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zdroje zpráv:

Finalists for Bentley’s Year in Infrastructure

19.11.2020 17:29   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

International Construction, UK

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Bentley Systems Announces Finalists in the Year in Infrastructure 2020 Awards Program

19.11.2020 17:15   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Global Banking & Finance Review, UK

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Quanergy Introduces Industry-Leading M8-Prime 3D LiDAR Sensor With 7.5x the Resolution and 1.3x the Detection Accuracy of Traditional Laser Scanners

19.11.2020 16:41 Webcasts-Webinars   Generates clear, detailed and accurate 3D point clouds by capturing over 1 million points per second—2x the data captured by competing solutions. …

MapBusinessOnline 7.0 Released - Enhanced Map Resolution & Data Filtering

19.11.2020 16:40 Webcasts-Webinars   CORNISH, Maine, Nov. 19, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  SpatialTEQ Inc., publisher of the premier North American business mapping software …

Odborný referent/vrchní referent v oddělení aktualizace GI KN na Katastrálním pracovišti Brno - měst

19.11.2020 11:46   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Brno-město vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Odborný referent/vrchní referent v oddělení aktualizace GI KN na Katastrálním pracovišti Brno - měst

Odborný referent/vrchní referent v oddělení aktualizace GI KN na Katastrálním pracovišti Brno - měst

19.11.2020 11:46   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Jihomoravsky-kraj/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/Odborny-referent-vrchni-referent-v-oddeleni-aktual

Odborný referent/vrchní referent v oddělení aktualizace GI KN na Katastrálním pracovišti Brno - měst

19.11.2020 11:46   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Jihomoravský kraj Katastrální pracoviště Brno-město
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Odborný referent/vrchní referent v oddělení aktualizace GI KN na Katastrálním pracovišti Brno - město

Learn about sea-level rise and Copernicus Sentinel-6

19.11.2020 11:30   ESA Observing the Earth   Video: 00:03:44

Learn how climate change is causing our seas to rise and how satellites have been measuring the height of the sea surface systematically since 1992. With global sea level now rising fast, Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich picks up the baton as the latest satellite mission to extend the legacy of sea-surface height measurements. Learn how it makes these critical measurements.

rada/odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení potvrzování

19.11.2020 11:27   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/rada-odborny-rada-–-vedouci-oddeleni-potvrzovani

rada/odborný rada –vedoucí oddělení potvrzování geometrických plánů

19.11.2020 11:27   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-hlavni-mesto-Prahu/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/rada-odborny-rada-–-vedouci-oddeleni-potvrzovani

rada/odborný rada –vedoucí oddělení potvrzování geometrických plánů

19.11.2020 11:27   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada –vedoucí oddělení potvrzování geometrických plánů

rada/odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení potvrzování

19.11.2020 11:27   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
rada/odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení potvrzování

rada/odborný rada –vedoucí oddělení potvrzování geometrických plánů

19.11.2020 11:27   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
rada/odborný rada –vedoucí oddělení potvrzování geometrických plánů

rada/odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení potvrzování

19.11.2020 11:27   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro hlavní město Prahu - Katastrální pracoviště Praha vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo rada/odborný rada – vedoucí oddělení potvrzování

odborný referent / vrchní referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pracovišt

19.11.2020 11:21   ČÚZK - volná místa   Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Jičín vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo odborný referent / vrchní referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pracovišt

odborný referent / vrchní referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pracovišt

19.11.2020 11:21   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Královéhradecký kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Jičín
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
odborný referent / vrchní referent v oddělení právních vztahů k nemovitostem Katastrálního pracoviště Jičín

Celorepublikový průzkumu k využití internetu domácnostmi

19.11.2020 7:00   Ústecký kraj  

Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu žádá o spolupráci na propagaci a účast v celorepublikovém průzkumu k využití internetu domácnostmi. Níže uvedený odkaz Vás přesměruje na krátký dotazník k průzkumu ohledně využívání internetu v domácnosti za rok 2020. Průzkum je veden poradenskou společností Grant Thornton s podporou Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu. Kromě základních otázek je účelem průzkumu také zjistit vliv pandemie COVID-19 na využívání a spokojenost s internetovým připojením v tuzemských domácnostech.

Dotazník naleznete zde:

Topcon GNSS and survey instruments headed to Africa to assist Bridges to Prosperity efforts

19.11.2020 2:01 Webcasts-Webinars   LIVERMORE, Calif. – November 17, 2020 – A shipping container with several pieces of key GNSS and survey instrumentation is …

OGC Community approves new OGC API standard: OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference

19.11.2020 1:56 Webcasts-Webinars   OGC API - Features provides the fundamental API building blocks to create, modify, and query ‘features’ on the Web. Part 2 adds the …

APGEO - APG jednala s vedením státního pozemkového úřadu

19.11.2020 1:00   Asociace podnikatelů v geomatice   Ing. Jaroslav Cibulka, výkonný ředitel APG a Ing. Lubor Pekarský, vedoucí PS PÚ spolu se zástupci APÚ a ČMKPÚ dnes ...

Na webových stránkách naší spo

19.11.2020 0:00   SolidVision   Na webových stránkách naší společnosti je v sekci Podpora > Ke stažení k dispozici SP4 pro SOLIDWORKS 2020.

Na webových stránkách naší spo

19.11.2020 0:00   SolidVision   Na webových stránkách naší společnosti je v sekci Podpora > Ke stažení k dispozici SP4 pro SOLIDWORKS 2020.

Na webových stránkách naší spo

19.11.2020 0:00   SolidVision   Na webových stránkách naší společnosti je v sekci Podpora > Ke stažení k dispozici SP4 pro SOLIDWORKS 2020.

Na webových stránkách naší spo

19.11.2020 0:00   SolidVision   Na webových stránkách naší společnosti je v sekci Podpora > Ke stažení k dispozici SP4 pro SOLIDWORKS 2020.

Bentley Systems 2020 YII: Transformation across industry

18.11.2020 17:11   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Hydrocarbon Processing, USA

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Simulation software aids social distancing

18.11.2020 16:45   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

New Civil Engineer, UK

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Greg Bentley and Satya Nadella to speak at Bentley Systems event

18.11.2020 16:40   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

The Technology Record, UK

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VerTOL Expected to Grow Rapidly as Air Taxi Space Prepares to Lift Off

18.11.2020 15:48 Webcasts-Webinars News Commentary
PALM BEACH, Fla., Nov. 18, 2020 — (PRNewswire) — Vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and urban …

Inpixon Mapping Selected by Leading Pharmaceutical Corporation to Facilitate Tracking of COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Assets

18.11.2020 15:47 Webcasts-Webinars   PALO ALTO, Calif., Nov. 18, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  Inpixon (Nasdaq: INPX), the Indoor Intelligence™ company, today announced …

Vrchní inspektor

18.11.2020 15:31   ČÚZK   /Urady/Cesky-urad-zememericky-a-katastralni/Uredni-deska/Oznameni-a-jina-uredni-sdeleni/Volna-mista/DMS/Vrchni-inspektor

Vrchní inspektor

18.11.2020 15:31   ČÚZK - volná místa   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo Vrchní inspektor

Vrchní inspektor

18.11.2020 15:31   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální
vypisuje výběrové řízení na místo
Vrchní inspektor

Nové číslo GaKO

18.11.2020 15:15   ÚGKK SR  
Nové číslo časopisu Geodetického a Kartografického Obzoru 11/2020

20201118-GaKO 11-2020

18.11.2020 14:54   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Aktuální číslo Geodetického a kartografického obzoru (11/2020) je k dispozici ke stažení.

20201118-GaKO 11-2020

18.11.2020 14:54   ČÚZK   /Aktuality-resort/2020/20201118-GaKO-11-2020

20201118-GaKO 11-2020

18.11.2020 14:54   ČÚZK - aktuality v resortu   Aktuální číslo Geodetického a kartografického obzoru (11/2020) je k dispozici ke stažení.

Watch live: Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich launch

18.11.2020 12:18   ESA Observing the Earth   Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich over California

Watch the launch of the Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich ocean-monitoring satellite on ESA Web TV on Saturday 21 November from 17:45 CET (08:45 PST).

Watch live: Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich launch

18.11.2020 12:18   ESA Observing the Earth   Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich over California

Watch the launch of the Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich ocean-monitoring satellite on ESA Web TV on Saturday 21 November from 17:45 CET (08:45 PST).

30-dňová mapovacia výzva na Twitteri

18.11.2020 8:45  

Nedávno som na Twitteri narazil na zaujímavú mapovaciu výzvu. Výzva začala 1.11.2020 a trvá do konca mesiaca. Jej cieľom je vytvoriť a zverejniť mapy založené na rôznych témach, ktoré sú dané na každý deň. Prehľad konkrétnych tém pre tvorbu máp je zobrazený na obrázku nižšie. Podrobnejšie vysvetlenie jednotlivých tém je možné nájsť tu. Pre tvorbu […]

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GIS Day 2020

18.11.2020 0:00   Geografický ústav MU  

Letošní ročník tradiční akce GIS Day se z důvodu současné situace uskuteční dne 18. listopadu 2020 v online podobě prostřednictvím platformy MS Teams.

Letos jsme si pro Vás a Vaše studenty připravili tři cca 20-30 minutové přednášky na témata:

  1. Pandemie COVID 19 očima Geografů - o tom, jak využít volně dostupné zdroje dat ke studiu vlivu pandemie na každodenní život ve městech
  2. GIS podpora pro koordinační centrum dobrovolníků MUNI - základy tvorby jednoduchých webových map s velkým impaktem
  3. Mapy v medicíně: projekt Missing Maps - o mapování nedostupných lokalit pro Lékaře bez hranic, ukázka mobilní aplikace MapSwipe

V případě zájmu, napište prosím mailem do 2. listopadu 2020 na

  • počet případných zájemců,
  • vybraná témata,
  • preferovaný čas.

Pokusíme se tomu co nejlépe přizpůsobit termíny konání přednášek. Pokud by Vám výsledný termín nevyhovoval, plánujeme nahrané přednášky po skončení akce zveřejnit. Přednášky však budou koncipovány interaktivně, proto zvažte účast online.

V případě dalších dotazů se neváhejte na mně obrátit.


S pozdravem a přáním hezkého dne

Dajana Snopková

Geografický ústav Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykova univerzita, Brno

Byl uvolněn SolidCAM 2020 SP3

18.11.2020 0:00   SolidVision   Byl uvolněn SolidCAM 2020 SP3 HF3. Uživatelé s aktivní předplacenou údržbou si mohou nejaktuálnější verzi stáhnout na stránkách SolidCAM.

Byl uvolněn SolidCAM 2020 SP3

18.11.2020 0:00   SolidVision   Byl uvolněn SolidCAM 2020 SP3 HF3. Uživatelé s aktivní předplacenou údržbou si mohou nejaktuálnější verzi stáhnout na stránkách SolidCAM.

Swift Navigation Honored as “Navigation Technology Solution of the Year”

17.11.2020 19:46 Webcasts-Webinars   SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Swift Navigation, a San Francisco-based tech firm redefining GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite …

Podcast | Look ahead to Bentley Systems’ Year in Infrastructure

17.11.2020 19:42   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

New Civil Engineer, UK

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On the right track

17.11.2020 19:23   Bentley Systems  

Press Coverage

Construction Computing, UK

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Vega flight VV17 failure: Arianespace and ESA appoint an independent Inquiry Commission

17.11.2020 18:21   ESA Observing the Earth  

Press Release N° 23–2020

On Tuesday 17 November, Arianespace announced the loss of the Vega VV17 mission, carrying two payloads: SEOSAT-Ingenio for ESA and TARANIS for the French space agency, CNES.

Topcon GNSS and Survey Instruments Headed to Africa to Assist Bridges to Prosperity Efforts

17.11.2020 18:08 Webcasts-Webinars   LIVERMORE, Calif. — (BUSINESS WIRE) — November 17, 2020 —

A shipping container with several pieces of key GNSS and survey …

Fortem Technologies Announces Formation of Government Advisory Board

17.11.2020 18:08 Webcasts-Webinars   Pleasant Grove, Utah, Nov. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fortem Technologies, Inc., the leader in airspace security and defense for detecting and …

Matternet Launches Drone Delivery Operations at Labor Berlin in Germany

17.11.2020 18:08 Webcasts-Webinars   New operations at Labor Berlin will initiate the first urban BVLOS medical drone delivery network in the largest city of the European Union with the …

Iowa Signs Participating Addendum with DroneUp Providing Public Sector Agencies Access to Drone Services

17.11.2020 18:08 Webcasts-Webinars   VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., Nov. 17, 2020 — (PRNewswire) — DroneUp, LLC and the State of Iowa have signed a Participating Addendum for the …

Bluesky Launches Online Streaming Service for Panoramic Aerial Images

17.11.2020 16:39 Webcasts-Webinars   Leicestershire, UK, 17 November 2020 – Aerial mapping company Bluesky is releasing its entire catalogue of geographically referenced oblique …

KloudGin Joins Esri’s Global Ecosystem as Silver Partner

17.11.2020 16:38 Webcasts-Webinars   Market-Leading KloudGin AI Cloud Software Integrates Real-time Location Mapping That Streamlines Asset Management and Mobile Field Service …

Alpine 4 Technologies, Ltd. (ALPP) Enters the Commercial Drone Market With its Acquisition of Impossible Aerospace Corporation

17.11.2020 16:38 Webcasts-Webinars   PHOENIX, Nov. 17, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  Alpine 4 Technologies, Ltd., (OTCQB: ALPP) owner of leading small market businesses, …

Teledyne Optech launches new service center in Europe

17.11.2020 16:11 Webcasts-Webinars   Vaughan, CANADA, November 17, 2020 -- Teledyne Optech, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] company and global leader in advanced lidar sensors is …

ArcGIS jako platforma – od otevřených dat k mapám a aplikacím (workshop)

17.11.2020 8:59  

V rámci letošní virtuální Konference GIS Esri v ČR proběhne online také několik workshopů. Třetí se bude konat ve čtvrtek 19 . listopadu v čase 10.00 – 11.00. Workshopem Vás provede Matej Vrtich ze společnosti ARCDATA PRAHA, s.r.o. Abstrakt workshopu: Máte data v otevřeném formátu (JSON, CSV, …) a chtěli byste je využít ve svých […]

The post ArcGIS jako platforma – od otevřených dat k mapám a aplikacím (workshop) appeared first on

Intermap Announces Quarterly Results and Provides Business Update

17.11.2020 2:59 Webcasts-Webinars   DENVER, Nov. 16, 2020 — (PRNewswire) — Intermap Technologies ("Intermap" or the "Company"), a global leader in geospatial intelligence …

Ten European teams selected from hundreds of proposals advance to the final phase of the Helsinki Energy Challenge

17.11.2020 1:24 Webcasts-Webinars   Ten teams have been selected for the final phase of the Helsinki Energy Challenge. The finalist teams highlight the international and …

Úřední hodiny od 18.11.2020

16.11.2020 20:39   ČÚZK   /Urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urady/Katastralni-urad-pro-Moravskoslezsky-kraj/Katastralni-pracoviste/KP-Ostrava/O-uradu/Aktuality/Uredni-hodiny-od-18-11-2020

Úřední hodiny od 18.11.2020

16.11.2020 20:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Ostrava zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Od středy 18.11.2020 budou s ohledem na opatření přijatá usnesením vlády ČR č. 1080  omezeny úřední hodiny na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj na pondělí od 8.00 do 17.00 hodin a středu od 8.00 do 17.00 hodin. I nadále upřednostňujeme bezkontaktní způsob podání (poštou, elektronicky, sběrný box). Při osobním kontaktu Vás žádáme o dodržování hygienických zásad a respektování pokynů našich zaměstnanců.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Úřední hodiny od 18.11.2020

16.11.2020 20:39   ČÚZK - předpisy a opatření   Katastrální úřad pro Moravskoslezský kraj - Katastrální pracoviště Ostrava zveřejnil novou aktualitu: Od středy 18.11.2020 s ohledem na opatření přijatá usnesením vlády ČR č. 1080 budou omezeny úřední hodiny na Katastrálním pracovišti Ostrava, Katastrálního úřadu pro Moravskoslezský kraj na pondělí od 8.00 do 17.00 hodin a středu od 8.00 do 17.00 hodin. I nadále upřednostňujeme bezkontaktní způsob podání (poštou, elektronicky, sběrný box). Při osobním kontaktu Vás žádáme o dodržování hygienických zásad a respektování pokynů našich zaměstnanců.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

U.S. Autonomous Drone Maker Skydio Grows Momentum in Japan’s Enterprise Market With High Profile Customers

16.11.2020 16:57 Webcasts-Webinars   Customers include telecommunications giant NTT DOCOMO, NTT West subsidiary Japan Infra Waymark and leading drone services provider FLIGHTS

AgEagle Aerial Systems Reports Record Third Quarter 2020 Financial Results

16.11.2020 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   WICHITA, Kan., Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE American: UAVS) (“AgEagle” or the “Company”), an …

Enview Gains Unprecedented Momentum Following Release of Enview Explore; Demonstrates Operational Success with U.S. Air Force, Receives Strategic Contract with PACAF

16.11.2020 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enview, a pioneer in the scalable processing of 3D geospatial data, has experienced considerable …

aWhere Global Daily Weather Data for Five Commodities Now Available In Bloomberg's Alternative Data Catalog

16.11.2020 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   DENVER, Nov. 16, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  aWhere, Inc, a leading provider of agricultural weather data and solutions, announced that …

Autodesk Kicks Off Autodesk University 2020 Digital Conference

16.11.2020 16:56 Webcasts-Webinars   Multi-day, interactive digital experience invites innovators from around the world to reimagine what's possible
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Nov. 16, 2020 …

Panzura, Customers and Partners Highlight Successes and Solutions at Autodesk University Live Roundtables

16.11.2020 16:55 Webcasts-Webinars   Provider of World's Fastest Global File System, Panzura, Joined by Microdesk, Applied Software, U.S. CAD, ATG, Microsol and their Customers to Share …

Patnácté verze softwarů MISYS včetně pasportů, KOKEŠ, PROLAND a Geoportál GEPRO přinášejí i nadále nové funkce

16.11.2020 16:37   Zeměměřič  

Firma GEPRO v posledních letech uvádí nové verze svých softwarů vždy na podzim, u příležitosti setkání zákazníků. Tentokrát se setkání z očividných důvodů (covid-19) nekonalo, proto se uvedení nových verzí konalo bez podrobnějšího představení. S verzemi 15 přichází nový způsob kontroly licence. Na přehledu změn v nových verzích MISYS, KOKEŠ, PROLAND i Geoportálu Gepro je vidět, že je neustále možné […]

The post Patnácté verze softwarů MISYS včetně pasportů, KOKEŠ, PROLAND a Geoportál GEPRO přinášejí i nadále nové funkce appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Patnácté verze softwarů MISYS včetně pasportů, KOKEŠ, PROLAND a Geoportál GEPRO přinášejí i nadále nové funkce

16.11.2020 16:37   Zeměměřič  

Firma GEPRO v posledních letech uvádí nové verze svých softwarů vždy na podzim, u příležitosti setkání zákazníků. Tentokrát se setkání z očividných důvodů (covid-19) nekonalo, proto se uvedení nových verzí konalo bez podrobnějšího představení. S verzemi 15 přichází nový způsob kontroly licence. Na přehledu změn v nových verzích MISYS, KOKEŠ, PROLAND i Geoportálu Gepro je vidět, že je neustále možné […]

The post Patnácté verze softwarů MISYS včetně pasportů, KOKEŠ, PROLAND a Geoportál GEPRO přinášejí i nadále nové funkce appeared first on Zeměměřič.

Moonlight: connecting Earth with the Moon

16.11.2020 16:30   ESA Navigation   Video: 00:01:11

Lunar exploration relies on the extensive expertise that is on hand across ESA. As a new lunar economy emerges, it will create new opportunities involving robots, habitats and transportation. Missions to the Moon share similar communication and navigation needs that could be satisfied using a constellation of lunar satellites.

Under the agency’s "Moonlight" initiative, ESA is exploring with industry the necessary technical solutions along with delivery models for the provision of lunar telecommunication and navigation services.

Read the background article on Moonlight to learn more about the initiative.

Moonlight: connecting Earth with the Moon

16.11.2020 16:30   ESA Navigation   Video: 00:01:11

Lunar exploration relies on the extensive expertise that is on hand across ESA. As a new lunar economy emerges, it will create new opportunities involving robots, habitats and transportation. Missions to the Moon share similar communication and navigation needs that could be satisfied using a constellation of lunar satellites.

Under the agency’s "Moonlight" initiative, ESA is exploring with industry the necessary technical solutions along with delivery models for the provision of lunar telecommunication and navigation services.

Watch live: Launch of the next Earth-observing satellite SEOSAT-Ingenio

16.11.2020 13:50   ESA Observing the Earth   SEOSAT-Ingenio in motion

Watch the launch of SEOSAT-Ingenio, the Spanish high-resolution land imaging mission, on ESA Web TV on Tuesday 17 November from 02:30 CET (16 November 22:30 local time in Kourou).

Watch live: Launch of the next Earth-observing satellite SEOSAT-Ingenio

16.11.2020 13:50   ESA Observing the Earth   SEOSAT-Ingenio in motion

Update: Trajectory degraded on VV17 after first ignition of the Avum engine. Investigations on the anomaly ongoing. More to come shortly.

Watch the launch of SEOSAT-Ingenio, the Spanish high-resolution land imaging mission, on ESA Web TV on Tuesday 17 November from 02:30 CET (16 November 22:30 local time in Kourou).

Watch live: Launch of the next Earth-observing satellite SEOSAT-Ingenio

16.11.2020 13:50   ESA Observing the Earth   SEOSAT-Ingenio in motion

Watch the launch of SEOSAT-Ingenio, the Spanish high-resolution land imaging mission, on ESA Web TV on Tuesday 17 November from 02:30 CET (16 November 22:30 local time in Kourou).

Baltic ferry gathers data for self-aware sailing

16.11.2020 13:20   ESA Navigation   Tallink Megastar ferry

A day of ferry trips between Finland and Estonia became some of the best documented voyages in maritime history. Cameras, sensors, radio and satellite navigation receivers and even microphones recorded every instant of the crossings over the Baltic, gathering raw data for a new ESA-led project applying AI to the situational awareness of shipping – as an important step to full autonomy.

Online Workshop: EGNOS approaches for robust Helicopter Emergency Services

16.11.2020 13:09   European GNSS Agency  
The workshop powered by the GSA and EHA intends to familiarize attendees with the process of implementing EGNOS-based approaches for HEMS
16 November 2020

The European GNSS Agency, together with the European Helicopter Association (EHA), is organizing a joint workshop on the use of EGNOS for Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS). The online panel discussion, scheduled for Wednesday 18 November 2020 at 14:00 (CET), is open to private and public health organisations, HEMS operators, pilots, and relevant healthcare stakeholders.

Air medical services are crucial in times of crisis and emergencies,and are an integral part of many healthcare systems across the globe. Oftentimes, adverse weather conditions or other factors such as smoke cause helicopters to divert or abort landings. In addition, many hospitals lack costly ground-based helicopter navigation equipment to provide guidance in bad weather, which may lead to significant delays when time is of the essence.

Today, thanks to EGNOS, the European Satellite-Based Augmentation System, pilots can navigate through the clouds and fog, and land safely. With over 700 EGNOS-based procedures at 367 airports and helipads, the system increases safety, accessibility and efficiency for operators and pilots approaching airport and helipads in Europe. 

Read this: EGNOS key for emergency and medical operations in EU COVID-19 response

With a unique lineup of EGNOS and HEMS experts, operators and service providers, the workshop, powered by the GSA and EHA, intends to familiarize attendees with the process of implementing EGNOS-based approaches for HEMS, while promoting the success-stories of EGNOS-aided HEMS operations across Europe. Participants will hear from experienced helicopter pilots explaining how to land with the enhanced vertical precision and integrity provided by the EU SBAS. Stakeholders, ranging from operators to manufacturers and instrument flight procedures designers, will complement the discussion with precious insights on the best practices and benefits deriving from implementing EGNOS procedures for hospital heliports.

This workshop is of particular interest to organisations considering the implementation of new routes or flight procedures based on EGNOS for HEMS. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers through a Q&A. To join us online, click here!


EGNOS is Europe's regional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) that is used to improve the performance of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), such as GPS and in the future Galileo. EGNOS has been deployed to provide safety of life navigation services to aviation, maritime and land-based users over most of Europe. 

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

The workshop powered by the GSA and EHA intends to familiarize attendees with the process of implementing EGNOS-based approaches for HEMS

V souvislosti s vládními opatř

16.11.2020 10:19   GEUSware   V souvislosti s vládními opatřeními kvůli COVID-19 je náš obchod otevřen pouze pro výdej zboží objednaného předem telefonicky, mailem či přes e-shop.
Telefonní čísla a technická podpora jsou v provozu bez omezení.

Pozvánka na online GIS day na Stavebnej fakulte STU

16.11.2020 10:00  

Dňa 18. novembra, celosvetovo oslavujeme medzinárodný deň geografických informačných systémov – GIS day. Ide o popularizačnú akciu, ktorej cieľom je priblížiť širokej verejnosti GIS a ich význam v bežnom živote človeka. Po minuloročnej úspešnej akcii si pre nás organizátori GIS day na Stavebnej fakulte STU v Bratislave (Katedra geodetických základov, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny) pripravili online podujatie, ktorého program […]

The post Pozvánka na online GIS day na Stavebnej fakulte STU appeared first on

Konal se mezinárodní hackathon Act in Space a Aliance byla partnerem českého kola

16.11.2020 9:01   UAVA  

Tento víkend se konal ve 40ti zemích světa mezinárodní hackathon Actinspace, kde Aliance byla partnerem českého kola. V českém kole nechyběly zajímavé nápady a týmy, vše v rámci nabitého Czech Space Week, jehož součástí měla být i konference Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl. Gratulujeme vítězům. Více zde:

The post Konal se mezinárodní hackathon Act in Space a Aliance byla partnerem českého kola appeared first on UAV Aliance pro bezpilotní letecký průmysl.

2. den s INSPIRE 2020 (pozvánka)

16.11.2020 8:44  

Ve středu 18.11. proběhne od 10:00 do 12:00 druhý Den s INSPIRE na téma Harmonizace dat. Jak harmonizovat data pomocí programu HALE studio – praktická ukázka včetně představení návodu (CENIA). 

The post 2. den s INSPIRE 2020 (pozvánka) appeared first on

Dne 14.11.2020 došlo na stránk

16.11.2020 8:14   GEUSware   Dne 14.11.2020 došlo na stránkách ČÚZK k předělání aplikace Nahlížení do KN. Tato změna v GEUSu způsobila, že funkce Pomůcky/ Nahlížení do KN zadáním bodu nevrací adresy vlastníků ani v případě, kdy uživatel má nastaveno přihlášení do aplikace pomocí účtu DP. Dále nelze zobrazit přidělené řízení PGP v GP-ISKN/ Odeslání GP - WSGP.../ záložka "Řízení ZPG". Pracujeme na opravě.

PhD position in geo-computational exposure assessment modeling

15.11.2020 19:45   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   PhD student: Developing a model of geo-computational exposure assessment for studying health effects of urban environmental risk factors in Exposome-NL (1.0 FTE) Deadline: 30 October 2020 The environment we live in has a significant impact on our health, explaining an estimated 70% of the non-communicable chronic disease burden. A large number of environmental stressors may […]

PhD studentship at the intersection of GIScience and movement ecology

15.11.2020 19:44   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO   Sonar or Magnetism: exploring bat migration using a data science approachWe are looking for a candidate for a fully-funded interdisciplinary PhD studentship at the University of St Andrews, funded by the IAPETUS Doctoral Training Programme: This project is at the intersection of GIScience and movement ecology: student will use data science to explore how migratory […]

Specialista IT/programátor

15.11.2020 19:42   Katedra geoinformatiky VŠB-TUO

Bergen County Adopts Geospatial Analytics® Industry-Leading Real Estate Management Program

14.11.2020 0:20 Webcasts-Webinars   HACKENSACK, N.J., Nov. 13, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —  Officials at Bergen County, New Jersey announced that the county purchased and is …

Bentley Systems to Present at the RBC Global Technology, Internet, Media & Telecom Conference

13.11.2020 20:25   Bentley Systems  

EXTON, PA – November 13, 2020 Bentley Systems, Incorporated (Nasdaq: BSY), the infrastructure engineering software company, today announced that Greg Bentley, Bentley Systems’ chief executive officer, will present virtually at the RBC Global Technology, Internet, Media & Telecom Conference on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at approximately 4:00 p.m. Eastern time.


About Bentley Systems

Bentley Systems (Nasdaq: BSY) is the infrastructure engineering software company. We provide innovative software to advance the world’s infrastructure – sustaining both the global economy and environment. Our industry-leading software solutions are used by professionals, and organizations of every size, for the design, construction, and operations of roads and bridges, rail and transit, water and wastewater, public works and utilities, buildings and campuses, and industrial facilities. Our offerings include MicroStation-based applications for modeling and simulation, ProjectWise for project delivery, AssetWise for asset and network performance, and the iTwin platform for infrastructure digital twins. Bentley Systems employs more than 4,000 colleagues and generates annual revenues of more than $700 million in 172 countries.


Rand McNally’s DriverConnect Platform Integrated with McLeod Software’s LoadMaster®

13.11.2020 18:05 Webcasts-Webinars   DriverConnect devices now seamlessly integrate with the Transportation Management System
CHICAGO, Nov. 10, 2020– Rand McNally, a leader …

Statement by Minister Garneau on inaugural National Drone Safety Awareness Day

13.11.2020 17:43 Webcasts-Webinars   OTTAWA, ON, Nov. 13, 2020 — (PRNewswire) —

OTTAWA, ON, Nov. 13, 2020 /CNW/ - Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable …

Intermap Technologies Completes Private Placement

13.11.2020 17:42 Webcasts-Webinars   DENVER, Nov. 12, 2020 — (PRNewswire) — Intermap Technologies Corporation ("Intermap" or the "Company") today announced that it completed …

Velodyne Lidar Unveils Breakthrough Solid State Sensor for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomy

13.11.2020 17:42 Webcasts-Webinars   Available in Affordable Mass Quantities, Velarray H800 is the First in a Family of Solid State Sensors to Enhance Automakers’ Safety Features

Contracts signed for three high-priority environmental missions

13.11.2020 17:30   ESA Observing the Earth   Contracts signed for three high-priority Copernicus environmental missions

Today, ESA signed contracts with Thales Alenia Space in France and in Italy, and Airbus in Spain to build three of the new high-priority Copernicus satellite missions: CHIME, CIMR and LSTM, respectively. Each mission is set to help address different major environmental challenges such as sustainable agriculture management, food security, the monitoring of polar ice supporting the EU Integrated Policy for the Arctic, and all will be used to understand climate change.

Ways the Czech Republic benefits from the EU Space Programme

13.11.2020 16:07   European GNSS Agency  
Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency
13 November 2020

The GSA Executive Director, Rodrigo da Costa, joined the Czech Space Week to welcome the participants attending this year’s online edition. The Czech Republic is an active member of the EU Space community, and with EU Space technologies growing at an unprecedented pace, the future looks bright. 

The Czech Space Week 2020 celebrates space science and technology attracting young professionals, students and space enthusiasts supported by aerospace companies, schools, museums, planetaria across the country.

The contribution of the Czech Republic to Europe’s space achievements is well-known. From Europe’s first cosmonaut -Vladimir Remek- orbiting the Earth, to becoming the hosting country of the European GNSS Agency in 2012, the Czech Republic has a long-standing history in space, leveraging #EUSpace technology to improve infrastructure, stimulate innovation, create jobs and ensure the well-being of citizens.

On the occasion of the Czech Space Week, it is worthwhile to focus on four ways, out of many, the Czech Republic is making great use of Galileo and EGNOS:

  1. Equipping Prague trams with state-of-the-art Galileo receivers: As part of the modernization of the city´s tram fleet, by the end of 2020, Prague trams will be benefiting from Galileo’s additional accuracy to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.
  2. Easing the flow of goods across EU borders: Thanks to their expertise, Czech companies have contributed to the development of the ‘’Galileo Green Lane App’’, the mobile application that facilitates the flow of freight and critical goods across the EU borders during COVID.
  3. Boosting innovation among the youth: Aspiring young students from the Mendel University in Brno, have joined forces with professionals from other EU countries to help develop the H2020 funded GreenPatrol project, which uses Galileo’s robust signals to perform pest detection in crops. 
  4. Rolling out safer and cleaner forms of air travel: Six Czech airports -including Prague Vaclav Havel Airport- are more accessible even under challenging weather conditions thanks to EGNOS, the EU regional satellite navigation system. Accurate guidance by EGNOS satellites reduces the number of go-arounds (aborted landings) resulting in less noise and less emissions.

‘’The GSA’s core mission is to ensure that European citizens make the most of the European Union Space Programme. By having users in the driver seat, the agency has been able to deliver state of the art, secure satellite-based services to respond to user needs’’ says Rodrigo da Costa, GSA Executive Director.

‘’2021 will mark an important evolution for the EU Space Programme with the transformation of the GSA into the European Union Space Programme Agency, bringing new opportunities. I am sure the Czech Republic will continue to fly the EU Space Programme flag high.’’ da Costa concludes.

If you are keen on satellite navigation, Earth Observation, governmental satellite communications or simply are working in a market that can benefit from the EU Space Programme, join the European Space Week 2020. This year, the top EU space event is brought to your screens from 7th until the 11th December 2020

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency

Ways the Czech Republic benefits from the EU Space Programme

13.11.2020 16:07   European GNSS Agency  
Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency
13 November 2020

The GSA Executive Director, Rodrigo da Costa, joined the Czech Space Week to welcome the participants attending this year’s online edition. The Czech Republic is an active member of the EU Space community, and with EU Space technologies growing at an unprecedented pace, the future looks bright. 

The Czech Space Week 2020 celebrates space science and technology attracting young professionals, students and space enthusiasts supported by aerospace companies, schools, museums, planetaria across the country.

The contribution of the Czech Republic to Europe’s space achievements is well-known. From Europe’s first cosmonaut -Vladimir Remek- orbiting the Earth, to becoming the hosting country of the European GNSS Agency in 2012, the Czech Republic has a long-standing history in space, leveraging #EUSpace technology to improve infrastructure, stimulate innovation, create jobs and ensure the well-being of citizens.

On the occasion of the Czech Space Week, it is worthwhile to focus on four ways, out of many, the Czech Republic is making great use of Galileo and EGNOS:

  1. Equipping Prague trams with state-of-the-art Galileo receivers: As part of the modernization of the city´s tram fleet, by the end of 2020, Prague trams will be benefiting from Galileo’s additional accuracy to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.
  2. Easing the flow of goods across EU borders: Thanks to their expertise, Czech companies have contributed to the development of the ‘’Galileo Green Lane App’’, the mobile application that facilitates the flow of freight and critical goods across the EU borders during COVID.
  3. Boosting innovation among the youth: Aspiring young students from the Mendel University in Brno, have joined forces with professionals from other EU countries to help develop the H2020 funded GreenPatrol project, which uses Galileo’s robust signals to perform pest detection in crops. 
  4. Rolling out safer and cleaner forms of air travel: Six Czech airports -including Prague Vaclav Havel Airport- are more accessible even under challenging weather conditions thanks to EGNOS, the EU regional satellite navigation system. Accurate guidance by EGNOS satellites reduces the number of go-arounds (aborted landings) resulting in less noise and less emissions.

‘’The GSA’s core mission is to ensure that European citizens make the most of the European Union Space Programme. By having users in the driver seat, the agency has been able to deliver state of the art, secure satellite-based services to respond to user needs’’ says Rodrigo da Costa, GSA Executive Director.

‘’2021 will mark an important evolution for the EU Space Programme with the transformation of the GSA into the European Union Space Programme Agency, bringing new opportunities. I am sure the Czech Republic will continue to fly the EU Space Programme flag high.’’ da Costa concludes.

You can read here the czech version of the news.

Českou verzi článku si můžete přečíst zde.

If you are keen on satellite navigation, Earth Observation, governmental satellite communications or simply are working in a market that can benefit from the EU Space Programme, join the European Space Week 2020. This year, the top EU space event is brought to your screens from 7th until the 11th December 2020

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency

Ways the Czech Republic benefits from the EU Space Programme

13.11.2020 16:07   European GNSS Agency  
Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency
13 November 2020

The GSA Executive Director, Rodrigo da Costa, joined the Czech Space Week to welcome the participants attending this year’s online edition. The Czech Republic is an active member of the EU Space community, and with EU Space technologies growing at an unprecedented pace, the future looks bright. 

The Czech Space Week 2020 celebrates space science and technology attracting young professionals, students and space enthusiasts supported by aerospace companies, schools, museums, planetaria across the country.

The contribution of the Czech Republic to Europe’s space achievements is well-known. From Europe’s first cosmonaut -Vladimir Remek- orbiting the Earth, to becoming the hosting country of the European GNSS Agency in 2012, the Czech Republic has a long-standing history in space, leveraging #EUSpace technology to improve infrastructure, stimulate innovation, create jobs and ensure the well-being of citizens.

On the occasion of the Czech Space Week, it is worthwhile to focus on four ways, out of many, the Czech Republic is making great use of Galileo and EGNOS:

  1. Equipping Prague trams with state-of-the-art Galileo receivers: As part of the modernization of the city´s tram fleet, by the end of 2020, Prague trams will be benefiting from Galileo’s additional accuracy to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.
  2. Easing the flow of goods across EU borders: Thanks to their expertise, Czech companies have contributed to the development of the ‘’Galileo Green Lane App’’, the mobile application that facilitates the flow of freight and critical goods across the EU borders during COVID.
  3. Boosting innovation among the youth: Aspiring young students from the Mendel University in Brno, have joined forces with professionals from other EU countries to help develop the H2020 funded GreenPatrol project, which uses Galileo’s robust signals to perform pest detection in crops. 
  4. Rolling out safer and cleaner forms of air travel: Six Czech airports -including Prague Vaclav Havel Airport- are more accessible even under challenging weather conditions thanks to EGNOS, the EU regional satellite navigation system. Accurate guidance by EGNOS satellites reduces the number of go-arounds (aborted landings) resulting in less noise and less emissions.

‘’The GSA’s core mission is to ensure that European citizens make the most of the European Union Space Programme. By having users in the driver seat, the agency has been able to deliver state of the art, secure satellite-based services to respond to user needs’’ says Rodrigo da Costa, GSA Executive Director.

‘’2021 will mark an important evolution for the EU Space Programme with the transformation of the GSA into the European Union Space Programme Agency, bringing new opportunities. I am sure the Czech Republic will continue to fly the EU Space Programme flag high.’’ da Costa concludes.

If you are keen on satellite navigation, Earth Observation, governmental satellite communications or simply are working in a market that can benefit from the EU Space Programme, join the European Space Week 2020. This year, the top EU space event is brought to your screens from 7th until the 11th December 2020

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency

Ways the Czech Republic benefits from the EU Space Programme

13.11.2020 16:07   European GNSS Agency  
Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency
13 November 2020

The GSA Executive Director, Rodrigo da Costa, joined the Czech Space Week to welcome the participants attending this year’s online edition. The Czech Republic is an active member of the EU Space community, and with EU Space technologies growing at an unprecedented pace, the future looks bright. 

The Czech Space Week 2020 celebrates space science and technology attracting young professionals, students and space enthusiasts supported by aerospace companies, schools, museums, planetaria across the country.

The contribution of the Czech Republic to Europe’s space achievements is well-known. From Europe’s first cosmonaut -Vladimir Remek- orbiting the Earth, to becoming the hosting country of the European GNSS Agency in 2012, the Czech Republic has a long-standing history in space, leveraging #EUSpace technology to improve infrastructure, stimulate innovation, create jobs and ensure the well-being of citizens.

At the occasion of the Czech Space Week, it is worthwhile to focus on four ways, out of many, the Czech Republic is making great use of Galileo and EGNOS:

  1. Equipping Prague trams with state-of-the-art Galileo receivers: As part of the modernization of the city´s tram fleet, by the end of 2020, Prague trams will be benefiting from Galileo’s additional accuracy to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.
  2. Easing the flow of goods across EU borders: Thanks to their expertise, Czech companies have contributed to the development of the ‘’Galileo Green Lane App’’, the mobile application that facilitates the flow of freight and critical goods across the EU borders during COVID.
  3. Boosting innovation among the youth: Aspiring young students from the Mendel University in Brno, have joined forces with professionals from other EU countries to help develop the H2020 funded GreenPatrol project, which uses Galileo’s robust signals to perform pest detection in crops. 
  4. Rolling out safer and cleaner forms of air travel: Six Czech airports -including Prague Vaclav Havel Airport- are more accessible even under challenging weather conditions thanks to EGNOS, the EU regional satellite navigation system. Accurate guidance by EGNOS satellites reduces the number of go-arounds (aborted landings) resulting in less noise and less emissions.

‘’The GSA’s core mission is to ensure that European citizens make the most of the European Union Space Programme. By having users in the driver seat, the agency has been able to deliver state of the art, secure satellite-based services to respond to user needs’’ says Rodrigo da Costa, GSA Executive Director.

‘’2021 will mark an important evolution for the EU Space Programme with the transformation of the GSA into the European Union Space Programme Agency, bringing new opportunities. I am sure the Czech Republic will continue to fly the EU Space Programme flag high.’’ da Costa concludes.

If you are keen on satellite navigation, Earth Observation, governmental satellite communications or simply are working in a market that can benefit from the EU Space Programme, join the European Space Week 2020. This year, the top EU space event is brought to your screens from 7th until the 11th December 2020

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency

Ways the Czech Republic benefits from the EU Space Programme

13.11.2020 16:07   European GNSS Agency  
Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency
13 November 2020

The GSA Executive Director, Rodrigo da Costa, joined the Czech Space Week to welcome the participants attending this year’s online edition. The Czech Republic is an active member of the EU Space community, and with EU Space technologies growing at an unprecedented pace, the future looks bright. 

The Czech Space Week 2020 celebrates space science and technology attracting young professionals, students and space enthusiasts supported by aerospace companies, schools, museums, planetaria across the country.

The contribution of the Czech Republic to Europe’s space achievements is well-known. From Europe’s first cosmonaut -Vladimir Remek- orbiting the Earth, to becoming the hosting country of the European GNSS Agency in 2012, the Czech Republic has a long-standing history in space, leveraging #EUSpace technology to improve infrastructure, stimulate innovation, create jobs and ensure the well-being of citizens.

On the occasion of the Czech Space Week, it is worthwhile to focus on four ways, out of many, the Czech Republic is making great use of Galileo and EGNOS:

  1. Equipping Prague trams with state-of-the-art Galileo receivers: As part of the modernization of the city´s tram fleet, by the end of 2020, Prague trams will be benefiting from Galileo’s additional accuracy to increase network efficiency and improve user experience.
  2. Easing the flow of goods across EU borders: Thanks to their expertise, Czech companies have contributed to the development of the ‘’Galileo Green Lane App’’, the mobile application that facilitates the flow of freight and critical goods across the EU borders during COVID.
  3. Boosting innovation among the youth: Aspiring young students from the Mendel University in Brno, have joined forces with professionals from other EU countries to help develop the H2020 funded GreenPatrol project, which uses Galileo’s robust signals to perform pest detection in crops. 
  4. Rolling out safer and cleaner forms of air travel: Six Czech airports -including Prague Vaclav Havel Airport- are more accessible even under challenging weather conditions thanks to EGNOS, the EU regional satellite navigation system. Accurate guidance by EGNOS satellites reduces the number of go-arounds (aborted landings) resulting in less noise and less emissions.

‘’The GSA’s core mission is to ensure that European citizens make the most of the European Union Space Programme. By having users in the driver seat, the agency has been able to deliver state of the art, secure satellite-based services to respond to user needs’’ says Rodrigo da Costa, GSA Executive Director.

‘’2021 will mark an important evolution for the EU Space Programme with the transformation of the GSA into the European Union Space Programme Agency, bringing new opportunities. I am sure the Czech Republic will continue to fly the EU Space Programme flag high.’’ da Costa concludes.

You can read here the czech version of the news.

If you are keen on satellite navigation, Earth Observation, governmental satellite communications or simply are working in a market that can benefit from the EU Space Programme, join the European Space Week 2020. This year, the top EU space event is brought to your screens from 7th until the 11th December 2020

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (

Rodrido da Costa, Executive Director of the European GNSS Agency

Verze 15 je tady

13.11.2020 11:28   GEPRO  

Připravili jsme pro vás nové verze 15 našich produktů.  Výběr z hlavních novinek, které jsme pro vás nachystali, si můžete prohlédnout v následujících odkazech:

Přehled změn:


Verze 15 je tady

13.11.2020 11:28   GEPRO  

Připravili jsme pro vás nové verze 15 našich produktů.  Výběr z hlavních novinek, které jsme pro vás nachystali, si můžete prohlédnout v následujících odkazech: 

Přehled změn:

O novou verzi 15 si napište na>>

Preparing to fly an Earth-observing genius

13.11.2020 10:37   ESA Observing the Earth   SEOSAT-Ingenio

Teams at ESA's mission control centre are getting ready to ensure a new Earth observation mission safely begins its life in space. The SEOSAT-Ingenio mission will provide high-resolution images of Earth’s surface, providing crucial data to better understand our environment and for land, water and risk management and security.

Darmstadt, Germany

13.11.2020 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Darmstadt – home to ESA’s European Space Operations Centre. Image: The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Darmstadt – home to ESA’s European Space Operations Centre.

Earth from Space: Darmstadt

13.11.2020 10:00   ESA Observing the Earth   Video: 00:03:56

In this week's edition of the Earth from Space programme, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Darmstadt, Germany, home to ESA’s European Space Operations Centre,  
See also Darmstadt, Germany to download the image.

Nové mapy s příběhem v novém

13.11.2020 9:12   blog ARCDATA   Od července 2019, kdy Esri vydala novou generaci map s příběhem, která postupně nahrazuje klasické mapy s příběhem, již uplynul více než rok a za tu dobu se dočkaly mnoha změn a vylepšení. Co mapy s příběhem aktuálně nabízejí?

SEOSAT-Ingenio hoisted into launch tower

13.11.2020 9:05   ESA Observing the Earth   SEOSAT-Ingenio being hoisted into the Vega launch tower

Ahead of its liftoff, scheduled on Tuesday 17 November 2020 at 02:52 CET (16 November 22:52 local time in Kourou), the SEOSAT-Ingenio satellite sealed in the rocket fairing has been hoisted into the Vega launch tower at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

SEOSAT-Ingenio hoisted into launch tower

13.11.2020 9:05   ESA Observing the Earth   SEOSAT-Ingenio being hoisted into the Vega launch tower

Ahead of its liftoff, scheduled for on Tuesday 17 November 2020 at 02:52 CET (16 November 22:52 local time in Kourou), the SEOSAT-Ingenio satellite sealed in the rocket fairing has been hoisted into the Vega launch tower at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

RoadBotics Debuts Proprietary HD-PCI Pavement Rating Index

13.11.2020 9:00 Webcasts-Webinars   PITTSBURGH, PA, November 11, 2020 - RoadBotics is introducing a much-anticipated feature on its automated and objective road assessment …
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