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Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií SIKT03

20.3.2019 10:21   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Plzeňský kraj - odbor informatiky vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií SIKT03

Rada/odborný rada – správce informačních a komunikačních technologií SIKT03

20.3.2019 10:21   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Plzensky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/Rada-odborny-rada-–-spravce-informacnich-a-kom-(1)

Verze 14.20 je konečně tady

20.3.2019 9:57   GEPRO  

Zveřejnili jsme verze 14.20 našich produktů MISYS, MISYS-WEB – licenční server, KOKEŠ, Geoportál GEPRO a PROLAND, které přinášejí novinky související především s chybějícím obsahem pseudonymizovaných dat katastru nemovitostí.… >>

Verze 14.20 je konečně tady

20.3.2019 9:57   GEPRO  

Zveřejnili jsme verze 14.20 našich produktů MISYS, MISYS-WEB – licenční server, KOKEŠ, a PROLAND, které přinášejí novinky související především s novým způsobem výdeje dat z katastru nemovitostí.… >>

Verze 14.20 je konečně tady

20.3.2019 9:57   GEPRO  

Zveřejnili jsme verze 14.20 našich produktů MISYS, MISYS-WEB – licenční server, KOKEŠ, a PROLAND, které přinášejí novinky související především s chybějícím obsahem pseudonymizovaných dat katastru nemovitostí.… >>

Mise ESA Hera k asteroidu si půjčí oči ze sondy NASA Dawn

20.3.2019 9:47   Český Kosmický Portál  

Mise k nejmenšímu kdy přímo zkoumanému asteroidu ponese stejnou hlavní kameru, jako mise vyslaná k největšímu ze všech asteroidů. Aneb ESA vybaví svoji sondu Hera k dvojasteroidu Didymos stejnou kamerou, kterou byl vybavený automat NASA Dawn. Ten navštívil asteroidy Vesta a Ceres.

GSA highlights added value of EGNSS for drones at WATM 2019

20.3.2019 9:13   European GNSS Agency  
20 March 2019

The added value of EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) for drones was the focus of a special session organised by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) at this year’s World ATM Congress in Madrid on 12 March, at which representatives from several projects spoke about how they are benefitting from the European space programme.

Opening the session, GSA Market Development Officer Carmen Aguilera and European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP) CEO Thierry Racaud talked about advances in EGNOS applications in aviation and the natural spill-over and evolution into drone technologies. “Today we will hear about projects that are demonstrating the benefits of both EGNOS and Galileo for drones operations,” Aguilera said.

At the session, Victor Gordo, Ineco Senior Project Manager presented Terra (Technological European Research for RPAS in ATM), an H2020 project. This project aims to leverage existing and potential new technologies to develop a ground-based U-Space architecture that will accommodate a large base of RPAS in a mixed mode (manned and unmanned) environment.

Read this: GSA Report highlights key user requirements in aviation

Increased integrity and accuracy

Gordo explained how user needs are surveyed and taken into account during drone development, particularly with respect to the integration of EGNOS and Galileo. “We started out with a top down approach, but are now moving towards a bottom up approach,” said Victor Gordo, adding that this ensures that the requirements of end users are met. “Different users will be employing drones in different capacities, some will fly between buildings in large cities, others will have different uses, and thus the different requirements must be identified,” he said.

The GAUSS GSA-H2020 project was represented by Adrian Jimenez-Gonzales from Everis Aerospace & Defence, which is chairing the new EUROCAE subgroup on Multi GNSS for UAS. He said that the integration of Galileo and EGNOS into drone technology is mainly focused on safety and security, thanks to the increased integrity and accuracy that they provide. This is particularly relevant given the growing popularity of drones, Jimenez-Gonzales said. “Due to their growing popularity and usage, in the near future will see hundreds of drones sharing airspace, making the added value of EGNOS and Galileo, specifically improved manoeuvring, and accurate positioning, all the more relevant for public and airspace safety,” he said.

And this: GSA, SDM sign MoU on EGNSS support for Air Traffic Management

Defining EGNSS standardisation for drones

GMV Project Manager Marta Cueto Santamaría presented the EGNSS 4RPAS project, and outlined the European Commission’s strategy to promote the use of EGNOSS and Galileo. “Drones have been identified as a very promising technology,” said Cueto Santamaría. “This makes it all the more necessary to define the EGNSS standards for drone operations and obtain all the benefits that EGNOS and Galileo have to offer,” she said.

Finally, Carmen Aguilera highlighted how “both EGNOS and Galileo provide the accuracy, integrity and security needed for drone operations.” She closed the session with an update on the current ongoing work on creating a digital signature for Galileo to combat the ever growing issue of jamming and hacking, and to continue strengthening the secure image of Galileo-enabled drones.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo and EGNOS are increasing the safety and security of drone operations.

GSA highlights added value of EGNSS for drones at WATM 2019

20.3.2019 9:13   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo and EGNOS are increasing the safety and security of drone operations.
20 March 2019

The added value of EGNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) for drones was the focus of a special session organised by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) at this year’s World ATM Congress in Madrid on 12 March, at which representatives from several projects spoke about how they are benefitting from the European space programme.

Opening the session, GSA Market Development Officer Carmen Aguilera and European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP) CEO Thierry Racaud talked about advances in EGNOS applications in aviation and the natural spill-over and evolution into drone technologies. “Today we will hear about projects that are demonstrating the benefits of both EGNOS and Galileo for drones operations,” Aguilera said.

At the session, Victor Gordo, Ineco Senior Project Manager presented Terra (Technological European Research for RPAS in ATM), an H2020 project. This project aims to leverage existing and potential new technologies to develop a ground-based U-Space architecture that will accommodate a large base of RPAS in a mixed mode (manned and unmanned) environment.

Read this: GSA Report highlights key user requirements in aviation

Increased integrity and accuracy

Gordo explained how user needs are surveyed and taken into account during drone development, particularly with respect to the integration of EGNOS and Galileo. “We started out with a top down approach, but are now moving towards a bottom up approach,” said Victor Gordo, adding that this ensures that the requirements of end users are met. “Different users will be employing drones in different capacities, some will fly between buildings in large cities, others will have different uses, and thus the different requirements must be identified,” he said.

The GAUSS GSA-H2020 project was represented by Adrian Jimenez-Gonzales from Everis Aerospace & Defence, which is chairing the new EUROCAE subgroup on Multi GNSS for UAS. He said that the integration of Galileo and EGNOS into drone technology is mainly focused on safety and security, thanks to the increased integrity and accuracy that they provide. This is particularly relevant given the growing popularity of drones, Jimenez-Gonzales said. “Due to their growing popularity and usage, in the near future will see hundreds of drones sharing airspace, making the added value of EGNOS and Galileo, specifically improved manoeuvring, and accurate positioning, all the more relevant for public and airspace safety,” he said.

And this: GSA, SDM sign MoU on EGNSS support for Air Traffic Management

Defining EGNSS standardisation for drones

GMV Project Manager Marta Cueto Santamaría presented the EGNSS 4RPAS project, and outlined the European Commission’s strategy to promote the use of EGNOSS and Galileo. “Drones have been identified as a very promising technology,” said Cueto Santamaría. “This makes it all the more necessary to define the EGNSS standards for drone operations and obtain all the benefits that EGNOS and Galileo have to offer,” she said.

Finally, Carmen Aguilera highlighted how “both EGNOS and Galileo provide the accuracy, integrity and security needed for drone operations.” She closed the session with an update on the current ongoing work on creating a digital signature for Galileo to combat the ever growing issue of jamming and hacking, and to continue strengthening the secure image of Galileo-enabled drones.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo and EGNOS are increasing the safety and security of drone operations.

Taking gravity from strength to strength

20.3.2019 9:09   ESA Observing the Earth  

Ten years ago, ESA launched one of its most innovative satellites. GOCE spent four years measuring a fundamental force of nature: gravity. This extraordinary mission not only yielded new insights into our gravity field, but led to some amazing discoveries about our planet, from deep below the surface to high up in the atmosphere and beyond. And, this remarkable mission continues to realise new science today.

Aktuální vymezení rezidenční suburbanizace v Česku

20.3.2019 8:42  

Výzkumný tým Urbánní a regionální laboratoře (URRlab) z Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy zveřejňuje novou, volně dostupnou verzi vymezení zón rezidenční suburbanizace v Česku. Co přesně suburbanizace je? Jedná se o jeden z procesů, které v posledních několika desetiletích nejvíce intenzivně ovlivňují charakter našich sídel. Zjednodušeně ji definujeme jako přesun obyvatelstva a jeho aktivit z center městských regionů do jejich […]

The post Aktuální vymezení rezidenční suburbanizace v Česku appeared first on

Další termín kurzu Základy ArcGIS Pro - přechod z ArcMap

20.3.2019 1:00  

Další termín oblíbeného školení Základy ArcGIS Pro - přechod z ArcMap:

22. - 23.5.2019 v Brně, Kroftova 90

Další termín školení Základy ArcGIS Pro - přechod z ArcMap

20.3.2019 1:00  

Další termín oblíbeného školení Základy ArcGIS Pro - přechod z ArcMap:

22. - 23.5.2019 v Brně, Kroftova 90

Esri Releases Study Guide for the ArcGIS Desktop Professional Exam

19.3.2019 21:53 Webcasts-Webinars   New Book Prepares ArcGIS Desktop Users for Professional-Level

REDLANDS, Calif. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — March 19, …

Cape Drives FAA Approval of First-Ever COA with Beyond Visual Line of Sight Provision for Public Safety Drone Program

19.3.2019 21:53 Webcasts-Webinars   BVLOS Provision Opening Doors for Future of Drone Integration Across Industries
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Mar. 19, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — …

Esri Releases Study Guide for the ArcGIS Desktop Professional Exam

19.3.2019 21:53 Webcasts-Webinars   New Book Prepares ArcGIS Desktop Users for Professional-Level Certification
REDLANDS, Calif. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — March 19, 2019 — …

Cape Drives FAA Approval of First-Ever COA with Beyond Visual Line of Sight Provision for Public Safety Drone Program

19.3.2019 21:53 Webcasts-Webinars   BVLOS Provision Opening Doors for Future of Drone Integration Across Industries
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Mar. 19, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — …

Sentera Announces Real-Time Analytics for FieldAgent

19.3.2019 21:53 Webcasts-Webinars   Scouts can sample 100X more points and achieve better field coverage than manual methods
MINNEAPOLIS, March 19, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — …

Eos Positioning Systems Receives 2019 Esri Partner Conference Award for Improving Field Location within Esri Mobile Apps

19.3.2019 21:32 Webcasts-Webinars   The award for “Energizing the Market with a Bundle” recognizes Eos’ seamless integration of its Arrow Series™ GNSS receivers …

3D model Prahy

19.3.2019 21:08   Geoportál Praha  

Hlavní město Praha disponuje detailním digitálním 3D modelem zástavby, terénu a zeleně pro celé své území. 3D model je důležitým podkladem při koncepčním plánování výstavby, výškových regulacích a územním rozhodování. Model vznikal fotogrammetrickým vyhodnocením leteckých snímků v letech 2000 až 2008. Poslední aktualizace dat zástavby proběhla v roce  2016 a dat terénu v roce 2018. Přesnost modelu zástavby je minimálně 0,5 m a přesnost modelu terénu minimálně 1 m. Model zástavby je pravidelně aktualizován, aby byla zajištěna stálost jeho kvality.


Data jsou používána v různých webových aplikacích a dají se prohlédnout na tomto odkazu: Také jsou (s výjimkou dat zeleně) k dispozici ke stažení v režimu OPENDAT.

Otestován raketový motor na skladovatelné pohonné látky vytvořený 3D tiskem

19.3.2019 20:33   Český Kosmický Portál  

Aktuální zkušební zážeh komory raketového motoru ve skutečné velikosti nás opět přiblížil k tomu, aby bylo možné v horních stupních, kosmických tahačích, mikronosičích a průzkumných lodích využívat motory vytvořené pomocí 3D tisku.

Orbit GT releases SDK and QGIS Plugin v19.3

19.3.2019 19:12 Webcasts-Webinars   Lokeren, Belgium, March 19th, 2019
Orbit GT releases version 19.3 of its SDK for 3D Mapping Cloud and 3DM Publisher, and the Plugin for QGIS based …

Správce aplikací – VARS Brno

19.3.2019 16:39   Katedra geoinformatiky UP Olomouc  

Další nabídka práce, tentokráte z VARS v Brně – správce aplikací. Zájemci kontaktujte

The post Správce aplikací – VARS Brno appeared first on Katedra geoinformatiky.

Climate change

19.3.2019 15:42   ESA Observing the Earth  
With the issue of climate change high on the global agenda, satellites provide key information to understand and to respond to environmental change

Výstava "Fenomén Felkl" v médiích [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

19.3.2019 14:35   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Dne 18.3.2019 vyšla zpráva o výstavě v deníku Metro


19.3.2019 14:18   Geoportál Praha  

První barevné ortofotomapy Prahy byly zpracovány v roce 1996. S ohledem na jejich úspěch u uživatelů bylo nejprve rozhodnuto provádět aktualizaci čtvrtiny území ročně. Velký nárůst poptávky po aktuálních datech ale vedl ke zkrácení cyklu a od roku 1999 byla snímkována polovina území ročně. Od roku 2007 bylo zpracováváno celé území každý rok a v současnosti je prováděn nálet 2x ročně.

Fotky z vernisáže "Fenomén Felkl" [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

19.3.2019 14:05   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Ve čtvrtek 7. března 2019 se v 17 hodin uskutečnila vernisáž, která slavnostně zahájila výstavu Fenomén Felkl - proslulá továrna na výrobu glóbů.

Jediné muzeum map svého druhu na Slovensku [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

19.3.2019 12:45   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Odhalí vám bohatou minulost a výjimečnou současnost kartografie na Slovensku, tradiční i moderní postupy a technologie, kterými se mapy vytvářejí.

CartoVista Creates Thematic Map With Brewery and Beer Data for National Beer Day

19.3.2019 11:12 Webcasts-Webinars   March 19, 2019 -- Map buffs are encouraged to explore the map to win a $50 eGift card from (Contest closes April 8th, 2019)
With …

GEO++ in Barcelona – High-accuracy positioning for smartphones

19.3.2019 11:12   European GNSS Agency  
GEO++ presented its high-accuracy positioning application for Android smartphones at the GSA stand at MWC Barcelona.
19 March 2019

GEO++, a German-based company, with support from the European GNSS Agency (GSA), presented a new high-accuracy positioning application for Android smartphones at this year's Mobile World Congress (MWC).

With over 107,000 visitors attending its 2019 edition, the MWC continues to be the largest mobile event in the world. It was the perfect stage for highlighting some of the most exciting Galileo-driven projects being supported by the GSA.

Everybody can benefit

Readers will know that Galileo is now the world's leading provider of dual-frequency GNSS signals, with more functioning dual-frequency satellites in orbit than any other GNSS constellation. Now, Geo++ GmbH, a geodesy and navigation company based outside Hanover, has developed a precision positioning app for smartphones called 'Geo++ Android Positioning Library', augmenting dual-frequency code and phase GNSS observations with SSR correction data.

"We've been doing precise positioning for 20 years, but typically for survey-grade receivers," said Jannes Wübbena, Managing Director of GEO++. "These can cost up to a couple of thousand euros, and then you can do centimetre-level accuracy. What we wanted to do here is create a new application that can provide precise positioning for smartphones. We wanted to get to a similar level of accuracy but with the limitation that we are using the low-grade, inexpensive GNSS receivers that are in these phones, making it possible for everyone to benefit from the highest accuracy positioning."

Read this: The GSA and Galileo at MWC Barcelona

Geo++ Android Positioning Library tackles the task of precision positioning by utilising GEO++'s network RTK technology in the backend to apply generated GNSS corrections to the smartphone measurements. For the GSA, this is exactly the kind of innovative application, leveraging the advantages of Galileo, that will enable new and more powerful and more value-generating Location-Based Services (LBS) for the mass-market.

Wübbena's company has already gained a lot of experience in this area with its Geo++ RINEX Logger app, which is available free of charge on the Google Play store.

Putting a new tool in your hand

"If you look back ten years ago, people generally had a smartphone for staying connected, but then if they were interested in photography they would also walk around with a digital camera." Wübbena said. "Nowadays it's more common for people just to have a smartphone to do both, because the camera in your phone is just as good as a lot of digital cameras. With our new precision positioning capability, we think this brings your smartphone in a similar way into the realm of high-precision measurement devices." So, as with the digital camera, Wübbena suggested, in the near future, smartphones could also take on the functions of some specialised and expensive measuring equipment.

Wübbena described a scenario in which a person needs to do some work on his or her garden wall. "Let's say you want to measure your wall because you don't know how long it is. We hope that in the future you will be able to just pick up your phone and measure, from one point to the next and down to an accuracy of few centimetres, how long your wall is."

Wübbena said, "The new Geo++ Android Positioning Library doesn't require any special equipment on the part of the user. This works with any off-the-shelf, dual-frequency-capable smartphone, which have been available since 2017." Indeed, MWC attendees will attest to the growing number of dual-frequency GNSS-equipped smartphones coming onto the market, thanks largely to the work of the GSA.

"Everyone will have one of those sooner or later," said Wübbena. "We are approaching smartphone and chipset manufacturers, to work together with us, to actually give an added value to their chips, so that we can sell our dual-frequency-powered apps more readily to the Googles and Apples."

Hottest mobile trends

Working in a highly competitive market is not a problem for GEO++, Wübbena said. "Our main advantage compared to what others are doing is that our service is more reliable, because we take care of all the biases that occur when you process these signals. We have a lot of experience with hardware-independent, high-precision solutions. We have been doing antenna calibration for IGS [International GNSS Service] for example, so we can use this knowledge to calibrate our network devices really accurately, and then deliver the best correction data to our users."

Geo++ Android Positioning Library was one of a number of Galileo-powered solutions being showcased at MWC, sharing space at this year's GSA-Galileo stand. In the run-up to the event, GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani said: "With the goal of exploring the hottest trends influencing the mobile industry, MWC Barcelona is the ideal platform to promote innovative European GNSS-based solutions and applications. As a global event, it’s also the place to show the world how European Union space research enhances Europe's industrial competitiveness and plays a pivotal role in tackling various societal challenges.”

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GEO++ presented its high-accuracy positioning application for Android smartphones at the GSA stand at MWC Barcelona.

GEO++ in Barcelona – High-accuracy positioning for smartphones

19.3.2019 11:12   European GNSS Agency  
GEO++ presented its high-accuracy positioning application for Android smartphones at the GSA stand at MWC Barcelona.
19 March 2019

GEO++, a German-based company, with support from the European GNSS Agency (GSA), presented a new high-accuracy positioning application for Android smartphones at this year's Mobile World Congress (MWC).

With over 107,000 visitors attending its 2019 edition, the MWC continues to be the largest mobile event in the world. It was the perfect stage for highlighting some of the most exciting Galileo-driven projects being supported by the GSA.

Everybody can benefit

Readers will know that Galileo is now the world's leading provider of dual-frequency GNSS signals, with more functioning dual-frequency satellites in orbit than any other GNSS constellation. Now, Geo++ GmbH, a geodesy and navigation company based outside Hanover, has developed a precision positioning app for smartphones called 'Geo++ Android Positioning Library', augmenting dual-frequency code and phase GNSS observations with SSR correction data.

"We've been doing precise positioning for 20 years, but typically for survey-grade receivers," said Jannes Wübbena, Managing Director of GEO++. "These can cost up to a couple of thousand euros, and then you can do centimetre-level accuracy. What we wanted to do here is create a new application that can provide precise positioning for smartphones. We wanted to get to a similar level of accuracy but with the limitation that we are using the low-grade, inexpensive GNSS receivers that are in these phones, making it possible for everyone to benefit from the highest accuracy positioning."

Read this: The GSA and Galileo at MWC Barcelona

Geo++ Android Positioning Library tackles the task of precision positioning by utilising GEO++'s network RTK technology in the backend to apply generated GNSS corrections to the smartphone measurements. For the GSA, this is exactly the kind of innovative application, leveraging the advantages of Galileo, that will enable new and more powerful and more value-generating Location-Based Services (LBS) for the mass-market.

Wübbena's company has already gained a lot of experience in this area with its Geo++ RINEX Logger app, which is available free of charge on the Google Play store.

Putting a new tool in your hand

"If you look back ten years ago, people generally had a smartphone for staying connected, but then if they were interested in photography they would also walk around with a digital camera." Wübbena said. "Nowadays it's more common for people just to have a smartphone to do both, because the camera in your phone is just as good as a lot of digital cameras. With our new precision positioning capability, we think this brings your smartphone in a similar way into the realm of high-precision measurement devices." So, as with the digital camera, Wübbena suggested, in the near future, smartphones could also take on the functions of some specialised and expensive measuring equipment.

Wübbena described a scenario in which a person needs to do some work on his or her garden wall. "Let's say you want to measure your wall because you don't know how long it is. We hope that in the future you will be able to just pick up your phone and measure, from one point to the next and down to an accuracy of few centimetres, how long your wall is."

Wübbena said, "The new Geo++ Android Positioning Library doesn't require any special equipment on the part of the user. This works with any off-the-shelf, dual-frequency-capable smartphone, which have been available since 2017." Indeed, MWC attendees will attest to the growing number of dual-frequency GNSS-equipped smartphones coming onto the market, thanks largely to the work of the GSA.

"Everyone will have one of those sooner or later," said Wübbena. "We are approaching smartphone and chipset manufacturers, to work together with us, to actually give an added value to their chips, so that we can sell our dual-frequency-powered apps more readily to the Googles and Apples."

Hottest mobile trends

Working in a highly competitive market is not a problem for GEO++, Wübbena said. "Our main advantage compared to what others are doing is that our service is more reliable, because we take care of all the biases that occur when you process these signals. We have a lot of experience with hardware-independent, high-precision solutions. We have been doing antenna calibration for IGS [International GNSS Service] for example, so we can use this knowledge to calibrate our network devices really accurately, and then deliver the best correction data to our users."

Geo++ Android Positioning Library was one of a number of Galileo-powered solutions being showcased at MWC, sharing space at this year's GSA-Galileo stand. In the run-up to the event, GSA Head of Market Development Fiammetta Diani said: "With the goal of exploring the hottest trends influencing the mobile industry, MWC Barcelona is the ideal platform to promote innovative European GNSS-based solutions and applications. As a global event, it’s also the place to show the world how European Union space research enhances Europe's industrial competitiveness and plays a pivotal role in tackling various societal challenges.”

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

GEO++ presented its high-accuracy positioning application for Android smartphones at the GSA stand at MWC Barcelona.

Seminář DTM v ČR (pozvánka)

19.3.2019 8:27  

Česká asociace pro geoinformace (CAGI) zve na seminář ohledně Digitální technické mapy České republiky, který se bude konat 10. dubna na Novotného lávce. Seminář je zdarma. Na seminář bude navazovat členská schůze CAGI. Program: 09:00 – 10:00            Registrace, káva 10:00 – 12:00            Seminář DTM ČR ve výstavbě 10:00 – 10:10            Úvod   Pavel Matějka (vedoucí odborné skupiny […]

The post Seminář DTM v ČR (pozvánka) appeared first on

Zapojte se i vy do boje proti erozi

19.3.2019 0:00   Státní pozemkový úřad   Půda je jedním z nejcennějších přírodních bohatství a hlavním přírodním zdrojem, bohužel však neobnovitelným. Poskytuje nám nejen obživu, ale zastává i mnoho dalších funkcí. Je ovšem ohrožena mnoha faktory, kde řada z nich může být vyvolána činností člověka. To vede ke snižování produkční a mimoprodukční schopnosti půdy. Jedním z nejrozšířenějších degradačních faktorů znehodnocujících zemědělskou půdu v České republice, je eroze, především ta vodní. Následkem erozních událostí dochází nejen ke škodám na veřejném i soukromém majetku, ať už se jedná o poškození silnic či staveb, zanesení pozemků či znečištění vodních útvarů půdními částicemi, ale škody jsou způsobeny i na samotném zemědělském pozemku vlivem snižování jeho úrodnosti.

Orbit GT selected in Top 5 for Smart Territories award at BIM World, Paris

18.3.2019 22:50 Webcasts-Webinars   Lokeren, Belgium, March 18th, 2019
Orbit GT is selected in Top 5 of the Smart Territories competition, powered by Innovation World Cup® Series …

Digitální technická mapa ČR ve výstavbě

18.3.2019 19:34   GeoBusiness   Česká asociace pro geoinformace pořádá bezplatný seminář, věnovaný problematice využití digitální technické mapy ČR ve výstavbě. Memorandum o spolupráci na DTM ČR podepsala celá ... Přečíst


Nominations now open for Bentley Systems Year in Infrastructure 2019 Awards

18.3.2019 16:38   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Infrastructure Intelligence, UK

Read the article

Geospatial World Forum 2019 announces Hexagon as Platinum Sponsor

18.3.2019 15:52 Webcasts-Webinars   March 18, 2019 -- Amsterdam: Geospatial World Forum 2019, a collaborative and interactive platform, which demonstrates collective and shared vision …

Esri Demonstrates Location Intelligence for Business Insights at the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit 2019

18.3.2019 15:51 Webcasts-Webinars   ORLANDO, Fla. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — March 18, 2019 —

Gartner Data & Analytics Summit – Esri,
the global leader in …

Hexagon Publishes the Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2018

18.3.2019 15:51 Webcasts-Webinars   NACKA STRAND, Sweden, March 18, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — Hexagon's Annual Report 2018 and separate Sustainability Report is now available …

Esri Demonstrates Location Intelligence for Business Insights at the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit 2019

18.3.2019 15:51 Webcasts-Webinars   ORLANDO, Fla. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — March 18, 2019 — Gartner Data & Analytics Summit – Esri, the global leader in location …

Geon Network Partners with XYO to Improve Proof of Location Data for Cutting-Edge Augmented Reality Application

18.3.2019 15:51 Webcasts-Webinars   Partnership to Improve Accuracy and Validation in Bridge Between Real World and Augmented Reality

Geon Network Partners with XYO to Improve Proof of Location Data for Cutting-Edge Augmented Reality Application

18.3.2019 15:51 Webcasts-Webinars   Partnership to Improve Accuracy and Validation in Bridge Between Real
World and Augmented Reality


Hexagon presents new intelligent construction technology at bauma 2019

18.3.2019 14:24 Webcasts-Webinars   HEERBRUGG, Switzerland and TUCSON, Ariz., USA (12 March 2019) — Hexagon’s Geosystems and Mining divisions are presenting an …

Pix4d Announces First User Conference In Denver, Colorado

18.3.2019 14:14 Webcasts-Webinars   Pix4D users are invited to share stories about working with drone mapping.
13 March 2019 -- San Francisco, California: Pix4D will be hosting its …

Nabídka nepotřebného majetku - nábytek

18.3.2019 13:04   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericke-a-katastralni-inspektoraty/Zememericky-a-katastralni-inspektorat-v-Pardubicic/Nabidky-majetku/Nabidka-nepotrebneho-majetku-nabytek-(1)

Nabídka nepotřebného majetku - nábytek

18.3.2019 13:04   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření  
Zeměměřický a katastrální inspektorát v Pardubicích nabízí nepotřebný majetek k odkupu. Jedná se o nábytek.

Nabídka nepotřebného majetku - nábytek


18.3.2019 11:45   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Chomutov zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov Volné místo - Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov


18.3.2019 11:45   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/O-uradu/Aktuality/20190318

Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov

18.3.2019 11:42   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Chomutov
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov
Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov

Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov

18.3.2019 11:42   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Ustecky-kraj/Volna-mista/Rada-odborny-rada-v-oddeleni-aktualizace-a-dokumen

Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov

18.3.2019 11:42   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Ústecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Chomutov vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Rada/odborný rada v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace katastru nemovitostí KP Chomutov

Co znamenají názvy ulic – ukázka z Německa

18.3.2019 8:00  

Napadlo Vás někdy, jaké jsou prostorové vazby mazi názvem ulice ve Vašem městě a geografií Česka? Jmenuje se výpadovka na Prahu “Pražská”? Když zadáte do “ulice Pražská” a “ulice Ostravská”, dostanete zajímavé prostorové rozdělení těchto názvů.  O trochu detailnější analýzu, než jsem udělal já na se pokusili novináři německého Zeit, kteří vytvořili databázi cca 450 […]

The post Co znamenají názvy ulic – ukázka z Německa appeared first on

Památné stromy

18.3.2019 1:00   Cenia - Katalog metadat ČR - INSPIRE   Lokalizace objektů vyhlášených památných stromů (jednotlivý strom, stromořadí, skupina stromů); vrstva obsahuje složené prvky (Multipart Features); © AOPK ČR, 2019

V Horním Újezdě si pochvalují digitalizovaný katastr

18.3.2019 0:00   Státní pozemkový úřad   Horní Újezd je obcí na Přerovsku asi deset kilometrů jižně od města Hranice. Ve vesnici je registrováno 416 obyvatel. O tom, jak vypadala spolupráce s Pozemkovým úřadem, jsme mluvili se starostkou Alenou Veličkovou.

Ve Svinařích si spolupráci s SPÚ chválí

18.3.2019 0:00   Státní pozemkový úřad   Obec Svinaře má 750 obyvatel a najdete jí čtyři kilometry jihozápadně od středočeských Řevnic a patnáct kilometrů jihovýchodně od Berouna. V jednom katastru jsou zároveň kromě Svinař také osady Lhotka a Halouny. Na ty přímo navazuje brdské polesí.

GIVS 2019 - Vyprodáno!

16.3.2019 7:00   Česká asociace pro geoinformace   Konferenční sál na Geoinformace ve veřejné správě 2019 je již zaplněn! Děkujeme za registraci a těšíme se v květnu na viděnou na Novotného

Velodyne Lidar CEO Wins Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers’ Autos2050 Award

16.3.2019 0:10 Webcasts-Webinars   Autonomous Vehicle Pioneer Recognized for Game-changing
Contributions to Automotive Industry


OGC invites you to a rail-themed Integrated Digital Built Environment (IDBE) Workshop

15.3.2019 19:57 Webcasts-Webinars   Results of this rail-themed workshop will provide input for the IDBE subcommittee to align the roadmaps of the relevant working groups within OGC and …

RoboSense Provides LiDAR to GACHA -- First Autonomous Driving Shuttle Bus For All Weather Conditions Co-Developed by MUJI & Sensible 4

15.3.2019 18:15 Webcasts-Webinars   Before GACHA, Autonomous Cars Operated Only in Ideal Weather Conditions; RoboSense's LiDAR "Sees" a 3D World, Even in Finland's Snow & Extreme …

Seminář o datech a službách ZÚ / ČÚZK

15.3.2019 15:00   Středočeský kraj   Dne 12. 03. 2019 se v naplněném zasedacím sále Zastupitelstva Středočeského kraje konal Seminář o datech a službách resortu zeměměřictví a katastru. Semináře se zúčastnili pracovníci krajského úřadu z oboru územního plánování, stavebního řízení, životního prostředí a dopravy, ale také zástupci obcí s rozšířenou působností a zástupci stavebních úřadů. Úvodního slova se ujal zástupce ředitele krajského úřadu pro sekci veřejných služeb, Mgr. Jindřich Schenk. Následně seminář vedli zástupci Zeměměřického úřadu a Českého úřadu zeměměřického a katastrálního. Účastníci se dozvěděli novinky z oblasti informačního systému veřejné správy zeměměřictví, zejména informace o aktualizaci Základní Báze Geografických Dat (ZABAGED) a státních mapových děl. Získali přehled o inovovaných aplikacích Zeměměřického úřadu. V neposlední řadě byli informováni o datech a službách z katastru nemovitostí. Seminář zorganizoval Odbor informatiky.

Mapová aplikace ÚPD - nové dokumentace

15.3.2019 14:45   Jihočeský kraj   V mapové aplikaci Územně plánovací dokumentace obcí byla aktualizována územně plánovací dokumentace obcí Drhovice, Horní Vltavice, Hospříž, Krašlovice, Lčovice, Lodhéřov, Popelín, Předmíř, Stachy, Stožice, Střížovice, Temelín, Záblatí (okr. Prachatice), Zálezly a Zbytiny.


15.3.2019 13:03   ČÚZK   /Urady/Zememericky-urad/Volna-mista/Telefonista-Telefonistka


15.3.2019 13:03   ČÚZK - volná místa   Zeměměřický úřad vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Telefonista/Telefonistka


15.3.2019 13:03   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo


15.3.2019 13:03   Zeměměřický úřad   Zeměměřický úřad
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo

vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace KN Katastrálního pracov

15.3.2019 10:11   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Strakonice vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace KN Katastrálního pracov

vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace KN Katastrálního pracov

15.3.2019 10:11   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/vrchni-ref-rada-OA_ST

vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace KN Katastrálního pracov

15.3.2019 10:11   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Strakonice
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Strakonice


15.3.2019 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
Earth observation image of the week: a Copernicus Sentinel-2 view over Kenya’s capital

Earth from Space

15.3.2019 10:05   ESA Observing the Earth  
In this week's edition, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Kenya’s capital, Nairobi

Jarní akce, na kterých se s vámi rádi setkáme

15.3.2019 10:00   ARCDATA  

Pokud máte v plánu návštěvu tradičních jarních konferencí ISSS a GIVS, tak vězte, že my také a že vás na nich rádi uvidíme.

Těšit se můžete zejména na informace o novinkách v technologiích ArcGIS (webový GIS, moderní analytický nástroj Insights for ArcGIS a další) i na aktuální témata veřejné správy, kam patří využití dat katastru nemovitostíRÚIAN, integrace GIS a BIM a ty nejčerstvější novinky ohledně projektu Digitální technické mapy ČR.

Více se o naší plánované účasti můžete dočíst na samostatných stránkách:

Těšíme se na viděnou.

vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katast

15.3.2019 9:55   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Český Krumlov
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katastrálního pracoviště Český Krumlov

vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katast

15.3.2019 9:55   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihocesky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/vrchni-ref-rada-OAD_CK

vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katast

15.3.2019 9:55   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Český Krumlov vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo vrchní referent/rada - obnova katastrálního operátu - v oddělení aktualizace a dokumentace KN Katast

Maptek invests with PETRA Data Science

15.3.2019 9:17 Webcasts-Webinars   March 14, 2019 -- In an industry first, Maptek and PETRA Data Science have established a partnership which will enable seamless value chain …

Seminář projektu ATTRACTIVE DANUBE

15.3.2019 9:09   CENIA - národní geoportál INSPIRE   CENIA, česká informační agentura životního prostředí pořádá již druhý školicí seminář projektu ATTRACTIVE DANUBE. Cílem semináře je představit platformy pro prezentaci indikátorů územní atraktivity: Nadnárodní verzi pro celý podunajský region a českou národní verzi s indikátory jen pro Českou republiku. Seminář proběhne v rámci konference GIS Ostrava, a to druhý konferenční den 21. 3. 2019 od...

Aktivity v kartografii venované Jánovi Pravdovi 2019 (pozvánka)

15.3.2019 8:21  

Kartografická společnost Slovenské republiky zve na seminář Aktivity v kartografii.  V tomto roku uplynulo 25 rokov od organizovania prvého seminára AKTIVITY V KARTOGRAFII. Cieľom seminára je poskytnúť priestor odborníkom z viacerých vedných disciplín prezentovať svoje kartografické diela a súčasne diskutovať o aktuálnych otázkach týkajúcich sa kartografie a príbuzných disciplín. TERMÍN: 24. október 2019 MIESTO KONANIA: Stavebná fakulta, Bratislava TERMÍNY: Prihlásenie abstraktov: 31.5.2019 […]

The post Aktivity v kartografii venované Jánovi Pravdovi 2019 (pozvánka) appeared first on

Program třebíčského semináře o pozemkových úpravách

15.3.2019 8:03   Zeměměřič   Znáte první dodatek k Návodu pro obnovu katastrálního operátu?

Harris Corporation to Announce Third Quarter Results on Wednesday, May 1, 2019

15.3.2019 8:00 Webcasts-Webinars   MELBOURNE, Fla. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — March 12, 2019 — Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS) will host a conference call on Wednesday, May 1, …

Výzva k podávání přihlášek do Programu na podporu mobility doktorandů

15.3.2019 0:00   Geografický ústav MU  

Program CEFRES nabízí finanční podporu za účelem mobility na dobu jednoho roku pro doktorandy nejméně ve 2. ročníku doktorského studia z Francie, Maďarska, Polska, Slovenska nebo České republiky. Tento program finanční podpory se týká mladých vědců, jejichž práce se vztahují k jedné z výzkumných os CEFRESu. Financování bude poskytováno ve výši 20 000 Kč měsíčně po dobu 12 měsíců. Podmínkou je dobrá úroveň angličtiny, znalost francouzštiny je výhodou. Vybraní doktorandi se zapojí do týmu CEFRESu a budou se účastnit vědeckých aktivit ústavu.

Uzávěrka na podávání přihlášek: 15. března 2019 (17:00)
Období: 1. září 2019 – 31. srpna 2020

Bližší informace naleznete na webu

Seminář Pozemkové úpravy XXIV., 2019

14.3.2019 21:55   Spolek zeměměřičů Brno   Spolek zeměměřičů Brno pořádá ve čtvrtek 4. 4. 2019 v Třebíči XXIV. ročník odborného semináře zaměřeného na problematiku pozemkových úprav Program Mgr. Jaroslava Doubravová (SPÚ) Pozemkové úpravy, současný stav a výhled Ing. Bc. Jan Kmínek (ČÚZK) Dodatek č.1 k Návodu pro obnovu katastrálního operátu Mgr. Martin Blecha, Ph.D. (SPÚ) Aktuality... Read more »

Oil&Gas, infrastructure and environment: Planetek and Airbus present satellite services at the OMC 2019

14.3.2019 21:17 Webcasts-Webinars   Planetek Italia will join the Offshore Mediterranean Conference & Exhibition (OMC 2019), which will take place on 27-29 March 2019 in Ravenna, …

FARO® Releases FARO ZONE 3D 2019 for Public Safety

14.3.2019 21:17 Webcasts-Webinars   LAKE MARY, Fla., March 14, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —  FARO® (NASDAQ: FARO), the world's most trusted source for 3D measurement and …

New Online Mapping Tool Reveals 500 Million Square Feet of Public Land Potentially Usable for Affordable Housing

14.3.2019 21:17 Webcasts-Webinars   Free online tool developed by the University of Miami with support
from Citi aims to jump-start affordable housing development in

New City of Houston and Civis Analytics Report Details Methodology for Smarter, More Accurate Disaster Recovery

14.3.2019 21:17 Webcasts-Webinars   HOUSTON and CHICAGO, March 14, 2019 — (PRNewswire) — The City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department, along with …

Comprehensive Communication Services and Fortress UAV Partner to Provide Fully Comprehensive MERC-UASC Solution

14.3.2019 21:17 Webcasts-Webinars   PLANO, Texas, March 14, 2019 — (PRNewswire) —  Comprehensive Communication Services (CCS), a company created after Hurricane …

Bering in dire straits

14.3.2019 16:00   ESA Observing the Earth  
The Bering Strait is usually covered by sea ice at this time of the year, but the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission shows a different story

New Regulation mandates Galileo capability for all smartphones sold in the EU

14.3.2019 13:58   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo-supported E112 will result in faster response times and more lives saved.
14 March 2019

A recently published Commission Delegated Regulation sets out measures to introduce Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) capability, particularly Galileo capability, in advanced computing capability mobile telephones (or ‘’smartphones’’) placed on the European Union market from 17 March 2022, so that they can support the transfer of caller location information from GNSS (at least Galileo) in the event of 112 emergency calls (E112).

A large majority of phone calls to the 112 emergency number are placed from mobile phones. These calls already support the sending of location information to emergency services. However, this information is not based on GNSS.

E112 makes use of Galileo to establish location for emergency calls to the 112 emergency number. Mandating the use of Galileo in smartphones will improve the accuracy of the caller location, which will allow emergency responders to get to the scene of an accident faster. The Regulation will apply in all EU Member States from 17 March 2022.

Enhanced positioning saving lives

There is already a solution in place that uses GNSS technology in emergency calls made from smartphones. Advanced Mobile Location, or AML, transmits the GNSS, Wi-Fi or cell-ID information available on the caller's smartphone via a message to a dedicated end-point, usually a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), which makes the caller location available to emergency responders in real time.

AML has been deployed in several EU Member States thanks to the EU-funded Help 112 project, which was set up to evaluate the merits of handset-based technologies in improving the location of emergency callers, and which is now in its second phase.

The E112 concept is similar to the eCall system, mandated for use in all new car and light van models that receive type-approval in the EU from 31 March 2018, which automatically dials the 112 emergency number in the event of a serious accident and sends the position information of the car.

Read this: Volvo presents on stage the first eCall-enabled car

“The ability to precisely locate the site of an emergency enables first responders to arrive on the scene faster which, in turn, results in more lives saved. Galileo is already supporting a faster emergency response in the eCall system and now, with the new Regulation, all Europeans making an 112 emergency call from a smartphone will be able to benefit from the same precision,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides.

Accuracy of a few metres

Location information is currently established through identification technology based on the coverage area of the cellular network tower (cell-ID). The average accuracy of this information varies from 2 km to 10 km, which can lead to significant search errors following emergency calls, resulting is time wasted and lives lost. In contrast, location information based on GNSS provides an average accuracy between 6 and 28 meters. This level of accuracy will have a major impact in terms of emergency response times.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo-supported E112 will result in faster response times and more lives saved.

New Regulation mandates Galileo capability for all smartphones sold in the EU

14.3.2019 13:58   European GNSS Agency  
Galileo-supported E112 will result in faster response times and more lives saved.
14 March 2019

A recently published Commission Delegated Regulation sets out measures to introduce Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) capability, particularly Galileo capability, in advanced computing capability mobile telephones (or ‘’smartphones’’) placed on the European Union market from 17 March 2022, so that they can support the transfer of caller location information from GNSS (at least Galileo) in the event of 112 emergency calls (E112).

A large majority of phone calls to the 112 emergency number are placed from mobile phones. These calls already support the sending of location information to emergency services. However, this information is not based on GNSS.

E112 makes use of Galileo to establish location for emergency calls to the 112 emergency number. Mandating the use of Galileo in smartphones will improve the accuracy of the caller location, which will allow emergency responders to get to the scene of an accident faster. The Regulation will apply in all EU Member States from 17 March 2022.

Enhanced positioning saving lives

There is already a solution in place that uses GNSS technology in emergency calls made from smartphones. Advanced Mobile Location, or AML, transmits the GNSS, Wi-Fi or cell-ID information available on the caller's smartphone via a message to a dedicated end-point, usually a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), which makes the caller location available to emergency responders in real time.

AML has been deployed in several EU Member States thanks to the EU-funded Help 112 project, which was set up to evaluate the merits of handset-based technologies in improving the location of emergency callers, and which is now in its second phase.

The E112 concept is similar to the eCall system, mandated for use in all new car and light van models that receive type-approval in the EU from 31 March 2018, which automatically dials the 112 emergency number in the event of a serious accident and sends the position information of the car.

Read this: Volvo presents on stage the first eCall-enabled car

“The ability to precisely locate the site of an emergency enables first responders to arrive on the scene faster which, in turn, results in more lives saved. Galileo is already supporting a faster emergency response in the eCall system and now, with the new Regulation, all Europeans making an 112 emergency call from a smartphone will be able to benefit from the same precision,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides.

Accuracy of a few metres

Location information is currently established through identification technology based on the coverage area of the cellular network tower (cell-ID). The average accuracy of this information varies from 2 km to 10 km, which can lead to significant search errors following emergency calls, resulting is time wasted and lives lost. In contrast, location information based on GNSS provides an average accuracy between 6 and 28 meters. This level of accuracy will have a major impact in terms of emergency response times.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Galileo-supported E112 will result in faster response times and more lives saved.

Sentinels monitor converging ice cracks

14.3.2019 12:00   ESA Observing the Earth  

The Copernicus Sentinel-1 radar mission shows how cracks cutting across Antarctica’s Brunt ice shelf are on course to truncate the shelf and release an iceberg about the size of Greater London – it’s just a matter of time.

Výstava Mikuláš Klaudyán- první mapa Čech probíhá Teplicích [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

14.3.2019 11:40   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Knihovna geografie zapůjčila výstavu Mikuláš Klaudyán - první mapa Čech pro instalaci v prostorách Gymnázia Teplice až do 31. května 2019.

Výstava Mikuláš Klaudyán- první mapa Čech probíhá v Teplicích [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

14.3.2019 11:40   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Knihovna geografie zapůjčila výstavu Mikuláš Klaudyán - první mapa Čech pro instalaci v prostorách Gymnázia Teplice až do 31. května 2019.

Výstava Mikuláš Klaudyán- první mapa Čech v Teplicích [Knihovna geografie, byTopic]

14.3.2019 11:40   Katedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografie Přf UK   Knihovna geografie zapůjčila výstavu Mikuláš Klaudyán - první mapa Čech pro instalaci v prostorách Gymnázia Teplice až do 31. května 2019.


14.3.2019 10:46   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Aktuální číslo Geodetického a kartografického obzoru (3/2019) je k dispozici ke stažení.


14.3.2019 10:46   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2019/20190314-GaKO-3-2019

Nové číslo GaKO

14.3.2019 10:40   ÚGKK SR  
Nové číslo časopisu Geodetického a Kartografického Obzoru 3/2019

G++ – kultovní geodetická akce

14.3.2019 10:21  

Akci nazvanou G++ každoročně pořádají studenti 1. ročníku magisterských studijních oborů Geodézie a kartografie a Geomatika z Fakulty stavební ČVUT v Praze. Tato tradice vznikla již v roce 1991 a kromě pauzy v období 1995 až 2001 se koná pravidelně. Jedná se o neformální příležitost pro přátelská setkání a navázání kontaktů mezi studenty, absolventy, pedagogy i zástupci […]

The post G++ – kultovní geodetická akce appeared first on

GaKO 3/2019

14.3.2019 10:16   GaKO   GaKO 3/2019 ANTAL, M.–ZÁPOTOCKÝ, M.: Hodnotenie estetickej úrovne lesných porastov v okolí turistických trás s využitím GIS: prípadová štúdia pre územie Podpoľania ŠAFÁŘ, V.–TLAPÁKOVÁ, L.: Archivní letecký snímek – cesta k informaci o poloze melioračního systému

GaKO 3/2019

14.3.2019 10:16   GaKO   GaKO 3/2019

Introducing the senseFly eBee X with MicaSense RedEdge-MX, a seamless dual solution for accurate and efficient crop analysis

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EagleView Secures Significant Appeal Win In Ongoing Patent Litigation Against Xactware And Verisk

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GSA, SESAR Deployment Manager sign MoU on EGNSS support for Air Traffic Management

13.3.2019 14:10   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA-SESAR Deployment Manager MoU will support the implementation of Galileo and EGNOS applications in aviation.
13 March 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the World ATM Congress in Madrid on 13 March on future cooperation to modernise EU Air Traffic Management by leveraging Galileo and EGNOS.

Both EGNOS and Galileo can support the modernisation of EU Air Traffic Management, particularly in the areas of air navigation and surveillance. SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) has been tasked by the European Commission to synchronise and coordinate the deployment of the Pilot Common Project as specified in the SESAR Deployment Programme. Within this programme, Performance Based Navigation and Surveillance, which rely on GNSS, are one of the six ATM functionalities. The MoU signed in Madrid details how GSA and SDM will work together to bring this about.

Important milestone

“This is an important milestone in cooperation between the GSA and SDM and one that will ensure that all aviation stakeholders reap the benefits of Europe’s investment in space,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides.

“The GSA is looking forward to cooperating with SDM to reinforce relations with ANSPs and airlines and help them to benefit from EGNOS and Galileo,” confirmed Pascal Claudel, GSA Chief Operating Officer, who signed the MoU on behalf of the GSA.

“I am happy that today, at the World ATM Congress, the GSA and the SESAR Deployment Manager signed this cooperation agreement. This new agreement will reinforce the SDM connection with space-based technologies for ATM and CNS. Indeed, there is growing proximity between ATM and space, as space-based enablers would certainly bring an essential contribution, enabling the most critical Pilot Common Project ATM functionalities as well as CNS modernisation. This agreement materialises the fact that GSA and SDM share common objectives and have mutual interests in successful E-GNSS and SESAR deployment,” said Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager, SESAR Deployment Manager.

The first of the applications covered by the MoU is Performance Based Navigation (PBN), which aims to ensure global standardisation of Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) specifications, in an effort to limit the proliferation of navigation specifications used around the world.

The European Commission’s PBN Regulation, published in 2018, mandates the implementation of EGNOS approaches at all Europe’s runways by 2024. In suitably equipped aircraft, EGNOS enables aircraft approach procedures that are operationally equivalent to instrument landing system (ILS) ILS Cat-I procedures. The regulation also envisages a full PBN environment by 2030, leading to rationalisation of conventional procedures. For Cat II/III, work is ongoing to make Europe benefit from Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Cat-II/III based on GPS and Galileo dual frequency. Going further, Europe is also investing in the next version of EGNOS, which will also augment Galileo, and the Advanced RAIM concept, also relying on both GPS and Galileo.

This is recognised as a major step in the evolution of the European navigation infrastructure by ANSP organisations.

EGNOS unlocking capacity improvements

The second area of cooperation between the GSA and SDM deals with Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out, which is a surveillance technique that relies on aircraft broadcasting their identity, position, and other information derived from on board systems. This signal can then be received for surveillance purposes on the ground.

The current regulation mandates airspace users to be equipped by 2020, including with a GNSS receiver. While SBAS is not mandated, it is widely recognised that SBAS can unlock capacity improvements and support enhanced surveillance operations, as well as support the business case, when synchronised with navigation.

Airspace users require an integrated and synchronised strategy for navigation and surveillance, to optimise their investments, and the GSA will work together with SDM to that end. The GSA and SDM will also work together to assist air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and airlines in using EGNOS and Galileo.


In 2004 the European Union adopted the first Single European Sky (SES) legislative package meant to reform the architecture of European air traffic management (ATM) in order to meet future capacity and safety needs at European level. Updated in 2009, the SES regulatory framework consists of four pillars: regulating performance; a single safety framework; new technologies; and managing capacity on the ground.

The Single European Sky ATM Research and Development (SESAR) project represents the technological pillar of the SES. It aims to provide the EU with a high performing ATM infrastructure by 2030 that will enable the safe and environmentally friendly operation and development of air transport.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA-SESAR Deployment Manager MoU will support the implementation of Galileo and EGNOS applications in aviation.

GSA, SESAR Deployment Manager sign MoU on EGNSS support for Air Traffic Management

13.3.2019 14:10   European GNSS Agency  
GSA, SESAR Deployment Manager sign MoU on EGNSS support for Air Traffic Management
13 March 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the World ATM Congress in Madrid on 13 March on future cooperation to modernise EU Air Traffic Management by leveraging Galileo and EGNOS.

Both EGNOS and Galileo can support the modernisation of EU Air Traffic Management, particularly in the areas of air navigation and surveillance. SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) has been tasked by the European Commission to synchronise and coordinate the deployment of the Pilot Common Project as specified in the SESAR Deployment Programme. Within this programme, Performance Based Navigation and Surveillance, which rely on GNSS, are one of the six ATM functionalities. The MoU signed in Madrid details how GSA and SDM will work together to bring this about.

Important milestone

“This is an important milestone in cooperation between the GSA and SDM and one that will ensure that all aviation stakeholders reap the benefits of Europe’s investment in space,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides.

“The GSA is looking forward to cooperating with SDM to reinforce relations with ANSPs and airlines and help them to benefit from EGNOS and Galileo,” confirmed Pascal Claudel, GSA Chief Operating Officer, who signed the MoU on behalf of the GSA.

“I am happy that today, at the World ATM Congress, the GSA and the SESAR Deployment Manager signed this cooperation agreement. This new agreement will reinforce the SDM connection with space-based technologies for ATM and CNS. Indeed, there is growing proximity between ATM and space, as space-based enablers would certainly bring an essential contribution, enabling the most critical Pilot Common Project ATM functionalities as well as CNS modernisation. This agreement materialises the fact that GSA and SDM share common objectives and have mutual interests in successful E-GNSS and SESAR deployment,” said Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager, SESAR Deployment Manager.

The first of the applications covered by the MoU is Performance Based Navigation (PBN), which aims to ensure global standardisation of Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) specifications, in an effort to limit the proliferation of navigation specifications used around the world.

The European Commission’s PBN Regulation, published in 2018, mandates the implementation of EGNOS approaches at all Europe’s runways by 2024. In suitably equipped aircraft, EGNOS enables aircraft approach procedures that are operationally equivalent to instrument landing system (ILS) ILS Cat-I procedures. The regulation also envisages a full PBN environment by 2030, leading to rationalisation of conventional procedures. For Cat II/III, work is ongoing to make Europe benefit from Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Cat-II/III based on GPS and Galileo dual frequency. Going further, Europe is also investing in the next version of EGNOS, which will also augment Galileo, and the Advanced RAIM concept, also relying on both GPS and Galileo.

This is recognised as a major step in the evolution of the European navigation infrastructure by ANSP organisations.

EGNOS unlocking capacity improvements

The second area of cooperation between the GSA and SDM deals with Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out, which is a surveillance technique that relies on aircraft broadcasting their identity, position, and other information derived from on board systems. This signal can then be received for surveillance purposes on the ground.

The current regulation mandates airspace users to be equipped by 2020, including with a GNSS receiver. While SBAS is not mandated, it is widely recognised that SBAS can unlock capacity improvements and support enhanced surveillance operations, as well as support the business case, when synchronised with navigation.

Airspace users require an integrated and synchronised strategy for navigation and surveillance, to optimise their investments, and the GSA will work together with SDM to that end. The GSA and SDM will also work together to assist air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and airlines in using EGNOS and Galileo.


In 2004 the European Union adopted the first Single European Sky (SES) legislative package meant to reform the architecture of European air traffic management (ATM) in order to meet future capacity and safety needs at European level. Updated in 2009, the SES regulatory framework consists of four pillars: regulating performance; a single safety framework; new technologies; and managing capacity on the ground.

The Single European Sky ATM Research and Development (SESAR) project represents the technological pillar of the SES. It aims to provide the EU with a high performing ATM infrastructure by 2030 that will enable the safe and environmentally friendly operation and development of air transport.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA-SESAR Deployment Manager MoU will support the implementation of Galileo and EGNOS applications in aviation.

GSA, SESAR Deployment Manager sign MoU on EGNSS support for Air Traffic Management

13.3.2019 14:10   European GNSS Agency  
The GSA-SESAR Deployment Manager MoU will support the implementation of Galileo and EGNOS applications in aviation.
13 March 2019

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the World ATM Congress in Madrid on 13 March on future cooperation to modernise EU Air Traffic Management by leveraging Galileo and EGNOS.

Both EGNOS and Galileo can support the modernisation of EU Air Traffic Management, particularly in the areas of air navigation and surveillance. SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) has been tasked by the European Commission to synchronise and coordinate the deployment of the Pilot Common Project as specified in the SESAR Deployment Programme. Within this programme, Performance Based Navigation and Surveillance, which rely on GNSS, are one of the six ATM functionalities. The MoU signed in Madrid details how GSA and SDM will work together to bring this about.

Important milestone

“This is an important milestone in cooperation between the GSA and SDM and one that will ensure that all aviation stakeholders reap the benefits of Europe’s investment in space,” said GSA Executive Director Carlo des Dorides.

“The GSA is looking forward to cooperating with SDM to reinforce relations with ANSPs and airlines and help them to benefit from EGNOS and Galileo,” confirmed Pascal Claudel, GSA Chief Operating Officer, who signed the MoU on behalf of the GSA.

“I am happy that today, at the World ATM Congress, the GSA and the SESAR Deployment Manager signed this cooperation agreement. This new agreement will reinforce the SDM connection with space-based technologies for ATM and CNS. Indeed, there is growing proximity between ATM and space, as space-based enablers would certainly bring an essential contribution, enabling the most critical Pilot Common Project ATM functionalities as well as CNS modernisation. This agreement materialises the fact that GSA and SDM share common objectives and have mutual interests in successful E-GNSS and SESAR deployment,” said Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager, SESAR Deployment Manager.

The first of the applications covered by the MoU is Performance Based Navigation (PBN), which aims to ensure global standardisation of Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) specifications, in an effort to limit the proliferation of navigation specifications used around the world.

The European Commission’s PBN Regulation, published in 2018, mandates the implementation of EGNOS approaches at all Europe’s runways by 2024. In suitably equipped aircraft, EGNOS enables aircraft approach procedures that are operationally equivalent to instrument landing system (ILS) ILS Cat-I procedures. The regulation also envisages a full PBN environment by 2030, leading to rationalisation of conventional procedures. For Cat II/III, work is ongoing to make Europe benefit from Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Cat-II/III based on GPS and Galileo dual frequency. Going further, Europe is also investing in the next version of EGNOS, which will also augment Galileo, and the Advanced RAIM concept, also relying on both GPS and Galileo.

This is recognised as a major step in the evolution of the European navigation infrastructure by ANSP organisations.

EGNOS unlocking capacity improvements

The second area of cooperation between the GSA and SDM deals with Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out, which is a surveillance technique that relies on aircraft broadcasting their identity, position, and other information derived from on board systems. This signal can then be received for surveillance purposes on the ground.

The current regulation mandates airspace users to be equipped by 2020, including with a GNSS receiver. While SBAS is not mandated, it is widely recognised that SBAS can unlock capacity improvements and support enhanced surveillance operations, as well as support the business case, when synchronised with navigation.

Airspace users require an integrated and synchronised strategy for navigation and surveillance, to optimise their investments, and the GSA will work together with SDM to that end. The GSA and SDM will also work together to assist air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and airlines in using EGNOS and Galileo.


In 2004 the European Union adopted the first Single European Sky (SES) legislative package meant to reform the architecture of European air traffic management (ATM) in order to meet future capacity and safety needs at European level. Updated in 2009, the SES regulatory framework consists of four pillars: regulating performance; a single safety framework; new technologies; and managing capacity on the ground.

The Single European Sky ATM Research and Development (SESAR) project represents the technological pillar of the SES. It aims to provide the EU with a high performing ATM infrastructure by 2030 that will enable the safe and environmentally friendly operation and development of air transport.

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The GSA-SESAR Deployment Manager MoU will support the implementation of Galileo and EGNOS applications in aviation.

Ukončení činnosti Pozemkové knihy

13.3.2019 13:27   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Stredocesky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Kutna-Hora/O-uradu/Aktuality/Ukonceni-cinnosti-Pozemkove-knihy

Ukončení činnosti Pozemkové knihy

13.3.2019 13:27   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Středočeský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Kutná Hora
zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Ukončení činnosti Pozemkové knihy k datu 30.06.2019 Vážení návštěvníci Katastrálního pracoviště Kutná Hora. Od 30. 06. 2019 bude ukončen provoz Pozemkové knihy na adrese:  Kremnická 6/115, Žižkov, Kutná Hora. Služby Pozemkové knihy Vám budou poskytnuty na adrese Rudní 432, Kutná Hora v úředních hodinách.

Orbit GT releases version 19.3 of its 3D Mapping portfolio

13.3.2019 10:11 Webcasts-Webinars   Lokeren, Belgium, March 12th, 2019
Orbit GT releases version 19.3 of 3D its Mapping portfolio. 
“With version 19.3, our 3D Mapping …
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