flight Time

22.10.2019 20:11 Webcasts-Webinars   RangePro X8 is proudly designed and assembled in the U.S.A.

Valencia, CA ( October 21, 2019 ) — TerraView, a California-based aerial …

EIA Canadian leader in using drones for safety

22.10.2019 20:02 Webcasts-Webinars   Edmonton, AB, Oct. 22, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  – A different kind of aircraft landed at Edmonton International Airport this past weekend …

The Lidar Revolution: Enabling Machines to See the World, as Discussed in the New IDTechEx Research Report

22.10.2019 20:02 Webcasts-Webinars   New report from IDTechEx Research forecasts the global market for lidar in autonomous vehicles growing to $5.4 billion by 2030. Analysis of 100+ 3D …

ILMF & LIDAR Mag Open Nominations for 2020 Lidar Leader Awards

22.10.2019 20:02 Webcasts-Webinars   International Lidar Mapping Forum (ILMF) and LIDAR Magazine will be accepting nominations for the 2020 Lidar Leader Awards now through December 13, …

The Lidar Revolution: Enabling Machines to See the World, as Discussed in the New IDTechEx Research Report

22.10.2019 20:02 Webcasts-Webinars    
New report from IDTechEx Research forecasts the global market for lidar in autonomous vehicles growing to $5.4 billion by 2030. Analysis of …

Bentley Systems' Design Integration Offerings Advance BIM to 4D through Digital Twins

22.10.2019 16:42 Webcasts-Webinars   SINGAPORE, Oct. 21, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading …

Robotic Skies Partners with SqwaQ to Advance Commercial Drone Operations BVLOS

22.10.2019 16:42 Webcasts-Webinars   Agreement grants distribution of SqwaQ technology to the global UAS fleet, with MRO support and retrofit through the Robotic Skies Network in over 40 …

Bentley Systems Introduces AssetWise Digital Twin Services and OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services for Asset and Network Performance

22.10.2019 16:42 Webcasts-Webinars   SINGAPORE, Oct. 22, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading …

Velodyne Lidar Executive Addresses How Velodyne’s Next Generation Sensors Enable True Vehicle Autonomy

22.10.2019 16:42 Webcasts-Webinars   Anand Gopalan, Velodyne Lidar CTO, Discusses Lidar’s Role in Autonomous Vehicle Success at PRECISE Industry Day Conference
SAN JOSE, Calif. — …

Aktualizace dat ÚAP poskytovatelů Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR a Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR

22.10.2019 16:05   Plzeňský kraj   V datech územně analytických podkladů Plzeňského kraje byla provedena aktualizace dat silniční sítě od poskytovatele Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR včetně vygenerování orientačního vymezení ochranných pásem silnic I., II. a III. třídy mimo zastavěné území a aktualizace dat maloplošných chráněných území a památných stromů od poskytovatele AOPK ČR.

Aktualizace dat ÚAP poskytovatelů Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR, CETIN a.s., Správa železnic a ÚHUL.

22.10.2019 16:05   Plzeňský kraj   V datech územně analytických podkladů Plzeňského kraje byla provedena aktualizace dat ve správě poskytovatelů AOPK ČR, CETIN a.s., Správa železnic s.o. a ÚHUL.

Stavební akce na silnicích 2019

22.10.2019 15:35   Plzeňský kraj   V seznamu mapových služeb oblasti Doprava a silniční hospodářství byly do interaktivní mapy Stavební akce na silnicích PK doplněny (z dat dodaných SÚS PK) Stavební akce 2019 realizované z rozpočtu SÚSPK, PK nebo SFDI.

Stavební akce 2019 na silnicích PK

22.10.2019 15:35   Plzeňský kraj   V seznamu mapových služeb oblasti Doprava a silniční hospodářství byly do interaktivní mapy Stavební akce 2019 na silnicích PK doplněny (z dat dodaných SÚS PK) Stavební akce 2019 realizované z rozpočtu SÚSPK, PK nebo SFDI.

Hexagon Launches Power Portfolio 2020

22.10.2019 14:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Latest release improves collaboration, insights and results for geospatial professionals
21 October 2019 - Hexagon’s Geospatial division, a …

Satellite-based remote lake health monitoring solution an aerospace winner

22.10.2019 14:40 Webcasts-Webinars   Seequent wins New Zealand aerospace innovation challenge; continues to expand its geoscience solutions to help solve earth, environment and energy …

D28 iceberg takes a turn

22.10.2019 14:28   ESA Observing the Earth   D28 iceberg Image:

Earlier this month, the D28 iceberg was spotted breaking off from the Amery Ice Shelf in Antarctica. The iceberg, which is around 1600 sq km – about the size of Greater London – has now taken a 90 degree turn.

Captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission, this multitemporal false-colour image shows the before and after location of the iceberg produced by this calving event. Blue shows the iceberg before separation, taken on 20 September, while the red is where the iceberg was on 19 October after calving. Small red fragments of the iceberg can be seen floating in the vicinity of D28.

Approximately 30 km wide and 60 km long, and with a thickness exceeding 200 m, the iceberg is estimated to contain over 300 billion tonnes of ice.

Playmobil se vydal vzhůru a ještě dále s kosmonautem ESA Lucou Parmitanem

22.10.2019 10:35   Český Kosmický Portál  

Figurky Playmobil rozdávají radost miliónům dětí na celém světě. Nyní dvě z nich, které mají podobu kosmonauta ESA Lucy Parmitana, krouží na oběžné dráze Země společně s Parmitanem osobně.

Kotlíkové dotace 3. výzva

22.10.2019 9:50   Ústecký kraj  

Ve spolupráci s Odborem strategie přípravy a realizace projektů byla aktualizována mapová aplikace "Kotlíkové dotace v Ústeckém kraji". V mapové aplikaci naleznete vyhodnocení 1. 2. a 3. výzvy a jejich porovnání. Vše je přehledně zobrazeno po obcích či ORP.

Mapovou aplikaci naleznete na úvodní straně a také v sekci MAPY - > Rozvoj kraje a dotace- > Kotlíkové dotace.

Zimní údržba silnic v Ústeckém kraji 2019/20

22.10.2019 9:40   Ústecký kraj  

Ve spolupráci s Odborem dopravy a silničního hospodářství a SÚS byla aktualizována mapová aplikace "Plán zimní údržby silnic v Ústeckém kraji". V mapové aplikaci naleznete pořadí údržby jednotlivých komunikací dle důležitosti, způsob jejich údržby a jednotlivé trasy posypových vozů SÚS.

Mapovou aplikaci naleznete na úvodní straně a také v sekci MAPY - > Doprava a silniční hospodářství- > Mapa pořadí zímní údržby silnic Ústeckého kraje 2019/20.

5. porada vedení firem holdingu HRDLIČKA Group

22.10.2019 9:37   Hrdlička  

Výkonní ředitelé firem a další kolegové se již po páté sešli, tentokrát v prostředí šumavských luhů a hájů, aby si navzájem vyměnili informace a představili své vize do nadcházejícího roku 2020. V zázemí penzionu Lyer probíhal celodenní workshop s množstvím přednášek, který byl zakončen prohlídkou místního minipivovaru. Následující den účastnici ve dvou menších skupinkách vyrazili... View Article

The post 5. porada vedení firem holdingu HRDLIČKA Group appeared first on HRDLIČKA spol. s r.o. - komplexní služby v oblasti geodézie.

20191022 Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN

22.10.2019 8:41   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Praha-zapad/O-uradu/Aktuality/20191022-Vrchni-referent-rada-oddeleni-dokumenta

20191022 Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN

22.10.2019 8:41   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-západ Vyhlášení výběrového řízení: Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN"

20191022 Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN

22.10.2019 8:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/20191022-Vrchni-referent-rada-oddeleni-dokumenta

20191022 Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN

22.10.2019 8:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-západ Vyhlášení výběrového řízení: Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Praha - západ V části "Úřední deska", v sekci "Oznámení a jiná úřední sdělení" bylo vystaveno "Oznámení o vyhlášení výběrového řízení na obsazení služebního místa Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Praha - západ"

Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN

22.10.2019 8:30   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-západ vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN

Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN

22.10.2019 8:30   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Praha-západ
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN
Vrchní referent / rada oddělení dokumentace KN


22.10.2019 8:05   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Rumburk/O-uradu/Aktuality/revize


22.10.2019 8:05   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Rumburk zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Heroutová

Vážení klienti, oznamujeme Vám, že v  katastrálních územích Rybniště, Nová Chřibská a Varnsdorf probíhá revize katastru nemovitostí a v katastrálním území Staré Křečany nové mapování. Předmětem revize i nového mapování jsou zejména zápisy staveb, druhů pozemků a způsobů využití pozemků a typů staveb, kdy výsledkem by mělo být dosažení, co nejlepšího souladu katastru nemovitostí se skutečným stavem v terénu. Oznámení jsou vyvěšena na úřední desce obecního i katastrálního úřadu.


22.10.2019 8:05   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Rumburk zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Heroutová

Vážení klienti, oznamujeme Vám, že v  katastrálních územích Nová Chřibská, Varnsdorf a Dolní Chřibská probíhá revize katastru nemovitostí a v katastrálním území Staré Křečany nové mapování. Předmětem revize i nového mapování jsou zejména zápisy staveb, druhů pozemků a způsobů využití pozemků a typů staveb, kdy výsledkem by mělo být dosažení, co nejlepšího souladu katastru nemovitostí se skutečným stavem v terénu. Oznámení jsou vyvěšena na úřední desce obecního i katastrálního úřadu.

Omezení provozu dne 25. 10. 2019

22.10.2019 7:35   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Liberecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Česká Lípa zveřejnil novou aktualitu:

Vážení klienti,
z důvodu nezbytné provozní odstávky informačních systémů v pátek dne 25. 10. 2019 nebudou poskytovány údaje katastru nemovitostí, a to na žádném katastrálním pracovišti ani pobočce CzechPOINT.
Příjem podání bude probíhat v omezeném režimu. Podáním tento den nebude přidělelno standardní číslo jednací, pod kterým by je bylo možno dohledat v Nahlížení do KN. Platby za podání návrhu na vklad budeme přijímat pouze v hotovosti s vydáním zjednodušeného příjmového dokladu, nebo v kolkových známkách. 
Za případné komplikace spojené s tímto mimořádným omezením provozu se omlouváme a děkujeme za pochopení.


Omezení provozu dne 25. 10. 2019

22.10.2019 7:35   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Liberecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Česká Lípa zveřejnil novou aktualitu:

Vážení klienti,
z důvodu provozní odstávky informačního systému katastru nemovitostí v pátek dne 25. 10. 2019 nebudou poskytovány údaje katastru nemovitostí, a to na žádném katastrálním pracovišti ani pobočce CzechPOINT. Příjem podání bude probíhat v omezeném režimu. Podáním tento den nebude přidělelno standardní číslo jednací, pod kterým by je bylo možno dohledat v Nahlížení do KN. Platby za podání návrhu na vklad budeme přijímat pouze v hotovosti s vydáním zjednodušeného příjmového dokladu, nebo v kolkových známkách. Obnovení běžného provozu se předpokládá v úterý dne 29. 10. 2019. Omlouváme se za případné komplikace.


Omezení provozu dne 25. 10. 2019

22.10.2019 7:35   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Liberecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Česká Lípa zveřejnil novou aktualitu:

Vážení klienti,

z důvodu provozní odstávky informačního systému katastru nemovitostí v pátek dne 25. října 2019 nebudou poskytovány údaje katastru nemovitostí a to na žádném pracovišti ani pobočce CzechPOINT.

Příjem podání bude probíhat v omezeném režimu. Podáním tento den nebude přiděleno standardní číslo jednací, pod kterým by je bylo možno dohledat v Nahlížení do KN. Platby za podání návrhu na vklad budeme přijímat pouze v hotovosti s vydáním zjednodušeného příjmového dokladu, nebo v kolkových známkách. Obnovení běžného provozu se předpokládá v úterý 29. října 2019.

Omezení provozu dne 25. 10. 2019

22.10.2019 7:35   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Liberecky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Ceska-Lipa/O-uradu/Aktuality/Omezeni-provozu-dne-25-10-2019

Bentley Systems Accelerates Focus on Infrastructure Engineering for Digital Cities

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  

Advancing BIM and GIS through 4D Digital Twins

SINGAPORE The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference 23 October 2019 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today presented its new digital cities initiatives, applying digital twins for more efficient city and regional operations and for more connected and resilient infrastructure. Digital twins converge assets’ 4D-surveyed and engineering representations to enable new collaborative digital workflows to serving planners and engineers in public works, utilities, property management and development, and city stakeholders. Digital twin cloud services provide an intuitive and immersive 4D environment converging digital context and digital components with digital chronology for “evergreen” infrastructure digital twins over asset lifecycles. For infrastructure professionals, BIM and GIS are effectively advanced through 4D digital twins.

Greg Bentley, CEO of Bentley Systems said, “Bentley Systems’ major technical thrust is the advancement of digital twins across infrastructure domains. This finally opens up for owners their previously “dark” engineering technologies and data (ET), for federation with traditional information technology (IT) and newly connected operating technologies (OT). Correspondingly, because the opportunities for benefits are so compelling, our major organizational initiative is our new digital cities product advancement group. Our digital cities group’s charter is both to ramp infrastructure engineering digital twins to full city scale, and at the same time to help with going digital through entry points for any engineering department in any municipality.”

“At Bentley Systems we have long and rich histories in respectively geospatial technology (GIS), and in BIM, for municipal infrastructure applications spanning capex and opex,” said Robert Mankowski, vice president, digital cities. “Today, I believe we are the leading innovator in reality modeling and in geotechnical modeling and data management. With our new cloud-based iTwin Services bringing this all together, city and campus digital twins now offer an immediate opportunity to help cities and regions solve a wide range of challenges and problems, enhancing their infrastructure performance and their constituents’ quality of life.”

Infrastructure Digital Twins for Digital Cities
City-scale digital twins begin and are updated through 4D surveying and reality modeling by ContextCapture and Orbit GT to derive as-operated 3D models from photogrammetry (including from UAVs) and/or point clouds. Reality modeling provides engineering-precise, real-world context to support planning, design, construction, and operations. Users of Bentley’s open applications (OpenBuildings, OpenSite, OpenRoads, OpenRail, OpenUtilities) can leverage this digital context to model new and improved buildings, roads, transit systems, tunnels, bridges, utilities, and more.

4D digital twins become a common and federating index for previously siloed information, without requiring source systems to change their existing environments or data formats. The foundation context for any digital twin includes reality meshes, terrain models, imagery, and GIS sources. Engineering models (from any BIM software) of buildings, streets, transit systems, utilities, and other city infrastructure, both surface and subsurface, are semantically aligned and geo-referenced to enhance the richness and relevance of digital twins over time.

Public works departments, property developers, utilities, transportation agencies, and others now have access to a full and current contextual view of the built environment. Engineering and architectural firms will be able to develop new services that contemplate updating and managing digital assets over their lifecycles. And, cities will benefit from living and current digital twins of their infrastructure and surrounding environment.

Sustainability and Resilience Digital Twins
Now, cities can combine their surface and subsurface surveys and engineering data into cohesive 4D digital twins to ensure over time their asset performance, resiliency, and sustainability. Using Bentley’s open simulation applications during asset lifecycles, for example, as-constructed buildings can be evaluated for seismic resilience (STAAD), the evacuation of vehicles and people in stations, stadiums, and other public places can be assessed and optimized (LEGION and CUBE), the impact of flooding events like hurricanes can be determined (OpenFlows FLOOD), and the suitability of subsurface conditions for urban projects can be ensured (PLAXIS, SoilVision).

Geotechnical Digital Twins: Introducing OpenGround
Bentley’s geotechnical engineering and analysis applications empower subsurface digital twins, critical for assessing and managing risks in infrastructure projects and assets. Subsurface digital twins entail modeling of the underground environment, including the geology, hydrology, chemistry, and engineering properties, made possible by Bentley’s geotechnical offerings (PLAXIS, SoilVision, Keynetix and gINT). To further enable subsurface digital twins, Bentley today announced OpenGround, a new cloud service (available end of 2019) to store, manage, report, and share data about natural ground conditions.

Water Network Digital Twins
Building upon its deep experience with hydraulics and hydrology software, Bentley is introducing OpenFlows WaterOPS for water and wastewater utility operators. OpenFlows WaterOPS provides water and wastewater utilities with real-time operational support, smart water response planning, and optimized performance and business intelligence, converging IT (GIS) with OT (telemetry, SCADA instrumentation, sensors) and ET (hydraulic simulation). WaterOPS provides real-time operational decision support extending Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) to help users monitor, maintain, and forecast various hydraulics and water quality scenarios.

City Planning Digital Twins
Digital twins for cities have many stakeholders, including constituents not directly involved in engineering or infrastructure. Now hosted in Microsoft Azure, OpenCities Planner delivers cloud-based, city-scale digital twins to improve stakeholder and citizen engagement and to simplify and facilitate urban development. Addressing a wide variety of potential use cases, OpenCitiesPlanner helps users, through devices like web, mobile, touchscreens, and digital billboards, to intuitively visualize and explore 2D, 3D, GIS and other data aligned with the reality modeling of the city.

Digital Co-ventures for Digital Cities
(With Topcon) Cloud-based photogrammetry processing powered by Bentley’s ContextCapture is incorporated in Topcon MAGNET Collage Web, a web-based service for publication, sharing, and analysis of reality capture data. The intrinsic Bentley ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service enables operators to upload UAV imagery direct-to-web without the need for high-end hardware requirements or IT constraints.


About Bentley Systems’ Digital Cities Offerings
Bentley Systems undertakes to advance BIM and GIS through 4D infrastructure engineering digital twins for digital cities. Engineers, geospatial professionals, and infrastructure owner-operators benefit from applications and digital twin cloud services that advance reality modeling (ContextCapture and OrbitGT); water, wastewater, and stormwater system planning, design and operations, and flood resilience (OpenFlows); engineering-ready geospatial urban planning and visualization (OpenCities Map and OpenCities Planner); geotechnical information management (OpenGround); and mobility simulation and analytics (LEGION and CUBE).

In both 2018 and 2019, Microsoft named Bentley Systems as Partner of the Year in its CityNext category. In 2019, ARC Advisory Group’s Engineering Design Tools for Plants, Infrastructure, and BIM market study ranked Bentley #1 in Water and Wastewater Distribution.

About Bentley Systems 
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, including public works, utilities, industrial plants, and digital cities. Bentley’s MicroStation-based open modeling applications, and its open simulation applications, accelerate design integration; its ProjectWise and SYNCHRO offerings accelerate project delivery; and its AssetWise offerings accelerate asset and network performance. Spanning infrastructure engineering, Bentley’s iTwin Services are fundamentally advancing BIM and GIS to 4D digital twins. 

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2014. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, ContextCapture, gINT, iTwin, Keynetix, LEGION, MicroStation, OpenBuildings, OpenCities, OpenCities Map, OpenCities Planner, OpenFlows, OpenFlows FLOOD, OpenFlows WaterOPS, OpenGround, OpenRail, OpenRoads, OpenSite, OpenUtilities, Orbit GT, PLAXIS, ProjectWise, SoilVision, STAAD, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Bentley Systems’ Design Integration Offerings Advance BIM to 4D through Digital Twins

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  

“Evergreen” digital twins extend the value of infrastructure engineers’ work,
and of Bentley’s
open modeling applications and open simulation applications
throughout asset lifecycles 

SINGAPORE – The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference – 22 October 2019 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced new additions and updates to its open modeling applications and open simulation applications to advance engineering digital twins throughout asset lifecycles. Bentley’s open applications enable collaborative, iterative, and automated digital workflows spanning infrastructure professional disciplines. Now, with new digital twin cloud services, they extend business value and actionable insights throughout the construction and operations phases of an infrastructure asset.

“The broad acceptance of BIM has substantially benefited AEC professionals and projects over the last fifteen years, but now—with cloud services, reality modeling, and advanced analytics—we can advance BIM through digital twins,” said Santanu Das, Bentley’s senior vice president, design integration. “Until now, the use of BIM has been limited to static deliverables, which, after handing off to construction, quickly go out-of-date, losing the potential further value of the engineering data locked in BIM models. Now, with digital twins, we can open up the engineering data in a BIM model with its constituent digital components as a starting point, continually refresh the digital context with drone surveys and reality modeling, and—this is where it gets really exciting— continue to model and simulate the fitness for purpose of an asset over the digital chronology of its lifecycle. Finally, the value of the engineering data in a BIM model can extend beyond handoff to construction, and even beyond handover to operations, assuring and improving both project and asset performance. Advancing BIM to 4D through evergreen digital twins means that design models and simulations can serve a greater purpose than merely project deliverables, as the living asset’s digital DNA!”

New Digital Twin Cloud Services for Design Integration
Bentley’s design integration offerings now extend from desktop applications to cloud services to enable organizations to create, 4D-visualize, and analyze digital twins of infrastructure assets. iTwin Services enable digital information managers to incorporate engineering data created by diverse design tools into a living digital twin and align it with reality modeling and other associated data, with no disruption to their current tools or processes.

iTwin Design Review facilitates faster design review sessions. It enables practitioners to initiate “ad hoc” design reviews in a hybrid 2D/3D environment as well as project teams working on digital twins to conduct design reviews and multidiscipline design coordination. It provides workflows: 
• (for practitioners) to markup and comment directly on elements of 3D models and switch between 2D and 3D views without leaving the 3D environment 
• (for projects using ProjectWise) to visualize 4D digital twins—capturing engineering change along the timeline of the project, and providing an accountable record of who-changed-what-and-when

iTwin OpenPlant Design Service provides OpenPlant users with a distributed work environment and bi-directional referencing between 2D and 3D representations of plant digital components.

Open Modeling Applications and Open Simulation Applications
Sharing digital components and connecting digital workflows across disciplines are the foundation of an open modeling environment. Comprising MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications specialized for asset types and solutions, Bentley’s open modeling environment advances collaboration, enabling clash resolution and production of multidiscipline deliverables from any application.

Building its applications on the MicroStation platform ensures interoperability, access to a connected data environment, and digital services like Components Center for shared components libraries and GenerativeComponents for generative design capabilities. In addition, integrated engineering analysis and simulation empowers designers to iterate on various scenarios to achieve the most appropriate solution, not only for the initial design, but also for subsequent interventions and capital improvements to infrastructure assets. 

Open Modeling Applications Updates
(New) OpenWindPower offers interoperability between geotechnical, structural, and piping analysis and design applications, automating data-exchange workflows between disciplines, to minimize risk in the design and operations of fixed and floating offshore wind farms. OpenWindPower enables users of a wind turbine model to check design status, perform analyses, mitigate risks, and generate insights into its predicted performance. 

“OpenWindPower shortens the overall design cycle and effectively solves the problem of large design margins, reducing the cost of offshore wind power development,” said Dr. Bin Wang, deputy chief engineer of the New Energy Research Institute, POWERCHINA Huadong Engineering. 

(New) OpenTower is a purpose-built application for the design, documentation, and fabrication of new communication towers, and for the rapid re-analysis of existing telecom towers for tower owners, consultants, and carriers who need to continually update equipment. OpenTower’s introduction is timed for the upcoming 5G rollout. 

“With the help of Bentley’s applications, tower design and analyses are easier, faster, and reliable. It also gives our clients satisfaction, trust and peace of mind, and improves public safety,” said Frederick L. Cruz, president and CEO, F.L. Cruz Engineering Consultancy.

OpenBuildings Station Designer now includes LEGION and improves design quality by optimizing the functional space layout of the station building and the path of travel for the pedestrian. 

OpenSite Designer now includes residential capabilities, supporting the conception and design of residential parceling and parcel grading, and custom parcel creation. 

OpenBridge Designer now combines OpenBridge Modeler with the analysis and design features of LEAP Bridge Concrete, LEAP Bridge Steel, and RM Bridge Advanced.

OpenRoads SignCAD enhances OpenRoads to perform 3D modeling of signs within new or existing roadway designs. 

Open Simulation Applications Updates
(New) Bentley Systems announced the acquisition of Citilabs, to enable its CUBE traffic simulations to be intrinsically available from OpenRoads

PLAXIS and SoilVision geotechnical applications allow engineers to run multiple analysis methods, in either finite element or limit equilibrium, interchangeably. New interoperability with RAM, STAAD, and OpenGround enhances the quality of comprehensive geostructural solutions for integrated design and analysis of soils, rocks, and associated structures. 

Digital Co-ventures for Design Integration 

(With Siemens) Bentley’s OpenRoads will take advantage of Siemens’ Aimsun for micro level traffic simulation. 

(With Siemens) The forthcoming OpenRail Overhead Line Designer integrates OpenRail Designer, and Siemens SICAT Master. 

(With Siemens) OpenRail-Entegro Train Simulator combines Siemens Entegro and Automatic Train Control Simulation with Bentley’s ContextCapture, OpenRail ConceptStation, OpenRail Designer, and LumenRT, for rail operations digital twins. 


About Bentley’s Design Integration Offerings
Bentley Systems undertakes to provide uniquely comprehensive and uniquely open modeling applications, and open simulation applications, for infrastructure design integration. Bentley’s open modeling applications, including OpenRoads, OpenBuildings, OpenRail, OpenPlant, OpenBridge, and OpenSite share MicroStation’s continuously advancing modeling environment to support each respective engineering and architectural discipline, and to increasingly enable automated and iterative digital workflows across all disciplines, for infrastructure conceptioneering (ConceptStation applications), design (Designer applications) and constructioneering. Bentley’s open simulation applications, including STAAD, SACS, PLAXIS, AutoPIPE, RAM, LEAP, MOSES, LEGION, LARS, and CUBE, assure and improve compliance, resilience, and throughput. Design integration for all projects is advanced by market-leading iModel-based interoperability with third-party applications.

Bentley’s iTwin Services, including Design Review cloud services for practitioners and for projects, advance BIM through “evergreen” 4D digital twins, ensuring that design engineers’ work, with open modeling applications and open simulation applications, can continue to add value by sustaining fitness for purpose throughout asset lifecycles.

In 2019, ARC’s Engineering Design Tools for Plants, Infrastructure, and BIM market study ranked Bentley #2 overall, and #1 in Electric T&D, Communications, and in Water/Wastewater.  Among the Engineering News-Record Top 640 Design Firms, more than 90 percent rely on Bentley’s portfolio for design integration across multiple disciplines. 

About Bentley Systems 
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, including public works, utilities, industrial plants, and digital cities. Bentley’s MicroStation-based open modeling applications, and its open simulation applications, accelerate design integration; its ProjectWise and SYNCHRO offerings accelerate project delivery; and its AssetWise offerings accelerate asset and network performance. Spanning infrastructure engineering, Bentley’s iTwin Services are fundamentally advancing BIM and GIS to 4D digital twins. 

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2014. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, AutoPIPE, Citilabs, ContextCapture, CUBE, Generative Components, iTwin, iTwin Design Review, iTwin Services, LEAP, LEGION, LumenRT, MicroStation, MOSES, OpenBridge, OpenBridge Designer, OpenBridge Modeler, Open Buildings, OpenBuildings Station Designer, OpenGround, OpenPlant, OpenRail, OpenRoads, OpenSite, OpenSite Designer, OpenTower, OpenWindPower, PLAXIS, ProjectWise, RAM, RM Bridge Advanced, SACS, SignCAD, SoilVision, STAAD, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

INSPIRE – Koncentrace látek znečišťujících ovzduší / Air quality model areas

22.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Koncentrace látek znečišťujících ovzduší v gridu 1x1 km, rok 2017 Imisní limity pro ochranu lidského zdravíSO2 – 4. nejvyšší 24hod. koncentrace SO2 [µg.m-3]PM10 – roční průměrná koncentrace [µg.m-3]PM10 – 36. nejvyšší průměrná 24hod. koncentrace [µg.m-3]PM2.5 – roční průměrná koncentrace [µg.m-3]NO2 – roční průměrná koncentrace [µg.m-3]O3 – 26. nejvyšší maximální denní 8hod. klouzavý průměr koncentrace v průměru za 3 roky, 2015–2017 [µg.m-3]Cd – roční průměrná koncentrace [ng.m-3]As – roční průměrná koncentrace [ng.m-3]Benzo[a]pyren – roční průměrná koncentrace [ng.m-3]Benzen – roční průměrná koncentrace [µg.m-3]Oblasti s překročením imisních limitů bez zahrnutí O3Oblasti s překročením imisních limitů bez zahrnutí Imisní limity pro ochranu ekosystémů a vegetaceO3 – hodnoty expozičního indexu AOT40, průměr za 5 let, 2012–2016 [µg.m-3]NOx – roční průměrná koncentrace [µg.m-3]SO2 – rok a zimní období [µg.m-3]Legislativa vyžaduje, aby primárním zdrojem hodnocení byly výsledky stacionárních měření. Naměřené koncentrace mohou být při tvorbě map znečisťujících látek doplněny modelováním a indikativním měřením, aby výsledný odhad poskytoval dostatečné informace o prostorovém rozložení koncentrací znečišťujících látek v ovzduší.V ČR je využíván zejména Eulerovský chemický disperzní model CAMx, doplňkově též Gaussovský model SYMOS a evropský Eulerovský model EMEP. Dále jsou to v případě jednotlivých znečišťujících látek např. nadmořská výška či populační hustota.

Dlouhodobá průměrná ztráta půdy (G)

22.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Potenciální ohroženost zemědělské půdy vodní erozí – vyjádřená dlouhodobým průměrným smyvem půdy (G) vychází z rovnice USLE (Wischmeier a Smith, 1978) s využitím faktoru ochranného vlivu vegetace C podle klimatických regionů.

Bentley Systems Joins as a Multinational Member – Announces Support of IFC for Digital Twins

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  


London, U.K. - October 23, 2019
- buildingSMART International is delighted to welcome Bentley Systems to the community. Bentley Systems, Incorporated is the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley Systems joins as a multinational member bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the standards and solutions program.

At the same time, Bentley announced the availability of iModel Bridge for IFC, a generic IFC bridge that enables Bentley’s iModels to consume IFC geometry and business data. iModels are specialized containers for infrastructure information that are at the heart of Bentley’s digital twins strategy for infrastructure engineering. iTwin Services now enable iModels to export snapshots in IFC and treat IFC datasets as an input source, aligning their content for use by Bentley’s design applications. Earlier this year, Bentley announced the availability on GitHub of version 1.0 of iModel.js, an open source platform for digital twins (see 

Bhupinder Singh, Bentley’s chief product officer, said: “Bentley is committed to supporting the best implementation of IFC for digital twins. We are committed to openness, and in fact we’re making plans to open source iModel Bridge for IFC. The combination of IFC support and open source principles should give the community confidence that they can create and curate digital twins without being boxed in by dark data.”

Richard Petrie, CEO, buildingSMART International said, “I am delighted that Bentley has joined buildingSMART International. As one of the major software vendors in our field, Bentley plays a critical role in our community. The vision Bentley has for iModels and open source offers the IFC community exciting new possibilities for open interoperable ways of working with digital twins.”

About buildingSMART International
buildingSMART International is a vendor-neutral and not for profit body that leads the development of open digital information flows across the built asset industry. Its mission is to proactively support industry participants who want to develop open standards for planning, design, procurement, assembly and operation of buildings and infrastructure worldwide. It provides the international network plus the necessary technical and process support. Its members, who range from across the built environment spectrum, collaborate under the buildingSMART organization. buildingSMART is engaged with other international standards bodies such as ISO, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Its core Industry Foundation Class (IFC) standards achieved ISO approval in 2012.

Press Contact:
buildingSMART International
Aidan Mercer, +44 7181-304-3435


INSPIRE – Státní síť imisního monitoringu / Air quality monitoring stations

22.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Síť imisních měřicích stanic registrovaných v databázi ISKO v roce 2017. Základem pro hodnocení kvality ovzduší jsou koncentrace naměřené na monitorovacích stanicích. Měřicí síť je nejhustší v oblastech s nejvyššími koncentracemi škodlivin, nicméně pokrývá celou ČR. Páteřní sítí monitorovacích stanic je Státní síť imisního monitoringu (SSIM), kterou provozuje ČHMÚ. Její součástí jsou jak automatizované monitorovací stanice (AIM), tak i manuální imisní stanice (MIM), ze kterých jsou odebrané vzorky analyzovány v laboratořích ČHMÚ. V mnoha případech je na jedné lokalitě znečištění ovzduší sledováno současně automatickými i manuálními metodami. Státní síť imisního monitoringu je doplněna monitorovacími stanicemi dalších organizací, jejichž měření je rovněž využíváno při hodnocení kvality ovzduší.

Bentley Systems Announces New iTwin Cloud Services for Infrastructure Engineering Digital Twins

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  

Digital twins enter the mainstream – engineering firms and owner-operators
put digital twin aspirations into action

SINGAPORE The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference 24 October 2019 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced new cloud services for infrastructure engineering digital twins. Digital twins are digital representations of physical assets and their engineering information that allow users to understand and model their performance in the real world over their lifecycle. In effect, “evergreen” digital twins advance BIM and GIS through 4D.  

Keith Bentley, founder and chief technology officer, said, “Today the ‘digital twin era’ is underway, and its pace accelerates every day. The early adopters we’ve worked with are already staking out leadership positions in the new digital twin economy, towards innovations in both their business processes and their business models. The advantages gained by replacing decades-old, disconnected paper-based workflows and work products with open, live, trusted, and evergreen digital twins are immense. Coupling that with an ecosystem of innovation through open-source platforms creates an unstoppable force for change in infrastructure. I can’t remember a more exciting time for the infrastructure professions or for Bentley Systems.”

New Digital Twin Cloud Services
iTwin Services enable engineering firms to create, visualize and analyze digital twins of infrastructure projects and assets. iTwin Services federate digital engineering content from BIM design tools and multiple data sources, enable “4D visualization” of digital twins, and log engineering changes along a project/asset timeline, to provide an accountable record of who-changed-what-and-when. Engineering teams are using iTwinServices to conduct design reviews, validate design data, and generate design insights. Users of Bentley’s design applications can apply the iTwin Design Review service for ad hoc design reviews, and project teams using ProjectWise can add the iTwin Design Review service to their digital workflows to facilitate overall project digital twins.

PlantSight is an offering jointly developed by Bentley Systems and Siemens, which enables owner-operators and their engineers to create living and evergreen digital twins of operating process plants. PlantSight allows operations, maintenance, and engineering to access trusted, accurate digital twin data immersively, including P&IDs, 3D models, and IoT data. It provides a single view of truth in a validated information model that facilitates situational intelligence, line of sight, and contextual awareness. PlantSightwas jointly developed by Bentley and Siemens using iTwin Services and is commercially available from either company.

iTwin Immersive Asset Service enables owner-operators using AssetWise to align asset performance data and operational analytics in their digital twins’ context, making engineering information accessible to a wider audience of users through immersive and intuitive user experiences. iTwin Immersive Asset Service shows “hotspots” of activity and change in asset status over time which leads to faster and better-informed decision-making that ultimately helps improve asset and network performance.

Digital Twins Enter the Mainstream
The ever-evolving physical reality of an as-operated asset has previously been difficult to capture digitally and keep current. In addition, the corresponding engineering information, in its assortment of incompatible file formats and constant change, has typically been “dark data,” essentially unavailable or unusable. With digital twin cloud services, Bentley helps users to create and curate digital twins to improve the operation and maintenance of physical assets, systems, and construction processes, through immersive 4D visualization and analytics visibility.

At Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference, digital twin advancements featured in 24 finalist projects in 15 categories in project locations across 14 countries ranging from transportation, water networks and treatment plants, to power stations, steel plants, and buildings. Overall, 139 nominations in 17 categories cited digital twin objectives for the innovations used on their projects – a significant increase from 29 such nominations in 2018.

Digital Twin Ideas in Action
In the technology keynote at the conference, Keith Bentley was joined on stage by representatives from Sweco and Hatch, showcasing infrastructure digital twin ideas in action.

Sweco digitally integrated a nine-kilometer light rail system project for the city of Bergen in Norway. The extension of the existing system was managed entirely through 3D BIM models, from alternative studies into a detailed engineering design. The use of iTwin Services allowed Sweco to keep track of changes automatically and minimize errors, enabling 4D visualization.

Hatch completed pre-feasibility, feasibility, and detailed engineering for a sulfuric acid facility in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bentley’s plant design software enabled the project team to design a complete, intelligent digital twin to the most granular level of detail, moving the engineering quality processes upstream as part of the 3D modeling effort compared to traditional drawing-based quality processes. Hatch was able to reduce production ramp-up after hot commissioning, from six months to one week.

Microsoft is prototyping digital twins in its Asia headquarters in Singapore and its Redmond campus. Microsoft’s Real Estate and Security group is implementing an approach for the Digital Building Lifecycle to optimize building performance, cost-effectiveness, employee satisfaction, productivity and security. Microsoft’s efforts to create digital representations of physical assets like buildings are based on Microsoft Azure Digital Twins, an IoT service that helps organizations create comprehensive digital models of physical environments. Azure Digital Twins was released for public preview in 2018 and is now being adopted by Microsoft customers and partners globally, including Bentley for its iTwin Services. The companies are working together to create a digital twin of Microsoft’s new facilities in Singapore.

Digital Twin Ecosystem
Both iTwin Services and PlantSight were developed with the iModel.js open-source platform for digital twins, which was first launched in October 2018 and reached its version 1.0 milestone in June 2019. A primary reason for open-sourcing the iModel.js library is to foster an ecosystem of innovation for owners’ and engineers’ digital twin software developers and for digital integrators.

One such ecosystem software developer is vGIS Inc. which used iModel.js to integrate a mixed reality (XR) solution within a transportation infrastructure digital twin. Their mobile mixed reality app visually merges project design models with reality, in the field, in real-time. Users in the field can view subsurface utilities, such as pipes and cables, merged within their real-world orientation. Users simply point at objects with their mobile devices to see project design elements in this context.

Alec Pestov, vGIS founder and CEO, said, “The iModel.js platform is a great resource for developing and integrating value-added tools and services, such as the advanced augmented reality and mixed reality solution offered by vGIS. We love the seamless interoperability with iTwin Services and the frictionless development path to get to that seamless integration, and we look forward to expanding our collaboration potential, through iTwin Services.”


Digital Twins Defined
Digital twins are digital representations of physical assets and systems in the context of their surrounding environment, converged with their engineering information, for understanding and modeling of their performance. Like the real-world assets they represent, digital twins are ever changing. They are continuously updated from multiple sources, including sensors and drones, to represent the right-time status or working condition of real-world, physical infrastructure assets. In effect, digital twins—by combining digital context and digital components with digital chronology—advance BIM and GIS through 4D.

Benefits of Digital Twins
Digital twins enable users to visualize the entire asset – in a web browser, on a tablet, or with a mixed reality headset – check status, perform analysis and generate insights in order to predict and optimize asset performance. Users can build digitally before they build physically and plan out and de-risk maintenance activities before they carry them out in the real-world. They now have software at their disposal to envisage hundreds of scenarios, leverage machine learning to compare design alternatives or maintenance strategies and optimize across multiple parameters. Visualization and contextualization of engineering data lead to better informed decision-making and stakeholder engagement throughout the asset lifecycle.

About Bentley’s iTwin Services
iTwin Services enable project teams and owner-operators to create, 4D-visualize, and analyze digital twins of infrastructure assets. iTwin Services enable digital information managers to incorporate engineering data created by diverse design tools into a living digital twin and align it with reality modeling and other associated data, with no disruption to their current tools or processes. Users are able to visualize and track engineering change along the timeline of the project, providing an accountable record of who-changed-what-and-when. iTwin Services facilitate actionable insights for decision makers across the organization and asset lifecycle. Users make better informed decisions, anticipate and avoid issues before they arise, and react more quickly with confidence, resulting in cost savings, improved service availability, lower environmental impact, and improved safety. 

About Bentley Systems 
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, including public works, utilities, industrial plants, and digital cities. Bentley’s MicroStation-based open modeling applications, and its open simulation applications, accelerate design integration; its ProjectWise and SYNCHRO offerings accelerate project delivery; and its AssetWise offerings accelerate asset and network performance. Spanning infrastructure engineering, Bentley’s iTwin Services are fundamentally advancing BIM and GIS to 4D digital twins. 

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2014. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, iModel.js, iTwin, MicroStation, Open Buildings, ProjectWise, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Class of Your Own Announces School Curriculum Partnership with Bentley Systems

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  

Class of Your Own and Bentley Institute partner in secondary school learning programs to advance skills for future infrastructure professionals

SINGAPORE – The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference – 23 October 2019 – Class of Your Own, a UK-headquartered provider of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) curriculum and built environment-focused learning programs for secondary school students, today announced a partnership with leading global provider of software solutions for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, Bentley Systems.  The new, future-focused global curriculum, Design Engineer Construct!® (DEC) for the World’s Infrastructure, has developed over several years through Bentley Institute’s support of Class of Your Own’s DEC programs and provides opportunities for students to gain hands-on knowledge and skills for careers in infrastructure professions.

DEC is currently accredited and used in schools throughout the United Kingdom. The new program is already expanding into schools in Ireland, Lithuania, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates and offers technology education and project-based, real-world experiences through interaction with industry professionals. The DEC curriculum for students ages 11 to 18 years is offered at intermediate levels to encourage and excite learners and is enhanced by Bentley’s engineering design and 3D modeling technologies including ContextCapture, OpenBuildings, OpenRail, and OpenRoads ConceptStation. The more advanced Future Infrastructure qualification framework, for students ages sixteen and older, including foundation level study at colleges and universities, focuses on rail, highway, port, and hyperloop projects.

Alison Watson, founder and chief executive of Class of Your Own, said, “Our vision is to inspire and engage young people and their teachers to reach their full potential through world class education. So, we’re very excited to partner with Bentley to offer the new curriculum, which applies industry knowledge and skills gained in the existing DEC program to the most exciting infrastructure projects around the world. Our students are provided with face-to-face support from world-class sector professionals thanks to industry partners who truly understand what DEC can do. Expanding the program outside the UK means we can offer genuine, meaningful opportunities for students and teachers around the world. We’re helping the surveyors, technologists, engineers, architects, and managers of future infrastructure!” 
Earlier in 2019, Bentley Institute and Class of Your Own hosted the first ever Future Infrastructure Challenge: DEC Hyperloop challenge in London. The event included students from four schools in the UK whose assignment was to conceptualize a design of a hyperloop transport system and stations for their own towns, and then to adapt to Singapore. Students from Drummond Community High School from Edinburgh, Scotland won the challenge, and were awarded a complimentary trip from Bentley to attend its Year in Infrastructure Conference, held October 21 through 24 in Singapore. 

David Robertson, director of digital advancement research for Bentley Systems, said, “Our partnership with Class of Your Own demonstrates the two organizations’ shared goal of providing students with valuable learning experiences that apply to real-world infrastructure professions and encourage students to pursue those professions. Bentley is very excited to participate in this important learning initiative to advance career opportunities for students around the world.” 

Learn more about the Design Engineer Construct program.  


About Class of Your Own
Class of Your Own is headed by founder and Chief Executive Alison Watson, MBE, a land surveyor, educational pioneer, and industry evangelist. Class of Your Own has been delivering workshops, projects, and built environment-focused student engagement programs to schools and colleges since 2009 and, from September 2012, the fully accredited DEC learning program.

In addition to the support from Bentley Systems for this and other initiatives, Class of Your Own is supported by Heriot Watt University as a key, long-standing partner in academia and by global industrial partners including Topcon Positioning Systems and Mott MacDonald Group.

About Bentley Institute
Bentley Institute advances the infrastructure professions by encouraging and supporting Bentley Systems users’ ambitions in going digital. Its initiatives attract and advance infrastructure professionals, and future professionals, through continuous learning about technology solutions, as well as project delivery and asset performance best practices. 

Press contacts:
From Class of Your Own:
Alison Watson, Chief Executive 
+44 1282 680946
From Bentley Systems:
Jennifer Maguire, Director Corporate Communications
+1 610 458 2695

Bentley Systems Joins as a Multinational Member – Announces Support of IFC for Digital Twins

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  


London, U.K. - October 23, 2019
- buildingSMART International is delighted to welcome Bentley Systems to the community. Bentley Systems, Incorporated is the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley Systems joins as a multinational member bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the standards and solutions program.

At the same time, Bentley announced the availability of iModel Bridge for IFC, a generic IFC bridge that enables Bentley’s iModels to consume IFC geometry and business data. iModels are specialized containers for infrastructure information that are at the heart of Bentley’s digital twins strategy for infrastructure engineering. iTwin Services now enable iModels to export snapshots in IFC and treat IFC datasets as an input source, aligning their content for use by Bentley’s design applications. Earlier this year, Bentley announced the availability on GitHub of version 1.0 of iModel.js, an open source platform for digital twins (see 

Bhupinder Singh, Bentley’s chief product officer, said: “Bentley is committed to supporting the best implementation of IFC for digital twins. We are committed to openness, and in fact we’re making plans to open source iModel Bridge for IFC. The combination of IFC support and open source principles should give the community confidence that they can create and curate digital twins without being boxed in by dark data.”

Richard Petrie, CEO, buildingSMART International said, “I am delighted that Bentley has joined buildingSMART International. As one of the major software vendors in our field, Bentley plays a critical role in our community. The vision Bentley has for iModels and open source offers the IFC community exciting new possibilities for open interoperable ways of working with digital twins.”

About buildingSMART International
buildingSMART International is a vendor-neutral and not for profit body that leads the development of open digital information flows across the built asset industry. Its mission is to proactively support industry participants who want to develop open standards for planning, design, procurement, assembly and operation of buildings and infrastructure worldwide. It provides the international network plus the necessary technical and process support. Its members, who range from across the built environment spectrum, collaborate under the buildingSMART organization. buildingSMART is engaged with other international standards bodies such as ISO, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Its core Industry Foundation Class (IFC) standards achieved ISO approval in 2012.

Press Contact:
buildingSMART International
Aidan Mercer, +44 7181-304-3435


Bentley Systems Introduces AssetWise Digital Twin Services and OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services for Asset and Network Performance

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  

New Immersive Asset Service enables 4D visualization
and analytics visibility for “evergreen” digital twins

SINGAPORE – The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference – 22 October 2019 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today introduced new digital twin services for asset and network performance. AssetWise Digital Twin Services converge digital context, digital components, and digital chronology to provide immersive visualization and advanced analytics for enhanced decision support and improved performance of infrastructure assets. OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services use digital twins for consolidating, validating, and aligning GIS, reality modeling, performance, simulation, and other enterprise data required to effectively manage assets including power plants, substations, and entire networks. 

Alan Kiraly, senior vice president, asset and network performance for Bentley Systems, said, “In order to truly gain and act on insights that impact the performance and reliability of infrastructure assets, and also of the networks which connect them, digital twins must provide live and accurate physical and engineering data across time, effectively in 4D. Through the accessibility of cloud and web services, and our open-source platform for immersive visualization and analytics visibility, AssetWise Digital Twin Services will enable all AssetWise users, and new users, to broaden the benefits of going digital more comprehensively.”

AssetWise Digital Twin Services

iTwin Immersive Asset Service 
iTwin Immersive Asset Service provides immersive visualization and analytics visibility, in a rich, interactive 4D digital twin context, for decision support to sustain and improve the performance of infrastructure assets. Its cloud and web services enable owner-operators to make infrastructure engineering information accessible and comprehensible to a wider population.

AssetWise 4D Analytics 
AssetWise 4D Analytics uses advanced analytics and machine learning to provide insights into current conditions and trends, and to predict future performance. Data sources can include any information accessible to AssetWise including inspections, work history and extremely large data sets such as from IoT devices. Results can be understood in the digital twin’s context using extensive graphing and dashboarding capabilities.

AssetWise Linear Analytics 
Traditionally, the complexity of linear assets makes it hard to visualize and understand the vast quantity of data associated with these types of networks. AssetWise Linear Analytics takes data from many observed sources and aligns it, with engineering fidelity, to location and time on a linear network. Once aligned, using a library of linear network-aware data processing rules, users can identify trends and anomalies within rail or road networks. AssetWise Linear Analytics includes visualization dashboards that provide users with instant access to all data at any location on the network. 

OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services (ET, IT, OT) 
Energy utilities are faced with modernizing their aging infrastructure along with the new challenges of distributed energy resources at the grid edge. OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services consolidate, validate, and align ET (engineering technology), IT, and OT information including network GIS, reality modeling, performance, simulation, and other enterprise data across departmental and workflow silos. OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services enable organizations to identify data quality issues, visualize these issues on a map, and resolve issues using smart rules and machine learning. Pre-defined and user-extensible dashboards and analytics provide insights and visualization for OpenUtilities digital twins. 

Digital Co-ventures for Asset and Network Performance

(With Siemens) APM for Power Plants speeds up the digitalization of power plants and provides intelligent analytics with a range of innovative offerings and managed services solutions for Asset Performance Management. 

(With Siemens) Digital Services for Brownfield T&D leverages OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services for existing substation resilience, linking together the substation model, reality context, and asset data to provide access to vital information to reduce downtime and streamline problem identification and resolution, particularly in cases where substations are remote and difficult to reach. 

(With Siemens) OpenUtilities DER Planning and Design Assessment Solutions
Bentley’s OpenUtilities Analysis, OpenUtilities DER Optioneering, and OpenUtilities Design Optioneering incorporate Siemens PSS®SINCAL, a power systems analysis solution providing a seamless and continuously updated environment for modeling and simulation. These solutions enable owner-operators to more efficiently model the grid for decentralized energy without compromising safety and reliability.


About Bentley’s Asset and Network Performance Offerings
Bentley Systems undertakes to advance BIM and GIS through 4D infrastructure engineering digital twins for asset and network performance. AssetWise software and cloud services manage geo-coordinated information for asset performance modeling throughout the operations and maintenance lifecycle of infrastructure assets, and their associated networks, in transportation, water/wastewater, and energy and communications (OpenUtilities). Enterprise solutions can combine AssetWise ALIM, AssetWise Asset Reliability, AssetWise Enterprise Interoperability, and SUPERLOAD. All infrastructure owners can finally open up previously-dark engineering data for asset performance digital twins, progressively enabled by Bentley’s iTwin Services—including Immersive Asset, Linear Analytics, 4D Analytics, and OpenUtilities Digital Twin cloud services.

In 2019 ARC Advisory Group’s Asset Reliability market study named Bentley Systems as the APM market leader overall, and also as #1 in each of Transportation, Oil and Gas, and Electric Power T&D. Also in 2019, ARC’s Engineering Design Tools for Plants, Infrastructure, and BIM market study ranked Bentley #1 in Electrical T&D, Communications. Of the Bentley Infrastructure 500 Top Owners, 24 among the top 50 rely upon AssetWise

More about Bentley’s Asset and Network Performance Offerings:

About Bentley Systems 
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, including public works, utilities, industrial plants, and digital cities. Bentley’s MicroStation-based open modeling applications, and its open simulation applications, accelerate design integration; its ProjectWise and SYNCHRO offerings accelerate project delivery; and its AssetWise offerings accelerate asset and network performance. Spanning infrastructure engineering, Bentley’s iTwin Services are fundamentally advancing BIM and GIS to 4D digital twins. 

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2014. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, AssetWise ALIM, AssetWise Asset Reliability, AssetWise Enterprise Interoperability, iTwin, MicroStation, OpenUtilities, ProjectWise, SUPERLOAD, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Bentley Systems Introduces AssetWise Digital Twin Services and OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services for Asset and Network Performance

22.10.2019 2:00   Bentley Systems  

New Immersive Asset Service enables 4D visualization
and analytics visibility for “evergreen” digital twins

SINGAPORE – The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference – 22 October 2019 – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twin cloud services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today introduced new digital twin services for asset and network performance. AssetWise Digital Twin Services converge digital context, digital components, and digital chronology to provide immersive visualization and advanced analytics for enhanced decision support and improved performance of infrastructure assets. OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services use digital twins for consolidating, validating, and aligning GIS, reality modeling, performance, simulation, and other enterprise data required to effectively manage assets including power plants, substations, and entire networks. 

Alan Kiraly, senior vice president, asset and network performance for Bentley Systems, said, “In order to truly gain and act on insights that impact the performance and reliability of infrastructure assets, and also of the networks which connect them, digital twins must provide live and accurate physical and engineering data across time, effectively in 4D. Through the accessibility of cloud and web services, and our open-source platform for immersive visualization and analytics visibility, AssetWise Digital Twin Services will enable all AssetWise users, and new users, to broaden the benefits of going digital more comprehensively.”

AssetWise Digital Twin Services

iTwin Immersive Asset Service 
iTwin Immersive Asset Service provides immersive visualization and analytics visibility, in a rich, interactive 4D digital twin context, for decision support to sustain and improve the performance of infrastructure assets. Its cloud and web services enable owner-operators to make infrastructure engineering information accessible and comprehensible to a wider population.

AssetWise 4D Analytics 
AssetWise 4D Analytics uses advanced analytics and machine learning to provide insights into current conditions and trends, and to predict future performance. Data sources can include any information accessible to AssetWise including inspections, work history and extremely large data sets such as from IoT devices. Results can be understood in the digital twin’s context using extensive graphing and dashboarding capabilities.

AssetWise Linear Analytics 
Traditionally, the complexity of linear assets makes it hard to visualize and understand the vast quantity of data associated with these types of networks. AssetWise Linear Analytics takes data from many observed sources and aligns it, with engineering fidelity, to location and time on a linear network. Once aligned, using a library of linear network-aware data processing rules, users can identify trends and anomalies within rail or road networks. AssetWise Linear Analytics includes visualization dashboards that provide users with instant access to all data at any location on the network. 

OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services (ET, IT, OT) 
Energy utilities are faced with modernizing their aging infrastructure along with the new challenges of distributed energy resources at the grid edge. OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services consolidate, validate, and align ET (engineering technology), IT, and OT information including network GIS, reality modeling, performance, simulation, and other enterprise data across departmental and workflow silos. OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services enable organizations to identify data quality issues, visualize these issues on a map, and resolve issues using smart rules and machine learning. Pre-defined and user-extensible dashboards and analytics provide insights and visualization for OpenUtilities digital twins. 

Digital Co-ventures for Asset and Network Performance

(With Siemens) APM for Power Plants speeds up the digitalization of power plants and provides intelligent analytics with a range of innovative offerings and managed services solutions for Asset Performance Management. 

(With Siemens) Digital Services for Brownfield T&D leverages OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services for existing substation resilience, linking together the substation model, reality context, and asset data to provide access to vital information to reduce downtime and streamline problem identification and resolution, particularly in cases where substations are remote and difficult to reach. 

(With Siemens) OpenUtilities DER Planning and Design Assessment Solutions
Bentley’s OpenUtilities Analysis, OpenUtilities DER Optioneering, and OpenUtilities Design Optioneering incorporate Siemens PSS®SINCAL, a power systems analysis solution providing a seamless and continuously updated environment for modeling and simulation. These solutions enable owner-operators to more efficiently model the grid for decentralized energy without compromising safety and reliability.


About Bentley’s Asset and Network Performance Offerings
Bentley Systems undertakes to advance BIM and GIS through 4D infrastructure engineering digital twins for asset and network performance. AssetWise software and cloud services manage geo-coordinated information for asset performance modeling throughout the operations and maintenance lifecycle of infrastructure assets, and their associated networks, in transportation, water/wastewater, and energy and communications (OpenUtilities). Enterprise solutions can combine AssetWise ALIM, AssetWise Asset Reliability, AssetWise Enterprise Interoperability, and SUPERLOAD. All infrastructure owners can finally open up previously-dark engineering data for asset performance digital twins, progressively enabled by Bentley’s iTwin Services—including Immersive Asset, Linear Analytics, 4D Analytics, and OpenUtilities Digital Twin cloud services.

In 2019 ARC Advisory Group’s Asset Reliability market study named Bentley Systems as the APM market leader overall, and also as #1 in each of Transportation, Oil and Gas, and Electric Power T&D. Also in 2019, ARC’s Engineering Design Tools for Plants, Infrastructure, and BIM market study ranked Bentley #1 in Electrical T&D, Communications. Of the Bentley Infrastructure 500 Top Owners, 24 among the top 50 rely upon AssetWise

More about Bentley’s Asset and Network Performance Offerings:

About Bentley Systems 
Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, including public works, utilities, industrial plants, and digital cities. Bentley’s MicroStation-based open modeling applications, and its open simulation applications, accelerate design integration; its ProjectWise and SYNCHRO offerings accelerate project delivery; and its AssetWise offerings accelerate asset and network performance. Spanning infrastructure engineering, Bentley’s iTwin Services are fundamentally advancing BIM and GIS to 4D digital twins. 

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2014. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, AssetWise, AssetWise ALIM, AssetWise Asset Reliability, AssetWise Enterprise Interoperability, iTwin, MicroStation, OpenUtilities, ProjectWise, SUPERLOAD, and SYNCHRO are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

INSPIRE – Kvalita ovzduší – imisní databáze ISKO / Air quality data

22.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Koncentrace naměřené všemi monitorovacími sítěmi jsou ukládány do imisní databáze ISKO. V databázi jsou archivovány údaje již od počátku měření, koncentrace oxidu siřičitého a suspendovaných částic ze staničních sítí ČHMÚ v severních Čechách a v Praze již od roku 1971. S imisními daty jsou do imisní databáze ukládána i doprovodná meteorologická data, která jsou měřena na velké části automatizovaných imisních stanic ČHMÚ a jsou využívána pro hodnocení imisně-meteorologických vztahů. Imisní databáze ISKO zahrnuje kromě výsledků měření ČHMÚ, které zajišťují pracovníci Imisního monitoringu v centru i na pobočkách, i data poskytovaná spolupracujícími institucemi. Jedná se zejména o zdravotní ústavy, ČEZ, a. s., Výzkumný ústav lesního hospodářství a myslivosti, v.v.i., Českou geologickou službu, Hydrobiologický ústav, městské úřady a další přispěvatele. V databázi jsou též zahrnuty informace z příhraničních oblastí Německa a Polska.

INSPIRE Priority Data Set – Zóny a aglomerace hodnocení a řízení kvality ovzduší / Air quality management zones and agglomerations

22.10.2019 2:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Vrstva zón a aglomerací hodnocení a řízení kvality ovzduší na území České republiky. Zóny a aglomerace jsou vymezeny na základě legislativních specifikací Směrnice EU 2008/50/EC a zákona č. 201/2012 Sb., o ochraně ovzduší. Zónou je území vymezené MŽP pro účely sledování a řízení kvality ovzduší; aglomerací je sídelní seskupení, v němž žije nejméně 250 000 obyvatel. Zákon o ochraně ovzduší stanovuje tři aglomerace a sedm zón (obr. I.3). Podrobnosti pak dále specifikuje vyhláška č. 330/2012 Sb., o způsobu posuzování a vyhodnocení úrovně znečištění, rozsahu informováníveřejnosti o úrovni znečištění a při smogových situacích.

Seminář k citační databázi Web of Science - ZRUŠENO

22.10.2019 0:00   Geografický ústav MU  

Dne 22. 10. 2019 od 14 h se bude v seminární místnosti (přízemí) naší knihovny konat seminář k citační databázi Web of Science. Naučíte se efektivně pracovat s touto databází při tvorbě rešerše, dozvíte se o užitečných nástrojích jako je citační manažer EndNote.

Kapacita místnosti je omezena, na akci je nutné se registrovat. Pokud si donesete vlastní notebook/tablet, budete si moci vše i prakticky hned vyzkoušet.

Z důvodu nemoci je seminář zrušen.

Seminář k citační databázi Web of Science

22.10.2019 0:00   Geografický ústav MU  

Dne 22. 10. 2019 od 14 h se bude v seminární místnosti (přízemí) naší knihovny konat seminář k citační databázi Web of Science. Naučíte se efektivně pracovat s touto databází při tvorbě rešerše, dozvíte se o užitečných nástrojích jako je citační manažer EndNote.

Kapacita místnosti je omezena, na akci je nutné se registrovat. Pokud si donesete vlastní notebook/tablet, budete si moci vše i prakticky hned vyzkoušet.

EagleView to Broaden Customer Base After Court Orders Permanent Injunction Against Xactware, Verisk for Willful Infringement of EagleView Patents

21.10.2019 22:12 Webcasts-Webinars   BELLEVUE, Wash., Oct. 21, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — EagleView, a leading technology provider of aerial imagery and data analytics, today …

Raytheon, AirMap virtually demo drone monitoring tools on next-generation air traffic control workstation

21.10.2019 19:04 Webcasts-Webinars   System offers streamlined access to real-time data, improving drone integration and safety
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — …

TerraView Unveils Enterprise UAV with More Than 70-Minute Flight Time

21.10.2019 19:04 Webcasts-Webinars   RangePro X8 is proudly designed and assembled in the U.S.A.
VALENCIA, Calif., Oct. 21, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — TerraView, a …

Bentley Systems and Topcon Positioning Systems Launch their Digital Construction Works Joint Venture, to Close the Constructioneering Advancement Gap

21.10.2019 16:37 Webcasts-Webinars   SINGAPORE, Oct. 20, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —

New global company introduces digital integration services, advancing constructors' …

Bentley Systems Bolsters Digital Cities Offerings with Acquisitions of Citilabs and Orbit Geospatial Technologies

21.10.2019 16:37 Webcasts-Webinars   SINGAPORE, Oct. 20, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading …

Bentley Systems' New ProjectWise 365 and Comprehensive SYNCHRO Offerings Advance 4D Digital Twins for Project Delivery

21.10.2019 16:37 Webcasts-Webinars   SINGAPORE, Oct. 21, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The Year in Infrastructure 2019 Conference -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading …

referent KN – návrh zápisu, kontrola a zplatnění do PO II

21.10.2019 16:25   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo referent KN – návrh zápisu, kontrola a zplatnění do PO II

referent KN – návrh zápisu, kontrola a zplatnění do PO II

21.10.2019 16:25   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
referent KN – návrh zápisu, kontrola a zplatnění do PO II

referent KN – návrh zápisu, kontrola a zplatnění do PO II

21.10.2019 16:25   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/referent-KN-–-navrh-zapisu,-kontrola-a-zplatneni-d

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

21.10.2019 16:17   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

21.10.2019 16:17   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/odborny-referent-–-poskytovani-informaci-KN

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

21.10.2019 16:17   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

21.10.2019 16:17   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent – poskytování informací KN

rada/odborný rada - právník

21.10.2019 16:08   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada - právník
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